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史晓颖 《现代地质》1999,13(2):198-201

扬子地台灯影组碳酸盐岩中的硫和碳同位素记录   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
扬子地区灯影组的海相碳酸盐岩地层不仅记录了当时海水的碳同位素变化,也保存了海水的硫同位素记录,能够通过测定所提取的微量硫酸盐的硫同位素组成来获得。灯影组碳酸盐岩中微量硫酸盐的δ^34S值大部分在 20.0‰~ 38.7‰之间变化,碳酸盐岩的δ^13C值变化在 0.5‰~ 5.0‰之间。除灯影组顶、底界线处外,δ^34S和δ^13C值总体上变化幅度较小,大体上呈逐渐降低的变化趋势。灯影组碳酸盐岩中连续的硫、碳同位素记录分别反映了同期海水中溶解硫酸盐和碳酸盐的硫、碳同位素的变化特征。灯影组微量硫酸盐和碳酸盐岩的同位素特征,意味着灯影期海洋中具有高的生物产率和有机碳埋藏速率;除了顶底界线处,具有相对稳定的古气候条件和古海洋环境。灯影期海水的δ^34S值和δ^13C值同时呈逐渐降低的变化趋势,可能是由海洋深部水体逐渐氧化所致。  相似文献   

扬子地台震旦纪海水碳同位素的变化   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
本文测定了湖北宜昌三峡剖面震旦系海相碳酸盐岩样品的碳同位素组成。研究表明:震旦纪扬子区海水的δ^13C值显示出大幅度变化,南沱冰期δ^13C为低值(-4‰);陡山沱早期δ^13C值迅速上升,达到5-6‰,陡山沱期δ^13C值一般在0-5‰之间;灯影期δ^13C值较平稳,一般在2.0-3.4%之间,导致震旦经水δ^13C值大幅度变化的原因主要是由于以疑在和近岸为藻类等光合作用的海洋植物群体为主体的大  相似文献   

黔东北地区寒武系清虚洞组钙质风暴岩及其地质意义   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
在黔东北铜仁-江口地区下寒武统清虚洞组下部发育一套特征典型、序列特殊的钙质风暴岩.该风暴沉积的底面侵蚀构造清楚,板片状泥晶灰岩砾石呈菊花状排列,发育丘状交错层理、负载构造、递交层理和小波纹层理等沉积构造,为典型的浅海风暴岩.该风暴沉积序列的最大特点是含有大量钙质鮞粒.另外,不同的、类似于近源和远源的风暴沉积序列出露于同一剖面的相邻层位,可能反映了风暴登陆路径或者风暴流强度的差别.该风暴沉积的发现,对建立与黔中和湘西北同期地层的沉积学对比剖面、探讨风暴沉积模式的空间变化具有重要意义.  相似文献   

北京西山下苇甸剖面寒武系的碳酸盐岩发育良好且连续,在岩石学和地层学研究基础上,通过实测剖面和碳酸盐岩碳氧同位素,探讨了下苇甸地区寒武纪海洋环境及沉积相演变。研究表明,下苇甸寒武系发育碳酸盐岩镶边台地相沉积,自底部昌平组至顶部凤山组依次发育潮坪、潟湖、障壁岛礁滩、滩外斜坡沉积相。碳酸盐岩氧同位素表明该区域寒武纪为温暖至炎热的亚热带气候,同时对古沉积环境也有明显响应,沉积环境的盐度自潮上带至滩外斜坡逐渐减低至正常海水的水平,碳同位素与下苇甸沉积相及沉积旋回的变化契合度良好,表明寒武系整体为一个大的海侵过程,晚期凤山组沉积期海平面略下降。  相似文献   

