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The anthropogenic impact on the biomass of coastal plankton communities caused by submerged disposal of urban sewage waters (dumping) was studied. The observations were carried out in August–September of 2002–2004 in Mamala Bay (Oahu Island, Hawaii) using satellite and sea truth methods. An analysis of the variability of the integral indicators of the water column determined on the basis of shipborne measurements allowed us to divide them into two groups: the elements most sensitive to the pollution (heterotrophic bacteria (H-Bact), the phototrophic cyanobacteria Synechococcus spp. (SYN), and chlorophyll a (CHLa)) and the elements that manifested episodic positive dependence on the inflow of the polluted waters (heterotrophic unicellular eukaryotes, small unicellular algae, the phototrophic green bacteria Prochlorococcus spp., as well as the total biomass of microplankton). It was shown that the submerged wastewater disposal in the region of the diffuser of the dumping device led to an insignificant (1.2–1.4 times, on the average) local increase in the integral biomass of H-Bact, SYN, and in the content of CHLa. A similar but sharper (1.5–2.1, on the average) increase in these parameters was found in the water layers with maximal biomasses. The possible pathways of disposed waters (under the pycnocline, at its upper boundary, and in the entire mixed layer) were analyzed on the basis of studying the vertical displacement of the biomasses of H-Bact, SYN, and prochlorophytes. The possibility of using the optical anomalies distinguished from satellite data as markers of anthropogenic eutrophication caused by dumping was confirmed. Application of such markers depends on the water transparency and on the shapes of the curves of the vertical distribution of autotrophic organisms.  相似文献   

The variability of the parameters of semidiurnal internal tides in Mamala Bay (Oahu Island, Hawaii) was investigated using the experimental data obtained with ADCP bottom current profilers and ther-mistor strings. It was stated that the size, shape, and orientation of the orbits, as well as the sign of the rotation of the orbital currents, are rarely similar to those characteristic of progressive internal waves on a rotating Earth. It is supposed that such unusual features of the orbital currents are related to the interference of the waves that arrive from the straits rimming Oahu Island and to the waves that, under favorable conditions, are episodically generated at the shelf edge of Mamala Bay. Due to the fact that the floor inclinations of the shelf in the bay are supercritical for semidiurnal internal tides, the local generation of internal tides is poorly efficient.  相似文献   

Human activities in the watersheds surrounding Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, have lead to the degradation of coastal coral reefs affecting populations of marine organisms of ecological, economic and cultural value. Urbanization, stream channelization, breaching of a peninsula, seawalls, and dredging on the east side of the bay have resulted in increased volumes and residence time of polluted runoff waters, eutrophication, trapping of terrigenous sediments, and the formation of a permanent nepheloid layer. The ecosystem collapse on the east side of the bay and the prevailing westward longshore current have resulted in the collapse of the coral and coralline algae population on the west side of the bay. In turn this has lead to a decrease in carbonate sediment production through bio-erosion as well as a disintegration of the dead coral and coralline algae, leading to sediment starvation and increased wave breaking on the coast and thus increased coastal erosion. The field data and resulting coral reef ecohydrology model presented in this paper demonstrate and quantify the importance of biophysical processes leading to coral reef degradation as the result of urbanization. Coral restoration in Maunalua Bay will require an integrated ecosystem approach.  相似文献   

Using the example of Zolotoi Rog Bay, which is strongly affected by anthropogenic pollution, it was shown that organic pollution essentially influences the structure of the microbial community, causing changes not only in the quantitative but also in the qualitative parameters such as the morphology, the type of metabolism, and the physiological activity of the microorganisms. We noted a zonation in the development and distribution of bacterioplankton, including the heterotrophic microflora in Zolotoi Rog Bay, which is caused by the high density of bacteria at the sites of organic matter supply and their low density in other areas examined, which are less influenced by the sewage. Special ecotrophic groups of microorganisms that are capable of utilizing the organic substratum entering the environment due to the anthropogenic impact become dominating in the heterotrophic microbial biocoenoses.  相似文献   

