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A new highly precise source of data has recently become available using multibeam sonar systems in hydrography. Multibeam sonar systems can provide hydrographic quality depth data as well as high-resolution seafloor sonar images. We utilize the seafloor backscatter strength data of each beam from multibeam sonar and the automatic classification technology so that we can get the seafloor type identification maps. In this article, analyzing all kinds of error effects in backscatter strength, data are based on the relationship between backscatter strength and seafloor types. We emphasize particularly analyzing the influences of local bottom slope and near nadir reflection in backscatter strength data. We also give the correction algorithms and results of these two influent factors. After processing the raw backscatter strength data and correcting error effects, we can get processed backscatter strength data which reflect the features of seafloor types only. Applying the processed backscatter strength data and mosaicked seafloor sonar images, we engage in seafloor classification and geomorphy interpretation in future research.  相似文献   

Processing Multibeam Backscatter Data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new highly precise source of data has recently become available using multibeam sonar systems in hydrography. Multibeam sonar systems can provide hydrographic quality depth data as well as high-resolution seafloor sonar images. We utilize the seafloor backscatter strength data of each beam from multibeam sonar and the automatic classification technology so that we can get the seafloor type identification maps. In this article, analyzing all kinds of error effects in backscatter strength, data are based on the relationship between backscatter strength and seafloor types. We emphasize particularly analyzing the influences of local bottom slope and near nadir reflection in backscatter strength data. We also give the correction algorithms and results of these two influent factors. After processing the raw backscatter strength data and correcting error effects, we can get processed backscatter strength data which reflect the features of seafloor types only. Applying the processed backscatter strength data and mosaicked seafloor sonar images, we engage in seafloor classification and geomorphy interpretation in future research.  相似文献   


An array of three seafloor transponders was acoustically surveyed to centimeter precision with a deeply-towed interrogator. Measurements of two-way acoustic travel time and hydrostatic pressure made as the interrogator was towed above the array were combined in a least-squares adjustment to estimate the interrogator and transponder positions in two surveys spanning two years. No transponder displacements were expected at this site in the interior of the Juan de Fuca Plate (48?11′ N, 127?12′ W) due to the lack of active faults. This was confirmed to a precision of ±2 cm by least-squares adjustment. Marginally detectable blunders in the observations were shown to affect the transponder position estimates by no more than 3 mm, demonstrating the geometric strength of the data set. The accumulation of many hundreds of observations resulted in a significant computational burden on the least-squares inversion procedure. The sparseness of the normal matrix was exploited to reduce by a factor of 1000 the number of calculations. The acoustic survey results suggested that the near-bottom sound speed fields during the two surveys were in better agreement than inferred from yearly single-profile conductivity, temperature, and pressure (CTD) measurements.  相似文献   

Multibeam bathymetric data provide critical information for the modeling of seabed geology and benthic biodiversity. The accuracy of these models depends on the accuracy of the bathymetric data, which contain uncertainties that are stochastic at individual soundings but exhibit a distinct spatial distribution with increasing magnitude from nadir to the outer beams. A restricted spatial randomness method that simulates both the stochastic and spatial characteristics of the data uncertainty performed better than a complete spatial randomness method in analyzing the impact of bathymetric data uncertainty on derived seafloor attributes.  相似文献   

Sound refraction artifacts are often present in multibeam swath bathymetry data. For a flat array, the artifacts are usually more serious in outer beams than in inner beams. In a 3D topographical mapping they appear as ridges that parallel the tracks of the vessel. To shorten the survey time, the outer beams should be utilized as often as possible. Therefore, the refraction errors should be removed. In this paper, we present a model of reduced sound speed profile that consists of three water layers. The sound speed of the two upper layers has a constant gradient, and the third layer has the same sound speed as the most bottom measured layer. The model parameters can be searched based on the principle of the minimum difference of depth between the overlap of two neighboring swaths. The horizontal position and depth of each beam can be accordingly recalculated using the model parameters. To avoid being trapped in local optimum, the initial search scope is limited according to assumed lunch angle and travel time in each subregion. The method is verified by comparing the simulated and real data.  相似文献   

海底大地基准网将是新一代国家综合PNT(Positioning, Navigation and Timing)系统建设的重要组成,也是未来海洋立体观测系统的基础设施。联合全球卫星导航定位系统和声学测距的GNSS-声学定位技术可用于高精度水下定位,直接服务于海底大地基准网建设。本文聚焦海底大地基准建设技术,简要梳理了国内外水下声学导航定位技术及系统背景,分析总结了海底大地基准建设的站址勘选及布放技术要点,在讨论GNSS-声学观测平台和数据采集技术基础上,重点探讨了GNSS-声学定位的数据处理方法研究进展,最后简单介绍了GNSS-声学的当前主要应用并展望了未来海底大地基准建设的技术需求和应用问题。  相似文献   

