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MODIS-Aqua derived eight-day composite chlorophyll concentration data analyzed to study the impact of cyclones and depressions on the Bay of Bengal productivity. A total of 15 cyclonic storms and depressions picked up from the India Meteorological Department datasets. MODIS-Aqua data analyzed during October 2002 to December 2009. There was observation of depressions (D), deep depressions (DD), cyclonic storms (CS), severe cyclonic storms (SCS), and very severe cyclonic storms (VSCS) with categories of intensities (“T” numbers 1.5–6) and wind speeds (25–108 knots). The chlorophyll concentration observed to be high (1.0–5.0 mg/m3) with the impact in the coastal and offshore waters. Quickscat scatterometer data showed high wind speed (about 10 meters/second). Sea surface temperature (SST) observed to be decreased (roughly 2°C) with effect of cyclones. The cyclone numbers, intensity, and chlorophyll concentration has been observed to be increasing from 2002 to 2009, with observation of VSCS “Sidr” during 2007. The study would be interesting to link carbon flux/sequestration, marine food chain, and harnessing fishery resources in a postcyclone period.  相似文献   

In the coastal and estuarine waters of Goa, particulate organic carbon (POC) varied from 0.52 to 2.51 mg l?1 and from 0.28 to 5.24 mg l?1 and particulate phosphorus (PP) varied from 0.71 to 5.18 μg l?1 and from 0.78 to 20.34 μg l?1, respectively. The mean values of chlorophyll and primary productivity were 1.94 mg m?3 and 938.1 mg C m?2 day?1 in the coastal waters and 4.3 mg m?3 and 636.5 mg C m?1 day?1 in the estuarine waters, respectively.POCchl ratios were low in June and October even when POC values were quite high. The POC in surface waters was linearly correlated with the chlorophyll content. Also PP increased when chlorophyll and primary productivity remained high. The results suggest that the phytoplankton was sharply increasing and contributed to POC and PP content. The percentage of detritus calculated from the intercept values of chlorophyll on POC varied from 46 to 76% depending on season. Results indicate that the major portion of POC and PP during postmonsoon (October–January) is derived from phytoplankton production while the allochthonous matter predominate during monsoon (June–September).  相似文献   

The daily and weekly averaged Indian Remote Sensing satellite IRS-P4 Ocean Color Monitor (OCM) derived chlorophyll images were generated and interpreted in terms of pretsunami, tsunami, and posttsunami periods in the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea. There has been observation of increase in chlorophyll concentration up to 5.0 mg/m3 in the tsunami-affected coastal waters. The high chlorophyll concentration lasted for about one week after the tsunami catastrophe. The standard deviation for different transects in the tsunami-affected water were plotted. The high chlorophyll has been observed for selected transects in the aftermath of the tsunami event in coastal regions, and offshore water has also shown increase in chlorophyll concentration (~1.0 mg/m3) in the Bay of Bengal. The analysis indicated that the tsunami waves might have displaced and spread the high chlorophyll coastal water towards offshore. NASA Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Aqua daytime sea surface temperature (SST) daily images were retrieved and displayed during December 21, 2004, to January 6, 2005, and indicated the cooling (0.5–1°C) in the Bay of Bengal around Tamil Nadu and Andhra coast. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Prediction-National Center for Environment Prediction (NOAA-NCEP) data for five weeks (December 9, 2004–January 12, 2005) were retrieved to study the SST variability trend in prior to MODIS data and indicated 0.5–1°C cooling of the Bay of Bengal water off Kakinada, Chennai, Cuddalore, and Nagapattinam region on December 26 and 28, 2004.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) have been assessed in onshore and offshore areas of the Southern Bight on the basis of several years' measurements. They indicate that both the residual flow lines and DIN isoconcentration lines run parallel with the coast except in the vicinity of important freshwater discharge points such as the Scheldt estuary. Evidence was found that the seasonal DIN oscillations are not created through fluctuations in input conditions at the lateral boundaries, despite considerable fluctuations in these inputs which include the English Channel (from 500 tons(t) N day?1 in June up to approximately 2000 t N day?1 in February) and also rivers such as the Scheldt estuary (up to 50 t N day?1 in January but less than 5 t N day?1 in June–July). In both the onshore and offshore areas the sum of daylight phytoplanktonic nitrogen intake and sediment release of nitrogen corresponds to the observed DIN variations during most of the year. Pelagic N-mineralization from natural or grazing mortality of phytoplankton (220 mg N m?2 day?1 onshore at its maximum) can account for the differences (200 mg N m?2 day?1 onshore at its maximum), especially at the end of the phytoplankton spring bloom. Although the causes of DIN oscillations onshore and offshore are the same, the results differ because offshore (1) the vegetative season lasts longer, and (2) DIN is exhausted at the end of the phytoplankton spring bloom.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton biomass, taxonomy, primary productivity, and photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) were studied as part of baseline data collection for prospective nodule mining in the Central Indian Basin during the ORV Sagar Kanya cruise SK-120 in January 1997. The phytoplankton cell counts and chlorophyll a estimates showed low biomass level, suggesting low rates of primary productivity in the region studied. The average chlorophyll a value was 0.775 mg m?3 at surface and 17.75 mg m?2 in the water column. Similarly, average primary productivity at surface was 3.72 mg C m?3 d?1 and was 51.23 mg C m?2 d?1 in column. The chlorophyll a maxima at 50 to 80 m was the characteristic feature of the euphotic zones of the area. Average phytoplankton counts at the surface were low (3960 cells/l), compared to those at 25 m (6421 cells/l) and 75 m (5187 cells/l). At most of the stations mesozooplankton biomass was maximum in the top 50 m water column, indicating the importance of grazing in the euphotic zone. Appreciable quantities of mesozooplankton were observed below the euphotic zone, where settlement of chlorophyll a occurs. The low iron concentration in the water and its relationship with the water column productivity were correlated. The results show that waters in the CIB have low productivity in the surface as well as subsurface layers. This is expected to change in this case of a mining discharge in to these layers, possibly locally affecting the existing marine ecosystems. The final impact of such mining activity may remain negligible in the deep sea environment.  相似文献   

