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Prior results of surface artifact collecting, test excavations, and auger sampling on an archaeological site in Barbados suggested that we experiment with ground-penetrating radar (GPR) as a method to target areas for future study. The site is associated with village occupations of Amerindians that are dated to between 2000 and 500 years ago. Archaeological features include burials, hearths, ceramic lined wells and postholes. Artifact middens contain pottery sherds, conch shells, and other marine resource debris. The site selected was located at the southern tip of Barbados and is situated on a deep stabilized surface behind a large active dune system. The soil layer consists of dry, clean quartz sand.We obtained limited ground truth at the site by hand auguring in areas of field-identified anomalies, and by auguring control holes away from anomalies. Anomalies were usually large diffractors such as conch shells and rocks. We used 3D visualisation software to perform standard processing enhancements and to assemble the parallel lines into three-dimensional volumes. The dimensions, distribution, and shapes of time-sliced amplitude anomalies were consistent with those of previously excavated burials, poles, and pit structures. In particular, we interpret the data as indicating the presence of a circular house structure with four center posts; this structure was previously unknown at this site. The work presented here builds upon and extends earlier excavation-based findings at this site, and will allow for better-focused excavations in the future.  相似文献   

新疆哈密戈壁滩区煤层三维地震勘探实践   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文就新疆哈密地区煤田三维地震工作,讨论了戈壁滩区三维地震工作实施的难点及采用的技术措施,并结合戈壁滩区采集的地震资料的特点对资料处理流程中的叠前去噪、静校正和三维偏移提频处理给予了重点关注.本次勘探表明在戈壁滩复杂地质条件区,利用“专用钻机成孔、高迭加次数、小炮检距、高频组合接收”采集技术,可获得较好信噪比的原始资料,经过精细处理和综合对比解释,地质成果良好.  相似文献   

如何正确地消除复杂地表对地震波场的影响,提高地下构造成像的质量一直是中国西部复杂地区地震勘探中存在的难题.本文在三维复杂表层速度模型层析反演\[1\]的基础上,研究了关于复杂地表的静校正问题,提出用三维波动方程在炮集上对地震波场进行正、反向延拓,消除复杂地表对波场的影响,实现三维复杂表层模型校正.理论和实际应用证明,该方法已超越常规静校正的含义,属时变校正方法.用本方法处理复杂地表问题,不但能消除表层对不同深度反射波产生的不同时差影响,提高叠加剖面质量,而且能使校正后的地震波场保持波动特征不发生畸变,可为建立正确的深层速度模型和波动方程叠前深度偏移奠定良好的基础.  相似文献   

Automatic feature detection from seismic data is a demanding task in today's interpretation workstations. Channels are among important stratigraphic features in seismic data both due to their reservoir capability or drilling hazard potential. Shearlet transform as a multi‐scale and multi‐directional transformation is capable of detecting anisotropic singularities in two and higher dimensional data. Channels occur as edges in seismic data, which can be detected based on maximizing the shearlet coefficients through all sub‐volumes at the finest scale of decomposition. The detected edges may require further refinement through the application of a thinning methodology. In this study, a three‐dimensional, pyramid‐adapted, compactly supported shearlet transform was applied to synthetic and real channelised, three‐dimensional post‐stack seismic data in order to decompose the data into different scales and directions for the purpose of channel boundary detection. In order to be able to compare the edge detection results based on three‐dimensional shearlet transform with some famous gradient‐based edge detectors, such as Sobel and Canny, a thresholding scheme is necessary. In both synthetic and real data examples, the three‐dimensional shearlet edge detection algorithm outperformed Sobel and Canny operators even in the presence of Gaussian random noise.  相似文献   

目前有许多基于二维网格模型的射线追踪算法,但应用与三维网格模型的射线追踪算法较少,主要是因为三维网格射线追踪算法在算法实现、编程以及图形显示方面都有一定难度.本文提出了一种适用于三维网格射线追踪的迭代算法,并应用于几种理论模型,同时实现了三维绘图显示,通过研究证明迭代算法能在一定程度上提高三维网格射线追踪的精度和速度.  相似文献   

