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Lake-water oxygen-isotope histories for three lakes in northern Russia, derived from the cellulose oxygen-isotope stratigraphies of sediment cores, provide the basis for preliminary reconstruction of Holocene paleohydrology in two regions along the boreal treeline. Deconvolution of shifting precipitation δ18O from secondary evaporative isotopic enrichment is aided by knowledge of the distribution of isotopes in modern precipitation, the isotopic composition of paleo-waters preserved in frozen peat deposits, as well as other supporting paleoclimatic information. These data indicate that during the early Holocene, when the boreal treeline advanced to the current arctic coastline, conditions in the lower Yenisey River region were moist compared to the present, whereas greater aridity prevailed to the east near the lower Lena River. This longitudinal moisture gradient is consistent with the suggestion that oceanic forcing (increased sea-surface temperatures in the Nordic Seas and reduced sea-ice cover) was a major contributor to the development of a more maritime climate in western Eurasia, in addition to increased summer insolation. East of the Taimyr Peninsula, large tracts of the continental shelf exposed by glacial sea-level drawdown may have suppressed maritime climatic influence in what are now coastal areas. In contrast, during the late Holocene the two regions have apparently experienced coherent shifts in effective moisture. The similarity of the records may primarily reflect reduced North Atlantic influence in the Nordic Seas and southward retreat of coastline in eastern Siberia, coupled with declining summer insolation.  相似文献   

Seismic stratigraphy, sedimentary facies, pollen stratigraphy, diatom-inferred salinity, stable isotope (δ18O and δ13C), and chemical composition (Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca) of authigenic carbonates from Moon Lake cores provide a congruent Holocene record of effective moisture for the eastern Northern Great Plains. Between 11,700 and 950014C yr B.P., the climate was cool and moist. A gradual decrease in effective moisture occurred between 9500 and 710014C yr B.P. A change at about 710014C yr B.P. inaugurated the most arid period during the Holocene. Between 7100 and 400014C yr B.P., three arid phases occurred at 6600–620014C yr B.P., 5400–520014C yr B.P., and 4800–460014C yr B.P. Effective moisture generally increased after 400014C yr B.P., but periods of low effective moisture occurred between 2900–280014C yr B.P. and 1200–80014C yr B.P. The data also suggest high climatic variability during the last few centuries. Despite the overall congruence, the biological (diatom), sedimentological, isotopic, and chemical proxies were occassionally out of phase. At these times the evaporative process was not the only control of lake-water chemical and isotopic composition.  相似文献   

滇中星云湖地区200年来的环境演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对星云湖的近现代沉积物进行粒度、稳定同位素等测试分析的基础上,综合对比了多项环境指标,并从自然变化和人为影响2个方面揭示湖泊环境演化的动态过程和动力学机制以及各环境要素的内在联系.研究表明该地区近200 a来环境及生态演化具有以下区域性特点:19世纪初期气候较为温暖干旱,之后向温凉湿润转变,20世纪80年代开始,湖泊出现富营养化,1998年以来气温处于回升状态,现在正处于暖干气候阶段,人类活动正在日益深刻地影响着湖泊的环境演化.  相似文献   

The Longbohe Cu deposit, which is located in the southern part of the Honghe ore-forming zone, Yunnan Province, China, belongs to a typical ore field where volcanic rocks are of wide distribution and are associated with Cu mineralization in time and space. The volcanic rocks in the ore field, which have experienced varying degree of alteration or regional metamorphism, can be divided into three types, i.e., meta-andesite, meta-subvolcanic rock and meta-basic volcanic rock in accordance with their mineral assemblages. These three types of volcanic rocks in the ore field are relatively rich in Na and the main samples plot in the area of alkali basalts in the geochemical classification diagram. With the exception of very few elements, these three types of volcanic rocks are similar in the content of trace elements. In comparison to the basalts of different tectonic settings, the meta-volcanic rocks in the ore field are rich in high field strength elements (HFSE) such as Th, Nb, etc. and depleted in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) such as Sr, Ba, etc. and their primary mantle-normalized trace element patterns show remarkable negative Th and Nb anomalies and negative Sr and Ba anomalies. These three types of volcanic rocks are similar in REE content range and chondrite-normalized REE patterns with the exception of Eu anomaly. Various lines of evidence show that these three types of volcanic rocks in the ore field have the same source but are the products of different stages of magmatic evolution, their original magma is a product of partial melting of the metasomatically enriched mantle in the tensional tectonic setting within the continent plate, and the crystallization differentiation plays an important role in the process of magmatic evolution.  相似文献   

