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A new mineral, mendigite (IMA no. 2014-007), isostructural with bustamite, has been found in the In den Dellen pumice quarry near Mendig, Laacher Lake area, Eifel Mountains, Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz), Germany. Associated minerals are sanidine, nosean, rhodonite, tephroite, magnetite, and a pyrochlore-group mineral. Mendigite occurs as clusters of long-prismatic crystals (up to 0.1 × 0.2 × 2.5 mm in size) in cavities within sanidinite. The color is dark brown with a brown streak. Perfect cleavage is parallel to (001). D calc = 3.56 g/cm3. The IR spectrum shows the absence of H2O and OH groups. Mendigite is biaxial (–), α = 1.722 (calc), β = 1.782(5), γ = 1.796(5), 2V meas = 50(10)°. The chemical composition (electron microprobe, mean of 4 point analyses, the Mn2+/Mn3+ ratio determined from structural data and charge-balance constraints) is as follows (wt %): 0.36 MgO, 10.78 CaO, 37.47 MnO, 2.91 Mn2O3, 4.42 Fe2O3, 1.08 Al2O3, 43.80 SiO2, total 100.82. The empirical formula is Mn2.00(Mn1.33Ca0.67) (Mn0.50 2+ Mn0.28 3+ Fe0.15 3+ Mg0.07)(Ca0.80 (Mn0.20 2+)(Si5.57 Fe0.27 3+ Al0.16O18). The idealized formula is Mn2Mn2MnCa(Si3O9)2. The crystal structure has been refined for a single crystal. Mendigite is triclinic, space group \(P\bar 1\); the unit-cell parameters are a = 7.0993(4), b = 7.6370(5), c = 7.7037(4) Å, α = 79.58(1)°, β = 62.62(1)°, γ = 76.47(1)°; V = 359.29(4) Å3, Z = 1. The strongest reflections on the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d, Å (I, %) (hkl)] are: 3.72 (32) (020), 3.40 (20) (002, 021), 3.199 (25) (012), 3.000 (26), (\(01\bar 2\), \(1\bar 20\)), 2.885 (100) (221, \(2\bar 11\), \(1\bar 21\)), 2.691 (21) (222, \(2\bar 10\)), 2.397 (21) (\(02\bar 2\), \(21\bar 1\), 203, 031), 1.774 (37) (412, \(3\bar 21\)). The type specimen is deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, registration number 4420/1.  相似文献   

A new mineral of the neptunite group, magnesioneptunite KNa2Li(Mg,Fe)2Ti2Si8O24, a Mg-dominant analogue of neptunite and manganoneptunite, has been found in the Upper Chegem caldera near Mount Lakargi, Kabardino-Balkaria, the North Caucasus, Russia in a xenolith of altered sandstone located between skarnified carbonate xenoliths and ignimbrite. Magnesioneptunite occurs as nearly isometric grains and aggregates up to 0.1 mm in size in the cores of some grains of a Mg-rich variety of neptunite with Mg/(Fe + Mn) = 0.7?1.0. The chemical composition of magnesioneptunite with a maximum Mg content is as follows, wt %: 3.63 K2O, 8.21 Na2O, 1.73 Li2O, 6.47 MgO, 0.04 MnO, 5.87 FeO, 0.07 Al2O3, 18.73 TiO2, 56.88 SiO2, 99.62 in total. The empirical formula is (K0.67Na0.32Ca0.01)Σ1.00Na2.06Li1.00 · (Mg1.39Fe 0.71 2+ )Σ2.10(Si7.90Al0.01)Σ7.91O24. Grains of magnesioneptunite are dark brown to red-brown, translucent, with vitreous luster. D calc = 3.15 g/cm3, and the Mohs hardness is 5–6. Cleavage parallel to the (110) is perfect. The new mineral is optically biaxial, positive, α = 1.697(2), β = 1.708 (3), γ = 1.725(3), 2V meas = 45(15)°. The mineral is associated with quartz, alkali feldspar, rutile, aegirine, and neptunite. Magnesioneptunite and the Mg-rich variety of neptunite were formed as products of ilmenite alteration. Magnesioneptunite is monoclinic, C2/c; unit-cell parameters: a = 16.327(7), b = 12.4788(4), c = 9.9666(4) Å, β = 115.6519(5)°, V = 1830.5(1) Å3, Z = 4. The type specimen is deposited at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.  相似文献   

