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用云南天文台一米望远镜卡焦摄谱仪(f=175mm相机),在哈雷彗星的日心距分别为1.11AU和0.83AU时,作了两次彗发光谱观测,得到了典型的彗发光谱。本文绘出了各带系清晰的分子发射光谱图及认证结果。此外,本文还给出了彗发CN的(0—1)带(λ4216)和C_3的蓝紫发射(λ4052)及C_2的(2—0)带(λ4365)的强度比CN/C_3和CN/C_2,其值分别为CN/C_3=1.03,CN/C_2=1.00。最后,我们还将结果与其他作者在这次回归中所得到的结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

一九八五年十一月十三日和十六日在国际哈雷彗星射电联测时段内,由加州大学贝克利分校I.D.Pater、芝加哥大学P.Palmer、伊利诺斯州立大学L.E.Snyder组成的观测小组,用设在新墨西哥州的美国国家射电天文台(NRAO)甚大阵(VLA)观测哈雷彗星的羟基(OH)谱线发射,得到了羟基最低能态(2II_3/2,J_5/3)F=2→2跃迁谱线(频率为  相似文献   

1988─1992年间,我们用云南天文台1m望远镜的Coude-CCD摄谱仪系统,对大角星的HeI10830A谱线进行了高分辨率光谱观测。从1991年6月2日的观测资料中发现谱线中出现明显的发射特征。该谱线显现出类似于天鹅座P型星的轮廓,有发射峰和吸收谷。发射峰的蓝移有相当于6km/s的向外速度。分析认为我们观测到的是大角星的一次以天计的短时标色球剧烈活动,它伴随着物质的向外抛射,也引起星周物质的向外运动。  相似文献   

1988-1992年间,我们用云南天文台1m望远镜的Coude-CCD摄谱仪系统,对大角星的Hei10830A谱线进行了高分辨率光谱观测。从1991年6月2日的观测资料中发现谱线中出现明显的发射特征。该谱线显出类似于天鹅座P型星的轮廓,有发射射 和吸收谷,发射峰的蓝移有相当于6km/s的向外速度。分析认为我们观测到的是大角星的一次以天计的短时标色球剧烈活动,它伴随着物质的向外抛射,也引起星周物质的  相似文献   

本文利用理论上失利的哈雷彗星OH脉泽谱线的平均流量密度公式,计算了一组结果与观测值进行比较,彼此互相符合较好,表明OH脉泽谱线理论模型是比较好的。并且根据哈雷存在星在OH脉泽谱线形态的初步分析,表明它在形态上与晚型星系统内OH源的非标准双峰脉泽谱线存在着某些定性的相似性。  相似文献   

根据中国科学院数理学部的安排,全国哈雷彗星观测协调工作会议1985年5月25日至29日在云南天文台召开。出席会议的有紫金山天文台、北京天文台、上海天文台、云南天文台和青岛海洋研究所的代表共19人。会议由全国哈雷彗星协调组组长、紫金山天文台研究员龚树模主持。 与会代表就各自为迎接哈雷彗星回归而安排的观测、研究课题进行了认真的学术论  相似文献   

云南天文台哈雷彗星彗尾的大尺度活动现象的观测自1986年4月3日到18日在思茅设临时观测点进行。本文叙述在云南南部的思茅和西双版纳选址的过程和结果。  相似文献   

本文主要综述三个问题:1.国外应用威尔逊山天文台1910年哈雷彗星(简称哈彗)回归所拍摄的多幅照片,怎样加以计算机处理,获得哈彗核的自转轴指向、周期以及核上三处发生喷流的速度和形成彗发等情况;2.近年来哈彗观测研究的进展;3.美、苏、西欧、日本发射六艘宇宙飞船近距探测哈彗以及美国航天飞机观测哈彗的计划。  相似文献   

Markarian 478是典型的窄线赛弗特I星系之一。本文展示了在 2 0 0 1年 1月利用远紫外光谱探测卫星 (FUSE)观测到的Markarian 478的远紫外光谱。我们的光谱覆盖了 91 5Å ;— 1 1 85Å的波长范围 ,分辨率约为 2 0km/s。我们在连续谱上探测到OⅥλλ1 0 3 2 ,1 0 3 8、NⅢλ989和CⅢλ977强发射线。在高电离双线OⅥ以及Lyβ的蓝端线翼上出现了成协吸收线 ,而在NⅢ和CⅢ发射线上没有出现内禀吸收线。这些吸收线被分解成 5个动力学成分 ,它们相对于系统红移zem=0 .0 774的静止坐标系速度覆盖了从 -2 3 0 0~ 3 70km/s的范围  相似文献   

本文以云南天文台CCD-Coude光谱系统中的云台1号CCD系统为例,讨论了CCD等面阵或线阵固体探测器件用于大色散光谱观测引起的噪声及消除的方法,重点讨论了平场的方法。  相似文献   