Ancient outwash accumulations, deposited in Pleistocene with complicated sedimentary characteristics, are discovered in the midstream valley of Dadu River, Southwestern China. Their sedimentation characteristics are investigated for gaining a deep insight into the dependency of Paleoclimate changes in this area. This is achieved by means of detailed site investigation, sampling and laboratory tests (grain size distribution and Electron Spin Resonance dating tests) for two representative outwash accumulations. Based on the present study, several main conclusions are drown out as follows: 1) The accumulations are composed mainly of coarse soils (coarse fraction is over 50%) and very coarse soils (coarse fraction is about 20%–35%, and very coarse fraction is over 55%); 2) The coarse soils are sub-rounded well-sorted and sub-stratified to well-stratified, while the very coarse soils exhibit sub-rounded to sub-angular and poorly-sorted; 3) The accumulations are postulated to have been intermittently deposited in three time periods. This is evidenced by two layers of weathered/residual clay, purple to brick red in color; and 4) It is inferred that the temperature in the study area increased over three time periods, i.e., 280 ka B.P. to 120 ka B.P., 110 ka B.P. to 80 ka B.P. and 70 ka B.P. to 25 ka B.P., and declined twice at 120 ka B.P. and 77 ka B.P. respectively.  相似文献   

通过对我国西南地区3个洞穴9根大型石笋272个初始234U/238U数据的分析研究,发现石笋初始234U/238U值长尺度变化与海洋沉积SPECMAP曲线δ18O记录有一定的正相关关系,与北纬25°夏季太阳辐射能量变化曲线呈一定的负相关关系,石笋初始234U/238U值的变化在冰期时波动强烈,而在间冰期波动相对平缓,在间冰期和冰期(间冰阶和冰阶)转化阶段该值呈跳跃状态变化。末次冰期及全新世阶段石笋初始234U/238U变化记录了该时段内的BA暖期和YD突变冷事件;全新世8200 a BP、7200 a BP、5200 a BP、4200 a BP、2800 a BP、1400 a BP 发生的几次较强冷事件在石笋初始234U/238U值都有相应记录,并且和长尺度的变化规律一致,冷事件发生时石笋初始234U/238U值偏重,暖期偏轻。封闭系统形成的洞穴石笋初始234U/238U变化类似于同地区洞穴石笋的δ18O对气候变化的记录特征,在我国西南地区两者与夏季风变化的强弱呈现一种负相关的关系,洞穴石笋初始234U/238U值可以作为一个有用的古气候替代指标来研究古降水的变化。  相似文献   

云南省保山—镇康古生代沉积盆地的上寒武统碳酸盐岩中发育有脉状铅锌矿体, 它们均受地层和构造的双重控制. 芦子园铅锌矿是该区此类型规模最大的一个矿床, 矿体赋存于沙河厂组的大理岩及大理岩化灰岩中.其原生矿金属矿物组合为: 闪锌矿、方铅矿、黄铜矿、黄铁矿和磁铁矿.围岩蚀变有矽卡岩化、绿泥石化、硅化、黄铁矿化和大理岩化等.流体包裹体研究表明, 该地区铅锌矿化经历中低温(160~280℃) 和中高温(280~420℃) 2个主要矿化阶段.芦子园铅锌矿的硫、铅同位素组成具有变化范围窄、相对均一的特点(δ(34S)=9.23×10-3~10.17×10-3; w(206Pb)/w(204Pb)=18.224~18.338, w(207Pb)/w(204Pb) =15.715~15.849, w(208Pb)/w(204Pb)=38.381~38.874), 其矿石硫与铅同位素都反映了成矿过程曾受到岩浆活动的影响.研究表明: 镇康地区铅锌矿为与上寒武统局部层位和隐伏岩体有关的热液型铅锌多金属矿床.   相似文献   

