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Stress-path dependent behavior of a weathered clay crust   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Triaxial compression and oedometer consolidation tests are commonly performed to evaluate the strength and deformation behavior of soils. However, in the field, the stress paths imposed by various engineering works may deviate from the stress paths conventionally used in laboratory tests. Moreover, the stress-paths followed by different soil elements under a foundation are different. To obtain representative soil parameters, the laboratory stress path should be similar to that followed in the field. In this study, a significant number of stress-path triaxial tests, with stress probes in various directions, have been conducted to study the stress-path dependent behavior of an overconsolidated weathered crust of Champlain clay in Eastern Ontario. Both undrained and drained tests have been conducted for samples isotropically consolidated to the in situ vertical stress and anisotropically consolidated to in situ state of stress. The yield locus of the clay crust has been defined. It has been observed that the strength-deformation and yielding behavior of this weathered clay crust highly depends on the stress-path as well as on the in situ stress history.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes the results from a continuing research project started in 1984, which is investigating improved methods for predicting the underground climate in hot mines. The Homestake Gold Mine in South Dakota was the site for testing methods, based on radial heat flow theory, to measurein situ values of the thermal conductivity and diffusivity of rock. The methods used proved to be quite within the capability of mine staff to carry out for themselves. The results were acceptable and verified thatin situ thermal rock properties can differ considerably from laboratory determined values, in this case by a factor of approximately two.A mine climate simulation program, CLIMSIM, was applied to case studies from the Homestake mine using the measured thermal rock parameters. The results showed good correlation between the measured and simulated values.  相似文献   

Summary A large scalein situ compression test of a laminated coal cube is described. The cube was uniformly loaded by a system of hydraulic jacks supplied simultaneously from one pump. At the same time both load and deformations were controlled. Deformations were measured by 60 longitudinal gauges located at the side surface of the cube in the regular net. Due to the heterogeneity of the rock the readings showed scatter. As a first approximation, the scattered data were fitted to the plane using the least square method. Orientations of the planes were analysed and show permanent relative movement between adjacent lamina indicating complex behaviour of the cube under loading. Detailed analysis of this behaviour indicated that the cube was subjected to both bending and twisting.  相似文献   

Summary A discrete element approach was used in the simulation of rock fracture. The numerical synthetic material was made of rigid circular particles or cylinders that have interaction through normal and shear springs. The cylinders were bonded to each other at the contact points to withstand the applied loads. To characterize the microscopic properties of this synthetic material, a dimensional analysis approach was presented. It was shown that the dimensionless parameters and graphs obtained were useful tools for fast and efficient calibration of a synthetic material. This calibration method was employed for finding a numerical model for Pennsylvania Blue Sandstone. The numerical model could mimic many deformational and failure characteristics of the sandstone in both conventional and some non-conventional stress paths.  相似文献   

A new pollen organ, Bayeritheca hughesii gen. et sp. nov. with in situ Eucommiidites pollen grains, is described from the Cenomanian of Bohemia in Central Europe. It is based on a single lignified specimen which is the largest Eucommiidites -producing pollen structure described so far. It shows whorls of microsporangiate units attached to a massive main axis forming a cone-like structure. Each microsporangiate unit forms distally an angular head bearing trichomes and centrally arranged mucronate tubercles. The head is attached to a short stalk. Proximal sides of heads display radially arranged synangia. Each synangium contains an unknown number of pollen sacs with numerous Eucommiidites pollen grains.Bayeritheca is the only genus of Erdtmanithecales in which synangia instead of sporangia are found. Bayeritheca differs from Eucommiiditheca Friis & Pedersen in the whorled arrangement of microsporangiate units, which are densely spaced forming a cone-like structure. It differs from Erdtmanitheca Pedersen, Crane & Friis in the elongate shape of the whole organ, slender main axis, shorter pollen sacs, and different Eucommiidites pollen.  相似文献   