The biomass and productivity of phytoplankton populations inshore on the west coast of South Africa were investigated towards the end of the upwelling season, a period when high-biomass dinoflagellate blooms are common. Productivity was estimated from natural fluorescence measurements (PNF ), using photosynthesis (P) v. irradiance (E) relationships (PE ) and by means of the in situ 14C-method (PC ) A linear regression of PNF productivity against PC and PE productivities yielded a slope of 0.911 and an r 2 of 0.83 (n = 41). Physical and biological variability was high inshore, reflecting alternating periods of upwelling and quiescence. Mean chlorophyll inshore (within a 12 m water column) ranged from 0.7 to 57.8 (mean = 8.9) mg·m&minus3, mean PNF productivity ranged from 8.4 to 51.0 (mean = 24.6) mgC·m?3·h?1 and daily integral PNF productivity from 0.8 to 4.8 (mean = 2.3) gC·m?2·day?l. Transects sampled during active and relaxation phases of upwelling had different chlorophyll distributions. High chlorophyll concentrations (sometimes >50 mg·m?3) were associated with surface blooms within the region of the upwelling front. Estimates of daily water-column PNF productivity within these frontal blooms ranged from 4.0 to 5.6 gC·m?2·day?1. With relaxation of wind stress, blooms dominated by dinoflagellates flooded shorewards and often formed red tides. Chlorophyll concentrations of > 175 mg·m?3 and productivity rates > 500 mgC·m?3·h?1 and 12 gC·m?2·day?1 were measured during a particularly intense red tide. Offshore, the water column was highly stratified with a well-defined subsurface chlorophyll maximum layer within the pycnocline region. Estimates of daily water-column PNF productivity ranged from 2.4 to 4.0 gC·m?2·day?1 offshore. The high productivity of shelf waters on the West Coast in late summer can be ascribed largely to dinoflagellate populations and their success in both upwelling systems and stratified conditions.  相似文献   