岬湾海岸中一般在岬角的右侧与左侧(面向大海方向)分别发育顺时针与逆时针涡流。这些涡流的存在对泥沙输运、海底地形演变、污染物扩散等都具有重要影响。而在海洋中岛屿的存在将产生局部的岛后尾流。如岛屿与岬角距离较近,岛后尾流可能与岬角涡旋相互作用,反之则相互影响较小。本文以海南岛铺前湾为例,研究在岬湾海岸中湾口处的人工岛建设对湾内涡旋的影响,并进一步分析人工岛建设对整个海湾海底冲淤变化的效应。本项研究主要采用COAWST模型进行研究。结果表明,大潮期在海湾内发育大范围的顺时针涡旋,小潮期涡旋发育不明显,以东向余流为主。人工岛建设并未影响整个海湾的涡旋结构,但人工岛分隔了湾内顺时针涡旋,且在周围产生局部的逆时针与顺时针涡旋。海底冲淤变化的基本格局为湾内以淤积为主,人工岛建设加强了这种趋势,但在人工岛与岸线之间的狭窄通道内,海底出现冲刷。本项研究对岬湾海岸的科学开发管理具有一定意义。  相似文献   

利用已经过验证的高分辨率三维海洋动力模型FVCOM,根据1984—2014年内伶仃洋的围填海变化情况,结合情景模拟案例,研究分析围填海对伶仃洋水流动力的影响,探究截流式和顺流式围填海对伶仃洋不同季节的水平余流场、垂向环流结构以及潮汐变化过程的影响。研究结果表明,围填海对伶仃洋的余流流向没有明显影响,但对余流速有较大的影响。在水平方向上,截流式围填海使得周边海域的余流速明显增大,增幅在0.02~0.25 m/s不等,其中口门区域受到的影响最大;相较于底层流场,表层流场受围填海的影响相对更大,围填海以南的较远海域在表层出现一条强度逐渐减弱的流速减小带,减幅在0.02~0.15 m/s不等,且影响范围与流场的分布密切相关,在夏季向南延伸,在冬季向西南延伸。顺流式围填海的影响则主要分布在伶仃洋两侧沿岸,并且不同季节的影响特点有一定区别,在夏季使得内伶仃洋东岸海域流速增大,但在冬季使其流速减小,变化幅度均在0.02 m/s以上。在垂直方向上,围填海使口门区域余流的纵向流速梯度增加,并且改变了伶仃洋余流的垂向分布情况,总体表现为远离围填海的海域表、底层余流的流速减小,中上层余流的流速增大;与此同时,围填海大幅度改变了周边海域的横向流速,并且在伶仃水道、矾石水道等区域产生了新的横向环流。围填海使得河口至围填海的余水位明显上升,使得伶仃洋海域的余水位下降,余水位梯度的增大是围填海周边余流速增大的主要原因。另外,围填海影响了伶仃洋的潮汐变化过程。在大潮期间,围填海改变了伶仃洋海域涨落潮时的潮流流速,使得周边海域落急流速增加,较远海域落急流速减小,而涨急流速都减小;同时,围填海使得海域涨落潮时的潮位受到一定影响。围填海最终使得伶仃洋的潮汐相位提前了20~35 min。  相似文献   

叶翔  李靖  王爱军 《海洋学报》2018,40(7):79-89
滨海湿地作为人类活动和全球变化反应最为敏感的区域,其沉积记录可以反映出周边地区环境变化及人类活动信息。珠江口淇澳岛滨海湿地钻孔分析结果表明,在中全新世期间淇澳岛附近海域为河口湾环境,在风化层以上开始出现淤积,但在4 200 a BP前后受极冷气候的影响,沉积物粗化;自2 500 a BP以来,沉积环境相对稳定,在小冰期期间略有变化。沉积速率计算结果显示:淇澳岛附近海域自中全新世高海面以来的平均沉积速率为0.29 cm/a,4 160~2 500 a BP、2 500 a BP-1488年、1488-1893年、1893-1986年、1990-2007年期间的平均沉积速率分别为:0.17 cm/a、0.23 cm/a、0.35 cm/a、1.37 cm/a和5.94 cm/a,沉积速率逐渐增大,反映了珠江三角洲演化过程中沉积相与沉积环境的变化;1986-1990年期间的海堤建造极大地扰动了该钻孔上部的沉积过程,在工程施工期间共沉积了厚度约112 cm的沉积层,而在海堤建成后,沉积速率也显著增大。沉积物总有机碳、总氮和C/N值的垂向分布表明,在4 160~2 500 a BP期间受海洋环境影响较大,沉积物中有机碳以海源为主,2 500 a BP以来沉积物中碳、氮含量明显增大,C/N也相应变大,有机碳主要来源于陆源输入,但在小冰期期间海源有机碳贡献略有所增大;近百年来由于受人类活动影响显著,陆源有机碳的贡献快速增加。  相似文献   

