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The detachment capacity (Dc) and transport capacity (Tc) of overland flow are important variables in the assessment of soil erosion. They determine respectively the lower and upper limit of sediment transport by runoff and therefore control detachment and deposition pro‐cesses. In this study, the detachment and transport capacity of runoff was investigated by rainfall simulations and overland flow experiments on small field plots. On the bare field plots, it was found that Tc was strongly related to total runoff discharge. This was also observed for the plots covered by maize residues, but Tc was less due to the lower runoff velocity. A simple regression equation was derived to estimate Tc for both bare and covered soil. Comparing our observations with Tc equations mentioned in the literature revealed that Tc equations based on laboratory experiments overestimated, on average, our measurements. Although Tc can be assessed more easily in laboratory experiments, the applicability of the results to field conditions remains questionable. Detachment by runoff was also related to total runoff discharge. The Dc values were, however, 4–50 times smaller than the Tc at corresponding high and low runoff discharge. This indicates that detachment by runoff constitutes only part of the transported sediment. Interrill erosion supplies an important additional amount of sediment. In this study, however, only sealed soils were considered. In the case of freshly tilled, loose soils, the Dc of runoff may be larger, resulting in a larger contribution to the total soil loss. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil susceptibility to detachment and transport sub-processes of erosion is generally controled by the aggregate breakdown mechanism. Measuring particle size and aggregation to the estimate erodibility potential of soils is important under erosive rainfall conditions. The Aggregate Size Distribution (ASD) is one of the most important determinants of soil structure along with soil organic matter content for describing the efficiency of applied, sustainable management strategies. This study aimed to compare the performances of three different aggregate size distribution models to predict the characteristic aggregate size parameter (median diameter, D50) for eroded sediment from interrill erosion processes of Rain- Splash Transport (RST) and Raindrop Impacted Flow Transport (RIFT). The ASDs of 1143 collected sediment samples from the RST and RIFT processes were measured and modeled by the Log-normal, Fractal, and Weibull approaches. The D50 value, as a characteristic parameter for aggregate size distributions, derived from the cumulative ASD curve was compared for soils from different land use types and different slope and rainfall intensity conditions. The performance of each model was evaluated using the Mean Square Error (MSE) and Coefficient of Determination (R^2). The Weibull approach was the most accurate model showing the best fit with the lowest MSE values (0.0002 ≤MSE≤ 0.0048) and having the greatest R2 values (0.936≤ R^2≤ 0.998) when compared with the Log-normal and Fractal models. Herewith, for semi-arid land use and soil, specific shape and scale parameters for the Weibull distribution, the respective ASDs were successfully re-generated for modeling the eroded sediment of the simulated RST and RIFT interill processes.  相似文献   

Simulated rainfall experiments were performed on bare, undecomposed litter layer and semi-decomposed litter layer slopes with litter biomasses of 0, 50, 100 and 150 g m−2, respectively, to evaluate the effect of the undecomposed layer and semi-decomposed layer of Quercus variabilis litter on the soil erosion process and the particle size distribution of eroded sediment. The undecomposed layer and semi-decomposed layer of litter reduced the runoff rate by 10.91–27.04% and 12.91–36.05%, respectively, and the erosion rate by 13.35–40.98% and 17.16–59.46%, respectively. The percentage of smaller particles (clay and fine silt particles) decreased and the percentage of larger particles (coarse silt and sand particles) increased with an increased rainfall duration on all treated slopes, while the extent of the eroded sediment particle content varied among the treated slopes with the rainfall duration, with bare slopes exhibiting the largest variability, followed by undecomposed litter layer slopes and finally semi-decomposed litter layer slopes. The clay and sand particles were transported as aggregates, and fine silt and coarse silt particles were transported as primary particles. Compared with the original soil, sediment eroded from all treated slopes was mainly enriched in smaller particles. Furthermore, the loss of the smaller particles from the undecomposed litter layer slopes was lower than that from the semi-decomposed litter layer slopes, indicating that the undecomposed litter layer alleviated soil coarsening to some extent. The findings from this study improve our understanding of how litter regulates slope erosion and provide a reference for effectively controlling soil erosion.  相似文献   