沉积物的矿物和地球化学特征与盆地构造、古气候背景   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
构造和气候的变化是盆地充填和演化的两个主要控制因素,对沉积物而言,其主要是对沉积物类型和分布的控制。从沉积物的矿物学和地球化学的角度,提取了与盆地构造和气候演变有关的主要参数,包括碳酸盐岩矿物中的δ13C、δ18O、石英/长石、高岭石/粘土、伊利石/粘土的比值,反演地质历史中盆地在构造和气候上的变化。对松辽盆地白垩系的研究表明,泉三段、泉四段中石英/长石低值代表了在盆地坳陷期存在着具有一定强度的构造运动。伊利石/粘土和高岭石/粘土的分析反映出松辽盆地白垩世的气候经历了由泉三段沉积期气候干旱到青山口组沉积期气候湿润、姚家组沉积期气候快速转向干旱、嫩一段沉积期湿润的气候和嫩三、四段沉积期湿热气候的演变。碳酸盐岩中碳、氧同位素分析显示松辽盆地在83.3 Ma左右发生了海侵事件,在82.8 Ma左右发生了海退事件。  相似文献   

南海北部陆架中全新世沉积记录及古环境意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
 通过分析珠江口外陆架C069孔沉积柱样的粒度、黏土矿物、主量元素及底栖有孔虫,来研究南海北部中全新世晚期古环境演化。4.2 ka前为全新世大暖期后期,气候湿润,珠江口外陆架受大量的珠江淡水影响,导致C069孔位置的水动力条件较强,形成下段粒度较粗的碎屑沉积物,高岭石含量较高,低的MgO/Al2O3比值,以及受冲淡水影响形成的底栖有孔虫。由于受4.2 ka的极冷事件的影响,C069孔上段的沉积环境受珠江冲淡水影响减小,水动力条件减弱,沉积物粒度变细,高岭石含量降低,MgO/Al2O3比值增大,形成正常浅水环境的底栖有孔虫。4.2 ka以后,台湾来源物质的贡献增多,导致沉积物中伊利石和绿泥石的含量增多,伊利石结晶度和化学指数值都明显变小。  相似文献   

华北-东北南部地区中生代中晚期粘土矿物与古气候   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
实验分析了华北-东北南部地区中侏罗统-白垩系泥质岩中粘土矿物的相对含量,说明了实验结果和作为古气候定性指针分析的可信度,总结了粘土矿物相对含量的时空变化及其古气候特征与演化,讨论了古气候变化与古地貌高地的关系。结果显示,伊利石既是各地也是各个层位最常见的粘土矿物,各区一般含量不少于20%,平均含量46.6%;其次是蒙脱石,在河南和山东的各个时期含量最低30%,平均达57.8%;高岭石和绿泥石只在山西较为丰富,其它各地相对少见;表明研究区中生代中晚期总体属于干冷气候环境,只在山西西部出现干冷-半湿热交替变化;证实古地貌高地“东部高原”的存在,但时空分布有所差异:时间上,它可始于中侏罗世并持续到白垩纪末期甚至古近纪;空间演化上分为两个阶段,早中侏罗世规模较小限于渤海湾之南,晚侏罗世—白垩纪扩大到东北南部和华北大部并呈南北向半弧形展布;认为东部高原对东北地区同期古气候没有影响,可能改变了冀北—辽西和豫西晚侏罗世和晚白垩世时期的古气候;指出东部高原物质可能在中侏罗世—早白垩世期间主要通过郯庐断裂南北两端已经消失了的入海口输送,白垩纪中期及之后则可能主要卸载到了周边盆地。  相似文献   

云南中甸地区浪都高钾中酸性侵入岩的地球化学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中甸地区浪都中酸性侵入岩在空间上与浪都夕卡岩型铜矿床共生,主要由石英二长斑岩、石英闪长斑岩和花岗闪长斑岩组成。这些侵入岩大多表现出高钾(K2O大于3%)的特征,在K2O-SiO2图上所有样品均落入高钾钙碱性和钾玄岩区域。在稀土元素球粒陨石标准化图上表现为轻稀土富集、重稀土亏损(LaN/YbN=14.3~21.2)、铕弱负异常至无异常(δEu=0.77~1.00);在原始地幔标准化微量元素蛛网图上,K、Rb、Sr、Ba等元素表现出正异常,而Nb、Ta和Ti等元素表现出负异常的特征。浪都侵入岩的87Sr/86Sr初始值为0.7044~0.7069,εNd(t)值为-2.8~-2.2。结合主量、微量元素及Sr-Nd同位素组成,本研究认为浪都岩浆来源于交代地幔,很可能受到了俯冲带流体交代和地壳物质混染的影响,表明浪都中酸性侵入岩的形成与甘孜-理塘洋的俯冲有关。  相似文献   