渤海湾是全世界受风暴潮灾害最严重的地区之一。近年来渤海湾建设了大量的大型海岸工程,为研究其建设以后风暴潮可能发生的变化,采用大-中-小区域多重嵌套方法,建立渤海风暴潮二维数值模型。以对渤海海域影响最显著的9216、9711台风和2003年10月三次风暴潮为例,对渤海湾大型工程实施前、后的风暴潮过程进行模拟,分析工程实施后风暴潮高潮水位变化,为工程实施可能对风暴潮防护带来的影响提供基础。计算表明,由于沿岸围垦减小海域的纳潮受水面积,海水被挤压抬升,渤海湾海域工程后风暴潮高潮位普遍抬升。在特大风暴潮作用下,水位最大升高可达0.10 m以上,在堤防设计中需引起重视。  相似文献   

In recent years,fast economic development demands for more land use and thus many reclamation projects are initiated around the Sanmen Bay,Zhejiang,SE China in the East China Sea,for which tidal and storm surge levels are reassessed.A two-dimensional numerical model based on an advanced circulation model(ADCIRC)was applied to evaluate the impact of reclamation projects on tidal and storm surge levels in the bay.The results show that the shoreline relocation and topographic change had opposite effects on tidal heights.Shoreline relocation decreased the tidal amplitude,while siltation caused topographic change and increased the amplitude.Such variations of the amplitude were significant in the top areas of Sanmen Bay.Three types of typhoon paths were selected for a case study to investigate the impacts of shoreline relocation and topographic change on storm surge level.Results show that the maximum increase in storm surge level due to shoreline relocation was less than 0.06 m.The rise of peak surge level due to the change of topography was significant and the peak surge level rose when siltation increased.The maximum surge level rise occurred in the path of northwest landing typhoons,which exceeded 0.24 m at the top of the bay.The rise in peak surge level can potentially lead to severe damages and losses in Sanmen Bay and more attention needs to be paid to this problem of shoreline change in the future.  相似文献   

Trace element concentrations (Pb, Cd, Mn, Fe, and Zn) were measured along four surface water transects across the continental shelf off Baja California, to evaluate the magnitude of heavy metal contamination in the coastal waters along the US-Mexican boundary. These initial measurements of trace elements in Mexican neritic waters revealed offshore concentration gradients, with the highest levels in coastal waters with high salinities and nutrient concentrations. There were also longshore gradients, with lower concentrations in the southern locations. Although the relative enrichment of metals detected at nearshore stations along the US-Mexican border appeared to correspond to wastewater discharges in that area, these trace metal enhancements were found to be primarily associated with physical oceanographic processes (upwelling and advection), rather than anthropogenic inputs. This was demonstrated both by metal-nutrient correlations and multivariate statistical analyses. Mass balance calculations also indicated that about 1% of Cd, 9% of Zn, and 29% of Pb were from urban discharges within the area.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton group-specific growth and microzooplankton grazing were determined seasonally using the dilution technique with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in the Xiamen Bay, a subtropical bay in southeast China, between May 2003 and February 2004. The results showed that growth rates of phytoplankton ranged from 0.71 to 2.2 d^-1 with the highest value occurred in the inner bay in May. Mierozooplankton grazing rates ranged from 0.5 to 3.1 d^-1 with the highest value occurred in the inner bay in August. Microzooplankton grazing impact ranged from 39% to 95% on total phytoplankton Chl a biomass, and 65% to 181% on primary production. The growth and grazing rates of each phytoplankton group varied, the highest growth rate (up to 3.3 d^-1 ) was recorded for diatoms in August, while the maximum grazing rate ( up to 2.1 d ^-1 ) was recorded for chlorophytes in February in the inner bay. Among main phytoplankton groups, grazing pressure of microzooplankton ranged from 10% to 83% on Chl a biomass, and from 14% to 151% on primary production. The highest grazing pressure on biomass was observed for cryptophytes (83%) in August, while the maximum grazing pressure on primary production was observed for eyanobacteria (up to 151% ) in December in the inner bay. Net growth rates of larger phytoplanktons (diatoms and dinoflagellates) were higher than those of smaller groups ( prasinophytes, chlorophytes and cyanobacteria). Relative preference index showed that microzooplankton grazed preferentially on prasinophytes and avoided to harvest diatoms in cold seasons (December and February).  相似文献   

