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农村土地综合整治是一项关乎民生、牵系长远、艰巨复杂的社会系统工程。开展农村土地综合整治,有利于充分挖掘农村土地整理复垦潜力,增加有效耕地面积,改善耕地质量,坚守耕地保护红线,提高农业综合生产能力。同时,通过土地整治,可以提高土地的规划使用,提升土地的利用价值,促进土地的规模化使用,加速土地的流转。此外,土地整治有利于地方经济发展,突破地方建设用地规模,突破制约各地加快发展的土地瓶颈。  相似文献   

行走在八月,感受铜的季节变幻。八月是铜的季节,因为此时,它显示出价格的最高峰。“亚洲铜,亚洲铜,击鼓之后,我们把在黑暗中跳舞的心脏叫做月亮,这月亮主要由你构成。”在海子的眼里,亚洲铜是民族的图腾,是祖辈们最后的栖息地。这些古老的铜,见证了人类多少兴表,它是与我们祖辈最早亲近的金属之一,成为时间的沙漏。而自然铜,地球上含铜量最纯粹、最高的晶体,却在亿万年“养在深闺人未识”。  相似文献   

一脉罗霄山,将湖南和江西两个老表隔了开来,但是,却隔不开血肉相连的情谊。数十年前,一场场战役在这连绵不绝的山中打响,也开创了中国革命的新时代。可以说,没有湖南罗霄山脉的战斗,就不会有江西井冈山的革命根据地,也就不会有星星之火可以燎原的气吞万里如虎的壮志。 这些战斗,这些豪情,这些故事,在罗霄山脉的崇山峻岭中,时刻存在,且还将继续存在。今天,在共和国成立60周年之际,我们翻开那一页页火红的岁月,在炎陵、在资兴、在桂东,去感受那段别样的历史,也是我们共和国别样的青春。  相似文献   

在全省上下掀起“和谐创业、富民兴赣”,加快江西经济崛起新高潮的重要时刻,我们走出江西,来到乌鲁木齐召开全局产品业发展研讨会,别开生面,意义重大。这次会议的主要任务是:学习贯彻全省领导干部会议精神,分析形势,交流经验,参观考察,启迪思路,进一步统一思想,坚定信心,以奋发进取,锲而不舍的精神,谋划好我局产品业在新的起点上实现新的发展,开创“和谐创业,富民兴局”的新局面。  相似文献   

刘许生 《湖南地质》2010,(5):87-87,89,91
这一年,除了2月,9月和12月,因为特殊事情而中断外,其他的9个月,我们都致力于湖南省地质公园的了解与宣传,红石林,白龙洞,飞天山,凤凰,乌龙山等等,随着我们的笔底波澜,带给大家不一样的视觉享受。  相似文献   

离开家乡多年,一年只回去几次。乡间物事熟稔,反倒不太在意。去年,突然看见田间地头有种草,却是过去未曾见过的。此草高可及膝,杆粗如蒜,夏开白花。我问这是什么草,没人答得出。只道此草花开之后,结籽如杨花,随风四飞,遍地播撒。次年,籽落之处,满地繁生。据说原是作绿肥引进的,哪知繁衍甚猛,又很抢地力,已经成灾。我说:难道没有办法根除它吗?乡亲们都摇头。  相似文献   

“暮春者,春服既成,冠者五六人,童子六七人,浴乎沂,风乎舞雩,咏而归!”孔夫子这段关于春天的境界,被用烂了,但是,我还是想用,因为,没有比这更美的境界了。其中,“浴乎沂”,就是在沂水里洗澡。凉凉的春水,淡淡的情感,蓝蓝的天空,一切都是那么美好。  相似文献   

当前,党中央提出了科学发展观,要求共同构建和谐社会,其中就包括人与自然的和谐相处。因此,在今后的矿产资源开发中,应该借鉴南非经验,把环保摆在第一位,真正创造绿色GDP。  相似文献   

