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We perform a principal component analysis (PCA) on a set of six solar variables (i.e. width/size (\(s\)) and velocity (\(u\)) of a coronal mass ejection, logarithm of the solar flare (SF) magnitude (\(\log\mathit{SXRs}\)), SF longitude (\(\mathit{lon}\)), duration (\(\mathit{DT}\)), and rise time (\(\mathit{RT}\))). We classify the solar energetic particle (SEP) event radiation impact (in terms of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scales) with respect to the characteristics of their parent solar events. We further attempt to infer the possible prediction of SEP events. In our analysis, we use 126 SEP events with complete solar information, from 1997 to 2013. Each SEP event is a vector in six dimensions (corresponding to the six solar variables used in this work). The PCA transforms the input vectors into a set of orthogonal components. By mapping the characteristics of the parent solar events, a new base defined by these components led to the classification of the SEP events. We furthermore applied logistic regression analysis with single, as well as multiple explanatory variables, in order to develop a new index (\(I\)) for the nowcasting (short-term forecasting) of SEP events. We tested several different schemes for \(I\) and validated our findings with the implementation of categorical scores (probability of detection (POD) and false-alarm rate (FAR)). We present and interpret the obtained scores, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the different implementations. We show that \(I\) holds prognosis potential for SEP events. The maximum POD achieved is 77.78% and the relative FAR is 40.96%.  相似文献   

There have been several reports of exotic nuclear fragments, with highly unusual charge to mass ratio, in cosmic ray experiments. Although there exist experimental uncertainties which make them, at best, only candidate `exotic' events, it is important to understand what they could be, if they are eventually confirmed. Among other possible explanations, some authors have interpreted them to be lumps of strange quark matter (strangelets).A major problem with such an interpretation is that to reach the earth's surface, they must possess an unusually high penetrability through the terrestrial atmosphere. We show that a recently proposed mechanism for the propagation of strangelets through the earth's atmosphere, together with a proper account of charge capture and ionisation loss, would solve this problem. We also argue that this could lead to viable strategies for definitive detection of strange quark matter in cosmic ray flux using aground based large area array of passive detectors. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The unusually low amplitude anisotropic wave train events (LAWEs) in cosmic ray intensity using the ground based Deep River neutron monitor data has been studied during the period 1991–1994. It has been observed that the amplitude of the diurnal anisotropy for LAWE events significantly remains quite low and statistically constant as compared to the quiet day annual average amplitude for majority of the events. The time of maximum of the diurnal anisotropy of LAWE significantly shifts towards earlier hours as compared to the co-rotational direction and remains in the direction of quiet day annual average anisotropy for majority of the events. On the other hand, the amplitude of the semi/tri-diurnal anisotropy remains statistically the same and high whereas, phase shift towards later hours as compared to the quiet day annual average values for majority of the LAWEs. The diurnal anisotropy vectors are found to shifts towards earlier hours for 50% of the events; whereas they are found to shifts towards later hours for rest of the events (50%) relative to the average vector for the entire period. It is also noted that the amplitude of these vectors are found to increase significantly with the shift of the diurnal anisotropy vectors towards later hours. The high-speed solar wind streams do not play a significant role in causing the LAWE events on short-term basis, however it may be responsible in causing these events on long-term basis (Mishra and Mishra 2007). Occurrence of LAWE is dominant, when the polarity of Bx and Bz remains positive and polarity of By remains negative, which is never been reported earlier. The amplitude of first harmonic shows good anti-correlation and direction of first and third harmonic shows nearly good anti-correlation with solar wind velocity, whereas the direction of second harmonic shows nearly good anti-correlation with interplanetary magnetic field strength.  相似文献   

Monthly coronal mass ejection (CME) counts, – for all CMEs and CMEs with widths >?30°, – and monthly averaged speeds for the events in these two groups were compared with both the monthly averaged cosmic ray intensity and the monthly sunspot number. The monthly P i-index, which is a linear combination of monthly CME count rate and average speed, was also compared with the cosmic ray intensity and sunspot number. The main finding is that narrow CMEs, which were numerous during 2007?–?2009, are ineffective for modulation. A cross-correlation analysis, calculating both the Pearson (r) product–moment correlation coefficient and the Spearman (ρ) rank correlation coefficient, has been used. Between all CMEs and cosmic ray intensity we found correlation coefficients r=??0.49 and ρ=??0.46, while between CMEs with widths >?30° and cosmic ray intensity we found r=??0.75 and ρ=??0.77, which implies a significant increase. Finally, the best expression for the P i-index for the examined period was analyzed. The highly anticorrelated behavior among this CME index, the cosmic ray intensity (r=??0.84 and ρ=??0.83), and the sunspot number (r=+?0.82 and ρ=+?0.89) suggests that the first one is a very useful solar–heliospheric parameter for heliospheric and space weather models in general.  相似文献   