In this study, the self-organizing map (SOM), which is an unsupervised clustering algorithm, and a supervised proportional learning vector quantization (PLVQ), are employed to develop a combined method of seafloor classification using multibeam sonar backscatter data. The PLVQ is a generalized learning vector quantization based on the proportional learning law (PLL). The proposed method was evaluated in an area where there are four types of sediments. The results show that the performance of the proposed method is better than the SOM and a statistical classification method.  相似文献   

In this study, the self-organizing map (SOM), which is an unsupervised clustering algorithm, and a supervised proportional learning vector quantization (PLVQ), are employed to develop a combined method of seafloor classification using multibeam sonar backscatter data. The PLVQ is a generalized learning vector quantization based on the proportional learning law (PLL). The proposed method was evaluated in an area where there are four types of sediments. The results show that the performance of the proposed method is better than the SOM and a statistical classification method.  相似文献   

Utilizing a hull-mounted, multinarrow beam echosounder onboard RV Polarstern, we measured variation of acoustic backscatter with incidence angles at two different sites in the Southern Oceans (Agulhas Plateau and the Riiser Larsen Sea). We modeled the data, using a composite roughness model, including water-sediment interface roughness and sediment volume roughness parameters. The model effectively uses the near normal incidence angle backscatter to determine the seafloor interface roughness parameters employing Helmholtz-Kirchhoff theory. Beyond 20° incidence angles, an application of Rayleigh-Rice theory is made by using a necessary splicing technique (combining both of the theories at 20° incidence angle). The estimated interface and volume roughness parameters are found to be in accordance with the known area geology.  相似文献   

Utilizing a hull-mounted, multinarrow beam echosounder onboard RV Polarstern, we measured variation of acoustic backscatter with incidence angles at two different sites in the Southern Oceans (Agulhas Plateau and the Riiser Larsen Sea). We modeled the data, using a composite roughness model, including water-sediment interface roughness and sediment volume roughness parameters. The model effectively uses the near normal incidence angle backscatter to determine the seafloor interface roughness parameters employing Helmholtz-Kirchhoff theory. Beyond 20° incidence angles, an application of Rayleigh-Rice theory is made by using a necessary splicing technique (combining both of the theories at 20° incidence angle). The estimated interface and volume roughness parameters are found to be in accordance with the known area geology.  相似文献   

Simrad EM多波束声纳系统回波强度数据的分析与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先分析了Simrad EM多渡束声纳系统回渡强度数据获取时系统进行的增益处理,分别探讨了深度数据包和海底图像数据包中回波强度数据的表征内容及意义,研究了不同数据包中回波强度数据的记录方式、特点及应用范围,为多波束水下目标识别和海底底质分类研究提供准确、表述清晰的基础数据.  相似文献   

海底观测网因其实时、长期、连续、高精度时钟同步及原位等优势而逐渐成为人类研究海洋的新型平台,建设规模和应用水深都在不断扩大。海底观测网系统建设中,深水设备的精准定点布放及湿插拔作业是施工的难点。针对国内海底观测网精准定位布放作业存在的困难和问题,结合国内现有施工条件,提出一种大深度海底设备精准定点布放安装方法,实现南海深海海底观测网试验系统深水设备精准定位布放与ROV湿插拔作业,对未来大规模海底观测网及其它深水工程中设备的精准定点布放和安装,具有参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

最大似然分类法在多波束底质分类中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究利用多波束测深系统获取的反向散射强度数据和海底声像图,通过数据预处理,应用Beyes统计分类方法实现了对海底泥、砂、砾石和基岩等底质类型的自动分类识别。  相似文献   

多波束海底声像图的形成及应用研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
在探讨多波束海底声像图形成原理基础上,重点研究多个扇面、多个条带的反向散射强度数据拼接、镶嵌方法,将海底反向散射强度值向图像灰度值转换,最后形成海底声像图,为海底地貌解译、海底目标物探测以及海底底质类型划分提供判读依据。  相似文献   

The Red Sea is an unusual example of a rift basin that transitioned from its evaporitic stage to fully open-ocean conditions at the end of the Miocene (∼5.3 Ma), much more recently than older Mesozoic margins around the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. The patterns of halokinetic deformation occurring in the Red Sea are potentially of interest for understanding more generally how evaporite deposits deform during this early stage. Relevant to this issue, a line of reconnaissance sidescan sonar data (GLORIA) collected along the Red Sea in 1979 is re-evaluated here. We first interpret the data with the aid of newly compiled bathymetry from multibeam sonars in the central and southern Red Sea. Features in the acoustic backscatter data are associated with ridges, valleys and rounded flow fronts produced by halokinetic deformation. Some areas of higher acoustic backscattering from the evaporites are suggested to relate to roughness produced by deformation of the evaporite surface. Within the volcanic (oceanic) axial valleys, areas of differing high and low backscattering suggest varied sediment cover and/or carbonate encrustations. With the benefit of the above experience, we then interpreted data from the northern Red Sea, where there are fewer multibeam data available. Rounded fronts of halokinetic deformation are present in the Zabargad Fracture Zone, a broad, shallow valley crossing the Red Sea obliquely. The presence of halokinetic deformation here is evidence that subsidence has occurred along the fracture zone. Elsewhere in the northern Red Sea, the GLORIA data reveal folds in the evaporite surface, suggesting local areas of convergence, like those implied by multibeam data from inter-trough zones further south. Some linear features are observed, many of which are likely to be ridges overlying salt walls. Interestingly, several such features are oriented along an accommodation zone that is oriented parallel to the plate spreading direction. Several rounded, corrugated features are interpreted as possible evaporite flow fronts. Overall, the impression from the data is of a strongly mobile seabed in the Red Sea because of halokinetic deformation, involving both vertical and horizontal movements. However, salt walls appear more common than in the central and southern axial Red Sea, where horizontal movements instead tend to dominate.  相似文献   

