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深海正在遭受人类活动的严重破坏,并且情况趋于恶化.随着人类社会的发展和资源的开发和利用,深海早已宁静不再.几百年来,深海基本上是人类用来倾废的场所.而如今,科学家研究发现,深海面临的最大威胁将来自气候变化,并且这种威胁的难以预知和不可操控性,给未来深海的健康状态蒙上了一层阴影.科学家们正不断呼吁加强深海生态系统的保护和...  相似文献   

到1997年5月,我国各海区正在使用的试验倾废区、临时倾废区已经达到54个。1985年~1986年和1991年~1992年,有关部门曾2次组织对倾废区进行调查,调查结果显示,疏浚物是我国海洋倾废的主要废弃物之一,疏浚物的倾倒已经对海洋环境造成了一定程度的危害。 对废弃物倾倒后产生的有害环境影响进行专  相似文献   

我国的海洋倾废管理制度和体系日臻完善,既制定了《海洋环境保护法》等国内海洋法律、法规,又相继批准了《联合国海洋法公约》和加入了《1972伦敦公约》,在原则上与国际公约保持一致。但随着海洋经济的蓬勃发展,海洋倾废活动日益频繁,不断出现新的处置方式,从而导致对海洋倾废的定义有不同的理解,并因此引发了一些争议。文章从法律的角度,结合倾废管理实践,对海洋倾废的定义进行了深入研究。  相似文献   

尽管我国倾废立法近30年,但较之欧、美发达国家,尚处于发展的初期阶段,当前海洋倾废法律体系较之于我国海洋开发的现状以及今后的需求呈现出滞后性。目前,有关倾废法律正在修订中,而正确、科学的立法修订指导思想是构建先进倾废管理立法的前提要件。文章针对当前我国海洋倾废新形势,对倾废法规修订的指导思想进行了探讨。  相似文献   

深海探测溶解CO2气体异常.可以为寻找热液口提供一个很好的证据.本文设计的基于自制的聚二甲基硅氧烷胶与Zn-Al型水滑石复合膜为离子载体的溶解CO2探测电极属于电势型CO2电极,适用于对深海中溶解形式的CO2的测量,具有体积微小、便于与pH、盐度、温度、氧化还原电位等多种传感器集成在同一探头腔内,实施在线探测等优点.实验室条件下.将该溶解CO2探测电极与银,氯化银参比电极分别接在Keithley 6517A高阻抗电位计输入端进行测试,测试结果表明:该电极对不同浓度的碳酸氢钠溶液具有良好的响应信号,响应时间大约在30s-1 min.检测限在10-1-10-4mol·L-1.  相似文献   

1 选划海洋倾废区的原则借鉴国内外海洋倾废活动的实践,制定适合我国国情的倾废区选划,应遵循以下几个方面原则。应从时间和空间上考虑海区效应,从宏观和局部海域考虑可行性问题,对不同类别废弃物倾倒某定点海区后可能产生环境影响进行评价。在废弃物向海洋倾废区倾倒之前,要考虑到海域季节(春、夏、秋、冬)变化,进行全面  相似文献   

要将大气中的二氧化碳浓度稳定下来,我们需要将大量的二氧化碳储藏在长久稳定的地质盆地当中。由于陆地上储藏盆地的温度,二氧化碳储藏在那里不稳定,会向上浮动.如果二氧化碳储藏盆地没有封闭合理的话,这可能导致注入的二氧化碳溢出。我们认为:如果将二氧化碳注入小于3000m的深海海底,几百米的沉积物可以提供一个永久的地质储藏环境,尽管可能受到一定的地质运动的干扰。在深海海底高压和低温的环境下,二氧化碳处于液体状态,而且浓度大于上层孔隙液。这样,在重力的作用下,注入的二氧化碳处于稳定状态。另外,二氧化碳水合物的形成可以阻止液体二氧化碳的流动,这样就形成了储藏系统的第二道密封盖。我们对二氧化碳的注入、形成水合物、稀释溶解成二氧化碳溶液进行了定性的分析。如果选择的是石灰岩沉积物,则二氧化碳溶液对石灰岩的溶解可以稍微增加其孔隙度,这样可以大大增加其渗透性。然而,喀斯特现象不太可能出现,因为能够被二氧化碳溶液完全溶解的只是一小部分的岩石。美国沿海200英里以内的专属经济区提供了大量的二氧化碳储藏空间,能将美国现有二氧化碳排放量几千年的总量都储藏起来。  相似文献   