Knowledge of rainfall characteristics is very important for the accurate estimation of rainfall kinetic energy and prediction of soil erosion. In this study, a reliable and efficient data collection and analysis system was developed to analyse the natural raindrop data collected in subtropical Taiwan. Both raindrop size distributions by number and volume were carefully analysed. The seasonal variations of the rainfall erosivity factor R, which is an index of the erosive potential of rainfall and a function of rainfall kinetic energy, was also discussed. An isoerodent map of Taiwan was also developed based on the rainfall data recorded by 158 automated rainfall‐measuring stations within 26 years. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A deeper understanding of the sediment characteristics associated with rock fragment content can improve our knowledge of the erosional processes and transport mechanisms of sediments on steep rocky slopes. This research used simulated rainfall experiments lasting for 1 h at a rate of 90 mm h−1 and employed 5 × 1 × 0.4 m parallel troughs filled with purple soils with different rock fragment volumetric contents (0, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40%) on a 15° slope gradient. For each simulated event, runoff and sediment were sampled at 1- and 3-min intervals, respectively, to study, in detail, the temporal changes in the size distributions of the eroded sediments. The results show that sediment concentrations, soil erosion rates and soil loss ratios significantly decreased as rock fragment content increased for rock fragment contents from 0 to 40% in purple soils. During the transportation process, clay particles often formed aggregates and were then transported as larger particles. Silt particles were more likely to be transported as primary particles with a low degree of sediment aggregation. Sand-sized particles, which constituted a greater proportion of the original soil than the eroded sediments, were formed from other fine particles and transported as aggregates rather than as primary particles. Suspension-saltation, which mainly transports fine particles of 0.02–0.05 mm and coarse particles larger than 0.5 mm in size, was the most important transport mechanism on steep rocky slopes. The results of this study can help to explain the inherent laws of erosional processes on steep rocky slopes and can provide a foundation for improving physical models of soil erosion. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Sediment transport capacity is a key concept in determining rates of detachment and deposition in process-based erosion models, yet limited studies have been conducted on steep slopes. We investigated the effects of sediment size on transport capacity of overland flow in a flume. Unit flow discharge ranged from 0.66 to 5.26?×?10-3 m2 s-1, and slope gradient varied from 8.7 to 42.3%. Five sediment size classes (median diameter, d 50, of 0.10, 0.22, 0.41, 0.69 and 1.16 mm) were used. Sediment size was inversely related to transport capacity. The ratios of average transport capacity of the finest class to those of the 0.22, 0.41, 0.69 and 1.16 mm classes were 1.09, 1.30, 1.55 and 1.92, respectively. Sediment transport capacity increased as a power function of flow discharge and slope gradient (R2?=?0.98), shear stress (R2?=?0.95), stream power (R2?=?0.94), or unit stream power (R2?=?0.76). Transport capacity generally decreased as a power function of sediment size (exponent?=??0.35). Shear stress and stream power predicted transport capacity better than unit stream power on steep slopes when transport capacity was <7 kg m-1 s-1. Sediment transport capacity increased linearly with mean flow velocity. Critical or threshold velocity increased as a power function of sediment size (R2?=?0.93). Further studies with fine soil particles are needed to quantify the effects of sediment size on transport capacity of overland flow on steep slopes.

