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Data are presented from several experiments in the freshwater-saltwater interface (FSI) region of the Tamar Estuary. Longitudinal surveys of salinity and suspended particulate matter (SPM) at high water showed that the location of the FSI could be predicted in terms of a power-law regression with freshwater runoff. Longitudinal transects also were surveyed over periods of several hours. The FSI was observed to advect into the region on the flood with strong vertical mixing. After high water, stratification became intense as fresher water ebbed in the surface layers. The near-bed water in the stratified region began to ebb between 2 h and 3 h before low water. A model of the vertical structure of longitudinal currents showed that the enhanced stratification on the ebb, coupled with the longitudinal density gradient, partly produced this long period of slack, near-bed currents following high water. A strong turbidity maximum (TM) occurred during spring tides and was located slightly up-estuary of the FSI at high water. Longitudinal transects during a period of low freshwater runoff and large neap tide showed that at the start of the flood the TM was associated with the FSI region. As the FSI advected up-estuary on the flood there was considerable resuspension of sediment at the FSI. Some of this SPM moved with the FSI and reached the limit of saline intrusion, where it formed a slowly-eroding TM as particles settled during the long, high-water slack period. As the near-bed currents increased on the ebb and the FSI moved down-estuary, strong vertical mixing and resuspension of recently deposited sediment occurred in the unstratified water behind the FSI and the associated TM advected down-estuary. Additional effects were present with stronger tides and increased runoff.  相似文献   

Variability in the standard deviation of surface wind direction (σθ), under different Pasquill stability regimes on diurnal, seasonal and interannual scales has been investigated making use of a 10-year data set collected at Visakhapatnam (17°42′ N., 82° 18′ E) during January, April, August and October for winter, pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon seasons respectively. The diurnal scale variability in σθ is more pronounced during day time than in night. The seasonal variability in σθ is only moderate around noon while relatively large fluctuations are noticed on inter-annual scale only during day time in January and August. The seasonal dispersion in σθ decreased from most unstable regime to most stable regime.  相似文献   

Nutrient fluxes and primary production were examined in Lake Illawarra (New South Wales, Australia), a shallow (Zmean=1.9 m) coastal lagoon with a surface area of 35 km2, by intensive measurement of dissolved nutrients and oxygen profiles over a 22-h period. Rates of primary production and nutrient uptake were calculated for the microphytobenthos, seagrass beds, macroalgae, and pelagic phytoplankton. Although gross nutrient release rates to the water column and sediment pore waters were potentially high, primary production by microphytobenthos rapidly sequesters the re-mineralized nutrients so that net releases, averaged over times longer than a day, were low. Production in the water column was closely coupled with the relatively low sediment net nutrient release rates and detrital decomposition in the water column. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen and silica concentrations in the water column are drawn down at the beginning of the day. The system did not appear to be light limited so photosynthesis occurs as fast as the nutrients become available to the phytoplankton and microphytobenthos. We conjecture that microphytobenthos are the dominant primary producers and, as has been shown previously, that the nutrient uptake occurs in phase with the various stages of the diatom growth.  相似文献   

The authors present stratigraphic data from Los Buchillones, a now submerged Taino village on the north coast of central Cuba that was occupied from some time prior to A.D. 1220 until 1640 or later. Los Buchillones is one of the best‐preserved sites in the Caribbean, with material culture remains that include palm thatch and wooden structural elements from some of the more than 40 collapsed structures. The purpose of this study was to investigate the environment and site‐formation processes of the Taino settlement. Sediment cores were sampled from the site and its vicinity to permit integration of the geological and archaeological stratigraphies. The cores were analyzed for color, texture, mollusk content, elemental geochemistry, and mineralogy. The results of the stratigraphic work are consistent with regional sealevel data that shows relative sea level has risen gradually during the late Holocene, but has remained relatively stable since the time the Taino first occupied Los Buchillones. Of the two structures partially cleared, at least one appears to have been built over the water, supported on pilings. Site selection is likely to have resulted from a consideration of environmental factors, such as access to marine, terrestrial, and lagoonal resources, and proximity to freshwater springs. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

