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The Indian Census Organization is internationally known for its cartographic literature and coverage. The first Census Atlas series was brought out during 1961 Census. In the 1971 period this programme was strengthened and in addition, materials drawn from updating of jurisdictions were published in diversified cartographic forms. A programme has been added in 1981 Census activities on regional mapping to interpret population data leading to cartographic evaluation in its regional frame. This paper tries to focus attention in these cartographic developments and research to all concerned.  相似文献   

B. Meissner 《GeoJournal》1994,32(1):71-79
It is the aim of the author to show the general geo-scientific audience how they can profit from the specific view of cartographers when using remote sensing data. Leading from the explanation of cartography's tasks and the technically unique cartographic view on remote sensing data, it links up to the cartographic use of the data material. The author describes the direct and indirect applications with regard to topographic and thematic maps and reports from various practical projects in order to illustrate the main points. Finally the future dimension of remote sensing cartography within the field of developing geographical information systems (GIS) is pointed out.  相似文献   

Multi-anvil press experiments were performed using a single cell assembly containing six different compositions. This set-up allows a careful sampling of the miscibility gap for given P-T conditions. Shrinking of the miscibility gap in the Fe-S-Si system has been studied from 4 to 12 GPa up to 2200 K, demonstrating a stable immiscible zone up to 4 GPa and 2200 K and its closure at higher pressures. Presence of both S and Si in the Earth’s core is suggested by chondritic models. Therefore, its composition is inherited from processes at pressures higher than 4 GPa. This evolution of the Fe-S-Si miscibility gap is linked with the change in the local short-range order in Fe and Fe-S liquids. Our results indicate that core formation under reducing conditions would be affected by immiscibility for planetesimals up to size of the Moon. Furthermore, due to the difference in wetting properties between the two immiscible liquid phases, the S-rich metal phase would control the chemical exchange between liquid metals and silicates during early differentiation in planetesimals.  相似文献   

陈金俊 《新疆地质》2001,19(2):101-101
地质图件专业性强,种类多,色层多。根据其特性一般可分为基础地质图(地质图、岩性古地理图、勘探部署图等)、经济地质图(勘探成果图、地质矿产图、水文地质图等)、以及勘探工程图、钻井综合柱状图、钻井地层对比图等。1 地质图件绘制 绘制地质图件程序为:绘制内图廓线→绘制测量控制点→绘制居民、地质工程符号→绘制水系、道路;绘制地质界线、断层→绘制等值(深)线等→绘制外图廓线图外整饰;审校。由于地质图件种类多、要素多,可采取分版绘制。分版绘制目的主要是为了减少印刷时复杂的分涂工作。但分版的版数应掌握适当,可把…  相似文献   

基于ArcGIS平台的地质制图的实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李军  高光大  王芳  郭佳 《地质通报》2009,28(1):150-154
地图符号作为地图语言在地图的制作和输出中起着非常重要的作用。美国ESRI公司开发的ArcGIS是功能强大的GIS软件平台,制图模块ArcMap中自带的符号库不能满足中国基本比例尺地图输出的要求,因此必须为它建立符合地图图式要求的符号库。通过对基于ArcGIS平台设计的一套简单易用、符合标准的地质图图例库的分析,提出了解决基于ArcGIS平台的地质图制图的方法。  相似文献   

A reductionistic concept is being pursued in the 125 000 geomorphological mapping of the Federal Republic of Germany. Complex landscape elements with a base length greater than 100 m are broken down into partial elements and re-interpreted in terms of quantificational or abstractly defined, theoretically neutral map symbols. The genetic aspect is expressed by areal colouring. In this way it aims to achieve an interdisciplinary utilization of such information. This reduction has proved to be too drastic insofar as it gives rise to irretrievable loss of information. The claim that use-oriented, ecologically relevant information would be derivable from the GMM-25 has not been substantiated. As ecologically justifiable evaluation must also consider as its most fundamental indicators the quality and distribution of biotopes. These are not even rudimentarily included in the GMM-25. The uncontextualized blending of information units which only make sense in heterogeneous contexts to produce a single map is antithetical to the principle of subject related selection of relevant characteristics and prevents comprehension of the systematic relationships.The underlying concept of the GMM-25, derived from an uncritical incorporation of physico-mathematical total predictability principles, leads to an irreversible renunciation of the necessarily complex constituents of a high geomorphological level of integration.  相似文献   

