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Summary In order to study the effect of the differential heating on the large scale sea surface flow pattern of the atmosphere vergence charts of the horizontal wind were constructed (January and July) and compared with the isotherm charts of the surface temperatures. For January a significant relation between the temperature field and the vergence field was found and this relation was as anticipated: convergence over the relatively warmer areas and divergence over the relatively colder areas. This effect is more pronounced at lower latitudes.The vergence chart of the ocean currents (January) shows in the region of the equatorial counter current a distribution of the vergence that is in good agreement with the scheme of the vertical circulation within the equatorial region of the Atlantic as proposed byA. Defant.
Zusammenfassung Zur Untersuchung der Auswirkung einer unterschiedlichen Erwärmung auf die großräumigen Strömungsformen der Atmosphäre über der Meeresoberfläche wurden Vergenzkarten der horizontalen Winde für Januar und Juli konstruiert und mit den Isothermenkarten der Oberflächentemperaturen verglichen. Für Januar wurde eine signifikante Beziehung zwischen dem Temperaturfeld und dem Vergenzfeld gefunden. Es zeigte sich Konvergenz über relativ wärmeren Gebieten und Divergenz über relativ kälteren Gebieten. Dieser Zusammenhang tritt in niedrigeren Breiten deutlicher in Erscheinung. Die Vergenzkarte der Meeresströmungen (Januar) zeigt im Gebiete des äquatorialen Gegenstromes eine Vergenzverteilung, die mit dem vonA. Defant angegebenen Schema der Vertikalzirkulation im äquatorialen Gebiet des Atlantiks in guter Übereinstimmung steht.

Résumé Dans le but d'étudier l'effet d'un réchauffement inégal sur les systèmes de circulation atmosphérique à grande échelle au-dessus des océans, l'auteur a dressé des cartes de divergence des vents horizontaux en janvier et en juillet, et les a comparées aux cartes d'isothermes de surface. En janvier il existe une relation significative entre les champs de température et de divergence; il y a convergence sur les régions relativement chaudes, et divergence sur les régions relativement froides. Cette relation est particulièrement nette aux basses latitudes. La carte de divergence des courants marins (janvier) montre dans la région du contre-courant équatorial une distribution de la divergence qui s'accorde avec le schéma de la circulation verticale donné parA. Defant pour la zone équatoriale de l'Atlantique.

With 10 Figures  相似文献   

The marine atmospheric boundary layer is characterized by cool temperatures and high humidity. Clouds are observed over most of the oceans. It is generally accepted that these overcast cloud decks break up into scattered fragments due to cloud-top entrainment instability. That is, if the air above the boundary layer is sufficiently cool and dry relative to cloud top, the buoyancy flux will be directed upwards and entrainment can occur freely.A boundary-layer model is used to test the sensitivity of the model atmosphere to the various processes which promote the onset of cloud-top entrainment instability. It is found that the transition from a solid cloud deck to scattered cumulus clouds depends on a rate process. The cloud cover is sensitive to mesoscale variations in sea surface temperature only if the cloud-top inversion is sufficiently weak.  相似文献   

