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Thermal waters hosted by Menderes metamorphic rocks emerge along fault lineaments in the Simav geothermal area. Thermal springs and drilled wells are located in the Eynal, Çitgöl and Na a locations, which are part of the Simav geothermal field. Studies were carried out to obtain the main chemical and physical characteristics of thermal waters. These waters are used for heating of residences and greenhouses and for balneological purposes. Bottom temperatures of the drilled wells reach 163°C with total dissolved solids around 2225 mg/kg. Surface temperatures of thermal springs vary between 51°C and 90°C. All the thermal waters belong to Na–HCO3–SO4 facies. The cold groundwaters are Ca–Mg–HCO3 type. Dissolution of host rock and ion-exchange reactions in the reservoir of the geothermal system shift the Ca–Mg–HCO3 type cold groundwaters to the Na–HCO3–SO4 type thermal waters. Thermal waters are oversaturated at discharge temperatures for aragonite, calcite, quartz, chalcedony, magnesite and dolomite minerals giving rise to a carbonate-rich scale. Gypsum and anhydrite minerals are undersaturated with all of the thermal waters. Boiling during ascent of the thermal fluids produces steam and liquid waters resulting in an increase of the concentrations of the constituents in discharge waters. Steam fraction, y, of the thermal waters of which temperatures are above 100°C is between 0.075 and 0.119. Reservoir pH is much lower than pH measured in the liquid phase separated at atmospheric conditions, since the latter experienced heavy loss of acid gases, mainly CO2. Assessment of the various empirical chemical geothermometers and geochemical modelling suggest that reservoir temperatures vary between 175°C and 200°C.  相似文献   

Gas samples from some fumaroles at ‘La Fossa' crater and Baia di Levante on Vulcano Island and from a diffuse soil gas emission were analysed during 1995–1996, along with water samples from thermal wells in the area of Vulcano Porto. During 1996, we observed a significant increase both in the gas/steam ratio and in the CO2 concentration, as well as strong variations in δ13CCO2, δDH2O and δ18OH2O of fumarolic gases. These variations are probably related to an increased inflow of deep fluids of magmatic origin. The temperatures of fumaroles did not show remarkable variations except for fumarole F11. In this case, temperature increased by about 80°C from February to August 1996. During the same period, remarkable variations in temperature, phreatic level and chemical and isotopic composition of water were also recorded in one of the geothermal wells in the Vulcano Porto area (Camping Sicilia; T60°C). The observed variations in this well are probably related to a pressure build-up, occurring at least in the surficial part of the system, because of increased gas flux and/or decreased permeability of the fumarolic degassing system. Chemical and isotopic composition of the water showed that during this evolutionary phase, the content of fumarolic condensate in this well was about 80 to 90%. Based on the observation of physical and chemical variables of the Camping Sicilia fluids, during this phase of activity, it is concluded that this area is affected by a phreatic eruption hazard if a volcanic episode with high energy discharge in a limited time span occurs. It follows that this well may be considered as a preferential point for volcanic activity monitoring, both in the case of normal routine surveillance and in the case of inaccessibility to the crater area.  相似文献   

Isotopic fractionation of 10B/11B provides a sound tool for identifying hydrogeochemical processes in complex areas, owing to its ability to discriminate between various scenarios. In addition, the occurrence of boron as a minor element in areas of active volcanism allows its use in comparison with concentrations of other conservative or non‐conservative ions. This allows the detection of water mixtures of diverse origin and temperature, deep or shallow, including fresh water, seawater and even brines. This tool was applied in studies of the volcanic islands of Ischia and São Miguel, across widely differing geographical and climatic contexts. Five groups of waters have been identified in Ischia Island: marine, transition, hot carbonated, cold carbonated and fresh waters. For São Miguel Island the identified groups are cold carbonic, hot carbonic, boiling and acidic boiling waters. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we assess the size and effects of the earthquakes of 12 May 1866, and 24 January 1916 in Anatolia (Turkey). We show that these events had a magnitude Ms 7.2 and that the former was associated with a 45-km long surface fault break along the north-east part of the East Anatolian Fault Zone. These two earthquakes are chosen among others in order to demonstrate how easy it is to miss out large earthquakes of the historical, even of the early instrumental period, and to draw the incompleteness of many existing catalogues to the attention of those who use them for the estimation of slip rates and the assessment of seismic hazard. Of the two earthquakes studied here, the former was only vaguely known and the latter is not included in Gutenberg and Richter's catalogue.  相似文献   