We report on low-spectral resolution observations of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 from 1983, 1989, 1994 and 2005 using the 2.7 m Harlan J. Smith telescope of McDonald Observatory. This comet was the target of NASA's Deep Impact mission and our observations allowed us to characterize the comet prior to the impact. We found that the comet showed a decrease in gas production from 1983 to 2005, with the decrease being different factors for different species. OH decreased by a factor 2.7, NH by 1.7, CN by 1.6, C3 by 1.8, CH by 1.4 and C2 by 1.3. Despite the decrease in overall gas production and these slightly different decrease factors, we find that the gas production rates of OH, NH, C3, CH and C2 ratioed to that of CN were constant over all of the apparitions. We saw no change in the production rate ratios after the impact. We found that the peak gas production occurred about two months prior to perihelion. Comet Tempel 1 is a “normal” comet.  相似文献   

A generalized Finson-Probstein formalism was used to analyse the streamer patterns in the dust tail of Comet Halley as observed between 22 February and 11 March, 1986. A periodic appearance of a pattern of double streamers was found in the dust tail, indicating a time interval in the emission of this structures of about 6.5 days, if interpreted as synchrones. The time interval between the emission of the two components of each double streamer is about 2.5 days. The results are discussed with respect to the rotation of Halley's nucleus.This work is based on observations made at the European Southern Observatory by ESO staff personal and by observers of the Astronomical Institute of the Ruhr-University, Bochum. We, furthermore, used an exposure made at the U.K. Schmidt telescope at Siding Spring, Australia, operated by the Royal Observatory Edinburgh, and published by Sekanina and Larson (1986).  相似文献   

鉴于分子天文学对研究银河系结构、恒星诞生和演化、宇宙化学及宇宙生命等方面有极其重要的意义,近年来国内不仅在这个领域的理论研究有迅速发展,而且积极进行着实测手段的建设.其中,用于谱线观测的射电频谱仪先后确定采用的数种技术方案,均已进行研制并已在实验室调测.然而因种种技术上的考虑,原来并没有打算采用国外已广泛使用的全数字化自相关射电频谱仪.  相似文献   

Millimeter-wave emission from HCN, CS, CH3OH, and two unidentified lines (previously observed in Comet Kohoutek (1973 XII)) was sought and not detected from Comet Bradfield (1979l) after perihelion passage. Limits on column densities and production rates are derived. In the case of HCN, the production rate is less than that reported for Comet Kohoutek, even after scaling relative to the observed OH emission from each comet.  相似文献   

We report high-spectral resolution observations of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 before, during and after the impact on 4 July 2005 UT of the Deep Impact spacecraft with the comet. These observations were obtained with the HIRES instrument on Keck 1. We observed brightening of both the dust and gas, but at different rates. We report the behavior of OH, NH, CN, C3, CH, NH2 and C2 gas. From our observations, we determined a CN outflow velocity of at least 0.51 km s−1. The dust color did not change substantially. To date, we see no new species in our spectra, nor do we see any evidence of prompt emission. From our observations, the interior material released by the impact looks the same as the material released from the surface by ambient cometary activity. However, further processing of the data may uncover subtle differences in the material that is released as well as the time evolution of this material.  相似文献   

Fabry-Perot interferometry of Comet Kohoutek (1973f) at 1.1 μm with a resolution of 1.2 Å showed emission features identified as OH and CN lines in addition to a strong Fraunhofer continuum. Central intensities have been derived for three cases (uniform, gaussian, and gaussian plus ??1 law) of brightness profiles in the comet coma. Limits for CH4, H2O, HeI, SiL and CrI are also derived.  相似文献   

The spectroscopic observations of comet C/2009 R1 (McNaught) were carried out with the 2 m Zeiss-RCC Telescope of Pik Terskol Observatory operated by the International Center for Astronomical and Medico-Ecological Research (Ukraine, Russia). The Multi Mode Cassegrain spectrometer was used to obtain spectra of moderate spectral resolving power with a wavelength coverage from 4140 to 5240 Å. The spectrum is characterized by the extremely low continuum level and strong molecular features. 192 emission lines of C2, CN, CH, NH2, CO+, and CH+ have been identified by the comparison of the observed and theoretical spectra of the molecules. The ratios of the gas production rates of Q(C2)/Q(CN)=1.32, Q(CH)/Q(CN)=0.49, and Q(NH2)/Q(CN)=0.81 were derived using a Haser model.  相似文献   

Results of the analysis of the Comet Halley spectrophotometry,which has been carried out by H.K. Nazarchuk in 1985 with the TVscanner of the 6-meter telescope (SAO, Russia) are presented. Timevariations in the intensities of the CN, CH, C2 and NH2bands were investigated using the series of spectra obtained inthe spectral region λλ=410÷ 510 nm. Theauto-correlation functions for all the bands, thecross-correlation functions for C2 lines and their Fouriertransformations are calculated to determine the frequencies andperiods of the variations. A possibility is considered thathigh-amplitude fast variations of spectral lines in Comet Halleyare caused by solar flares. The daily numbers of solar spots andproton fluxes with energies of more then 1 MeV are compared withthe spectral variations of these lines. It is shown that in theobservation periods the comet was projected onto an active regionof the Sun, but, among all the kinds of solar activity, mainlythe solar proton flux with energies less than 4 MeV coincides intime with fast intensity variations in the spectral lines. Analgorithm of cross-correlation analysis of discrete samplingseries with gaps is built, and average cross-correlation coefficientsare calculated.  相似文献   

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