A rotating laboratory model of the Barents Sea was forced by computed inflows of Atlantic Water and Arctic Surface Water for the period 1979–1984. Ad hoc tidal excursions over the shoals north of Bear Island and deep water production as a result of winter cooling and salt rejection in the eastern part of the basin were calibrated in the model. The high spatial resolution in the basin, which was 5 m in diameter, provided the basis for simulating several physical scales simultaneously. The simulated current features of interest include (1) the spreading of the Norwegian Coastal Current over Tromsøflaket, (2) a warm-core jet along the southeastern slope of the Svalbardbanken, which pushes the ice front far to the NE of Hopen Island, (3) the anticyclonic circulation around Sentralbanken, which drives Arctic Surface Water and ice far south in the eastern basin, (4) Norwegian Coastal Water flowing north across the Bear Island Channel, (5) deep water outflows north through the Franz-Victoria Trough and west through the Bear Island Channel, (6) the dependence of dense water accumulation and flushing on the variable Atlantic inflow, and (7) a robust, tidally driven circulation on the Svalbardbanken and around Bear Island. The Polar Front along the Svalbardbanken is fairly stationary, although its location is highly variable in the Sentralbanken area as a result of underflows (and winds—which were not simulated). The residence time for the Arctic Surface Water on Sentralbanken is about 8 months. Comparisons with available field measurements show a validation that is better than existing numerical model simulations.Entrainment of Arctic Surface Water on Svalbardbanken to the Atlantic inflow holds the Polar Front sharp and modifies the Atlantic Water as it flows to the Arctic Ocean. The simulated warm-core jet along this slope had a core speed up to 85 cm s−1, whereas the best available current measurements near the core show surges up to about 30 cm s−1. The simulated vorticity of the current is −0.33f, where f is the planetary vorticity. This can be provided from the conservation of potential vorticity. Both field data and laboratory simulations show that particles trapped in the Bear Island Current take 5–8 days to circle the island, which is 20 km in diameter. Except for surface confetti, agreement between model and field data was good for the southern flow east of Sentralbanken, but poor for the Murman Current. A model ‘wind’ caused a significant departure in this region and may be responsible for an exaggerated warm-core jet past Svalbardbanken.  相似文献   

Nonhydrostatic effects in two-dimensional mesoscale sea breeze systems are investigated by numerical simulations. It is shown that nonhydrostatic effects are directly contributed by the vertical gradients of the vertical velocity variance as well as by the vertical accelerations. It is also shown that a K-type turbulence closure is not suitable in a nonhydrostatic primitive equation model, and a higher-order closure scheme should therefore be used. Results from hydrostatic and fully-nonhydrostatic models are compared for various surface and atmospheric background conditions, such as scale and strength of surface heating, geostrophic wind, stability, surface roughness contrast, Coriolis effect, etc. It is found that for strongly developed sea breeze cases, vertical gradients of vertical velocity variance contribute most to nonhydrostatic forcing in the lower layers, and that the resultant nonhydrostatic pressure gradient acts against the hydrostatic pressure gradient, so that nonhydrostatic simulations produce weaker systems than hydrostatic ones. For weak sea breeze systems, the difference between the two models tends to be small.  相似文献   

Models for the evolution of the surface mixed layer need to be improved to include dominant processes such as Langmuir circulation. It is shown that the wave forcing in Langmuir circulation models is much stronger than that due to a surface buoyancy loss, and studies of the erosion by the cells of a pre-existing stratification are described. Mixed layer models will also need to allow for horizontal inhomogeneity. It is shown, for example, that the horizontal buoyancy gradient that may be left behind after a storm produces restratification that can be significant. The nonlinearity of the equation of state is another real-world factor; it gives rise to an annual average surface buoyancy that is misleading as it is compensated by interior cabbeling. Current work linking the mixed layer to water mass formation is also introduced.  相似文献   

The influence of ocean circulation changes on heat uptake is explored using a simply-configured primitive equation ocean model resembling a very idealized Atlantic Ocean. We focus on the relative importance of the redistribution of the existing heat reservoir (due to changes in the circulation) and the contribution from anomalous surface heat flux, in experiments in which the surface boundary conditions are changed. We perform and analyze numerical experiments over a wide range of parameters, including experiments that simulate global warming and others that explore the robustness of our results to more general changes in surface boundary conditions. We find that over a wide range of values of diapycnal diffusivity and Southern Ocean winds, and with a variety of changes in surface boundary conditions, the spatial patterns of ocean temperature anomaly are nearly always determined as much or more by the existing heat reservoir redistribution than by the nearly passive uptake of temperature due to changes in the surface boundary conditions. Calculating heat uptake by neglecting the existing reservoir redistribution, which is similar to treating temperature as a passive tracer, leads to significant quantitative errors notably at high-latitudes and, secondarily, in parts of the main thermocline. Experiments with larger circulation changes tend to produce a relatively larger magnitude of existing reservoir redistribution, and a faster growing effective heat capacity of the system. The effective heat capacity is found to be sensitive to both vertical diffusivity and Southern Ocean wind.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional model of stationary wind-driven currents in a homogeneous ocean of a variable depth is investigated. The model is linear but includes horizontal and vertical turbulent mixings. Two cases of the behaviour of the isolines of the function ?/H are considered, namely: (1) all isolines ?/H start at one part of the coastline and end in another part of it, and (2) a certain isoline ?/H exists which is tangential to the coastline. Here ? is the Coriolis parameter, and H is the depth of the ocean. The first case is the simplest one; it arises in particular if H = constant and the coasts are meridional. The second case is marked by the boundary current separation from the coast. The paper deals with the boundary layers which arise at the surface, bottom, side boundary and inside the ocean.  相似文献   

