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Fucoidan is such a polysaccharide that its hydroxies are easy to combine with lanthanons ion (CeIV) to form complex. This work obtained the complexes of three fucoidan oligosaccharides with different molecular weights F1(>5000), F2 (1000-5000) and F3(<1000) by hydrolyzing Oligosaccharide collagen with sulfuric acid. It is found that the fucoidan oligosaccharide F3 can form complex with more CeIV than F1 and F2. Hydrolyzing collagen with the complex was carried out to produce amino acid and peptides. All the three fucoidan oligosaccharide complexes with CeIV( F1, F2, F3) can catalyze by the artificial hydrolytic enzyme, and the activity of the complex of F3 is the highest.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary proline(Pro), and Pro and hydroxyproline(Hyp) in combination on the growth performance, total Hyp and collagen concentrations of tissues, and prolyl 4-hydroxylase α(I)(P4H α(I)) gene expression in juvenile turbot feeding high plant protein diets. A diet containing 50% crude protein and 12% crude lipid was formulated as the basal and control, on which other two protein and lipid contents identical experimental diets were formulated by supplementing the basal with either 0.75% Pro(Pro-0.75) or 0.75% Pro and 0.75% Hyp(Pro+Hyp). Four groups of fish in indoor seawater recirculating systems, 35 individuals each, were fed twice a day to apparent satiation for 10 weeks. The results showed that dietary Pro and Hyp supplementation had no significant effect on growth performance and feed utilization of juvenile turbot(P 0.05). Total Hyp and collagen concentrations in muscle were significantly increased when dietary Pro and Hyp increased(P 0.05), and fish fed diet Pro+Hyp showed significantly higher free Hyp content in plasma than those fed other diets(P 0.05). The expression of P4 H α(I) gene in liver and muscle was significantly up regulated in fish fed diet Pro-0.75 in comparison with control(P 0.05); however the gene was significantly down regulated in fish fed diet Pro+Hyp in muscle in comparison with fish fed diet Pro-0.75(P 0.05). It can be concluded that supplement of crystal L-Pro and L-Hyp to high plant protein diets did not show positive effects on growth performance of juvenile turbot, but enhanced total collagen concentrations in muscle.  相似文献   

本文以黄土岭滑坡为例,分析了滑坡产生的机理、稳定性等,提出了防治对策及加强对山前残坡积粘土膨胀性等测试的必要性。  相似文献   

Fucoidan is such a polysaccharide that its hydroxies are easy to combine with lanthanons ion (Ce^IV) to form complex. This work obtained the complexes of three fucoidan oligosaccharides with different molecular weights F1 (〉5 000), F2 (1 000-5 000) and F3 (〈 1 000) by hydrolyzing Oligosaccharide collagen with sulfuric acid. It is found that the fucoidan oligosaccharide F3 can form complex with more Ce^IV than F1 and F2. Hydrolyzing collagen with the complex was carried out to produce amino acid and peptides. All the three fucoidan oligosaccharide complexes with CeIV( F1, F2, F3) can catalyze by the artificial hydrolytic enzyme, and the activity of the complex of F3 is the highest.  相似文献   

游乐中的体育 在桂西北一带的彝族,每到彝年或火把节等节庆,彝家村寨总要举行一种叫做"磋逻磋"(打磨秋)的娱乐活动. 彝族打磨秋,已有悠久的历史.在彝族民间流传着一个这样的故事:很久以前,彝家村寨一连几个月乌云遮天,不见太阳,也不下雨,草木干枯,河水断流,瘟疫流行.正在大家一筹莫展的时候,李家兄弟想出了个办法,拿来两根木头做成磨秋,兄弟俩坐在磨秋上向老天说情,求老天爷开恩.  相似文献   

东方刚现出鱼肚白,便听到砰砰的敲门声. "准是訾鸣又来啦!"高翔满有把握地说. "您俩光腚就在一块,后来又同窗八九年,人恁熟,咋会猜不着?"妻子表示赞同.  相似文献   

不朽的诗篇 彝族是拥有大量史诗的民族,其民间蕴藏着极为丰富的史诗. 彝族的史诗,源于其充满着苦难的历史.彝族众多的传说故事,都记叙了发生在数千年前的那场大洪灾.  相似文献   

在太阳与月亮之间 彝族历史悠久,文明古老.数千年的繁衍与淘洗,不仅传承了彝族优秀的传统文化,而且还不断地创造出新的彝族特色的灿烂文化,从而使彝族文化成为中华民族文化中一朵亮丽的奇葩.  相似文献   

风情与礼仪虽经数千年历史文化演变与传承,分布在各地的彝族,有着不同的生活习俗与情趣,但当今彝族的生活方式,仍然弥漫着古夷(尼)民族浓郁的遗风,这些风俗,充满了彝族式的古朴风格和独特的审美趣味。少女"换裙"的习俗,普遍流行于各地彝区。彝族少女成年时,父母要为她举行一种神秘的"换裙"仪式,彝语叫"沙拉洛",意为脱下童年的裙子,换上成年的裙子。"换裙"意味着少女跨入了成人的门  相似文献   

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设k∈N,f(z)为复平面上的超越亚纯函数,φ(z)、ak-1(z),…,a0(z)为f(z)的小函数,且φ(z)≠0.置P(f)(z)=f(k)(z) ak-1(z),k-1((z) … a1(z)f'(z) a0f(z),且P(f)(z)不恒为常数.当k≤4时,满足Nk)(r,1/f)=S(r,f);k≥5时,满足N4)(r,1/f)=S(r,f),则T(r,f)<20-N(r,1/φfP-1) S(r,f).  相似文献   

在1983年8月IUGG第十八届大会在西德汉堡举行之后,国际大地测量协会第三组3.85特别研究组制定了旨在提高高精度相对重力测量技术在地震预报、地下水位监视和现代地壳运动中的应用的研究计划。这个由十七个国家的二十一名成员组成的特别研究组将从七个方面开展研究工作。 (一) 继续减小相对重力测量的标准误差和消除系统误差,无论在仪器方面还是在数学技术方面都要  相似文献   

2015,国土资源人已经启程。面对全面深化改革的历史重任,面对经济发展新常态,国土资源人压力巨大。本刊《特别关注》栏目推出的《谋划2015》上期刊发了15位省辖市国土资源局局长的新年新打算。本期继续推出3位省辖市国土资源局局长和12位省直管县(市)国土资源局、地质矿产局局长的新思路、新目标、新打算。  相似文献   

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