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A novel approach to particle sizing in estuarine waters using a submersible laser diffraction instrument is described. In situ measurements with this instrument are rapid and avoid both the physical disruption of fragile aggregates with pumping and the settlement of larger particles in isolated samples which interfere with currently available sizing techniques. Measurements of the size distributions of suspended particle populations in the Tamar Estuary using this apparatus are compared with measurements carried out on discrete samples obtained from the same depth by pumping. The results confirm the fragile nature of estuarine aggregates and the necessity for in situ measurements in studies of estuarine suspended particle dynamics and fluxes.  相似文献   

在研究海岸侵蚀的过程中,泥沙沉速是一个重要参数,对于侵淤量的计算非常重要。近些年来,由于工程活动、海洋动力和气候等因素变化的影响,珊瑚砂海岸的侵蚀冲刷问题已不容忽视。考虑到珊瑚砂与石英砂在形状、比重上的不同会对其沉速造成影响,套用现有石英砂的沉速公式进行计算并不合适。本文针对珊瑚砂和石英砂进行沉降试验,分析形状对珊瑚砂沉速的影响。结果显示,在小粒径(d 0.5 mm)下形状对珊瑚砂沉速的影响并不明显,在大粒径(d 0.5 mm)下明显减缓了珊瑚砂的沉降速度,套用石英砂的沉降公式计算出的珊瑚砂沉速明显偏大。故通过提出动力形状因子这一参数来表征形状对沉降的影响,推导出考虑了形状影响的沉降公式,能够较为准确地计算砂粒的沉速范围,计算精度随着黏度的增大而提升。  相似文献   

The use of an antioxidant buffer allows potentiometric titrations of dissolved sulfide, providing cadmium or lead rather than silver is used as titrant. The method yields a measure of water-soluble as contrasted with acid-soluble sulfide.The vertical distribution of water-soluble sulfide has been determined in eight sediment cores from Montsweag Bay, Maine. Concentration profiles are characterized by one or two distinct maxima near the surface at depths ranging from 30 cm in areas of slow sedimentation, to 120 cm in areas of rapid sediment accumulation. Concentrations of sulfide at the maxima range from 1 to 8 moles sulfur per cubic meter of in situ mud, or from 0.6 to 4. millimoles sulfur per liter of pore water. The sulfide-rich upper portion of the mud is poorly consolidated and custardy in texture. As they are likely to be resuspended during proposed channel modifications, it is appropriate to inquire as to the oxidative demand of these sediments arising from their hydrogen sulfide content alone. Using a conservative estimated mean of 5 moles sulfide/m3-mud, it is shown that a mixing ratio of less than 30 volumes of oxygen saturated seawater per volume of mud will render the water anoxic.  相似文献   


Rock drilling is a significant activity widely used in the exploration of marine mineral resources and offshore civil engineering such as marine mining, petroleum and deep-water drilling. The characteristics of size and shape of particles produced during rock drilling influence drilling efficiency and energy consumption. We report a series of drilling experiments on sandstone, limestone and shale to systematically examine particle size distribution and shape and correlate these with original rock structure and composition. Correlations are established via metrics of particle size distribution, average circularity and specific surface area. Impact breakage and contact abrasion of individual particles during rock drilling are the main mechanisms controlling particle size and shape. Impact breakage is controlled by the structural distribution of mineral phases, while contact abrasion is principally related to the hardness of mineral phases. The particle size distribution is affected by the structural distribution of mineral phases. The average circularity of the drilling particles is mainly controlled by the hardness of mineral phases. The specific surface area of rock drilling particles is determined by both structural distribution and hardness of mineral phases – with homogeneous structure and low average hardness of the phases reducing the resulting specific surface area of the drilling products.  相似文献   

微生物膜对海洋无脊椎动物幼体附着变态的影响研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
一般来说,一旦把表面洁净的载玻片等附着基浸入海中,在数分钟到数小时内,该附着基的表面将迅速形成微生物膜[1].起初,各种有机物会吸附在附着基的表面,进而引起附着基表面的电荷变化.随后,海洋细菌开始在该基质上附着和繁殖,并分泌胞外多糖类等有机物,在附着基的表面上形成细菌黏膜[1-2].由于细菌分解有机物产生CO2、 NH3,附着硅藻、原生动物以及其他微细藻类开始在基质上附着,最终形成微生物膜[1-3].  相似文献   