薛卫冲 《江苏地质》2011,35(3):275-279
采用CAD软件绘制地质图件时,常遇到不断重复简单的绘制命令,从而使得制图工作沉闷、低效、多错。介绍了利用Excel的编制函数功能与CAD命令窗口相结合的原理、方法及常用手段,通过实例来说明如何实现地质制图过程的快速、准确与高效。  相似文献   

分析了磷矿资源的主要用途和其不可再生性、耗竭性、不可替代性及分布的不均匀性,认为磷元素是粮食中的"食粮",磷矿具有了显著的"国家属性";应加大磷矿资源的勘查投入、加强磷矿勘查开发领域的科研创新、改变消费模式和合理控制需求等具体措施,确保国家粮食安全。  相似文献   

寻找消失的大陆   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
已发表的大量海洋地质、地球物理调查和海底钻探文献资料表明,现今大西洋、印度洋、太平洋的不同部位——海底高原、深海平原、海沟、转换断层以至大洋中脊都可以找到大陆残块或大陆壳的痕迹。值得注意的是,大洋盆地中已经发现的大陆残块,在全球磁异常图上,大多位于南美洲、非洲、欧洲、南极洲、大洋洲的大陆磁异常带向相邻大洋盆地延伸部分,二者互相印证。这说明,具有大陆磁异常特征的这部分大洋盆地的基底具有大陆壳的性质,这是否意味着现代大洋的相当一部分深海盆地并不是以典型的大洋地壳,而是以大陆属性的地壳为基底的。然而,在世界地质图上,这些深海盆地的底多被以海底磁异常条带为基础的海底扩张模型解释为白垩纪的大洋地壳。这就不得不使我们对根据Vine—Matthews假说建立的海底扩张模型产生质疑。基于上述事实,我们认为,在大地构造研究中,不仅要在各时代的造山带中寻找消失的大洋,而且要在各个时期的海洋中寻找消失的大陆,才能更准确地进行古构造一古地理再造,还原各地史时期大地构造的真实面貌。我们认为,大陆经裂谷作用转化为大洋,大洋经造山作用转化为大陆的过程中,必然存在着地球各层圈之间,特别是壳幔之间的物理、化学作用。因此,大地构造研究必须从全球整体出发,注意物质水平运动的同时,还要更加注意研究壳与幔、幔与核,以及壳、幔、核的不同层次之间能量的转换和物质转化过程,才能对大陆与大洋的形成和演化过程作出正确的判断。  相似文献   

P. J. Stickler 《GeoJournal》1990,22(3):329-333
Many large Black settlements are downgraded or made invisible on maps of South Africa. This form of subjective generalisation gives a false prominence to small White towns. A more realistic map of the major settlements in South Africa is presented. The problems associated with mapping of Black settlements are discussed. These include the lack of census data, absence of official recognition of places, difficulties of place naming and the lack of functional imcomparability with other places.  相似文献   

成因层序地层学的回顾与展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
薛良清 《沉积学报》2000,18(3):484-488
回顾了以成因地层层序为基础的成因层序地层学的形成、发展与研究现状,对成因地层层序及其内部构成、高分辨率成因地层层序、成因地层层序的旋回性、非海相成因地层层序、成因地层层序与沉积物堆积速率等主要观点作了简略评述,并结合我国陆相沉积特征对成因层序地层学未来研究前景作了初步展望。  相似文献   