Citation Zhang, G.-H., Wang, L.-L., Tang, K.-M., Luo, R.-T. & Zhang, X.C. (2011) Effects of sediment size on transport capacity of overland flow on steep slopes. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(7), 1289–1299.  相似文献   

The volumes, rates and grain size distributions of sediment supplied from hillslopes represent the initial input of sediment delivered from upland areas and propagated through sediment routing systems. Moreover, hillslope sediment supply has a significant impact on landscape response time to tectonic and climatic perturbations. However, there are very few detailed field studies characterizing hillslope sediment supply as a function of lithology and delivery process. Here, we present new empirical data from tectonically‐active areas in southern Italy that quantifies how lithology and rock strength control the landslide fluxes and grain size distributions supplied from hillslopes. Landslides are the major source of hillslope sediment supply in this area, and our inventory of ~2800 landslides reveals that landslide sediment flux is dominated by small, shallow landslides. We find that lithology and rock strength modulate the abundance of steep slopes and landslides, and the distribution of landslide sizes. Outcrop‐scale rock strength also controls the grain sizes supplied by bedrock weathering, and influences the degree of coarsening of landslide supply with respect to weathering supply. Finally, we show that hillslope sediment supply largely determines the grain sizes of fluvial export, from catchments and that catchments with greater long‐term landslide rates deliver coarser material. Therefore, our results demonstrate a dual control of lithology on hillslope sediment supply, by modulating both the sediment fluxes from landslides and the grain sizes supplied by hillslopes to the fluvial system. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the conservativeness of tracers through the sediment generation process. This is done by comparing a selection of tracer properties of sediment eroded from large plots by simulated rainfall, with the corresponding properties of the source materials within the plots. Sediment was generated using three simulated rainfall events for each of five selected erosion source types in the Tarago catchment, Victoria, Australia. As there were particle size and organic content differences between the source material and the generated sediment, the measured tracer properties of the source material were corrected for these differences. The possible role of analytical errors in this investigation was also addressed. The geochemical property, concentration of Fe2O3, was not conservative for any of the process sources investigated. Concentration of Al2O3 was not conservative for three of the four process sources investigated, and the sum of molecular proportions of CaO**, Na2O, K2O and Al2O3 was not conservative for two of the four process sources investigated. Mineral magnetic properties, IRM850 and χ were also found to be not conservative, although this may be the result of the complex relationship between particle size and mineral magnetic properties not being adequately accommodated in this analysis. The radionuclide tracers, 137Cs and 210Pbex, were found to be conservative through the sediment generation process. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Mathematical models developed for quantification of sediment transport in hydrological watersheds require data collected through field or laboratory experiments, but these are still very rare in the literature. This study aims to collect such data at the laboratory scale. To this end, a rainfall simulator equipped with nozzles to spray rainfall was constructed, together with an erosion flume that can be given longitudinal and lateral slopes. Eighty experiments were performed, considering microtopographical features by pre-forming a rill on the soil surface before the start of each experiment. Medium and fine sands were used as soil, and four rainfall intensities (45, 65, 85 and 105 mm h-1) were applied in the experiments. Rainfall characteristics such as uniformity, granulometry, drop velocity and kinetic energy were evaluated; flow and sediment discharge data were collected and analysed. The analysis shows that the sediment transport rate is directly proportional to rainfall intensity and slope. In contrast, the volumetric sediment concentration stays constant and does not change with rainfall intensity unless the slope changes. These conclusions are restricted to the conditions of experiments performed under rainfall intensities between and 105 mm h-1 for medium and fine sands in a 136-cm-wide, 650-cm-long and 17-cm-deep erosion flume with longitudinal and lateral slopes varying between 5 and 20%.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor G. Mahé

Citation Aksoy, H., Unal, N.E., Cokgor, S., Gedikli, A., Yoon, J., Koca, K., Inci, S.B., Eris, E., and Pak, G., 2013. Laboratory experiments of sediment transport from bare soil with a rill. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (7), 1505–1518.  相似文献   