灰岩区的溶蚀现象不仅会导致基岩面起伏很大,还会产生溶蚀带、溶洞、土洞等地质现象,严重影响到该地区工程建设。近年来,根据溶洞、土洞与其围岩电性的差异,使用电法勘探寻找溶洞、土洞取得了较好的效果。单极-偶极时间域激电测深方法在建筑场地岩溶勘查中的应用表明,该方法对于查明建筑场地岩溶、土洞的存在以及分布范围是一种有效的地球物理勘探方法。  相似文献   

Coastal upwelling is of great social and economic significance to the human community. The Vietnam coastal upwelling is a fundamental part of upwelling systems in the South China Sea, western Pacific Ocean. However, its sedimentary response to global warming has been largely unknown. Here we reconstruct a 3200-year sedimentary record based on high-resolution geochemical analyses of a marine core from off the Vietnamese coast. The results reveal an abrupt sedimentary change since approximately 1950 ce. The abrupt change is explained by concurrent rapid intensification of the coastal upwelling. This can be ascribed to significant global change since the beginning of the 20th century. Global warming could enhance wind speed during the summer and strengthen the coastal upwelling. The forced upwelling results in an increase in nutrient availability and marine primary production; however, ongoing global warming may also increase the risk of more frequent algal blooms in this area.  相似文献   

Numerous industrial or burial sites contaminated by persistent organic pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and pesticides were discovered in China recently. Due to improper choice of technology, many remediation cases had cost too much; however, failed to attain expected goals. In this study, the distribution and transport of PCBs at a burial site were investigated using tested PCBs concentration in order to support the choice of remediation technology and estimate the remediation results. Site characterization was carried out in order to investigate the hydrogeological condition and PCBs pollution nearby the capacitor burial site located in Shanxi, China. Results of PCBs measurement indicated that the proportion of contaminated soil with concentration above 500 mg/kg is 7.8 % and the value for soil with concentration between 50 and 500 mg/kg is 18.0 %. Considering adsorption and biodegradation, the two-dimensional PCBs transport model was established based on advection–dispersion equation. The model calibration showed a good agreement between measured and computed values, indicating the feasibility of this model used for predicting the transport and disappearance of PCBs in soil. Results of 100 years’ simulation demonstrated the slow migration and biodegradation of PCBs. Simulations were conducted for before and after remediation scenarios. Comparison of the results indicates that the remediation alternatives of excavation–incineration and thermal desorption have successfully removed most of the organics and thus reduced the environmental risk to a low level.  相似文献   

Sea breeze characteristics around Kalpakkam tropical coastal site are studied using an Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) mesoscale model, which is non-hydrostatic, compressible atmospheric prediction model following the terrain coordinate system. Various options such as surface physics, atmospheric radiation physics, Coriolis force, microphysics, cumulus parameterization and 1.5 level TKE closure scheme for diffusion are included in the model. A joint meteorological field experiment was carried out by IITM-Pune and IGCAR at Kalpakkam by deploying state-of-the-art sensors and tether balloon systems for observing the height profiles of meteorological parameters. The data obtained from the field experiment are used here to compare the results from numerical simulations. From the simulated results, it is seen that duration of the sea breeze is 6 hours which agrees well with the observations. The height of the Thermal Internal Boundary Layer (TIBL) is also simulated from the vertical profiles of potential temperature. Simulated wind speed and wind directions are compared with the 50 m tower data and potential temperature profiles are compared with the kytoon data. Results are in good agreement with the observed values except during night time wherein a small difference is seen in the wind speed.  相似文献   

