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云南纳帕海岩溶湿地生态环境变化及驱动机制   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
利用原状土就地取样野外定位研究方法,对云南西北高原的纳帕海岩溶湿地生态环境状况进行的2年定位研究表明,纳帕海湿地生态环境破坏严重,表现为湿地面积不断缩小,沼泽类型改变,沼泽旱化、沙化,中旱生植物侵入,沼泽发生逆向生态演替,生物多样性减少,土壤养分衰减退化,土壤酶活性降低,水质变劣.分析了引起纳帕海湿地环境变化的自然因素和人为因素,表明人为活动干扰是引起其湿地生态环境退化的主要原因.  相似文献   

谭芮  李伟  杨宇明  杜凡  王娟 《湖泊科学》2013,25(5):681-687
2011年5、7、10月在纳帕海湖滨湿地选择3种不同人为干扰生境类型,每个干扰生境布设3个固定样方,对湖滨湿地植物群落中主要种群的空间生态位和季节特征进行研究.结果表明:在3种干扰水平维度上,春、夏、秋3个季节湖滨湿地植物生态位宽度指数前4位由大到小变化的顺序分别是:春季:绵毛酸模叶蓼(0.9731) >华扁穗草(0.8040) >平车前(0.6468) >毛果弹裂碎米荠(0.5021);夏季:平车前(0.8674) >荠(0.8581) >华扁穗草(0.8440) >绵毛酸模叶蓼(0.7814);秋季:华扁穗草(0.9698) >绵毛酸模叶蓼(0.7730) >平车前(0.6650) >西南委陵菜(0.6647).因此,湖滨湿地植物的生态位宽度在不同干扰水平上会随着季节的变化出现显著的改变.同样,生态位重叠和生态位分化随着季节的变化也会发生明显的改变,其中春、秋季的生态位重叠程度低,分化程度高,且春季较秋季略强,而夏季的生态位重叠程度高且分化程度低.这些结果为揭示纳帕海湖滨湿地植物群落格局与动态及人为干扰影响生物多样性的生态过程提供了基础资料,同时为进一步深入研究不同人为干扰下湖滨湿地植物群落中主要种群敏感性反应的规律提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

海拔对纳帕海季节性湿地植被分布格局影响初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用物种海拔分布范围(Rs)作为定量研究物种对环境适应能力的一个基础指标,以纳帕海季节性湿地这样一个近似平面的生态系统做为研究对象,结合GIS技术和野外实地调查,对物种分布格局、物种对水因子的适应性、水因子分布梯度和优势物种分布面积进行统计和可视化分析.研究结果表明:研究区域内优势物种的分布受水因子分布梯度的显著影响,在物种处于同一主导因子作用的情况下,处于同一竞争水平物种的分布面积与Rs没有明显相关性,但与基于Rs的Msh值(物种海拔分布范围中间值与当地海拔的差值)则表现出明显的负相关关系.结论说明Msh可作为定量研究物种对环境适应能力的一个指示指标,该指示指标可能对解释生态系统内物种分布格局有重要的生态意义.  相似文献   

