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The Chari Formation exposed at Kaiya Dome, Kutch yielded a foraminiferal assemblage comprising 41 species dominated by the family Vaginulinidae. A systematic account of 11 species, reported for the first time form the Indian subcontinent, is presented. The foraminiferal assemblage is employed for preliminary interpretations regarding age, palaeoecology, and palaeobiogeography. The assemblage suggests a Callovian to Oxfordian age for the exposed sequence at Kaiya Dome. A near shore, open marine environment ranging from mid to outer shelf with fluctuating strandline is interpreted on the basis of the recovered foraminiferal assemblage. The Kaiya Dome foraminiferal assemblage exhibits a Tethyan affinity and suggests that the Kutch region, along with neighbouring regions, was engulfed by a shallow southwestern arm of Tethys during Middle to Late Jurassic times.  相似文献   

A reconnaissance of the Recent sediments of the Ranns of Kutch, India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Ranns of Kutch are flat salt-covered desert areas (sabkhas) which are just above the normal tidal range and may be regarded as supratidal flats. They are flooded annually by the storm tides of the Southwest Monsoon. As the waters recede and evaporate they leave behind a crust of halite, and gypsum crystals grow within the clays and sands. The increase in salinity of the interstitial waters as they are traced inland is reflected in the higher boron content of the clays. The Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio of these waters increases from 3 on the coast, to 240 in the evaporite environment of the shoreline of Pachham Island. Much of the sediment of the Ranns was probably once derived from the Indus and Nara rivers which used to flow into the western end of the Great Rann. Clay is now probably carried in by the monsoon storm tides after being transported along shore from the Indus, and also from the rivers of Kutch and Kathiawar. Coarser siliciclastic sediment is carried into the eastern inland portion of the area by the Luni and other intermittently flowing rivers and streams. Some sand and silt is blown into the Ranns from the surrounding hilly areas. Foraminifera are found concentrated in the sandier fractions of the sediments, having been transported there primarily by tidal currents and also by the wind. One species of Ammonia is almost the only fauna found in the sediments of the very saline environment around Pachham Island.  相似文献   

Extensive Cenozoic lignite-bearing sediments in the western part of Kutch, western India provide a unique opportunity to study the floral diversity at a crucial time of early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO). Rock samples representing a lignite-bearing sequence from the open cast mine at Matanomadh, Gujarat, western India were collected to study the palynofloral composition and to interpret the palaeoclimate and environment of deposition. The sequence mainly composed of lignites, shales and calcareous mudstones yielded rich assemblage consists of pteridophytic spores (7 genera, 10 species), angiosperm pollens (20 genera, 26 species), fungal remains (14 genera, 16 species) and dinoflagellate cysts. The palynofloral assemblage is marked with dominance of angiospermic pollen, particularly those having affinity with the family Arecaceae. Occurrence of fungal remains in high abundance is also noticed. Based on palynomorph contents, the studied sequence is divisible into two palynozones. It is inferred that lower part of the sequences was deposited in a near-shore environment with intermittent marine incursions whereas the depositional regime of upper part was shallow marine. The climate is found to be tropical-subtropical, humid with heavy precipitation during the deposition of Matanomadh lignite-bearing sequence.  相似文献   

This paper describes 11 microfacies types in late Bathonian–Early Callovian carbonates of the Kuldhar Member of the Jaisalmer Formation (Rajasthan) and the Keera Golden Oolite Member of the Chari Formation (Kachchh Mainland) western India. The different microfacies associations reported in this study reflect an ideal shallowing upward sequence, representing a system of bioclastic bars developed on the lower ramp, evolving into an oolitic bar-to-bank system separating restricted lagoonal—from lower ramp environment. Four main types of cements, i.e. bladed, fibrous, syntaxial overgrowth and blocky cement (characterized in a few cases by ferroan calcite and anhydrite II) occur in these carbonates. The study also reveals that chemical compaction followed the two phases of early mechanical compaction that largely governed porosity of these limestones. However, micritization and neomorphism also contributed significantly in this respect. Diagenetic signatures in these carbonates suggest that marine phreatic and fresh water phreatic environments dominated, but deep burial diagenesis also played its role in shaping these rocks. The early and late diagenetic changes have been controlled by the depositional facies evolving in a basin riddled with rifting in an extensional tectonic regime forcing regional-scale sea level fluctuations.  相似文献   

Bauxite deposits of Kutch occur in two different environments, viz. continental and marine, and hence it is of considerable interest from the points of view of genetic aspects, exploration and exploitation. Based on detailed exploration data some new softwares are developed to synthesise the geological and geochemical data. After studying the geostatistics, trend surface analysis has been carried out. With the aid of computer analysis and graphics, a geomodelling study has been attempted for the bauxite deposits that are derived from basalt (continental environment) and another one is presented which is associated with the marine environment. The significance of geomodelling study is substantially brought out.  相似文献   