Detailed field mapping in the Güvem area in the Galatia province of NW Central Anatolia, Turkey, combined with K–Ar dating, has established the existence of two discrete Miocene volcanic phases, separated by a major unconformity. The magmas were erupted in a post-collisional tectonic setting and it is possible that the younger phase could be geodynamically linked to the onset of transtensional tectonics along the North Anatolian Fault zone. The Early Miocene phase (18–20 Ma; Burdigalian) is the most voluminous, comprising of over 1500 m of potassium-rich intermediate-acid magmas. In contrast, the Late Miocene volcanic phase (ca. 10 Ma; Tortonian) comprises a single 70-m-thick flow unit of alkali basalt. The major and trace element and Sr–Nd isotope compositions of the volcanics suggest that the Late Miocene basalts and the parental mafic magmas to the Early Miocene series were derived from different mantle sources. Despite showing some similarities to high-K calc-alkaline magma series from active continental margins, the Early Miocene volcanics are clearly alkaline with higher abundances of high field strength elements (Zr, Nb, Ti, Y). Crustal contamination appears to have enhanced the effects of crystal fractionation in the petrogensis of this series and some of the most silica-rich magmas may be crustal melts. The mantle source of the most primitive mafic magmas is considered to have been an asthenospheric mantle wedge modified by crustally-derived fluids rising from a Late Cretaceous–Early Tertiary Tethyan subduction zone dipping northwards beneath the Galatia province. The Late Miocene basalts, whilst still alkaline, have a Sr–Nd isotope composition indicating partial melting of a more depleted mantle source component, which most likely represents the average composition of the asthenosphere beneath the region.  相似文献   

Thermal waters of the Ömer–Gecek geothermal field, Turkey, with temperatures ranging from 32 to 92°C vary in chemical composition and TDS contents. They are generally enriched in Na–Cl–HCO3 and suggest deep water circulation. Silica and cation geothermometers applied to the Ömer–Gecek thermal waters yield reservoir temperatures of 75–155°C. The enthalpy–chloride mixing model, which approximates a reservoir temperature of 125°C for the Ömer–Gecek field, accounts for the diversity in the chemical composition and temperature of the waters by a combination of processes including boiling and conductive cooling of deep thermal water and mixing of the deep thermal water with cold water. It is also determined that the solubility of silica in most of the waters is controlled by the chalcedony phase. Equilibrium states of the Ömer–Gecek thermal waters studied by means of the Na–K–Mg triangular diagram, Na–K–Mg–Ca diagram, K–Mg–Ca geoindicator diagram, activity diagrams in the systems composed of Na2O–CaO–K2O–Al2O3–SiO2–CO2–H2O phases, log SI diagrams, and finally the alteration mineralogy indicate that most of the spring and low-temperature well waters in the area can be classified as shallow or mixed waters which are likely to be equilibrated with calcite, chalcedony and kaolinite at predicted temperature ranges similar to those calculated from the chemical geothermometers. It was also observed that mineral equilibrium in the Ömer–Gecek waters is largely controlled by CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

Thermal and cold water chemistry from the southern flank of Mount Taftan was investigated in order to discriminate among hydrochemical facies, isotopic characteristics, geothermal reservoir and identify the major geochemical processes that affect water composition.  相似文献   