为了确定我国华北寒武系苗岭统鼓山阶和芙蓉统排碧阶的底界,对豫北沙滩剖面碳酸盐岩碳同位素组成演化趋势进行了研究.结果表明寒武系δ13C演化表现出3次正漂移和2次负漂移,正漂移分布于张夏组下部、中部和炒米店组上部,δ13C分别达到最大值2.0‰、1.0‰和3.0‰;负漂移分布于张夏组底部和中下部,δ13C分别降到最低值-3.4‰和-1.0‰.炒米店组上部的δ13C正漂移起始于三叶虫Chuangia带底部,相当于美国、澳大利亚、西伯利亚及我国华南地区的芙蓉统排碧阶的SPICE正漂移.张夏组底部的δ13C负漂移对应于三叶虫Bailiella-Lioparia带,相当于鼓山阶底部的DICE负漂移.这2次δ13C漂移事件不仅可作为区域地层对比的依据,还可作为我国华北寒武系苗岭统鼓山阶和芙蓉统排碧阶底界确定的标志.寒武纪δ13C漂移事件与海平面变化、古生态环境演化密切相关,因海侵作用导致的古生态环境扩大及海洋初始生产力的繁盛可能是海相碳酸盐岩δ13C正漂移演化的主要原因.   相似文献   

湘西罗依溪剖面包含有被国际地层委员会寒武系分会表决通过的、确定全球寒武系第三统第七阶底界的球接子三叶虫Lejopygelaevigata的首现点位,是全球寒武系第三统第七阶GSSP的候选剖面。野外按0.25—0.5m的样品间距,对该点位附近的碳酸盐岩采取了264件碳、氧同位素样品,分析结果表明全球寒武系第三统Drumian阶上部δ13C值呈恒幅波状演化、波动范围较小,δ18O波动强烈、幅度较大;而第七阶下部δ13C值跳跃强烈、幅度较大,总体表现为高值,δ18O值波动减弱、趋向低值;全球寒武系第三统第七阶底部的候选GSSP正好处于δ13C值由恒幅波动向剧烈跳跃的转折处。第七阶早期δ13C值、δ18O值及海平面三者之间存在较好的耦合关系,表现为海平面上升到最高位置、δ13C值较高、δ18O值较低,造成耦合的原因可能为全球气候变暖,大量淡水流向海洋、海域扩大,初始生产率提高,较多12C为生物所摄取,导致海水中13C的浓度相对升高,沉积的碳酸盐岩具有较高的δ13C值。同时,由于最大海泛期洋流活动频繁,对江南斜坡带沉积作用有一定影响,致使碳酸盐岩沉积物的碳、氧同位素组成变化较大。  相似文献   

四川盆地寒武系划分对比及特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以多重地层划分理论为指导,根据露头、钻井和测井资料的综合分析,在总结对比四川盆地及其邻区寒武系不同时期﹑不同构造单元地层划分方案的基础上,以岩石地层特征为主要依据,综合分析古生物特征及电性特征,将四川盆地寒武系自下而上划分为:下寒武统筇竹寺组、沧浪铺组和龙王庙组,中寒武统陡坡寺组,中上寒武统洗象池组。对岩性特征进行了详细研究,筇竹寺组主要为炭质页岩﹑页岩及泥岩;沧浪铺组主要为粉砂岩及泥质粉砂岩;龙王庙组主要为鲕粒灰岩﹑灰质白云岩及白云岩;陡坡寺组下部为泥质白云岩夹紫红色泥岩,上部为紫红色泥质粉砂岩﹑白云质粉砂岩夹紫红色泥岩;洗象池组主要为大套厚层状细晶白云岩﹑粉晶白云岩。四川盆地寒武系分布广泛且厚度较大,仅在盆地西部存在一个北东向剥蚀区,整体上在盆地中南部形成一个厚度低值区,向东﹑向南﹑向北厚度逐渐增大。  相似文献   

笔者等近期在野外地质考察中,在重庆市城口县修齐镇石溪河剖面的下寒武统石龙洞组灰斑细晶白云岩中发现了大量油苗。油苗表现为新鲜的油斑,出现在修路炸开的岩石表面。油斑呈浅褐色,属于轻质油,直径小的为几厘米,大的达20~40cm。油斑面积占岩石表面的40%~60%。油沿裂缝、溶孔分  相似文献   

