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Sedimentation in estuaries is normally viewed as a continuous process controlled by inputs of fluvial and marine materials, which migrate in response to tidal circulation. Short-term examination yields reproducible and measurable rates of sedimentation; measurement of annual cycles reveals that sediment may be eroded from a site normally subject to deposition. Likewise annual migration patterns of turbidity maximum zones permits deposition of fine sediments at different parts of the estuary according to season. Study of long-term variations in the positions of sand banks shows that advances of the tidal flat margins may occur suddenly in response to catastrophic events; events that result in mid-channel banks becoming attached to the outer margins of the tidal flat. An example is also given of a channel-margin sand bank known to have repeatedly migrated round an elliptical path, taking approximately 25 yr to regain its original position. Long-term migration of bay head beach bars driven into the Eden Estuary and moving slowly landward are shown to create areas of temporary shelter for salt marshes, which are then over-run as the bar continues toward the head of the estuary. Several examples of anthropogenic influences on estuarine sediments are noted, with major deposits of coarse gravels attributed to known shipping trade within the Tay Estuary. Finally attention is drawn to the effects of deposition of coal mine wastes on the Fife coast: the erosion and redeposition of the wastes to form coastal platforms, their removal once mining ceased (all within a period of 90 yr), and the associated mining-induced subsidence of the coastal cliffs.  相似文献   

西藏参考作物蒸发蒸腾量的时空变异规律   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据西藏高原区38个气象站点自建站到2006年的逐日气象观测资料,利用FAO-56标准Penman-Monteith公式计算各站逐日参考作物蒸发蒸腾量(ET0)。重点分析了7个站点逐日、逐月ET0年内变化规律,采用Mann-Kendall法对其月际和年际ET0进行趋势检验;利用Kriging插值及Surfer8.0空间分析功能,得到西藏高原区年ET0均值的等值线图,分析了全区年ET0均值的空间分布特征。结果表明:昌都、林芝和那曲的逐日ET0在年内变化曲线基本一致,呈现单峰抛物线形状,拉萨、泽当和日喀则的逐日ET0年内变化趋势基本一致,6~9月变化曲线呈现较快的下降趋势,狮泉河的ET0呈现单独变化趋势;所有站点的逐月ET0年内变化规律与逐日ET0相同,最大值均出现在6月份,最小值出现在12月份;日喀则各月及干湿季ET0的Mann-Kendall检验大多呈现显著的降低趋势,其次是泽当,呈现增加趋势较多的是林芝;全系列年ET0均值Mann-Kendall检验呈现降低趋势的站点偏多;西藏高原区年ET0均值具有东部和中南部高,东北部和东南缘低的空间分布规律。  相似文献   

The present study examines sedimentation rates in the eastern Gotland Basin using a variety of methods that reveal considerable heterogeneity in the rates, both spatially and temporally. High-resolution seismic recordings and correlation with long sediment cores indicate increased thickness of strata and higher sedimentation rates (0.75 mm a -1 ) in the eastern part of the basin than in the western part (0.23 mm a -1 ) since the Littorina transgression some 8000 14 C years BP. This difference is apparently a consequence of a counterclockwise near-bottom circulation in the basin with periodically high current speeds that cause winnowing on the steep SE slope of the basin and differential settling of sediments in areas of low current speeds. On shorter time scales, recent sediment accumulation rates based on radiometric dating ( 210 Pb) are in general twice as high as those observed 25 years ago using the same method. The higher modern rates, compared to those of the 1970s, may partly be due to increased eutrophication, as more carbon is buried in the sediment, and partly due to increased erosion in shallow water areas. However, strong lateral variations are evident. The average sediment accumulation rates vary between 119 and 340 g m -2 a -1 (corresponding to sedimentation rates of 2.1-2.5 mm a -1 ) in the deepest part of the basin. Very high rates (6100 g m -2 a -1 , corresponding to sedimentation rates of 30 mm a -1 ) are observed on an intraslope basin site (offshore Latvia) at a water depth of only 70 m. The radiometrically determined sediment accumulation rates are up to three times higher than those estimated from average water column concentrations of suspended matter and from sediment trap flux rates. The discrepancy suggests that sedimentation in the deep basin may have a substantial contribution from near-bottom lateral transport.  相似文献   