原有三维非连续变形分析(DDA)方法采用常摩擦系数的Mohr-Coulomb定律作为切向破坏准则,然而当描述更大尺度构造块体的运动与变形时,常摩擦系数不再适用.速度-状态摩擦本构定律能够定量描述地震周期各阶段断层面剪应力变化,解释发震断层行为.本文将速度-状态摩擦定律与三维DDA方法相结合,首先推导了计算摩擦系数的实用公式,随后通过滑动-保持-滑动实验与速度步进实验算例对改进的三维DDA方法进行了验证.结果表明,应用速度-状态摩擦本构定律的三维DDA方法能够比较准确地模拟静摩擦的时间依赖性与动摩擦的速度依赖性,解决了将三维DDA方法在地学中应用的基本问题.  相似文献   

本文在矿井直流电法理论基础上,推导环工作面三维直流电法测量深度公式,得到环工作面三维直流电法记录点坐标位置.基于以上理论,建立了环工作面三维直流电法异常体模型,分析了环工作面三维直流电法二极装置、三极装置、四极装置异常体响应特征,得出环工作面三维直流电法各装置敏感度低的主要原因是缺少必要的数据采集点.为了提高环工作面三维直流电法分辨率,最大限度增加工作面内侧的采集数据点.基于以上原因本文提出了对角偶极装置采集模式及多装置的数据叠加反演处理方法,以增加工作面内采集数据点,提高三维勘探的精度.本文通过某矿8802工作面底板富水性探查实例,说明该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

The WSINV3DMT code makes the implementation of 3D inversion of magnetotelluric data feasible using a single PC. Audio‐magnetotelluric data were collected along two profiles in a Cu‐Ni mining area in Xinjiang, China, where the apparent resistivity and phase curves, the phase tensors and the magnetic induction vectors indicate a complex 3D conductivity structure. 3D inversions were carried out to reveal the electrical structure of the area. The final 3D model is selected from the inversion results using different initial Lagrange values and steps. The relatively low root‐mean‐square (rms) misfit and model norm indicate a reliable electrical model. The final model includes four types of low resistivity areas, the first ones coincide with the known location of an orebody and further forward modelling indicates that they are not in full connectivity to form a low resistivity zone. The second ones are not controlled by magnetotelluric sites and embody little information of the observed data, they are considered as tedious structures. The third one is near to the regional Kangguer fault and should be treated carefully considering the effect of the fault. The last ones are isolated and existing at a limited level as the first ones, they should be paid more attention to.  相似文献   

目的:探讨16排螺旋CT三维及最大密度重建技术在肝癌动门脉分流诊断中的应用价值.方法:对64例肝癌伴动门脉分流患者的16排螺旋CT增强图像进行三维及最大密度重建,并对重建图像进行观察和分析(与CT轴位图像和数字减影血管造影图像进行对照).结果:16排螺旋CT三维及最大密度重建技术能全面、直观、多方位地显示肝癌动门脉分流的影像征象,并能较好显示动门脉分流导致的血液动力学改变.结论:16排螺旋CT三维及最大密度重建作为轴位CT图像的重要后处理技术,具有无创、直观、快速显示肝癌动门脉分流各种影像征象的特点,为临床诊断和治疗肝癌动门脉分流提供可靠的依据.  相似文献   

现代技术的发展使三维地震勘探方法更完善、手段更充分、应用更广泛、效果更显著.无论是构造复杂区还是地表复杂区,三维地震勘探都取得了其它勘探手段无法得到的效果,多参数、多方法的应用使解释分辨力进一步提高,成果更可靠,同时也为煤田勘探和煤炭生产企业取得了巨大的经济效益.  相似文献   

利用山东及周边区域地震台网1975—2014年1月期间记录到的1369个地震的13781个P波到时数据对山东地区地壳结构进行了层析成像研究.结果表明,山东地区地壳速度结构存在明显的不均匀性.沂沭断裂带介质速度结构复杂,呈现明显的分段特征,两侧块体速度存在差异,具有块体边界的构造特征.鲁西断块20km以下深度处存在大规模的低速异常区,这与该地区始新世发生的大规模滑脱拆离构造有关,可能产生于太平洋板块的西向俯冲导致地幔热物质沿沂沭断裂带向上并向西涌动.历史大震及ML4.0以上中强震大部分为走滑型地震,主要发生于高低速异常过渡带且有深大断裂穿过的地区.震群主要发生于低速体上部或周边,且震源深度优势分布在中上地壳,这与地下介质富含流体并导致应力集中有关.  相似文献   

