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Copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO-NPs) are among the most widely used metal oxide nanoparticles, which increases the chance of their being released into the marine environment. As the applications of these particles have increased in recent years, their potential impact on the health of marine biota has also increased. However, the toxicological effects of these NPs in the marine environment are poorly known. In the present study, the DNA damaging potential of CuO-NPs in the marine eastern mussel Mytilus trossulus was evaluated and compared to that of dissolved copper exposures. Genotoxicity was assessed by the single cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assay in mussel gill and digestive gland cells. The results showed that copper in both forms (CuO-NPs and dissolved copper) was accumulated to different extents in mussel tissues. The mussel exposed to the dissolved copper attained higher concentrations of copper in the gills than in the digestive gland. In contrast to these results, it was found that CuO-NPs could induce much higher copper accumulation in the digestive gland than in the gills. A clear and statistically significant increase in DNA damage was found in both tissues of the Cu-exposed group compared to the control mussels. Our results indicated that the CuO-NP exposure produced remarkable effects and increased DNA damage significantly in mussel gill cells only. It should be noted that the digestive gland cells were prone to accumulation following CuO-NPs when compared to the gill cells, while the gill cells were more sensitive to the genotoxic effects of CuO-NPs. These results also suggested the need for a complete risk assessment of engineered particles before its arrival in the consumer market.  相似文献   

For revealing the effects of increasing of zinc oxide nanoparticles(ZnO NPs) on denitrification and denitrifying bacteria communities in estuarine sediments, the surface sediments of two typical estuaries(the Yangtze River Estuary and the Yellow River Estuary) were added with medium concentration(170 mg L~(-1)) and high concentration(1700 mg L~(-1)) of ZnO NPs for anaerobic culture in laboratory. The concentration of NO_3~-and NO_2~-, the reductase activity and denitrification rate were measured by physicochemical analysis, nir S gene abundance and denitrifying bacteria communities by molecular biological methods. The results showed that ZnO NPs inhibited NO_3~-, NO_2~-reduction process and NO_3~-, NO_2~-reductase activity, and a stronger inhibition effect resulting from the higher ZnO NPs concentration. ZnO NPs decreased nirS gene abundance and community diversity of denitrifying bacteria. In addition, the inhibition degree of ZnO NPs on the denitrification process of sediments in different estuaries was different. These results were of great significance for evaluating the potential ecological toxicity and risks of nanomaterials in estuaries.  相似文献   

Phenoloxidases(POs)are a group of copper proteins including tyrosinase,catecholase and laccase,which play crucial roles in the innate immune response of mollusks.In this research,POs were studied in cultured mollusk species,including scallop Chla-mys farreri,abalone Haliotis discus hannai and clam Scapharca subcrenata.The POs were isolated from hemocytes using linear-gradient native-PAGE combined with catechol staining.The PO activities and their characters were investigated.The molecular mass of PO in C.farreri was 576 kDa,and it was 228 kDa in H.discus hannai.In S.subcrenata,four POs were detected and their mole-cular masses were 391 kDa,206 kDa,174 kDa and<67 kDa,which were named as 391-PO,206-PO,174-PO and s-PO,respectively.Ki-netic analyses indicated that all of the POs,except for 391-PO had higher affinity to L-DOPA and catechol than to hydroquinone and dopamine.However,all of the POs failed to oxidize tyrosine.The effects of divalent metal ions on POs’activities were assayed,in-cluding Fe2+,Mg2+,Zn2+,Mn2+,Cu2+and Ca2+from FeCl2,MgSO4,ZnSO4,MnCl2,CuSO4and CaCl2.The POs were inhibited by Fe2+at all determined concentrations.Additionally,the inhibition assay showed that all of the POs were inhibited by cysteine,ascorbic acid,sodium sulfite,citric acid,ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium(EDTA)and sodium diethyldithiocarbamate(DETC).The inhibition effects of critric acid and EDTA are dose-dependent.H.discus hannai PO and 391-PO were slightly inhibited by sodium azide,and H.discus hannai PO,391-PO and 174-PO were slightly inhibited by thiourea.In conclusion,the POs in the three cultured mollusks are copper-containing laccase-type phenoloxidases with similar biochemical characteristics even though their molecular masses are different.  相似文献   