高寒草甸土壤组分碳氮含量及草甸退化对组分碳氮的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以青海省果洛州达日县原生高寒嵩草(Kobresia)草甸封育系统和重度退化草甸为对象,通过密度分组技术将每个土样分为2个组分:轻组和重组,分别分析每个组分的有机碳和全氮浓度,研究高寒原生嵩草草甸土壤密度组分碳氮数量和性质、检验高寒草甸退化对土壤轻组和重组中碳氮含量的相对影响程度;研究结果如下:(1)高寒嵩草草甸原生植被土壤表层重组和轻组的碳浓度分别为3.84%和28.63%,氮浓度分别为0.362%和1.192%,重组中C:N为10.60而轻组中的碳氮比为23.80;(2)从各组分中有机碳占全土有机碳的比例看,重组中的有机碳占明显优势;随土壤深度的增加,重组碳的比例由78.95%(0~10cm)上升到90.33%而轻组碳的比例由21.05%(0~10cm)下降到9.68%;(3)高寒草甸严重退化导致表层土总有机碳由47.47g·kg-1下降到17.63g·kg-1,其中重组碳含量由37.31g·kg-1下降到16.01g·kg-1,轻组碳含量由10.01g·kg-1下降到1.62g·kg-1,即按照土壤组分碳氮含量计算,重组碳流失了57%,轻组碳流失了84%;同时重组氮流失了43%,轻组氮流失了79%;(4)轻组中碳氮流失的主要原因不是由于草甸退化导致轻组本身碳氮浓度降低,而是由于土壤中轻组绝对数量降低导致的.重组中氮的流失远低于碳的流失,这可能暗示重组在保护氮的方式上与有机碳存在区别.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖碟形湖生物群落分布特征很大程度上受区域与主湖区水文连通性影响。由于水位波动,东部湖湾水文连通性受鄱阳湖主湖体水位影响较为敏感。本文以东部湖湾为例,分析主湖区水位变异程度及其影响,并从连通天数和发生时间等方面定量表征东部湖湾与主湖区的水文连通性,进而讨论水文连通性变化及其对湿地植物生境和候鸟栖息地的潜在影响。结果表明,当水位在13~16 m时,东部湖湾与主湖区存在着良好的水文连通关系,湿地植物适宜生境面积最大。2003年以后,鄱阳湖主湖区水位普遍降低,低枯水位持续时间延长,IHA/RVA法分析表明主湖区水位发生了中等程度改变,整体改变度为40.2%,东部湖湾与主湖区的连通关系发生明显改变,年连通天数减少了46.2 d,变化幅度为15.9%,而非连通期发生时间提前约1个月且年内时间跨度更长。水文连通性减弱造成3 10月东部湖湾平均水位下降了0.6 m,其中9 10月减少了约1 m,使薹草(Carexsp.)和苦草(Vallisneria natans)适宜水深对应的水面面积在多数月份呈增加趋势,特别是9 10月(幅度超过40%),但枯水提前导致沉水植物面积减少,湿生植物生物量增加。水...  相似文献   

对鄱阳湖地区蚌湖水下沉积物、滩地草甸土柱状样品不同深度土壤的酸度、氧化还原电位进行了现场测定;对剖面各层次的Fe、Mn总量,还原性Fe、Mn含量,以及有机质等进行了分析。实验表明:鄱阳湖湿地土壤中Fe、Mn有其独特的分布规律和迁移特征。元素Fe仅在水土界面轻微富集,Mn则向界面和深层双向富集;还原性Fe、Mn受氧化还原边界层的控制呈垂向分布。另外,元素Fe、Mn的水平迁移与水位变动相关,退水时Fe  相似文献   

水文节律是影响湖泊湿地土壤碳循环的重要因素."堑秋湖"是鄱阳湖传统的渔业生产方式,对鄱阳湖碟形湖水文节律具有显著影响.因此,本文研究了"堑秋湖"对鄱阳湖洲滩土壤碳循环的影响.结果表明,"堑秋湖"围堤内外洲滩土壤总有机碳含量无显著差异,但围堤内土壤轻组有机碳含量比围堤外低35.03%.围堤内土壤有机碳(SOC)矿化速率明显高于围堤外.围堤内SOC矿化的平均Q10为2.72,比围堤外低4.83%,但两者SOC矿化的水分敏感性没有显著差异.围堤内外SOC矿化速率分别与土壤可溶性有机碳和土壤轻组氮含量相关关系最为显著.综上所述,"堑秋湖"围堤已经改变了鄱阳湖洲滩的土壤碳循环过程.模拟湖泊湿地土壤碳循环时需要充分考虑当地渔业生产的影响.  相似文献   