Forests play a significant role in protecting people, settlements in mountainous terrains from hydrogeomorphic hazards, including shallow landslides. Although several studies have investigated the interactions between forests and slope instabilities, a full understanding of them has not yet been obtained. Additionally, models that incorporate forest stand properties into slope failure probability analyses have not been developed. In principle, physical‐based models, which are powerful tools for landslide hazard analyses, represent an appropriate approach to linking stand properties and slope stability. However, the reliability of these models depends on numerous parameters that describe highly complex geotechnical and hydrological processes (e.g. potential failure depth, saturation ratio, root reinforcement, etc.) that are difficult to measure and model. In particular, the spatial heterogeneity of root reinforcement remains a problem, and the use of physically based models from a forest management perspective has been limited. This paper presents a procedure for assessing slope stability in terms of the Factor of Safety that accounts for forest stand characteristics such as tree density, average diameter at breast height and minimum distance between trees. The procedure combines a three‐dimensional (3D) slope stability model with an evaluation of the variability of root reinforcement in terms of a probability distribution, according to forest characteristics. Monte Carlo simulation is used to account for the residual uncertainties in both stand characteristics and 3D stability model parameters. The proposed method was applied in a subalpine catchment in the Italian Alps, mainly covered by coniferous forest and characterized by steep slopes and high landslide risk. The results suggest that the procedure is highly reliable, according to landslide inventory maps [area under the ROC curve (AUC) is 0.82 and modified success rate (MSR) is 0.70]. Thus, it represents a promising tool for studying the role of root reinforcement in landslide hazard mapping and guiding forest management from a slope stability perspective. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

目的:评估磁共振二维T2加权自旋回波成像序列(2D-T2WI TSE)与三维T2加权自旋回波成像序列(3D-T2WI TSE,VISTA)两种成像方法在直肠癌术前分期的准确性。方法:采用飞利浦3.0T MR机扫描,由两位放射科医师独立评估,回顾性分析从2016年1月至2016年4月间经病理确诊的33例直肠癌患者的2D-MRI序列及3D VISTA扫描序列图像。运用SPSS统计软件分别分析2D序列及3D VISTA序列对直肠癌术前T、N分期的准确性,并检验诊断结果的一致性。结果:33例病例,医师1与医师2其常规2D和3D VISTA检查序列T分期的准确性分别为70%和85%(P=0.274)及73%和82%(P=0.454),Kappa分别为0.576和0.790及0.618和0.746,3D VISTA序列评估T分期与病理结果的一致性优于2D序列;其N分期的准确性分别为58%和70%(P=0.182)及58%和67%(P=0.218),Kappa分别为0.252和0.407及0.267和0.376,N分期2D及3D VISTA分期与病理结果的一致性较差。结论:2D与3D VISTA序列对直肠癌TN分期的准确性无统计学差异,但是3D VISTA较2D序列在鉴别T2与早期T3及N分期方面有一定潜在优势。  相似文献   

2014年8月3日云南鲁甸发生M_S6.5地震,造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失。此次地震发震构造复杂,引起了地震学界的广泛关注。本文基于三维建模方法,建立鲁甸地区三维层状非均匀速度模型,采用逐段迭代射线追踪方法对鲁甸M_S6.5地震进行三维射线追踪走时计算;利用震中距150km范围内的近震Pg波震相走时数据,通过射线追踪走时拟合获得鲁甸地震的震源深度约为12km,与前人研究成果基本一致,表明了本文采用的三维建模和射线追踪方法的有效性。  相似文献   

目的:通过比较 X 线平片与三维 CT 检查对胫骨平台骨折损伤评价的信度和效度,探讨 X线平片与 CT 检查的应用价值。方法:回顾性分析2015年1月至2016年1月间收治的32例胫骨平台骨折损伤的病例,分别使用 X 线平片和三维 CT 检查对骨折损伤程度及部位做出判断,对骨折特征进行分析,对结果的效度进行判断(金标准为手术记录所描述),并用 McNemar 检验比较 X 线平片和三维 CT 判断结果。结果:胫骨平台骨折三维 CT 重建在外柱诊断优于 X 线平片(P =0.031),对骨折分型具有更高临床价值。结论:使用三维 CT 检查能够提高对胫骨平台骨折损伤评价的可靠性和准确性,可更好指导诊断及治疗方案的制订。  相似文献   

