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The confining pressure exerted by the prograding Tertiary clastic wedge has caused extensive salt deformation in the Gulf of Mexico. The high rates of lateral salt motion from the Louisiana shelf break to the Sigsbee Escarpment are expected to have significant impact on the dynamic evolution of the surrounding sedimentary formations. The evolution of fluid pressure in supra- and subsalt sediments has been modeled in a series of pseudo-wells along a profile intersecting numerous salt sheets and structures offshore Louisiana. Based upon the estimated rates of salt movement, the timing can be determined for insertion/depletion of salt in the sediments as the salt has moved through, and by, sediments on its way basinward. An execution of a series of I-D fluid/flow compaction models has enabled estimation of the spatial variation in overpressure build-up with time; indicating that overpressure uncertainty is about 10–20% about a mean of about 40 atmospheres, with uncertainties on salt thickness and salt speed roughly comparable in importance in contributing to the uncertainty. The quantitative behaviors suggest that the speed of lateral salt insertion and the thickness of the salt are the main factors causing anomalous overpressure build-up. A quantification of the dynamic behaviors is significant when modeling the timing of potential trapping of hydrocarbons beneath salt sheets and of the subsalt overpressure to be expected in subsalt drilling.  相似文献   

在垂向压实和侧向压实的双重动力学机制叠加下, 库车坳陷白垩系碎屑岩储层展现出的压实效应, 无法用传统单一的垂向压实理论来解释.通过详实的成岩特征显微统计分析, 梳理出了垂向(埋深)压实和侧向(构造)压实分别对于研究层段的压实效应.研究层段的压实效应主要由垂向压实造成, 侧向压实造成的压实效应相对较弱; 侧向压实减孔量占总压实减孔量的比例并不与构造应力本身的大小呈明显的正比关系, 侧向构造应力施压的时间与储层垂向埋藏压实程度之间的时间配置关系、构造挤压应力的大小等因素严重制约着构造应力对于储层的侧向压实效应.  相似文献   

姜丽娜  夏丹  朱政源 《世界地质》2018,37(1):199-206
为了研究三肇地区扶余油层砂岩储层特征,采用三维CT扫描技术和恒速压汞技术,对储层微观孔喉结构特征进行表征。结果表明,常规砂岩储层的孔喉大量发育,连通性好,为微米级孔喉。致密砂岩储层孔喉非均质性强,孤立零散分布,连通性差,以纳米级孔喉为主。微观孔喉特征的差异决定了油气充注、运移、聚集及渗流机理等成藏动力学特征具有差异性。通过对该区扶余油层砂岩储层的高压压汞实验、浮力与毛细管阻力公式计算及岩芯流动实验进行分析,认为油气在常规砂岩储层中初次运移动力是超压,二次运移及聚集的主要动力是浮力,油气以侧向运移为主,断层和砂体的匹配是主要的运移通道,流体流动状态呈达西渗流规律;油气在致密砂岩储层中运移动力为超压,油气以垂向运移为主,流体呈低速非达西渗流现象,以活塞-推挤的方式聚集。由于常规和致密油藏成藏动力学特征的差异,决定了油藏地质特征及分布的差异。三肇地区常规油藏主要是远距离、构造高部位聚集,上油下水规律明显,受构造控制;致密油藏主要是近距离、源下聚集,"甜点区"富集,圈闭边界不明显。  相似文献   

受流体异常高压影响而发育的异常孔隙(砂)砾岩储集层成为深层油气储集层和油气勘探研究的热点之一.测井、钻井及试油结果揭示,车镇凹陷古近系沙河街组广泛存在流体异常高压,且与(砂)砾岩储集层含油性及产能具有密切关系.在试油地层压力实测数据标定下,利用测井资料等效深度法对古近系沙河街组分层系、分地区进行了地层压力计算.计算结果...  相似文献   

