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The rate of wave overtopping of a barrier beach is measured and modeled. Unique rate of wave overtopping field data are obtained from the measure of the Carmel River, California, lagoon filling during a time when the lagoon is closed-off with no river inflow. Volume changes are based on measured lagoon height changes applied to a measured hypsometric curve. Wave heights and periods are obtained from directional wave spectra data in 15 m fronting the beach. Beach morphology was measured by GPS walking surveys. Three empirical overtopping models by Van der Meer and Janssen (1995), Hedges and Reis (1998) and Pullen et al. (2007) with differing parameterizations on wave height, period and beach slope and calibrated using extensive laboratory data obtained over plane, impermeable beaches are applied in a quasi-2D manner and compared with the field observations. Three overtopping events are considered when morphology data were available less than 2 weeks prior to the event. The models are tuned to fit the data using a reduction factor to account for beach permeability, berm characteristics, non-normal wave incidence and surface roughness influence. In addition, the run-up model by Stockdon et al. (2006) based on field data is examined and found to underestimate run-up as the calculated values were too small to predict any of the observed overtopping. The three overtopping models performed similarly well with values of 0.72–0.87 for the two narrow-banded wave cases, with an average reduction factor of 0.78. The European model (Pullen et. al., 2007) performed best overall and in particular for the case of the broad-banded, double peaked wave spectrum.  相似文献   

This paper presents a conceptual model for the prediction of energy transmission in presence of emergent permeable low crested structures. The transmitted wave is reconstructed from the superposition of perturbations generated leeward the structure by filtration and overtopped volumes. The model requires only structure geometry and incident wave conditions (wave height, period). A fair agreement is obtained by comparing the predicted transmission coefficients and wave spectra with measurements performed in wave flume and wave basin.  相似文献   

A rigid open-ended pipe is submerged in the ocean below the troughs of the surface waves and held fixed in the vertical position, the lower end being at or below the depth of wave influence. When surface gravity waves propagate past the pipe, water flows up as long as waves are present. The steady upward vertical velocity in the center of the pipe is calculated to be proportional to the square of both the average wave steepness and the pipe’s radius. An application is to bring nutrient rich waters up into the sunlit surface layers of the open oceans.  相似文献   

Several control methods of wave energy converters (WECs) need prediction in the future of wave surface elevation. Prediction of wave surface elevation can be performed using measurements of surface elevation at a location ahead of the controlled WEC in the upcoming wave. Artificial neural network (ANN) is a robust data-learning tool, and is proposed in this study to predict the surface elevation at the WEC location using measurements of wave elevation at ahead located sensor (a wave rider buoy). The nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous input network (NARX NN) is utilized in this study as the prediction method. Simulations show promising results for predicting the wave surface elevation. Challenges of using real measurements data are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Measured probability distributions of shoreline elevation, swash height (shoreline excursion length) and swash maxima and minima from a wide range of beach types are compared to theoretical probability distributions. The theoretical distributions are based on assumptions that the time series are weakly steady-state, ergodic and a linear sum of random variables. Despite the swash process being inherently non-linear, results indicate that these assumptions are not overly restrictive with respect to modeling exceedence statistics in the upper tail of the probability distribution. The RMS-errors for a range of exceedence level statistics (50, 10, 5, 2, and 1%) were restricted to < 10 cm (and often < 5 cm) for all of the swash variables that were investigated. The results presented here provide the basis for further refinement of coastal inundation modeling as well as stochastic-type morphodynamic modeling of beach response to waves. Further work is required, however, to relate the parameters of swash probability distributions to wave conditions further offshore.  相似文献   

An improved formulation to describe breaking wave energy dissipation is presented and incorporated into a previous parametric cross-shore wave transformation model [Baldock, T.E., Holmes, P., Bunker, S., Van Weert, P., 1998. Cross-shore hydrodynamics within an unsaturated surf zone. Coastal Engineering 34, 173–196]. The new formulation accounts for a term in the bore dissipation equation neglected in some previous modelling, but which is shown to be important in the inner surf zone. The only free model parameter remains the choice of γ, the ratio of wave height to water depth at initial breaking, and a well-established standard parameter is used for all model runs. The proposed model is compared to three sets of experimental data and a previous version of the model which was extensively calibrated against field and laboratory data. The model is also compared to the widely used model presented by Thornton and Guza (1983) [Thornton, E.B., Guza, R.T., 1983. Transformation of wave height distribution. Journal of Geophysical Research 88 (No.C10), 5925–5938].  相似文献   