Metazoan fossils in the Gaojiashan Biota are famous for being well preserved and may provide new insights into the early evolution and skeletonization of Metazoans. We are studying the isotopic compositions of organic and carbonate carbon from a sequence of sedimentary rocks at the Gaojiashan section, northern Yangtze Platform, Shaanxi Province of China. Organic carbon isotope values display a range between –30.8‰ and –24.7‰ with clear stratigraphic variations. Carbonate carbon isotope data vary between 0.1‰ and +6‰. Positive δ13C values from sediments with Gaojiashan biota reflect temporal variations in carbon turnover, i.e. an increasing in photosynthetic carbon fixation followed by an increasing subsequent fractional organic carbon burial, and that related to bio-radiation such as increasing algae, bacteria, and original creatures productivity in biomass. These secular variations are interpreted to reflect perturbations of the regional carbon cycle, specifically changes in the fractional burial of organic carbon, and discuss the relationship between Gaojiashan biota and paleoenvrionmental variation.  相似文献   

晚震旦世至早寒武世扬子地台北缘碳同位素研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
震旦-寒武交变期是地史上一个重大转折期,亦是一个具有特殊意义的过渡时期.运用碳同位素地球化学方法,探讨扬子地台北缘四川南江地区晚震旦世-早寒武世交变期,碳同位素地球化学异常与环境变化和生物演化的相互联系.南江剖面沉积岩有机碳同位素组成在-35.8‰~-30.1‰间变化;碳酸盐碳同位素组成从-3.5‰~+0.5‰.在灯影组顶部、牛蹄塘组下部和上部,变化的碳、硫同位素组成和不同的黄铁矿与有机碳含量反映了有机碳埋藏量和环境的变化.下寒武统富有机碳和黄铁矿的黑色页岩沉积,暗示了早寒武世早期缺氧环境的存在.  相似文献   

A study of the morphological and microstructural characteristics of helcionelloids from the Nanjiang area (north Sichuan, China) at the northern Yangtze Platform was undertaken, in order to understand their phylogenetic position. Helcionelloids fossils from the Kuanchuanpu Formation of the Changtanhe–Maolinzi section include 7 genera and 11 species. There are distinct differences in the degree of shell bending, the apical morphology and apex position, the outline of the aperture and the height of the shell, all of which constitute important identification features. Although helcionelloid apices exhibit varying degrees of rotation towards the aperture, they do not show any signs of evident distortion. A pair of basally-symmetrical muscle scars are discovered on the shells of helcionelloids (such as Bemella simplex), showing a distinct difference when compared with those of the stem-group gastropod (e.g., Pelagiella). The prismatic shell layer of helcionelloids has been observed, which are common components in Cambrian molluscs, but differ significantly from the dense layer microstructure found in contemporary molluscs. The microstructures, muscle scars and morphological characteristics demonstrate that helcionelloids represent a stem-group of molluscs.  相似文献   

