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Detailed clay mineralogical analyses were carried out on Late Permian/Early Triassic carbonate sediments exposed on the Chaotian section (Sichuan Basin, Central China). The clay assemblages are dominantly composed of illite in platform carbonates and clay seams, and illite–smectite mixed-layers (I/S) in tuff layers (K-bentonites) intercalated in the carbonate succession. Detrital and authigenic volcanogenic clay minerals have been partially replaced through illitisation processes during burial, raising questions about diagenetic effects. The precise determination of I/S occurring in K-bentonites shows that the sediments reached a temperature of about 180 °C, which is consistent with (1) previous estimates based on fluid-inclusion homogenisation temperature analysis, (2) the burial depth of the sedimentary series deduced from the post-Palaeozoic geological history of the Sichuan Basin and (3) the new data (Tmax) obtained on organic matter indicating the transition between oil and gas windows. The Wangpo Bed, located close to the Guadalupian–Lopingian Boundary, is interpreted either as a volcanic acidic tuff or as a clastic horizon. This controversial origin probably results from mixed volcanogenic and detrital influences. The Wangpo Bed is therefore interpreted as a reworked bentonite as revealed by the occurrence of I/S similar to those found in tuff layers, together with preserved detrital kaolinite.  相似文献   

李岩  王云鹏  赵长毅  卢家烂  廖玲玲  刘杰 《地质通报》2013,32(11):1798-1805
根据地层分层数据和古热流分析,运用PetroMod-1D软件对四川盆地的51口探井进行模拟,得到了盆地内上三叠统的埋藏史、成熟度演化史及烃源岩受热史,初步划分了上三叠统烃源岩的成熟阶段和生烃期次。结果表明,川北、川中地区须家河组烃源岩分别在中晚侏罗世进入生烃门限;川南地区大约在早白垩世达到生烃门限,此后地层不断埋深,热演化持续进行,在晚白垩世达到最大埋深,之后由于燕山末期及喜山期构造运动,地层发生整体抬升,干酪根的热演化也因此受到了遏制。  相似文献   

Iron-bearing clay minerals are ubiquitous in the environment and have been shown to play important roles in several biogeochemical processes. Previous efforts to characterize the Fe2+–Fe3+ redox couple in clay minerals using electrochemical techniques have been limited by experimental difficulties due to inadequate reactivity between clay minerals and electrodes. The current work overcomes this limitation by utilizing organic electron transfer mediators that rapidly transfer electrons with both the Fe-bearing clay minerals and electrodes. Here, an Fe-rich source clay mineral (ferruginous smectite, SWa-1) is examined with respect to what fraction of structural Fe participates in oxidation/reduction reactions and the relationship between bulk Fe2+/Fe3+ ratios to the reduction potential (Eh).  相似文献   

根据地层分层数据和古热流分析,运用PetroMod-1D软件对四川盆地的51口探井进行模拟,得到了盆地内上三叠统的埋藏史、成熟度演化史及烃源岩受热史,初步划分了上三叠统烃源岩的成熟阶段和生烃期次。结果表明,川北、川中地区须家河组烃源岩分别在中晚侏罗世进入生烃门限;川南地区大约在早白垩世达到生烃门限,此后地层不断埋深,热演化持续进行,在晚白垩世达到最大埋深,之后由于燕山末期及喜山期构造运动,地层发生整体抬升,干酪根的热演化也因此受到了遏制.  相似文献   

