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During diagenetic stages, the aragonitic skeletons and the inter/intra-corallite cement of the upper Jurassic corals of Hanifa Formation either dissolved or subjected to diagenetic alterations including cementation, micritization, recrystallization, silicification, dolomitization and dedolomitization. The proposed sequence of diagenetic stages is as follows: early marine diagenesis, early meteoric and mixing zone diagenesis, late meteoric diagenesis, and shallow burial diagenesis. Each stage is characterized by certain diagenetic processes. The source of sulfate solutions for dedolomitization in the studied corals is the dissolved anhydrite deposits of the Arab–Hith Formations, sometime before their erosion. A possible source of silica, needed for the formation of chert and chalcedony, is the sponge spicules dispersed in many carbonates of the Hanifa Formation.  相似文献   

The Late Ordovician glacio-fluvial Sarah Formation is an important tight gas reservoir target in Saudi Arabia. This study uses statistical methods to characterize the petrophysical heterogeneity of the paleovalleys of the Sarah Formation that crop out in central Saudi Arabia. Four paleovalleys were studied: Bukayriyah, Hanadir, Sarah, and Khanasir Sarah. Several lithofacies were identified in each that vary in texture, porosity, permeability, and facies abundance that reflect periods of ice advance and retreat. The heterogeneity analysis is based on three statistical measures, namely, the coefficient of variation, the Dykstra-Parsons coefficient, and the Lorenz coefficient. The coefficient of variation values is in the 0.62–1.94 range, indicating an extremely heterogeneous distribution. The Dykstra-Parsons coefficient values are in the 0.56–0.88 range, suggesting very high to extremely high heterogeneity in the reservoirs. The Lorenz coefficient correlates well with the Dykstra-Parsons coefficient for paleovalleys of the Sarah Formation. The heterogeneity parameters studied here indicate that the outcrops of Sarah Formation paleovalleys represent heterogeneous to very heterogeneous reservoirs, which may be attributed to complex depositional and diagenetic variations that have affected the porosity and permeability distribution.  相似文献   

The Jubaila Formation (Upper Jurassic) in central Saudi Arabia has been divided into lower, middle, and upper parts purely on lithologic grounds. Each part consists of a major lower unit of lime mudstone and a minor upper unit of grainstone. This persistent change in the limestone facies is interpreted as a reflection of repeated shoaling up in the depositional shelf environment. It is a normal marine carbonate sequence that varies in thickness from 85 to 126 m. In the Hanifa Formation, the lowermost brown ledges in the section comprise a series of coarsening upward sequences which generally terminate in a fossiliferous/peloidal packstone and grainstone and subordinately lime mudstone facies. The middle slope member is yellow, blocky weathered shale and marl. Above this slope member are several thick beds of brown-coated fossiliferous wackestone, packstone, and grainstone with the association of lime mudstone in certain levels. These are fairly resistant ledges due to the occurrence of stromatoporoids. Dedolomitization occurs in the Jubaila Formation in various textural forms which include composite calcite rhombohedra, zonal dedolomitization, regeneration of predolomitization fabric of the limestone, and coarsely crystalline calcite mosaics with or without ferric oxide rhombic zones. Rhombohedral pores commonly occur in intimate association with dolomite, possibly resulting from the leaching of calcitized dolomite rhombohedra. The regional dedolomitization was most likely brought about by calcium sulfate solutions reacting with dolomites. The source of sulfate solutions is the dissolved anhydrite deposits of the Arab–Hith Formations, sometime before their erosion, and it takes place at or near an exposed surface. The Hanifa Formation shows various diagenetic features. These include dolomitization, dedolomitization, micritization, cementation, and recrystallization. Most of the examined samples of the Hanifa carbonates are dolomitized and subsequently dedolomitized as evidenced by the presence of iron-coated dolomite rhombs partially or completely calcitized. Dolomite also occurs in the lime mudstone, wackestone, packstone, and grainstone facies, while leaching of wackestone and packstone and dedolomitization of dolomite and dolomitic limestone followed by recrystallization are common processes.  相似文献   