S. Y. Oh  Y. Yi  J. W. Bieber 《Solar physics》2010,262(1):199-212
The diurnal variation of the galactic cosmic ray (GCR) count rates measured by a ground-based neutron monitor (NM) station represents an anisotropic flow of GCR at 1 AU. The variation of the local time of GCR maximum intensity (we call the phase) is thought in general to have a period of two sunspot cycles (22 years). However, other interpretations are also possible. In order to determine the cyclic behavior of GCR anisotropic variation more precisely, we have carried out a statistical study on the diurnal variation of the phase. We examined 54-year data of Huancayo (Haleakala), 40-year data from Rome, and 43-year data from Oulu NM stations using the ‘pile-up’ method and the F-test. We found that the phase variation has two components: of 22-year and 11-year cycles. All NM stations show mainly the 22-year phase variation controlled by the drift effect due to solar polar magnetic field reversal, regardless of their latitudinal location (cut-off rigidity). However, the lower the NM station latitude is (the higher the cut-off rigidity is), the higher is the contribution from the 11-year phase variation controlled by the diffusion effect due to the change in strength of the interplanetary magnetic fields associated with the sunspot cycle.  相似文献   

白仲瑞  张垒  叶中付 《天文学报》2007,48(4):507-514
天光是天体观测中的一种重要噪声源.减天光问题是制约多目标光纤光谱观测深度的重要因素.主分量分析(PCA)是统计学的一种分析方法,它可以用来寻找各个天光谱之间的关系,以进一步获得目标光谱中含有的天光成分.为了研究LAMOST的减天光方法,用SDSS的一组原始观测数据进行了仿真实验,实验结果表明,采用PCA方法比SDSS处理程序能够更有效地减天光.最后对PCA方法在LAMOST中的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

Skylight is an important noise source in astronomical observations. The problem of sky-subtraction is an important factor that restricts the depth of multi-object fiber spectroscopic observations. The method of principal component analysis (PCA) comes from statistics, and it can be used to find the relations between the different skylight spectra and to obtain the skylight components contained in the object spectra. In order to study the sky-subtraction method of LAMOST, adopting a group of raw data from the Sloan Digital Survey System (SDSS), a simulation experiment is conducted, and the obtained result indicates that for the sky-subtraction, the PCA method is more effective than the SDSS reduction pipeline. In addition, a prospect is made for the application of the PCA method in LAMOST observations.  相似文献   

One of the most critical points in the detection of cosmic rays by neutron monitors is the correction of the raw data. The data that a detector measures may be distorted by a variety of reasons and the subtraction of these distortions is a prerequisite for processing them further. The final aim of these corrections is to keep only the fluctuations related to the real cosmic-ray intensity. To achieve this, we analyze data from identical neutron monitor detectors which provide a configuration with the ability to exclude the distortions by comparing the counting rate of each detector. Based on this method, a number of effective algorithms have been developed: Median Editor, Median Editor Plus, and Super Editor are some of the algorithms that are being used in the neutron monitor data processing with satisfactory results. In this work, a new approach for the correction of the neutron monitor primary data with a completely different method, based on the use of artificial neural networks, is proposed. A comparison of this method with the algorithms mentioned previously is also presented.  相似文献   

R. P. Kane 《Solar physics》2006,236(1):207-226
After increasing almost monotonically from sunspot minimum, sunspot activity near maximum falters and remains in a narrow grove for several tens of months. During the 2–3 years of turmoil near sunspot maximum, sunspots depict several peaks (Gnevyshev peaks). The spaces between successive peaks are termed as Gnevyshev Gaps (GG). An examination showed that the depths of the troughs varied considerably from one GG to the next in the same cycle, with magnitudes varying in a wide range (<1% to ∼20%). In any cycle, the sunspot patterns were dissimilar to those of other solar parameters, qualitatively as well as quantitatively, indicating a general turbulence, affecting different solar parameters differently. The solar polar magnetic field reversal does not occur at the beginning of the general turmoil; it occurs much later. For cosmic ray (CR) modulation which occurs deep in the heliosphere, one would have thought that the solar open magnetic field flux would play a crucial role, but observations show that the sunspot GGs are not reflected well in the solar open magnetic flux, where sometimes only one peak occurred (hence no GG at all), not matching with any sunspot peak and with different peaks in the northern and southern hemispheres (north – south asymmetry). Gaps are seen in interplanetary parameters but these do not match exactly with sunspot GGs. For CR data available only for five cycles (19 – 23), there are CR gaps in some cycles, but the CR gaps do not match perfectly with gaps in the solar open magnetic field flux or in interplanetary parameters or with sunspot GGs. Durations are different and/or there are variable delays, and magnitudes of the sunspot GGs and CR gaps are not proportional. Solar polar magnetic field reversal intervals do not coincide with either sunspot GGs or CR gaps, and some CR gaps start before magnetic field reversals, which should not happen if the magnetic field reversals are the cause of the CR gaps.  相似文献   