The euphausiid community structure and grazing dynamics were investigated in the West Indian sector of the Polar Frontal Zone during the austral autumn 2004. Subsurface (200m) temperature profiles indicated that an intense frontal feature, formed by the convergence of the Subantarctic Front and the Antarctic Polar Front bisected the survey area into two distinct zones, the Subantarctic Zone (SAZ) and the Antarctic Zone (AAZ). Total integrated chlorophyll a (Chl a) biomass was typical for the region (<25mg Chl a m?2), and was dominated by picophytoplankton. Total euphausiid abundance and biomass ranged from 0.1 m?3 to 3.1 m?3 and from 0.1mg dry weight m?3 to 8.1mg dry weight m?3 respectively, and did not differ significantly between the stations occupied in the SAZ and AAZ (p > 0.05). A multivariate analysis identified two interacting mechanisms controlling the distribution patterns, abundance and biomass of the various euphausiid species, namely (1) diel changes in abundance and biomass, and (2) restricted distribution patterns associated with the different water masses. Ingestion rates were determined for five euphausiid species. Euphausia triacantha had the highest daily ingestion rate, ranging from 1 226.1ng pigment (pigm) ind?1 day?1 to 6 029.1ng pigm ind?1 day?1, whereas the lowest daily ingestion rates were observed in the juvenile Thysanoessa species (6.4–943.0ng pigm ind?1 day?1). The total grazing impact of selected euphausiids ranged from <0.1μg pigm m?2 day?1 to 20.1μg pigm m?2 day?1, corresponding to <0.15% of the areal Chl a biomass. The daily ration estimates of autotrophic carbon for the euphausiids suggest that phytoplankton represent a minor component in their diets, with only the sub-adult E. vallentini consuming sufficient phytoplankton to meet their daily carbon requirements.  相似文献   

Factors controlling the timing of major (>10 mg chlorophyll a m−3) spring bloom events in the estuarine waters of the Solent, on the south coast of the UK, have been investigated. Winter to summer variations in chlorophyll a concentration together with relevant meteorological and hydrographical data have been analysed for 5 years (1988, 1992, 2001, 2002 and 2003). Mean water column irradiance is demonstrated to be the main factor controlling the timing of the first major spring bloom event, usually dominated by large chain-forming diatoms. When chlorophyll a concentration first exceeds 10 mg m−3 in spring (usually in May) the mean water column photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) averaged for one week prior to the sampling date was always >380 W h m−2 d−1. Prior to the main spring bloom event surface incident radiation and water turbidity combine to limit chlorophyll a concentration to levels <10 mg m−3. Chlorophyll a concentrations >10 mg m−3 do not occur in the Solent until almost the entire 10 m water column is within the euphotic zone (i.e. above 1% light level) and light extinction coefficient (k) is ca. ≤0.5 m−1. Statistically, river flow explains the largest percentage of the variations in k and the delayed bloom in June 2002 is due to increased cloud cover and high levels of rainfall in May, which caused a reduction in surface incident irradiance and increased turbidity. Chlorophyll a peaks during these major bloom events generally occur on spring tides when increased mixing rates favour net growth of diatoms.  相似文献   

Properties of the light saturation curve of photosynthesis and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPC) activity are shown to change qualitatively in a natural population of marine phytoplankton during a spring bloom. Evidence is presented to show that these changes constitute photoadapative responses to increasing irradiance. As irradiance increased during the bloom, both the level of light-saturated photosynthesis (Pm) and the initial slope of the light saturation curve (α = photosynthetic efficiency) increased whether those parameters were normalized to chlorophyll a concentration (Pmb, αb) or to cell numbers (Pmc, αc). The magnitudes of these changes were such that Ik (= Pm/α, the photoadaptation parameter) did not change, but Im, the light intensity at which photosynthesis becomes saturated, increased. RuBPC activity, both chlorophyll a (RuBPCb) and cell number normalized (RuBPCc), also increased during the bloom. We suggest that these adaptations were achieved by simultaneously increasing the number of photosynthetic units, proportionately decreasing the photosynthetic unit size, and increasing both the concentrations of the enzymes of the dark reactions and possibly also of photosynthetic electron transport components.We also observed diminished levels of photoinhibition in the high light adapted cells late in the bloom and have suggested that this was a consequence of the same suite of physiological changes.In situ carbon fixation per cell increased during the bloom whereas no change occurred in this parameter when normalized to chlorophyll a concentration. Although these photoadaptive responses thus permitted carbon to be fixed in situ more rapidly per cell, at a constant efficiency with respect to investment of energy in the photosynthetic apparatus, they did not result in a change in growth rate. Based on consideratios of the role of time scale in physiological adaptation, however, it is suggested that the observed alterations in photosynthesis with increasing irradiance might permit a cell to more rapidly fill an energy quota for division, possibly an advantage in a mixing environment in which energy is patchily distributed, both spatially and temporalyy.Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity when normalized to chlorophyll a (PEPCb) did not change during the bloom while chlorophyll a normalized dark carbon fixation decreased sharply and was quantitatively small compared to PEPCb. On this basis and considering that RuBPCb increased during the bloom, it is suggested that, although PEPC may be involved in dark carbon fixation, its most important quantitative role is probably an indirect one in light dependent photosynthesis.We have also considered the relevance of laboratory results on photoadaptation to interpretations of field studies and have suggested that batch culture studies must be treated with caution but that turbidistat and semi-continuous methods provide reasonable simulations of natural conditions.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentration has an important economic effect in coastal and marine environments on fisheries resources and marine aquaculture development. Monthly climatologies the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) derived chl-a from February 1998 to August 2004 around Funka Bay were used to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of chl-a concentrations. SeaWiFS-derived suspended sediment, MODIS derived sea surface temperature (SST), solar radiation and wind data were also analyzed. Results showed two distinct chlorophyll blooms in spring and autumn. Chl-a concentrations were relatively low (<0.3 mg m3) in the bay during summer, with high concentrations occurring along the coast, particularly near Yakumo and Shiraoi. In spring, chl-a concentrations increased, and a large (>2 mg m3) phytoplankton bloom occurred. The spatial and temporal patterns were further confirmed by empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis. About 83.94% of the variability could be explained by the first three modes. The first chl-a mode (77.93% of the total variance) explained the general seasonal cycle and quantified interannual variability in the bay. The spring condition was explained by the second mode (3.89% of the total variance), while the third mode (2.12% of the total variance) was associated with autumn condition. Local forcing such as the timing of intrusion of Oyashio water, wind condition and surface heating are the mechanisms that controlled the spatial and temporal variations of chlorophyll concentrations. Moreover, the variation of chlorophyll concentration along the coast seemed to be influenced by suspended sediment caused by resuspension or river discharge.  相似文献   