杨世伦  李鹏  郜昂  张经 《海洋学报》2006,28(5):56-63
于2004年8月17~24日在胶州湾北部红岛潮滩上用OBS-3A和ADP-XR观测了水深、浊度、水平和垂直流速、回声强度、波浪、盐度、水温等水文泥沙要素,同时采集了悬沙和底沙样品作粒度分析.结果和结论为:(1)潮流动力较弱,表层和近底层最大流速分别只有31和26cm/s;(2)弱潮流动力导致潮周期大部分时间的悬沙浓度小于30mg/dm3,但浅水阶段近底悬沙浓度为100~1000mg/dm3;浅水阶段的短暂高悬浮泥沙浓度和其余长淹没时段的低悬沙浓度共同构成悬沙浓度的“U”形潮周期过程线;(3)悬沙浓度的垂直成层分布主要发生在潮周期的深水阶段和平静天气;(4)由于潮流弱和风浪的干扰,悬沙浓度未呈现大小潮周期的变化规律;(5)水体盐度为23.6~29.5;(6)淹没期的温度(21.4~28.6℃)比出露期的(19.3~30.9℃)稳定,温度极高值出现在午后出露期,而极低值出现在凌晨出露期;(7)“浅水效应”是弱动力潮滩泥沙运动的重要特点.  相似文献   

辽东湾绥中海岸演变及悬沙分布特征的遥感分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文利用辽东湾绥中地区22个年度(1975~1997年)的多时相卫星资料,分析绥中海岸自芷锚湾至狗河口约30km岸线的动态特征、近岸泥沙运动特点和悬浮泥沙的分布状况。所得结果表明,该段海岸近期处于相对稳定状态,近岸悬浮泥沙浓度较小,一般在10~50mg/L范围,是建设大中型海港码头的可选优良岸段。此外,通过遥感图象处理并结合现场调查,分析了近期近岸输沙特征和已建码头突堤堤根岸线淤涨特征,指出绥中沿岸输沙的主要方向是自西向东。  相似文献   

围填海工程对渤海湾风浪场的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵鑫  孙群  魏皓 《海洋科学》2013,37(1):7-16
为了深入了解围填海工程对波浪场特别是风浪场的影响,针对10 a 围填海工程对渤海湾地形岸线的改变,将 SWAN(Simulating Waves Nearshore)海浪数值模式应用到渤海湾,讨论了人类大工程对渤海湾风浪场的影响.采用欧洲气象中心每天4次的风场资料作为驱动,模拟渤海湾2000年和2010年的风浪场,着重分析岸线变化显著的3个港口工程(曹妃甸、天津港和黄骅港)附近海域的波浪要素变化.研究结果表明,工程建筑物存在后,有效波高呈减小趋势,港池和潮汐通道内的有效波高减小幅度较大.港口地理位置和海底地形也与岸线变化共同影响着港口附近海域的波浪场分布.围填海工程对波浪有效波高及周期影响的程度不大,有效波高减小值在0.2 m 以下,周期几乎不变.  相似文献   