The study deals with the depositional environment of Jumara Dome sediments. The Jumara Dome is an important outcrop of Bathonian to Oxfordian sediments amongst the Kachchh Mainland exposures. On the basis of facies analysis three associations have been documented, namely, G-1 consisting of low energy facies comprising of cross-bedded sandstone, massive sandstone, grey shale and thin bedded sandstone, bioclastic — lithoclastic grainstone, bioclastic — lithoclastic packstone, microbioclastic packstone/wackestone, bioturbated laminated wackestone to mudstone and pelagic lime mudstone; G-II consisting of moderate energy facies comprising of laminated sandstone and grapestone or agglutinated grainstone; G-III consisting of high energy facies comprising of interbedded gypsiferous shale and sandstone/siltstone, oolitic grainstone to conglomerate and bioclastic grainstone. The facies associations reflect an ideal shallowing upward sequence representing slope, bioclast bar, lagoon and inner shelf. Presence of wide range of facies indicates that the rocks of the studied area were deposited during the fluctuating sea level, interrupted by the storms, in the shallow marine environment.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the K-Ar ages determined on glauconitic samples collected from the Ukra Member of the Mesozoic Bhuj Formation in two different sections, one located on the Ghuneri-Ghaduli road near Katesar Mahadeo temple and the other at the base of the Ukra hill in the northwestern part of the Kutch Mainland area. Three glauconite samples viz., UkraKT-1, UkraKT-4 and UkraUH-3 have yielded K-Ar ages of 107.9 ± 3.4 Ma, 105.5 ± 3.3 Ma and 103.5 ± 3.4 Ma, respectively. The sample UkraKT-l treated with 0.5N HC1 and analysed in duplicate has yielded a mean age of 104 ± 2.3 Ma while the sample UkraKT-4 treated with 0.1N HCl has given an age of 106.5 ± 3.3 Ma. The ages of the treated and untreated glauconites are indistinguishable within 2σ uncertainty with a mean of 105.2 ± 1.3 Ma, which has been interpreted as the depositional age of the Ukra Member of the Mesozoic Bhuj Formation. The study has further indicated that mild acid treatment (up to 0.5N HCl) does not lead to any loss of radiogenic argon in the glauconites and can be helpful in purification of the samples.  相似文献   

The Bathonian ammonite assemblages have been previously poorly recorded in Kutch. The present study has unearthed a rich array of ammonite taxa ranging from the Middle to Upper Bathonian. While Oxycerites Rollier (1909) is a new record from Kutch, the oldest occurrence of Choffatia Siemiradzki (1898) has been found from the Middle Bathonian horizon. Oxycerites cf. orbis (Giebel) is a zonal index of the Late Bathonian in other areas and thus facilitates interprovincial correlation. Besides, palaeobiogeographic and stratigraphic distribution of many species have been modified based on new information. For example, macrocephalitin species, i.e., Kamptokephalites cf. etheridgei Spath (1928), Macrocephalites bifurcatus transient intermedius Spath (1928), M. cf. mantataranus Boehm (1912) were previously known from West Pacific, Indonesia have been now found in Kutch. Gracilisphinctes Buckman (1920) has been previously known to occur during the Middle Bathonian time, the present work extends its stratigraphic distribution up to the definite Upper Bathonian horizon. Procerites hians (Waagen) an endemic species in Kutch previously known from the Upper Bathonian beds, its stratigraphic range has been extended down to the Middle Bathonian.Detail taxonomy of the newly obtained taxa has been done and in many cases sexual dimorphism has been recognized.  相似文献   

Seepage of hydrocarbons, either as macroseepage or microseepage, can set up near-surface oxidation-reduction zones that favour the development of a diverse array of chemical and mineralogic changes. In this study trace metal alterations were mapped that appear to be associated with hydrocarbon microseepages in the oil/gas fields. A total of 210 soil samples were collected from near surface sediments of Kutch and Saurashtra Basins, India. The soil samples were collected from a depth of 2–2.5 m. The paper reports the chemical alterations associated with trace metals in soils that are related to hydrocarbon microseepages above the Kutch and Saurashtra Basins, India. The soil samples for trace metals; Scandium (Sc), Vanadium (V), Chromium (Cr), Cobalt (Co), Nickel (Ni), Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Barium (Ba) and Strontium (Sr) were analyzed using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The concentrations of the trace elements ranged between for Sc (12.69 to 21.91 ppm), V (109.20 to 436.05 ppm), Cr (87.15 to 481.57 ppm), Co (18.25 to 64.31 ppm), Ni (57.55 to 263.15 ppm), Cu (44.88 to 143.96 ppm), Zn (137.60 to 502.31 ppm), Ba (149.27 to 921.46 ppm) and Sr (143.93 to 425.63 ppm) were obtained. It was observed that trace elements concentrations were tremendously increased when compared with normal concentration in the soils. The adsorbed soil gas analysis showed the presence of high concentrations of ΣC2+ (C2H6, C3H8 and n-C4H10) ranged between 1 to 121 ppb respectively. Integrated studies of trace elements over adsorbed light gaseous hydrocarbon (ΣC2+) anomalies showed good correlation. The carbon isotopic composition of δ13C1 of the samples ranges between — 36.6 ‰ to ?22.7‰ (Pee Dee Belemnite) suggest thermogenic source for hydrocarbon gases. The increase in trace metal concentrations near oil/gas producing areas, suggests that soil chemical change to a reducing environment, presumably due to the influence of hydrocarbon microseepage, which could be applied with other geo-scientific data to identify areas of future hydrocarbon exploration in the frontier areas.  相似文献   