Summary Among the major causes for failure of roads in the tropics is inadequate compaction during construction. There is, therefore, the need to strictly control the compaction of the pavement layers if the design life of the road is to be attained; thereby eliminating large maintenance costs.This note reports on pavement compaction control studies undertaken on the road bases of service roads in a new settlement area in Ghana. These roads were to be provided with bituminous surfacing immediately after compaction. Studies concerning particle breakdown during field compaction by two contractors executing the works under the same conditions have been made, together with an assessment of contractor efficiency.It was found that the placement moisture contents varied greatly from the optimum. One contractor was compacting the gravels on the dry side of optimum, consequently achieving relatively high densities. The other contractor was compacting on the wet side and achieving lower density levels. This was still the case even after initial test sections were found to have been undercompacted.Compaction levels achieved in the crowns were generally found to be higher than those at the shoulders of the road test sections. The breakdown of coarse particles due to compaction was quite significant. There is therefore the need for highway material engineers to ensure that in addition to meeting the grading requirements, road base materials must adequately meet the requirements on weathering and mechanical strength properties.  相似文献   

Underwater geoarchaeological research in Apalachee Bay, in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico off northwest Florida, has enabled the reconstruction of portions of the karst-controlled paleodrainage system, the discovery of several inundated prehistoric archaeological sites, and the exposure of sediments accumulated during the drowning of the continental shelf. Diagnostic artifacts discovered at the sites included chipped stone tools and debitage indicating Paleoindian, Early Archaic, and Middle Archaic occupation. A geoarchaeological model using terrestrial analogs was used to locate and investigate inundated sites. Methods employed include seismic profiling, vibracoring, diver tow surveys, diver collection transects, and induction dredge excavations. We document evidence for sea-level rise, related environmental succession and site formation processes for indundated prehistoric sites in the Apalachee Bay region from approximately 8000 to 6000 yr B.P. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

滨岸相砂岩储层发育薄层隔夹层,由于测井垂向分辨率和薄层效应的影响,用于识别不同类型隔夹层的关键测井参数的数值范围部分重合,使常用测井识别方法面临困难。针对这一问题,本研究在多口井岩心观察描述的基础上,基于常规测井资料、岩心实验分析资料,创新性采用"三端员定型"法识别三类隔夹层:钙质隔夹层、泥灰质隔夹层和泥质隔夹层。不同类型隔夹层在图版上不仅能有效区分,同时还能反映出钙质含量、泥质含量变化对隔夹层物性的影响。依据隔夹层识别结果,将研究区隔夹层垂向上分为4种接触关系:单一型、渐变型、突变型和多峰型;平面上分为4种分布模式:片状大面积分布型、突变接触型、渐变接触型和随机分布型,明确了隔夹层的发育特征。研究认为,垂直渗透率与钙质含量具有正相关性,与泥质含量相关性差;应用产量控制系数C(与隔夹层厚度和垂直渗透率相关)论证了具有一定厚度的隔夹层对产量的控制能力按泥质隔夹层、泥灰质隔夹层、钙质隔夹层顺序依次增强,因此钙质隔夹层在研究区对油水垂向运动的影响最大。研究成果对滨岸相砂岩储层油田开发后期剩余油挖潜及制订开发调整方案具有重要意义。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界砂岩储集层控制因素分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
同沉积期火山作用、物源条件、构造作用、气候条件、沉积作用及成岩作用,是控制鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界砂岩储集层发育的主要因素。同沉积期火山作用提供的易溶火山碎屑组分(包括颗粒和凝灰质填隙物),对区内中高渗次生溶孔型储集层的形成起决定性控制作用。盆地北部物源区巨厚的、富含中粗粒石英颗粒的风化母岩层集中剥露,是导致盆地内山西—石盒子期中粗粒砂质沉积物集中堆积、形成厚层砂岩沉积的主要原因。局部构造的控制主要表现为:奥陶系被下切较深的继承性洼陷,往往是河流长期作用的厚砂层发育区。气候因素主要通过影响母岩的化学风化作用强度来控制岩石的成分成熟度,盆地二叠系山西组煤系地层中石英砂岩的形成与该区二叠纪潮湿的气候条件有密切的关系。沉积控制包括沉积相带控制和沉积微相控制两方面,前者主要表现在对砂体分布的宏观控制上,后者主要表现为不同砂体微相的物性差异。成岩作用的控制是多方面的,主要分析了该区砂岩在成岩早期的碳酸盐矿物的充填交代和胶结作用对储集层致密化的影响,其形成可能与砂层长期处在近地表潜水面附近的暴露环境有关。  相似文献   

