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湿陷性黄土结构性变形特性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
邵生俊  龙吉勇  杨生  骆亚生 《岩土力学》2006,27(10):1668-1672
基于结构性黄土应力应变特性认识和大量试验结果的分析,揭示了黄土结构性参数与应变、含水率、固结压力之间的关系,并给出了结构性参数的数学表达式。将该式引入结构性黄土应力应变特性分析,提出了考虑结构性参数的应力-应变关系。分析计算所得的应力-应变关系与试验结果有较好的一致性,说明了原状黄土结构性参数描述的合理性和基于结构性参数应力-应变关系的合理性。  相似文献   

Macroscopic behavior of expansive soil is governed by surface forces rather than gravitational forces. These physicochemical surface forces can be investigated through two electromagnetic properties in response to an applied electromagnetic field as real (relative) permittivity, κ′, and effective (electrical) conductivity, σ. This paper presents the results of dielectric measurements on four natural expansive soils using 1–100 MHz electromagnetic waves in two different test setups. The equipment setup, calibration process and measurement limitations are evaluated, and the dielectric spectra, in terms of the dispersion of real permittivity/effective conductivity with frequency, are presented. A procedure is presented to quantify the thickness of a fully developed diffuse double layer (DDL). The influence of salt concentration on DDL, as well as the dielectric responses, is assessed. Two parameters of special physical meaning are defined in the article: ${\upkappa} _{{{\text{inf}}}}^{\prime }$ , representative of the dielectric response by sample mineralogy, microstructure and saturation ratio, and σdc, combining the roles assumed by both surface conduction and pore fluid conduction. Evaluation is attempted on their magnitudes at the optimum compaction state and evolutions at different one-dimensional deforming stages. Extensive analysis is performed on the roles of ${\upkappa} _{{{\text{inf}}}}^{\prime }$ and σdc on the hydration status and structural anisotropy of an oedometer sample.  相似文献   

利用GDG型高压固结仪和自行研制的非饱和土湿陷三轴仪对陕西蒲城电厂Q2黄土一维和三维应力状态下的湿陷性进行了试验研究,分析了Q2黄土的湿陷特性。试验结果表明:一维状态下,Q2黄土以中等和弱湿陷为主,峰值湿陷系数随深度增加而变小,常规压力下不湿陷的Q2黄土在高压力下可能湿陷,Q2地层中黄土层的湿陷性总体上强于古土壤层,湿陷的敏感性较弱,大型工程宜用实际压力评价湿陷性。三维状态下,湿陷应变随浸水量的变化曲线可以近似分为3段,即湿陷应变缓慢增加段、快速发展段和基本不变段;浸水前的吸力、净围压、偏应力对湿陷过程均有影响,且偏应力和吸力的影响更明显;三轴浸水过程湿陷体应变随湿陷轴应变的增加而增大,几乎是一条直线,体现了湿陷变形的特殊性。  相似文献   

J. Šajgalik 《GeoJournal》1991,24(2):165-174
The Slovak Carpathians in Pleistocene presented a very articulate territory, so that loesses, as well as loess-like deposits could occur here with various lithofacial types.Based on a complex evaluation of a great number of loess samples of the Danubian lowland and their analysis by methods of mathematical statistics, it was possible to create a realistic model of the base soil. For the statistical processing we picked 4 selective sets of the Danubian lowland hilly country, where each set can be considered as a homogeneous engineering geological type.By comparing the loess properties of the Danubian lowland with the loesses of other European countries (mainly USSR), it can be stated that the studied loesses are not so dangerous from the sagging standpoint. The increase of the oedometric modulus with the depth was shown. Similar relationships were derived also for the parametres of shear strength.The regional characteristics of the loess mechanical properties will serve well in the initial phases of investigation, planning and designing, but also in more exact geoo technical calculations.  相似文献   

