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The Chi-Chi 1999 (ML = 7.3) earthquake generated a large number of aftershocks in the vicinity of the rupture plane. The spatial-temporal distribution of these aftershocks was recorded with high precision and thus provided a unique possibility to study whether the correlation between aftershocks and stress changes are primary due to coseismically induced stress changes (static), or whether stress relaxation processes (viscoelastic) in the lower crust contribute significantly to this correlation. From our analysis of a 3D finite element model simulating the viscoelastic stress changes due to the coseismic displacement and tectonic loading we found that the aftershocks are highly correlated with the stress variations (static and viscoelastic) caused by the main shock. Although we found that the correlation between seismicity rate changes and viscoelastic stress fluctuation is slightly better than that of the static stress changes, these differences can only be identified well in the lower crust. As a result, it is reasonable to conclude that static stress changes are the key mechanism for triggering early and shallow aftershocks in the upper crust. It is reasonable to infer that the viscoelastic relaxation in the lower crust does affect the occurrence of early aftershocks in the deep crust, but it does not significantly affect the shallow aftershocks. However, the stress changes induced from the lower crust gradually transfer to the upper crust and may influence the occurrence of aftershocks after a longer time period (>four Maxwell times).  相似文献   

2021年5月22日2时4分位于青藏高原巴颜喀拉地块内部青海果洛州玛多县发生了MS7.4地震(玛多MS7.4地震),震中位于98.34°E,34.59°N,震源深度17 km(中国地震台网中心测定).震后区域应力调整直接导致了周边断层的库仑应力变化和主震断层外余震的发生,进而影响到区域地震活动性并改变了即发地震概率.本文利用有限断层滑移模型计算了青海玛多地区主要断层的库仑应力变化,结合Dieterich地震发生率模型,给出了库仑应力扰动下超越某一特定震级地震的发震概率公式,得到了受青海玛多MS7.4地震所产生的库仑应力场的影响周边8条断裂(段)分别发生MS≥7.0和MS≥6.0地震的概率变化.结果表明,8条断裂(段)的发震概率均有不同程度的增加.对于发震概率增幅较为明显的甘德南缘断裂、玛多—甘德断裂和西藏大沟—昌马河断裂在震后短时间内(约10年内)发震概率迅速提升,之后趋于平稳,不排除有潜在发生破坏性地震的可能,特别是发生MS≥6.0地震的可能性.针对达日断裂,由于库仑应力增加造成的影响不明显,短期内发生MS≥7.0或MS≥6.0地震的可能性不大,但随着时间的推移,不排除几十年后有潜在发生破坏性地震的可能,尤其要关注发生MS≥6.0地震的可能性;东昆仑断裂特别是玛沁—玛曲段仍然是未来强震发生的可能区段,需重点关注和防范MS≥6.0地震乃至MS≥7.0地震的发生;玉树—甘孜断裂发生MS≥6.0地震,尤其是发生MS≥7.0地震的危险性不高,而乌兰乌拉湖—玉树南断裂有潜在发生破坏性地震的风险,对于MS≥6.0以上地震需要加强防范.  相似文献   

We calculate static stress change due to the 2005 Kashmir earthquake (M = 7.6). We suggest that the earthquake caused significant increase in stress in the Indo-Kohistan seismic zone (IKSZ) region, lying to the NW of the rupture and moderate increase in the adjacent Himalayan region, lying to the SE of rupture. Thus, these regions have been brought closer to the failure. On the other hand, the Salt Range region lies in the stress shadow of the earthquake, implying that future earthquakes in this region will be inhibited. We find that this earthquake may not be compared with typical Himalayan earthquake, and hence, rupture features of this earthquake may not be directly applicable to the earthquakes of the Himalayan region. This article has previously been published in issue 12/3, under .  相似文献   

We calculate static stress change due to the 2005 Kashmir earthquake (M = 7.6). We suggest that the earthquake caused significant increase in stress in the Indo-Kohistan seismic zone (IKSZ) region, lying to the NW of the rupture and moderate increase in the adjacent Himalayan region, lying to the SE of rupture. Thus, these regions have been brought closer to the failure. On the other hand, the Salt Range region lies in the stress shadow of the earthquake, implying that future earthquakes in this region will be inhibited. We find that this earthquake may not be compared with typical Himalayan earthquake, and hence, rupture features of this earthquake may not be directly applicable to the earthquakes of the Himalayan region.  相似文献   