从理论和实践两个角度探讨了建筑设计企业人员规模对产值的影响。通过分析对比,发现建筑设计企业的人员规模和人均产值之间并不存在明显的相关性。影响建筑设计企业运作效率的最基本因素是技术、管理和企业的品牌,而不是人员规模。  相似文献   

A modeling method that takes into account known points on a geological interface and plane orientation data such as stratification or foliation planes is described and tested. The orientations data do not necessarily belong to one of the interfaces but are assumed to sample the main anisotropy of a geological formation as in current geological situations. The problem is to determine the surfaces which pass through the known points on interfaces and which are compatible with the orientation data. The method is based on the interpolation of a scalar field defined in the space the gradient in which is orthogonal to the orientations, given that some points have the same but unknown scalar value (points of the same interface), and that scalar gradient is known on the other points (foliations). The modeled interfaces are represented as isovalues of the interpolated field. Preliminary two-dimensional tests carried-out with different covariance models demonstrate the validity of the method, which is easily transposable in three dimensions.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations, using empirical interatomic potentials within the framework of lattice dynamics and quasi-harmonic approximation, have been carried out to model the behaviour of the structure and of some thermoelastic properties of pyrope at high pressure and high temperature conditions (0–50 GPa, 300–1500 K). Comparison with observed data, available as a function either of P or of T, suggests that the pressure effects are satisfactorily modelled, whilst the effect of T on the simulations is underestimated. The cell edge, bond lengths and polyhedral volumes have been studied as a function of P along five isotherms, spaced by 300 K steps. These isotherms tend to converge at high pressure, which demonstrates that the pressure effects become dominant compared to those of thermal origin in affecting the structural properties far from ambient conditions. The cell parameter, bond distances, and other structural and thermoelastic quantities determined through simulations have been parametrised as a function of P and T by polynomial expansions. Bulk modulus and thermal expansion have been discussed in the light of the high-temperature-Birch-Murnaghan and of the Vinet P – V – T equations of state. The predictions of the bulk modulus versus P and T from the present calculations and from the Vinet-EOS agree up to 10 GPa, but they differ at higher pressure. Received: 23 October, 1998 / Revised, accepted: 23 April, 1999  相似文献   

The origin of CGMW dates back to 1881; in its initial phase it concentrated exclusively on geoscientific cartography of Europe. Since 1911, CGMW has taken up the promotion, coordination and publication of small-scale geo-scientific maps world-wide. Of this map type, recently published examples of modern European map series are presented:

Geological Map of Europe and the Mediterranean Regions 1:1.5 Mio (in 49 sheets) Hydrogeological Map of Europe 1:1.5 Mio (in 30 sheets with explanatory notes) Tectonic Map of Europe 1:2.5 Mio (in 16 sheets)

Quaternary Map of Europe 1:2.5 Mio (in 15 sheets)

Metallogenic Map of Europe 1:2.5 Mio (in 9 sheets with an explanatory memoir, 1984)

International Map of Iron Ore Deposits of Europe 1:2.5 Mio (in 16 sheets with explanatory notes, 1970-73)

A series of different geoscientific thematic maps comprising the West European Atlantic Region will result from the Circum-Atlantic Project. Its objectives are to inventory and use the available geoscience and resource data in analyzing the geological evolution and resource potential of the Atlantic Basin. The present status of the Circum-Atlantic Project is explained.  相似文献   

鸡西煤田面临严峻的资源接替问题。以煤田探采、地震及野外勘查资料为基础,对区内煤层分布规律,盆地构造演化对煤层聚集与改造的控制作用及找煤方向进行了研究。分析认为:城子河组煤层的聚集和保存受箕状断陷的形成和演化影响较大;平面上南北两个向斜的北翼和盆地东部是煤层聚集和保存较好的区域;剖面上城子河组可采煤层主要发育于该组中下部的低水位体系域和水进体系域;位于区内南部向斜北翼的玄武岩覆盖区域有较好的煤层保存。  相似文献   

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