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Wei WEI  Dapeng ZHAO 《地学前缘》2013,20(2):155-171
为了深入了解日本东北俯冲带的地震构造及火山活动,利用布设在日本列岛上密集地震台网所记录到的高质量浅震及深震到时数据,反演求得了该区域地壳及上地幔的三维P波和S波速度结构。为了最大程度地利用地震数据提取模型空间中更为精细的速度结构信息,采用不规则网格模型采进行地震层析成像反演。所得的高分辨率成像结果清晰地显示,2008年岩手地震(M 7.2)位于高低速异常的转换区,而且震源区的地壳介质非均匀性极强。在震源区的下地壳及上地幔顶部存在着明显的低速异常,可能代表了岛弧岩浆和流体在该深度处的储集。研究结果表明,2008年岩手地震的产生受到了来自上地幔楔的岩浆和流体的影响,且这些岩浆和流体与俯冲太平洋板块的脱水作用有着密切的联系。  相似文献   

Coupled substitutions involving hydrogen plus trivalent elements (Al, Eu, Fe, Ga, Gd, Lu, Mn, Nd, Pu, Sc, Y and Yb) in forsterite (Mg2SiO4) are studied using atomistic simulation methods. Incorporation of hydrogen is energetically favourable when included in the forsterite lattice as hydroxyl groups (OH) at O3 sites while the trivalent cations replace either magnesium or silicon. Our calculations show a strong dependence on the ionic radius of the impurity species and some variation with pressure. There are also significant structural distortions around the impurity defects. At low pressure (0 GPa), the smaller trivalent cations, (e.g. Al, Fe, Mn and Ga) substitute into forsterite by replacing Si as: . The larger trivalent cations (e.g. Eu, Gd, Lu, Nd, Pu, Y and Yb) however, replace Mg at the M2 site coupled with an Mg1 vacancy as described by . At 12 GPa, the large cations are more stable at Mg1 relative to Mg2, but both are predicted to be less stable than configurations associated with Si vacancies. The trivalent ionic radius has a significant effect on the H incorporation mechanism, however, the high formation energy of Si vacancies suggests that the presence of H in forsterite could inhibit incorporation of these elements, particularly at high pressure.  相似文献   

High-frequency spectral decay factor, kappa (k), in the accelerograms of the Wenchuan mainshock was measured using strong motion data from 52 stations within 311 km of the epicenter. The derived k range from 0.0034 s to 0.0468 s. The correlation of k versus fault distance was given, which is k = 0.01288 + 5.9068 × 10–5 R for the N-S component, k = 0.01881 + 1.4219 × 10–5 R for the E-W component, and k = 0.00855 + 5.6086 × 10–5 R for the U-D component. The analysis on the spatial variation of k demonstrates that k relates to source effect and propagation effect besides local site effect. Ground motions for the 52 stations were simulated using derived k and compared to actual recordings in terms of waveforms, amplitude spectra and response spectra. The results show agreement at shorter periods (<1 s), but a slight overestimation at longer periods (1–7 s).  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to application of SP, resistivity and mise-a-la-masse method in Khenadarreh (Arak, Iran) graphite deposit exploration. Mise-a-la-masse method is one of the main geophysical exploration methods used to investigate conductive bodies with outcrops on the surface or in exploratory pits. By integrating mise-a-la-masse results with other geoelectrical methods, such as self-potential and resistivity surveys, useful results can be acquired. Powerful survey design, data processing and interpretation methods can make geoelectrical surveying results more reliable. Here, we applied integrated geoelectrical methods to explore the Khenadarreh-bala graphite deposit in the Sarband region of the Markazi province, Iran. We present a new and simple method for processing and interpreting mise-a-la-masse data, which corrects for the effect of distance from the current electrode in the conductive body. After correction, the residual potential values corresponded with the SP results and the apparent resistivity pseudosections. The geophysical results were confirmed by drill holes in the study area.  相似文献   