Based on the discrete wavenumber method, we calculate the fields of dynamic Coulomb rupture stress changes and static stress changes caused by M6.5 earthquake in Wuding, and study their relationship with the subsequent after- shocks. The results show that the spatial distribution patterns of the positive region of dynamic stress peak value and static stress peak value are similarly asymmetric, which are basically identical with distribution features of aftershock. The dynamic stress peak value and the stati...  相似文献   

Based on the discrete wavenumber method, we calculate the fields of dynamic Coulomb rupture stress changes and static stress changes caused by M6.5 earthquake in Wuding, and study their relationship with the subsequent aftershocks. The results show that the spatial distribution patterns of the positive region of dynamic stress peak value and static stress peak value are similarly asymmetric, which are basically identical with distribution features of aftershock. The dynamic stress peak value and the static stress in the positive region are more than 0.1 MPa and 0.01 MPa of the triggering threshold, respectively, which indicates that the dynamic and static stresses are helpful for the occurrence of aftershock. This suggests that both influences of dynamic and static stresses should be considered other than only either of them when studying aftershock triggering in near field. Foundation item: National Natural Science Foundation of China (40364001) and Joint Seismological Science Foundation of China (605014).  相似文献   

王莹  吴小平  赵韬 《地震学报》2011,33(5):595-604
2010年4月14日青海省玉树发生MS7.1强震, 根据国内外3个机构公布的5套玉树地震震源参数,计算了玉树地震产生的库仑破裂应力变化,研究了震源参数的差异对库仑破裂应力变化及其与余震活动关系的影响. 结果表明,由于不同来源震源参数存在差异,计算得到的库仑破裂应力变化图像也存在不同程度差异,从而影响库仑破裂应力变化与余震活动的关系.在震源断层参数中,断层滑动角和位错量的影响大于其它参数.此外还发现对余震统计时间的长短也会影响库仑破裂应力变化与余震活动关系的统计结果.   相似文献   

根据2001年昆仑山口西8.1级地震震源机制,计算了主震破裂在区域优势直立走滑构造面上引起的库仑应力变化,发现3级以上余震大部分分布在库仑应力变化为正的区段,与应力的正相关性为56%——71%;5级余震与应力的正相关性达到60%——80%.5级余震节面上库仑应力变化的正相关性为60%——80%,其效果与优势构造面具有等价性.表明应用库仑应力函数方法分析区域优势构造面应力变化,可能是判断未来地震活动发生地点的一条有效途径.其物理机制可能源于地壳应变主体单元中区域应变能与单元中包含的不同尺度断层面上应力分布的正相关性.亦即主破裂造成沿区域优势构造产生应力的不均匀分布,应力的非均匀性引起区域应变能的非均匀分布,在应变能升高的区段,某些次生断裂面应力随之升高,从而引发余震活动.  相似文献   

IntroductionItisshowedbyresearchesonearthquakestresstriggeringrecentlythatsmall'static'stresschangesduetopermanentfaultdisplacementcanalterthelikelihoodof,ortrigger,earthquakesonnearbyfaults(Harris,1998).Manystudiesoftriggeringinthenear-field,particularlyofaftershocks,showthesestaticchangesaretriggeringagent(Kilb,etal,2000).ReasenbergandSimpson(1992)studiedthere-sponseofregionalseismicitytothestaticstresschangeproducedbyLomaPrietaearthquake,andtheresultsshowedthataftershockratesincreasedinre…  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal evolution patterns of complete Coulomb stress changes caused by 1988 Ms7.6 earthquake in Lancang-Gengma,Yunnan,are calculated and studied.And the triggering problems of Ms7.2 Gengma shock occurring 13 minutes after the main shock and of Ms5.0―6.9 aftershocks within 24 days after the main shock are discussed.The results show that the spatial distribution patterns of complete Coulomb stress changes of the Ms7.6 main shock are strongly asymmetric.The areas of positive dynamic and static Coulomb stress are both coincident well with the strong aftershocks' locations.The Ms7.2 Gengma shock and most of strong aftershocks are subjected to the triggering effect of dynamic and static Coulomb stresses induced by the Ms7.6 Lancang earthquake.  相似文献   