Estuaries serve as nursery grounds for many marine fish species. However increasing human activities within estuaries and surrounding areas lead to significant habitat loss for the juveniles and decrease the quality of the remaining habitats. This study is based on the data of 470 beam trawls from surveys that were conducted in 13 French estuaries for the purpose of the European Water Framework Directive. It aimed at testing the effects of anthropogenic disturbances on the nursery function of estuaries. With a multispecific approach based on ecological guilds, two fish metrics, abundance and species richness of Marine Juvenile migrant fishes, were used as proxies for the estuarine nursery function. Indices of heavy metal and organic contaminations were used to estimate anthropogenic disturbances impacting these estuaries. Fish metrics were described with statistical models that took into account: (a) sampling protocol, (b) estuarine features and (c) contamination. The results of these models showed that the fish metrics highly depend on the sampling protocol, and especially type of gear, depth and salinity, which highlights the necessity of considering such metrics at the sampling (trawl haul) scale. Densities and species richness of Marine Juvenile fishes appeared to be strongly and negatively correlated to contamination indices. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that human disturbances impact the nursery function of estuaries. Finally, the densities of Marine Juvenile migrant species appeared as a potential robust and useful fish indicator for the assessment of the ecological status of estuaries within the Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

High-frequency seismic reflection profiling is a well-established and often used technique in marine investigations. Traditionally seismic data are viewed as two-dimensional time sections. Given closely spaced profile lines, it is possible to produce posted two-way travel time maps of sub-surface reflectors which, when plotted as isometric displays, clearly show the three-dimensional spatial morphology of the sub-surface topography. With borehole control, such information can be used to provide a series of images which indicate temporal as well as spatial relationships of sub-surface reflectors. With the high-resolution afforded by high-frequency methods, detailed information on palaeo-environments can be reconstructed. Using the geophysical database as a basic framework, other aspects of the same environment can be examined in considerable detail. To demonstrate the effectiveness of these procedures, examples will be given from Plymouth Sound where a series of nested buried rock valleys has been mapped in detail from Sparker and Boomer surveys which have been interpreted in the light of newly-acquired borehole information. Isometric plots of the various sub-surface interfaces show how the channels have developed as sea level has risen over the last ca. 10,000 years. Different sedimentological facies can be resolved within the channel system thus providing information about the processes involved in their formation. Methods of improving the resolution and subsequent geological interpretation of high-resolution seismic reflection surveys are being developed for shallow marine and estuarine environments such as those found in Plymouth Sound.  相似文献   

为了研究粒径因素对于潮间带沉积物吸附多环芳烃(PAHs)的影响,基于索氏提取法、比值法、统计分析法和室内等温吸附实验以及0~31、32~64 μm和大于64 μm这三种不同粒径的沉积物对于16种多环芳烃各自吸附参数的反演计算,研究盐城潮滩沉积物PAHs赋存状态以及沉积物粒径对PAHs的吸附能力。结果表明,研究地点的潮滩沉积物中PAHs含量为49.67~141.90 ng·g−1,平均为74.92 ng·g−1。沉积物中的PAHs主要以3环、4环和5环为主, 其主要来源为高温燃烧源。在沉积物有机质含量极低时, 粒径对PAHs的吸附起主导作用。  相似文献   

Variations in the natural particle size spectra following the addition of Venezuelan crude oil in seawater (? 6 μl litre?1) were related to the mixing speeds of the emulsion and were independent of the oil concentration. The particle spectrum and feeding behaviour of Meganyctiphanes norvegica and Calanus hyperboreus were both modified. Artificially created oil droplets were suitable in size for ready ingestion by zooplankton. The growth and survival of contaminated Acartia hudsonica were rapidly and significantly reduced. Groups under starvation conditions showed similar decreases to those exposed to oil. During a depuration period, treated copepods exhibited growth rates similar to those of untreated specimens. The input and noxious effects of crude oil are discussed with special reference to particle size distribution and chemosensory feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

许多海洋无脊椎动物在变成附着成体之前,有一个浮游幼体阶段。幼体的浮游生活短则几分钟。长达数月。一般来说,海洋无脊椎动物幼体的附着变态主要由外界环境因子和内源性因子控制,特别是外界环境因子对许多海洋无脊椎动物的幼体附着和变态起着极为重要的作用。  相似文献   