安塞油田长2油层成岩作用及其对储层物性的影响   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:7  
安塞地区长2油层储层以中细粒长石砂岩为主,主要成岩矿物为绿泥石环边、方解石胶结物、石英和长石加大生长、伊利石、伊-蒙混层、钠长石和高岭石等。绿泥石环边的发育对原生粒间孔的保存起到有利的作用。石英加大级别达级,加大边含有丰富的有机包体,均一温度范围48.1~76.5℃,烃类进入储层的时间为早白垩世中期至晚白垩世。储层发育多种孔隙类型,面孔率平均为11.60%,主要类型有粒间孔、骨架颗粒溶孔和微裂缝等。残余粒间孔和骨架颗粒溶孔是本区长2储层的主要孔隙类型。根据成岩作用的矿物岩石学标志、有机质成熟度及古温度,将长2油层砂岩的成岩作用划分为3个成岩阶段:早成岩阶段、晚成岩阶段和表生成岩阶段。储层性质明显地受到沉积微相和成岩作用的影响,沉积物粒度较粗、厚度较大的分流河道储集物性明显优于各种粒度较细、厚度较薄的分流间席状砂体。  相似文献   

Mudstones are one of the least permeable rocks in most sedimentary sequences. Accordingly they can act as seals for fluid flow leading to abnormal overpressures. Nevertheless, mudstone compaction and related permeability and porosity decrease are not adequately described in current basin modelling software, because only mechanical compaction is taken into account. In reality, however, clay minerals undergo severe chemical diagenesis which certainly influences petrophysical properties and compaction. In this context a mathematical approach which has been originally developed in soil mechanics has been adapted to basin modelling. The underlying mathematical equations are carefully explained in the text. In the basic equation the compression coefficient is a function of void ratio and effective stress. Using these equations, overpressure can be predicted by using petroleum systems modelling techniques. This is shown for a real 3D case study in the North Sea, in which strong overpressure occurs. A compaction model for mudstones that depends strongly on the clay content of the individual stratigraphic units is used for the calibration of porosities in the 3D case study. In addition, a chemical compaction model that reduces porosities by using a kinetic reaction is used for the deeper part of the basin where mechanical compaction processes are less important. The pressure generation process depends strongly on permeability and compressibility of the porous medium. Therefore, the use of mudstone compaction and permeability models is sufficient to produce pore overpressures. In the case studied, abnormal overpressures are generated during burial together with the petroleum generation process. The mechanical and chemical compaction mechanisms ensure that the pressures are preserved in the deeper part of the basin.  相似文献   

Cluster analysis of GC data for gasoline and mid-range hydrocarbon ratios from fifty-one South Pass 61 Field oils reveals geochemically similar oil clusters corresponding to geographically coherent groups. Insight into the groupings is obtained from examination of indicators of geochemical processes, e.g., anaerobic biodegradation, aerobic biodegradation and extensive remigration of light ends. Six duplicate samples collected in 1986 and 1992 as well as replicate runs on a single sample showed excellent analytical reproducibility.Subtle but consistent differences in both gasoline and oil-range hydrocarbon maturity indicators are observed between the east, west, and far west flanks of the field, suggesting filling of different segments of the reservoir from different kitchens at slightly different stages of thermal maturity or with slightly different chemical character. The west flank of the salt dome was charged with slightly more thermally mature petroleum than the east flank. The stratigraphically oldest and deepest sand on the far west flank has received the most mature petroleum. Different fluid contacts and GORs are observed in different sands and different fault blocks. The stacked pay geometry of the field and widespread faulting have led to considerable remigration of gas and condensate as observed in other fields in the Gulf of Mexico (Thompson, 1987).Biodegradation varies in severity with depth and reservoir zone, but is frequently overprinted by remigration of light end hydrocarbons. Anaerobic biodegradation by sulfate-reducing bacteria is probably the cause of light to moderate alteration in intermediate depth Pliocene sands which are hydraulically connected to the salt dome (with dissolution of anhydrite from the salt dome providing the sulfate). Widespread late pyrite formation in reservoir sandstones is inferred to represent the ultimate sink for reduced sulfur from sulfate reduction during oil biodegradation. Co-produced water compositions suggest no oxygenated freshwater infusion.  相似文献   