We examined short-term phytoplankton and sediment dynamics in Tampa Bay with data collected between 8 December 2004 and 17 January 2005 from optical, oceanographic, and meteorological sensors mounted on a coastal oceanographic tower and from satellite remote sensing. Baseline phytoplankton (chlorophyll-a, Chl) and sediment concentrations (particle backscattering coefficient at 532 nm, bbp(532)) were of the order of 3.7 mg m−3 and 0.07 m−1, respectively, during the study period. Both showed large fluctuations dominated by semidiurnal and diurnal frequencies associated with tidal forcing. Three strong wind events (hourly averaged wind speed >8.0 m s−1) generated critical bottom shear stress of >0.2 Pa and suspended bottom sediments that were clearly observed in concurrent MODIS satellite imagery. In addition, strong tidal current or swells could also suspend sediments in the lower Bay. Sediments remained suspended in the water column for 2–3 days after the wind events. Moderate Chl increases were observed after sediment resuspension with a lag time of ˜1–2 days, probably due to release of bottom nutrients and optimal light conditions associated with sediment resuspension and settling. Two large increases in Chl with one Chl > 12.0 mg m−3 over ˜2 days, were observed at neap tides. For the study site and period, because of the high temporal variability in phytoplankton and sediment concentrations, a monthly snapshot can be different by −50% to 200% from the monthly “mean” chlorophyll and sediment conditions. The combination of high-frequency observations from automated sensors and synoptic satellite imagery, when available, is an excellent complement to limited field surveys to study and monitor water quality parameters in estuarine environments.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of the primary production (PP) and the chlorophyll a concentration (Chl) were investigated during two research cruises in the Drake Passage area in October–November of 2007 and 2008. The algorithm evaluating the integral PP (PPint) for the water column in this area was developed based on the data on the surface chlorophyll (Chls) and the incident solar irradiance obtained in 2004–2008 in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean. The results obtained both by the experimental and model approaches suggested that the Polar Front (PF) region of the Drake Passage was characterized by low values of both the PPint (<100 mg C/m2 per day) and Chls (0.08–0.20 mg/m3) in October–November. Low values of the Chls and relatively high phaeophytine a concentrations indicated the winter succession state of the phytoplankton community in the Antarctic Ocean and the southern Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ). The seasonal warming of the surface water layers and the developing pycnocline resulted in a phytoplankton bloom and a Chls concentration of more than 1 mg/m3 in mid-November in this area and the Subantarctic waters.  相似文献   

