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The Late Ordovician Wufengian sediments in western Zhejiang include three facies: 1) graptolite shale facies, composed of two parts--the upper part the Yankou Formation, with the Diplograplus bohemicus(graptolite) zone and Dalmanitina sp.(trilobite), and the lower part the yuqian Formation with four graptolite zones:(4) the Paraorthograptus yuqianensis zone,(3) the Climacograptus venustus zone,(2) the Dicellograptus szechuanensis zone and(1) the Pseudoclimacograptus anhuiensis zone; 2) mixed facies, consisting of the Wenchang Formation in its upper part and the Changwu Formation in its lower; and 3) shelly limestone facies, whose upper and lower parts are separately the Wenchang Formation and Sanjushan Formation, containing Taeniolites, Proheliolites, etc. In this region the Dalmanitina-Hirnantia bed is well exposed,and Da. and H. are associated with Diplograptus bohemicus, belonging to the late Late Ordovician.The Ordovician-Silurian boundary is drawn as follows:(1) for the graptolite facies, it lies between the Diplograptus bohemicus zone and Glyptograptus persculptus zone;(2) for the graptolite-sheny limestone facies(brachiopod fauna), it is placed between the top of the Diplograptus bohemicus zone and the base of the horizon with the Eospirifer fauna; and 3) for the shelly facies(brachiopod fauna), it is drawn between the top of the horizon with the Dalmanitina-Hirnantia fauna and thebase of the horizon with the Eospirifer fauna.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the evolution of Stromatoporoidea in the epicontinental sedimentary basin of the Siberian Platform and Taimyr during the Ordovician and Silurian. Specimens of the oldest genus, Priscastroma, were found in the middle of Middle Ordovician sediments. This genus is represented by the species P. gemina Khrom., which has two forms, A and B. Tracing the emergence of new genera over time, we identified two distinct branches in stromatoporoid evolution.The ancestor of the first branch is P. gemina f. A, which gave rise to the genus Cystostroma. The latter is the ancestor of two subbranches with predominant horizontal skeletal elements. The subbranches differ only in tissue microstructure. The genera Stromatocerium, Dermatostroma, and Aulacera display dense fibrous microstructure, whereas the genus Rosenella and its descendants display dense microstructure. The genus Lophiostroma, with a lamellar–fibrous tissue, may be a dead branch of evolution.The ancestor of the second branch is P. gemina f. B, which gave rise to the genus Labechia and its descendants. This branch has a dense tissue, with predominant vertical skeletal elements.Ordovician stromatoporoids from Siberia were compared with those from other basins of the world. Comparison shows that all the Ordovician genera from the epicontinental basin of the Siberian Platform and Taimyr originated here. Thus, this basin was one of the centers of stromatoporoid origin.  相似文献   