在二叠系—三叠系界线附近地层中,利用大气暴露面上沉积物恢复古环境的研究至今尚未展开。四川盆地东部涪陵地区的二龙口剖面在二叠纪末位于扬子碳酸盐岩台地内,为礁后开阔台地相,在上二叠统—下三叠统界线附近沉积了较为完整的海相碳酸盐岩。该地层从下到上可分为1~31层。其中,上二叠统长兴组(1~6层)顶面为侵蚀不整合面,下伏于厚3~10cm(平均厚度约5cm)的古风化壳(7层)。相较于1~6层,飞仙关组7~19层中碳酸盐矿物含量降低,黏土矿物含量增高。而20~31层以泥晶灰岩为主,偶尔伴有薄层黏土岩夹层。二叠系—三叠系界线位于19~20层之间。岩石学和矿物学特征显示,风化壳以黏土矿物为主,主要为规则伊蒙混层(I/S)和少量伊利石。在扬子台地范围内不同的沉积相带中,该黏土矿物组合具有较好的地层可对比性,说明研究区长兴组之上风化壳中黏土矿物形成的主控因素可能是区域性的,如火山活动带来的外源沉积。结合其下伏围岩(1~6层)岩石学和稳定同位素组成均缺乏淡水改造特征,可以判断该风化壳形成于加积模式而非改造模式。值得注意的是,此种黏土矿物以规则伊蒙混层和伊利石为主的组合方式,与二叠纪末出现的碱性、高温、缺氧的...  相似文献   

Classic physical and chemical treatments applied to separating clay minerals from the host sediments are often difficult or aggressive for clay minerals. A technique using cation exchange resins (amberlite IRC-50H and amberlite IR-120) is used to separate clay minerals from the host sediments. The technique is based on the exchange of cations in the minerals that may be associated clay minerals in sediments, such as Ca and Mg from dolomite; Ca from calcite, gypsum and francolite with cations carried by resin radicals. The associated minerals such as gypsum, calcite, dolomite and francolite are removed in descending order. Separation of clay minerals using cation exchange resins is less aggressive than that by other classic treatments. The efficiency of amberlite IRC-50H in the removal of associated minerals is greater than that of amberlite IR-120.  相似文献   

Lime stabilization of clay minerals and soils   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Clay soil can be stabilized by the addition of small percentages, by weight, of lime, thereby enhancing many of the engineering properties of the soil and producing an improved construction material. In order to illustrate such improvements, three of the most frequently occurring minerals in clay deposits, namely, kaolinite, montmorillonite and quartz were subjected to a series of tests. As lime stabilization is most often used in relation to road construction, the tests were chosen with this in mind. Till and laminated clay were treated in similar fashion. With the addition of lime, the plasticity of montmorillonite was reduced whilst that of kaolinite and quartz was increased somewhat. However, the addition of lime to the till had little influence on its plasticity but a significant reduction occurred in that of the laminated clay. All materials experienced an increase in their optimum moisture content and a decrease in their maximum dry density, as well as enhanced California bearing ratio, on addition of lime. Some notable increases in strength and Young's Modulus occurred in these materials when they were treated with lime. Length of time curing and temperature at which curing took place had an important influence on the amount of strength developed.  相似文献   

The GALO system is applied to the numerical reconstruction of burial and thermal histories of the West Bashkirian lithosphere from the Riphean to the present. An analysis of the variation in tectonic subsidence of the basin during its development is utilized to estimate approximately the mantle heat flow variations. Our variant of basin evolution suggests that after cooling in the Early Riphean, the rather weak thermal reactivations have not led to considerable heating of the lithosphere in the study region. Surface heat flow decreased from relatively high values in the Early Riphean (60–70 mW/m2 in the eastern area and 40–50 mW/m2 in the western part) to present-day values of 32–40 mW/m2. In spite of the relatively low temperature regime of the basin as a whole, a syn-rifting deposition of more than 10 km of limestone, shale and sandstone in the Riphean resulted in rather high temperatures (180–190 °C) at the base of present-day sedimentary blanket in the eastern area. In agreement with the observed data, computed present-day heat flow through the sediment surface increases slightly from 32 to 34 mW/m2 near the west boundary of the region to 42 mW/m2 near the boundary of the Ural Foldbelt, whereas the heat flow through the basement surface decreases slightly from 28–32 to 24–26 mW/m2 in the same direction. The mantle heat flow is only 11.3–12.7 mW/m2, which is considerable lower than mean heat flow of the Russian Platform (16–18 mW/m2) and comparable with the low heat flow of Precambrian shields.  相似文献   