Marine pollution affects all life processes in aquatic organisms. The genotoxic effect of pollution on the mussel Crenomytilus grayanus was assessed. Bivalves were collected from the ‘clean'(Vostochnaya Cove) and polluted(Nakhodka Bay) areas in the Peter the Great Bay. The degree of DNA damage in C. grayanus was determined by alkaline comet assay as mean percentage of DNA in tail, and the genetic damage index was calculated. Our results indicate that almost one-third of DNA in cells of gills and digestive gland of C. grayanus inhabiting the Nakhodka Bay had destructive changes compared to the individuals of this species from the Vostochnaya Cove. This study has shown that chronic pollution of the aquatic environment causes destructive changes to DNA in gill and digestive gland cells of C. grayanus.  相似文献   

铜精粉中铜的含量一般在30%左右,其中碘量法被列为铜精矿测定铜的国家标准方法,火焰原子吸收光谱法测定铜普遍应用于低含量铜的测定,测定范围一般为0.001%~5%,该文通过王水分解样品,分取稀释,在2%的盐酸介质中,用高浓度标准系列原子吸收快速测定铜精粉中铜的含量,该法简便快速,选择性好,准确度高。  相似文献   

Liu  Yibing  Liu  Shiwen  Liu  Bingli  Qin  Jianguang  Xu  Tong  Li  Xiaoxu 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2018,36(6):2351-2357
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - In this study, a programmable freezing technique has been developed for strip spawned sperm in the blue mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis. The optimized key...  相似文献   

元素活动态是深穿透地球化学常用的方法之一,而元素水浸出态又是元素活动态中最活跃的一个态。该文介绍了铜元素水浸出态地球化学测量在山东邹平碑楼隐伏铜矿矿区的试验情况,对该方法的有效性进行了评价,试验结果表明铜水浸出态异常与隐伏铜矿体吻合,据此提出了异常钻探验证的位置。  相似文献   

Many aquatic organisms are negatively affected by exposure to high copper concentrations.We investigated the biochemical response of the mussel Mytilus coruscus(Mytiloida:Mytilidae) to copper exposure.In vivo bioassays using M.coruscus and different copper concentrations were conducted.The activity of six biomarkers,namely superoxide dismutase(SOD),catalase(CAT),acid phosphatase(ACP),alkaline phosphatase(AKP),glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase(GOT) and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase(GPT) were measured.Survival rates decreased with increased copper concentrations and exposure times.The LC50 values at 48,72,and 96 h exposure were 0.48,0.37,and 0.32 mg/L,respectively.Within digestive glands,CAT activity increased with increasing Cu concentrations.The activity of AKP showed no significant change,while the remaining four enzymes showed decreasing activity with increasing Cu concentrations.Within the gills,AKP activity increased when the Cu concentration was 0.05 mg/L,but showed no significant changes at higher concentrations.Activity of CAT and ACP within gills tended to decrease with increasing Cu concentration.The activity of SOD and GPT decreased at an exposure concentration of 0.2 mg/L.GOT activity within gills decreased at 0.1 mg/L and increased at an exposure concentration of 0.2 mg/L.Within the adductor muscle,AKP activity increased at 0.05 mg/L but did not change at higher exposure concentrations.ACP activity within adductor muscle tissue showed no change,while activities of CAT,GOT and GPT decreased with increasing Cu concentrations.SOD activity within the adductor muscle tissue significantly decreased at the 0.02,0.05 and 0.2 mg/L exposure concentrations.Our results show tissue specific differences for the six biomarkers in for M.coruscus.Our findings provide the basis for the establishment of reference activity levels against which biomarker changes can be estimated,and are essential preliminary steps in development of in vivo bioassays.  相似文献   

德兴,取“山川之宝,惟德乃兴”之意而定名.它地处赣东北低山丘陵,地势由东南向西北倾斜.东南部为怀山低山丘陵,西部丘陵区多狭长谷地.  相似文献   

王家庄、碑楼铜矿床位于邹平火山岩盆地内,区内为山东重要的铜矿产地.在收集以往地质工作资料的基础上,详细分析了王家庄铜矿床与碑楼铜矿床的地质特征,总结了赋矿岩石、围岩、矿体规模、形态、产状等特征,分析了矿石中金属矿物与矿石类型;对王家庄与碑楼铜矿的成矿期次与成矿条件进行了探讨,研究发现,邹平火山岩主要经历了3次喷发与侵入...  相似文献   