Detrital zircon U–Pb ages and heavy mineral assemblages provide conflicting evidence of the provenance of the Ordovician–lower Silurian Tumblagooda Sandstone, a fluvial to shallow marine, red-bed succession over 2000 m thick, within the northern Perth and Southern Carnarvon basins in Western Australia. Tourmaline composition indicates a main provenance from interior continental terranes dominated by ‘Li-poor granitoids, pegmatites and aplites’ and ‘Ca-poor metapelites, metapsammites and quartz-tourmaline rocks,’ akin to the Yilgarn Craton to the east of outcrop of the Tumblagooda Sandstone. Other possible source areas include orogens mostly to the south but lack tourmaline analyses for comparison. Taking into account the lack of garnets—a conspicuous component of the adjacent Proterozoic Northampton Inlier—the limited zircon data are compatible with the Albany–Fraser and Pinjarra orogens along the southern and western margins of Australia and/or terranes in or adjacent to East Africa and/or Antarctica, as ultimate source regions with a minor contribution from the Yilgarn Craton, as with other Phanerozoic strata in Western Australia. Whereas the textural and mineralogical maturity of the sandstone could be explained by derivation from such regions, it is more likely that the source was relatively local and that the sediment passed through several phases of reworking. The main source of ilmenite and hematite, by comparison, may have been mafic–ultramafic rocks and/or banded iron formations within the Archean Yilgarn Craton to the east or the Pilbara Craton to the northeast, mobilised by acidic meteoric waters. Iron oxides forming the earliest cements may have been derived from the oxidation of detrital hematite and ilmenite grains concentrated along some bedding laminae or transported in solution from beyond the zone of deposition. Whereas the detrital iron oxides most likely come from the craton to the east of outcrop of the Tumblagooda Sandstone, the sand grains appear to have originally come from a relatively local orogenic source.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of the clay fraction separated from the carbonate rock of the north-eastern Baltoscandian Basin was analysed and interpreted. Increased contents of Rb, Zr, Nb, Ti and their Al2O3-normalised ratios were detected at several stratigraphical levels in the geological sections of the Middle Ordovician–Upper Llandovery. In the weathering areas, Rb, Zr, Nb, Ti and Al are sensitive to moist conditions in the clay-forming process. In the sedimentary basin, the contents of these elements in clay are preserved and allow to infer past climates. Humid events occurred in the Dapingian, Sandbian, early Katian and Hirnantian (Ordovician) and in the Middle and Late Llandovery (Silurian). Juxtaposition with the sea-level curve shows correlation of five humid climate intervals with eustatic transgressions, suggesting global causes for these climatic changes. The warm and humid events, lasting one to two million years, occurred as climaxes between ice ages. An exceptional humid event within the Hirnantian glacial time occurs during mid-Hirnantian transgression, i.e. at a time of relative warming, as well.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - This work presents new paleomagnetic data on previously dated Ordovician–Silurian volcanics from four sections in the western framework of the Taratash massif...  相似文献   

Two lithofacies maps of the Lachlan Fold Belt, one for the Ordovician and one for the Silurian, are illustrated. Both maps indicate shorelines in western New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania.

The Ordovicoan map suggests open‐sea conditions eastwards from the shoreline with one major and two minor andesitic volcanoes (or volcanic centres). The Silurian map suggests segmentation of the Lachlan Fold Belt into the Melbourne Basin, Omeo Land, Newell Basin, and Budawang Land. The Newell Basin displays a nearshore (Louth‐Mitta Mitta) coarse clastics facies and an offshore (Wellington‐Cooma) platform carbonate facies. Acid volcanism was widespread over the Newell Basin in Silurian time, but did not occur in the Melbourne Basin.

The Louth‐Mitta Mitta and Wellington‐Cooma facies boundary coincides with the position of the Coolac‐Honeybugle Serpentine Belt and the outcrop area of the Girilambone Beds, suggesting that these features were already in some way prominent during the Silurian Period: the Serpentine Belt may have been a fault, and the Girilambone Beds may have been land.

The origin of base‐metal deposits in the Silurian rocks is thought to be somehow related to the heat generated in the subsurface during Silurian time as is indicated by the volcanism and granite intrusion; and also to the fact that the deposits occur in a transgressive sequence which contains the first phase of acid volcanism in the known geological history of the Lachlan Fold Belt.  相似文献   