Quest for antimatter in cosmic rays has revealed no compelling evidence of primary, extragalactic antiparticles up to the present time. Recent positron and antiproton observations have been found to be consistent with a pure galactic origin up to energies of 50 GeV and 20 GeV respectively. In this paper it is discussed which role might be played by Ultra High Energy (UHE) extragalactic particles and antiparticles in cosmic-ray observations near Earth. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Although the current Solar Cycle 24 is characterized by low solar activity, an intense geomagnetic storm (G4) was recorded in June 2015. It was a complex phenomenon that began on 22 June 2015 as the result of intense solar activity, accompanied by several flares and coronal mass ejections that interacted with the Earth’s magnetic field. A Forbush decrease was also recorded at the neutron monitors of the worldwide network, with an amplitude of 8.4%, and in its recovery phase, a second Forbush decrease followed, with an amplitude of 4.0% for cosmic rays of 10 GV obtained with the global survey method. The Dst index reached a minimum value of ?204 nT that was detected on 23 June 2015 at 05:00?–?06:00 UT, while the Kp index reached the value eight. For our analysis, we used hourly cosmic-ray intensity data recorded by polar, mid-, and high-latitude neutron monitor stations obtained from the High Resolution Neutron Monitor Database. The cosmic-ray anisotropy variation at the ecliptic plane was also estimated and was found to be highly complex. We study and discuss the unusual and complex cosmic-ray and geomagnetic response to these solar events.  相似文献   

One dimensional numerical results of the non-linear interaction between cosmic rays and a magnetic field are presented. These show that cosmic ray streaming drives large amplitude Alfvénic waves. The cosmic ray streaming energy is very efficiently transfered to the perturbed magnetic field of the Alfvén waves. Thus a magnetic field of interstellar values, assumed in models of supernova remnant blast wave acceleration, would not be appropriate in the region of the shock. The increased magnetic field reduces the acceleration time and so increases the maximum cosmic ray energy, which may provide a simple and elegant resolution to the highest energy galactic cosmic ray problem were the cosmic rays themselves provide the fields necessary for their acceleration. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Principal components analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA) are used to identify global patterns in solar and space data. PCA seeks orthogonal modes of the two-point correlation matrix constructed from a data set. It permits the identification of structures that remain coherent and correlated or that recur throughout a time series. ICA seeks for maximally independent modes and takes into account all order correlations of the data. We apply PCA to the interplanetary magnetic field polarity near 1 AU and to the 3.25R source-surface fields in the solar corona. The rotations of the two-sector structures of these systems vary together to high accuracy during the active interval of solar cycle 23. We then use PCA and ICA to hunt for preferred longitudes in northern hemisphere Carrington maps of magnetic fields.  相似文献   

A new method is proposed to predict cosmic ray intensity and solar modulation parameters. The method is coupled with the McNish and Lincoln method, which predicts first smoothed sunspot numbers. The error achieved is estimated and compared with the same chain of predictions using two other methods developed for US and Russian space applications. The three methods give satisfactory results when applied, for example, to prediction of the dose received on-board commercial aeroplane flights.  相似文献   

R. P. Kane 《Solar physics》2006,234(2):353-362
During the Forbush decrease of April 11, 2001, the Ooty (11.4N, 76.7E, 2200 m altitude, South India) high energy muon detectors showed considerable anisotropies. Some anisotropies and asymmetries indicated that the Earth did not pass the middle of the interplanetary structure (blob), and passed its northern part. Some anisotropies which occurred when the Earth was outside the blob (notably before the Forbush decrease) could be the precursory increases due to reflection from the shock fronts, but some others could not be understood as these appeared in a direction away from the blob.  相似文献   