An assessment of the multibeam sonar data of the central Western Continental Margins of India has been carried out to evaluate the seafloor geomorphology and processes by examining the geomorphological attributes e.g., slope, sediments, structures, etc. associated with geomorphic features. The variation in relief and the features located in the region have been mapped and interpreted collectively by utilizing several geospatial mapping tools. The backscatter strength across the area, apparently congruent with the local relief, has helped to examine the sediment movement on the seafloor. The prominent features found in the region include faults, pockmarks, mounds, submarine terraces, and submerged fossil reefs. Several areas with varying topography engender comparable fractal dimension at short scale breaks, and the probability density functions (PDFs) utilizing backscatter data depicting overlapping classes. The present study highlights how fractals and scale break parameters can be utilized to determine the seafloor processes and associated sedimentological dynamics in a complex geographical environment with strong bottom currents, seasonal upwelling, and faulted structure. The role and impact of the various geomorphic processes on the reworking of sediment movement and the overall progression of the seafloor morphology has been revealed for the first time in this part of the ocean bottom.  相似文献   

Acoustic backscatter images of the seafloor obtained with sidescan sonar systems are displayed most often using a flat bottom assumption. Whenever this assumption is not valid, pixels are mapped incorrectly in the image frame, yielding distorted representations of the seafloor. Here, such distortions are corrected by using an appropriate representation of the relief, as measured by the sonar that collected the acoustic backscatter information. In addition, all spatial filtering operations required in the pixel relocation process take the sonar geometry into account. Examples of the process are provided by data collected in the Northeastern Pacific over Fieberling Guyot with the SeaMARC II bathymetric sidescan sonar system and the Sea Beam multibeam echo-sounder. The nearly complete (90%) Sea Beam bathymetry coverage of the Guyot serves as a reference to quantify the distortions found in the backscatter images and to evaluate the accuracy of the corrections performed with SeaMARC II bathymetry. As a byproduct, the processed SeaMARC II bathymetry and the Sea Beam bathymetry adapted to the SeaMARC II sonar geometry exhibit a 35m mean-square difference over the entire area surveyed.On leave at the Naval Research Laboratory, Code 7420, Washington D.C. 20375-5350.  相似文献   

分析了三种不同多波束测深系统回波强度的记录方式及数据结构,基于各自生成声纳图像的特点规律的差异,按其声纳图像不同用途对多波束测深系统进行了归类,其结果可为用户结合自身需求,正确购置多波束测深系统及合理应用声纳图像提供参考.  相似文献   

高质量的海底声强图是进行多波束海底底质分类、目标识别的基础。要得到"单纯"反映海底底质信息的声强图,就需要对原始声强数据进行地形改正,消除地形因素的影响。在描述了多波束数据中水深数据不能满足声强数据的改正要求问题的基础上,提出了以水深数据覆盖范围为约束的声强数据选取方法。实例计算结果表明:该方法在能有效地选取高质量的声强数据,提高了基于声强图像的海底底质分类精度。  相似文献   

This study addresses the morphology of pockmarks along the western continental margin of India using multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data. Here, for the first time we have utilized the application of ArcGIS (Geographical Information System) for understanding the morphology of pockmarks from the western continental margin of India. The pockmarks observed in water depths of 145–330 m are circular, elliptical or elongated in plan-view, with an average length and width of 157 (±72) m and 83 (±19) m respectively. The average pockmark relief and perimeter are 1.9 (±0.9) m and 412 (±181) m, respectively. The pockmarks have average areas and volumes of 10 759 m2 and 15 315 m3 respectively. Spatial separation that coincides with 210 m isobath divides the pockmarks into two groups with differing distributions and morphologies. These pockmarks originated from seepages of biogenic or thermogenic gas or from pore fluids from deeper sources, migrated vertically along the faults. Besides a possible structural control, the pockmark morphologies are also affected by bottom currents and/or by submarine slumping. The average acoustic backscatter strength from pockmark centre is higher (−35 dB) than the average backscatter of the total area (−40 dB), which suggests their possible linkage to the precipitation of diagenitic minerals from biodegradation of seepage material.  相似文献   

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