Summary Batiferrite, ideally Ba[Ti2Fe10]O19, was found in the Quaternary volcanic rocks near üdersdorf, Graulai, and Altburg, western Eifel area, Germany. The new mineral typically occurs as euhedral platy grains in cavities of melilite- and leucite-nephelinite basalts. Associated minerals are hematite, magnetite, titanite, g?tzenite, clinopyroxene, nepheline, and biotite. It exhibits a hexagonal tabular habit flattened on {0001}, diameter 0.5–1 mm, thickness 20–125 μm, and {10&1macr;3}, {10&1macr;0} as observable forms. The mineral is opaque, of black color with submetallic lustre, and shows a ferrimagnetic behavior. VHN50 is 793 with a range of 710–841 from ten indentations. The quantitative reflectance measurements of Ro/Re on oriented grains in air and oil immersion, respectively, are [%]: for 470 nm 22.1/20.1 and 8.4/7.1, for 546 nm 21.0/19.4 and 7.8/6.6, for 589 nm 20.2/18.8 and 7.4/6.3, and for 650 nm 19.3/18.3 and 6.8/5.9. The bireflectance is distinct (air) to weak (oil), and parallel (0001) a moderate anisotropy with straight extinction can be observed. Typical microprobe analyses give [wt%] K2O 0.28–0.33, Na2O 0.17–0.20, SrO 0.46–0.55, BaO 11.80–12.17, MgO 1.27–1.47, Al2O3 0.31–0.33, TiO2 13.11–13.63, MnO 2.38–2.57, Fe2O3 61.36–63.12, FeO 5.49–5.86 (Fe3+/Fe2+ calculated for charge compensation), which is equivalent to (Ba0.84Na0.06K0.06Sr0.05)1.01(Fe8.48 3+Fe0.86 2+Ti1.82Mg0.37Mn0.37Al0.06)11.96O19 as the average composition based on 19 oxygen atoms. Batiferrite is a magnetoplumbite-type mineral with hexagonal symmetry, space group P6 3 /mmc (no. 194), a = 5.909(1) ?, c = 23.369(4) ?, V = 706.6(2) ?3, Z = 2, and a calculated density of 5.016 gcm−3. The structure was refined to R1 = 0.031 for 278 unique reflections with Fo 2 > 4σ (Fo 2) and R1 = 0.079 for all 452 unique observations using single crystal X-ray data. The strongest reflections of the X-ray powder diffraction pattern are [d obs, I/Io, (hkl)]: 2.631, 100, (114); 2.799, 80, (107); 1.478, 70, (220); 2.429, 60, (203); 1.672, 50, (217). The new mineral is comparable to the other Ba containing magnetoplumbite-type minerals haggertyite and hawthorneite, the iron content, however, is much higher and in the range of magnetoplumbite. The large cation site (A) is dominated by Ba, and four of the five remaining crystallographic cation sites in the structure are dominated by Fe (M1, 2, 3, 5), the octahedrally coordinated M4-site is dominated by Ti. No oxygen vacancy on the O3-site like in plumboferrite can be observed. Batiferrite is named for its main chemical composition and the relationship to the M-type hexaferrites (polytype 5H).
Zusammenfassung Batiferrit, ein neues ferrimagnetisches Mineral des Magnetoplumbit-Typs aus den quart?ren Vulkaniten der West-Eifel, Deutschland Das neue Mineral Batiferrite, mit der Idealformel Ba[Ti2Fe10]O19, wurde an drei Fundpunkten in den Quart?ren Vulkangesteinen der westlichen Eifel, Deutschland, in der N?he von üdersdorf, Graulai und Altburg gefunden. Das neue Mineral tritt typischerweise bl?ttchenf?rmig in kleinen Hohlr?umen von Melilith- und Leucit-Nephelininit Basalten auf. Vergesellschaftete Minerale sind H?matit, Magnetit, Titanit, G?tzenit, Klinopyroxen, Nephelin und Biotit. Der Habitus ist hexagonal tafelig nach {0001}, mit einem Durchmesser von 0.5–1 mm und einer Dicke von 20–125 μm, zus?tzlich k?nnen die Formen {10&1macr;3} und {10&1macr;0} beobachtet werden. Das Mineral ist opak, hat eine schwarze Farbe mit einem leicht metallischen Glanz, und ist ferromagnetisch. Die H?rte VHN50 ist 793 mit einem Bereich von 710–841 aus 10 Eindruckbestimmungen. Die quantitativen Reflexionsmessungen von Ro/Re an orientierten K?rnern in Luft beziehungsweise ?limmersion, ergaben [%]: für 470 nm 22.1/20.1 und 8.4/7.1, für 546 nm 21.0/19.4 und 7.8/6.6, für 589 nm 20.2/18.8 und 7.4/6.3, und für 650 nm 19.3/18.3 und 6.8/5.9. Die Bireflexion ist deutlich (Luft) bis schwach (?l) und parallel (0001) kann eine mittlere Anisotropie mit gerader Ausl?schung beobachtet werden. Eine typische Mikrosondenanalyse ergibt [wt%] K2O 0.28–0.33, Na2O 0.17–0.20, SrO 0.46–0.55, BaO 11.80–12.17, MgO 1.27–1.47, Al2O3 0.31–0.33, TiO2 13.11–13.63, MnO 2.38–2.57, Fe2O3 61.36–63.12, FeO 5.49–5.86 (Fe3+/Fe2+ berechnet zum Ladungsausgleich), die mittlere chemische Formel auf der Basis von 19 Sauerstoffatomen lautet (Ba0.84Na0.06K0.06Sr0.05)1.01 (Fe8.48 3+Fe0.86 2+Ti1.82Mg0.37Mn0.37Al0.06)11.96O 19. Batiferrit ist ein Mineral der Magnetoplumbitgruppe, hat hexagonale Symmetrie mit der Raumgruppe P63/mmc (Nr. 194), a = 5.909(1) ?, c = 23.369(4) ?, V = 706.6(2) ?3, Z = 2, und einer berechneten Dichte von 5.016 gcm−3. Die Struktur wurde aus Einkristall-R?ntgendaten bis zu einem R1-Wert von 0.031 für 278 Fo 2 > 4σ(Fo 2), und einem R1-Wert von 0.079 für alle 452 Fo 2 verfeinert. Die st?rksten Beugungsreflexe der Pulver-R?ntgendaten sind [dobs, I/Io, (hkl)]: 2.631, 100, (114); 2.799, 80, (107); 1.478, 70, (220); 2.429, 60, (203); 1.672, 50, (217). Das neue Mineral weist deutliche ?hnlichkeiten zu den anderen beiden Ba-reichen Mineralen Haggertyit und Hawthorneit der Magnetoplumbit-Gruppe auf, jedoch ist der Eisengehalt wesentlich h?her und im Bereich des Minerals Magnetoplumbit. Der gro?e Kationenplatz (A) ist von Barium dominiert, vier (M1, 2, 3, 5) der restlichen fünf kristallographischen Kationenpl?tze in der Struktur sind fast ausschlie?lich mit Fe, die oktaedrisch koordinierte M4-Position ist überwiegend mit Ti besetzt. An der O3-Position konnte kein Sauerstoffdefizit wie in Plumboferrit festgestellt werden. Batiferrit ist nach seiner chemischen Beschaffenheit und nach seiner Zugeh?hrigkeit zu den M-Typ Hexaferriten (Polytyp 5H) benannt.