The studies of earthquake stress transfer and its influence on regional seismicity have found that earthquake occurrences are highly interactive and correlated rather than isolated and random in traditional point in recently years. A lot of phenomena in earthquake observations such as aftershock distribution, stress shadow, earthquake interaction and migration were well explained based on the theory of earthquake stress interaction. It is important that understanding the process of earthquake interaction could give an insight into the physical mechanism of earthquake cycle, and could help us assess the seismic hazard in future.It has long been recognized that regional stress accumulated by tectonic motion is released when earthquake occurs. When earthquakes occur, the accumulated stress does not vanish completely, but is redistributed through the process of stress transfer, and then the redistributed stress may trigger potential earthquakes. The increment of Coulomb failure stress loading in the certain regions may improve the seismic activities. By contrast, the decrement of Coulomb failure stress in the areas of stress shadow where the stress on faults may unload could lead to the decrement of seismic activities.On August 3, 2014, an MS6.5 earthquake occurred in Zhaotong-Ludian region, Yunnan Province, China, killing and injuring hundreds of people. Therefore, it is critical to outline the areas with potential aftershocks before reconstruction and re-settlement so as to avoid future disasters. Based on the elastic dislocation theory and multi-layered lithospheric model, we calculate the co-stress changes caused by the Zhaotong-Ludian earthquakes to discuss its influences on aftershock distribution and surrounding faults. It is shown that the Coulomb stress changes based on the rupture in the NNW direction can explain better the aftershock distribution. It indicates that the NNW direction may represent the real rupture. The aftershocks mainly distribute in the regions with increased stress along main rupture and west to the rupture. In other regions with increased stress, the distributions of aftershock are rare which may indicate the low tectonic stress accumulation in these regions. The stress accumulation and corresponding seismic hazard on the southern part of Zhaotong Fault, Qiaojia segment of Zemuhe-Xiaojiang Fault and northeastern part of Lianfeng Fault are further increased by the Zhaotong-Ludian earthquake. We should pay special attention to the southern part of Zhaotong Fault where seismic activity is very high in recently years and the increment of Coulomb failure stress in this area is more than 0.1bar(0.1bar is the threshold of earthquake triggering). In order to make a more objective and comprehensive discussion, we calculate the sensitivity of the parameters such as effective coefficient of friction, the calculated depth and multilayered crustal model.  相似文献   

Spectral parameters have been estimated for 214 Petatlan aftershocks recorded at stations between Petatlan and Mexico City and between Petatlan and Acapulco. The spectral parameters were used to obtain empirical relations for the estimation of seismic moment from coda length and fromM L . Stress drops, using Brune's model, were calculated for these aftershocks. Six events with large stress drop are located within a previously suggested asperity, and seven more suggest a boundary zone at the intersection of the Petatlan and Zihuatanejo aftershock rupture volumes. Stress drops increase with increasing seismic moment up to 1020 dyne-cm but appear to be constant at greater moment values. The peak horizontal velocity times distance of aftershocks recorded near the coast and between the coast and Mexico City (30 to 270 km away), scales linearly with seismic moment, and predicts well the peak horizontal values of large (M s 7.0) coastal thrust events recorded on rock sites at Mexico City. Peak horizontal velocity is a straightforward measurement, thus this relation allows us to evaluate expected ground motion between the Pacific coast and Mexico City from the seismic moment of subduction related earthquakes along the coast.  相似文献   

All the data in this catalog are chosen from the "Preliminary Seismological Report of Chinese Seismic Stations" (Its abbreviation is "Monthly Report"). The catalog includes the events of M≥4.7 in and near China and M≥6 all over the world. The "Monthly Report" is monthly compiled by the Ninth Section of Institute of Geoohysics, China Earthquake Administration.  相似文献   

采用可变滑动震源模型,计算Ms8.1昆仑山口西地震产生的库仑破裂应力变化,解释余震的空间分布特征。以此为基础,分析了此次大地震在周边断层上产生的应力变化及其对地震活动性的影响。结果表明,两个模型和两种方法计算得到的应力变化均呈现相似的分布特征。应力增加区与后续地震活动的对应关系,反映昆仑山口西地震对后续地震活动的触发效应。玛尼断裂带和东昆仑断裂带受应力变化影响最明显。  相似文献   