The early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Xing'an-Mongolian Orogenic Belt is dominated by two oceanic basins on the northwestern and southeastern sides of the Xing'an Block,i.e.,the Xinlin-Xiguitu Ocean and the Nenjiang Ocean.However,the early development of the Nenjiang Ocean remains unclear.Here,we present zircon U-Pb geochronology and whole-rock elemental and Sr-Nd isotopic data on the gabbros in the Xinglong area together with andesitic tuffs and basalts in the Duobaoshan area.LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of gabbros and andesitic tuffs yielded crystallization ages of 443-436 Ma and 452-451 Ma,respectively.The Early Silurian Xinglong gabbros show calc-alkaline and E-MORB affinities but they are enriched in LILEs,and depleted in HFSEs,with relatively low U/Th ratios of 0.18-0.36 andεNd(t)values of-1.6 to+0.5.These geochemical features suggest that the gabbros might originate from a mantle wedge modified by pelagic sediment-derived melts,consistent with a back-arc basin setting.By contrast,the andesitic tuffs are characterized by high MgO(>5 wt.%),Cr(138-200 ppm),and Ni(65-110 ppm)contents,and can be termed as high-Mg andesites.Their low Sr/Y ratios of 15.98-17.15 and U/Th values of 0.24-0.25 and moderate(La/Sm)_n values of 3.07-3.26 are similar to those from the Setouchi Volcanic Belt(SW Japan),and are thought to be derived from partial melting of subducted sediments,and subsequent melt-mantle interaction.The Duobaoshan basalts have high Nb(8.44-10.30 ppm)and TiO2 contents(1.17-1.60 wt.%),typical of Nb-enriched basalts.They are slightly younger than regional adakitic rocks and have positiveεNd(t)values of+5.2 to+5.7 and are interpreted to be generated by partial melting of a depleted mantle source metasomatized by earlier adakitic melts.Synthesized with coeval arc-related igneous rocks from the southeastern Xing'an Block,we propose that the Duobaoshan high-Mg andesitic tuffs and Nbenriched basalts are parts of the Late Ordovician and Silurian Sonid Zuoqi-Duobaoshan arc belt,and they were formed by the northwestern subduction of the Nenjiang Ocean.Such a subduction beneath the integrated Xing'an-Erguna Block also gave rise to the East Ujimqin-Xinglong igneous belt in a continental back-arc basin setting.Our new data support an early Paleozoic arc-back-arc model in the northern Great Xing'an Range.  相似文献   

Integrative methods of chemostratigraphy and biostratigraphy were used in the study of microtektites and moderate nickel-iridium anomaly beds in the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary beds at Huangmao (Guangxi Autonomous Region) and Muhua (Guizhou Province) in southern China. Microtektites provide evidence for meteoritic impact event(s), whereas the minerals and the chemical composition of the Ni-Ir anomaly beds likely display a submarine hydrothermal origin. It is postulated that the intensification of the rifting-hydrothermal process, and the ensuing pollution, might have been responsible for the Devonian-Carboniferous biotic crisis. This process began in the late Famennian expansa zone, lasted to the Tournaisian duplicata zone, and produced the largest manganese ore deposits of China.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the possible natural sources of fluorides and boron in Silurian–Ordovician (S–O) aquifer system, as the anomaly of these elements has been distinguished in groundwater of western Estonia. Water–rock interactions, such as dissolution and leaching of the host rock, are considered to be the main source of high fluoride and boron concentrations in groundwater. Altogether 91 rock samples were analysed to determine if high F and B levels in groundwater could be attributed to certain aquifer forming rock types. Fluorine and boron contents in limestones and dolomites vary from 100 to 500 mg/kg and 5 to 20 mg/kg, reaching up to 1,000 and 150 mg/kg in marlstones, respectively. K-bentonites, altered volcanic ash beds, are rich in fluorine (400–4,500 mg/kg) and boron (50–1,000 mg/kg). Thus, clay-rich sediments, providing ion-exchange and adsorption sites for F and B, are the probable sources of both elements in S–O aquifer system in western Estonia.  相似文献   

