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获取近岸水体中悬浮物浓度及相关信息对于理解和管理海洋环境相当重要。历史上对于悬浮物浓度的监测往往通过费时费力的出海观测,而这种观测具有很大的局限性,每次观测只能获取一个站位的信息。为了更快更有效的获得即时悬浮物浓度相关信息,很多新的监测手段及相关科技被开发及应用。各种机载,卫星载遥感设各被用于获得及时,全面的沉积物信息...  相似文献   

A new method is introduced for calibrating optical backscatter sensors for suspended quartz sand concentrations of up to 200 kg m−3. Due to the high settling velocity of quartz sand in water, considerable difficulties have arisen in the past to maintain a spatially and temporally homogeneous suspension suitable for calibration. Traditional methods are clumsy and prone to errors. Here, the sediment is calibrated in glycerol, a clear fluid with a higher viscosity than water. The settling velocity is reduced by three orders of magnitude. An empirical relationship is obtained which is used to correct for any optical differences in response of the sensors in the two fluids. Any extra errors introduced by calibrating with a different fluid from that found in the field are outweighed by the simplicity and reliability of this method.  相似文献   

Zai-Jin You   《Ocean Engineering》2004,31(16):1955-1965
A laboratory study was carried to qualitatively investigate the effect of suspended sediment concentration C on the settling velocity ws of cohesive sediment in quiescent water. A bay mud sample was mixed with water in a cylindrical container, and three optical back scatterance sensors were then used to measure suspended sediment concentrations of the mud–water mixture at three levels every 15 s for 5 h while sediments were settling in the quiescent water. Based on the measured sediment concentrations, the settling velocities at different concentrations were derived from the depth-integrated mass balance equation. This study has found that the settling velocity ws is independent of C in the free settling regime of C<0.3 g/l, and then increases nonlinearly with C in the enhanced settling regime of 0.3<C<4.3 g/l, and finally decreases sharply with C in the hindered settling regime of C>4.3 g/l. The maximum settling velocity occurs at C≈4.3 g/l and is about nine times faster than the settling velocity in the free settling regime. A single empirical formula is also proposed to calculate the settling velocities at different sediment concentrations.  相似文献   

New large-scale laboratory data are presented on the influence of long waves, bichromatic wave groups and random waves on sediment transport in the surf and swash zones. Physical model testing was performed in the large-scale CIEM wave flume at UPC, Barcelona, as part of the SUSCO (swash zone response under grouping storm conditions) experiment in the Hydralab III program (Vicinanza et al., 2010). Fourteen different wave conditions were used, encompassing monochromatic waves, bichromatic wave groups and random waves. The experiments were designed specifically to compare variations in beach profile evolution between monochromatic waves and unsteady waves with the same mean energy flux. Each test commenced with approximately the same initial profile. The monochromatic conditions were perturbed with free long waves, and then subsequently substituted with bichromatic wave groups with different bandwidth and with random waves with varying groupiness. Beach profile measurements were made at half-hourly and hourly intervals, from which net cross-shore transport rates were calculated for the different wave conditions. Pairs of experiments with slightly different bandwidth or wave grouping show very similar net cross-shore sediment transport patterns, giving high confidence to the data set. Consistent with recent small-scale experiments, the data clearly show that in comparison to monochromatic conditions the bichromatic wave groups reduce onshore transport during accretive conditions and increase offshore transport during erosive conditions. The random waves have a similar influence to the bichromatic wave groups, promoting offshore transport, in comparison to the monochromatic conditions. The data also indicate that the free long waves promote onshore transport, but the conclusions are more tentative as a result of a few errors in the test schedule and modifications to the setup which reduced testing time. The experiments suggest that the inclusion of long wave and wave group sediment transport is important for improved near-shore morphological modeling of cross-shore beach profile evolution, and they provide a very comprehensive and controlled series of tests for evaluating numerical models. It is suggested that the large change in the beach response between monochromatic conditions and wave group conditions is a result of the increased significant and maximum wave heights in the wave groups, as much as the presence of the forced and free long waves induced by the groupiness. The equilibrium state model concept can provide a heuristic explanation of the influence of the wave groups on the bulk beach profile response if their effective relative fall velocity is larger than that of monochromatic waves with the same incident energy flux.  相似文献   

