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LAGFD-WAM numerical wave model——Ⅰ. Basic physical model   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
The LAGFD-WAM wave model is a third generation wave model. In the present paper the physical aspect of the model was shown in great detail including energy spectrum balance equation, complicated characteristics equations and source functions.  相似文献   

According to the earlier international studies on the coupled ice-ocean model and the hydrology, meteorology, and ice features in the Bohai Sea, a coupled ice-ocean model is developed based on the National Marine Environment Forecast Center's (NMEFC) numerical forecasting ice model of the Bohai Sea and the Princeton ocean model (POM).In the coupled model, the transfer of momentum and heat between ocean and ice is two-way, and the change of ice thickness and concentration depends on heat budget not only at the surface and bottom of ice, but also at the surface of open water between ices. The dynamic and thermodynamic coupling process is expatiated emphatically. Some thermodynamic parameters are discussed as well.  相似文献   

According to the earlier international studies on the coupled ice-ocean model and the hydrology, meteorology, and ice features in the Bohai Sea, a coupled ice-ocean model is developed based on the National Marine Environment Forecast Center‘ s (NMEFC) numerical forecasting ice model of the Bohai Sea and the Princeton ocean model (POM). In the coupled model, the transfer of momentum and heat between ocean and ice is two-way, and the change of ice thickness and concentration depends on heat budget not only at the surface and bottom of ice, but also at the surface of open water between ices. The dynamic and thermodynamic coupling process is expatiated emphatically. Some thermodynamic parameters are discussed as well.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionAs an important compartment of global cli-mate system, the development and variation ofsea ice directly affect the global atmosphere andocean environment, especially the deep watersformation and circulation. Therefore, it be-comes one of the keys of the global climatestudy to explore the coupling physical processof sea ice to atmosphere and ocean in the cli-mate system and to set up the global coupledairiceocean system. The studies on the in-teraction of iceocean and its coupled…  相似文献   

Three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of Xiamen waters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract-A semi-implicit and Eulerian-Lagrangian finite difference method for three-dimensionalshallow flow has been extended to a more complete system of equations incorporating second-momentturbulence closure model and transport equations of salinity and temperature. The simulation for flood-ing and drying of mudflats has been improved. The model is applied to Xiamen waters. Based on exten-sive survey data, water level elevation, temperature and salinity field along the eastern open boundaryand at the Jiulong River inlets and runoffs are analyzed, specified and calibrated. The computed resultsshow good agreement with the measured data, reproduce flooding, emergence of large and complexmudflat region.  相似文献   

An analytically derived whitecap coverage model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ananalyticallyderivedwhitecapcoveragemodel¥XuDelunandLiuWentong(LaboratoryofPhysicalOceanography,OceanUniversityofQingdao,Qin...  相似文献   

The authors make an endeavor to explain why a new hybrid wave model is here proposed when several such models have already been in operation and the so- called third generation wave modej is proving attractive. This part of the paper is devoted to the wind wave model. Both deep and shallow water models have been developed, the former being actually a special case of the latter when water depth is great. The deep water model is exceptionally simple in form. Significant wave height is the only prognostic variable. In comparison with the usual methods to compute the energy input and dissipations empirically or by "tuning", the proposed model has the merit that the effects of all source terms are combined into one term which is computed through empirical growth relations for significant waves, these relations being, relatively speaking, easier and more reliable to obtain than those for the source terms in the spectral energy balance equation. The discrete part of the model and the implementation of the mode  相似文献   

In this paper a refraction-diffraction model with friction is used to compute wave characteristics in a region near a certain port. Comparing with the results from refraction model, and with the data observed during a typhoon in 1985, it is found that the characteristics from the refraction-diffraction model with friction are reasonable, and that the results are in rather good agreement with observations. Thus it can be concluded that the model is effective for computing coastal wave characteristics over complicated bottom topography.  相似文献   

A hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian(HLE) method is developed for sea ice dynamics,which combines the high computational efficiency of finite difference method(FDM) with the high numerical accuracy of smoothed particle hydrodynamics(SPH).In this HLE model,the sea ice cover is represented by a group of Lagrangian ice particles with their own thicknesses and concentrations.These ice variables are interpolated to the Eularian gird nodes using the Gaussian interpolation function.The FDM is used to determine the ice velocities at Eulerian grid nodes,and the velocities of Lagrangian ice particles are interpolated from these grid velocities with the Gaussian function also.The thicknesses and concentrations of ice particles are determined based on their new locations.With the HLE numerical model,the ice ridging process in a rectangular basin is simulated,and the simulated results are validated with the analytical solution.This method is also applied to the simulation of sea ice dynamics in a vortex wind field.At last,this HLE model is applied to the Bohai Sea,and the simulated concentration,thickness and velocity match the satellite images and the field observed data well.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2002,4(2):137-172
A new sea ice model, GELATO, was developed at Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (CNRM) and coupled with OPA global ocean model. The sea ice model includes elastic–viscous–plastic rheology, redistribution of ice floes of different thicknesses, and it also takes into account leads, snow cover and snow ice formation. Climatologies of atmospheric surface parameters are used to perform a 20-year global ocean–sea ice simulation, in order to compute surface heat fluxes from diagnosed sea ice or ocean surface temperature. A surface salinity restoring term is applied only to ocean grid cells with no sea ice to avoid significant surface salinity drifts, but no correction of sea surface temperature is introduced. In the Arctic the use of an ocean model substantially improves the representation of sea ice, and particularly of the ice edge in all seasons, as advection of heat and salt can be more accurately accounted for than in the case of, for example, a sea ice–ocean mixed layer model. In contrast, in the Antarctic, a region where ocean convective processes bear a much stronger influence in shaping sea ice characteristics, a better representation of convection and probably of sea ice (for example, of frazil sea ice, brine rejection) would be needed to improve the simulation of the annual cycle of the sea ice cover. The effect of the inclusion of several ice categories in the sea ice model is assessed by running a sensitivity experiment in which only one category of sea ice is considered, along with leads. In the Arctic, such an experiment clearly shows that a multicategory sea ice model better captures the position of the sea ice edge and yields much more realistic sea ice concentrations in most of the region, which is in agreement with results from Bitz et al. [J. Geophys. Res. 106 (C2) (2001) 2441–2463].  相似文献   