对湖北宜昌埃迪卡拉系牛坪剖面碳酸盐岩进行了高精度的碳、氧同位素分析,微量元素测定。碳同位素演化趋势研究表明,牛坪剖面陡山沱组与灯影组下部存在2 次碳同位素负漂移和3 次显著的碳同位素正漂移。负漂移分别位于陡山沱组底部( EN1) 和陡山沱组中部( EN2) ,δ13C 值分别降低到- 3. 6‰、- 2‰。正漂移分别位于陡山沱组下部( EP1) 、上部( EP2) 以及陡山沱组和灯影组界线处( EP3) ,δ13C 分别上升到6. 7‰、7. 1‰、8. 2‰。牛坪剖面埃迪卡拉系δ13C 的演化趋势可与黄陵背斜周缘埃迪卡拉系碳同位素演化趋势对比,表明至少区域上碳同位素化学地层学在埃迪卡拉系划分和对比中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We propose a detailed δ13C curve for the Vendian and Lower Cambrian (Tommotian) strata of the central Siberian Platform. Two positive carbon isotope excursions identified near the base of the Yuryakh Formation (up to 5.5) and in the lower Bilir Formation (up to 5‰) are assigned to the lowermost and middle Tommotian, respectively. This correlation is supported by paleontological data, specific 87Sr/86Sr values (0.70845-0.70856), and similar C isotope record in coeval Early Cambrian basins. The documented minor vertical oscillations (a few meters) of these isotope excursions relative to the formation boundaries in remote boreholes is presumably caused by the spatiotemporal migration of facies. A high-amplitude negative δ13C excursion (-8 to -11) in the upper Nepa Regional Stage putatively corresponds to the global Shuram-Wonoka negative carbon isotope excursion (Middle Ediacaran). Carbonates of the lower Nepa Regional Stage (Besyuryakh Formation) demonstrate positive δ13C values (up to 5) and minimum 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70796-0.70832. The C and Sr isotope record of the Nepa Regional Stage provides its robust correlation with the Dal’nyaya Taiga and Zhuya Groups of the Patom Foredeep. Micropaleontological data herein reported and glacial diamictites documented at the base of the Vendian sedimentary cover both in the central Patom Foredeep and on its periphery suggest a full stratigraphic volume of the Ediacaran System in the most stratigraphically complete sections of the central Siberian Platform.  相似文献   

The pores in shales are mainly on a nanometer scale, and the pore-size distribution is vital with regard to the preservation and exploitation of shale gas. This study focuses on the organic-rich lower Cambrian black shale in the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China and investigates their TOC, mineralogical composition and nanopore structure. Low-pressure N2 and CO2 adsorption experiments were conducted at 77.35 K and 273.15 K, respectively, and the nanopore structures were characterised by the modified Brunauer–Emmett–Teller, Dubinin–Radushkevich, t-plot, Barrett–Joyner–Halenda and density functional theory (DFT) methods. The results indicate the following. (1) The lower Cambrian shale has a high TOC content (1.77–7.23 wt%) and a high quartz content (27.7–51.6 vol%). The total specific surface area varies from 12.02 to 28.87 m2/g. Both the total specific surface area and quartz content are positively associated with the TOC content. (2) Shale samples with a higher TOC content have a greater number of micropores, resulting in more complicated nanopore structures. Micropore volumes/surface areas and non-micropore surface areas all increase with increasing TOC content, indicating that TOC is the key factor determining the nanopore structure of the lower Cambrian shale. (3) A combination of N2 and CO2 adsorption provides the most suitable detection range (~0.3–60 nm) and is both highly reliable and accurate with regard to nanopore structure characterisation.  相似文献   

早寒武世早期的黑色页岩系在扬子地台非常发育,但由于具有时代标志的化石稀少,这套黑色页岩系的层序问题一直未能很好解决。古盘虫类化石是早寒武世黑色页岩系中仅有的具有地层意义的化石类别,然而它们的分类混乱、层位不清,限制了其在地层对比中的应用。在古盘虫类分类重新厘定的基础上,通过对Tsunyidiscus 的4个种和Hupeidiscus orientalis地层分布的系统总结,认为T.aclis和T. armatus的层位限于筇竹寺早期,T. niutitangensis和T. tingi的层位主要是筇竹寺晚期,只有T. tingi延伸至沧浪铺早期。而H. orientalis在筇竹寺晚期开始出现,到沧浪铺早期繁盛。因此它们的层位分布特征可以用于地层学对比。通过对华南地区古盘虫类古地理分布和沉积相与环境分析,我们认为古盘虫类的分布受海平面升降、海水浑浊度、水深、含氧性等古海洋环境因素的控制: T. armats和T. aclis分布于近滨-远滨及外陆架上,适应水体平静,水动力能量较低,低沉积速率的相对较深的海域; T. tingi和T. niutitangensis在开阔的外陆架区域大量繁盛,T. niutitangensis生存在具有分层结构海洋的贫氧带和富氧带,海水较深,水体平静; 而H. orientalis在陆架边缘灰岩相中大量出现,适应于海水较深,水动力能量较低,浮游微生物丰富的洁净海水; 此外在粗碎屑岩、高碳质页岩、石煤发育的地层中无古盘虫类分布, 表明古盘虫类不适合海水动荡而混浊,沉积速率高的浅水高能环境和深水滞流缺氧的环境。  相似文献   