王涛 《湖南地质》2011,(4):42-43
为了遏制当前过高的房价,解决国内居民的基本居住条件,政府在未来5年里,计划建设城镇保障性安居工程3600万套,保障性住房覆盖率将达到20%。然而,建造3600万套保障房,仅静态估计,至少需要融集资金7万亿元。中国内地人口多,区域广,区域经济差别大,不少地方政府的财力有限。  相似文献   

这是李开复唯一的一本自传,字里行间,是岁月流逝中沉淀下来的宝贵的人生智慧和职场经验。捣蛋的“小皇帝”,11岁的“留学生”,奥巴马的大学同学,26岁的副教授,33岁的苹果副总裁,谷歌中国的创始人,他有着太多传奇的经历,为了他,两家最大的IT公司对簿公堂。而他的每一次人生选择,都是一次成功的自我超越。  相似文献   

以西藏38个气象站点1985-2014年实测降水量为基础数据,应用灰色预测模型和长序列趋势拟合方法预测2015-2019年的年降水量和季节降水量,经2015-2017年的实测降水数据验证,其结果良好,最后以调整后的降水距平百分率为洪涝指标,分析2018年、2019年的洪涝预测情况。结果表明,西藏2018年降水集中在东南部地区的林芝、米林、波密和察隅一带, 2019年降水主要集中在芒康地区,季节上春季降水主要集中在雅鲁藏布江大拐弯地区,夏季主要在索曲河、怒江上游地区,秋季主要在嘉黎、林芝、波密一带,冬季降水集中在聂拉木地区。2018年和2019年洪涝易发生在春季和冬季,洪涝情况都相对正常,大部分县区为无涝或正常状态,少数县区为轻微洪涝,极少数县区为中涝或特涝, 2019年洪涝情况相较于2018年整体偏多,其中在2018年的拉孜县和2019年的拉萨城关区,极有可能出现特涝灾害。  相似文献   

新元古代十三里台期叠层石组合的地层对比意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
新元古代十三里台期辽南徐淮地区的叠层石组合以 Conophyton ocularoides与 Baicalia共生为特色 ,Inze-ria、Gymnosolen、Tungussia、Jurusania、L inella等的相继集中出现为代表 ,叠层石的丰度和分异度极高 ,达到叠层石演化史上的鼎盛时期。类似的叠层石组合在世界各地晚里菲期中频有发现。至马家屯期 ,叠层石进入逐步衰退阶段 ,叠层石多组成半球状生物岩礁 ,柱体细小、相互密集丛生、分叉复杂、大多具壁或鞘 ,柱间充填大量叠层石砾屑和陆源石英碎屑 ,同时叠层石微结构发生明显变化 ,出现特征的半球形放射纤维状组构。十三里台期叠层石组合特征明显、组分相对稳定 ,不仅在区域间 ,甚至在洲际间具有地层对比的潜力。  相似文献   

贵州独山石炭系露头层序地层学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王约 《贵州地质》2001,18(4):217-223
通过黔南独山数条剖面的追踪,对比,从岩石和生物组合特征等方面分析和研究了石炭系的副层序,沉积体系域及层序关键面和层序。副层序反映了向上变浅的过程。在滨浅海沉积过程中,地表暴露是副层序的顶界面标志之一,但不足为层序界面的标志。独山地区,从汤粑沟组至马平组共识别出30个层序,171个副层序,其中从泥盆系Cystophrentis-石炭系Pseudouralinia间隔带中的最大海泛面至马平组Pseudoschwagerina首现之下的石炭系可识别出26个层序,156个副层序。与北美大陆相比,独山地区下石炭统的层序仅在相当Homceras带的德坞阶上部少一个层序,这与下、上石炭统之间明显的沉积间断相关继承岩关期末海退的大塘期早期的第一个层序界面,即祥摆组第一层煤,可与杜内阶/维宪阶之间的层序界面相对比。独山上石炭统的副层序大体与北美大陆上石炭统的层序大体相当,仅在达拉阶/马平阶的沉积间断面之上少1个,之下少17个。石炭纪冈瓦纳冰期冰盖面积和体积的增大,可能反映到滨浅海沉积相的层序和副层序的缺失程度的增大。  相似文献   