One way to address the assessment of strategies to control wave overtopping at seawalls and related coastal defence structures is to make use of Cost-Benefit Analysis. The institutional context in which Cost-Benefit Analysis takes place influences decisions on the types of values that are taken into consideration and the subsequent selection of valuation methods. We suggest to consider Cost-Benefit Analysis in a broad institutional framework when decisions are to be made on coastal defence strategies. It is argued that the institutional context provides the rules of the game on how a balance can be found between social, economic and ecologic functions of projects that protect societies against overtopping.  相似文献   

To study the influence of wave obliquity and directional spreading on wave overtopping of rubble mound breakwaters a total of 736 three-dimensional model tests were carried out at Aalborg University. The results of these tests are presented and analysed in this paper yielding a new empirical reduction factor to describe the influence of wave obliquity and directional spreading on the average wave overtopping discharges. The study shows that perpendicularly incident, long-crested waves result in conservative values of the overtopping discharge for the tested cross-section.  相似文献   

Combined wave overtopping and storm surge overflow of a levee with a trapezoidal cross section was studied in a two-dimensional laboratory wave/flow flume at a nominal prototype-to-model length scale of 25-to-1. The goal of this study was to develop design guidance in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Time series of water depth at two locations on the levee crown and flow thickness at five locations on the landward-side slope were measured along with horizontal velocity near the landward edge of the crown. New equations are presented for average overtopping discharge, distribution of instantaneous discharge, and distribution of individual wave volumes. Equations are also given for mean flow thickness, RMS wave height, mean velocity, and velocity of the wave front down the landward-side slope.  相似文献   

A numerical wave flume is used to investigate the discharge characteristics of combined overflow and wave overtopping of impermeable seawalls. The numerical procedure computes solutions to the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations and includes the generation of an irregular train of waves, the simulation of wave breaking and interaction with a sloping, impermeable wall. The numerical model is first tested against published experimental observations, approximate analytical solutions and empirical design formulae for the cases of pure overflow and pure overtopping. A sequence of numerical experiments simulating combined overflow and overtopping are described. The results are used to determine empirical discharge formulae of the form used in current practice.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional high-resolution finite volume model capable of simulating storm waves propagating in the coastal surf zone and overtopping a sea wall is presented. The model (AMAZON) is based on solving the non-linear shallow water (NLSW) equations. A modern upwind scheme of the Godunov-type using an HLL approximate Riemann solver is described which captures bore waves in both transcritical and supercritical flows. By employing a finite volume formulation, the method can be implemented on an irregular, structured, boundary-fitted computational mesh. The use of the NLSW equations to model wave overtopping is computationally efficient and practically flexible, though the detailed structure of wave breaking is of course ignored. It is shown that wave overtopping at a vertical wall may also be approximately modelled by representing the wall as a steep bed slope. The AMAZON model solutions have been compared with analytical solutions and laboratory data for wave overtopping at sloping and vertical seawalls and good agreement has been found. The model requires more verification tests for irregular waves before its application as a generic design tool.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a numerical model for wave overtopping on seadikes. The model is based on the flux-conservative form of the nonlinear shallow water equations (NLSW) solved with a high order total variation diminishing (TVD), Roe-type scheme. The goal is to reliably predict the hydrodynamics of wave overtopping on the dike crest and along the inner slope, necessary for the breach modelling of seadikes. Besides the mean overtopping rate, the capability of simulating individual overtopping events is also required. It is shown theoretically that the effect of wave breaking through the drastic motion of surface rollers in the surfzone is not sufficiently described by the conventional nonlinear shallow water equations, neglecting wave setup from the mean water level and thus markedly reducing the model predictive capacity for wave overtopping. This is significantly improved by including an additional source term associated with the roller energy dissipation in the depth-averaged momentum equation. The developed model has been validated against four existing laboratory datasets of wave overtopping on dikes. The first two sets are to validate the roller term performance in improving the model prediction of wave overtopping of breaking waves. The last two sets are to test the model performance under more complex but realistic hydraulic and slope geometric conditions. The results confirm the merit of the supplemented roller term and also demonstrate that the model is robust and reliable for the prediction of wave overtopping on seadikes.  相似文献   