Received December 14, 1999; accepted March 2, 2000  相似文献   

Summary The new mineral ternesite, Ca5(SiO4)2SO4, has been found at the Ettringer Bellerberg near Mayen, Eifel, Germany. The crystal structure, already known from the synthetic analogue, was refined from single crystal X-ray data: orthorhombic, space group Puma with a= 6.863(1)Å, b=15.387(2) Å, c=10.181(1) Å Z=4, R=0.058, Rw=0.046 for 820 unique reflections with F0> 3(F0) and 96 variable parameters. The strongest peaks in the powder pattern are (d-value (Å),I, hkl): 2.830, 100, (033)/2.853, 63, (230)/2.565, 55, (060)/3.198, 42, (132)/1.892, 39, (035) + (125). The mineral is optically biaxial negative with refractive indices nx = 1.630(1) (parallel [100]), ny = 1.637(2) (parallel [001]), and nz = 1.640(1) (parallel [010]). The optical angle 2Vx was measured as 63.5(5)°.
Ternesit, Ca5(SiO4)2SO4, ein neues Mineral vom Ettringer Bellerberg, Eifel, Deutschland
Zusammenfassung Das neue Mineral Ternesit, Ca5(SiO4)2SO4, wurde am Ettringer Bellerberg bei Mayen, Eifel, Deutschland gefunden. Die schon vom synthetischen Analogen her bekannte Kristallstruktur wurde aus Einkristalldaten von natürlichem Material verfeinert: Das Mineral ist orthorhombisch, Raumgruppe Pnma mit a= 6.863(1)Å, b=15.387(2) Å, c=10.181(1) Å, Z=4, R=0.058, Rw=0.046 für 820 unabhängige Reflexe mit F0> 3(F0) und 96 variablen Parametern. Die stärksten Maxima im Pulverbeugungsdiagramm sind (d-Wert (Å),I, hkl): 2.830, 100, (033)/2.853, 63, (230)/2.565, 55, (060)/ 3.198, 42, (132)/1.892, 39, (035) + (125). Das Mineral ist optisch zweiachsig negativ mit Brechungsindizes nx = 1.630(1) (parallel [100]), ny = 1.637 (2) (parallel [001]), und nz = 1.640(1) (parallel [010]). Der optische Achsenwinkel 2Vx wurde zu 63.5(5)° gemessen.