The water, pore water, sediment, and fish samples were collected from the Hongfeng Reservoir in November 2003 and February 2004 in accordance with trace metal protocols. The average concentrations of total mercury (THg), dissolved mercury (DHg), reactive mercury, dissolved gaseous mercury, total methylmercury, and dissolved methylmercury in the water columns were 8.00, 5.70, 0.63, 0.05, 0.16, and 0.07 ng/L, respectively. THg and DHg in the water columns, THg in pore water and THg in lake sediments of the Hongfeng Reservoir showed the level of mercury in the Hongfeng Reservoir was higher than in other natural waters in the world due to the loading of a lot of waste water with relatively high concentrations of mercury, whereas methylmercury concentrations in fish (wet weight) varied from 1.73-51.00 ng/g, much lower than in most remote lakes and reservoirs reported in northern Europe and North America. Methylmercury distributions in pore water and sediments showed methylation occurred mainly in the upper several centimeters of sediment cores in the Hongfeng Reservoir. The concentrations of dissolved organic carbon, total suspended particles, total Hg, and methylmercury were higher at Houwu than those at Daba in November 2003. It is suggested that other pollutants such as N and P from fishing farm and other waste water at Houwu, which resulted in deterioration of water quality, affected the concentrations and distributions of mercury species in the reservoir.  相似文献   

新疆吐鲁番盆地的连木沁剖面古近系与新近系的沉积厚度约1770m,是研究吐鲁番盆地这一时段古气候的良好载体。通过对连木沁剖面沉积物中常量元素地球化学分析,表明吐鲁番盆地在晚古新世阶段和晚始新世阶段,气候炎热湿润,但后者波动比较频繁。在渐新世,气候温暖干旱。中新世的气候变化明显可分为两个阶段,早期气候炎热潮湿,而晚期阶段温暖干旱。到上新世,气候显著干旱化。   相似文献   

重金属污染是金属矿山开采和冶炼所引起的主要环境问题。对甘肃省典型矿业城市金昌市周围农田土壤、废渣堆表面风化物及降尘、尾矿坝尾矿砂和尾矿坝旁排污沟沉积物中Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn含量及其化学形态进行分析。结果表明:不同区域环境中重金属呈现不同程度累积,其中以Cu、Ni最为显著,含量由高到低依次为尾矿坝排污沟>尾矿坝>废渣堆>农田土壤;尾矿砂和沉积物中重金属分布以Ni含量显著高于Cu含量为特征;而农田土壤和风化物及降尘中重金属分布以Cu含量高于Ni含量为特征,前者Cu、Ni主要来源于尾矿,后者与冶炼烟尘排放有很大关系;样品中除Cr、Zn以残渣态为主外,Cu、Ni、Pb化学形态分布有较大差异,Cu以可氧化态和残渣态为主,Ni以可还原态为主,其次为弱酸提取态,Pb以可还原态为主,其次为残渣态。土壤理化性质是影响重金属化学形态分布的重要因素。  相似文献   