应用钻井、测井和地震等资料对川中龙岗地区下侏罗统大安寨段的沉积相类型及其展布特征进行了研究,将大安寨段的湖泊相沉积划分为4个亚相及若干微相。大安寨段沉积时期的沉积展布及演化主要受湖平面升降控制,经历过一次较大规模的水进水退旋回:大三沉积时期发生水进,主体为浅湖—半深湖沉积;大一三沉积时期水体最深,主体为半深湖沉积;大一三沉积晚期发生水退,到大一沉积晚期湖平面已降至较低水平,主体为滨浅湖沉积,介壳灰岩发育。沉积相带在平面上具有明显的环带状展布特征,据此建立了大安寨段沉积模式。大一段主要发育5个介壳滩,是最有利于储集层发育的沉积相带。储集岩类型主要为介壳灰岩和泥质介壳灰岩,结合裂缝发育分析,预测了3个有利储集层区带。  相似文献   

The porosity and engineering properties of vesicular basalt in Saudi Arabia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The presence of non-connected vesicles in extensive basalt flows in western Saudi Arabia greatly affects their engineering properties such as compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio and sonic velocities. In order to evaluate some of these properties, the density and/or the porosity of the material must be known. Using conventional methods to determine the porosity or the density of irregular lumps proved to be erroneous. An image analysis technique is suggested to estimate the porosity of the vesicular basalt. The estimated values were correlated against the calculated porosity values using core samples, and were found to have excellent correlation (R=0.99). The estimated porosity values were also correlated against the static and dynamic properties of the basalt and a good level of correlation (R=0.77) was obtained.  相似文献   

Advances in photogrammetry have eased the acquisition of high-resolution digital information from outcrops, enabling faster, non-destructive data capturing and improved reservoir modeling. Geocellular models for flow dynamics with in the virtual outcrop in siliciclastic deposits at different sets of sandstone facies architecture remain, however, a challenge. Digital maps of bedding, lithological contrast, spatial-temporal variations of bedding and permeability characteristics make it more easy to understand flow tortuosity in a particular architecture. An ability to precisely model these properties can improve reservoir characterization and flow modeling at different scales. Here we demonstrate the construction of realistic 2 D sandstone facies based models for a pragmatic simulation of flow dynamics using a combination of digital point clouds dataset acquired from LiDAR and field investigation of the Sandakan Formation, Sabah, Borneo.Additionally, we present methods for enhancing the accuracy of outcrop digital datasets for producing high resolution flow simulation. A well-exposed outcrop from the Sandakan Formation, Sabah, northwest Borneo having a lateral extent of 750 m was chosen in order to implement our research approach. Sandstone facies and its connectivity are well constrained by outcrop observations, data from air-permeability measurements, bilinear interpolation of permeability, grid construction and water vector analysis for flow dynamics.These proportions were then enumerated in terms of static digital outcrop model(DOM) and facies model based on sandstone facies bedding characteristics. Flow simulation of water vector analysis through each of the four sandstone facies types show persistent spatial correlation of permeability that align with either cross-bedded orientation or straight with more dispersion high quality sandstone(porosity 21.25%-41.2%and permeability 1265.20-5986.25 mD) and moderate quality sandstone(porosity 10.44%-28.75% and permeability 21.44-1023.33 mD). Whereas, in more heterolithic sandstone(wavy-to flaser-bedded and bioturbated sandstone), lateral variations in permeability show spatially non-correlated patterns over centimeters to tens of meters with mostly of low quality sandstone(porosity 3.4%-12.31% and permeability < 1 mD to 3.21 mD). These variations reflect the lateral juxtaposition in flow dynamics. It has also been resulted that the vertical connectivity and heterogeneities in terms of flow are mostly pragmatic due to the interconnected sandstone rather than the quality of sandstone.  相似文献   