The K-bentonite, black shale and flysch successions at the Ordovician–Silurian transition in South China have been the subject of comprehensive investigations relative to the probable accretion of the Yangtze Block and the questionable Cathaysia Block. First, the geochemical analyses of K-bentonites show that the parent magma originated in syn-collisional, volcanic-arc and within-plate tectonic settings, which produced mainly intermediate-to-felsic series magmas, associated with continuous collision and subduction of paleo-continental blocks/arcs. Further, the regional distribution of K-bentonite thickness indicates that voluminous explosive volcanism was located in the present southeastern shoreline provinces of China. Secondly, northwestwardly migrating, Ordovician–Silurian, transitional flysch successions, and the accompanying diachronous K-bentonite-bearing black-shale interval, as well as the related, overlying, shallowing-upward succession at the interior of the Yangtze Block, developed as an unconformity-bound sequence that mirrors foreland-basin tectophase cycles in the Appalachian basin. The above features suggest that the sequence accumulated in a similar foreland basin, which formed in response to adjacent deformational loading in a northwesterly migrating orogen located to the southeast. Geochemical and paleocurrent data from the turbiditic flyschoid sandstones also support these depositional settings. Accordingly, it seems that all criteria strongly support the presence of an Ordovician–Silurian, subduction-related orogen resulting from collision with a block to the southeast that must have been the original “Cathaysia Block” of Grabau and later workers. The K-bentonite, black-shale and flysch successions can be regarded as distal, foreland responses to the continuous northwestward collision and accretion of the Cathaysia Block to the Yangtze Block. Hence, we prefer to suggest that the suture zone with the sensu stricto Cathaysia Block probably developed along previously identified late Early Paleozoic suture relicts in the shoreline provinces of southeast China. On the other hand, although accretion of fragments with Cathaysian affinities to the Yangtze Block may have begun as early as Middle to Late Proterozoic time, the Ordovician–Silurian orogeny described above probably reflects the final phase of accretion between the two blocks. Moreover, when combined with similar peri-Iapetan orogenic events in other areas during the same period, this accretion event may have been part of a major stage of global tectonic reconstruction in the evolution of Gondwana.  相似文献   

The pre-Mesozoic, mainly Variscan metamorphic basement of the Col de Bérard area (Aiguilles Rouges Massif, External domain) consists of paragneisses and micaschists together with various orthogneisses and metabasites. Monazite in metapelites was analysed by the electron microprobe (EMPA-CHIME) age dating method. The monazites in garnet micaschists are dominantly of Variscan age (330–300 Ma). Garnet in these rocks displays well developed growth zonations in Fe–Mg–Ca–Mn and crystallized at maximal temperatures of 670°C/7 kbar to the west and 600°C/7–8 kbar to the east. In consequence the monazite is interpreted to date a slightly pressure-dominated Variscan amphibolite-facies evolution. In mylonitic garnet gneisses, large metamorphic monazite grains of Ordovician–Silurian (~440 Ma) age but also small monazite grains of Variscan (~300 Ma) age were discovered. Garnets in the mylonitic garnet gneisses display high-temperature homogenized Mg-rich profiles in their cores and crystallized near to ~800°C/6 kbar. The Ordovician–Silurian-age monazites can be assigned to a pre-Variscan high-temperature event recorded by the homogenised garnets. These monazite age data confirm Ordovician–Silurian and Devonian–Carboniferous metamorphic cycles which were already reported from other Alpine domains and further regions in the internal Variscides.  相似文献   

Elements involved in biogeochemical cycles undergo rapid turnover at the oxic–anoxic interface of stratified lakes. Here, the presence or absence of oxygen governs abiotic and biotic processes and rates. However, achieving a detailed sampling resolution to precisely locate the oxic–anoxic interface is difficult due to a lack of fast, drift-free sensors in the working range of 10 to a few 1,000 nmol O2 L?1. Here, we demonstrate that conventional amperometric and optical microsensors can be used to resolve submicromolar oxygen concentrations in a continuous profiling mode. The amperometric drift was drastically reduced by anoxic preconditioning. In situ offset correction in the anoxic layer and a high amplification scheme allowed for an excellent detection limit of < 10 nmol L?1. The optical microsensors also showed a similar performance with a detection limit of < 20 nmol L?1. Their drift stability allowed for a laboratory calibration in combination with a minor in situ anoxic offset correction. The two different sensor systems showed virtually identical profiles during parallel use in stratified lakes. Both sensors were able to resolve the fine-scale structure at the oxic–anoxic interface and revealed hitherto unnoticed extended zones of submicromolar oxygen concentrations even below a steep oxycline. The zones extended up to several meters and showed substantial vertical variability. These results underline the need of a precise localization of the oxic–anoxic interface on a submicromolar scale in order to constrain the relevant aerobic and anaerobic redox processes.  相似文献   