Stress deformation properties of rock and rock discontinuities   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The results of an extensive literature survey on the stress deformation properties of rock materials and rock discontinuities are summarized. The results show that: (1) for rock tested under uniaxial conditions, the range of modulus is from about 1 to 100 GN/m2, and the Poisson's ratio range is from 0.02 to 0.73 (0.46 if dilatant values are excluded) with an average value of 0.20; (2) for rock tested under triaxial conditions, the effects of nonlinearity and stress-dependency of the rock modulus are minor with hard, crystalline or homogeneous rock of low porosity, but are significant in porous, clastic or closely jointed rock; (3) anisotropy of the rock modulus is demonstrated mainly by variations in the modulus number or initial stiffness, while the nonlinearity and stress-dependency parameters are fairly constant with sample orientation; (4) nonlinearity and stress-dependency of the rock Poisson's ratio may be significant depending upon the magnitude of stress changes imposed, with the nonlinearity being more significant; and (5) limited data on rock discontinuities indicate that nonlinearity and stress-dependency effects may be quite large.  相似文献   

本文以兰州重塑黄土为对象,通过室内试验分析6组非饱和重塑黄土土-水特征曲线分段特征值与主要物性指标的统计关系,探讨了非饱和重塑黄土物理性质对其基质吸力变化特征的影响。结果表明,对于非饱和重塑黄土,分段特征含水量、特征饱和度、特征基质吸力与干密度关系密切,与颗粒级配关系较弱。随干密度增加,过渡区特征饱和度、残余饱和度线性增加,饱和含水量、过渡区特征含水量线性降低,残余基质吸力及过渡区特征基质吸力分别为线性及非线性增加。过渡区特征饱和度、残余饱和度与土体中粘粒含量线性正相关,与粉粒含量负相关。饱和含水量与粉粒含量线性正相关,残余基质吸力与其线性负相关。重塑黄土的微观结构显示这些关系受制于土体的孔隙结构和颗粒间的相互关系。  相似文献   

The properties of loesses are very peculiar. The formation of loess is stable in the dry state, but under the effect of moisture it could present great subsidence. Sometimes in loess some processes are in progress. Similar to karst formation in the water-soluble rocks, but chiefly connected with mechanical suffosion (loess pseudokarst). In the water saturated condition loess soils are of a lower bearing capacity. Locally the loess is characterized by some self-progressing processes of underflooding by underground waters. Provoked by earthquakes and explosions some thixotropical liquefaction of loess soils may occur. All these processes have drawn the attention of researchers, engineers and agronomists of different countries to loess. In the first part of this paper we consider the collapse deformations and wash-outs of loess (Savvateev 1974), in the second part — pseudokarst processes (Kriger; Lavrusevich; Petrov 1983).  相似文献   

压实黄土变形特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈开圣  沙爱民 《岩土力学》2010,31(4):1023-1029
黄土路基填料的变形特性直接关系到路基沉降和路基边坡坡度的选取,是黄土地基工程、边坡工程和洞室工程设计计算的重要参数。基于一维室内固结试验,分析了压实黄土变形特性。引入压缩变形系数,分析了压实黄土的物理指标(含水量、压实度)与变形指标(压缩变形系数、压缩系数)的关系,采用应变法来表达压缩变形曲线结果;引入非线性应力、应变关系的割线模量,研究了压实黄土的加荷本构模型和增(减)湿本构模型。结果表明:压实黄土的物理指标对其变形特性影响较大,压实黄土的应力-应变关系可以用幂函数 的形式来表达,提出了压实黄土的加荷本构模型和增(减)湿本构模型,该模型具有较高的可靠性,为研究黄土路基沉降特性提供了有力依据。  相似文献   

黄土压缩变形的微结构效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过微结构要素定量分析,研究了黄土在压力作用下的微结构要素变化规律,结构状态变化的阶段性和结构要素调整的差异性等问题,初步揭示了黄土宏观变形的微结构控制机理。  相似文献   

The search for relationships between deformation characteristics of soils obtained by engineering-geological (direct) and seismoacoustic (indirect) methods is an important problem in modern science. An attempt is made to analyze the influence of a number of factors on the velocity of elastic waves and deformation characteristics of model clay soils.  相似文献   