长江口北槽抛泥流速和悬沙浓度时空分布观测   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
河口泥沙运动有其独特的规律,需要采用高分辨率的观测手段进行系统的现场观测,以此发现河口流速和泥沙分布结构,进而探讨其形成机制,应用声学多普勒流速剖面仪和声学悬浮泥沙观测系统,通过定点和走航式观测长江河口不同潮型和流态下流速和悬浮泥沙浓度时空分布发现:(1)不同潮型出现高浓度“事件”的次数和成因存在差异,中潮型出现高浓度“事件”的可能性最大;(2)抛泥泥沙浓度垂向分布至少有3种结构类型,即上小下大的“L”型、指数型和上大下小的“漂浮”型;(3)受抛泥泥沙输移的影响,断面流场形成低流速区,它们的强度随落潮流的扩散逐渐减弱;(4)不同潮型的落潮流表现出不同的输移行为,大、小潮型落潮流偏北,中潮型落潮流偏南;(5)在落潮流和颗粒重力共同作用下抛泥泥沙同时存在输移扩散和沉降过程,小潮型抛泥泥沙主要就近扩散和沉降,中潮和大潮型抛泥泥沙输移扩散范围较远。  相似文献   

作者采用浊度计和声学多普勒流速剖面仪(ADCP)在近海区域连续、定点观测的应用中,利用浊度与悬沙浓度之间良好的线性关系,对潮汐半月周期内的浊度和ADCP后向散射声强数据进行相关性分析,讨论了小、中、大潮期间利用ADCP后向散射声强反演悬沙浓度的可靠性,反演过程中综合考虑了声学近场非球面扩散和本底噪声的影响。结果表明,在实验海域中,小潮情况下,各水层内悬浮泥沙成分较为稳定,ADCP后向散射声强与浊度变化相关性较高,达到0.91;而在大潮情况下,ADCP后向散射声强与浊度变化的相关性降低,悬沙浓度及成分容易在海流的影响下发生变化。  相似文献   

渤海湾内海岸的连续开发导致岸线 、海床发生较大变化, 同时影响着湾内的水沙通量。根据不同时期的遥感影像、 实测地形和水文泥沙资料, 统计分析了渤海湾岸线 、面积和海床冲淤变化, 构建了渤海潮流泥沙数学模型, 模拟了 1984 年、 2006 年和 2015 年三个时期的水沙分布, 探究了海岸连续开发对水沙分布和通量引起的累积效应。结果表明: 渤海湾岸线和 海湾面积变化主要发生于 2005 年后, 与 1984 年相比, 2020 年的岸线长度增长超过 185%,海湾面积减少近 19%;曹妃甸港 区南侧海域冲刷基本在 2 m 等深线以内, 而近岸和港池水域基本呈现淤积状态, 淤积幅度在 2 m 以内; 海湾的连续开发利用 使得湾内分潮波振幅增大 、传播速度减缓, 近岸海域的余流变化较为明显,南部较北部海域更甚;西北湾顶 0.2 kg/m3 悬沙 分布区域不断缩小, 西南近岸 0. 15 kg/m3 悬沙分布区域向中部海域推进; 悬沙通量变化与潮流通量并不完全一致, 呈外海增 加、近岸整体降低的变化特征, 湾内向外海输移泥沙的能力减弱。  相似文献   

洋山港海域水体和悬沙输运机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英晓明  丁平兴 《海洋通报》2011,30(2):135-141
对洋山港海域水体和悬沙长期输运速度分离,并进行机制分解,分析各种物理过程对水体和悬沙长期输运速度所起的作用.结果表明,水体和悬沙输运存在明显差异,直接描述悬沙净输运更准确合理;欧拉余流在水体长期输运中占主导地位,平流输运和潮泵输运是洋山港海域悬沙输运的主要动力因素,由于潮动力混合较强,垂向输运作用很小.  相似文献   

长江口北支强潮河道悬沙运动及输移机制   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
随着崇明北侧岸滩的自然淤涨和人工圈围,北支河道显著束窄,"喇叭口"顶点位置下移。在新的地形及流域来水来沙变异背景下,作为长江河口的分支强潮汊道,其悬沙运动与输移特点值得探讨。根据2010年4月小潮至大潮连续8 d的半个半月潮水沙观测,结合多年不同河段水沙观测数据得到的含沙量过程曲线显示:整个河道潮流强、含沙量高,含沙量过程曲线呈 "单峰-双峰-单峰"的变化特点;河道悬沙的输移以平流输移和"潮泵输移"为主,以"喇叭口"顶点为界,上游段河道平流输移占主导地位,"潮泵输移"次之;下游段"潮泵输移"占主导,平流输移次之。净输沙总量呈:上段河道向海,下段河道向陆,在"喇叭口"顶点附近存在一个泥沙汇聚的最大浑浊带区域。  相似文献   

