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Summary The paper describes theoretical andin situ studies of tunnel deformation in longwall coal mining. It develops a method to predict tunnel convergence profiles from the faceline in longwall mining. The method accounts for the effect of panel width, extracted seam height, deformation moduli of the goaf material and coal pillar, depth of cover,in situ structural defects, tunnel shape and tunnel size in addition to the strength characteristics of surrounding strata. The analytical technique has been validated by reference toin-situ deformation measurements in 26 face-access tunnels in Cape Breton Coalfield mines. Based on this method a series of vertical convergence profiles for different depths and extracted panel widths have been presented.  相似文献   

Summary Field investigations on seven U.S. longwall coal faces were carried out to examine the behaviour and interaction of roof, floor and support on longwall faces equipped with hydraulic powered supports. The most important factor in determining face stability was found to be periodic weighting and an empirical design equation was developed for support capacity. The interaction of various elements in the face system is examined and discussed.  相似文献   

由于特殊的地质结构,煤矿地区是我国滑坡灾害最严重的地区之一。列举了露天矿边坡、采空塌陷区滑坡和厂区滑坡灾害实例,分析了煤矿地区常见的黄土滑坡、堆积层滑坡、基岩顺层滑坡和切层滑坡的特征与发生机理,认为特殊的地层结构和坡体结构是发生滑坡的地质基础,地下水是滑坡的重要影响因素,不科学的人类工程活动是诱因。要预防滑坡灾害,在选线、选厂、选址时必须加强地质工作,查明老滑坡和新生滑坡的规模和性质,工程地质与力学计算相结合评价滑坡的稳定性,提出预防措施建议。同时介绍了我国常用的治理滑坡的原则和排水、减重、反压和支挡等工程措施,以及今后应深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

Summary Research into strata control has been pursued at Cerchar for the last 20 years, and has led to the definition of rules for the siting of new mine workings. These rules are drawn up as a function of the volume of influence which is exerted by existing workings. To facilitate their application by the coal producer, a computer-aided design system for steep-seam faces has been developed on a minicomputer. The main features of the interactions which occur within the volume of influence of such faces are restated and the system which has been developed for design is described, with particular emphasis on the design stages which involved graphic systems and data base management.  相似文献   

Summary The basic foundations of an integrational method of modelling and estimating the economic effectiveness of a deep coal mine production process is presented. The method is founded on the concept of integration of smaller structural elements into larger ones in order to obtain a representational model of the whole mine production process. It involves analysis of the spatial, engineering and time structures of the mining process. The basic structural unit of the production process is the elementary time interval,T, together with a linear function of the approximate intensity of financial outlays or effects. The repeated integration of these elementary time intervals within the spatial, engineering and time structures of the mine production process can be extended to model the whole mine or discrete spatial structure elements.The model may be used to investigate the trends of financial outlays and effects, and their current values updated for arbitrarily assumed updating moments. The model can also be used as an investigation tool for analysing the economical effectiveness of the mine production process.  相似文献   

Summary Some aspects of subsidence caused by longwall coal mining are analysed using the finite element method. Results of the analysis are compared with a true mine panel, where measurements on subsidence were available. Rock deformations in the overburden were modelled by using an elasto-plastic constitutive model. The study indicates that the shape of the subsidence profile can be predicted reasonably well by using nonlinear finite element analysis.  相似文献   

Summary Indian coal measures have widely varying caving characteristics. The maximum roof span of a longwall or depillaring panel at the time of nether roof collapse is shown to have a direct relation withRQD from a study of 12 case histories. A similar relation between maximum unsupported span of openings and rock mass quality as defined by theQ-system was also demonstrated. A simple nomogram is presented to predict the face advance required to cause roof collapse when theRQD or rock mass quality is known.  相似文献   

煤矿井下微震监测系统及应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了微地震监测系统原理、方法,分析了微地震监测仪器结构、性能及施工措施,并结合微地震监测技术在煤矿井下监测中所遇到的问题,提出了一些具体的技术措施。  相似文献   

Conclusions Some bituminous coals, mostly of high volatile rank, sampled from various coalfields contained on average 0.5 m3 t–1 nitrogen and 0.13 m3 t–1.Nitrogen is released more readily than methane during coal winning but the volumes of nitrogen released are small compared with ventilation quantities and are only likely to be of significance for detailed oxygen deficiency studies.  相似文献   

新疆苇湖梁煤矿塌陷区遥感监测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
苇湖梁煤矿已有50多年的开采历史, 长期的地下开采造成了严重的地面塌陷。本文将新疆苇湖梁煤矿塌陷区作为研究区, 以2013年的IKONOS高分遥感影像为主要数据源, 以ArcGIS为支撑平台, 采用人机交互的解译方法对塌陷区的相关信息进行提取, 结合实地调查验证的方法, 分析研究区内地质灾害的特征。通过遥感调查发现: 研究区内发育规模较大、位于塌陷区周围的拉伸区的地裂缝约有64条;塌陷坑(群)约有94个, 主要分布于南北塌陷槽及两侧;塌陷回填区总面积达0.92 km2, 并在回填区发现了3个新塌陷坑。本文充分发挥了遥感技术宏观性强、速度快的特点, 调查结果反映了塌陷区灾害的实际情况。  相似文献   