As part of the KErguelen: compared study of the Ocean and the Plateau in Surface water (KEOPS) project in late summer 2005, we examine the phytoplankton community composition and associated primary production in the waters surrounding the Kerguelen Archipelago, with the emphasis on two contrasted environments: (i) the Kerguelen Plateau, where a large bloom occurs annually, and (ii) the high-nutrient low-chlorophyll (HNLC) offshore waters. A biomarker pigment approach was used to assess the community composition in terms of chlorophyll biomass of three phytoplankton size classes, namely micro-, nano-, and picophytoplankton. The second objective was to evaluate a global class-specific approach for estimating the contribution of the three pigment-based size classes to the primary production in the study area. To do so, primary production rates associated with each phytoplankton class were computed from the class-specific chlorophyll biomass coupled to a class-specific primary production model, and compared with in situ measurements of size-fractionated 13C-based primary production. The iron-enriched bloom region was dominated by microphytoplankton (diatoms), which contributed 80–90% to the total primary production (of ≈1 g C m?2 d?1). In the HNLC area, the primary production was about 0.30 g C m?2 d?1, mainly (65%) achieved by small diatoms and nanoflagellates. The model results show a good overall agreement between predicted and measured total primary production rates. In terms of size classes, agreements were higher for the bloom region than for the HNLC waters. Discrepancies in this complex iron-limited area may be explained essentially by the smaller size of diatoms, or a different set of photophysiological properties.  相似文献   

Information on the vertical chlorophyll structure in the ocean is important for estimating integrated chlorophyll a and primary production from satellite. For this study, vertical chlorophyll profiles from the Benguela upwelling system and the Angola-Benguela front were collected in winter to identify characteristic profiles. A shifted Gaussian model was fitted to each profile to estimate four parameters that defined the shape of the curve: the background chlorophyll concentration (B 0), the height parameter of the peak (h), the width of the peak (σ) and the depth of the chlorophyll peak (zm ). A type of artificial neural network called a self-organizing map (SOM) was then used on these four parameters to identify characteristic profiles. The analysis identified a continuum of chlorophyll patterns, from those with large surface peaks (>10 mg m?3) to those with smaller near-surface peaks (<2 mg m?3). The frequency of occurrence of each chlorophyll pattern identified by the SOM showed that the most frequent pattern (~12%) had a near-surface peak and the least frequent pattern (~2%) had a large surface peak. These characteristic profile shapes were then related to pertinent environmental variables such as sea surface temperature, surface chlorophyll, mixed layer depth and euphotic depth. Partitioning the SOM output map into environmental categories showed large peaks of surface chlorophyll dominating in water with cool temperature, high surface chlorophyll concentration and shallow mixed layer and euphotic depth. By contrast, smaller peaks of subsurface chlorophyll were in water with warmer temperature, lower surface chlorophyll concentration, intermediate mixed layer and deep euphotic depth. These relationships can be used semi-quantitatively to predict profile shape under different environmental conditions. The SOM analysis highlighted the large variability in shape of vertical chlorophyll profiles in the Benguela. This suggests that an ideal typical chlorophyll profile, as used in the framework of biogeochemical provinces, may not be applicable to this dynamic upwelling system.  相似文献   

We have hypothesized that the weekly/biweekly passage of winter storms in the subtropical open ocean destabilizes the water column leading to pulsed NO3? inputs, resulting in new production that is not accounted for in most annual estimates. This paper presents data on nitrogen and carbon cycling in the Sargasso Sea at approximately daily resolution, during the period prior to seasonal stratification in 2004 and 2005; these data permit us to assess the importance of winter storms for introducing NO3? and the contribution of these inputs to annual new and export production. The two sampling years were in stark contrast to each other with 2004 characterized by periods of relative calm between winter storms, and 2005 characterized by nearly continuous storm activity. As a result, temporal variability in mixed layer depth (MLD) and euphotic zone [NO3?] were very different between years. MLDs in 2004 increased to >150 m in response to the passage of storms and then rapidly shoaled to <100 m leading to the pulsed injection of NO3? (~100 nmol l?1) into the lower half of the euphotic zone, while in 2005 MLDs were consistently >300 m and euphotic zone [NO3?]>100 nmol l?1. Despite the very different [NO3?], rates of daily NO3? uptake were similar from year to year because of significant nocturnal uptake in 2004. Similar rates of new production did not translate into similar rates of particulate nitrogen and carbon export however, as observed export from the upper 200 m was 2–5-fold greater in 2004 than in 2005. Furthermore, the decrease of particulate nitrogen and carbon flux with depth between 200 and 400 m in 2004 was substantially lower than in 2005; this is consistent with the observed biological response in which diatoms and coccolithophores exhibited rapid growth following pulsed NO3? inputs in 2004. A combination of data from the Bermuda Testbed Mooring, which provides a longer temporal record than the cruise, and the observations presented in this study show that in the winter of 2004, there were 8–10 storm events that likely resulted in pulsed NO3? inputs. Summed over all the events, new production prior to seasonal stratification was estimated to be ~0.12–0.18 mol N m?2 or ~14–21% of current annual estimates.  相似文献   