Solid phase and pore water chemical data collected in a sediment of the Haringvliet Lake are interpreted using a multi-component reactive transport model. This freshwater lake, which was formed as the result of a river impoundment along the southwestern coast of the Netherlands, is currently targeted for restoration of estuarine conditions. The model is used to assess the present-day biogeochemical dynamics in the sediment, and to forecast possible changes in organic carbon mineralization pathways and associated redox reactions upon salinization of the bottom waters. Model results indicate that oxic degradation (55%), denitrification (21%), and sulfate reduction (17%) are currently the main organic carbon degradation pathways in the upper 30 cm of sediment. Unlike in many other freshwater sediments, methanogenesis is a relatively minor carbon mineralization pathway (5%), because of significant supply of soluble electron acceptors from the well-mixed bottom waters. Although ascorbate-reducible Fe(III) mineral phases are present throughout the upper 30 cm of sediment, the contribution of dissimilatory iron reduction to overall sediment metabolism is negligible. Sensitivity analyses show that bioirrigation and bioturbation are important processes controlling the distribution of organic carbon degradation over the different pathways. Model simulations indicate that sulfate reduction would rapidly suppress methanogenesis upon seawater intrusion in the Haringvliet, and could lead to significant changes in the sediment’s solid-state iron speciation. The changes in Fe speciation would take place on time-scales of 20-100 years.  相似文献   

Atmospheric boundary layer observations are conducted at a coastal site during a transition phase from winter to summer season over the Indian peninsula. Thermal Internal Boundary Layer (TIBL) characteristics in presence of an off-shore and a weakly influenced on-shore synoptic wind are examined with the help of measurements carried out with a mini-SODAR (SOund Detection And Ranging), tethered balloon, and tower-based micrometeorological measurements. Influence of the changing synoptic scale conditions on turbulent characteristics of TIBL is discussed. Mini-SODAR data showed the development and decay of sea and land breeze. It is seen that the characteristics of TIBL over the coastal land after sea breeze onset are similar to that of a shallow convective boundary layer (CBL) commonly found over plain land. Inside the TIBL, a maximum wind speed was noted close to the surface due to the penetration of sea breeze. In the off-shore case, a distinct sea breeze circulation was observed unlike in the case of on-shore flow. In the presence of weak on-shore case, a ‘minor sea’ breeze is noted before the establishment of sea breeze and a reduction in the momentum fluxes gives rise to decrease in the turbulence intensity. Updraft in the sea breeze front was stronger during weak synoptic conditions. Influence of synoptic changes on the sea breeze-land breeze circulation such as onset, strength and duration of the sea-land breeze are also examined. This work was done while the first author was a visiting scientist at IGCAR, Kalpakkam, India.  相似文献   


Numerical modelling is increasingly used as a tool for improving management strategies in aquifers and to support the design of comprehensive projects considering natural and anthropogenic processes. Overall, numerical simulation in karstic aquifers poses a major scientific challenge due to the non-Darcian groundwater flow dynamics. In specific cases, the equivalent porous medium approach has shown acceptable results, particularly in poorly karstified aquifers with regional/subregional scales such as this case. The Yucatan coastal karstic aquifer (Mexico) has been defined as a complex regional heterogeneous system, partially confined, thus allowing the discussion of multiple conceptual models. In this research, a two-dimensional numerical model of flow and transport was implemented using SEAWAT for the NW Yucatan aquifer. Four likely conceptual models were audited, calibrated and verified using hydrogeological field data, to select the best one, considering their fit and complexity. The numerical model accuracy was evaluated using the root-mean-square error, Nash Sutcliffe efficiency and the Pearson coefficient. The Akaike information criterion and Bayesian information criterion were included for evaluating the complexity of the numerical models. In addition, the signal of tide propagation into the aquifer was assessed as a proxy to improve the numerical calibration process. Results show that the most complex numerical model has a better calibration than the simpler models, but the model accuracy is worse when compared to less complex numerical models in the verification exercise. This research offers enhancement in the knowledge of numerical modelling in heterogeneous coastal aquifers within a conceptual-model uncertainty setting.