基于遥感与GIS技术,利用高空间分辨率遥感卫星SPOT-5和GF-2影像数据,对海南岛西北部地区海口市南渡江—东方市2005年和2016年2个时期的海岸线进行人机交互解译,并对其10 a来的时空变化特征进行了分析。结果表明: 10 a间,海南岛西北部海岸线时空变化显著,主要影响因素为人工开发建设; 人工海岸线增幅达到113%,其占比由2005年的24.3%上升至2016年的51.6%; 除部分淤泥质海岸线和砂质海岸线转化为人工海岸线外,自然海岸线以侵蚀为主,局部地区有少量淤积。不同地区海岸线变化特点不同: 儋州市和澄迈县海岸线资源丰富,开发力度较大; 临高县和昌江黎族自治县自然海岸线以侵蚀为主,淤积少; 东方市和澄迈县海岸线侵蚀较少,较易淤积。分析结果可为海南岛西北部海岸线调查、开发和保护提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

We examined the temporal and spatial variability of urea concentrations and urea uptake and regeneration rates collected on cruises along the longitudinal axis of the Chesapeake Bay between 1972 and 1998. Interannually, mean Bay-wide surface urea concentrations ranged between 0.49 and 0.91 μg-at N l?1 with a nearly 50% decrease in surface concentrations observed between 1988 and 1998. Concentrations of urea from samples collected within ~1 m of the bottom were generally higher and much more varable than surface samples. Seasonally, two different patterns were observed in mean Bay-wide surface urea concentrations. Urea concentrations from near surface waters exhibited a clear summer peak for 1988 through 1994, while for 1973 and 1996 to 1998 a distinct winter-spring peak in concentration was observed. Urea concentrations from deeper waters showed a similar seasonal trend each year with peak concentrations measured in spring. Spatially, urea concentrations in the surface waters decreased in a conservative-type pattern from 0.91 μg-at N I?1 at the freshwater end member to 0.46 μg-at N I?1 at the ocean end member. Mean Bay-wide surface urea uptake rates displayed a seasonal pattern throughout the data set with maximum uptake rates (up to 0.33 μg-at N I?1 h?1) consistently observed during summer. Mean Bay-wide surface regeneration rates were highest but most variable during fall (1.63±0.82 μg-at N I?1 h?1). Mean urea uptake and regeneration rates displayed opposing spatial trends along the axis of the Bay with uptake rates being lowest in the North Bay where regeneration rates were highest. The average temporal and spatial patterns of urea concentration in Chesapeake Bay appear to reflect a balance between external inputs and internal biological recycling.  相似文献   

Thirty two cores were collected from Lake Geneva sediments along one longitudinal and eight transverse profiles. Rates of sedimentation determined by137Cs vary from 0.01 to 1.86 g cm−2 y−1. The average deposition rates in coastal and slope areas amounts to 0.37 g cm−2 y−1 in the Upper Lake (Grand Lac) and 0.12 g cm−2 y−1 in the Lower Lake (Petit Lac). In the deep basins, average rates of 0.13 and 0.05 g cm−2 y−1 were found for the Grand Lac and Petit Lac, respectively. The estimated mass of sediment deposited yearly outside of the principal deltas and turbidity current depositional areas is about 1.0 million tons (about 13% of the estimated total river load). One turbidite is clearly identified in the deepest, central lake area. There is little variation of surface sediment texture (mean grain size about 8–9μm) with the exception of delta areas. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, both carbonate and organic matter have increased as a result of lake eutrophication.  相似文献   

A brackish-water, intertidal creek was sampled 19 times during the summer of 1976. Samples were analyzed to determine occurrence, abundance, and diversity of fish species present and to determine patterns of daily fish movement and utilization of intertidal creeks in an old rice field. Samples were collected from the primary station on the ebbing tide with a channel net. Three secondary stations were each sampled twice for comparative results and total biomass and average length per species calculated for each sample. We collected 125,579 individuals with a total biomass of 11.7 kg which represented 23 families and 37 species. Anchoa mitchilli was the dominant species and comprised 96.3% of the total numbers of individuals caught. The next two most abundant fish, Menidia menidia and Fundulus heteroclitus, represented 2.5% and 0.4% of the total numbers caught. The data from the nineteen sample collections were ordered by time of day and the resultant time series sequence of collections simulated a sample collection taken about once every 1.5 hours over 24 hours. A pattern of occurrence was noted for A. mitchilli as increased fish numbers occurred when the creek flooded during the daylight hours and there were significantly reduced numbers when the creek flooded during the early evening or at night. A relationship between light intensity, feeding, and predator avoidance is proposed to explain the creek loading pattern of A. mitchilli.  相似文献   