基于越南巴达棱湾2007年4月采集的42个表层沉积物样品及实测水文资料,分析越南巴达棱湾表层沉积物特征,并结合GSTA模型分析表层沉积物的运移趋势。结果表明:越南巴达棱湾表层沉积物以粗颗粒为主,在潮流和波浪的作用下呈中西部粗、东部细的分布特征;其西侧表层沉积物沿岸线自西南向湾内运移,中西近岸区沉积物垂直于岸线做离岸输移,在湾的东侧存在自东北向西南的运移趋势,并与从湾西运移过来的底沙相遇,形成运移辐聚区,并在余流的作用下,向西运移;"波浪掀沙,潮流输沙"是该地区表层沉积物输运的主要作用机制;在波浪的作用下,研究海域的海岸线处于侵蚀状态,有后退的趋势。  相似文献   

Sediment resuspension during and after mechanical excavation of macrophytes may have a significant impact on resident fish populations. Unfortunately, little is known about the influence of this sediment on the respiratory performance and feeding abilities of fishes in New Zealand waterways. We examined the effects of suspended sediment (SS) concentrations previously observed after a large-scale macrophyte removal operation on oxygen consumption (MO2) and feeding rates of brown trout (Salmo trutta). MO2 at 0 mg L?1, 150 mg L?1, 300 mg L?1, 450 mg L?1 and 600 mg L?1 of SS was measured using semi-closed respirometry. Feeding rates at the same SS concentrations were also measured using laboratory tank experiments. Results suggest that SS concentrations up to 600 mg L?1 have no effect on MO2. Conversely, feeding rates were significantly reduced at 450 mg L?1 (22% reduction) and 600 mg L?1 (31% reduction), indicating that sediment concentrations above 450 mg L?1 may negatively affect brown trout populations.  相似文献   

长江河口北槽水沙过程对航道整治工程的响应   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
北槽大型航道整治工程确定了南北槽分汊口分流界线, 阻碍了北槽和邻近滩槽的水沙自由交换过程, 使北槽水沙动力过程发生调整。基于工程前后北槽主槽纵向同步水沙观测数据的统计分析表明:入口段落潮优势显著减弱;上段枯季时落潮优势显著减弱, 而洪季时落潮优势有所增强;中段(弯曲段拐点附近)落潮优势略有减弱;下段落潮优势明显加强。北槽主槽水沙纵向输移机制分析表明:欧拉余流、潮泵作用、斯托克斯效应和垂向环流为悬沙输移的主要驱动力, 其中欧拉余流输沙指向海, 斯托克斯输沙和垂向环流输沙指向陆, 而潮泵输沙随着季节而变化。洪季, 欧拉余流输沙和潮泵输沙在工程前后的变化使大潮期河床冲淤由中段和下段普遍落淤转化为中上段集中落淤。枯季, 工程前后稳定的潮流辐散输沙作用使大潮期河床以冲刷为主, 但工程后在入口段和上段潮泵的向上游输沙占优势, 使悬沙在入口段落淤。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of resuspension on the fate and bioaccumulation of mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) in shallow estuarine environments, using mesocosms. Two 4-week experiments were conducted in July (Experiment 1) and October (Experiment 2) of 2001 with Baltimore Harbor sediments. Hard clams, Mercenaria mercenaria, were introduced into sediments for Experiment 2. Tidal resuspension (4 h on and 2 h off cycles) was simulated, with 3 replicate tanks for each treatment—resuspension (R) and non-resuspension (NR). Sediment cores were collected during the experiments for THg, MeHg, organic content and AVS analyses, and for the determination of methylation/demethylation using Hg stable isotopes (199Hg(II) and CH3199Hg(II)). Zooplankton samples were collected once a week while clams were taken before and after Experiment 2 for THg and MeHg analyses. Our results suggest that the interplay between Hg methylation and MeHg degradation determines the overall MeHg pool in sediments. Sediment resuspension does not appear to directly impact the Hg transformations but can lead to changes in the association to Hg binding phases, influencing Hg methylation. The bioaccumulation results indicate that sediment resuspension can play an important role in transferring sediment MeHg into organisms.  相似文献   