Diagenetic transformation of clay minerals, zeolites and silica minerals in Cretaceous and Tertiary argillaceous rocks from deeply drilled wells in Japan were studied. Transformations of these minerals during diagenesis were as follows: in clay minerals, montmorillonite → montmorillonite-illite mixed-layer mineral → illite; in zeolites, volcanic glass → clinoptilolite → heulandite and/or analcite → laumontite and/or albite; in silica minerals, amorphous silica → low-cristobalite → low-quartz. Maximum overburden pressures and geothermal temperatures corresponding to these transformations in each well studied were calculated. For clay minerals, a pressure of approximately 900 kg cm?2 and a temperature of about 100°C are necessary for the transformation from montmorillonite to mixed-layer mineral and 920 kg cm?2 and 140°C for mixed-layer mineral to illite. Transformation from kaolinite to other minerals requires much higher pressures and temperatures than from montmorillonite to mixed-layer mineral. For zeolites, 330 kg cm?2 and 60°C are required for the transformation from volcanic glass to clinoptilolite, 860 kg cm?2 and 120°C for clinoptilolite to heulandite and/or analcite, and 930 kg cm?2 and 140°C for heulandite and/or analcite to laumontite and/or albite. For silica minerals, 250 kg cm?2 and 50°C are necessary for the transformation from amorphous silica to low-cristobalite and 660 kg cm?2 and 70°C for low-cristobalite to low-quartz. Based on these diagenetic mineral transformations, seven mineral zones are recognized in argillaceous sediments. On the other hand, from the porosity studies of argillaceous sediments in Japan, the process of diagenesis is classified into the following three stages. The early compaction stage is marked by shallow burial and viscous rocks with more than 30% porosity. The late compaction stage is characterized by intermediate burial and plastic rocks with 30-10% porosities. The transformation stage is marked by deep burial and elastic rocks with less than 10% porosity.  相似文献   

Burial Metamorphism of the Ordos Basin in Northern Shaanxi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Burial metamorphism has been found in the Ordos basin of northern Shaanxi. On the basis of a rather intensive study of burial metamorphism of sandstone, it has been shown that the evolution from diagenesis to metamorphism involves four stages: cementation of clay minerals, regrowth of pressolved quartz and feldspar, cementation of carbonates and formation of laumontite. On that basis it has been put forward that the laumontite is formed by burial metamorphism of clay and carbonate minerals. According to the thermodynamic data of minerals, the conditions under which laumontite is formed are T<250℃ and X_(CO_2)<0.17. High-resolution SEM and TEM studies of clay minerals in mudstone show that there occur a mixed layer assemblage of bertherine and illite/chlorite and transformation from bertherine to chlorite. On that basis coupled by the X-ray diffraction analysis the author suggests the following transformation of clay minerals during burial metamorphism: the earliest smectite-kaolinite assemblage changes into the bertherine-illite mixture with increasing depth, then into the illite/chlorite mixed layer assemblage and finally into dispersed individual illite and chlorite. The reaction of the transformation is:smectite+kaolinite+K~+=illite+chlorite+quartz According to the study of the oxygen isotope thermometry of the coexisting illitequartz pair, the temperature of the above transformation is lower than 180℃.  相似文献   