石角围花岗岩型铀矿床位于粤北下庄铀矿田东部,沥青铀矿是矿床的主要矿石矿物,也是厘定成矿年龄的理想对象。前人采用同位素稀释法(ID-TIMS)和电子探针U-Th-totalPb化学定年法获得的成矿年龄为38~138Ma,但前人年龄变化范围大,可靠性有待考究,难以有效约束矿床的成矿时代。本文利用LA-ICP-MS原位微区分析技术,对石角围矿床矿石中沥青铀矿开展了原位U-Pb定年。研究表明:沥青铀矿的206Pb/238U年龄为52. 46~56. 89Ma,加权平均年龄为54. 68±0. 53Ma(MSWD=1. 19,n=18)。本次沥青铀矿原位U-Pb定年与前人相比更好地避免了矿物包裹体、后期次生变化、显微裂隙等因素的影响,获得的沥青铀矿原位U-Pb同位素年龄代表矿床的成矿年龄。本研究获得的石角围矿床成矿年龄(~55Ma)与华南花岗岩型铀矿床主成矿期(~50Ma)相一致,指示石角围矿床铀成矿作用与华南岩石圈局部伸展作用下的断裂构造活动密切相关。  相似文献   

As the fastest, lowest, flattest and amongst the most arid of continents, Australia preserves a unique geomorphic record of intraplate tectonic activity, evidencing at least three distinct modes of surface deformation since its rapid northward drift commenced around 43 million years ago. At long wavelengths (several 1000s km) systematic variations in the extent of Neogene marine inundation imply the continent has tilted north–down, southwest–up. At intermediate-wavelengths (several 100s km) several undulations of ~ 100–200 m amplitude have developed on the 1–10 myr timescale. At still shorter wavelengths (several 10s km), fault related motion has produced local relief at rates of up to ~ 100 m/myr over several million years. The long-wavelength, north–down tilting can be related to a dynamic topographic effect associated with Australia's northward drift from the geoid low, dynamic topography low now south of the continent to the geoid high, dynamic topography low centred above the south-east Asian and Melanesian subduction zones. The short wavelength, fault-related deformation is attributed in time to plate-wide increases in compressional stress levels as the result of distant plate boundary interactions and, in space, in part to variations in the thermal structure of the Australian lithosphere. At the intermediate wavelengths, transient, low amplitude undulations can be ascribed to either lithospheric buckling or the development of instabilities in the thermal boundary layer beneath the lithosphere. In the latter case, topographic asymmetries suggest the Australian lithosphere is moving north with respect to the mantle beneath, providing a unique attribution to the progressive alignment of seismic anisotropy and absolute plate motion observed near the base of the Australian lithosphere.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variability of pigments was studied from the CZCS satellite data and fromin situ chlorophyll and transparency for the period 1979-1985. The three Adriatic sites, Northern, Middle, and Southern Adriatic are differently influenced by meteorological, hydrological and oceanographic parameters. The differences between seasonalin situ chlorophyll and remotely sensed pigment concentrations (from CZCS satellite data) from the Adriatic are large in winter. Through the correlation analysis, pigments were compared to meteo-oceanographic and hydrological parameters from different Adriatic sites. The PCA (principal component analysis) was applied to the pigment data series and significant components were compared. Different correlations are obtained for warm and cold periods of the year pointing to seasonal differences in the underlying mechanism of pigment variability. The first PC is influenced mainly by temperature. In the warm period more parameters seem to influence the pigment field, than in the cold period. The pigments in the Adriatic are in good correlation to a number of hydrologic and meteo-oceanographic factors.  相似文献   