Field‐ and laboratory‐scale rainfall simulation experiments were carried out in an investigation of the temporal variability of erosion processes on interrill areas, and the effects of such variation upon sediment size characteristics. Poorly aggregated sandy soils from the semi‐arid environment of Senegal, West Africa, were used on both a 40 m2 field plot and a 0·25 m2 laboratory plot; rainfall intensity for all experiments was 70 mm h?1 with a duration of 1 to 2 hours. Time‐series measurements were made of the quantity and the size distribution of eroded material: these permitted an estimate of the changing temporal balance between the main erosion processes (splash and wash). Results from both spatial scales showed a similar temporal pattern of runoff generation and sediment concentration. For both spatial scales, the dominant erosional process was detachment by raindrops; this resulted in a dynamic evolution of the soil surface under raindrop impact, with the rapid formation of a sieving crust followed by an erosion crust. However, a clear difference was observed between the two scales regarding the size of particles detached by both splash and wash. While all measured values were lower than the mean weight diameter (MWD) value of the original soil (mean 0·32 mm), demonstrating the size‐selective nature of wash and splash processes, the MWD values of washed and splashed particles at the field scale ranged from 0·08 to 0·16 mm and from 0·12 to 0·30 mm respectively, whereas the MWD values of washed and splashed particles at the laboratory scale ranged from 0·13 to 0·29 mm and from 0·21 to 0·32 mm respectively. Thus only at the field scale were the soil particles detached by splash notably coarser than those transported by wash. This suggests a transport‐limited erosion process at the field scale. Differences were also observed between the dynamics of the soil loss by wash at the two scales, since results showed wider scatter in the field compared to the laboratory experiments. This scatter is probably related to the change in soil surface characteristics due to the size‐selectivity of the erosion processes at this spatial scale. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Soil erosion is a global environmental problem. To quantify water erosion rates at the field, hillslope or catchment scale, several spatially-distributed soil erosion models have been developed. The accuracy of those models depends largely on the sediment detachment and transport functions used, many of which were developed from empirical research. In this paper, the physical basis of the available sediment detachment and transport functions is reviewed, and their application boundaries determined. Well-known and widely-used sediment detachment and transport functions are discussed on the basis of composite force predictors, i.e. shear stress, stream power, unit stream power and effective stream power, and their suitability is elucidated based on information in the literature. It was found that only a few sediment detachment functions are available, and those have been poorly tested. Most erosion models ignore direct calculation of sediment detachment, but use the sediment transport capacity deficit approach to estimate detachment rate. Many more sediment transport functions are available that also tested better for overland flow conditions. However, our tests did not result in a single function that appeared to perform best under a range of experimental conditions. The unit stream power-based functions developed by Govers seem to be the most promising ones for water erosion modelling. It is therefore recommended to evaluate the performance of existing sediment transport functions with more detailed field and laboratory datasets.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   

Sediment transport of four boulder bed rivers is studied using lichenometry. The presence of lichens on boulders in the river channel is used to date the last mobilization of the blocks. Using size frequency diagrams and regional growth curves calibrated with dated reference points it is possible to determine the flood event responsible for the last mobilization of each boulder with lichens present. The specific stream power of flood events over the last 60 years is then calculated, and thresholds of sediment transport based on the sediment size are calculated. The results from the four studied rivers are compared to similar relationships in the literature. Sediment motion thresholds appear to be very variable within the same type of river (mountainous boulder bed rivers). The critical specific stream power necessary to mobilize a particle of a given diameter may vary by up to 10 times from one river to the next. Bed sediment size and river slope may explain this large range of stream powers. Calculation of the relative size of the transported particles (Di/D50) also shows that both hiding and protrusion effects, as well as channels slope, are important factors in sediment transport. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on data from 35 stations on the tributaries of the Yellow River, annual specific sediment yield (Ys) in eight grain size fractions has been related to basin‐averaged annual sand–dust storm days (Dss) and annual precipitation (Pm) to reveal the influence of eolian and fluvial processes on specific sediment yield in different grain size fractions. The results show that Ys in fine grain size fractions has the highest values in the areas dominated by the coupled wind–water process. From these areas to those dominated by the eolian process or to those dominated by the fluvial process, Ys tends to decrease. For relatively coarse grain size fractions, Ys has monotonic variation, i.e. with the increase in Dss or the decrease in Pm, Ys increases. This indicates that the sediment producing behavior for fine sediments is different from that for relatively coarse sediments. The results all show that Ys for relatively coarse sediments depends on the eolian process more than on the fluvial process, and the coarser the sediment fractions the stronger the dependence of the Ys on the eolian process. The YsDss and YsPm curves for fine grain size fractions show some peaks and the fitted straight lines for YsDss and YsPm relationships for relatively coarse