利用改造的非饱和土固结仪对Q_3重塑黄土分别进行了无应力作用的分级增湿试验和控制基质吸力的压缩试验,测试得到了土–水特征曲线和压缩应力–应变曲线,研究了饱和度与基质吸力和含水率与基质吸力之间关系、压缩屈服应力随基质吸力的变化规律和湿陷系数随基质吸力的变化规律。研究结果表明,非饱和重塑黄土的吸力较大时土的强度较大,其压缩变形较小,非饱和重塑黄土的结构屈服压力较大;非饱和土基质吸力一定时,随着压力的增大,湿陷系数呈现出先增大后减小的趋势;同一净压缩应力下非饱和土基质吸力越大,湿陷系数越大,吸力越小,土样的?_s(p=200 k Pa)越小,当?_s(p=200 k Pa)超过约0.1时,?_s(p=200 k Pa)与基质吸力(u_a-u_w)近似呈指数增加。  相似文献   

压实黄土变形特性研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄土高填方成为岩土工程领域新的研究课题,研究前景非常可观。针对延安新区黄土高填方工程做了大量的室内压缩固结试验和增湿变形试验,讨论了压实黄土的变形特性,构造了压实黄土应力-应变关系的最佳拟合模型,并且利用试验数据对百米高填方在不同压实度条件下的压缩固结变形量及增湿变形量进行了预测,分析了各种变形量所占的比例。结果表明,(1)压实黄土在侧限条件下的应力-应变关系可以用Gunary模型拟合;(2)压实黄土在低压实度时低压下产生湿陷变形,高压不产生,中等压实度时低压下不产生湿陷性变形,但高压产生;随着压实度的继续增大,低压及高压下均不产生压实黄土的湿陷性变形;(3)在最优含水率条件下,利用试验数据对百米高填方在不同压实度下的工后沉降量进行预测,可指导现场施工并检验施工质量;(4)压实黄土压实度越高,总变形量越小,遇水增湿变形量占总变形量的比例越大,压缩固结变形量占总变形量的比例越小。  相似文献   

水泥固化/稳定锌污染土的强度和变形特性试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏明俐  杜延军  张帆 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z2):306-312
在不同水泥掺量不同和龄期条件下对不同Zn2+浓度的水泥固化/稳定重金属污染土(CHMS)进行了无侧限抗压强度试验。分析了CHMS的应力-应变关系和强度发展随Zn2+浓度的变化特性;采用参数(qu/qu,Zn0)对CHMS的无侧限抗压强度随龄期发展规律进行了评价;讨论了Zn2+浓度对破坏应变和变形模量的影响。结果表明,锌离子浓度对CHMS的无侧限抗压强度、破坏应变和变形模量的影响均存在“临界浓度”(0.05%)。低于“临界浓度”时,锌离子对CHMS的强度和变形发展影响不明显;高于“临界浓度”时,CHMS的强度和变形发展规律受锌离子浓度影响显著  相似文献   

The results of laboratory studies of the effects of thawing conditions (plane-parallel or three dimensional) on the deformation characteristics (thawing and compression coefficients) of thawing soils (sand, sandy loam, and clay loam) with preset physical properties of massive and layered cryogenic textures are presented. It was found that the values of the thawing coefficient are greater for three-dimensional thawing, whereas those of the compression coefficient are larger for plane-parallel thawing. These data made it possible to establish that the deformation characteristics of thawing soils can be determined experimentally irrespective of thawing conditions.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was executed to investigate the effect of surfactants to enhance sorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contaminants in loess soil. Phenanthrene and naphthalene were chosen as organic contaminant indicators in loess soil modified by the cation surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA) bromide. The kinetic behavior of sorption during transport in natural and modified loess soil was studied. The results indicated that sorption rate in the cation surfactant modified loess soils was at least 3 times faster than that of the natural soil. A first-order kinetics model fitted the sorption data well for both soils. The sorption rates of the two organic compounds were related to their primary residual quantity on the soils. The experiments showed that sorption amounts approached constant values approximately within 30 and 90 min for naphthalene and phenanthrene at 298–318 K, respectively. The rate constants, however, displayed negative correlation with increasing temperature. With changing temperature, the activation energy was calculated at –6.196–1.172 kJ/mol for naphthalene and –28.86–15.70 kJ/mol for phenanthrene at 298–318 K. The results can be used to predict the sorption kinetics of phenanthrene and naphthalene in loess soils, and in a wider perspective, be used to better understand the transport of petroleum contaminants in the soil environment.  相似文献   