赣南离子型稀土矿的大肆开采,以及尾矿废渣不合理处置,造成矿区周边环境中重金属铅含量超标,破环矿区生态环境。本文利用不同剂量(质量分数分别为5%、10%和15%)的天然及改性凹凸棒作为钝化剂,利用扫描电镜和傅里叶红外光谱对两种钝化剂的表面特征和官能团进行分析,采用BCR重金属连续提取法对钝化能力和效果进行评价,并以此研究土壤中铅的形态变化,借鉴国外的重金属TCLP提取法评估重金属污染土壤的环境质量。结果表明:经过50d的培养,土壤pH值从4.76显著升高至接近7.0。改性后凹凸棒使铅的酸提取态含量从25.69mg/kg降低至7.42mg/kg,并促进其向残渣态转化,残渣态含量比对照组增加了1.38倍,TCLP提取态含量比对照组降低了65.70%,从而显著降低了铅的生物可利用度和生态风险。与天然凹凸棒相比,改性后凹凸棒对稀土尾矿土壤修复具有较为良好的效果。  相似文献   

激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱法(LA-ICP-MS)通常采用体积固定的封闭剥蚀池,大尺寸样品要经过切割或破碎,能够放入剥蚀池后才可以再进行LA-ICP-MS分析,因此,这种常规密闭式LA-ICP-MS难以应用于无法破碎的珍稀大尺寸样品分析.为实现大尺寸样品的非破坏性微区原位主微量元素分析,本文基于自行设计的开放式样品采...  相似文献   

Summary ¶Rock zones containing a high fracture density and/or soft, low cohesion materials can be highly problematic when encountered during tunnel excavation. For example in the eastern Aar massif of central Switzerland, experiences during the construction of the Gotthard highway tunnel showed that heavily fractured areas within shear zones were responsible for overbreaks in the form of chimneys several metres in height. To understand and estimate the impact of the shear zones on rock mass behaviour, knowledge concerning the rock mass strength and deformation characteristics is fundamental. A series of laboratory triaxial tests, performed on samples from granite- and gneiss-hosted shear zones revealed that with increasing degree of tectonic overprint, sample strength decreases and rock behaviour shows a transition from brittle to ductile deformation. These trends may be explained by increasing fracture densities, increasing foliation intensity, increasing thickness of fine-grained, low cohesion fracture infill, and increasing mica content associated with the increasing degree of tectonic overprint. As fracture density increases and the influence of discrete, persistent discontinuities on rock mass strength decreases, behaviour of the test samples becomes more and more representative of rock mass behaviour, i.e. that of a densely fractured continuum. For the purpose of numerical modeling calculations, the shear zones may be subdivided with respect to an increasing fracture density, foliation intensity and mica content into a strongly foliated zone, a fractured zone and a cohesionless zone, which in turn exhibit brittle, brittle-ductile and ductile rock mass constitutive behaviour, respectively.Received December 17, 2001; accepted January 9, 2003 Published online April 29, 2003  相似文献   

本刊编辑部 《岩矿测试》2016,35(2):正文前I-正文前II
正117高温高压下元素配分的原位实验与计算模拟研究进展作者:黄圣轩,巫翔*,秦善导读撰文:本刊编辑部高温高压下元素配分行为研究揭示了地球内部物质迁移、富集、分异的动力学过程,有助于解决元素成矿、超临界流体性质、地球及行星演化等基础地质问题,近年来成为地球化学研究热点之一。同步辐射微聚焦X射线荧光光谱结合金刚石压腔技术原位测试方法逐渐取  相似文献   