Meiobenthos assemblages in eight estuaries of the Mekong river system were investigated in August 2008 (from the Cua Tieu estuary to the Tran De estuary). In each estuary, one sampling station was established for meiobenthos sampling. Twelve major taxa of meiobenthos were recorded in this estuarine system, including Nematoda, Copepoda, Turbellaria, Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, Tardigrada, Bivalvia, Ostracoda, Amphipoda, Cumacea, Gastrotricha, Gastropoda, and Crustacean Nauplii larvae. The densities of the meiobenthos range from 581 to 3168 inds/10 cm2. Nematodes always occupy the highest numbers with a percentage ranging from 64–99%. There are 135 nematode genera recorded in this study with the following as dominant genera Desmodora, Leptolaimus, Halalaimus, Thalassomonhystera, Theristus, Daptonema, Rhynchonema, Parodontophora, and Oncholaimus. Although the biodiversity of the meiobenthos at higher taxa level is not high compared to other marine environments, the estimates of nematode biodiversity at the genus level indicates high values. The increase in number of genera with increasing sampling intensity illustrate that the diversity is underestimated and would have been higher if the authors had considered a larger number of individuals, more replicates per station, and more sampling stations.  相似文献   

生物学家一直对生物个体的粒度很感兴趣,认为粒度是影响生物个体的新陈代谢速率、生物个体在生态系中的地位、以及生态系的生物多样性的决定因素。许多生理学家对生物个体粒度的功能做了验证和说明。  相似文献   

Schwinghamer's (1981) habitat architecture hypothesis for body mass spectra in marine sediments predicts a single macrofauna mode in response to the bulk nature of the sediment. This proposition was examined for intertidal macrofauna from a well-studied estuarine system, using kernel density estimation to define modality and the locations of peaks and troughs. Three sedimentary environments and habitats were examined along a disturbance gradient related to eutrophication. Our results indicate that bimodality is likely to occur within the macrofauna size range, which weakens the habitat architecture model and casts doubts on the mechanisms behind other modes in benthic size spectra. The location of the modes and intervening trough were not conservative and not apparently related to sediment grain size or habitat structure, but somewhat dependent on the presence of particular species: the presence or absence of large numbers of individuals of Hydrobia ulvae and larger-bodied taxa such as Scrobicularia plana and Hediste diversicolor. Alternative competing hypotheses are explored for the observed results, including Warwick's (1984) phylogenetic explanation, but taking into consideration both species composition and disturbance impact, it seems most likely Holling's (1992) textural discontinuity hypothesis, as a measure of resilience, could be a plausible explanation.  相似文献   

我国海洋矿产资源的现状浅析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
随着工业化进程的加速,人类 对矿产资源的需求也与日俱增,而陆地上的许多矿产资源正面临着枯竭的危险,且已很难满足人们的需求.人类为了自身的生存和发展,势必要把开发矿产资源的目光从陆地转向海洋.占地球表面积71%的蓝色海洋蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源,陆地上有的矿产在海洋里几乎都有.因此,把海洋作为人类探求新的矿产资源基地,已成为许多海洋国家的共识.  相似文献   

The death assemblage is an important source of information about temporal variability in community composition. The living community and the short-term death assemblage have been studied at a sandy-bottom station in the Laguna Madre, Texas. Abundance peaks of living species are usually followed by long-term abundance increases of the same species in the death assemblage. This phenomenon provides a tool for investigating between-sampling-occasion events in the preservable component of the living community. Given a six-week sampling regimen, approximately 90% of all individuals settle, live and die during the period between consecutive sampling occasions and are not collected alive. Thus, larval settlements are consistently underestimated by about 90% from data on the living community. Comparisons of year-to-year variability in settlement and survivorship of settled individuals in the youngest age classes may be considerably in error. Better estimations of actual settlement and survivorship can be made from the death assemblage provided that the rate of taphonomic loss can be quantified. The rate of taphonomic loss can be expressed as the species' half-life, the time required for the destruction of 50% of the individuals that were added to the death assemblage following settlement. Half-lives for the smallest size classes in the death assemblage at this site are about 100 days.  相似文献   

I~D~IONThe numerous research results on the deep-sea manganese nodules show that the most valuable metal elements such as Cu, Ni are mainly concentrated in the manganese minerals, which only take about 15% Of the weight in the total manganese nodules, therefore, many marine scien.tists pay more attention in their research on the manganese minerals rather than the other mineralsin the deep-sea maganeses nodules.There are more than tens of different kinds of manganese mineral phases in the nod…  相似文献   