The paper presents the comparison between the results of small-scale model tests and prototype measurements of wave overtopping at a rubble-mound breakwater. The specific structure investigated is the west breakwater of the yacht harbour of Rome at Ostia (Italy) and is characterized by a gentle seaward slope (1/4) and by a long, shallow foreshore. The laboratory tests firstly aimed at carefully reproducing two measured storms in which overtopping occurred and was measured. The tests have been carried out in two independent laboratories, in a wave flume and in a wave basin, hence using a two-dimensional (2-D) and a three-dimensional (3-D) setup. In the 2-D laboratory tests no overtopping occurred during the storm reproductions; in the 3-D case discharges five to ten times smaller than those observed in prototype have been measured. This indicates the existence of model and scale effects. These effects have been discussed on the basis of the results of several parametric tests, which have been carried out in both laboratories, in addition to the storm reproductions, varying wave and water level characteristics. Final comparison of all the performed tests with 86 prototype measurements still suggests the existence of scale and model effects that induce strong underestimation of overtopping discharge at small scale. The scale reproduction of wave breaking on the foreshore, together with the 3-D features of the prototype conditions and the absence of wind stress in the laboratory measurements, have been individuated as the main sources of scale and model effects. The paper also provides a comparison between the data and a largely used formula for wave overtopping discharges in the presence of structures similar to the one at hand. The suitable value of a roughness factor that appears in that formula is investigated and good agreement is found with other recent researches on rubble-mound breakwaters.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new station for full-scale measurement of wave overtopping at the Rome yacht harbour rubble mound breakwater in Ostia (Italy) and the results of the successful first measurement campaign carried out during the winter season 2003–2004. The equipment and the research activities were supported by the EU project CLASH, focusing on scale effects for wave overtopping at coastal structures. The site is characterized by a very small tidal range, a long shallow foreshore and depth-limited breaking waves which interact with a shallow sloping porous rock structure. Overtopping water is collected by a steel tank installed on the crown slab behind the parapet wall. The measurement of water level variation inside the tank by means of two pressure transducers allows the calculation of individual overtopping volumes. Incident waves, sea levels and wind are also measured. During seven independent storms, more than 400 individual overtopping events were recorded and about 86 h of valid data are available. This extensive dataset is presented, discussed and then used for comparison with two commonly used overtopping prediction formulae based on small-scale model tests showing their tendency to underestimate the prototype results. A strong correlation between the hourly mean overtopping discharge and corresponding maximum volume is also presented. The paper generally confirms the validity of the approach used in Troch et al. (2004) [Troch, P., Geeraets, J., Van de Walle, B., De Rouck, J., Van Damme, L., Allsop, W., Franco, L., 2004. Full-scale wave overtopping measurements on the Zeebrugge rubble mound breakwater. Coastal Engineering 51, 609–628] for field measurement of wave overtopping.  相似文献   

A set of unified formulas for prediction of the mean rate of wave overtopping at coastal structures with smooth, impermeable surfaces have been derived through the analysis of the selected CLASH datasets. The mean wave overtopping rate is expressed as the function of the significant wave height at the structural toe and the relative freeboard. The formulas are applicable for both vertical walls and inclined seawalls with smooth transition between them. The formulas are simple but cover the full range of water depth from the shoreline to deep water. The effects of the toe depth and the seabed slope on wave overtopping rate are duly incorporated in the formulas. Prediction performance of the new formulas is better than the EurOtop formulas for both vertical walls and inclined seawalls.  相似文献   

The note extends and completes the analysis carried out by Briganti and Dodd [Briganti, R., Dodd, N., 2009. Shoreline motion in nonlinear shallow water coastal models. Coastal Eng. 56(5–6) (doi:101016/j.coastaleng.2008.10.008), 495–505.] on the performance of a state of the art Non-Linear Shallow Water Equations solver in common coastal engineering applications. The case of bore-generated overtopping of a truncated plane beach is considered and the performance of the model is assessed by comparing with the Peregrine and Williams [Peregrine, D., Williams, S.M., 2001. Swash overtopping a truncated beach. J. Fluid Mech. 440, 391–399.] analytical solution. In particular the influence of shoreline boundary conditions is investigated by considering the two best performing approaches discussed in Briganti and Dodd [Briganti, R., Dodd, N., 2009. Shoreline motion in nonlinear shallow water coastal models. Coastal Eng. 56(5–6) (doi:101016/j.coastaleng.2008.10.008), 495–505.]. Different distances of the edge of the beach from the bore collapse point are tested. For larger distances, the accuracy of the overtopping modelling decreases, as a consequence of the error in modelling the tip of the swash lens and, consequently, the run-up. A sensitivity analysis using the numerical resolution is carried out. This reveals that the approach in which cells shallower than a prescribed threshold are drained and wave propagation speeds for wet/dry Riemann problem are used at the interface between a wet and a dry cell (referred as Option 2ea in [Briganti, R., Dodd, N., 2009. Shoreline motion in nonlinear shallow water coastal models. Coastal Eng. 56(5–6) (doi:101016/j.coastaleng.2008.10.008), 495–505.]) performs consistently better than the other.  相似文献   