The effect of ocean mixed layer depth on climate is explored in a suite of slab ocean aquaplanet simulations with different mixed layer depths ranging from a globally uniform value of 50–2.4 m. In addition to the expected increase in the amplitude of the seasonal cycle in temperature with decreasing ocean mixed layer depth, the simulated climates differ in several less intuitive ways including fundamental changes in the annual mean climate. The phase of seasonal cycle in temperature differs non-monotonically with increasing ocean mixed layer depth, reaching a maximum in the 12 m slab depth simulation. This result is a consequence of the change in the source of the seasonal heating of the atmosphere across the suite of simulations. In the shallow ocean runs, the seasonal heating of the atmosphere is dominated by the surface energy fluxes whereas the seasonal heating is dominated by direct shortwave absorption within the atmospheric column in the deep ocean runs. The surface fluxes are increasingly lagged with respect to the insolation as the ocean deepens which accounts for the increase in phase lag from the shallow to mid-depth runs. The direct shortwave absorption is in phase with insolation, and thus the total heating comes back in phase with the insolation as the ocean deepens more and the direct shortwave absorption dominates the seasonal heating of the atmosphere. The intertropical convergence zone follows the seasonally varying insolation and maximum sea surface temperatures into the summer hemisphere in the shallow ocean runs whereas it stays fairly close to the equator in the deep ocean runs. As a consequence, the tropical precipitation and region of high planetary albedo is spread more broadly across the low latitudes in the shallow runs, resulting in an apparent expansion of the tropics relative to the deep ocean runs. As a result, the global and annual mean planetary albedo is substantially (20 %) higher in the shallow ocean simulations which results in a colder (7C) global and annual mean surface temperature. The increased tropical planetary albedo in the shallow ocean simulations also results in a decreased equator-to-pole gradient in absorbed shortwave radiation and drives a severely reduced (≈50 %) meridional energy transport relative to the deep ocean runs. As a result, the atmospheric eddies are weakened and shifted poleward (away from the high albedo tropics) and the eddy driven jet is also reduced and shifted poleward by 15° relative to the deep ocean run.  相似文献   

A two-layer theory is used to investigate (1) the steering of upper ocean current pathways by topographically constrained abyssal currents that do not impinge on the bottom topography and (2) its application to upper ocean – topographic coupling via flow instabilities where topographically constrained eddy-driven deep mean flows in turn steer the mean pathways of upper ocean currents and associated fronts. In earlier studies the two-layer theory was applied to ocean models with low vertical resolution (2–6 layers). Here we investigate its relevance to complex ocean general circulation models (OGCMs) with high vertical resolution that are designed to simulate a wide range of ocean processes. The theory can be easily applied to models ranging from idealized to complex OGCMs, provided it is valid for the application. It can also be used in understanding some persistent features seen in observed ocean frontal pathways (over deep water) derived from satellite imagery and other data. To facilitate its application, a more thorough explanation of the theory is presented that emphasizes its range of validity. Three regions of the world ocean are used to investigate its application to eddy-resolving ocean models with high vertical resolution, including one where an assumption of the two-layer theory is violated. Results from the OGCMs with high vertical resolution are compared to those from models with low vertical resolution and to observations. In the Kuroshio region upper ocean – topographic coupling via flow instabilities and a modest seamount complex are used to explain the observed northward mean meander east of Japan where the Kuroshio separates from the coast. The Japan/East Sea (JES) is used to demonstrate the impact of upper ocean – topographic coupling in a relatively weak flow regime. East of South Island, New Zealand, the Southland Current is an observed western boundary current that flows in a direction counter to the demands of Sverdrup flow and counter to the direction simulated in nonlinear global flat bottom and reduced gravity models. A model with high vertical resolution (and topography extending through any number of layers) and a model with low vertical resolution (and vertically compressed but otherwise realistic topography confined to the lowest layer) both simulate a Southland Current in the observed direction with dynamics depending on the configuration of the regional seafloor. However, the dynamics of these simulations are very different because the Campbell Plateau and Chatham Rise east and southeast of New Zealand are rare features of the world ocean where the topography intrudes into the stratified water column over a relatively broad area but lies deeper than the nominal 200 m depth of the continental shelf break, violating a limitation of the two-layer theory. Observations confirm the results from the high vertical resolution model. Overall, the model simulations show increasingly widespread upper ocean – topographic coupling via flow instabilities as the horizontal resolution of the ocean models is increased, but fine resolution of mesoscale variability and the associated flow instabilities are required to obtain sufficient coupling. As a result, this type of coupling is critical in distinguishing between eddy-resolving and eddy-permitting ocean models in regions where it occurs.  相似文献   