《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(19-20):2929-2938
The competitive sorption of Cu(II) and Pb(II) to colloidal hematite was investigated as a function of pH and total metal concentration. Acid–base titrations of the hematite and single-metal sorption experiments for Cu and Pb at low to medium surface coverages were used to calibrate two surface complexation models, the triple layer model, and a 2-pK basic Stern model with ion-pair formation. The surface site density was systematically varied from 2 to 20 sites/nm2. Three different metal surface complexes were considered: (1) an inner-sphere metal complex; (2) an outer-sphere metal complex; and (3) an outer-sphere complex of singly hydrolyzed metal cations. Both models provided excellent fits to acid–base titration and single-metal sorption data, regardless of the surface site density used. With increasing site density, ΔpK of the stability constants for protonation reactions increased and metal surface complexes decreased steadily. The calibrated models based on different site densities were used to predict competitive sorption effects between Cu and Pb and single-metal sorption at higher total metal concentrations. Precipitation of oversaturated solid phases was included in the calculations. Best predictions of competitive sorption effects were obtained with surface site densities between 5 and 10 sites/nm2. The results demonstrate that surface site density is a key parameter if surface complexation models are exposed to more complex, multicomponent environments. We conclude that competitive metal sorption experiments can be used to obtain additional information about the relevant surface site density of oxide mineral surfaces.  相似文献   

喀斯特溶槽岩-土界面优势流及其对土壤水分动态的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对两个典型溶槽剖面的野外入渗实验,结合对入渗锋面的红外成像和染色示踪,分析溶槽中土壤湿润锋运移受岩—土界面优势流、初始水分状态(干湿程度和不均匀分布)及植被根系的影响程度。其结果表明:岩—土界面优势流增加入渗锋面到达处的土壤含水率是溶槽中部的1.1~14.5倍,但岩—土界面优势流形成的侧向水势梯度可降低优势流锋面下移;初始入渗中表土湿润锋运移主要受植被根系大孔隙优势流的影响,岩—土界面优势流作用不显著,但随着入渗深度的加大,岩—土界面优势流侧向弥散对湿润锋运移和土壤水分的影响加强。   相似文献   

 An engineering geological investigation has been undertaken of a proposed landfill site in coastal southwestern Ghana which is characterized by torrential rains, high relative humidity, shallow groundwater conditions and almost surrounded by a ridge. The study shows that the site has some desirable characteristics such as availability of suitable soils for the construction of the capping and bottom liners of the landfill, a large tract of land for landfilling operation and its location close to a major highway. However, the groundwater table was shallow and there was a high potential for leachate intrusion into and consequent contamination of nearby groundwater abstraction wells and surface potable water sources thereby constituting serious threat to life. Construction costs could be prohibitive as extensive dewatering and backfilling of vast portions of the project site would be required to enable the provision of a separation between the shallow water table and the bottom of the landfill. Received: 20 January 1998 · Accepted: 26 May 1998  相似文献   

Potential hydrolysis rates of three different polysaccharides, pullulan, laminarin, and xylan, were measured in intact sediment cores from Cape Lookout Bight, North Carolina, in order to constrain the rates at which a fraction of the high-molecular-weight sedimentary carbon pool may be hydrolyzed to lower molecular weights. Potential hydrolysis rates of pullulan were somewhat higher than those of laminarin and xylan. Highest potential rates were measured in surface sediments; rates at depths of 5–7 and 14–16 cm differed relatively little from one another. Total dissolved carbohydrates, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), sulfate, and sulfate reduction rates were also measured and compared with data previously collected at Cape Lookout Bight in order to investigate carbohydrate dynamics and establish the relative contribution of carbohydrates to the sedimentary carbon budget. Total porewater carbohydrates constitute a disproportionate fraction of DOC, ranging from a maximum of 85% in near-surface intervals to 24% at depths of 14–16 cm. A comparison of potential hydrolysis rates, dissolved carbohydrate concentrations, DOC, and sulfate reduction rates, along with results from a wide range of studies previously conducted at this site suggests that hydrolysis of high-molecular-weight polysaccharides can potentially be very rapid relative to carbon remineralization rates. Dissolved porewater carbohydrates form a dynamic pool that is likely turned over on short timescales in Cape Lookout Bight sediments.  相似文献   