Suspended particulate matter (SPM) collected at regular stations from the Mandovi and Zuari estuaries indicates that the peaks of high SPM coincide with peaks of high rainfall and low salinity and also with peaks of moderate/low rainfall coupled with high salinity during the monsoon. The estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) is a characteristic feature, it occurs in the channel accompanying spring tide during the monsoon and pre-monsoon, and shifts to the bay on neap tide during post-monsoon. ETM remains at the same position in the Mandovi River, both during the monsoon and pre-monsoon, whereas in Zuari it stretched upstream during monsoon and migrates seaward of the channel during pre-monsoon. The ETM coincides with the freshwater–seawater interface during the monsoon and is formed by the interaction between tidal currents and river flows. The ETM during pre-monsoon is associated with high salinities and is generated by tidal and wind-induced currents. The turbidity maximum on neap tide during post-monsoon may be due to the erosion and resuspension of sediments from the emergent tidal flats and transport of these turbid waters into the bay. Funneling effect of the narrowing bay in the Zuari estuary and associated physical processes effectively enhance the magnitude of the currents and transports sediments to the channel. SPM retention percentage indicates that the estuarine channel is prone to siltation.  相似文献   

依据1987年6月、1996年12月、1997年2月和1998年7月在东海北部所取得的悬浮体、温度和盐度资料就该区冬季和夏季的悬浮体分布、影响因素和输运进行了研究,结果表明该区悬浮体分布具有明显的季节性变化,在中、外陆架区悬浮体含量冬季明显高于夏季.悬浮体的分布及输运受到东海环流、风暴和潮流等的影响,其中东海环流的季节性变化是主要影响因素.受台湾暖流的阻隔,冬季和夏季长江入海泥沙在东海基本不能越过124°00'E以东海域.黄海沿岸流携带着老黄河口水下三角洲的再悬浮沉积物向陆架东南扩散,其搬运的量和在中、外陆架区的扩散范围冬季显著大于夏季.在黄海暖流的阻隔下,陆架悬浮体冬季和夏季在32°N断面很少能扩散至126°30'E以东海域.台湾暖流和黑潮爬升水的阻隔作用使得冬季和夏季陆架悬浮体在P-N断面也基本不能扩散至陆架边缘.冬季在东海北部可有部分陆架悬浮体输送到冲绳海槽,但有区域性,其输送的可能位置是在P-N断面以北、32°N断面以南之黄海沿岸流向东南延伸的陆架边缘;夏季陆架悬浮体基本滞留在陆架区.  相似文献   

长江口崇明东滩水域悬沙粒径组成和再悬浮作用特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
根据2006年10月在崇明东滩潮间带和潮下带两个站位的大小潮水文泥沙观测资料和悬沙水样的室内粒度分析资料,对悬沙粒径的时空分布特征及其与流速等的关系进行了分析,并对再悬浮特点进行了探讨,结果表明,大小潮期间的悬沙颗粒组成较细,平均粒径的均值仅为6μm;大潮时的悬沙粒径略粗于小潮的,潮间带的略粗于潮下带的;由底床向上悬沙粒径趋于减小。悬沙粒径与流速、悬沙含量无明显的统计学关系,底质粒径、再悬浮强度和再悬浮泥沙粒径的空间变化以及浮泥的悬浮作用等是主要的影响因素。由于底质粒径的空间分布复杂,在东滩水域再悬浮具有明显的空间变化。在底质平均粒径大于60μm的粗颗粒沉积区,大小潮的再悬浮作用微小,底质以推移质运动为主。在底质平均粒径介于5~11μm的细颗粒沉积区上,悬沙级配与底质级配基本相同,该区域是再悬浮的主要发生源地;悬沙级配的变化过程揭示,再悬浮对底层悬沙的贡献率平均为8%~20%,大潮时的再悬浮强度是小潮的5~10倍,由底质再悬浮产生的悬沙在底部水层中的平均含量约为0.03~0.47 kg/m3。  相似文献   

基于遥感反演的莱州湾悬沙分布及其沉积动力分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
选用1986-2004年不同时期的LandsatTM/ETM+影像,利用2004年黄河口附近实测数据推导的表层悬浮泥沙浓度反演模型,结合水文气象资料、多年水深数据和极端天气数模结果,研究了莱州湾西南近岸海域表层悬浮泥沙分布特征,结果表明,受黄河丰枯水期的影响,莱州湾西南部海域悬浮泥沙高浓度区主要分布于黄河口附近海域和西南沿岸,其枯水期的覆盖范围一般大于丰水期的。受潮流高流速场控制,黄河口外悬沙浓度高值区与海底泥沙堆积区对应较好,泥沙主要来源于陆源输沙和泥沙再悬浮;在西南近岸浅海区悬沙浓度高值区主要形成于泥沙的再悬浮,在近岸出现轻微冲刷。风等其他海洋动力因素,一般情况下对悬浮泥沙扩散的程度和范围具有一定的影响作用,但悬沙受潮流场影响而形成的总体扩散趋势未发生改变;极端条件下,风暴潮流使莱州湾西南部近岸浅海区的悬浮泥沙浓度显著增加。  相似文献   