A cloud-ocean planetary boundary layer (OPBL) feedback mechanism is presented and tested in this paper. Water vapor, evaporated from the ocean surface or transported by the large-scale air flow, often forms convective clouds under a conditionally unstable lapse rate. The variable cloud cover and rainfall may have positive and negative feedback with the ocean mixed layer temperature and salinity structure. The coupling of the simplified Kuo’s (1965) cumulus cloud model to the Kraus-Turner’s (1967) ocean mixed layer model shows the existence of this feedback mechanism. The theory also predicts the generation of low frequency oscillation in the atmosphere and oceans.  相似文献   

A global picture of ocean current variability may be obtained by analyzing surface drift currents in terms of their mean and eddy kinetic energies. High values for both quantities are found in the western boundary currents and in the equatorial current system; low values are found in the interior of major gyres. However, nowhere are eddy energies less than 200 cm2 s–2, indicating that, even in the least energetic parts of the oceans, surface speeds of ~20 cm s–1 prevail. Recent experimental studies also support the widespread occurrence of mesoscale mid-oceanic eddies. Another type of eddy is abundant in the vicinity of boundary currents: examples include Gulf Stream Rings, the Great Whirl of the Somali Current, and disturbances of the predominantly zonal equatorial flow manifested by large-scale meandering about the equator. Recent numerical models using low-viscosity and high-resolution computational grids also reveal the ubiquitous existence of mesoscale structures. The importance of eddies is that they seem to be energetic enough and sufficiently widespread so as to play some part — not yet understood — in the circulation of the world ocean. Speculative analogies to the atmosphere suggest that the mesoscale ocean eddies are the storms and weather systems of the sea. We need global statistics on their distribution, their occurrence in various oceanic regions, their dimensions, and their lifetimes. The prospect of even a single global oceanic weather map, comparable to those obtained daily for the atmosphere, is hopeless in terms ofin situ oceanographic observations. Remote sensing may provide a partial solution.In the past, sea-surface temperature observations by satellites have revealed cold and warm eddies shed by western boundary currents. Satellite observations, moreover, have shown the thermal effects of continental shelf waves and areas with pronounced upwelling. These phenomena are characterized by strong temperature gradients and relatively large differences in surface elevation. Mid-ocean eddies are far more subtle and difficult to observe since they possess smaller differences of temperature and sea-surface topography. Three representative examples, including recent experimental results in western boundary currents, the equatorial region, and a typical mid-ocean region, are discussed in detail. Typical signals of temperature and sea-level topography, as well as typical temporal and spatial scales of the observed phenomena, are given.  相似文献   