Understanding the identity and stability of the hydrolysis products of metals is required in order to predict their behavior in natural aquatic systems. Despite this need, the hydrolysis constants of many metals are only known over a limited range of temperature and ionic strengths. In this paper, we show that the hydrolysis constants of 31 metals [i.e. Mn(II), Cr(III), U(IV), Pu(IV)] are nearly linearly related to the values for Al(III) over a wide range of temperatures and ionic strengths. These linear correlations allow one to make reasonable estimates for the hydrolysis constants of +2, +3, and +4 metals from 0 to 300°C in dilute solutions and 0 to 100°C to 5 m in NaCl solutions. These correlations in pure water are related to the differences between the free energies of the free ion and complexes being almost equal $$ \Updelta {\text{G}}^\circ \left( {{\text{Al}}^{3 + } } \right) - \Updelta {\text{G}}^\circ \left( {{\text{Al}}\left( {\text{OH}} \right)_{j}^{{\left( {3 - j} \right)}} } \right) \cong \Updelta {\text{G}}^\circ \left( {{\text{M}}^{n + } } \right) - \Updelta {\text{G}}^\circ \left( {{\text{M}}\left( {\text{OH}} \right)_{j}^{{\left( {n - j} \right)}} } \right) $$ The correlation at higher temperatures is a result of a similar relationship between the enthalpies of the free ions and complexes $$ \Updelta {\text{H}}^\circ \left( {{\text{Al}}^{3 + } } \right) - \Updelta {\text{H}}^\circ \left( {{\text{Al}}\left( {\text{OH}} \right)_{j}^{3 - j} } \right) \cong \Updelta {\text{H}}^\circ \left( {{\text{M}}^{n + } } \right) - \Updelta {\text{H}}^\circ \left( {{\text{M}}\left( {\text{OH}} \right)_{j}^{n - j} } \right) $$ The correlations at higher ionic strengths are the result of the ratio of the activity coefficients for Al(III) being almost equal to that of the metal. $$ \gamma \left( {{\text{M}}^{n + } } \right)/\gamma \left( {{\text{M}}\left( {\text{OH}} \right)_{j}^{n - j} } \right) \cong \gamma \left( {{\text{Al}}^{3 + } } \right)/\gamma \left( {{\text{Al}}\left( {\text{OH}} \right)_{j}^{3 - j} } \right) $$ The results of this study should be useful in examining the speciation of metals as a function of pH in natural waters (e.g. hydrothermal fresh waters and NaCl brines).  相似文献   

The possible uses of thermoluminescence in mineral exploration are summarised. The methodology is described and some applications for gold exploration are developed with regard to the district of St-Yrieix (Limousin, France), the district of Salsigne (Herault, France) and some occurrences in the Ardenne massif (Belgium). From these cases, different possibilities may be mentioned: the distinction of various types of mineralized structures (St-Yrieix); the evaluation of the potential of mineralized districts from samples collected in the old mining works or in the superficial formations, etc. (St-Yrieix; Ardenne massif), and the determination of a genetic affiliation between different types of mineralizations (e.g. between stratiform deposits and vein-type deposits: the comparison between the districts of St-Yrieix and Salsigne). Finally new possibilities using the TL sensitivity and the equation of the straight lines NTL (natural TL) and ATL (induced TL) are evaluated.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of hot HNO3 insoluble residues of rock powders is used as a new exploration technique for the volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VHMS) deposit in the Rosebery mine area. The EPR signal intensities measured in 326.5±5 mT sweeps are strong in the altered rocks, and show a negative correlation with Ca, Na and Sr, and a positive correlation with K/Na, Rb/Sr and (K × Rb)/(Ca × Na × Sr). The EPR intensities measured in 326.5±100 mT sweeps show high values in the footwall pyroclastics, host rocks and hanging wall pyroclastics near and around the Rosebery deposit, and correlate positively with K, Fe, Mn, Ba, F, Rb, Zn, Pb and Zr. The Rosebery deposit and associated footwall alteration zone are located at the intersection of two elongated paramagnetic halos. The first is characterized by strong intensities of [AlO4]° signals measured at magnetic flux density sweeps over 326.5±5 mT, trends NE–SW, and passes discordantly from the west to the east the White Spur Formation, altered footwall (footwall alteration zone), host rock of the Rosebery deposit, hanging wall and Mount Black Volcanics. The second, largely stratabound, halo is defined by strong intensities of Mn2+ sextets observed at magnetic flux density sweeps over 326.5±100 mT, runs N–S following the stratigraphic trend, and outlines the mineralized host rock and footwall alteration zone. It also extends toward the south into the unaltered footwall and hanging wall rocks. The first type of halo is considered to be related to wall rock alteration due to the VHMS mineralization processes as well to later Devonian metamorphism, and the second is thought to be related to massive sulphide mineralization alone.  相似文献   

The present work aims to estimate Au-anomalous distribution patterns, the optimum grain size fraction and pathfinder elements for gold placer. The obtained data of analyzed elements (Au, Ag, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hg, Li, Mn. Mo, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sb, Se, Sr, Te, Ti, V, Y and Zn) in both the fine (?0.25 mm) and coarse (?1 mm+0.25 mm) grain size fractions of 32 dry stream sediment samples, which have been derived from metamorphosed Island Arc volcanic rocks of Late Proterozoic age, revealed that most of the analyzed elements in both grain size fractions are asymmetrically distributed and did not pass the tests of normality. The coarse grain size fraction appears to be the better size fraction for Au detection and can be considered as the optimum grain size fraction for future application in regional stream sediment surveys. The presence of Au anomalies in the upper part of the stream and beside the mine is either sourced by the main Au-mineralization or new potential extension of the mineralization in the study area. Silver, Cd, Se, Zn and Te can be considered as useful pathfinder elements for Au in the coarse grain size fraction, and they may be used for future geochemical exploration for Au in the area. Recommendation of the authors is pointing to perform lithogeochemical survey in the eastern and western parts of the mine.  相似文献   

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