Cloud-free moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer(MODIS) images of the Zhujiang(Pearl) River Estuary(ZRE) taken between 2002 and 2012 are retrieved and used to study the spatial and temporal patterns of suspended sediment concentrations(SSCs) across the estuary under runoff, wind, and tropical storm conditions.Five typical dispersal patterns of suspended sediments in the estuary are defined: Case I shows generally low SSCs under low dynamics; Case Ⅱ shows a river-dominant dispersal pattern of suspended sediments from the outlets,particularly from Modaomen, Jiaomen, Hengmen, and others; Case Ⅲ shows wind-dominant dispersal of high SSCs derived from the west shoal and southwesterly transport under a strong NE wind; Case IV is the combination of relatively large runoff and wind; and Case V is caused by a strong tropical storm with high river discharge and wind, which is characterized by the high SSCs across the entire estuary that are transported eastward by winddriven and buoyancy currents outside the estuary. Runoff is a dominant factor that controls seasonal and annual SSC variations in the ZRE, with the area of high SSCs being largest in the summer and smallest in the spring. The correlation coefficients between the monthly averaged river-suspended sediment discharge and the area of the high SSCs are approximately 0.6. The wind power over the west shoal increases with a wind speed, which induces more sediment resuspension and shows a close relationship between the wind speed and high SSC area.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of a submarine canyon on the dispersal of sediments discharged by a nearby river and on the sediment movement on the inner shelf. The study area includes the head region of the Kao-ping Submarine Canyon whose landward terminus is located approximately 1 km seaward from the mouth of the Kao-ping River in southern Taiwan. Within the study area 143 surficial sediment samples were taken from the seafloor. Six hydrographic surveys along the axis of the submarine canyon were also conducted over the span of 1 yr. Three different approaches were used in the analysis of grain-size distribution pattern. They include (1) a combination of ‘filtering’ and the empirical orthogonal (eigen) function (EOF) analysis technique, (2) the McLaren Model, and (3) the ‘transport vector’ technique. The results of the three methods not only agree with one another, they also complement one another. This study reveals that the Kao-ping Submarine Canyon is relatively a stratified and statically stable environment. The hydrographic characteristics of the canyon display seasonal variability controlled primarily by the temperature field and the effluent of the Kao-ping River. The hydrographic condition and the bottom topography in the canyon suggest the propagation of internal tides during the flood season (summer) of the Kao-ping River. The submarine canyon acts as a trap and conduit for mud exchange between the Kao-ping River and offshore. Near the head of the canyon there is a region of sediment transport convergence. This region is also characterized by high mud abundance on the seafloor that coincides with the presence of high suspended sediment concentration (SSC) spots in the bottom nepheloid layer. Outside the submarine canyon on the shelf where the evidence of wave reworking is strong, the northwestward alongshore transport dominates over the southeastward transport, which is a common theme on the west coast in southern Taiwan.  相似文献   

深入理解气候变化影响下海洋动力过程变化及其多重环境效应,是了解海岸海洋系统未来演化趋势的重要途径。因此,本文在辽东半岛东岸泥质区取柱状样一根,通过沉积物粒度、TOC/TN含量、δ13C以及δ15N等指标,分析气候变化下山东半岛北岸跨锋面物质输运强度变化,及其对辽东半岛东岸泥质区沉积有机质含量和来源的影响。结果表明,高海面时期以来,山东半岛北岸跨锋面物质输运可分为两个变化阶段:6.5~2.9 cal ka BP,其强度随冬季风和黄海暖流的不断减弱而减弱;2.9 cal ka BP至今,由于冬季风较弱而黄海暖流总体强盛,其强度随黄海暖流的波动而呈现4段式的复杂变化。此外,辽东半岛东岸泥质区陆源和海源有机质含量与其强度呈正相关,相应于跨锋面物质输运强度的变化,6.5~2.9 cal ka BP期间,陆源和海源有机质含量持续减少,而2.9 cal ka BP至今则呈现复杂的4段式变化。总体上看,自6.5 cal ka BP以来,陆源有机质贡献率不断下降而海源有机质贡献率逐渐上升。  相似文献   

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