曲宝晓  宋金明  袁华茂 《海洋学报》2018,40(10):119-130
通过对沉积物中粒度组成、总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、碳氮比(TOC/TN)和碳、氮稳定同位素丰度(δ13C、δ15N)等的分析,结合沉积年代学信息与端元混合模型结果,解析了百年尺度下大亚湾沉积物中不同来源有机质的演变过程及控制因素。结果表明,大亚湾沉积物特性在20世纪70年代末至80年代初发生了显著改变:在此之前,TOC、TN、δ13C和δ15N表现稳定,陆源与海源有机碳的比例维持在3∶7,而自此之后,TOC与TN含量显著升高,TOC/TN持续下降,在1980—2000年和2010年至今都出现了陆源有机碳比例升高,海源有机碳比例降低的现象。上述显著变化表明大亚湾海洋环境自20世纪70年代末至80年代初已经发生了重大变化。近20年来GDP与沉积柱中TN和δ15N呈现出的显著正相关,与TOC/TN呈现出的显著负相关,表明沿岸经济的迅猛增长,水产养殖业的快速发展,周边人口的急速增加等人为活动,是造成大亚湾生态环境变化的重要原因。未来的研究应更密切关注人为活动对海湾生态环境的影响,通过法律法规约束行为,加强海湾生态环境保护与修复治理工作。  相似文献   

Time-series InSAR analysis(e.g., permanent scatterers(PSInSAR)) has been proven as an effective technology in monitoring ground deformation over urban areas. However, it is a big challenge to apply this technology in coastal regions due to the lack of man-made targets. An distributed scatterers interferometric synthetic aperture radar(DSInSAR) is developed to solve the problem of insufficient samples and low reliability in monitoring coastal lowland subsidence, by applying a spatially adaptive filter and an eigendecomposition algorithm to estimating the optimal phase of statistically homogeneous distributed scatterers(DSs). Twenty-four scenes of COSMO-Sky Med images acquired between 2013 and 2015 are used to retrieve the land subsidence over the Shangyu District on south coast of the Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang Province, China. The spatial pattern of the land subsidence obtained by the PS-InSAR and the DSInSAR coincides with each other, but the density of the DSs is three point five times higher than the permanent scatterers(PSs). Validated by precise levelling data over the same period, the DSInSAR method achieves an accuracy of ±5.0 mm/a which is superior to the PS-InSAR with±5.5 mm/a. The land subsidence in the Shangyu District is mainly distributed in the urban areas, industrial towns and land reclamation zones, with a maximum subsidence rate –30.2 mm/a. The analysis of geological data, field investigation and historical reclamation data indicates that human activities and natural compaction of reclamation material are major causes of the detected land subsidence. The results demonstrate that the DSInSAR method has a great potential in monitoring the coastal lowland subsidence and can be used to further investigate subsidence-related environmental issues in coastal regions.  相似文献   

近年来随着三门湾内围垦工程规模的不断扩大,三门湾的岸线及水深地形发生了显著变化,有必要重新评估三门湾内的潮汐振幅特征。本研究基于ADCIRC二维潮汐模型,开展了三门湾围垦工程实施前后潮汐振幅变化规律的研究。结果表明:三门湾内以半日潮为主,湾口和湾顶处振幅相差较大。单纯考虑围垦工程引起的岸线变化时,半日潮振幅受到的影响较为明显,振幅以减小为主,M2分潮减小幅度为0. 08~0. 10 m。采用经验公式预测了围垦工程造成的最终回淤量,围垦工程附近平均淤积为1. 5~2. 5 m,深水区附近淤积更加严重。当考虑了回淤导致的地形变化后,围垦工程区附近的潮汐振幅会有显著的减小,半日分潮减小幅度要远大于全日分潮,在围垦区域前沿,M2分潮振幅减小幅度较为明显,然后向外侧逐步减小。与单纯岸线变化相比,水深地形改变导致的潮汐振幅变化幅度要远大于前者。  相似文献   