With 1 figure  相似文献   

The compositions of (Fe2+, Mg)(Al, Fe3+)2O4 spinels equilibrated with a l M (Fe2+, Mg)Cl2 aqueous solution at 800°C, 4 kbars were determined. General considerations of reciprocal systems allow derivation of the exchange isotherm between a chloride aqueous solution and (Mg, Fe2+)Al2O4 spinels. They enable calculation of ΔG of the reaction: FeCl2 + MgAl2O4 = MgCl2 + FeAl2O4ΔG = 2.9 kcal at 800°C, 4 kbars and provide the activity-composition relationships for the binary join FeAl2O4-MgAl2O4, which shows a substantial positive deviation from ideality. Some tie-lines between coexisting aluminous and ferric spinels were also obtained in the (Fe2+, Mg)(Al, Fe3+)2O4 system.These experimental data are modeled by a Gibbs free energy formulation of the spinel solid solution (Lehmann and Roux, 1984), where the corrective function g2, necessary to reproduce the deviations from ideality, is artificially split into two parts:
  • 1.(1) A homogeneous second degree polynomial in the composition variables, containing only the terms specific to the reciprocal nature of the system, whose coefficients are deduced from ΔG of the exchange reaction: MgAl2O4 + FeFe2O4 = MgFe2O4 + FeAl2O4ΔG = 4.5 kcal at 800°C, 4 kbars
  • 2.(2) A homogeneous second degree polynomial in the site occupancy fractions, to model the non-ideal behavior of the (Fe2+, Mg)Al2O4 and (Fe2+, Mg)Fe2O4 spinels and the miscibility gap along the Fe(Al, Fe3+)2O4 join.
A model of reciprocal spinel solution involving defect end-members is used to estimate the vacancy contents of the spinels in equilibrium with sesquioxides. In this case, the corrective function necessary to take into account the reciprocal nature of the system is no longer a second degree polynomial, but a rational fraction.  相似文献   

A compressional study of (Na,Ca)(Ti3+,Mg)Si2O6-clinopyroxenes was carried out at high pressures between 10−4 and 10.2 GPa using in situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and optical absorption spectroscopy. Compressional discontinuities accompanied by structural changes, in particular, the appearance of two distinct Ti3+–Ti3+ distances within the octahedral chains at 4.37 GPa, provide evidence for the occurrence of a phase transition in NaTi3+Si2O6. Equation-of-state parameters are K 0 = 115.9(7) GPa with K′ = −0.9(3) and K 0 = 102.7(8) GPa with K′ = 4.08(5) for the low- and high-pressure range, respectively. The transition involves a C2/c–P [`1] \overline{1} symmetry change, which can be confirmed by the occurrence of new modes in Raman spectra. Since no significant discontinuity in the evolution of the unit-cell volume with pressure has been observed, the transition appears to be second-order in character. The influence of the coupled substitution Na+Ti3+↔Ca2+Mg2+ on the static compression behavior and the structural stability has been investigated using a sample of the intermediate composition (Na0.54Ca0.46)(Mg0.46Ti0.54)Si2O6. No evidence for a deviation from continuous compression behavior has been found, neither in lattice parameter nor in structural data and the fit of a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation-of-state to the pressure–volume data yields a bulk modulus of K 0 = 109.1(5) GPa and K′ = 5.02(13). Raman and polarized absorption spectra have been compared to NaTiSi2O6 and reveal major similarities. The main driving force for the phase transition in NaTi3+Si2O6 is the localization of the Ti3+ d-electron and the accompanying distortion, which is suppressed in the (Na,Ca)(Ti3+,Mg)Si2O6-clinopyroxene.  相似文献   