搜集并整理武汉主城区地震安全性评价控制性钻孔SPT-N资料,配合武汉市地震动参数小区划成果,采用规范法对各场地土层在罕遇地震作用下液化可能性进行判别。以液化指数作为分区指标并结合各场地坐标,绘制武汉主城区液化潜能分区图。分区图初步预测了罕遇地震发生以后,可能发生液化的区域及其严重性,且表明无论是分布面积还是液化潜能,长江右岸均大于长江左岸。通过与4次历史大震液化资料的对比分析,武汉主城区可能液化场地具有地下水位埋深浅、液化土层分布范围广、埋藏深度大的特点。  相似文献   

本文建立了高黎贡山自然保护区北段范围的数字地形模型,并将其应用在濒危珍稀动物——羚牛潜在生境评价研究中。通过叠加羚牛活动区的海拔高度、坡度及植被类型,获得了羚牛的潜在生境区,结合羚牛的生态习性与实地调查资料,选择海拔高度、坡度、植被因子3个指标对其潜在生境的适宜性进行了划分和评价。结果表明:在没有人类活动的影响下,羚牛可在研究区内大部分地区生存。从1974 ̄2004年,适宜羚牛生存的各等级生境面积逐年减少,而不适宜生境的面积逐年增加。  相似文献   

受当地地热条件的控制 ,温州地区较多地存在温度>20℃的地下低温热水。其中可供开发利用的主要为山间谷地及山前沟谷地带的冲洪积层潜水和滨海平原内的孔隙承压淡水。与地表水相较 ,它们具有水温高 ,年温差小 ,水质好 ,无污染等优点 ,可用以发展水产养殖业。从查勘地下热水前景着眼 ,温州地区不具备普遍出现地下中 ,高温热水或热泉的新地质构造活动条件 ,但不排除其个别出现 ,这可以通过对本文提供的“地热异常迹象”加以跟踪调查。  相似文献   

建德铜山铜矿开发区,位于浙江西部建德市新安江镇西11公里风景秀丽的千岛湖畔,地理坐标,东径119°10',北纬29°29'30″,交通方便,环境优美,为投资开发的黄金地段。  相似文献   

埃达克岩与Gu、Au等金属元素的富集关系密切,并对深部造山构造作用具有重要的指示意义。受到碰撞造山作用,在西藏地区发育了一条成矿潜力巨大的斑岩铜矿带,甲玛铜多金属矿床就位于该铜矿带的东段。对甲玛矿床中酸性侵入岩进行地球化学测试分析,结果显示:SiO_2(≥56%)、高Al_2O_3(≥15%)、低MgO(3%),Na_2O含量大于2.3%,K_2O含量大于2.1%,K_2O/Na_2O为0.6~1.2;稀土元素和微量元素结果显示高Sr(400×10~(-6)),低Yb(1.9×10-6)、低Y(15×10~(-6)),LREE富集,HREE亏损,无负Eu异常,具有埃达克岩地球化学特征,属于C型埃达克岩,为加厚下地壳或上地幔物质部分熔融所形成。  相似文献   

茶溪冲金矿是"湖南省区域化探异常查证"期间发现的小型金矿床,本文在讨论成矿地质背景基础上,对矿床地质及矿床地球化学进行了研究。矿体赋存于高涧群浅变质碎屑岩类中,受北东向区域断裂及两侧北东、近南北向低次序断裂控制。矿床成因为破碎带石英脉型,同时指出了找矿标志,分析了找矿远景及今后工作方向,对该区以后的找矿工作有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