This paper presents a probable isostatic model of the East Anatolian Region, which lies in a belt of significant plate movements. Probable locations of the horizontal and vertical discontinuities in the crust structure were determined using the normalized full gradient (NFG) method. For the purpose of explaining the mechanism that supports topography corresponding to the crust thickness in the region, calculations of effective elastic thickness (T e) were carried out initially by utilizing admittance and misfit functions. According to these results, the effective elastic thickness value obtained was less than the crust thickness, even though the isostatic model does not conform with the Airy model. Consequently, it was assumed that there could be problems beneath the crust. Hence, the NFG method was applied on the Bouguer gravity data of the region in order to investigate probable discontinuities in the crust structure. According to the NFG results, vertical structural transitions were observed at a depth ranging between 10 and 30 km, which begin immediately north of the Bitlis Zagros Suture Zone (BZSZ) and continue in a northerly direction. The relationship between the effective elastic thickness (T e; 13 km in average as determined in the last stage), and the seismogenic zone in the region was investigated. If the T e value happens to be less then the crustal thickness, then one can say that there are problems in the crustal structure of the region similar to Eastern Anatolia. Indeed, when NFG results of the study area are examined, numerous vertical and horizontal discontinuities in the crust can be observed. These discontinuities, which correspond to low Bouguer gravity anomalies and shallow focal depth-earthquakes, are probably the source of the factors which rule the tectonic mechanism of the region.  相似文献   

The attenuation of coda waves in the earth’s crust in southwest (SW) Anatolia is estimated by using the coda wave method, which is based on the decrease of coda wave amplitude in time and distance. A total of 159 earthquakes were recorded between 1997 and 2010 by 11 stations belonging to the KOERI array. The coda quality factor Q c is determined from the properties of scattered coda waves in a heterogeneous medium. Firstly, the quality factor Q 0 (the value of Q c at 1 Hz.) and its frequency dependency η are determined from this method depending on the attenuation properties of scattered coda waves for frequencies of 1.5, 3.0, 6.0, 8.0, 12 and 20 Hz. Secondly, the attenuation coefficients (δ) are estimated. The shape of the curve is controlled by the scattering and attenuation in the crustal volume sampled by the coda waves. The average Q c values vary from 110 ± 15 to 1,436 ± 202 for the frequencies above. The Q 0 and η values vary from 63 ± 7 to 95 ± 10 and from 0.87 ± 0.03 to 1.04 ± 0.09, respectively, for SW Anatolia. In this region, the average coda Qf relation is described by Q c = (78 ± 9)f 0.98±0.07 and δ = 0.012 km?1. The low Q 0 and high η are consistent with a region characterized by high tectonic activity. The Q c values were correlated with the tectonic pattern in SW Anatolia.  相似文献   

Turkey was struck by two major events on August 17th and November 12th, 1999. Named Kocaeli (Mw=7.4) and Düzce (Mw=7.2) earthquakes, respectively, the two earthquakes provided the most extensive strong ground motion data set ever recorded in Turkey. The strong motion stations operated by the General Directorate of Disaster Affairs, the Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute of Bogazici University and Istanbul Technical University have produced at least 27 strong motion records for the Kocaeli earthquake within 200 km of the fault. Kocaeli earthquake has generated six motions within 20 km of the fault adding significantly to the near-field database of ground motions for Mw>=7.0 strike–slip earthquakes. The paper discusses available strong motion data, studies their attenuation characteristics, analyses time domain, as well as spectral properties such as spectral accelerations with special emphasis on fault normal and fault parallel components and the elastic attenuation parameter, kappa. A simulation of the Kocaeli earthquake using code FINSIM is also presented.  相似文献   

Seasonal occurrence of six ostracod species (Psychrodromus olivaceus, Potamocypris villosa, Ilyocypris inermis, Candona candida, Candona neglecta, and Cypridopsis vidua) varied from May 2003 to June 2004 in three types of spring (Limnocrene, Helocrene, Rheocrene). When I. inermis was only found in the limnocrene spring each month, P. olivaceus was common in all types of springs. The other four ostracods were found in the helocrene spring in fall, winter, and spring seasons. The unweighted pair group mean averages dendrogram separated three main clusters. The first cluster includes two species (C. vidua, C. candida) while I. inermis was found in the second cluster and P. olivaceus, C. neglecta, and P. villosa were found in the third. The occurrence of P. olivaceus and C. neglecta and P. villosa and C. candida was strongly correlated to each other (r=0.750 and 0.850, respectively). The Pearson correlation analyses showed a strong negative relationship between C. neglecta and water temperature (r=−0.607), but other species did not show any significant correlation to any of the environmental variables used (P>0.05). Canonical correspondence analyses (CCA) displayed all species closer to the center of the dendrogram, indicating high levels of species tolerances to environmental variables. Thus, the first axis of the CCA diagram explained 80% of the relationship between six species and five environmental variables.  相似文献   