为了加强天津市海洋倾废管理工作,提高倾废到位率,保护我市的海洋环境。天津市海洋局在全国率先安装了倾废航行数据记录仪,实现了现代科学手段管理倾废活动,有效地保护了我市的海洋环境。过去,由于采用监察队员随船监视的方法管理倾废活动,倾倒不到位现象屡有发生。...  相似文献   

模拟深海热液口环境(最高压力40 MPa,最高温度350℃),对深海热液区的主要成分CO2、CH4及其混合物的水溶液在不同压力和温度条件下的拉曼光谱进行探测和分析,结果显示:常温低压下CO2水溶液的Fermi双峰分别位于1 384.9 cm-1和1 278.3 cm-1处,CH4的水溶液拉曼峰υ1位于2 912.1 cm-1处,均比其气相的拉曼频移小;常温下CO2和CH4水溶液的拉曼特征峰随压力(≤40 MPa)的变化均不明显;在40 MPa的压力下随着温度的升高(≤350℃),CO2水溶液的Fermi双峰分别向高波数区移动了约3.4 cm-1和7.0 cm-1,而CH4水溶液的拉曼峰υ1向低波数区移动了约3.1cm-1;混合后升温过程中CO2的双峰分别向高波数区移动了约4.3 cm-1和3.8 cm-1,CH4的特征峰υ1向低波数区移动了4.5 cm-1。说明在室温到350℃范围内温度的变化对CO2和CH4水溶液拉曼频移有影响,频移量与温度线性相关,而压力在≤40 MPa范围内的改变对拉曼频移影响不明显。  相似文献   

可浮动自锁式深海气密采水器的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深海海水中气体的含量可以在一定程度上标识深海资源蕴藏量,因而实现对深海海水的气密采样意义重大.为此设计了一种可浮动的自锁装置,并采用压力自适应平衡原理,实现了对深海海水的气密采样.实验室和海上试验结果均表明深海气密采水器在装上可浮动自锁装置后耐压能力和气密性都得到了有效的提高,对初始压强为1.208 MPa的N2气保压2 h,压力损失不到1.2%,并成功地实现了对960 m深的海水样品的气密采样.此样品中CH4浓度为5.44 nmol/dm^3,CO2浓度为140.6nmol/dm^3.该可浮动自锁式深海气密采水器的研制为深海资源勘探分析提供了必要的技术支持.  相似文献   

Ocean Science Journal - The sequestration of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and ocean into coastal ecosystems such as seaweed beds, seagrasses, saltmarshes, and tidal flats is an...  相似文献   

工业革命以来,人类活动导致的以二氧化碳为代表的温室气体持续排放,被认为与全球气候变化密切相关,引发诸多极端气候事件,导致海平面上升、海水酸化、海水暖化等一系列环境负面效应。海洋是地球最大的活跃碳库,增汇潜力巨大。为应对全球气候变化,人为干预海洋生态系统、促进其对大气二氧化碳额外吸收封存的海洋负排放技术体系成为国际研究热点。根据负排放技术的应用场景,目前海洋负排放技术体系涵盖侧重于生态保护和修复的滨海湿地蓝碳、侧重于环境友好型养殖产业的海水养殖环境碳汇和借助生态工程技术手段的负排放工程增汇。海洋负排放技术在实现人为增汇的同时,有望通过促进海洋生物的生长和繁殖、提高海洋生态系统的稳定性和抗干扰能力、促进海洋生态系统内部及其与陆地生态系统之间的资源循环利用,发挥其生态治理功能,从而应对海洋环流改变、海水酸化脱氧等全球海洋环境恶化以及人类活动污染的局部胁迫。  相似文献   