To assess heavy metals in mangrove swamps of Sehat and Tarut coastal areas along the Arabian Gulf, 18 sediment samples were collected for Al, V, Cr, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Hg, Sr, As, Fe, Co, and Ni analysis. The results indicated that the distribution of some metals was largely controlled by anthropogenic inputs, while others were of terrigenous origin and most strongly associated with distribution of aluminum and total organic carbon in sediments. Mangrove sediments were extremely severe enriched with Sr (EF?=?67.59) and very severe enriched with V, Hg, Cd, Cu, As (EF?=?44.28, 37.45, 35.77, 25.97, and 11.53, respectively). Average values of Sr, V, Hg, Cd, Cu, Ni, As, and Cr were mostly higher than the ones recorded from the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aqaba, the Caspian Sea, the Arabian and Oman gulfs, coast of Tanzania, sediment quality guidelines, and the background shale and the earth crust. Landfilling due to coastal infrastructure development around mangrove forests, oil spills and petrochemical and desalination effluents from Al-Jubail industrial city to the north were the anthropogenic activities that further enhanced heavy metals in the studied mangrove sediments.  相似文献   

The Rabigh area, a coastal region north of Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia contains raised Quaternary coral reefal terraces and reworked coral fragments mixed with sand and gravel. This area has a thin exposure Lower Miocene shallow marine carbonate rocks that laterally pass into evaporites. The Miocene carbonate and evaporite rocks conformably overly the Lower Miocene siliciclastic sequence, are in turn capped by the Harrat basaltic boulders. The Miocene carbonates are made up of dolomitic packstone, wackestone and mudstone, whereas the overlying Quaternary reefal terraces are composed of coral boundstone and grainstones.The Quaternary reefal terraces of Rabigh area have been dated using the uranium-series dating method to obtain precise dates for these corals. The calculated ages (128, 212 and 235 ka) indicate that deposition took place during high sea level stands associated with interglacial times during Oxygen Isotope Stages (OIS) 5 and 7. The youngest age (128 ka) clearly corresponds to stage 5e of the last interglacial period. The obtained ages correlate well with those of the emerged reefs on the Sudanese and Egyptian coasts at the western side of the Red Sea. The broad distribution of wet climate, pluvial deposits on the continents and high sea level stands indicate a wide geographical range of the interglacial events of the Oxygen Isotope Stages (OIS) 5 and 7.The oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of the Miocene and Quaternary carbonate rocks in Rabigh area show a broad range of δ13C and δ18O. The Quaternary carbonate rocks have significantly higher δ13C than the Miocene ones, but low δ13C values of the Miocene samples likely indicate a high contribution of carbon from organic sources at the time of deposition. Linear trends are evident in both groups of samples supporting the likelihood of secondary alteration.  相似文献   

The Vindhyan sedimentary succession in central India spans a wide time bracket from the Paleoproterozoic to the Neoproterozoic period. Chronostratigraphic significance of stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of the carbonate phase in Vindhyan sediments has been discussed in some recent studies. However, the subtle controls of facies variation, depositional setting and post-depositional diagenesis on stable isotope compositions are not yet clearly understood. The Vindhyan Supergroup hosts four carbonate units, exhibiting a wide variability in depositional processes and paleogeography. A detailed facies-specific carbon and oxygen isotope study of the carbonate units was undertaken by us to investigate the effect of these processes and to identify the least altered isotope values. It is seen that both carbon and oxygen isotope compositions have been affected by early meteoric water diagenesis. The effect of diagenetic alteration is, however, more pronounced in case of oxygen isotopes than carbon isotopes. Stable isotope compositions remained insensitive to facies only when sediments accumulated in a shallow shelf setting without being exposed. Major alteration of original isotope ratios was observed in case of shallow marine carbonates, which became exposed to meteoric fluids during early diagenetic stage. Duration of exposure possibly determined the magnitude of alteration and shift from the original values. Moreover, dolomitization is found to be accompanied by appreciable alteration of isotope compositions in some of the carbonates. The present study suggests that variations in sediment depositional settings, in particular the possibility of subaerial exposure, need to be considered while extracting chronostratigraphic significance from δ13C data.  相似文献   