The recent destructive earthquake(MS 7.4) of 17 August 1999 in the Gulf of Izmitin north-west Turkey was not a surprise, neither forits location, large magnitude or for the damage itcaused. Other, equally large magnitude earthquakeshave occurred in the past in the region but we havechosen to present in this paper the earthquake of 10July 1894 because it is one of the two large events tostrike the Gulf of Izmit in the last 105 years, and inmany respects similar to the recent earthquake of 17August 1999 in size, location, and effects.  相似文献   

Plio-Quaternary volcanism played an important role in the present physical state of Eastern Anatolia. Mount Nemrut, situated to the west of Lake Van is one of the main volcanic centers in the region, with a spectacular summit caldera 8.5 × 7 km in diameter. The most recent eruptions of the volcano were in 1441, 1597 and 1692. Nemrut Lake covers the western half of the caldera; it is a deep, half-bowl-shaped lake with a maximum depth of 176 m. Numerous eruption centers are exposed within the caldera as a consequence of magma–water interaction. Current activity of Nemrut caldera is revealed as hot springs, fumaroles and a small, hot lake.Self-potential and bathymetric surveys carried out in the caldera were used to characterize the structure of the caldera and the associated hydrothermal fluid circulation. In addition, analyses based on digital elevation models and satellite imagery were used to improve our knowledge about the structure of the caldera. According to SP results, the flanks of the volcano represent “the hydrogeologic zone”, whereas the intra-caldera region is an “active hydrothermal area” where the fluid circulation is controlled by structural discontinuities. There is also a northern fissure zone which exhibits hydrothermal signatures. Nemrut caldera collapsed piecemeal, with three main blocks. Stress controlling the collapse mechanism seems to be highly affected by the regional neotectonic regime. In addition to the historical activity, current hydrothermal and hydrogeologic conditions in the caldera, in which there is a large lake and shallow water table, increase the risk of the quiescent volcano.  相似文献   


This study focuses on the variability of lake evaporation and also the periodic relationships among hydro-meteorological variables. The monthly hydro-meteorological data of Lake Keban were investigated by wavelet transforms. The results show that the main periodicity is on an annual scale. This periodicity is weaker for precipitation and wind speed but higher for evaporation, temperature, runoff and relative humidity. In addition to this, the continuous wavelet figures show some weak periodicities on the almost 10-year scale level but they are not continuous over time. Also, strong events on a short-term monthly scale are seen for evaporation, precipitation and runoff in 1988. This event in 1988 may be explained by the 1988 La Niña event, which was one of the strongest on record. Also, the periodicities on the 2–8-month scales in the precipitation data can be interpreted as being connected with the strong El Niño events of 1982 and 1992.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor A. Carsteanu  相似文献   

Temperature, salinity, meltwater percentage, water column stability, dissolved oxygen and nutrients were measured in seawater samples collected at three fixed depths (0, 20, 100 m) in 104 stations located in three different areas of the Ross Sea (Antarctica), during four Italian Antarctic surveys carried out between 1998 and 2006. Nutrient data were used to quantify the nutrient removal, which appears particularly high in 2006, especially in polynya area. The N:P and Si:N disappearance ratios were studied to estimate the dominant phytoplanktonic community. No significant differences in the nutrient drawdown ratio were observed, in fact the N:P ratio was always below the Redfield standard ratio.  相似文献   

The residual aeromagnetic and gravity anomalies of inner East Anatolia, surveyed by the Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) of Turkey, display complexities. Some faults, which are known and new lineaments, are drawn from maxspot map derived from the location of the horizontal gradient of gravity anomalies. Tectonic lineaments of inner East Anatolia exhibit similarities to the direction of East Anatolian Fault Zone. Anticlockwise rotation, approximately −30°, defined from disorientations of aeromagnetic anomalies. The lineaments obtained from maxspots map produced from the gravity anomalies and disoriented aeromagnetic anomalies are in-line with the mobilistic system revealed by the palaeomagnetic data. These Alpine age continental rotations caused westward wrenching of the global lithosphere and led to significant tectonic reactivation and deformations. GPS measurements, current tectonic knowledge and the results of the evaluation of potential field data were combined in a base map to demonstrate similarities.  相似文献   