王岚  李文厚  林漳  梁浩  苟红光 《地质科学》2010,45(04):1088-1097
火山岩油气藏的研究一般以陆上喷发沉积的火山岩体为主,事实上全世界四分之三的火山活动是在水下发生的,只是水下喷发沉积的火山岩在各个方面的研究还比较少,在勘探中尚未引起注意。本文以三塘湖盆地石炭系火山岩油藏为例,对比分析了陆上与水下喷发沉积形成的火山岩在岩性、颜色、结构构造以及储集空间特征和地震反射特征等方面的差异,指出了三塘湖盆地石炭系哈尔加乌组火山岩为水下喷发环境形成。通过对研究区两种类型的火山岩油藏系统的研究,总结出了水下喷发沉积的火山岩储层的形成机理以及其形成规模油气藏的条件,为今后的火山岩油气藏的勘探指出了新的方向。  相似文献   

王岚  李文厚  林潼  梁浩  苟红光 《地质科学》2010,45(4):1088-1097
火山岩油气藏的研究一般以陆上喷发沉积的火山岩体为主,事实上全世界四分之三的火山活动是在水下发生的,只是水下喷发沉积的火山岩在各个方面的研究还比较少,在勘探中尚未引起注意。本文以三塘湖盆地石炭系火山岩油藏为例,对比分析了陆上与水下喷发沉积形成的火山岩在岩性、颜色、结构构造以及储集空间特征和地震反射特征等方面的差异,指出了三塘湖盆地石炭系哈尔加乌组火山岩为水下喷发环境形成。通过对研究区两种类型的火山岩油藏系统的研究,总结出了水下喷发沉积的火山岩储层的形成机理以及其形成规模油气藏的条件,为今后的火山岩油气藏的勘探指出了新的方向。  相似文献   

本文借助于薄片分析、扫描电镜分析、阴极发光分析和物性分析等研究手段,以鄂尔多斯盆地华庆地区长6油层组低渗透砂岩的形成机制为解剖对象,通过对砂岩埋藏前组成、化学成岩作用和物理成岩作用的相对重要性、自生矿物组成、孔隙构成、物性与孔隙结构等研究,明确了主要成岩作用对储层的影响。在此基础上,结合沉积相的研究,选择骨架颗粒构成、自生矿物组成、物性、孔隙构成以及粒间体积等有关的15个成岩相定量评价参数,对华庆地区长6油层组低渗透砂岩进行成岩相的定量评价。结果表明:① 华庆地区长6油层组砂岩经历了较强的物理成岩作用和较弱的化学成岩作用,原生孔隙是主要储集空间,压实作用是孔隙度降低的最主要因素,其次为方解石的胶结作用;② 成岩相定量评价表明,弱胶结、强压实成岩相以及强方解石胶结、中-强压实成岩相的储层质量均较差,受北部物源区控制的绿泥石胶结、弱-中等压实成岩相具有较好的储层质量,建议作为今后的优选勘探开发区。  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon results from gas chromatography of 60 recent sediment and 10 benthic algae samples delineate two distinct shelf environments in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico.Sediments off Florida (shell hashes and sands) have moderate amounts of lipids/total sediment (average 113ppm ± 80%) but low hydrocarbon levels (average 3.06 ppm ± 41%). Aliphatic hydrocarbons are dominated by a series of branched or cyclic, unsaturated C25 isomers. The major n-alkane is n-C17. The n-alkane and isoprenoid patterns are consistent with a marine hydrocarbon source.Sediments closer to the Mississippi River (silts and clays) contain large amounts of lipids (average 232 ppm ± 53%) and hydrocarbons (average 11.7 ppm ± 55%) to total sediment. Aliphatic hydrocarbons are mainly odd carbon number high molecular weight n-alkanes, indicating a terrigenous hydrocarbon source. Isoprenoids are present in greater abundance than in sediments off Florida (n-C17/ pristane and n-C18/phytane ratios ~2to 3). Relatively large amounts of n-C16, together with an even distribution of n-alkanes in the range C14–C20 and a substantial unresolved envelope all point to a fossil fuel input to the Mississippi samples.Samples off the Alabama coast show intermediate characteristics.  相似文献   