grain size fractions show some breaks. Almost all these break points may be regarded as thresholds. These thresholds are all located in the areas dominated by the coupled wind–water process, indicating that these areas are sensitive for erosion and sediment production, to which more attention should be given for the purpose of erosion and sediment control. A number of regression equations were established, based which the effect of rainfall, sand–dust storms and surface material grain size on specific sediment yield can be assessed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Post-fire debris flows represent one of the most erosive consequences associated with increasing wildfire severity and investigations into their downstream impacts have been limited. Recent advances have linked existing hydrogeomorphic models to predict potential impacts of post-fire erosion at watershed scales on downstream water resources. Here we address two key limitations in current models: (1) accurate predictions of post-fire debris flow volumes in the absence of triggering storm rainfall intensities and (2) understanding controls on grain sizes produced by post-fire debris flows. We compiled and analysed a novel dataset of depositional volumes and grain size distributions (GSDs) for 59 post-fire debris flows across the Intermountain West (IMW) collected via fieldwork and from the literature. We first evaluated the utility of existing models for post-fire debris flow volume prediction, which were largely developed for Southern California. We then constructed a new post-fire debris flow volume prediction model for the IMW using a combination of Random Forest modelling and regression analysis. We found topography and burn severity to be important variables, and that the percentage of pre-fire soil organic matter was an essential predictor variable. Our model was also capable of predicting debris flow volumes without data for the triggering storm, suggesting that rainfall may be more important as a presence/absence predictor, rather than a scaling variable. We also constructed the first models that predict the median, 16th percentile, and 84th percentile grain sizes, as well as boulder size, produced by post-fire debris flows. These models demonstrate consistent landscape controls on debris flow GSDs that are related to land cover, physical and chemical weathering, and hillslope sediment transport processes. This work advances our ability to predict how post-fire sediment pulses are transported through watersheds. Our models allow for improved pre- and post-fire risk assessments across diverse ranges of watersheds in the IMW.  相似文献   

Temporal variability in suspended sediment delivery processes was studied during three seasons in a 7·9 km2 catchment at Cape Bounty, Melville Island, Nunavut in the Canadian High Arctic. Discharge was controlled primarily by the magnitude of snowmelt, with limited inputs from ground ice melt and precipitation. Years with greater snowpack non‐linearly increased sediment yield and resulted in seasonal counter‐clockwise hysteresis, while a year with low snowpack resulted in reduced sediment yield and clockwise hysteresis, and indicates that sediment was increasingly available after the onset of streamflow. In addition to the event‐scale hysteresis observed during the nival discharge peak, diurnal clockwise hysteresis was observed during all three seasons and suggests daily exhaustion of sediment supplies. These results indicate that the channel snowpack plays a primary role over sediment accessibility during the nival discharge peak. Similarly, grain size analysis of suspended material in the river showed that the coarsest mean grain size was transported during the early phase of peak nival discharge and indicates that isolated sources of coarse material were being accessed by high velocity flow. Snowpack is present through the peak nival period and conditions sediment availability by isolating channel sediments from high‐energy flow. These results indicate sediment delivery characteristics in small High Arctic catchments reflect complex interactions with channel snowpack and disproportionate responses to flow conditions that differ from glacial and temperate settings. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many pumped rainfall simulators used in soil erosion studies use pulsed rain to control the rainfall intensity. We examined the effect of the rain pulsing on sediment concentration and size using three different pulse cycles with the same rainfall intensity. There was considerable variation in sediment concentration through the pulse cycle: the highest concentration was up to four times that of the lowest concentration. Furthermore, the particle size distribution also varied: the peak median particle size was double the lowest median particle size. The magnitude of differences in sediment concentration and particle size were greater the longer the pulse cycle and these dynamics will vary between rainfall simulators and studies. We suggest the impact of the pulsing on sediment is significant and should be investigated prior to experimentation so that sampling periods are designed to avoid bias introduced by fine temporal scale sediment dynamics. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Based on data from five hydrometric stations, Pingshan station on the Jinshajiang River, Gaochang station on the Minjiang River, Wulong station on the Wujiang River, Wusheng station on the Jialingjiang River and Yichang station on the Yangtze River, a study has been made of the temporal variation in grain size of suspended sediment load in the upper Yangtze River. The results show that in the past 40 years, the grain size of the suspended sediment load in the main stem and major tributaries of the upper Yangtze River has had a decreasing trend, that can be explained by the effect of reservoir construction and implementation of soil conservation measures. The reservoirs in the upper Yangtze River Basin, all used for water storage for hydro-electric generation and/or irrigation, have trapped coarse sediment from the drainage area above the dam and, thus, the sediment released now is much finer than before the construction of the reservoirs. The downstream channels are all gravel-bedded or even in bedrock, with little fine sediment, and thus, the released flow can hardly get a supply of fine sediment through eroding the bed. Then, after the downstream adjustment, the grain size of suspended sediment is still fine. Large-scale soil conservation measures have significantly reduced sediment yield in some major sediment source areas. The relatively coarse sediment is trapped and, thus, the sediment delivered to the river becomes finer.  相似文献   

A series of large rainfall simulator experiments was conducted in 2002 and 2003 on a small plot located in an experimental catchment in the North Island of New Zealand. These experiments measured both runoff and sediment transport under carefully controlled conditions. A physically based hydrological modelling system (SHETRAN) was then applied to reproduce the observed hydrographs and sedigraphs. SHETRAN uses physically based equations to represent flow and sediment transport, and two erodibility coefficients to model detachment of soil particles by raindrop erosion and overland flow erosion. The rate of raindrop erosion also depended on the amount of bare ground under the simulator; this was estimated before each experiment. These erodibility coefficients were calibrated systematically for summer and winter experiments separately, and lower values were obtained for the summer experiments. Earlier studies using small rainfall simulators in the vicinity of the plot also found the soil to be less erodible in summer and autumn. Limited validation of model parameters was carried out using results from a series of autumn experiments. The modelled suspended sediment load was also sensitive to parameters controlling the generation of runoff from the rainfall simulator plot; therefore, we found that accurate runoff predictions were important for the sediment predictions, especially from the experiments where the pasture cover was good and overland flow erosion was the dominant mechanism. The rainfall simulator experiments showed that the mass of suspended sediment increased post‐grazing, and according to the model this was due to raindrop detachment. The results indicated that grazing cattle or sheep on steeply sloping hill‐country paddocks should be carefully managed, especially in winter, to limit the transport of suspended sediment into watercourses. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River channel pattern may be regarded as the outcome of streamflow, sediment load, and channel boundary conditions, as can the grain size distribution of bed material. It may therefore be expected that connections should exist between river channel pattern characteristics and the corresponding river bed material grain size parameters. Using data from some Chinese rivers, an attempt has been made to express these connections quantitatively by using statistical methods. The work demonstrates that the river's bed load can be related to the percentage of the traction subpopulation of the bed material shown by the probabilistic plot of grain size cumulative-frequency curve. The study has also revealed some correlations between the bed material grain size parameters of rivers and their channel geometry such as channel width-depth ratio and channel sinuosity. For instance, the higher the ratio of the traction to suspension subpopulation in bed material, the more sinuous, more shallow, and wider the river channel would be. Furthermore, a discrimination function has been given to distinguish between meandering and wandering braided rivers. If the existence of these relationships can be supported by data from more rivers in other regions, then by using them we can postdict palaeoriver channel geometry and its channel pattern character from fluvial sediment grain size parameters of the palaeoriver. This would open a new way to reconstruct the physicogeographical environment in which palaeorivers developed.  相似文献   

An inexpensive, mobile field rainfall simulator and runoff plot frame were developed for use on hillside vineyards. The simulator framework and components were lightweight, readily available and easily manageable such that they can be handled by one person during transport, set–up and operation. The vineyard rainfall simulator was simpler than many of the machines in recent use for similar studies, yet offered equal or improved performance for small‐plot studies. The system developed consistent sized 2·58 mm raindrops at intensities ranging from 20 to 90 mm/h. The average distribution uniformity coefficient at an intensity of 60 mm/h was 91·7%, with a deviation of only 2·2%. This coefficient was similar to the range reported for a more complex rotating disk simulator, and was notably greater than that obtained for other similar devices. The system water capacity of 40 l allowed for 1‐h storm durations at 60 mm/h, usually sufficient time for commencement of erosion and runoff. The runoff plot frame was designed to be quickly installed, and to discourage sediment deposition in the routing of runoff to collect containers. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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