Results of spectroscopic measurements of the carbon dioxide total column amount near St. Petersburg during forest fires in the period from August to September 2002 are analyzed. The HYSPLIT model is used to calculate air-mass trajectories and CO distribution on a mesoscale in this period. The HYSPLIT model simulations and measurements of carbon dioxide total column amount yield an estimate of the specific intensity of CO emission in a Pskov forest fire on August 28–September 8, 2002, equal to 0.17–0.26 kg m2. This estimate can be used for an estimation of the integral CO emission from fires in northwestern Russian forests and for model simulations of atmospheric CO concentration fields. The estimate of the CO emission from forest fires that is obtained from ground-based measurements can also be made on the basis of satellite measurements if they contain information on CO in the lower tropospheric layers (0 to 2 km).  相似文献   

古海洋生产力的研究方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
海洋的初级生产力控制了温室气体CO2在海洋和大气中的分配,进而影响着全球气候变迁,只有通过运用不同的生产力标志物才能探讨地质历史上海洋初级生产力的变迁及其对气候的影响。介绍了国内外在古海洋生产力研究领域内使用的主要方法和动态,并分别对生源物质累积率、底栖有孔虫标志物和地球化学标志物等研究方法进行了全面的分析和评述,指出在运用生产力标志物研究古生产力时应充分考虑不同标志物的适用性和局限性。  相似文献   

根据1986年11月至1990年6月进行的中美热带西太平洋海-气相互作用(TOGA)联合考查和1995年10月至1996年6月“中日副热带联合调查”期间获得的14个航次大气和海水CO2的观测资料,给出了主要观测海区CO2的源与汇的分布特征:在赤道地区5°N~5°S,130°~165°E观测到的表面水中二氧化碳分压的值超过了大气中二氧化碳分压1.5~4.5 Pa,结果表明该海区对大气CO2而言是源,但是该值远小于在中赤道测到的+9.1 Pa和在东赤道太平洋所测的+15 Pa的值.由此表明热带太平洋CO2源的强度是向西减弱的.副热带海区在秋季对大气CO2而言是较强的源,春季是汇.对影响海水CO2变化的主要因素温度、盐度等进行了讨论,表明CO2的分布变化直接受海流、水团、黑潮和ENSO事件影响.  相似文献   

The Prydz Bay in the Antarctic is an important area in the Southern Ocean due to its unique geographic feature. It plays an important role in the carbon cycle in the Southern Ocean. To investigate the distributions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and surface seawater and its air-sea exchange rates in this region, the Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE) had set up several sections in the Prydz Bay. Here we present the results from the CHINARE-XVI cruises were presented onboard R/V Xue/ong from November 1999 to April 2000 and the main driving forces were discussed controlling the distributions of partial pressure of carbon dioxide. According to the partial pressure of carbon dioxide distributions, the Prydz Bay can be divided into the inside and outside regions. The partial pressure of carbon dioxide was low in the inside region but higher in the outside region during the measurement period. This distribution had a good negative correlation with the concentrations of ehlorophyll-a in general, suggesting that the partial pressure of carbon dioxide was substantially affected by biological production. The results also indicate that the biological produetion is most likely the main driving force in the marginal ice zone in the Southern Ocean in summer. However, in the Antarctic divergence sector of the Prydz Bay (about 64°S), the hydrological processes become the controlling factor as the sea surface partial pressure of carbon dioxide is much higher than the atmospheric one due to the upwelling of the high DIC CDW, and this made the outside of Prydz Bay a source of carbon dioxide. On the basis of the calculations, the CO2 flux in January (austral summer) was -3.23 mmol/(m^2 · d) in the inner part of Prydz Bay, i.e. , a sink of atmospheric CO2, and was 0.62 mmol/(m^2 · d) in the outside part of the bay, a weak source of atmospheric CO2. The average air-sea flux of CO2 in the Prydz Bay was 2.50 mmol/(m^2 · d).  相似文献   