基于GPS观测的汶川地震参数反演与库仑应力变化分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
利用汶川MS8.0地震前后的GPS观测资料,借助Okada矩形位错模型反演汶川地震参数,进而应用反演所得地震参数,计算地震在其周围GPS资料负位错反演所得震前应变积累断层段上可能造成的库仑破裂静应力变化,分析地震对其周围构造断裂应变积累的影响。结果表明,汶川震区呈显著逆冲兼右旋走滑同震变化,对甘川交界东段—甘川陕交界区、鲜水河断裂南段与安宁河断裂北端应变积累有一定程度影响,可能以增强作用为主。  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震的余震触发作用和对断层的应力加卸载作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用可变滑动震源模型,计算和研究了汶川M_S 8.0地震产生的应力变化及对后续6次强余震的应力触发作用,并定量分析了汶川地震对附近活动断裂带的库仑应力加卸载作用。结果显示:汶川地震产生的库仑破裂应力变化分布图案复杂性强,主要由发震断裂复杂的空间展布形态以及震源断层活动具有逆冲兼右旋走滑两种性质决定。汶川地震产生的库仑破裂应力变化对多数强余震存在一定的触发作用。汶川地震的发生对附近的断裂带有不同程度的影响,其中青川断裂中段和北段、岷江断裂南段和灌县-江油断裂南段,主要是以强烈的库仑破裂应力加载作用占主导地位,有利于强余震序列的孕育、加速以至于发生;东昆仑断裂带和鲜水河断裂带受到了轻微的应力加载作用;龙泉山断裂带、华莹山断裂带和西秦岭北缘断裂带主要受到了轻微的卸载作用。  相似文献   

Introduction Among the mechanisms of earthquake, the essentials may be that the earthquake is a dynamic process of energy accumulation, reaching critical status and failure in focal region. Some nonlin-ear mechanical studies (Bak, Tang, 1989; Ito, Matsuzaki, 1990) show that earthquakes as a self-organized critical phenomenon may be induced by relative small stress disturbance. WANG, et al (1980) already carried out the numerical simulation on earthquake migration in the beginning of 1980s. …  相似文献   

根据库仑静应力变化的概念,对青藏块体中部地区1997年11月8日玛尼7.9级地震及2001年11月14日昆仑山口西8.1级地震的应力触发作用进行了初步研究。不同震源机制解计算结果表明,玛尼地震造成了昆仑地震断层面上10^-3MPa量级的库仑应力增量,该变化仅使得昆仑地震的发生提前了最长10年左右,表明当前地壳应变能水平可能并不很低。对照20世纪初以来全球7级以上强震频度和强度演化特征与地球自转变化的关系,认为地球自转幅度衰减、变化频率升高是近期强震活动的重要控制因素。昆仑山口西8.1级地震的发生,可能是地球自转持续加速阶段后期,青藏块体内部区域应力场逐渐强化,及玛尼地震应力触发的结果。  相似文献   

Based on Coulomb static stress variation, the stress trigging action of the Mani ( Ms7.9, Nov.1997) earthquake on the West Kuulun Mountains Pass (MsS.1, Nov. 2001 ) earthquake is researched. Results of different source mechanism resolutions show that a 10_3 MPa Coulomb stress due to the Mani earthquake was added to the fracture fault of the Kunlun earthquake, and this may shift the broken date to about 10 years earlier, and infer that the stress level in the crust is not low. Comparing the relationship between strong earthquake strength and frequency and earth rotation change, it is shown that the strength‘s decrease and the variation period‘ s shortening of earth rotation are important controlling factors on strong earthquake activity. This great event with Ms = 8.1 took place probably due to a gradual strengthening background of regional stress field within the Qinghai-Xizang block in the period of acceleration of change of day‘s length and stress triggering from the Mani earthquake.  相似文献   

In the paper the application of a methodology for the evaluation of site effects in an area of Umbria Region (Italy) is shown. In the project 20 localities were analyzed. In this paper the results of some representative localities are presented. The objective of the project was to develop a methodology that may be easily repeated, in order to take into account site effects in urban planning. Therefore a series of geologic, geomorphologic (1:5.000 scale) and geotechnical analyses have been carried out, to identify the areas affected by site effects and to characterize the lithotechnical units. The expected seismic inputs have been calculated and the numerical analyses 1D and 2D have been done. The results, in terms of elastic pseudo-acceleration spectra and amplification coefficients, as a ratio between spectral intensity of output and input, give elements for urban planning, both for urban general choice and for buildings design.  相似文献   

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