A low diversity, epifaunal to infaunal Foraminiferal assemblage widely distributed in sand flats, mud flats and marshes along the coastal tracts of the Gulf of Cambay. It is dominated by the species of Ammonia, Rotalidium, Murrayinella, Haynesina, Quinqueloculina, Nonionella, Florilus, Elphidium, Trochammina and Miliammina. A triserial planktonic foraminifer Gallitellia vivans, an indicator of stressed and upwelling areas, is also characteristically present in the sediments of the estuaries. The paper discusses the systematics and distribution of the Foraminiferal species in the macrotidal estuaries of the Gulf of Cambay.  相似文献   

The Bathonian ammonite assemblages have been previously poorly recorded in Kutch. The present study has unearthed a rich array of ammonite taxa ranging from the Middle to Upper Bathonian. While Oxycerites Rollier (1909) is a new record from Kutch, the oldest occurrence of Choffatia Siemiradzki (1898) has been found from the Middle Bathonian horizon. Oxycerites cf. orbis (Giebel) is a zonal index of the Late Bathonian in other areas and thus facilitates interprovincial correlation. Besides, palaeobiogeographic and stratigraphic distribution of many species have been modified based on new information. For example, macrocephalitin species, i.e., Kamptokephalites cf. etheridgei Spath (1928), Macrocephalites bifurcatus transient intermedius Spath (1928), M. cf. mantataranus Boehm (1912) were previously known from West Pacific, Indonesia have been now found in Kutch. Gracilisphinctes Buckman (1920) has been previously known to occur during the Middle Bathonian time, the present work extends its stratigraphic distribution up to the definite Upper Bathonian horizon. Procerites hians (Waagen) an endemic species in Kutch previously known from the Upper Bathonian beds, its stratigraphic range has been extended down to the Middle Bathonian.Detail taxonomy of the newly obtained taxa has been done and in many cases sexual dimorphism has been recognized.  相似文献   

Tourmalinites from the Golden Dyke Dome,Northern Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tourmalinites occur at five stratigraphic levels within the low metamorphic grade multiply deformed Lower Proterozoic metasediments and metavolcanics of the Golden Dyke Dome. The geological setting, exhalite associations, sedimentary structures and tourmaline chemistry all preclude a granitic origin. Tourmalinite derived from the isochemical metamorphism of an exhalite comprising silica and tourmaline. Tourmalinite and other exhalites are hosted by carbonaceous pelitic metasediments and were deposited in deeper basinal areas. The ore fluid was probably dolerite-heated seawater which leached a thick pile of argillaceous sediments and acquired metals and boron by leaching. The first and second increase in geothermal gradient produced tourmalinite, the third produced auriferous tourmalinite and iron formations with tourmalinite and exhalative Pb-Zn deposits forming during the period of maximum geothermal gradient. More tourmalinite formed during the subsequent decline in geothermal gradient. Tourmalinites are regarded as B-rich iron formations which can be the host for or associated with exhalative deposits of Au and base metals.  相似文献   

The Quaternary sequence of a boring from the island of Anholt, Denmark, comprises both marine and non-marine sediments spanning a time interval from the Holocene to at least as far back as the Saalian. The oldest Quaternary sediments consist of a till and a glaciofluvial sand sequence. These are overlain by marine silty clays of Saalian to Eemian age. An interstadial (Flakket Interstadial) and a stadial (Kattegat Stadial) are identified in the late Saalian. This climatic fluctuation has been compared to the Allerød and Younger Dryas events at the Weichselian–Holocene transition. The Eemian sediments are followed by sand and non-marine, varved clay overlain by 2 m of marine clay, which is correlated with the Middle Weichselian of the Skærumhede series. The marine clay is covered by silty clay and a thick sand sequence of non-marine origin. The uppermost 2 m sediments may represent the Holocene coastal accretion on Anholt.  相似文献   