Total organic carbon (TOC) determination, Rock‐Eval pyrolysis, extractable organic matter content (EOM) fractionation, gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analyses, were carried out on 79 samples from eleven outcrop cross sections of the Bahloul Formation in central and northern Tunisia. The TOC content varied between 0.23 to 35.6%, the highest average values (18.73%, 8.46% and 4.02%) being at the east of the study area (at Ain Zakkar, Oued Bahloul and Dyr Ouled Yahia localities, respectively). The Rock‐Eval maximum pyrolysis temperature (Tmax) values in the 424–453°C range delineated a general east‐west trend increase in the organic matter (OM) maturity. The disparity in hydrogen index (HI) values, in the range 114–824 mg hydrocarbons (HC) g?1 TOC, is relevant for the discrepancy in the level of OM preservation and maturity among localities and samples. The n‐alkane distributions, maximizing in the C17 to C20 range, are typical for a marine planktonic origin, whereas pristine/phytane (Pr/Ph) average values in the 1–2 range indicate an oxic to suboxic depositional environment. Pr/n‐C17 and Ph/n‐C18 ratios in the 0.38–6.2 and 0.68–3.25 range, respectively, are consistent with other maturity indicators and the contribution of specific bacteria to phytol as a precursor of isoprenoids. The thermal maturity varies between late diagenesis to main‐stage of petroleum generation based on the optic and the cis‐trans isomerisation of the C29 sterane [20S/(20S+20R) and 14β(H),17β(H)/(14β(H),17β(H)+14α(H),17α(H)), respectively] and the terpane [18α(H)22,29,30‐Trisnorneohopane/(18α(H)22,29,30‐Trisnorneohopane+17α(H)22,29,30‐Trisnorhopane): Ts/(Ts+Tm)] ratios. The Bahloul OM is represented by an open marine to estuarine algal facies with a specific bacterial contribution as revealed by the relative abundance of the ααα‐20R C27 (33–44%), C28 (22–28%) and C29 (34–41%) steranes and by the total terpanes/total steranes ratio (1.2–5.33). These results attested that the Bahloul OM richness was controlled both by an oxygen minimum zone induced by high productivity and restricted circulation in narrow half graben structures and around diapirs of the Triassic salt.  相似文献   

In this work, approaches to the age of the so-called “horizon of variegated marls” are considered. Some researchers attributed this horizon to the Triassic, while others considered it to be of Permian age. The dispute over the age of these deposits was among the most important in the history of Russian stratigraphy in the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century.  相似文献   

新疆粘土矿物材料在环境污染治理中的应用和展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对粘土矿物在当前环境污染治理中的基本应用做了介绍,并系统阐述了主要粘土矿物的结构特征、基本性能和主要应用。对粘土矿物材料在环境污染治理中的应用领域提出了一些思考,这对当前粘土矿物材料在环境污染治理中的应用具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Clay minerals are of non uniform composition and particle size. Also their identification and nomenclature have given much confusion. Examples are given. Quantitative analysis of clay minerals from deposits and soils, by X-ray, thermo- and infrared analysis is treated. Examples are given of the large variability in the results; even for X-ray and electron microscope pure- and 85 to 90% chemical pure samples of kaolinite a well defined clay mineral. They are caused mainly by varying conditions of crystal growth from which result differences in isomorphous replacements, structure, ordering and strain. An amorphous weathering substance coating the mineral particles (Beilby layer) upsets in particular quantitative analyses of the finer kinds of clay minerals. Clay minerals from soils have, as compared to those from pure deposits, in particular formed by hydrothermal action, only poor characteristics of small intensity. Examples are given. Quantitative analyses are further hindered by specific characteristics for a certain mineral being masked by those of other minerals which usually occur in the same sample. Examples are given.  相似文献   