洞庭湖湿地3种典型植物群落土壤酶活性特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
曾静  李旭  侯志勇  谢永宏 《湖泊科学》2017,29(4):907-913
调查了洞庭湖湿地典型植物群落(短尖苔草(Carex brevicuspis)、南荻(Triarrhena sacchariflora)、辣蓼(Polygonumhy dropiper))洪水期前后(5、10月)两次表层土壤酶活性及土壤养分性状.结果表明:3种典型群落之间具有明显的土壤养分性状及土壤酶活差异.辣蓼群落具有相对较高的土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、速效磷含量,短尖苔草群落次之,而南荻群落的土壤养分含量最低.3种典型植物群落的土壤有机质、全氮、全磷含量均表现为5月高于10月,土壤速效磷、速效钾洪水期前后无显著差异.辣蓼群落的蔗糖酶活性明显高于其他2个群落;3个群落脲酶活性均表现为10月高于5月,南荻、辣蓼群落有显著差异.磷酸酶以南荻群落最高,短尖苔草群落5月显著高于10月,南荻群落则10月显著高于5月;短尖苔草、南荻群落过氧化氢酶活性显著高于辣蓼群落,短尖苔草群落5月与10月间有显著差异,其余2个群落无显著差异.相关分析表明:脲酶活性与土壤养分含量关系不密切;蔗糖酶活性与土壤有机质、全磷、全氮及速效磷素含量均呈显著正相关.总体上,洞庭湖典型湿地植物群落显示了较为明显的土壤理化状况以及土壤酶活差异;同时也显示了季节性差异.相对而言,辣蓼群落土壤具有较快的物质循环与转化代谢速率,对于氮、磷等污染物具有较高的转化作用,而短尖苔草、南荻群落低于辣蓼群落,这可能与二者较低的土壤有机质以及氮磷养分积累有关.  相似文献   

土壤动物对鄱阳湖湿地冬季凋落物分解过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究湿地土壤动物对凋落物分解速率以及对土壤养分归还的影响,于2017年11月份在鄱阳湖湿地收集苔草(Carex cinerascens)、南荻(Triarrhena lutarioriparia)和芦苇(Phragmites australis) 3种植物的凋落物,利用凋落物袋法开展原位的模拟实验研究中使用了网孔大小分别为4.5 mm(大)和0.1 mm(小)的分解袋来对比分析土壤动物的影响结果表明:不同物种之间凋落物分解速率有差异,苔草的分解速率显著大于南荻和芦苇,南荻与芦苇的分解速率差异不明显;凋落物的分解速率与凋落物总有机碳和总氮的积累量(NAITOC/NAITN)呈负相关,与残余凋落物质量呈负相关,与凋落物总磷含量呈正相关;凋落物总氮含量在不同物种凋落物中差异明显,表现为苔草>芦苇>南荻,并且与分解速率的大小关系相对应,因此高氮植物凋落物的分解速率较快;土壤动物能够提高分解速率,促进凋落物营养元素的释放,进而调节凋落物中C、N、P元素向土壤养分库的归还过程本研究将为湿地生态系统的营养元素循环研究提供科学数据.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖湿地土壤微生物活性对年际水文变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湿地自然水文节律的改变影响着湿地生态系统的稳定与安全.为探究湿地水文变化对土壤微生物活性的影响,以鄱阳湖洲滩湿地3种典型植被狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)、南荻(Triarrhena lutarioriparia)和苔草(Carex cinerascens)下表层土壤(0~20 cm)为研究对象,对湿地土壤微生物呼吸、微生物生物量和水解酶等土壤活性特征进行连续3年的实验监测,分析年际水位变化对不同植被湿地土壤微生物活性的影响.结果表明:丰水年显著提高土壤中养分的可利用性(有机质、总磷、速效磷),提高土壤微生物生物量、微生物熵、水解酶活性,表明丰水年有利于湿地生态系统的物质循环转化.水文条件也能通过影响湿地植被生长改变土壤养分状况,进而对植被下土壤微生物活性产生显著影响.诸多土壤理化因子中,可溶性有机碳是驱动微生物活性变化最关键的因子.进一步分析表明,由植被类型所代表的长期水文累积效应对湿地土壤理化及微生物活性的调节作用大于单纯的年际水文变化.  相似文献   