One approach to model the high-frequency attenuation of spectral amplitudes of S-waves is to express the observed exponential decay in terms of Kappa (κ) factor [1]. Kappa is a significant parameter used for identifying the high-frequency attenuation behavior of ground motions as well as one of the key parameters for stochastic strong ground motion simulation method. As of now, there is not a systematic investigation of the Kappa parameter based on the recently-compiled Turkish ground motions. In this study, we examine a strong ground motion dataset from Northwestern Turkey with varying source properties, site classes and epicentral distances. We manually compute κ from the S-wave portion of each record and study both horizontal and vertical kappa values. We use traditional regression techniques to describe the (potential) relationships between kappa and selected independent variables such as the site class, distance from the source or magnitude of the event. A linear effect of magnitude on kappa is not found statistically significant for the database studied herein. We express the initial findings of a regional κ model for Northwestern Turkey as a function of site class and epicentral distances. Single station analyses at selected sites confirm the regional model. Finally, we present stochastic strong motion simulations of past events in the region using the proposed kappa model. Regardless of the magnitude, source-to-site distance and local site conditions at the stations, the high-frequency spectral decay is simulated effectively at all stations considered.  相似文献   

The Kula volcanic field in Western Turkey comprises about 80 cinder cones and associated basaltic lava flows of Quaternary age. Based on geomorphological criteria and K-Ar dating, three eruption phases, β2–β4, were distinguished in previous studies. Human footprints in ash deposits document that the early inhabitants of Anatolia were affected by the volcanic eruptions, but the age of the footprints has been poorly constrained. Here we use 3He and 10Be exposure dating of olivine phenocrysts and quartz-bearing xenoliths to determine the age of the youngest lava flows and cinder cones. In the western part of the volcanic field, two basalt samples from a 15-km-long block lava flow yielded 3He ages of 1.5 ± 0.3 ka and 2.5 ± 0.4 ka, respectively, with the latter being in good agreement with a 10Be age of 2.4 ± 0.3 ka for an augen gneiss xenolith from the same flow. A few kilometers farther north, a metasedimentary xenolith from the top of the cinder cone Çakallar Tepe gave a 10Be age of 11.2 ± 1.1 ka, which dates the last eruption of this cone and also the human footprints in the related ash deposits. In the center of the volcanic field, a basalt sample and a metasedimentary xenolith from another cinder cone gave consistent 3He and 10Be ages of 2.6 ± 0.4 ka and 2.6 ± 0.3 ka, respectively. Two β4 lava flows in the central and eastern part of the volcanic province yielded 3He ages of 3.3 ± 0.4 ka and 0.9 ± 0.2 ka, respectively. Finally, a relatively well-preserved β3 flow gave a 3He age of ∼13 ka. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the penultimate eruption phase β3 in the Kula volcanic field continued until ∼11 ka, whereas the youngest phase β4 started less than four thousand years ago and may continue in the future.  相似文献   

Abstract The Senonian Ophiolitic Mélange of the Ankara Mélange Supergroup includes numerous blocks of radiolarian cherts. These blocks contain various radiolarian assemblages from the Albian to the Turonian ( Pseudodictyomitra pseudomacrocephala, Thanarla tieneta) , the Lower Cretaceous ( Thanarla conica, Alievium helenae, Pseudodictyomitra carpatica) , the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian ( Ristola altissima, Sethocapsa cetia, Podocapsa umphitreptera) and the lower Jurassic ( Parahsuum simplum). Upper Norian radiolarians were obtained from two of these blocks. The assemblage is represented by Betraccium deweveri Pessagno and Blome, Ferresium triquetrum Carter, Pylostephanidium ankaraense n. sp. (Genus Pylostephanidizi was formerly unknown in the upper Triassic) and other taxa. Thus, upper Norian fauna of Turkey exhibits close similarity to the radiolarian assemblages of western North America, Eastern Russia, Japan and the Philippines. This provides further evidence for the correlation of Mediterranean and Pacific Triassic sequences. These data allow for the conclusion that the sedimentation of radiolarian cherts was common in this part of Tethys during the Late Triassic and the Jurassic.  相似文献   

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