The distribution of Fe3+ and Ga3+ between the two tetrahedral sites in three synthetic melilites has been studied by using 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. In the melilite, (Ca2Ga2SiO7)50 (Ca2Fe3+GaSiO7)50 (mol %), the distribution of Fe3+ and Ga3+ in T1 and T2 sites is apparently random, which can be explained in terms of the electrostatic valence rule. However in the melilites, (Ca2MgSi2O7)52 (Ca2Fe3+GaSiO7)42 (Ca2Ga2SiO7)6 and (Ca2MgSi2O7)62 (Ca2Fe3+GaSiO7)36 (Ca2Ga2SiO7)2 (mol %), Fe3+ shows preference for the more ionic T1 site and Ga3+ for the more covalent T2 site. If the electronegativity of Ga3+ is assumed to be larger than that of Fe3+, the mode of distribution of Fe3+ and Ga3+ can be explained in terms of our previous hypothesis that a large electronegativity induces a stronger preference for the more covalent T2 site.  相似文献   

吴建之  赵宏樵 《岩矿测试》2000,19(3):221-223
大洋富钴结壳试样经HCl+HNO3+HF溶解,在0.2mol/LHF和0.13mol/LH3BO3介质中,用感耦等离子发射光谱法同时测定Si、Mn、Fe、Ca、Mg、Al、Ti元素的含量。方法经国家标准物质GBW07249大洋多金属结核验证,其结果与标准值相符,精密度RSD〈3.2%(n=6);已应用于太平洋富钴结壳中多元素分析。  相似文献   

 The structures of Ca2CoSi2O7, Ca2MgSi2O7, and Ca2(Mg0.55Fe0.45)Si2O7 have been determined in the temperature range between 297 and 773 K with arbitrary intervals. The structures of the incommensurate phase of the three compounds are characterized by the presence of the six-, seven-, and eight-coordinated Ca–O polyhedra and of the bundles along the c-axes consisting of four arrays of the six-coordinated Ca–O polyhedra and an array of T1O4 (T1: Co, Mg, or Mg–Fe) tetrahedra in the structures. The number of bundles in each material decreases at elevated temperatures. The incommensurate phase undergoes a phase transition into the normal phase at 493 K in Ca2CoSi2O7, at 360 K in Ca2MgSi2O7, and at 510 K in Ca2(Mg0.55Fe0.45)Si2O7. The features of the structures of the normal phase are almost the same as those found in the basic structures (the averaged structures of the incommensurate structures), and this fact implies that the characteristics of the structures, such as the six-coordinated Ca–O polyhedra or fragments of the bundles, should be partially preserved at higher temperatures both in the incommensurate structures and also in the structures of the normal phase. Analyses of anisotropic displacement parameters clarified that disorder of the modulation waves is developed in the structures at higher temperatures. The evolution of a disorder in the structures was ascertained by observation of the circular diffuse streaks in the vicinity of the transition temperature between the incommensurate and normal phases. Received: 3 July 2000 / Accepted: 26 October 2000  相似文献   

Mn3+-bearing piemontites and orthozoisites, Ca2(Al3-pMn3+ p)-(Si2O7/SiO4/O/OH), have been synthesized on the join Cz (p = 0.0)-Pm (p = 3.0) of the system CaO-Al2O3-(MnO·MnO2)-SiO2-H2O atP = 15 kb,T= 800 °C, and \(f_{O_2 } \) of the Mn2O3/MnO2 buffer. Pure Al-Mn3+-piemontites were obtained with 0.5≦p≦1.75, whereas atp=0.25 Mn3+-bearing orthozoisite (thulite) formed as single phase product. The limit of piemontite solid solubility is found near p=1.9 at the above conditions. Withp>1.9, the maximum piemontite coexisted with a new high pressure phase CMS-X1, a Ca-bearing braunite (Mn 0.2 2+ Ca0.8)Mn 6 3+ O8(SiO4), and quartz. Al-Mn3+-piemontite lattice constants (LC),b 0,c 0,V 0, increase with increasingp:

Baghdadite from Fuka, Okayama Prefecture, Japan shows a bright yellow fluorescence under UV (Hg 253.7 nm) excitation. The photoluminescence (PL) spectrum at 300 K consists of one large band near 580 nm and two small UV bands at 318 and 397 nm. The optical excitation spectrum of the bright yellow fluorescence consists of two bands near 220 and 250 nm. The temperature dependence of the PL intensity exhibits linear thermal quenching. To reveal the origin of the bright yellow fluorescence from baghdadite, powder Ca3(Zr,Ti)Si2O9 crystals are synthesized. Synthetic Ca3(Zr,Ti)Si2O9 shows luminescence spectra similar to those of baghdadite, and the intensity of the yellow fluorescence is markedly increased by titanium addition. The origin of the bright yellow fluorescence from baghdadite is ascribed to the existence of titanium.  相似文献   

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