为保障厚煤层综采工作面回撤巷的安全使用,以鄂尔多斯纳林河二号井31102工作面回撤巷强矿压显现为背景,通过现场监测与理论分析相结合的方法,对厚煤层综采工作面开采过程中回撤巷强矿压显现进行研究。结果表明:厚煤层综采工作面回撤巷强矿压显现,主要为工作面采动引起的超前支承压力、相邻采空悬顶引起的双向支承应力,以及回撤巷开掘引起的静载三者耦合作用的结果。根据强矿压发生机理,提出回撤巷道及相邻巷道钻孔卸压和补强支护相结合的控制方案,使其处于“强支、强卸”状态。在相邻31103工作面回撤巷实施强矿压控制技术,通过现场观测和数据分析,表明强矿压控制技术效果良好,可有效保障回撤巷的安全使用。  相似文献   

Summary A two dimensional finite element procedure is applied to simulate a coal mining excavation sequence. A procedure with linear solution steps is developed and applied to an idealized mountain cross-section with exceptionally thick coal seams and large dip angle. The results provide information on pillar pressure, floor and roof stability, displacement characteristics and surface subsidence.The results presented here were obtained in the course of research sponsored by the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Grant No. 69-2570.  相似文献   

Summary The uniformity of measurements of deformation in underground coal mine roadways is discussed. Hence the validity of using such results for predicting the likely behaviour of similar workings is examined. It is further attempted to isolate those geological and mining parameters which influence closure. These results are compared with those from West Germany and France.  相似文献   

利用地质勘探资料和生产过程中采集的实际数据,系统分析了彬长矿区南缘地质构造发育类型及平面分布特征、含煤地层及基底古地形的发育特点、煤层的时间和空间特点及矿区构造特征。研究认为:彬长矿区南缘蒋家河井田自三叠系以来经历了3个阶段的构造演化,演化历史与鄂尔多斯盆地构造演化基本同步;主采4号煤层受三叠系基底古地形、侏罗系河-湖相沉积环境及区域构造等因素影响,厚煤区位于彬县背斜以南和赵坡向斜的轴部;彬长矿区南缘主采的4号煤层资源丰富、煤质优良、开采条件良好,具有很好的开采价值和经济效益,针对瓦斯超限、淋水底板鼓起等问题,采取措施后可以实现安全开采。  相似文献   

Unusual circumstances may require that a longwall retreat into or through a previously driven room. The operation can be completed successfully, but there have been a number of spectacular failures. To help determine what factors contribute to such failures, a comprehensive international database of 131 case histories has been compiled. The cases include six failures where major rock falls occurred in front of the shields, and seven even more serious failures involving major overburden weighting. The case studies suggest two types of room failure mechanism. The first is a roof fall type failure caused by loading of the immediate roof at the face as the fender or remnant longwall panel narrows. The second is an overburden weighting type failure caused by the inability of the roof to bridge the recovery room and face area, and affecting rock well above the immediate roof. The data indicate that the roof fall type of failure is less likely when intensive roof reinforcement (bolts, cables and trusses) is employed together with higher-capacity shields. The overburden weighting failures, in contrast, occurred when the roof was weak and little standing support was used. Weighting failures were not greatly affected by the density of roof reinforcement. In one of the overburden weighting cases, in a Pittsburgh coalbed mine, stress cell, convergence, bolt load and extensometer data have been used to analyze the failure in detail.  相似文献   

Roof bolting in underground mining: a state-of-the-art review   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Conclusions With continuing investigations and developments, roof bolting today can in most cases successfully reinforce the mine roof in underground mining. In order to cope with the increasing use of roof bolts, efforts should be made to maximize the safety and minimize the cost. With regard to mechanical bolting, two important parameters need more advanced improvements and study, namely, optimum design of the shape and type of expansion shell and optimum bolt tension for a specific bolt pattern. For the fully grouted resin bolt, the most critical requirement is to develop a fast-setting, low-cost, intoxic, inflammable grouting material that can be used in the high speed mining cycle. It should be noted that geological conditions such as the strata type, rock properties,in situ stress, and planes of weakness play an important role in the successful application of any roof bolting system. These factors should be specified as accurately and quantitatively as possible in the design of any roof bolting system. Finally, proper and careful installation and continuous monitoring are imperative for the success of any roof bolting system.  相似文献   

一次动压煤矿巷道预应力锚索支护设计与参数优化   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
高谦  刘福军  赵静 《岩土力学》2005,26(6):859-864
针对阳泉矿区一次采场巷道,采用正交数值分析方法和灰色理论中的关联度分析,进行了支护参数的优化决策。选择了8因素3水平的正交数值试验方案,进行18次数值计算,研究了不同的一次动压条件(应力环境)和支护参数的巷道稳定性与变形特征。在计算中,考虑了围岩锚固的“强度效应”,提出了锚固效应在数值计算中的实施方案;提出了巷道稳定性和变形收敛率两类评价准则,确定了相应的局部优化方案。在此基础上,综合支护成本和施工难易程度等因素,采用了灰色理论进行最佳方案的关联度分析,由此获得一次动压巷道的最优支护方案。该研究已应用于阳泉矿区一次采场巷道支护设计,取得了较满意的支护效果。  相似文献   

姬亚东  陈科  任丽韫 《地下水》2009,31(6):40-41
提出古韩联营煤矿3^#煤属带水压开采,采掘过程中对3^#煤安全开采最大的潜在威胁是构成煤系基底的K2灰岩和奥灰岩溶裂隙水。分析和计算了这两个含水层的突水系数,评价得出K2灰岩和奥灰含水层属于可能发生底板突水危险地区,建议在矿井巷道掘进和工作面回采过程中应采取相应地防治水技术和措施来保证矿井的安全生产。  相似文献   

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