An intense diatom bloom developed within a strong meridional silicic acid gradient across the Antarctic Polar Front at 61°S, 170°W following stratification of the water column in late October/early November 1997. The region of high diatom biomass and the silicic acid gradient propogated southward across the Seasonal Ice Zone through time, with the maximum diatom biomass tracking the center of the silicic acid gradient. High diatom biomass and high rates of silica production persisted within the silicic acid gradient until the end of January 1998 (ca. 70 d) driving the gradient over 500 km to the south of its original position at the Polar Front. The bloom consumed 30 to >40 μM Si(OH)4 in the euphotic zone between about 60 and 66°S leaving near surface concentrations <2.5 μM and occasionally <1.0 μM in its wake. Integrated biogenic silica concentrations within the bloom averaged 410 mmol Si m−2 (range 162–793 mmol Si m−2). Average integrated silica production on two consecutive cruises in December 1997 and January 1998 that sampled the bloom while it was well developed were 27.5±6.9 and 22.6±20 mmol Si m−2 d−1, respectively. Those levels of siliceous biomass and silica production are similar in magnitude to those reported for ice-edge diatom blooms in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, which is considered to be among the most productive regions in the Southern Ocean. Net silica production (production minus dissolution) in surface waters during the bloom was 16–21 mmol Si m−2 d−1, which is sufficient for diatom growth to be the cause of the southward displacement of the silicic acid gradient. A strong seasonal change in silica dissolution : silica production rate ratios was observed. Integrated silica dissolution rates in the upper 100–150 m during the low biomass period before stratification averaged 64% of integrated production. During the bloom integrated dissolution rates averaged only 23% of integrated silica production, making 77% of the opal produced available for export to depth. The bloom ended in late January apparently due to a mixing event. Dissolution : production rate ratios increased to an average of 0.67 during that period indicating a return to a predominantly regenerative system.Our observations indicate that high diatom biomass and high silica production rates previously observed in the marginal seas around Antarctica also occur in the deep ocean near the Polar Front. The bloom we observed propagated across the latitudinal band overlying the sedimentary opal belt which encircles most of Antarctica implying a role for such blooms in the formation of those sediments. Comparison of our surface silica production rates with new estimates of opal accumulation rates in the abyssal sediments of the Southern Ocean, which have been corrected for sediment focusing, indicate a burial efficiency of 4.6% for biogenic silica. That efficiency is considerably lower than previous estimates for the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

To distinguish true red tide water (particularly Cochlodinium polykrikoides blooms) from non-red tide water (false satellite high chlorophyll water) in the South Sea of Korea, we developed a systematic classification method using spectral information from MODIS level products and applied it to five different harmful algal bloom events. Red tide and nonred tide waters were classified based on four different criteria. The first step revealed that the radiance peaks of potential red tide water occurred at 555 and 678 nm. The second step separated optically different waters that were influenced by relatively low and high contributions of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) (including detritus) to chlorophyll. The third and fourth steps discriminated red tide water from non-red tide water based on the blue-to-green ratio in areas with lower and higher contributions of CDOM to chlorophyll, respectively. After applying the red tide classification (using the four criteria), the spectral response of the red tide water, which is influenced by pigment concentration, showed different slopes for the blue and green bands (lower slope at blue bands and higher slope at green bands). The opposite result was found for non-red tide water, due to decreasing phytoplankton absorption and increasing detritus/CDOM absorption at blue bands. The results were well matched with the discoloration of water (blue to dark red/brown) and delineated the areal coverage of C. polykrikoides blooms, revealing the nature of spatial and temporal variations in red tides. This simple spectral classification method led to increase user accuracy for C. polykrikoides and non-red tide blooms (>46% and >97%) and provided a more reliable and robust identification of red tides over a wide range of oceanic environments than was possible using chlorophyll a concentration, chlorophyll anomaly, fluorescence analysis, or proposed red tide detection algorithms.  相似文献   