A 42-d flow-through experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of the organo-phosphate pesticide, chlorpyrifos, and microcosm size (small: 144 cm2; large: 400 cm2) on benthic estuarine macroinvertebrate colonization. Nested central and perimeter (outside margin) cores were used to assess animal distribution within microcosms. Fine-grained, organically-rich (approximately 4.0% organic carbon and 20% dry wt) sediments were nominally fortified with chlorpyrifos controls, low (1.0) and high treatments (10.0 μg−1 wet sediment). Large microcosms contained a significantly (p < 0.05) higher average taxa richness (10.9) than small microcosms (8.6) but small microcosms contained a significantly greater average animal density (295.8; numerical abundance adjusted to unit area) than large microcosms (120.5). Density of the polychaete, Neanthes succinea, the amphipod, Corophium acherusicum, and the barnacle, Balanus sp., was significantly greater in small microcosms but density of Ensis minor was significantly greater in large microcosms. In small and large microcosms, respectively, densities averaged significantly greater numbers in perimeter cores (e.g. 203.1 and 75.1) vs central cores (71.9 and 45.4). Average density decreased significantly with increasing chlorpyrifos concentration from controls (326.8), to low (123.8) and high (78.8) treatments. The density decrease was significantly related only to C. acherusicum whose densities decreased from controls (285.8) to low (88.5) and high (43.9) dosed microcosms. Application of an equilibrium partitioning model indicated that density of C. acherusicum was sensitive to an estimated interstitial water concentration of approximately 0.48 μg liter−1. Non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination analyses provided important insights into response patterns not available through ANOVA procedures. A permutation procedure (ANOSIM) detected a significant size effect (p < 0.0001) and a significant effect between controls and low (p < 0.042) and high doses (p < 0.013) but not between low and high chlorpyrifos treatments (p < 0.465). A single species, C. ascherusicum, as in the ANOVA analyses, dominated contributions to community average percent dissimilarity in most combinations of microcosm size and chlorpyrifos treatment effects (range: 8.4–21.9%). Community structure differed significantly in several combinations of microcosm size, core position and chlorpyrifos treatment. Results confirm earlier work that intrinsic design factors influence benthic macroinvertebrate community structure and determine taxa available to pesticide exposure in microcosms.  相似文献   

台湾海峡表层沉积物的粒度和碎屑矿物分布特征方建勇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用系统聚类分析和因子分析的方法对台湾海峡283个表层沉积物样品的粒度组成和85个样品的矿物组成进行了分析,结果表明:台湾海峡表层沉积物由6种沉积物类型组成,可以划分把它们为3种与沉积动力相对应的主要沉积环境区;在表层沉积物共发现碎屑矿物61种,以轻组分矿物为主,平均含量高达97.73%,共发现轻矿物14种;重组分矿物含量较低,平均为2.27%,共发现47种重矿物。影响台湾海峡表层沉积物矿物分布及含量变化的最重要因素是物质来源,其次是水动力条件以及矿物自身的变质程度等。台湾海峡表层沉积物的主要物质来源包括来自福建和台湾省河流的入海泥沙、海峡两岸的侵蚀和剥蚀物质、韩江及部分来自浙闽沿岸流携带的长江和钱塘江物质,台湾海峡晚更新世残留物及部分自生矿物等。  相似文献   

为探究富营养河口水体藻华粒级结构的调控机制,本研究利用枯水期珠江口上游河水、下游海水及其等比例混合水进行培养实验,跟踪监测水体中叶绿素a和营养盐的浓度变化,并利用稀释实验估算藻类生长速率(μ)和小型浮游动物的摄食速率(m),以阐明上行控制(营养盐刺激)和下行控制(摄食影响)对藻类粒级结构的影响。结果显示:营养加富能增加藻类的生物量,藻类群落的优势粒级由超微型和微型转换为小型;加富河水中μ维持2~3 d高值后下降,速率为(1.13±0.37)d−1,加富海水中μ逐步增加,速率为(1.06±0.16)d−1,加富混合水中μ轻微波动,速率为(0.58±0.14)d−1,总体上小型藻类μ最大。3组加富水体中m总体均先增大后下降,粒级差异不明显。藻类被小型浮游动物摄食率(m/μ)随粒级增大而减小,说明富营养刺激大粒级的生长,大粒级面临的被摄食压力较小。m/μ随藻类每日的比生长速率(µChl a)降低而增加,说明藻华前期由上行控制主导,后期下行控制作用相对加强。本研究表明,富营养化不仅能够改变藻华的生物量,而且能影响其粒级结构,初步阐明了富营养河口水体中藻华粒级结构的调控机制。  相似文献   

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