The fabric plays an important role in the mechanical behavior of granular material. The aim of this paper is to investigate the evolution of fabric in a soil-structure interface (SSI) to a large shearing in an effort to clarify whether and how this form of fabric evolution can lead to a common microstructure. Using the discrete element method (DEM), two-dimensional (2D) numerical interface shear tests were carried out, and certain macromechanical and micromechanical properties were exploited. All samples exhibited prominently localized strain in a zone covering the structure's surface (named the localized zone), and much lower density and higher soil fabric anisotropy levels were found inside this zone than outside it. Disregarding different initial void ratios, a common critical state microstructure was observed in large shear deformations of soil samples, with essentially the same fabric arrangement in terms of contact orientation and internal force transmission. Due to the systematic forming, buckling, and collapsing of force chains, an angular zone (called an α -zone), in which contact density was sluggish to varying degrees, appeared and extended around the main direction of the distribution of contact orientation inside the localized zone. The gradual deterioration of the force chains' stability, as a result of an increasing void ratio, seemed to drive the α -zone's extension and lead to the rare variation of microstructures in the critical state.  相似文献   

Mixed-redox (suboxic, or oscillating between oxidizing and reducing conditions) to anoxic marine sediments from the Raritan -New York Bay complex and the Inner New York Bight of the eastern U.S. were studied to investigate the factors controlling the accumulation of pore-water dissolved organic carbon (DOC). DOC increased with depth at each of four study sites, but accumulation was generally limited in the mixed-redox zone relative to the anoxic zone. Humic-like fluorescence intensity also differed between mixed-redox and anoxic zones of the sediment, such that anoxic pore waters were relatively enriched in fluorescent, humic-like compounds.A pore-water DOC model was tested for its capacity to explain these geochemical patterns. Model results for a heavily irrigated and a non-bioturbated site both suggest that, excluding the uppermost few cm of the sediment column, pore-water DOC is predominantly comprised of poorly-reactive material with estimated degradation rate constants on the order of 10−3 yr−1. Model results are also consistent with the suggestion that DOC accumulation is suppressed in the mixed-redox compared to the anoxic zones of the sediment due to rapid oxidation of high-molecular-weight DOC, and limited production and enhanced oxidation of the less reactive polymeric low-molecular-weight component of the DOC pool. An assessment of sorptive behavior of DOC in the surface sediments of the study area suggests that sorption can influence pore-water DOC distributions under conditions of high sedimentation and low bioirrigation.  相似文献   

Geochemical signatures of groundwater in Kalpakkam plant site were used to identify the geochemistry of the unconfined coastal aquifer. Ground water samples collected from 14 borewells around the study area were studied for four different seasons viz. Summer, South-west monsoon, North-east monsoon and Post-monsoon to identify the major geochemical processes activated in the study area. Data obtained through chemical analyses of groundwater samples were used for graphical plots and geochemical calculations. Piper, Chloro alkaline indices and Chadda’s diagram were determined for geochemical classification of the groundwaters. Identified geochemical processes were verified and quantified using hydrogeochemical aqueous speciation model, PHREEQC to find out the Saturation Indices (SI) of the possible minerals of the study area. It was observed that majority of the bore well samples were under saturated with respect to minerals such as Gypsum, Aragonite and oversaturated with respect to dolomite and calcite. Parameters such as ion exchange and reverse ion exchange, saline water incursion were observed due to the presence of saline water bodies in addition to dissolution of minerals.  相似文献   

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