The Tarim Basin Craton is located in the center of the Tarim Basin. Since the beginning of the Miocene, the tectonic activity has been weaker in the Tarim Basin Craton than in the marginal depression and the peripheral orogenic belts. This study investigates the tectonic movements in the Tarim Basin Craton by calculating the sedimentation rates and constructing balanced cross-sections based on well, seismic and geologic data. The tectonic movements in the Tarim Basin Craton have mainly been revealed by geological processes such as sedimentation and subsidence, structural inversion, changes in the structural feature, migration of the structural highs, and faulting. The Neogene sedimentary strata were mainly deposited in two sedimentation centers, the southern and northern sedimentation centers, and the strata in the Central Uplift Zone are relatively thin. The different depressions in different geological periods experienced wide variations in tectonic activity. Tectonic subsidence was significant and the sedimentation rates were high in the Tarim Basin Craton during the Pliocene Period (phase II). During the Neotectonic period, the stresses in the South-North direction converged in the Central Uplift Zone (the Bachu uplift–Central Tarim uplift), and the tectonic activity in this region was more intense than that in the Northern Depression and the Maigaiti Slope in the southwest. In addition, the scale of the paleo-uplift, including paleo-North Tarim Uplift and paleo-Central Uplift Zone, gradually decreased. The faults and fault systems developed zonationally in Neotectonic formations in different structural units, and always distributed discontinuously in vertical direction in sections.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(3):402-410
This paper focuses on the heavy metal enrichment and heavy metal pollution degree associated with mining activities in some crops and the soils of different parent materials in the Xiaoqinling Gold Belt. According to the geochemical analysis results of the soils observed in the gold belt, the soils are most highly enriched in Pb, followed by Cr, Cu, and Zn. Furthermore, they are relatively poor in Hg, Cd, and As. It is also shown that the heavy metals in all kinds of soils have the same geochemical characteristics in the gold belt. As for the crops (such as corn and wheat) in the gold belt, Zn and Cu are the most abundant elements, followed by Pb and Cr. Meanwhile, Hg, Cd, and As were found to have relatively low concentrations in the crops. The heavy metals in wheat and corn have the same geochemical characteristics in the gold belt in general. Compared to the aeolian loess soils and the crops therein, heavy metals are more enriched in diluvial and alluvial soils and the crops therein. As shown by relevant studies, the Hg, Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn pollution are mainly caused by mining activities. Corn and wheat in the gold belt have a high tendency of risk exposure to heavy metal pollution since they are mostly affected by mining activities and feature high background values of heavy metal concentrations. Furthermore, wheat is more liable to be enriched in heavy metals than corn is grown in all types of soils. The Hg pollution in soils leads to Hg accumulation, increasing the risk of Hg uptake in crops, and further affecting human health. This study will provide a scientific basis for the control and management of heavy metals in farmland soils of mining areas.  相似文献   

长江河流沉积物磁铁矿化学组成及其物源示踪   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用电子探针分析了长江干流和主要支流河漫滩沉积物中磁铁矿的元素组成.磁铁矿中的FeO平均含量稍高于其标准组成,而Fe2O3平均含量则明显低于标准组成;Ti、Al、Cr、V、Mn、Mg、Co和Zn等元素在磁铁矿中含量变化大,不同支流的磁铁矿的元素组成不同,同一取样点不同样品磁铁矿的元素组成变化也较大.金沙江、湘江、汉江及长江干流磁铁矿与钛磁铁矿、钛尖晶石、钒钛磁铁矿和铬铁矿等出溶交生,TiO2、Cr2O3和V2O3等元素含量高且变化大.金沙江磁铁矿富Mg、Al和Cr;大渡河、雅砻江和岷江磁铁矿中微量元素含量大多低于0.5%;涪江、汉江磁铁矿富Ti和V,而湘江磁铁矿富Ti和Al;总体上,长江干流上游磁铁矿富Ti,而下游磁铁矿中Ti、Al、Cr、V、Mg和Mn含量低于0.15%.干流磁铁矿的元素组成变化反映主要支流源岩组成及对干流影响程度的差异.  相似文献   

1957-2009年中国台站观测的关键积雪参数时空变化特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
利用1957-2009年中国地面气象台站观测积雪资料分析表明, 中国年平均雪深、雪水当量、积雪密度分别为0.49 cm、0.7 mm、0.14 g·cm-3. 平均来说, 三者在青藏高原地区都是最小的, 在西北地区均较大; 空间上, 中国年平均雪深和雪水当量大值区位于东北和新疆北部, 以及青藏高原西南部的小部分区域; 中国大部分地区年平均积雪密度在0.14 g·cm-3以下, 3大稳定积雪区积雪密度略高. 1957-2009年, 中国及各区域年平均雪深和雪水当量均表现为波动增加趋势, 但不显著; 空间上雪深的显著正趋势主要位于内蒙古东部、东北北部、新疆西北部和青藏高原东北部; 雪水当量与雪深类似, 但正趋势范围不如前者广, 负趋势范围则较大.  相似文献   

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