In the Kachchh Mainland, the Jumara Dome mixed carbonate-siliciclastic succession is represented by the Jhurio and Patcham formations and siliciclastic-dominating Chari Formation (Bathonian to Oxfordian). The Ju- mara Dome sediments were deposited during sea-level fluctuating, and were interrupted by storms in the shallow marine environment. The sandstones are generally medium-grained, moderately sorted, subangular to subrounded and of low sphericity. The sandstones are mineralogically mature and mainly composed of quartzarenite and subar- kose. The plots of petrofacies in the Qt-F-L, Qm-F-Lt, Qp-Lv-Ls and Qm-P-K ternary diagrams suggest mainly the basement uplift source (craton interior) in rifted continental margin basin setting. The sandstones were cemented by carbonate, iron oxide and silica overgrowth. The Chemical Index of Alteration values (73% sandstone and 81% shale) indicate high weathering conditions in the source area. Overall study suggests that such strong chemical weathering conditions are of unconformity with worldwide humid and warm climates during the Jurassic period. Positive correlations between A1203 and Fe203, TiO2, Na20, MgO, K20 are evident. A high correlation coefficient between A1203 and K20 in shale samples suggests that clay minerals control the major oxides, The analogous con- tents of Si, A1, Ti, LREE and TTE in the shale to PAAS with slightly depleted values of other elements ascribe a PAAS like source (granitic gneiss and minor mafics) to the present study. The petrographic and geochemical data strongly suggest that the studied sandstones/shales were deposited on a passive margin of the stable intracratonic basin.  相似文献   

Geochemical data are presented for primitive alkaline rocks from the Kutch region, north–northwest of Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP) of west central India, which is generally regarded as related to the Reunion Plume. The trace element systematics of these rocks are similar to those of ocean-island basalts, but there is considerable compositional variation, which is related to a strong overprint from the lithosphere on plume-derived magmas. This subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) component has geochemical characteristics that overlap those observed in spinel lherzolite xenoliths entrained in these rocks. Phlogopite and apatite in the SCLM are of metasomatic origin attributed to the infiltrating fluids and/or melts derived from rising mantle plume material. The composition of the alkaline rocks is consistent with a regional upwelling of deep mantle related to marginal rifting and with OIB-type geochemical characteristics. Thermal inhomogeneities within such plume swath resulted in small diapirs, which may have undergone melt segregation at the base of the lithosphere (100 km) and incorporated varying amounts of SCLM during ascent.  相似文献   

Metamorphism of the Gile Mountain Formation and Waits River Formation in the Strafford Dome and Townshend-Brownington Syncline in east-central Vermont records two nappe-style events, D1 and D2, followed by doming. D1 formed a muscovite + biotite ± ilmenite schistosity subparallel to compositional layering, SO, and was followed by heating to garnet grade. The temperature and pressure at the end of D1 are estimated to be c . 450 C and 6-8 kbar. D2 variably crenulated and folded S1 during a nearly isothermal pressure increase of 1-2 kbar, calculated from compositions of garnet, which have inclusions trails with progressive crenulation and rotation of the S1 fabric. Similar P-T paths are computed for most of the area, suggesting that the later schistosity developed during emplacement of a regional nappe 3-6 km thick. There is a general lack of D3 (dome-stage) microstructures.
Near the Strafford-Willoughby Arch, staurolite and kyanite overgrew S2 in pelites, and plagioclase with increasing X An overgrew S2 in calcic pelites, reflecting post-D2 heating to a maximum of 550-600 C. Metamorphic pressures at the end of D2 are fairly constant on the west side of the dome, indicating minor dome-stage uplift. In contrast, pressures at the thermal peak of metamorphism decrease by more than 4 kbar east of the dome. The observed pattern of isotherms and isobars is mainly the result of post-metamorphic, differential uplift and unroofing.
Finally, a minor, retrograde metamorphism produced the assemblage albite + epidote + K-feldspar + muscovite + chlorite, with grade increasing east toward the Connecticut River.  相似文献   

Belemnites and ammonites were collected from the Dhosa Oolite beds of Jara Dome in Kachchh. The Dhosa Oolite is an important marker of the Mesozoic sediments exposed in the Kachchh Basin. Nine belemnite species are reported belonging to four genera Belemnopsis, Demubelus, Hibolithes and Conodicoelites. These include Belemnopsis cf. moluccana Boehm, B. calloviensis Oppel, Demubelus weberi Stolley, Hibolithes boloides Stolley, H. longiscissus Stolley, H. cf. compressus Stolley, H. jumarensis Waagen, H. budhaichus Stoliczka and Conodicoelites cf. abadi Challinor. Besides the belemnites, diagnostic ammonoid fauna are also recorded from the studied section enabling better controlled stratigraphic resolution and biostratigraphic correlation. Taxonomic studies on the different belemnite species are presented with illustration for reference.  相似文献   

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