238 marine carbonate samples were collected from seven sedimentary sections ofthe entire late Palaeozoic (Permian, Carboniferous and Devonian) in the Upper Yangtze Plat-form, southwest China. Based on the absence of cathodoluminescence and very low Mn (gener-ally<50 ppm) contents of the samples, it is thought that they contain information on the orig-inal sea water geochemistry. The results of isotopic analyses of these samples are presented interms of δ~(13)C and ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios versus geological time. The strontium data, consistent withother similar data based on samples from North America, Europe, Africa and other areas inAsia, support the notion of a global consistency in strontium isotope composition of marinecarbonates. The strontium data exhibit three intervals of relatively low ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios in thelate Middle Devonian to early Late Devonian, Early Carboniferous and Early Permian, corre-sponding to global eustatic high sea level stands. The lowest ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratio recorded in theLate Permian was probably caused by substantial basalt eruptions in the Upper Yangtze Plat-form at the time. Three corresponding periods of relatively high δ~(13)C values at roughly the samethe intervals were caused by a relatively high rate of accumulation of organic carbon duringsea level rises at these times. The deposition of coal was probably responsible for the increaseof sea water δ~(13)C at other times. The δ~(13)C values drop dramatically near theDevonian/Carboniferous, Carboniferous/Permian and Permian/Triassic boundaries, con-sistent with other similar data, which further support the notion that geological time boundariesare associated with mass extinction and subsequent rejuvenation.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation on the Yangtze Platform, South China, documents a sedimentary succession with different sedimentary facies from carbonate platform to slope and to deep sea basin, and hosts one of the world-class phosphorite deposits. In these strata, exquisitely preserved fossils have been discovered: the Weng'an biota. This study presents carbon isotope geochemistry which is associated paired carbonate and organic matter from the Weng'an section of a carbonate platform (shelf of the Yangtze Platform, Guizhou Province) from the Songtao section and Nanming section of a transition belt (slope of the Yangtze Platform, Guizhou Province) and from the Yanwutan section (basin area of the Yangtze Platform, Hunan Province). Environmental variations and bio-events on the Yangtze Platform during the Late Neoproterozoic and their causal relationship are discussed. Negative carbon isotope values for carbonate and organic carbon (mean δ^13Corg = -35.0‰) from the uppermost Nantuo Formation are followed by an overall increase in δ^13C up-section. Carbon isotope values vary between -9.9‰ and 3.6‰ for carbonate and between -35.6‰ and -21.5‰ for organic carbon, respectively. Heavier δ^13Ccarb values suggest an increase in organic carbon burial, possibly related to increasing productivity (such as the Weng'an biota). The δ^13C values of the sediments from the Doushantuo Formation decreased from the platform via the slope to basin, reflecting a reduced environment with minor dissolved inorganic carbon possibly due to a lower primary productivity. It is deduced that the classical upwelling process, the stratification structure and the hydrothermal eruption are principally important mechanisms to interpret the carbon isotopic compositions of the sediments from the Doushantuo Formation.  相似文献   

Apart from previously reported Small Shelly Fossils (SSFs), a macroscopic fossil assemblage, comprising abundant algae, cone-shaped tubular fossil forms, and probable impressions of a megascopic metazoan, comes from the Lower Cambrian Yanjiahe Formation in the Yangtze Gorges area of western Hubei Province, south China. The visible fossils are preserved in thin-laminated siltstone or muddy siltstone intercalated between 8–15 mm-thick carbonate deposits, probably representing sedimentary settings of a constrained local depression in the shallow water carbonate platform during the Early Cambrian Meishucunian Stage. The macroscopic fossil association provides significant fossil evidence about the evolution of life from the late Precambrian to the ‘Cambrian explosion’ interval.  相似文献   

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