河流-河口-近海连续体(简称连续体)是连接陆地和大洋的过渡地带,也是目前全球碳收支估算的薄弱环节.这个复杂的海陆交互生态系统不仅可以通过光合作用、溶解作用吸收大气中的CO2,陆地和流域光合作用或化学风化作用固定的碳也可以被横向输送到陆架和大洋中.本文以国际上著名的切萨皮克湾以及长江-长江口-东海等为例,综述了连续体碳循...  相似文献   

大洋海区海-气CO_2通量单参数遥感算法的适用性检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王郝京 《台湾海峡》2011,30(2):286-291
利用卫星遥感技术的优势,基于LDEO数据库的全球海表二氧化碳分压(PCO2)及海表温度(SST)等实测数据,初步建立东太平洋海区PCO2与SST的单参数经验算法,并采用相同区域的独立实测数据检验.结果表明,单参数算法在寡营养大洋海区具有良好的适用性,反演值与实测值之间的均方根误差(RMS)为0.51 Pa(1 Pa=9.869μatm),由此估算出2003年6月该海域CO2通量为-1.4 mmol/(m2.d),与实测估算的碳通量基本相符,能够很好地反映出海区CO2源汇特征.将该遥感算法运用到西大西洋海域(15°~25°N,60°~75°W),反演值与实测值之间均方根误差(RMS)为0.69 Pa.检验结果表明,在寡营养大洋海区,单参数遥感算法具有一定的适用性,在受相似因子调控的同纬度海区可以使用同一遥感算法.  相似文献   

The biological pump is a central process in the ocean carbon cycle, and is a key factor controlling atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). However, whether the Arctic biological pump is enhanced or reduced by the recent loss of sea ice is still unclear. We examined if the effect was dependent on ocean circulation. Melting of sea ice can both enhance and reduce the biological pump in the Arctic Ocean, depending on ocean circulation. The biological pump is reduced within the Beaufort Gyre in the Canada Basin because freshwater accumulation within the gyre limits nutrient supply from deep layers and shelves hence inhibits the growth of large-bodied phytoplankton. Conversely, the biological pump is enhanced outside the Beaufort Gyre in the western Arctic Ocean because of nutrient supply from shelves and greater light penetration, enhancing photosynthesis, caused by the sea ice loss. The biological pump could also be enhanced by sea ice loss in the Eurasian Basin, where uplifted isohaline surfaces associated with the Transpolar Drift supply nutrients upwards from deep layers. New data on nitrate uptake rates are consistent with the pattern of enhancement and reduction of the Arctic biological pump. Our estimates indicate that the enhanced biological pump can be as large as that in other oceans when the sea ice disappears. Contrary to a recent conclusion based on data from the Canada Basin alone, our study suggests that the biological CO2 drawdown is important for the Arctic Ocean carbon sink under ice-free conditions.  相似文献   

The quantitative relationship between organic carbon and mineral contents of particles sinking below 1800 m in the ocean indicates that organisms with mineral shells such as coccolithophores are of special importance for transporting carbon into the deep sea. Several hypotheses about the mechanism behind this relationship between minerals and organic matter have been raised, such as mineral protection of organic matter or enhanced sinking rates through ballast addition. We examined organic matter decomposition of calcifying and non-calcifying Emiliania huxleyi cultures in an experiment that allowed aggregation and settling in rotating tanks. Biogenic components such as particulate carbon, particulate nitrogen, particulate volume, pigments, transparent exopolymer particles (TEP), and particulate amino acids in suspended particles and aggregates were followed over a period of 30 d. The overall pattern of decrease in organic matter, the amount of recalcitrant organic matter left after 30 d, and the compositional changes within particulate organic matter indicated that cells without a shell are more subject to loss than calcified cells. It is suggested that biogenic calcite helps in the preservation of particulate organic matter (POM) by offering structural support for organic molecules. Over the course of the experiment, half the particulate organic carbon in both calcifying and non-calcifying cultures was partitioned into aggregates and remained so until the end of the experiment. The partial protection of particulate organic matter from solubilization by biominerals and by aggregation that was observed in our experiment may help explain the robustness of the relationship between organic and mineral matter fluxes in the deep ocean.  相似文献   

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