为从不同视角揭示农业水资源利用与粮食生产的关系,分析了中国灌区毛入流量水分生产率(Pwg)、毛灌水量水分生产率(PwI)、蒸散量水分生产率(PwET)及广义水资源利用量水分生产率(Pwu)的时空差异及指标间的相关性。结果显示:全国4个指标分别为0.694 kg/m3、1.361 kg/m3、1.314 kg/m3及0.860 kg/m3,各省灌区水分生产率总体上均呈增大趋势;不同年份各指标空间分布格局基本相似,均表现为黄淮海平原及其周边省区较大,东北、长江以南和西北部分省区较小;省际水分生产率差距有扩大迹象,各指标空间差异程度大小关系为PwI>PwET>Pwu>Pwg;两两指标间显著线性相关,Pwu与其他指标的相关系数大于0.950。4个指标在科学内涵和数值表现上存在较大差异,但均可用于表征省级尺度粮食水分生产率的空间差异。  相似文献   

藏北高原多年冻土区地表反照率时空变化特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
杨成  姚济敏  赵林  乔永平  史健宗 《冰川冻土》2016,38(6):1518-1528
利用自动气象站数据和MODIS(MOD02)数据,对位于藏北高原多年冻土区的阿雅克气象站、卓乃湖气象站、唐古拉气象站和西大滩气象站四个观测站点的单点地表反照率的季节变化、日变化和站点所属区域(88°~95°E,32°~38°N)的区域地表反照率夏、冬季节的空间分布进行了分析研究,得出:2013年,四个研究站点地表反照率均是夏季最小,冬季最大,春季大于秋季,其他季节较夏季地表反照率峰值较多;当太阳高度角大于40°时各站点地表反照率日变化基本不变,地表冻融过程中地表反照率完全冻结阶段 > 日冻融循环阶段 > 完全融化阶段,且地表日冻融循环阶段地表反照率日变化的中间时刻有明显下降。研究区域夏、冬季地表反照率大部分在0.1~0.3范围内;冬季地表反照率大于0.3的区域明显多于夏季,夏季区域地表反照率自阿雅克到唐古拉呈带状递减。  相似文献   

认识沙漠土壤水分的时空变异性,是揭示沙漠生态系统生态-水文格局的基础。利用中子土壤水分仪的实测数据,对古尔班通古特沙漠树枝状沙丘土壤水分时空变异进行了系统分析。研究表明:① 沙丘不同部位土壤水分随时间具有一致性变化规律,上层土壤和下层土壤的变化趋势有所不同。0~1 m土层坡顶>坡中>坡脚,1~2 m土层坡脚>坡中>坡顶。② 土壤水分具有明显的季节变化和分层变化特征。春季是古尔班通古特沙漠土壤水分最丰富、变化最迅速的时期;0~40 cm、40~140 cm、140~200 cm土层土壤水分变异系数分别为13.56%、5.35%和0.80%,与不同土层水分来源和消耗以及植物根系分布相对应;不同土层土壤水分的变异强度要大于不同部位土壤水分的变异强度。③ 植被和地形对土壤水分的空间分异作用明显,沙丘坡脚处以及荒漠灌木梭梭根区始终存在土壤水分相对富集区。  相似文献   

土壤碳库是陆地碳库生态系统的主体,在全球碳平衡中具有重要的作用。通过开展珠江三角洲经济区多目标区域地球化学调查,获得了土壤全碳及有机碳数据,采用"单位土壤碳量"方法计算土壤碳储量,显示珠江三角洲经济区土壤有机碳总体分布:表层(0~0.2 m)土壤有机碳为9.71×107 t,碳密度为2271.34 t/km2;中层(0~1.0 m)土壤有机碳为3.71×108 t,碳密度为8666.05 t/km2;深层(0~1.8m)土壤有机碳为5.87×108 t,碳密度为13722.73 t/km2。对比其他地区,珠江三角洲土壤碳密度处于较低水平。分析了土壤、土地利用、地貌类型与成土母质对区域土壤碳库的影响程度,不同土壤单元有机碳储量分布特征。与第二次土壤普查比较,20年期间珠江三角洲表层土壤有机碳总体减少0.22×108 t,损失幅度达19.20%,仅惠州等地区有所增加。不同生态系统土壤有机碳减少程度不同。  相似文献   

Based on literature and our data, analysis of sedimentation rates during the last glacial/interglacial cycle (during the last 130 ka) is given for the Norwegian-Greenland Basin, the Arctic Ocean, Bering and Okhotsk seas, as well as a number of seas in the Southern Ocean. Sedimentation rates in the studied zone are controlled by the development of continental ice sheets, sea ice covers, and biogenic sedimentation, which, in turn, depends on climate variations.  相似文献   