A fast and robust method of classifying a library of optical stellar spectra for O to M type stars is presented. The method employs, as tools: (1) principal component analysis (PCA) for reducing the dimensionality of the data and (2) multilayer back propagation network (MBPN) based artificial neural network (ANN) scheme to automate the process of classification. We are able to reduce the dimensionality of the original spectral data to very few components by using PCA and are able to successfully reconstruct the original spectra. A number of NN architectures are used to classify the library of test spectra. Performance of ANN with this reduced dimension shows that the library can be classified to accuracies similar to those achieved by Gulati et al. but with less computational load. Furthermore, the data compression is so efficient that the NN scheme successfully classifies to the desired accuracy for a wide range of architectures. The procedure will greatly improve our capabilities in handling and analysing large spectral data bases of the future.  相似文献   

We show how Principal Component Analysis can be used to analyse the structure of Cepheid light curves. This method is more efficient than Fourier analysis at bringing out changes in light curve shape as a function of period. Using this technique, we study the shape of fundamental and first-overtone mode Cepheid light curves in the Galaxy, LMC and SMC over a wide period range. For fundamentals, we find evidence for structural changes at     It is suggested that the feature at     is associated with a resonance in the Cepheid normal-mode spectrum. For overtones, we recover the Z shape in the R 21 period plane and reproduce the metallicity dependence of this Z shape.  相似文献   

Identifying the precursors (pre-increases or pre-decreases) of a geomagnetic storm or a Forbush decrease is of great importance since they can forecast and warn of oncoming space weather effects. A wide investigation using 93 events which occurred in the period from 1967 to 2006 with an anisotropy A xy >1.2% has been conducted. Twenty-seven of the events revealed clear signs of precursors and were classified into three categories. Here we present one of the aforementioned groups, including five Forbush decreases (24 June 1980, 28 October 2000, 17 August 2001, 23 April 2002, and 10 May 2002). Apart from hourly cosmic ray intensity data, provided by the worldwide network of neutron monitor stations, data on solar flares, solar wind speed, geomagnetic indices (Kp and Dst), and interplanetary magnetic field were used for the analysis of the examined cosmic ray intensity decreases. The asymptotic longitudinal cosmic ray distribution diagrams were plotted using the “ring of stations” method. Results reveal a long pre-decrease up to 24 hours before the shock arrival in a narrow longitudinal zone from 90° to 180°.  相似文献   

使用快速鲁棒性主成分分析(Fast Robust Principal Component Analysis,Fast RPCA)方法对日冕序列图像中的日冕喷流活动进行检测。检测的基本思路是利用快速鲁棒性主成分分析方法中低秩和稀疏分解的思想与日冕序列图像中有着变化尺度稍小且占比较大的随机变化背景成分、变化尺度较大且占比较小的日冕喷流的特点相结合,实现随机复杂多变的动态背景和稀疏运动目标之间的分离,从而检出作为前景变化的日冕喷流。采用太阳动力学天文台(Solar Dynamics Observatory,SDO)卫星的大气成像仪(Atmospheric Imaging Assembly,AIA)两组不同时间段、不同波段、不同观测位置的日冕序列图像作为研究对象。研究内容主要包括日冕序列图像的预处理、日冕喷流检测、快速鲁棒性主成分分析方法与帧间差分法的检测结果对比分析。实验结果表明,与帧间差分法相比,快速鲁棒性主成分分析方法能够检出强度较弱的日冕喷流,且提高了日冕喷流检测的准确度。  相似文献   

The pressure-corrected hourly counting rate data of four neutron monitor stations have been employed to study the variation of cosmic ray diurnal anisotropy for a period of about 50 years (1955–2003). These neutron monitors, at Oulu ( R c = 0.78 GV), Deep River ( R c = 1.07 GV), Climax ( R c = 2.99 GV), and Huancayo ( R c = 12.91 GV) are well distributed on the earth over different latitudes and their data have been analyzed. The amplitude of the diurnal anisotropy varies with a period of one solar cycle (∼11 years), while the phase varies with a period of two solar cycles (∼22 years). In addition to its variation on year-to-year basis, the average diurnal amplitude and phase has also been calculated by grouping the days for each solar cycle, viz. 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23. As a result of these groupings over solar cycles, no significant change in the diurnal vectors (amplitude as well as phase) from one cycle to other has been observed. Data were analyzed by arranging them into groups on the basis of the polarity of the solar polar magnetic field and consequently on the basis of polarity states of the heliosphere ( A > 0 and A < 0). Difference in time of maximum of diurnal anisotropy (shift to earlier hours) is observed during A < 0 (1970s, 1990s) polarity states as compared to anisotropy observed during A > 0 (1960s, 1980s). This shift in phase of diurnal anisotropy appears to be related to change in preferential entry of cosmic ray particles (via the helioequatorial plane or via solar poles) into the heliosphere due to switch of the heliosphere from one physical/magnetic state to another following the solar polar field reversal.  相似文献   

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