黄土骨干曲线模型比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
廖红建  李涛  马宗源  刘健 《岩土力学》2009,30(Z2):17-21
对饱和重塑黄土进行了一系列不同加载条件下的动三轴试验,研究了对每级荷载应用多个滞回圈构造骨干曲线的方法,该方法可以考虑更多的试验信息,减小试验随机性对模拟曲线的影响。并运用该方法对试验数据采用Hardin-Drnevich模型、修正Hardin-Drnevich模型和Martin-Darvidenkov模型3种不同的骨干曲线模型进行数值模拟,分析了不同的骨干曲线模型对试验数据模拟的准确性和参数敏感性。结果表明,在试验条件变化时Hardin-Drnevich模型并不能总是很好地模拟试验骨干曲线,而且在有些情况下偏离较多。修正Hardin-Drnevich模型和Martin-Darvidenkov模型相比于Hardin-Drnevich模型能更好地模拟试验数据。在对不规则动载下黄土动力反应的数值模拟中,可以考虑用修正Hardin-Drnevich模型和Martin-Darvidenkov模型模拟骨干曲线。考虑到Martin-Darvidenkov模型参数对试验数据相对敏感,因此,建议采用修正Hardin-Drnevich模型模拟骨干曲线。  相似文献   

黄土地基增湿变形的实用算法   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11  
以大量黄土单线法、双线法湿陷试验的成果为基础,提出了用割线模量计算黄土由一个含水量情况到另一个含水量时增湿变形量的实用算法。利用它既可计算最大湿陷势,又可计算广泛存在的可能增湿湿陷势。  相似文献   

Lin, Z.G. and Wang, S.J., 1988. Collapsibility and deformation characteristics of deep-seated loess in China. Eng. Geol., 25: 271–282.

As part of a comprehensive research program, laboratory tests were conducted on samples of deep-seated loess from different locations of the loessial regions of northern China, including Shaanxi, Gansu, Shanxi and Honan Provinces. The information thus acquired on some aspects of the engineering properties of the samples, such as the unit collapse-pressure relationships, the initial collapse pressure versus the “preconsolidation pressure” and deformation–pressure characteristics, is interesting and may prove useful to geotechnical engineers who work on projects on water-poor plateaux or high river terraces in loessial regions throughout the world.  相似文献   

湿陷性黄土变形的微结构突变模型研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
孙强  张晓科  李厚恩 《岩土力学》2008,29(3):663-666
根据湿陷性黄土的湿陷特点,分析了其主要影响因素,包括外部因素:水、荷载与内部因素微结构及其力学性质。从湿陷性黄土的湿陷性影响出发,建立了湿陷性黄土结构失稳突变模型,并从模型基本假定、微结构模型应力特性和湿化于微结构失稳的突变关系3个方面进行了理论分析研究,在一定程度上揭示出湿陷性黄土变形机制和规律。通过微结构突变失稳理论发现:当应力状态满足孔隙微结构失稳判别式时,微结构元的变形状态将诱发微结构失稳崩塌。微结构的稳定性与结构刚度 和受力状态 密切相关。地下水不仅改变了颗粒的受力情况,更重要的是使颗粒间连接刚度降低,从而导致微结构失稳。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the phenomenon of volumetric hardening, which is a common feature of the mechanical behaviour of many geo‐materials. Three different material idealizations have been proposed to describe this hardening, and the paper contains the corresponding mathematical formulation. These idealizations vary in their complexity and hence their ability to capture different aspects of real material behaviour. Any of the three postulates can be implemented into most constitutive models. As a demonstration of their capabilities, the postulates have been implemented into the well‐known modified Cam Clay model, and computations are made with the resulting new constitutive models. It is seen that the new models can successfully represent important features of soil behaviour such as plastic yielding associated with loading inside the current virgin yield surface, the loosening or densifying of granular soils caused by shearing, and the accumulation of both volumetric and distortional deformation caused by repeated drained loading over a large number of cycles. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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