Although basaltic volcanic scoria deposits are widespread in and around the scoria cones present in the Harrats, very few occurrences have been evaluated and still fewer have been exploited. The scoria from a quarry in central Harrat Rahat was investigated and assessed for its industrial utilization. Cubes were prepared from several concrete mixes using scoria as lightweight coarse and fine aggregates in different percentages. The compressive strength values of the cubes were found to be acceptable and satisfy the ASTM (1995) requirement for structural concrete. The scoria was also assessed for its utilization as a cement additive. Pozzolanic activity was tested according to the Italian standards and found to be acceptable. The strength activity index with Portland cement and the effectiveness of scoria admixture in controlling alkali-silica reactions were tested according to ASTM (1995) standards. Mortar cubes were specially prepared for these studies using different mixes and different storage procedures. The results satisfied the ASTM (1995) requirements as cement additive. The utilization of scoria as a heat-insulating material was tested and the results were found to satisfy the ASTM (1995) requirements. This fact suggests it could be utilized in the manufacture of the building blocks. It is recommended to evaluate the other scoria deposits, exploit the economically feasible ones and utilize them for different industrial applications. The manufacturing of heat-insulating concrete or building blocks using scoria is of prime importance as an energy saver.  相似文献   

Aeromagnetic data covering an area of about 40,000 km2 at the west central Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia has been collected and interpreted to provide structural map of the area. A number of normalized derivatives were used to help interpret the signature of magnetic data so that weak and small amplitude anomalies can be amplified relative to the stronger and larger amplitude anomalies. The interpretations obtained from these geophysical techniques of the field data demonstrated a strong correlation between magnetic anomalies and mapped subsurface geology. Based upon the variation in magnetic lineaments, shape amplitude, and trend structural map of the west central Arabian Shield on Saudi Arabia were obtained.  相似文献   

The Paleozoic succession of the Greater Arabian basin is severely affected by series of major tectonic and climatic events which have caused major stratigraphic breaks and pronounce facies change. The major tectonic movements have resulted in dividing the succession into pronounced megatectonic and depositional cycles. In more tectonically active areas, the succession is less preserved and boundaries between the cycles are more complicated due to longer periods of erosion by later movements and/or nondeposition. Minor stratigraphic breaks within the megacycles subdivide the cycles into smaller subcycles. Following the stabilization of the Arabian–Nubian shield, the Gondwana shelf went through a gentle uplift and tilt probably related to the Assyniyc tectonic movements and thick siliciclastics of the Saq and Qasim Formations were deposited. During Late Caradocian and following the deposition of the Qasim Formation, the area went through a gentle uplift and tilt probably related to the Taconic tectonic movements. Thick succession of the Qasim and Saq Formations were eroded and deep paleovalleys incised in the two formations and underlying basement. The movements were followed by drop of sea level due to glaciation events. Glacial and periglacial deposits of the Zarqa and/or Sarah Formations filled paleovalleys and rest on older units from Ordovician to Precambrian. The third main event occurred during Late Silurian where the preexisting successions, mainly on paleohighs, were affected by tectonic movements synchronous with the Acadian tectonic phase of the Caledonian tectonic movements. The Early Devonian Tawil Formation unconformably rests on eroded Silurian and Late Ordovician deposits of the Sharawra, Qusayba (Qusaiba), and Sarah Formations in the Qusayba Depression in central Arabia. The forth main event is a regional movement contemporaneous with the Hercynian tectonic movement which has reached its maximum phase in the Late Carboniferous. Earlier successions from Carboniferous to Precambrian were affected and the Permo-Carboniferous Shajra Formation unconformably rests on all underlying Paleozoic rock units toward the central Arabia arch and other paleohighs. The Shajra rests on the Devonian Jawbah (Jubah), Jawf (Jauf) and Tawil formations, the Silurian Sharawra, Qusayba, and Uqlah formations, the Ordovician Zarqa/Sarah, and Qasim formations, the Cambro-Ordovician Saq Formation, and finally rests on Precambrian Basement complex in Central Arabia. The tectonic movements played important role in shaping the structural framework of Arabia. The Paleozoic succession included source, reservoir, and seal rocks. Oil and gas have been discovered in sandstone and limestone reservoirs in these rocks in several oilfields in the basin.  相似文献   