AnanalyticaldiagnosticmodeloftheAntarcticCircumpolarCurrent¥QiaoFangli;ZhangQinghuaandHeWen(ReceivedNovember10,1995;acceptedN...  相似文献   

~lOWThere is a great progreSS tO apply inathernatics m~ in studying marine ~. Because of more Parameters than there that can be speified aCCOrding to the finite dsts, itS parameters had tO be ~hly evaluated in geneal. On the other side, the ~ ~ter fitting in a cendn area is USually unfit in another area for the complication Of ~ iodf.It was lucky that the pwhlerns, how to evalUate the Parameters as ~y as ~ie ina~ with the available dsta and how to judge to what a extent the ParameterS s…  相似文献   

Amodelofprofileevolutiononwave-dominatedmudcoastZhangYong,YuZhiyingandJinLiu(ReceivedJuly23,1996;acceptedOctober..8,1996)Abst...  相似文献   

ImUcrIONThe deterministic storm stirge nurnrical fOrecast Tnedel has played an imPOrtant role inroutine storm surge real-time fOrecast. But somtimes the error of forecast is still large by usingdeterministic medels (Je1esnianshi et al., l992). The source of these errors mainly comesfrom (1 ) errors of wind stress and medel's open boundary, (2) non--optimized medel param-eter, (3) error of model equations, (4) error of medel's numrical methed, etc. The effec-ti ve methed to solve this probl…  相似文献   

The behaviour of free methionine in the artificial marine habitat and the characteristic of absorption by clam were studied by trace method. The results showed that more than 70% of free methionine was utilized by marine organisms. The percentage of concentration methionine in suspended matter, Platymonas, sediment and clam was 11.4%, 24%, 7.8% and 34% respectively. The main path of absorption was viscera, seconded by mantle and gill. It was transferred to muscle after 24 h. The direct absorption of methionine from sea water by clam was more important and faster than that from food.  相似文献   

Dissipation source function and an improvement to LAGFD-WAM model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a new theoretical expression of dissipation term is presented on the basis of statistical model of breaking wave, which is an improvement to LAGFD-WAM wave model. The computational results in three typical wind fields show a good improvement to LAGFD-WAM model and a better accuracy in comparison with the observed data in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2003,5(3):195-218
Four different two-equation turbulence models for geophysical flows are compared: The kϵ model, two new versions of the kω model, and the Mellor–Yamada model. An extension of the kω model for buoyancy affected and rotating flows is suggested. Model performance is evaluated for a few typical oceanic flows. First, new analytical solutions of the models for the surface layer affected by breaking surface waves are discussed. The deficiencies of earlier attempts are high-lighted, and it is demonstrated why the Mellor–Yamada model and the kϵ model fail. It is illustrated that only one version of the kω model computes correct decay rates for turbulent quantities under breaking waves. Second, it is demonstrated that all models predict almost identical mixed layer depths and profiles for the turbulent kinetic energy in a classical stratified shear-entrainment experiment if the buoyancy term in the second equation is appropriately weighted. Third, the accuracy and numerical robustness of the new kω model in realistic oceanic situations is confirmed by comparison with the data-set of the Ocean Weather Ship ‘Papa’.  相似文献   

In the first part of the present paper we have explained why we manage to formulate another wave prediction model when so many of them, including the so-called third generation model, have already been in use. The wind-wave part of the proposed model has also been given. Now we proceed to discuss the swell part,the implementation of the model as a prediction method,mumerical experiments done with ideal wind fields and hindcasts made in the Bohai Sea,in the neighboring seas adjacent to China and in the Northwest Pacific.  相似文献   

In this paper the stochastic Green function method is used to solve random wave equation of the electromagnetic field. The volume scattering coefficient formula of the sea surface containing bubbles is given. It is also point out that when the incident angle of the electromagnetic wave is less than 30°, the surface scattering model is not sufficient. The joint problem of the volume scattering and the surface scattering coefficient in the neighbourhood of incident angle 30° is discussed.  相似文献   

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