Rates of sulfate reduction were measured over a 3 year period in the anoxic nearshore sediments of Cape Lookout Bight, North Carolina, using both a tube incubation method and a 35S-sulfate direct injection technique. The methods yielded similar depth-integrated rates over the upper 30 cm ranging from less than 10 mol SO=4 · m−2 · y−1 in winter to greater than 50 mol SO=4 · m−2 · y−1 in summer. There were also seasonal changes in the Arrhenius activation energies for the sulfate reduction rates indicating that the assumption that Ea is constant with temperature is not always valid. The time averaged annual turnover rate for all three years was 20.4 (±11.4) mol SO=4 · m−2 · y−1. Surface rates ranged seasonally from less than 0.01 to over 3 mM SO=4 · d−1 between winter and summer, respectively. A subsurface rate maximum was observed to develop during the summer months which accounted for 28 percent of the annual depth integrated sulfate reduction rate. Subsurface rate maxima are the result of changes in the chemistry (substrate type and/or concentration) and the microbiology in the sediments. The possibility of the subsurface maximum being an artifact of the 35S method is also discussed. However, the sulfate reduction rates compare well with previous measurements of the carbon sediment-water plus burial fluxes and with a depth integrated CO2 production rate modelled from a ΣCO2 concentration profile from the same site.  相似文献   

1984-2016年全球参照冰川物质平衡时空变化特征   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
基于世界冰川监测服务处(WGMS)发布的冰川物质平衡数据,对全球40条典型参照冰川物质平衡资料进行分析,结果表明:1984年以来,40条冰川中的36条在观测时段内处于物质平衡为负的状态,冰川普遍退缩,尤其在中纬度比较强烈;全球参照冰川物质平衡的多年平均值为-563 mm,累积物质平衡为-18 590 mm,且2000年之后出现了加速消融的变化趋势;全球参照冰川物质平衡的年代际平均值呈阶梯下降,每10年,物质平衡值下降200 mm左右;由于区域气候变化的差异性以及冰川对气候变化的响应程度不同,冰川物质平衡变化表现出显著的区域特征,物质平衡值由北到南出逐渐增大,空间上呈现出典型的纬度地带性和经度地带性特征;气温是控制冰川物质平衡变化的主要因子,物质平衡过程通常与各地区不同时间尺度的气候波动和变化显著相关。  相似文献   

青藏高原地区云水时空变化特征及其与降水的联系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
伯玥  王艺  李嘉敏  王澄海 《冰川冻土》2016,(6):1679-1690
利用1984-2009年ISCCP的云量、云光学厚度(COT)、云水路径(CWP)资料,分析了青藏高原云水的分布特征、变化趋势,及其与夏秋季降水、冬春季降雪的联系.结果表明:青藏高原地区大气中的云水有着显著的季节变化与水平分布差异;青藏高原春夏季总云量、高云云量高于秋冬季,CWP、COT与总云量的分布特征具有较好的一致性.高原云量高值区位于喀喇昆仑山与高原东南部;可可西里地区由于羌塘高压的下沉作用为云量低值区.青藏高原总云量在1984-2009年间呈现减少趋势;而CWP在高原总体以增加为主,但在各区域上的变化不一致,高原东部CWP增加而西部出现较弱的减小,这与来自孟加拉湾的水汽输送增加有关.青藏高原中东部地区夏秋季降水受云量减少影响较小而与CWP的增加相一致呈增长趋势;该地区冬春季降雪略有减少,与总云量的年际变化具有正相关.  相似文献   

李琳  李宜垠 《第四纪研究》2021,41(6):1749-1763

花粉是重建古植被和古气候的重要代用指标。利用Tauber花粉收集器监测花粉通量是进行花粉-植被-气候关系研究的重要途径。本项研究分析了长白山阔叶红松林16个样点3年(2010~2012年)共94个Tauber花粉收集器的花粉数据,结果表明:阔叶红松林16个样点均以乔木花粉为主,占比多高于55%,针叶树种花粉在乔木花粉中的占比多高于10%;以松属(Pinus)、桦木属(Betula)、胡桃属(Juglans)、栎属(Quercus)、榆属(Ulmus)等花粉为主,5种主要花粉类型的百分含量在乔木花粉中的占比多高于85%;16个样点的AP/NAP(Arboreal Pollen/Non-Arboreal Pollen,乔木花粉与草本植物花粉之比)平均值为3.0,P/A(Pinus/Astemisia)平均值为2.0,P/Q(Pinus/Quercus)平均值为1.2,P/B(Pinus/Betula)平均值为0.6;年平均总花粉通量存在样点间差异(平均值为24231粒/(cm2·a)),但乔木花粉百分含量、针叶树种和主要种在乔木花粉中的占比以及AP/NAP、P/A、P/Q、P/B等数值在研究区内大多数样点间的波动较小,可以更好地指示阔叶红松林的植被特征和植被不同的发育阶段。花粉通量存在明显的年际差异:2011年的总花粉通量最高(590884粒/(cm2·a)),而2010年和2012年的总花粉通量较低(分别为284662粒/(cm2·a)和301157粒/(cm2·a))。总花粉通量、乔木花粉通量、灌木花粉通量和草本植物花粉通量与气象因子(前一年总降水量、生长季累积降水量、开花前冬季积温)呈正反馈。本研究结果为解释花粉通量与气象因子之间的关系提供了参考依据。