A two-layer theory is used to investigate (1) the steering of upper ocean current pathways by topographically constrained abyssal currents that do not impinge on the bottom topography and (2) its application to upper ocean – topographic coupling via flow instabilities where topographically constrained eddy-driven deep mean flows in turn steer the mean pathways of upper ocean currents and associated fronts. In earlier studies the two-layer theory was applied to ocean models with low vertical resolution (2–6 layers). Here we investigate its relevance to complex ocean general circulation models (OGCMs) with high vertical resolution that are designed to simulate a wide range of ocean processes. The theory can be easily applied to models ranging from idealized to complex OGCMs, provided it is valid for the application. It can also be used in understanding some persistent features seen in observed ocean frontal pathways (over deep water) derived from satellite imagery and other data. To facilitate its application, a more thorough explanation of the theory is presented that emphasizes its range of validity. Three regions of the world ocean are used to investigate its application to eddy-resolving ocean models with high vertical resolution, including one where an assumption of the two-layer theory is violated. Results from the OGCMs with high vertical resolution are compared to those from models with low vertical resolution and to observations. In the Kuroshio region upper ocean – topographic coupling via flow instabilities and a modest seamount complex are used to explain the observed northward mean meander east of Japan where the Kuroshio separates from the coast. The Japan/East Sea (JES) is used to demonstrate the impact of upper ocean – topographic coupling in a relatively weak flow regime. East of South Island, New Zealand, the Southland Current is an observed western boundary current that flows in a direction counter to the demands of Sverdrup flow and counter to the direction simulated in nonlinear global flat bottom and reduced gravity models. A model with high vertical resolution (and topography extending through any number of layers) and a model with low vertical resolution (and vertically compressed but otherwise realistic topography confined to the lowest layer) both simulate a Southland Current in the observed direction with dynamics depending on the configuration of the regional seafloor. However, the dynamics of these simulations are very different because the Campbell Plateau and Chatham Rise east and southeast of New Zealand are rare features of the world ocean where the topography intrudes into the stratified water column over a relatively broad area but lies deeper than the nominal 200 m depth of the continental shelf break, violating a limitation of the two-layer theory. Observations confirm the results from the high vertical resolution model. Overall, the model simulations show increasingly widespread upper ocean – topographic coupling via flow instabilities as the horizontal resolution of the ocean models is increased, but fine resolution of mesoscale variability and the associated flow instabilities are required to obtain sufficient coupling. As a result, this type of coupling is critical in distinguishing between eddy-resolving and eddy-permitting ocean models in regions where it occurs.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to explain the physical mechanism for the Mid-Ocean Dynamics Experiment (MODE) bottom pressure observations of Brown et al. (1975) by means of a joint laboratory and theoretical study. First, possible relevant effects in an f-plane model are considered, where pressure driving forms and transient effects can be evaluated. If atmospheric pressure change is local (of a standing wave nature), sea surface response increases with increasing subinertial frequency. If pressure changes are advective, sea surface response decreases with increasing speed. Overreaction of the free surface to forcing, causing overshoot, can occur when the free inertia-gravity modes of the basin are excited. Laboratory experiments are performed which agree with the theory of the local pressure change mechanism to within assinged experimental error.The study is extended to consider the response of an equivalent β-plane system in a more laboratory-oriented approach. It is found that the β-effect is important in the entire range of frequencies studied in the laboratory, with the response approaching that of an f-plane ocean at higher frequencies. The excitation of free planetary modes of the basin proves to be important in the barometric response, allowing for local oversoot and undershoot and for the generation of a substantial pressure signal at a distance from the driving, allowing a significant contribution to the incoherent bottom signal to be forced by distant atmospheric pressure disturbances in the ocean basin.  相似文献   

Summary This study presents high-resolution numerical simulations of north foehn in the Austrian Inn Valley which have been performed with the Penn State/NCAR mesoscale model MM5. As the Inn Valley is located north of the Alpine crest, north foehn occurs comparatively rarely in this valley, and there are only sparse observations available for this phenomenon. Simulations of the 24 January 1993 case as well as idealized simulations are performed to get a deeper insight into the dynamics of the north foehn. Moreover, the synoptic conditions leading to the occurrence of north foehn in the Inn Valley are investigated. The simulations indicate that there are at least four different paths for the foehn to penetrate into the valley. Two of them are running along side valleys entering the upper Inn Valley from the west. These flow paths appear to be most important when the large-scale flow has a significant westerly component. The other possible flow paths enter the Inn Valley from the northwest or north and require a strong northerly component of the large-scale flow. From a dynamical point of view, north foehn appears to be similar to the well researched south foehn in that vertically propagating gravity waves force the descent of the ambient flow into the valleys. However, there are also indications that trapped lee waves have a significant impact on the surface wind field, which has not been reported for south foehn so far. Moreover, the model results show that a precondition for the formation of north foehn in the Inn Valley is the absence of significant orographic precipitation. Evaporative cooling induced by precipitation falling into subsaturated air not only reduces the surface temperatures but also inhibits the formation of large-amplitude gravity waves, suppressing the development of stormy surface winds.  相似文献   