琼东海域今生颗石藻群落研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
刘海娇  孙军  冯媛媛 《海洋学报》2015,37(12):27-40
通过2012年7、8月在南海北部陆架琼东上升流区域的水文、化学和生物的现场综合采样调查,对采集过滤的今生颗石藻膜样在偏振光显微镜下鉴种并统计细胞丰度,分析了夏季该海域的颗石藻群落结构特征及分布规律。结果表明,夏季琼东上升流区共检出今生颗石藻34种,优势物种有赫氏艾密里藻(Emiliania huxleyi)、大洋桥石藻(Gephyrocapsa oceanica)、纤细伞球藻(Umbellosphaera tenuis)、卡特螺旋球藻(Helicosphaera carteri)、地中海花冠球藻(Coronosphaera mediterranea)等,颗石粒细胞丰度介于0~2 040.23×103粒/L,平均值8.10×103粒/L,颗石球丰度介于0~68.90×103cells/L,平均值5.01×103 cells/L。大多数颗石藻集中分布在上升流信号强的水体中。琼东中部水域的生物多样性指数H′较雷州半岛以东水域高,颗石粒群落的均匀度指数J分布与H′呈镶嵌模式。聚类Cluster和多维定标MDS结果,将颗石粒和颗石球群落各分成4个和5个组群,经相似性分析(ANOSIM)检验证明此种划分是显著的。将生物与海区环境因子进行冗余分析(Redundancy analysis,RDA)结果表明,N/P、PO3-4、NO-2和SiO2-3是影响本次调查的今生颗石藻生物群落的主控因子。  相似文献   

Physical forcing plays a major role in determining biological processes in the ocean across the full spectrum of spatial and temporal scales. Variability of biological production in the Bay of Bengal (BoB) based on basin-scale and mesoscale physical processes is presented using hydrographic data collected during the peak summer monsoon in July–August, 2003. Three different and spatially varying physical processes were identified in the upper 300 m: (I) anticyclonic warm gyre offshore in the southern Bay; (II) a cyclonic eddy in the northern Bay; and (III) an upwelling region adjacent to the southern coast. In the warm gyre (>28.8 °C), the low salinity (33.5) surface waters contained low concentrations of nutrients. These warm surface waters extended below the euphotic zone, which resulted in an oligotrophic environment with low surface chlorophyll a (0.12 mg m−3), low surface primary production (2.55 mg C m−3 day−1) and low zooplankton biovolume (0.14 ml m−3). In the cyclonic eddy, the elevated isopycnals raised the nutricline upto the surface (NO3–N > 8.2 μM, PO4–P > 0.8 μM, SiO4–Si > 3.5 μM). Despite the system being highly eutrophic, response in the biological activity was low. In the upwelling zone, although the nutrient concentrations were lower compared to the cyclonic eddy, the surface phytoplankton biomass and production were high (Chl a – 0.25 mg m−3, PP – 9.23 mg C m−3 day−1), and mesozooplankton biovolume (1.12 ml m−3) was rich. Normally in oligotrophic, open ocean ecosystems, primary production is based on ‘regenerated’ nutrients, but during episodic events like eddies the ‘production’ switches over to ‘new production’. The switching over from ‘regenerated production’ to ‘new production’ in the open ocean (cyclonic eddy) and establishment of a new phytoplankton community will take longer than in the coastal system (upwelling). Despite the functioning of a cyclonic eddy and upwelling being divergent (transporting of nutrients from deeper waters to surface), the utilization of nutrients leading to enhanced biological production and its transfer to upper trophic levels in the upwelling region imply that the energy transfer from primary production to secondary production (mesozooplankton) is more efficient than in the cyclonic eddy of the open ocean. The results suggest that basin-scale and mesoscale processes influence the abundance and spatial heterogeneity of plankton populations across a wide spatial scale in the BoB. The multifaceted effects of these physical processes on primary productivity thus play a prominent role in structuring of zooplankton communities and could consecutively affect the recruitment of pelagic fisheries.  相似文献   

遥感在海岸岸滩稳定性分析中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
何青  恽才兴 《海洋学报》1999,21(5):87-94
利用多时相航卫片图像信息和现场观测资料相结合的研究方法,通过对三门湾自然环境、水动力条件、泥沙运动等因素分析,研究海岸岸滩形态及演变过程,指出该地区的岸滩稳定性现状和影响因素.提出利用航卫片技术有空间分布和环境动态分析方面的优势,结合常规水文地形资料进行海岸岸滩稳定性综合分析的新思路.  相似文献   

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