Arabian Journal of Geosciences - The bauxite ore deposits are mainly found around the Az Zabirah area in the central northern part of Saudi Arabia. The age of the Az Zabirah bauxites was suggested...  相似文献   

Al-Kharrar Lagoon is a fossil back-reef basin with hypersaline waters, situated 10 km northwest of Rabigh city, central of the eastern Red Sea coast, Saudi Arabia. About 130 stations were selected for measurements of the lagoon’s water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and water depths during March 2014. The common macro-algae, flora, and fauna were also sampled and identified. The present study aims to investigate the prevailing environmental parameters and their impact on the macro-fauna/flora of the lagoon. The average water depth of the lagoon was around 5 m and reached maximum values of 8 and 16 at the lagoon centre and inlet, respectively. The results showed that the lagoon’s surface water temperature and salinity have mean values of 25 °C and 40‰, but with extreme values of 30 °C and 45‰ that occurred only at the enclosed intertidal areas, respectively. Their dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH were 6.5 mg/l and 8.3, respectively and the latter showing the highest values up to 8.5 in the intertidal areas dominated by the green cyanobacteria. These physicochemical conditions make the lagoon as a favorite place for the mangrove Avicennia marina, macro-algae, seagrasses (Halophila stipulacea and Cymodocea rotundata), and algal mats (Cyanobacteria) which dominate the intertidal and supratidal areas of the lagoon, tolerating extremely high-salinity and high-temperature conditions. On the other hand, corals were observed alive at the southern part of the lagoon, immediately south of the Al-Ultah Islet. Vertical profiles of temperature, salinity, and density in the lagoon’s water indicated that the water column consists of two layers throughout the year.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that the Arab‐D reservoir in Ghawar field has been significantly dolomitized and that the distribution of dolomites is highly heterogeneous across this reservoir. Previous studies indicated that dolomite occurs with either a stratigraphic or non‐stratigraphic distribution; when mapped, dolomite tends to form several parallel linear trends across the field. Although stratigraphic dolomite was suggested to be formed early from highly evaporated pore fluids sourced from overlying evaporite deposits, non‐stratigraphic dolomite was thought to be generated primarily from hydrothermal fluids sourced from below. This study focuses primarily on these non‐stratigraphic dolomites, and proposes that: (i) these dolomites initially formed via seepage reflux, but were reinforced by late stage hydrothermal dolomitization; and (ii) reflux is also responsible for the formation of parallel, linear trends of dolomite. The reflux model hypothesizes that an evaporative lagoon (which is the source of dolomitizing fluids) formed during the falling stage systems tract of a depositional sequence, and that with continuing sea‐level fall this lagoon migrated progressively towards deeper parts of an intrashelf basin adjacent to the Ghawar field, leaving behind lines of dolomite bodies along a series of temporary coastlines. Two‐dimensional reactive transport models have been built to test this hypothesis, and have resulted in a predicted pattern of dolomite bodies that agrees with both the observed vertical distribution of non‐stratigraphic dolomite, as well as the mapped lateral distribution of the dolomite trends. In addition, the major ion compositions of Late Jurassic seawater are calculated based on fluid inclusion data in the literature. Using Jurassic seawater in current models leads to the absence of anhydrite cements and less potential of over‐dolomitization than using modern seawater.  相似文献   