《Journal of Oceanography》2007,63(6):983-994
A mesoscale iron-enrichment study (SEEDS II) was carried out in the western subarctic Pacific in the summer of 2004. The iron patch was traced for 26 days, which included observations of the development and the decline of the bloom by mapping with sulfur hexafluoride. The experiment was conducted at almost the same location and the same season as SEEDS (previous iron-enrichment experiment). However, the results were very different between SEEDS and SEEDS II. A high accumulation of phytoplankton biomass (∼18 mg chl m−3) was characteristic of SEEDS. In contrast, in SEEDS II, the surface chlorophyll-a accumulation was lower, 0.8 to 2.48 mg m−3, with no prominent diatom bloom. Photosynthetic competence in terms of F v/F m for the total phytoplankton community in the surface waters increased after the iron enrichments and returned to the ambient level by day 20. These results suggest that the photosynthetic physiology of the phytoplankton assemblage was improved by the iron enrichments and returned to an iron-stressed condition during the declining phase of the bloom. Pico-phytoplankton (<2 μm) became dominant in the chlorophyll-a size distribution after the bloom. We observed a nitrate drawdown of 3.8 μM in the patch (day 21), but there was no difference in silicic acid concentration between inside and outside the patch. Mesozooplankton (copepod) biomass was three to five times higher during the bloom-development phase in SEEDS II than in SEEDS. The copepod biomass increased exponentially. The grazing rate estimation indicates that the copepod grazing prevented the formation of an extensive diatom bloom, which was observed in SEEDS, and led to the change to a pico-phytoplankton dominated community towards the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

Previous studies measuring biogenic silica production in the Sargasso Sea, all conducted when no phytoplankton bloom was in progress, have reported a mean rate of 0.4 mmol Si m?2 d?1 and maximum rate of 0.9 mmol Si m?2 d?1, the lowest rates yet recorded in any ocean habitat. During February/March of 2004 and 2005 we studied the effects of late-winter storms prior to seasonal stratification on the production rate, standing stock and vertical export of biogenic silica in the Sargasso Sea. In 2004, alternating storm and stratification events provided pulsed input of nutrients to the euphotic zone. In contrast, nearly constant storm conditions in 2005 caused the mixed layer to deepen to ~350 m toward the end of the cruise. Biogenic silica production rates in the upper 140 m were statistically indistinguishable between years, averaging ~1.0 mmol Si m?2 d?1. In early March 2004, a storm event entrained nutrients into the euphotic zone and, upon stabilization, vertically integrated biogenic silica in the upper 140 m nearly doubled in 2 days. Within 4 days, 75–100% of the accumulated biogenic silica was exported, sustaining a flux to 200 m of ~0.5 mmol Si m?2 d?1 (4× greater than export measured during February and March in the mid-1990s). In 2005, destabilization without stratification increased biogenic silica flux at 200 m up to two-fold above previously measured export in late winter, with little or no increase in water-column biogenic silica. Despite comprising <5% of total chlorophyll, diatoms accounted for an estimated 25–50% of the nitrate uptake in the upper 140 m and 35–97% of the particulate organic nitrogen export from the upper 200 m during both cruise periods. These previously unobserved brief episodes of diatom production and export in response to late-winter storms increase the estimated production and export of diatom-derived material in the Sargasso Sea in late winter by >150%, and increase estimated annual biogenic silica production in this region by ~8%.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton productivity, community composition and biomass were determined over a nine-month period in brackish waters of the lower Gunpowder River, a tributary of Chesapeake Bay. Primary productivity followed expected seasonal magnitudes for temperate estuaries with rates exceeding 142·4 mg C m?3 h?1 in July through September 1979 and minimum rates of 1·6 mg C m?3 h?1 in February 1980. Annual primary production was estimated at 45·5 gC m?2. Cell numbers were highest in August, September and November with cyanophytes dominating the planktonic algae. Primary productivity, chlorophyll concentrations and cell densities were dominated by nanoplanktonic forms (< 10 μm) through-out the study. Phytoplankton carbon calculated from cells volumes exceeded nutritional requirements of the pelagic herbivores in all months suggesting a mean daily export (to the bay or sediments) of 1607 mg C m?3 d?1.  相似文献   

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