彭阳油田延长组长3段砂岩储层质量控制因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彭阳油田位于鄂尔多斯盆地西南部,其上三叠统延长组长3段砂岩已发现商业油流,但是对其储层砂岩质量控制因素仍然缺乏了解。本文根据钻井、测井、岩心观察、铸体薄片、扫描电镜与岩心物性资料,研究了长3段层序格架与沉积相、砂岩成分与成岩作用特征及其对长3段砂岩储层质量的影响。长3段砂岩为发育在高位体系域早期的具有加积-进积准层序组特征的小型辫状河三角洲平原分流河道沉积,砂体孤立而不连续,成岩环境流体循环不畅而相对封闭,不利于早成岩期酸性大气水的普遍淋滤。长3段砂岩以长石岩屑砂岩和岩屑砂岩为主。高岩屑和长石含量使砂岩在早期成岩压实中损失了大量粒间孔,高白云岩岩屑含量促进了埋藏成岩期间硬石膏与铁白云石的大量胶结,进一步减少了粒间孔隙。三角洲平原环境促进了早期成岩过程中颗粒蒙脱石包膜的形成,并在埋藏成岩过程中转换为绿泥石包膜或伊利石,尤其是绿泥石包膜抑制了石英增生,使粒间孔得以保存。早成岩期的酸性大气水与埋藏成岩期的有机酸对长石、云母或岩屑的溶蚀对砂岩储层质量的贡献相对有限。长3段砂岩孔隙以残余粒间孔为主,这暗示长3段砂岩在晚三叠世末期剥蚀与侏罗纪末期-新生代的抬升(降低了长3段压实程度)以及埋藏成岩过程中绿泥石颗粒包膜的形成是长3段砂岩孔隙保存的最重要因素。成岩作用促进了长3段孤立砂体的致密化,加剧了该砂岩储层预测难度。  相似文献   

为了定量研究自生绿泥石对储集层质量的影响,在限定控储因素前提下,通过常规岩心分析、扫描电镜、薄片鉴定、激光粒度分析和黏土矿物X衍射等资料,以北部湾盆地涠西南凹陷涠洲12-X油田古近系涠洲组三段碎屑岩储集层为例,探讨了自生绿泥石对石英次生加大、孔隙结构及储集层物性的影响,并提出了综合得分评价法,定量评价自生绿泥石对储集层物性的控制作用。研究结果表明,当溶蚀作用积极意义大于绿泥石沉淀的消极影响时,石英加大和方解石含量较高(7.3%)及自生绿泥石相对含量较低(20%~30%)的细砂“控孔喉”作用,等同于石英加大和方解石含量较低(2.4%)及自生绿泥石含量较高(30%~40%)的细砂,二者的“控孔喉”作用具有互补性。自生绿泥石的“控孔、控渗”作用与碎屑颗粒粒度、分选、胶结物及泥质含量等因素的“控孔、控渗”作用相互制约,存在互补性和差异性,绿泥石相对含量较低的中砂“控孔、控渗”作用等同于绿泥石相对含量较高的细砂(互补性);泥质含量较低的细砂岩中绿泥石“控孔、控渗”作用弱于泥质含量较高的细砂岩(差异性)。总之,在岩相一定的情况下,包膜或衬里状绿泥石与孔渗呈正相关关系,孔隙充填状绿泥石与孔渗呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

地热流体经供暖利用后尾水温度降低,经过滤、排气处理后的尾水中仍含有不同粒径的悬浮物、气体,因此回灌不可避免的会对储层造成负面影响,如堵塞储层导致回灌量衰减、热储温度降低甚至产生热突破等,这严重阻碍了地热回灌的长期可持续运行。评价回灌对储层的影响,对下一步全面推进、科学回灌及合理可持续开发利用、保护地热资源具有重要意义。本文以近几年鲁西北坳陷区开展的馆陶组热储回灌试验为基础,设立了一套评价指标,即用回灌前、后水质的变化率评价回灌对热储流体的影响,温度的变化率评价回灌对热储温度的影响,单位涌水量变化率、渗透系数的比值和单位回灌量比值评价回灌堵塞程度并确定了分级标准。评价结果表明,回灌不会改变储层流体的化学类型;回灌堵塞主要发生在回灌井周围,相比回灌前,回灌后回灌井的单位涌水量降低14.3%~59.0%、渗透系数为原来的41%~86%,末期单位回灌量为初期回灌量的51%~92%,回灌堵塞程度为轻度到严重。采灌井距180~500m,历经一个供暖季回灌对热储温度的影响较小,但回灌导致回灌井周边热储温度明显降低,历经一个非回灌期224d,从35. 7℃恢复到40. 53℃,恢复速率为0. 036~0. 022℃/d,还需658d才能恢复到原热储温度(55℃)。本区热储水位仍呈下降趋势,但回灌可延缓热储水位的下降速度。  相似文献   

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