The Jiangchuan Biota from the Jiucheng Member (Mb.) of the Dengying Formation (Fm.), discovered in Jiangchuan, eastern Yunnan, China, is marked by copious macrofossils at the apex of the Ediacaran strata. This fauna features benthic algae with varied holdfasts and other fossils of indeterminate taxonomic affinity and is compositionally unique compared to the Shibantan and Gaojiashan biotas of the Dengying Fm. and the Miaohe and Wenghui biotas of the Doushantuo Fm., elsewhere in China. One novel benthic saccular macroalgal fossil, named here Houjiashania yuxiensis gen. and sp. nov., from the Jiangchuan Biota is based on fossils that are sausage-shaped, elongate, tubular, ranging from 0.3 to 4 cm in length, and up to 0.8 cm in diameter. One terminus is blunt and rounded to an obtuse angle, the other is bent with a spread-out surface resembling a holdfast, suggesting a three-dimensional thallus. Thin, stipe-shaped outgrowths, likely vestiges of sessile saccular life forms, are prevalent in macroalgal fossils of analogous size and shape, as well as present brown algae Scytosiphonaceae, such as Colpomenia and Dactylosiphon. The new findings augment the diversity of benthic algae, such as those known from the Early Neoproterozoic Longfengshan Biota in North China. The benthic algal macrofossils in the Jiucheng Mb. add to knowledge of Late Ediacaran metaphyte diversification and offer more clues about the evolutionary positioning of primitive macroalgae. The co-occurrence of numerous planktonic and benthic multicellular algae and planktonic microbes might have facilitated ecologically the more extensive later Cambrian explosion evidenced by the Chengjiang Biota in Yunnan.  相似文献   

通过对长江中游和尚洞HS-2号石笋的沉积特征及C、O同位素Mg、Sr微量元素相结合分析,利用U系法定年,获取了长江中游19.0ka~6.9ka的古气候、古环境信息(平均分辨率为17a,局部分辨率达到7a).得出如下结论(1)19.0~16.6ka, C、O同位素偏轻,气候冷湿;(2)16.6~11.1ka, C、O同位素偏重, 气温上升,降水偏少;(3)11.1~10.3ka 干热时期中的突然回冷事件对应于新仙女木事件(Younger Dryas Event);(4)10.3~6.9 ka B.P δ18O及δ13C值逐渐变轻,而Mg/Sr比继续增大,表现为气温上升,降雨量较大.反映了历史时期湿冷、干热、湿暖交替变化的气候趋势,得出了长江中游千年级和百年级的一些气候变化趋势,特别是发现了新仙女木事件在长江中游洞穴石笋中完整的记录,说明新仙女木事件是全球性气候突变与环境灾变事件  相似文献   

郑范  李前裕  陈木宏 《地球科学》2006,31(6):780-786
南海北部ODP1144站中更新世气候转型时期的浮游有孔虫在千年尺度上以高频率变化为主要特征.冰期旋回主要周期在0.9Ma由41ka转变为100ka, 浮游有孔虫组合也随冰期旋回出现大量的冷水种.据转换函数得出的表层水降温高达10℃发生在0.9~0.6Ma间的转型过渡期, 跨越MIS22、20、18、16四大冰期.同时, 温跃层深度呈阶梯式变浅, 在MIS20上升至65m左右.所以, 南海北部上层水体环境在中更新世气候转型期出现比末次冰期更重的δ18O值, 温跃层变浅, 深水种含量降低或消失, 突出了边缘海区南北气候梯度反差和冬季风在冰期增强的讯号.南海南北部的环境差异与东西太平洋的差异, 共同表明低纬过程在气候变化中的重要性.   相似文献   