No other environmental variable of such ecological importance to estuarine and coastal marine ecosystems around the world has changed so drastically, in such a short period of time, as dissolved oxygen in coastal waters. The prevalent methods for counteracting anoxic sea events are indirect measures which aim to cut-down anthropic loads introduced in river and marine environments. To date, no direct approaches, like artificial devices have been investigated except the WEBAP and OXYFLUX devices. The present paper adopts a numerical approach to the analysis of the pumped surface water as well as the analysis of the dynamic response of the OXYFLUX device. By means of a CFD-RANS code and through the application of overset grid method, the 1/16 OXYFLUX model’s dynamic response and pumping performance are evaluated. The appropriate grid is selected after an extensive sensitivity analysis carried out on 9 different grids. The CFD model is validated by comparing numerical and physical results of heave decay test, heave response, and surface water discharge under the action of regular waves. The extensive comparison with experimental results shows consistently accurate predictions. The main findings of the study show that nonlinear effects remarkable reduce the dynamic behaviour of the OXYFLUX and generate an unexpected second harmonic for pitch response intensifying the overtopping discharge also for small waves caused by the summer's low intensity winds.  相似文献   

Detailed laboratory measurements were made of the instantaneous free surface elevation in front of a fixed deck and the instantaneous free surface elevation, velocity, and overtopping rate at the leading edge of the deck. The study showed that the exceedance probabilities for the normalized maximum instantaneous overtopping rate and the normalized overtopping volume were predicted by a simple exponential curve. The measured exceedance probability seaward of the deck compared well with the nonlinear theory of Kriebel and Dawson (Kriebel D.L., Dawson T.H., 1993. Nonlinearity in wave crest statistics. In: Proceedings Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis. American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 61–75). Conditional sampling of the crest heights seaward of the deck gave a normalized probability distribution similar to that of the maximum water level measured on the deck for each overtopping event. However, the values used to normalize each distribution were not the same.  相似文献   

To date the estimation of long-term wave energy production at a given deployment site has commonly been limited to a consideration of the significant wave height Hs and mean energy period Te. This paper addresses the sensitivity of power production from wave energy converters to the wave groupiness and spectral bandwidth of sea states. Linear and non-linear systems are implemented to simulate the response of converters equipped with realistic power take-off devices in real sea states. It is shown in particular that, when the converters are not much sensitive to wave directionality, the bandwidth characteristic is appropriate to complete the set of overall wave parameters describing the sea state for the purpose of estimating wave energy production.  相似文献   

Present criteria for acceptable grass covered levee overtopping are based on average overtopping values but do not include the effect of overtopping duration. This paper applies experimental steady state results for acceptable overtopping to the case of intermittent wave overtopping. Laboratory results consisting of velocities and durations for acceptable land side levee erosion due to steady flows are examined to determine the physical basis for the erosion. Three bases are examined: (1) velocity above a threshold value, (2) shear stress above a threshold value, and (3) work above a threshold value. The work basis provides the best agreement with the data and a threshold work value and a work index representing the summation of the product of work above the threshold and time are developed. The governing equations for flow down the land side of a levee establish that the flows near the land side levee toe will be supercritical. Wave runup is considered to be Rayleigh distributed with the runup above the levee crest serving as a surrogate for overtopping. Two examples illustrating application of the methodology are presented. Example 1 considers three qualities of grass cover: good, average, and poor. The required levee elevations for these three covers differ by 1.8 m. The results for Example 1 are compared with the empirical criteria of 0.1 liters per second per meter (l/s per m), 1.0  l/s per m, and 10.0  l/s per m. It is found that the required crest elevation by the methodology recommended herein for the “poor” cover is only slightly lower than for the criterion for average overtopping of q=10.0  l/s per m but significantly lower than for the overtopping criterion of 1.0 and 0.1 m/s per m. Example 2 considers two durations of the peak surge with the result that the longer duration peak surge requires a levee that is higher by approximately 0.8 m.  相似文献   

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