The distribution of the clay minerals of the Banco Negro Inferior-Río Chico Group succession (BNI-RC), a middle Danian–middle Eocene mainly continental epiclastic–pyroclastic succession exposed in the Golfo San Jorge Basin, extra-Andean Patagonia (∼46° LS), is assessed in order to determine the possible origin of clay and specific non-clay minerals using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy analyses. The control over the clay mineralogy of the sedimentary settings, contemporary volcanism, paleoclimate and weathering conditions is considered. A paleoclimatic reconstruction is provided and correlated with the main global warming events that occurred during the early Paleogene.Mineralogical analyses of BNI-RC demonstrate that smectite and kaolin minerals (kaolinite, halloysite and kaolinite/smectite mixed layers) are the main clay minerals, whereas silica polymorphs (volcanic glass and opal) are common non-clay minerals. Throughout the succession, smectite and kaolin minerals are arranged in different proportions in the three clay–mineral assemblages. These show a general vertical trend in which the smectite-dominated assemblage (S1) is replaced by the smectite-dominated assemblage associated with other clays (S2) and the kaolinite-dominated assemblage (K), and finally by S2 up-section. The detailed micromorphological analysis of the clay and non-clay minerals allows us to establish that the origins of these are by volcanic ash weathering, authigenic and pedogenic, and that different stages in the evolution of mineral transformations have occurred.The supply of labile pyroclastic material from an active volcanic area located to the northwest of the study area could have acted as precursor of the authigenic and volcanogenic minerals of the analyzed succession. Diverse fine-grained lithological facies (muddy and tuffaceous facies) and sedimentary settings (coastal swamp and transitional environments, and different fluvial systems) together with variable climate and weathering conditions controlled the mineralogical transformations and the arrangement of clay–mineral assemblages. The paleoclimatic reconstruction suggests a general warm and humid climate. However, the temporal trend of the clay–mineral assemblages, the ratios between smectite and kaolinite and the micromorphological analysis of clay minerals contrasted with evidence from sedimentological analyses suggest a warm and seasonal climate for the basal part of the unit, a warm and humid climate with a relatively more perennial rainfall regime in the middle part of the unit, and a warm and less humid, probably subhumid, climate up-section. Such a reconstruction makes it possible to establish a correlation with some of the hyperthermal events of the Early Paleogene Global Warming (EPGW) and, consequently, constitute one of the most complete time records of the EPGW in South America.  相似文献   

The Shurijeh Reservoir Formation of Neocomian age is represented by a sandstone sequence, occasionally interbedded with shale, in the Gonbadli gas field, Kopet-Dagh Basin, Northeastern Iran. In this study X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) techniques were used together to characterize the Shuirjeh clay minerals in 76 core samples collected from two deep Gonbadli wells. The results of XRF analysis showed high percentages of silicon and moderate to low percentages of aluminum, sulfur, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and iron in both wells. The XRD analysis indicated that the above elements were concentrated in the form of quartz, anhydrite, dolomite, calcite, plagioclase, K-feldspar, hematite, and clay minerals. Further XRD examination of the clay fraction revealed that illite, chlorite, and kaolinite were the major types of clay minerals. Unlike, glauconite, smectite, and a mixed layer clays of both the illite–smectite and chlorite–smectite types were observed only in very few samples. The percentages of individual clay minerals were determined using external standard calibration curves and successfully validated by a system of simultaneous linear equations acquired from detailed elemental information based on the XRF analysis. The error reached ± 5% for the main mineral constituent and ± 15% for minor minerals. A local regression relationship was also derived, based on the XRF elemental information, which can be used to estimate the clay contents of other Shurijeh drilled wells with data of pulsed-neutron spectroscopy tools. According to the proposed quantitative approach, the amount of illite varied considerably, reaching 18.3%. In contrast, the amounts of kaolinite and chlorite were generally small, i.e., less than 8.4%. The amount of total clay minerals changed greatly from a minimum of 5% to a maximum of 32.5%. An increase in illite with increasing burial depth and temperature was an obvious indication of deep burial diagenesis in this formation.  相似文献   

对川东华蓥山二叠系/三叠系界线附近粘土层中的粘土矿物进行野外采样和室内X射线衍射分析,结果表明,这些粘土矿物主要由规则混层伊利石-蒙脱石组成,其中1个样品可能含有少量不规则混层绿泥石-蒙脱石等粘土矿物。总地看来,该界线粘土层中的规则混层伊利石-蒙脱石中伊利石层的含量自下而上呈现减少的趋势,平均含量约83%,所经历的最大古地温在125~150℃之间。这些粘土矿物的构成和特征与前人在华南其他地区相同层位取得的成果总体上具有较好的一致性,显示了该粘土层成因的相同性及所具有的等时意义。不同地区粘土矿物构成的差异性(如高岭石的存在与含量)可能与二叠系/三叠系界线不整合的存在与否或间断时间有关,规则混层伊利石-蒙脱石的混层比则与埋藏历史和沉积—沉积期后的流体介质有关。  相似文献   

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