Overbank sedimentation rates were studied in former channels of three rivers in south-eastern France. Depth and spatial distribution of sediment, as well as geometry, hydrological connectivity and age of 39 lakes, were both measured and calculated. The mean sedimentation rate of lakes varied between 0 and 2·57 cm year−1. Sedimentation rates are linked to water depth and often undergo a decreasing gradient from the downstream outlet to the inner part of the lake. Multiple regression modelling demonstrates that sediment depth is essentially a function of overbank flow frequency. The greater the difference between upstream and downstream overbank flow frequency, the faster the sedimentation rate. These differences in sedimentation rates also correspond to different former channel geometry: the rates are slower in narrow and straight channels (former braided, and point-bar backwater channels), and faster in large and sinuous channels (exhibiting meanders, anastomosing channels and coves). The suspended sediment flux is variable from one reach to another, the middle reach of the Rhône conveying more sediment than the upper reaches, the Doubs or the Ain reaches. The suspended sediment flux does not explain a statistical difference in lake sedimentation rates between the reaches, which also provide clear evidence of the importance of local connectivity controls. Sedimentation patterns were also complicated by temporal changes in lake connectivity associated with geomorphological or anthropogenic changes operating within the main channel.  相似文献   

中国层控矿床时空分布特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
朱上庆 《矿床地质》1991,10(1):27-34
矿床的时空分布规律是矿床学的重要内容之一。层控矿床是受构造运动、沉积作用和岩浆活动相互作用的结果。因而,层控矿床的时空分布特征与特定的大地构造单元、含矿建造和岩浆活动的时间和空间演化规律有关。层控矿床的成矿时代,由于其成矿的复杂性和成矿时间的不确定性,我们只能以地质一构造的巨旋回为准,分为太古宙、元古宙和显生宙的古生代和中-新生代四期。层控矿床在空间上的分布特征,也具有明显的时控性和旋回性。  相似文献   

柯海玲  李贤  徐友宁  张江华 《地质通报》2014,33(08):1196-1204
研究农田土壤重金属累积的时空变异特征及定量化预测变异趋势,是探讨土壤重金属地球化学累积效应及预警方法的关键。收集整理小秦岭金矿区以往调研资料和陆续的动态监测数据,对比分析了近28年来研究区农田土壤重金属特征污染物Hg、Pb、Cd、Cu的时空变异特征和扩散速率,并利用年均增长量和总变化率2个参数,定量计算了研究区土壤Hg、Pb、Cd、Cu的累积速率,探讨其环境意义。分析表明,1985年至今研究区农田土壤重金属Hg、Pb、Cd含量平均值持续增长,Cu有所波动,但总体也呈增长趋势。在区域分布上,Hg、Pb、Cd基本以双桥河流域为浓集中心,随着时间的推移,污染范围均逐渐扩大,且向下游有加重的趋势,Cu和Pb的污染范围虽然也在扩大,但极重污染区正在减小甚至消失。  相似文献   

小秦岭金矿带农田土壤重金属的时空变异趋势及其意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
柯海玲  李贤  徐友宁  张江华 《地质通报》2014,33(8):1196-1204
研究农田土壤重金属累积的时空变异特征及定量化预测变异趋势,是探讨土壤重金属地球化学累积效应及预警方法的关键。收集整理小秦岭金矿区以往调研资料和陆续的动态监测数据,对比分析了近28年来研究区农田土壤重金属特征污染物Hg、Pb、Cd、Cu的时空变异特征和扩散速率,并利用年均增长量和总变化率2个参数,定量计算了研究区土壤Hg、Pb、Cd、Cu的累积速率,探讨其环境意义。分析表明,1985年至今研究区农田土壤重金属Hg、Pb、Cd含量平均值持续增长,Cu有所波动,但总体也呈增长趋势。在区域分布上,Hg、Pb、Cd基本以双桥河流域为浓集中心,随着时间的推移,污染范围均逐渐扩大,且向下游有加重的趋势,Cu和Pb的污染范围虽然也在扩大,但极重污染区正在减小甚至消失。  相似文献   

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