Palaeolatitude data obtained from palaeomagnetic studies of Australian formations are described and compared with the palaeoclimatic zones inferred from geological observations. The two techniques produce results which agree for most of the Palaeozoic. Only for the Early Cambrian (and late Proterozoic) and Mesozoic do the climatic indicators appear to contradict the palaeolatitude evidence. It is pointed out that each of these geological intervals follows immediately a period of widespread glaciation.  相似文献   

Journal of Earth System Science - The East Kunlun Orogenic Belt has undergone a composite orogenic process consisting of multiple orogenic cycles and involving many types of magmatic rocks spread...  相似文献   

This work presents the results of U–Pb geochronological studies of alkaline granites of the Aralaul complex of Northern Kazakhstan, which allow one to substantiate their Late Silurian (420 ± 4 Ma) age. Taking into consideration the previously obtained data, we propose a new development scheme of Paleozoic granitoid magmatism in Northern Kazakhstan, which includes Late Ordovician granite–granodiorite (Zerenda and Krykkuduk), Early Silurian granite–leucogranite (Borovoe and Karabulak), Late Silurian granosyenites–granite (Aralaul), and Early Devonian (Balkashino and Orlinogorsk) complexes.  相似文献   

We consider the structural position and petrology of eclogites in the North Kokchetav accretion-collision zone located north of the Kokchetav metamorphic belt formed by high- and ultrahigh-pressure rocks. In the Early Ordovician North Kokchetav tectonic zone, thin sheets of mylonite and diaphthoric gneisses with eclogites are tectonically conjugate with the volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Stepnyak paleoisland-arc zone. Eclogites have been revealed at two sites of the North Kokchetav tectonic zone—Chaikino and Borovoe. The Chaikino eclogites formed at 800–850 °C and 18–20 kbar, and the Borovoe eclogites, at 750–800 °C and 17–18 kbar. Study of pyroxene-plagioclase symplectite replacing omphacite of the eclogites at both sites has recognized three stages of regressive magmatism: (1) formation of coarse-grained clinopyroxene-plagioclase symplectite at 760–790 °C and 11–12 kbar, (2) formation of fine-grained clinopyroxene-plagioclase symplectite at 700–730 °C and 7–8 kbar, and (3) amphibolization of pyroxene at 570–600 °C and 5–6 kbar. The Ar-Ar age of muscovite from the Borovoe mica schists hosting eclogites is 493 ± 5 Ma, which corresponds to the time of cooling of metamorphic rocks to <370 °C. Hence, the peak of high-pressure metamorphism and all recognized stages of retrograde changes are dated to the Cambrian. The geological data evidence that eclogite-schist-gneiss sheets were localized in the accretion-collision zone and became conjugate with sedimentary and volcanic rocks no later than in the Middle Ordovician.  相似文献   

正Objective The Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation–Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation is one of the priority interval for shale gas exploration in the Sichuan Basin and its peripheral areas,and commercial shale gas has been  相似文献   

Smirnov  V. N.  Ivanov  K. S. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2019,488(1):1051-1054
Doklady Earth Sciences - The 40Ar–39Ar dating of mica from schists and blastomylonites, sampled within the limits of a fault that separates the Eastern zone of the Middle Urals, sinking...  相似文献   

The amplitude of pre-Quaternary sea level drop, H, can be calculated by using the formula H = D + To, where To is the original thickness from the top of the tidal deposits on the reef core to the bottom of the tidal deposits on the reef front, or to the bottom of the ancient meteoric vadose zone, or to the edge of the mixed-water dolostone zone. The identity and similarity between the sea-level drop amplitudes calculated from different reefs far away from each other indicates that such sea-level changes are eustatic rather than relative changes. Evidence of an end-Permian sea-level drop has been found on the Changxingian (i.e. the end of the Palaeofusulina zone) reefs at Ziyun in South China, including algal laminated deposits, sabkha-related dolostone, desiccation cracks, dissolution collapse breccia. According to calculation based on the meteoric dissolution zone of the reef-core sequence at Ziyun, Guizhou province, the amplitude of the sea-level drop at the end-Permian is about 89.3 m. Calculation vi  相似文献   

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