Subsurface rocks (e.g. shale) may induce seismic anisotropy, such as transverse isotropy. Traveltime computation is an essential component of depth imaging and tomography in transversely isotropic media. It is natural to compute the traveltime using the wavefront marching method. However, tracking the 3D wavefront is expensive, especially in anisotropic media. Besides, the wavefront marching method usually computes the traveltime using the eikonal equation. However, the anisotropic eikonal equation is highly non‐linear and it is challenging to solve. To address these issues, we present a layer‐by‐layer wavefront marching method to compute the P‐wave traveltime in 3D transversely isotropic media. To simplify the wavefront tracking, it uses the traveltime of the previous depth as the boundary condition to compute that of the next depth based on the wavefront marching. A strategy of traveltime computation is designed to guarantee the causality of wave propagation. To avoid solving the non‐linear eikonal equation, it updates traveltime along the expanding wavefront by Fermat's principle. To compute the traveltime using Fermat's principle, an approximate group velocity with high accuracy in transversely isotropic media is adopted to describe the ray propagation. Numerical examples on 3D vertical transverse isotropy and tilted transverse isotropy models show that the proposed method computes the traveltime with high accuracy. It can find applications in modelling and depth migration.  相似文献   

本文提出了一个新的方法以消除三维地震资料中的相关噪音。广义消除旁瓣聚束滤波方法(GSC)作为自适应线性约束聚束滤波方法(LCMV)的一个广义形式,包括一个固定的自适应聚束滤波器和一个在无约束聚束滤波器前的控制矩阵。考虑到三维观测系统的复杂性、在三维聚束滤波方法设计中有两个关键点:(1)采用将地震资料按方位角分区,把三维时距关系简化为二维;(2)引入动态平衡面元,避免有的方位角分区内地震道数可能不够。合成资料和实际资料结果表明,新研究的广义消除旁瓣聚束滤波方法能够得到高效、稳定和高分辨率的解。  相似文献   

Sediment transport equations typically produce transport rates that are biased by orders of magnitude. A causal component of this inaccuracy is the inability to represent complex grain-scale interactions controlling entrainment. Grain-scale incipient motion has long been modelled using geometric relationships based on simplified particle geometry and two-dimensional (2D) force or moment balances. However, this approach neglects many complexities of real grains, including grain shape, cohesion and the angle of entrainment relative to flow direction. To better represent this complexity, we develop the first vector-based, fully three-dimensional (3D) grain rotation entrainment model that can be used to resolve any entrainment formulation in 3D, and which also includes the effect of matrix cohesion. To apply this model we use X-ray computed tomography to quantify the 3D structure of water-worked river grains. We compare our 3D model results with those derived from application of a 2D entrainment model. We find that the 2D approach produces estimates of dimensionless critical shear stress ( ) that are an order of magnitude lower than our 3D model. We demonstrate that it is more appropriate to use the c-axis when calculating 2D projections, which increases values of to more closely match our 3D estimates. The 3D model reveals that the main controls on critical shear stress in our samples are projection of grains, cohesive effects from a fine-grained matrix, and bearing angle for the plane of rotation (the lateral angle of departure from downstream flow that, in part, defines the grain's direction of pivot about an axis formed by two contact points in 3D). The structural precision of our 3D model demonstrates sources of geometric error inherent in 2D models. By improving flow properties to better replicate local hydraulics in our 3D model, entrainment modelling of scanned riverbed grains has the potential for benchmarking 2D model enhancements. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

为了合理开发、利用地下空间资源,目前国内出现了一种新型的地铁车站结构形式:侧向连续开孔的地铁车站结构.因为车站边墙的开孔会削弱结构的整体抗震性能,所以有必要研究该结构形式的抗震能力.对侧向连续开孔的地铁车站结构建立了三维计算模型,通过研究其三维地震响应规律,确定了结构的薄弱部位,得到了地震荷载引起的结构内力的增幅.该研究成果可为今后此类地铁车站结构的抗震设计提供参考.  相似文献   

三维起伏地表条件下的地震波走时计算技术是研究三维起伏地表地区很多地震数据处理技术的基础性工具.为了获得适应于任意三维起伏地表且计算精度高的走时算法,提出三维不等距迎风差分法.该方法采用不等距网格剖分三维起伏地表模型,通过在迎风差分格式中引入不等距差分格式、Huygens原理及Fermat原理来建立地表附近的局部走时计算公式,并通过在窄带技术中设定新的网格节点类型来获得三维起伏地表条件下算法的整体实现步骤.精度及算例分析表明:三维不等距迎风差分法具有很高的计算精度且能够适应于任意三维起伏地表模型.  相似文献   

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