【目的】研究大型海藻固碳及氮磷吸收潜能。【方法】分析硇洲岛岩礁带19种生物量大于50 g·m~(-2)自然生长的大型海藻固碳量、生产力和TOC,对比分析岩礁带和距岩礁带4 km处海域海水中无机氮和无机磷含量。【结果】褐藻门有3种,生物量、固碳量和生产力最大,分别为20 498 g·m~(-2),550 762 g·a~(-1),2 466 g·m~(-2)·a~(-1);其次是红藻门有11种,生物量、固碳量和生产力分别为17 547 g·m~(-2),138 194 g·a~(-1),1 872 g·m~(-2)·a~(-1);绿藻门有5种,生物量、固碳量和生产力分别为3 064 g·m~(-2),4 827 g·a~(-1),158 g·m~(-2)·a~(-1)。受人类活动影响最小的博贺兰岛礁区域海藻生物量、固碳量和生产力均为最大。19种海藻中12种海藻TOC超过30%,分别为衫叶蕨藻Caulerpa taxifolia (M.Vahl) C. Agardh、囊状法囊藻Valonia utricularis(Roth)C. Ag.[Conterva utricularis]、网球藻Dictyosphaeria cavernosa(Forssk.) Boerg、珊瑚藻Corallina sp.、拟鸡毛菜Pterocladiella capillacea (Gmelin)Santelices et Hommersand、紫杉状海门冬Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile)、茎刺藻Caulacanthus ustulatus (Mertens) Kütz、新角石藻Neogoniolithon sp.、叉节藻Amphiroa sp.、半叶马尾藻Sargassum hemiphyllum (Turn.) var. chinensis C. Ag.、囊藻Colpomenia sinuosa(Mert.exRoth)、羊栖菜Hizikiafusiforme(Harv.)Setch。岩礁带海水中的无机氮和无机磷含量分别在0.17~0.20mg·L~(-1)和0. 007~0. 018 mg·L~(-1)之间,距岩礁带断面4 km左右海域的4个相应站位IN和IP含量分别在0.18~0.22mg·L~(-1)和0.016~0.022mg·L~(-1)间,均略高于岩礁区相应站位。大型海藻的生物量与岩礁带无机氮和无机磷间Pearson相关系数分别为-0.248和-0.155。【结论】19种大型海藻在硇洲岛岩礁带海区生态环境下具有良好的生长适应性,固碳能力强,对氮磷具有吸收作用。  相似文献   

It is of great significance for gully prevention and management to identify the potential sediment source of debris flow. Debris flow in a gully always originates from tributaries that have different gravity potential energies and sediment condition. In this study, tributaries of the Jiangjia Gully(JJG) in Yunnan province, China, are taken as the study area to determine the possible sediment sources of debris flow. It was found that tributaries with a high evolution index(EI, the integral of the hypsometric curve) always had high gravity potential energy, which favors the occurrence of landslide activity. Furthermore, the relationship between sediment distribution, gravity potential energy, and EI is compared, respectively. The results showed that the EI had a greater influence on the occurrence of landslides, and sediments were concentrated in tributaries with EI between 0.5 and 0.6. Accordingly, tributaries with EI 0.5 were identified as the sediment sources of debris flow. In addition, the shape of a tributary was related to EI and can reflect the condition of water and sediment storage.  相似文献   

胶莱坳陷位于山东省东部,是山东省中生代白垩系沉积、保存最好的地区。据胶莱坳陷中生代地层及沉积特征显示,莱阳群水南组为胶莱坳陷暗色泥页岩沉积最好的层段,也是常规油气显示层位。通过对莱阳群水南组暗色泥页岩有机地化、储集物性等进行分析研究,莱阳群水南组暗色泥页岩有机碳含量介于0.17%~2.92%之间,平均为1.04%,干酪根类型以Ⅱ型为主,镜质体反射0.54%~2.04%;认为水南组暗色泥页岩具有页岩气形成的物质基础和较好的生烃能力,有机质演化程度已进入大量生烃阶段,部分进入大量生气阶段。水南组暗色泥页岩孔隙度一般为4.0%~8.0%,脆性矿物含量大于50%,说明水南组暗色泥页岩有利于页岩气的赋存和后期压裂改造。优选了莱阳凹陷、桃村凹陷、夏格庄凹陷和诸城凹陷4个远景区,估算了页岩气原地潜在资源量为537.8×10~8m~3,为进一步工作指明了方向。  相似文献   

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