The Sawayaerdun gold deposit, located in Wuqia County, Southwest Tianshan, China, occurs in Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian low‐grade metamorphic carbonaceous turbidites. The orebodies are controlled by a series of NE‐NNE‐trending, brittle–ductile shear zones. Twenty‐four gold mineralized zones have been recognized in the Sawayaerdun ore deposit. Among these, the up to 4‐km‐long and 200‐m wide No. IV mineralized zone is economically the most important. The average gold grade is 1–6 g/t. Gold reserves of the Sawayaerdun deposit have been identified at approximately 37 tonnes and an inferred resource of 123 tonnes. Hydrothermal alteration is characterized by silicification, pyritization, arsenopyritization, sericitization, carbonatization and chloritization. On the basis of field evidence and petrographic analysis, five stages of vein emplacement and hydrothermal mineralization can be distinguished: stage 1, early quartz stage, characterized by the occurrence of quartz veins; stage 2, arsenopyrite–pyrite–quartz stage, characterized by the formation of auriferous quartz veinlets and stockworks; stage 3, polymetallic sulfide quartz stage, characterized by the presence of auriferous polymetallic sulfide quartz veinlets and stockworks; stage 4, antimony–quartz stage, characterized by the formation of stibnite–jamesonite quartz veins; and stage 5, quartz–carbonate vein stage. Stages 2 and 3 represent the main gold mineralization, with stage 4 representing a major antimony mineralization episode in the Sawayaerdun deposit. Two types of fluid inclusion, namely H2O–NaCl and H2O–CO2–NaCl types, have been recognized in quartz and calcite. Aqueous inclusions show a wide range of homogenization temperatures from 125 to 340°C, and can be correlated with the mineralization stage during which the inclusions formed. Similarly, salinities and densities of these fluids range for each stage of mineralization from 2.57 to 22 equivalent wt% NaCl and 0.76 to 1.05 g/cm3, respectively. The ore‐forming fluids thus are representative of a medium‐ to low‐temperature, low‐ to medium‐salinity H2O–NaCl–CO2–CH4–N2 system. The δ34SCDT values of sulfides associated with mineralization fall into a narrow range of ?3.0 to +2.6‰ with a mean of +0.1‰. The δ13CPDB values of dolomite and siderite from the Sawayaerdun gold deposit range from ?5.4 to ?0.6‰, possibly reflecting derivation of the carbonate carbon from a mixed magmatic/sedimentary source. Changes in physico‐chemical conditions and composition of the hydrothermal fluids, water–rock exchange and immiscibility of hydrothermal fluids are inferred to have played important roles in the ore‐forming process of the Sawayaerdun gold–antimony deposit.  相似文献   

<正>A new dinosaur Chuxiongosaurus lufengensis gen.et sp.nov.is erected based on a nearly complete skull.The taxon is characterized by the lacrimal perpendicular to the ventral margin of the upper jaw,which is similar to that of Thecodontosaurus;a depression present on the dorsal profile of the snout behind the naris;the rostral profile of the maxilla slopes continuously towards the rostral tip;and the presence of 25 dentary teeth.It also displays prosauropod characters such as a relatively long skull,the slope of the maxillary rostral profile,and teeth that do not have basically constricted crowns.The new specimen is more basal than Anchisaurus and represents the first basal sauropod dinosaur from the Early Jurassic of China.  相似文献   

对揭西灰寨剖面上三叠统小水组和惠州黄洞剖面下侏罗统金鸡组采集的泥岩和砂岩样品进行了全岩分析和ICP-MS微量、稀土元素测试和矿物成分分析,根据元素含量及其比值的变化,提出了粤东揭西地区晚三叠世小水组和惠州地区早侏罗世金鸡组水体整体为还原、厌氧环境,以干燥炎热气候为主。小水组w(∑REE)较大,轻稀土富集(LREE/HREE为10.86和15.63),重稀土较稳定(w(∑HREE) 为6.09×10-6和7.99×10-6),Eu负异常(δEu为0.67和0.87);金鸡组轻稀土富集(LREE/HREE=7.29~10.03),重稀土较稳定(w(∑HREE)为(15.39~19.72)×10-6),Eu负异常(δEu=0.59~0.65)。泥岩稀土元素分布模式图和源岩判别图解显示,小水组和金鸡组源岩来自上地壳的沉积岩、花岗岩和玄武岩,小水组下部样品沉积物源岩较上部要深,金鸡组上部沉积物源岩较中下部要深。Dickinson图解、K2O/Na2O-w(SiO2)、Zr-Th、La-Th-Sc、Th-Co-Zr/10判别图解和稀土元素特征值显示,晚三叠世揭西地区的构造背景为弧后伸展盆地,有被动大陆边缘特性,但也有大陆岛弧(由安第斯大陆边缘弧转变而来)的特性,其物源来自火山弧造山带。早侏罗世黄洞地区为弧后挤压盆地,具有被动陆缘特性,沉积物物源来自于切割的岩浆弧。  相似文献   