The Bir Umq ophiolite is one of the most important ophiolitic successions in the Arabian Shield, and represents an excellent case for the study of the tectonomagmatic evolution of the earliest Precambrian events in the juvenile part of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS). It is a dismembered ophiolite, which includes a serpentinized peridotite with small amounts of gabbro and mélange, and is overlain by the Sumayir formation. The mantle section of the Bir Umq ophiolite has been pervasively sheared and folded during its emplacement and is extensively serpentinized, carbonated and silicified, resulting in the common development of magnesite and listwaenite along the shear zones. Listwaenite occurs in the form of upstanding ridges due to its resistance to erosion. Antigorite is the main serpentine mineral, which, however, has low amounts of lizardite and chrysotile, indicating that the present serpentinites formed by prograde metamorphism. The ophiolitic rocks of Bir Umq have undergone regional metamorphism up to the greenschist to amphibolite facies. The presence of mesh and bastite textures indicates harzburgite and dunite protoliths. The serpentinized peridotite preserves rare relicts of primary minerals such as olivine, pyroxene and Cr-spinel. The serpentinized ultramafics of Bir Umq have high Mg# [molar Mg/(Mg+Fe2+); 0.90–0.93), low CaO, and Al2O3 contents similar to that of the environment of the suprasubduction zone. Additionally, they are characterized by the depletion of some compatible trace elements (e.g., Nb, Sr, Ta, Zr, Hf and REE), but show a wide variation in the Rb and Ba. Moreover, they are enriched in some elements that have affinities for Mg-rich minerals such as Ni, Cr, V, and Co. Fresh relics of olivine have high Fo (av. 0.91) and NiO (av. 0.42) contents, similar to those in the mantle olivine. The fresh Cr-spinel has high Cr# (0.68) and low TiO2 content (av. 0.11), similar to those in modern fore-arc peridotites. The composition of both orth- and clinopyroxenes confirms the fore-arc affinity of the studied ultramafics. The present study indicates that the protoliths of the serpentinized ultramafics of Bir Umq have high partial melt degrees, which is consistent with the characteristics of ultramafic rocks formed in a subarc environment (fore-arc) within a suprasubduction zone system.  相似文献   

This study documents a Liassic example of the long‐ranging effects of mass extinction on carbonate systems. Biohistoric constraints inherent in the Liassic carbonate depositional system are deciphered from normal‐marine, sub‐tidal deposits of the central High Atlas rift basin (Morocco) through ?Hettangian/Sinemurian to Early Toarcian times. The integration of results from the analysis of lithofacies, depositional geometries, microfacies, macrobenthos, carbonate build‐ups, carbon and oxygen stable isotopes, and rare earth element + yttrium distribution patterns allows the intrinsic (or biohistoric) control on the central High Atlas deposits to be separated from extrinsic factors, such as basin development and palaeoclimate. The survival interval in the aftermath of the end‐Triassic mass extinction persisted until the Early Sinemurian indicated by a severely depleted carbonate system impoverished in skeletal organisms. A tectonic pulse at the Early to Late Sinemurian boundary interval caused a basin widening with immigration of a marine fauna. However, until the latest Sinemurian (macdonelli Subzone of the raricostatum Zone) the deposits were dominated by filter‐feeding benthic heterotrophs (sponges, brachiopods, polychaetes and crinoids). During this stage, primary production within the enlarged basin must have been largely planktonic and there was a net‐flux of organic matter to the sea floor (oxygen minimum zone). A regional radiation of organic‐walled phytoplankton is inferred to explain the selective success of the filter‐feeding community and the occurrence of sponge mounds. Thus, significant effects of the end‐Triassic mass extinction are still present during the Late Sinemurian. Through almost the entire Pliensbachian a highly productive, shoal‐rimmed carbonate platform existed; it developed subsequent to tectonic reorganization and a marine recirculation event (radiolarian facies, Δδ13C ≈ ?1·1, strongly negative Ce‐anomaly). Photosymbiotic sediment producers (mainly large bivalves) now state the success of specialists and environmental equilibrium conditions. In the latest Pliensbachian the climax stage was reached with the development of a coralgal reef‐rimmed carbonate platform. The Liassic carbonate depositional system experienced a terminal, multicausal Early Toarcian drowning event during which most of the large bivalves became extinct.  相似文献   

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