南秧田钨矿床位于滇东南老君山W-Sn矿集区,地处扬子地块和印支地块的结合部位,地质背景复杂并遭受了多期岩浆活动和区域变质事件,其成矿时代和成因一直存在争议。本文对矽卡岩型和长石-石英脉型白钨矿开展了年代学、原位微量元素、Sr同位素研究,分析了两类白钨矿年龄、成因以及物质来源的差异。结果表明,长石-石英脉内与白钨矿共生辉钼矿的Re-Os同位素等时线年龄为151.0±1.3Ma,明显晚于矽卡岩矿体年龄,属于后期成矿事件。矽卡岩型白钨矿的轻稀土富集、重稀土强烈亏损,Eu呈明显负异常(δEu=0.46),∑REE平均含量为65.60μg/g,Mo平均含量为240.16μg/g,Sr平均含量为883.43μg/g;长石-石英脉型白钨矿稀土呈Eu正异常(δEu=2.8)的平坦型,∑REE平均含量为194.40μg/g,Mo平均含量为16.01μg/g,Sr平均含量为129.26μg/g。以上两者微量、稀土元素含量的差别显示它们具有性质明显不同的流体来源,Eu异常指示矽卡岩型白钨矿形成于氧逸度较高的环境,长石-石英脉型白钨矿形成于还原性环境。矽卡岩白钨矿~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr值相对较低,并且比较均一,介于0.71319~0.71491之间,表明成矿流体主要来自岩浆热液;长石-石英脉型白钨矿~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr值较高且变化范围大,介于0.71537~0.72803之间,平均0.72079,呈现出变质流体特征。两种不同类型白钨矿Sr同位素都具有二元混合的特征,显示长石-石英脉型白钨矿对矽卡岩型白钨矿有叠加改造作用,成矿流体与围岩的强烈交代作用是白钨矿形成的关键。  相似文献   

任静  李超  刘宇平  武振坤  任磊 《岩矿测试》2018,37(3):275-282
经历反复埋藏暴露演化过程的河流阶地样品,难以用常规方法将原生宇宙核素10Be、26Al有效分离。本文在前人实验方法基础上,使用人工挑选、磁选仪分选及酸洗方法,分离样品中碳酸盐、含铁矿物及大气生成的10Be,进一步优化了石英提纯实验流程。结果表明:长度为9 cm、内径为1 cm的阴离子交换树脂装置匹配4 mol/L氢氟酸淋滤液,可将B、Mg、Ca、Cr、Fe、Mn、Ni、Ti和Be、Al有效分离,Be、Al回收率分别可达95.7%、85.7%。阳离子交换树脂能有效分离Be、Al,两元素回收率均达到85%。获得10Be/9Be和26Al/27Al流程空白分别为2.19×10-15和1.63×10-15。优化后的实验方法显著提高了河流阶地样品中原生宇宙核素10Be、26Al的纯化效率,且10Be/9Be和26Al/27Al流程空白数值与国内外实验室具有可比性。采用本方法获得了成都平原冲积物10Be、26Al暴露年龄分别是76.36±9.51 ka和69.44±14.13 ka,为评价龙门山前缘隐伏断裂构造特征和活动性提供了年代学依据。  相似文献   

This paper considers Swiss experiences of in situ agrobiodiversity conservation. The Swiss recognise the multifunctionality of agriculture, particularly within the marginal, mountainous areas of the country and are spending public and private funds to maintain crop landraces, agroecosystems, landscapes, agricultural practices, and rural communities. State programs in marginal agricultural regions tie economic assistance to biodiversity conservation practices, through the use of direct payment systems. With the removal of many import restrictions and state-led marketing, alternative innovative programs linked to local values of diversity provide opportunities for conservation. In situ agrobiodiversity conservation ideas being pursued include awareness-raising schemes, scientific initiatives, the establishment of diversity gardens and community-based programs. Any extension of the in situ conservation programs could have substantial implications for regional development. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A network of 12 tree-ring width chronologies of Himalayan cedar (Cedrus deodara) from the western Himalayan region, India, has been used to reconstruct mean spring (March–May) temperature variations back to A.D. 1600. The most conspicuous feature of the temperature reconstruction is the long-term cooling trend since the late 17th century that ended early in the 20th century. The warmest 30-yr mean for the 20th century was recorded during 1945–1974. However, this warming, in the context of the past four centuries is well within the range of natural variability, since warmer springs of greater magnitude occurred in the later part of the 17th century (1662–1691).  相似文献   

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