云南白水台现代内生钙华微层的特征及其古气候重建意义   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
在云南白水台采集一现代内生钙华样品,该样品形成于1998年5月至2001年11月。切片观察,钙华中可见薄的褐色疏松微层和厚的白色致密微层,且交替出现。结合钙华样品的高分辨率碳氧稳定同位素测试,发现薄的褐色疏松微层(1.5~2.2mm)在每年的雨季(4~9月)形成,而厚的白色致密微层(5~8mm)在旱季(10~3月)形成。通过与气象记录的对比,建立起了这些钙华亚年层厚度和稳定同位素特征与气候变化的关系。结果发现:薄的微层及其低δ13C和δ18O值形成于温暖湿润的雨季。在雨季,雨水的稀释作用导致了内生钙华沉积的减慢和低的13C含量,而钙华的低18O值则主要与亚热带季风地区的雨量效应有关。因此,钙华微层厚度,以及δ13C和δ18O的显著降低反映了高的降雨条件,反之,则反映干旱的气候条件。本研究说明钙华可以提供有价值的年际甚至季节尺度的气候变化信息。  相似文献   

草海位于黔滇交界,主要受印度夏季风的影响,其湖沼沉积物记录了中—晚第四纪的环境变化历史,是研究第四纪环境和季风演变的良好载体。本研究选取的南屯NT03钻孔,岩心长405 cm,在放射性碳同位素(AMS14C)测年基础上建立了年代序列,并进行了沉积物的色差值(L*)、烧失量(LOI550)、总有机碳(TOC)、碳氮比(C/N)和有机稳定碳同位素(δ13Corg)等古环境替代指标的测试。实验结果显示,L*、LOI550和TOC等3个有机碳含量指标同步变化,共同指示该钻孔序列经历了3个沉积环境演变阶段,即末次盛冰期晚期(21—15 cal ka BP)河流—冲积相沉积阶段、冰消期至早中全新世(15—4 cal ka BP)高湖面湖泊—沼泽相沉积阶段和晚全新世(4 cal ka BP以来)洪冲积相沉积阶段。近2万年以来草海湖沼面积经历的收缩→扩张→收缩演变过程与石笋氧同位素变化基本吻合,表明季风降雨是引起草海湖泊水体和周边生态系统变化的主要因素。δ13Corg指标变化范围为-29.28‰~-24.19‰,表明草海盆地周围植被组成在末次盛冰期以来C4草本虽然略有增加,但均以C3植物为主。同时,TOC和δ13Corg指标证明了B/A冰消期暖事件对盆地边缘区的湿地泥炭富集起到关键作用,而多指标揭示了近4 ka以来水域变浅并发展成为冲积环境的过程,也可能与石笋记录的夏季风减弱所带来的降水量减少有关。  相似文献   

The Arctic is more vulnerable to climate change than are mid latitudes. Therefore, palaeolimnological studies from the High Arctic are important in providing insights into the dynamics of the climate system. Here we present a multi‐proxy study from one of the world's northernmost lakes: Bliss Lake, Peary Land, Greenland. The early Holocene (10 850–10 480 cal. a BP) is characterized by increased erosion and gradually more marine conditions. Full marine conditions developed from 10 480 cal. a BP until the lake was isolated at 7220 cal. a BP. From its marine isolation at 7220 cal. a BP Bliss Lake becomes a lacustrine environment. Evidence from geochemical proxies (δ13C and total organic carbon) suggests that warmer conditions prevailed between 7220 and 6500 cal. a BP, corresponding to the Holocene thermal maximum, and from 3300 until 910 cal. a BP. From 850 to 500 cal. a BP colder climate conditions persisted. The transition from warmer to colder climate conditions taking place around 850 cal. a BP may be associated with the transition from the Medieval Warm Period to the Little Ice Age. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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