Shipboard measurements of temperature fluctuations, mean wind, temperature, and humidity permit comparisons to be made of experimental and empirical estimates of ct 2, the temperature structure function parameter. Surface flux estimates are obtained from bulk aerodynamic formulae. Temperature fluctuation data are selected to minimize a salt-contamination effect which causes increases in temperature variance. Predictions for CT 2 based on surface flux scaling agree within 20%, except for near neutral and large unstable conditions where disagreement can be attributed to measurement problems.  相似文献   

季风涡旋对热带气旋生成影响的理想试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用新一代非静力平衡中尺度数值模式WRF_ARW(3.3.1版本)模拟季风涡旋中热带气旋生成的过程,从动力和热力作用两方面分析大尺度季风涡旋对热带气旋生成的影响。结果表明:从动力学角度来看,能提供较大环境场涡度的季风涡旋不利于扰动涡旋快速发展成热带气旋。初始阶段,由于季风涡旋尺度大,垂直涡度径向梯度弱。而垂直涡度径向梯度的强弱可以通过“涡度隔离”效应影响对流单体向涡旋中心的聚集合并过程。随着扰动的组织化,径向入流对涡度的平流作用越来越重要。对流单体相对最大风速半径的位置对热带气旋生成作用明显,当其集中在最大风速半径附近时涡旋容易快速发展。此外,环境场相对涡度与热带气旋的尺度存在显著正相关。初始尺度大的涡旋最终具有较大的外围尺度,其涡度的分布范围也更广。从热力学角度来说,较大的环境场相对湿度有利于热带气旋的生成。虽然较大的环境场湿度能够诱发较强的外围对流,但同时也会使最大风速半径以内存在丰富的对流,后者能够提供充分的内区非绝热加热,降低中心气压,促进涡旋发展。   相似文献   

海洋加热场与科氏参数对台风影响的数值试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究了海洋加热场与科氏参数两类热力、动力因子对台风发生、发展的影响效应。由于洋面海温的非均匀分布及科氏力随纬度的变化,因此台风涡旋的移动将受到不同下垫面海温加热场及科氏力参数的作用,本文探讨了台风风场结构、径向内流、暖心结构与海温变化的相关特征,根据数值试验,分析了海洋加热场及台风环流反馈效应。本文的计算结果表明,台风北移过程中,科氏参数的变化对于台风发展的影响不仅与起始纬度f_0有关,还与f随纬度的变化率,即β因子有关,处于较低纬度的北移台风由于两者的综合效应引起台风切向风速的增强较之高纬的更为显著。  相似文献   

The production of sediments by carbonate-producing ecosystems is an important input for beach sediment budgets in coastal areas where no terrigenous input occurs. Calcifying organisms are a major source of bioclastic carbonate sediment for coastal systems. Increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are leading to an increase in the partial pressure of CO2 on ocean seawater, causing ocean acidification (OA), with direct consequences for the pH of ocean waters. Most studies of OA focus on its impact on marine ecosystems. The impact of OA on carbonate-producing ecosystems could be to reduce the amount of sediments supplied to temperate coastal systems. The aim of this study was to quantify the effect of the predicted OA on the long-term sediment budget of a temperate Mediterranean mixed carbonate beach and dune system. Based on projections of OA we estimated a fall of about 31% in the present bioclastic carbonate sediment deposition rate, with the biggest decreases seen in the dunes (? 46%). OA is also expected to affect the carbonate sediment reservoirs, increasing the dissolution of CaCO3and causing net sediment loss from the system (~ 50,000 t century?1). In the long-term, OA could also play a primary role in the response of these systems to sea-level rise. Indeed, the reduction in the quantity of carbonate sediments provided to the system may affect the speed with which the system is able to adapt to sea-level rise, by increasing wave run-up, and may promote erosion of dunes and subaerial beaches.  相似文献   

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