Tropical alpine grasslands, locally known as páramos, are the water towers of the northern Andes. They are an essential water source for drinking water, irrigation schemes and hydropower plants. But despite their high socio‐economic relevance, their hydrological processes are very poorly understood. Since environmental change, ranging from small scale land‐use changes to global climate change, is expected to have a strong impact on the hydrological behaviour, a better understanding and hydrological prediction are urgently needed. In this paper, we apply a set of nine hydrological models of different complexity to a small, well monitored upland catchment in the Ecuadorian Andes. The models represent different hypotheses on the hydrological functioning of the páramo ecosystem at catchment scale. Interpretation of the results of the model prediction and uncertainty analysis of the model parameters reveals important insights in the evapotranspiration, surface runoff generation and base flow in the páramo. However, problems with boundary conditions, particularly spatial variability of precipitation, pose serious constraints on the differentiation between model representations. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Inadequate knowledge exists on the distribution of soil moisture and shallow groundwater in intensively cultivated inland valley wetlands in tropical environments, which are required for determining the hydrological regime. This study investigated the spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture along 4 hydrological positions segmented as riparian zone, valley bottom, fringe, and valley slope in an agriculturally used inland valley wetland in Central Uganda. The determined hydrological regimes of the defined hydrological positions are based on soil moisture deficit calculated from the depth to the groundwater table. For that, the accuracy and reliability of satellite‐derived surface models, SRTM‐30m and TanDEM‐X‐12m, for mapping microscale topography and hydrological regimes are evaluated against a 5‐m digital elevation model (DEM) derived from field measurements. Soil moisture and depth to groundwater table were measured using frequency domain reflectometry sensors and piezometers installed along the hydrological positions, respectively. Results showed that spatial and temporal variability in soil moisture increased significantly (p < .05) towards the riparian zone; however, no significant difference was observed between the valley bottom and riparian zone. The distribution of soil hydrological regimes, saturated, near‐saturated, and nonsaturated regimes does not correlate with the hydrological positions. This is due to high spatial and temporal variability in depth to groundwater and soil moisture content across the valley. Precipitation strongly controlled the temporal variability, whereas microscale topography, soil properties, distance from the stream, anthropogenic factors, and land use controlled the spatial variability in the inland valley. TanDEM‐X DEM reasonably mapped the microscale topography and thus soil hydrological regimes relative to the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission DEM. The findings of the study contribute to improved understanding of the distribution of hydrological regimes in an inland valley wetland, which is required for a better agricultural water management planning.  相似文献   

The processes that occur in wetlands and natural lakes are often overlooked and not fully incorporated in the conceptual development of many hydrological models of basin runoff. These processes can exert a considerable influence on downstream flow regimes and are critical in understanding the general patterns of runoff generation at the basin scale. This is certainly the case for many river basins of southern Africa which contain large wetlands and natural lakes and for which downstream flow regimes are altered through attenuation, storage and slow release processes that occur within the water bodies. Initial hydrological modelling studies conducted in some of these areas identified the need to explicitly account for wetland storage processes in the conceptual development of models. This study presents an attempt to incorporate wetland processes into an existing hydrological model, with the aim of reducing model structural uncertainties and improving model simulations where the impacts of wetlands or natural lakes on stream flow are evident. The approach is based on relatively flexible functions that account for the input–storage–output relationships between the river channel and the wetland. The simulation results suggest that incorporating lake and wetland storage processes into modelling can provide improved representation (the right results for the right reason) of the hydrological behaviour of some large river basins, as well as reducing some of the uncertainties in the quantification of the original model parameters used for generating the basin runoff. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wetlands play a significant role on the hydrological cycle, reducing flood peaks through water storage functions and sustaining low flows through slow water release ability. However, their impacts on water resources availability and flood control are mainly driven by wetland type (e.g. isolated wetland—IW—and riparian wetland—RW) and location within a watershed. Consequently, assessing the qualitative and quantitative impact of wetlands on hydrological regimes has become a relevant issue for scientists as well as stakeholders and decision‐makers. In this study, the distributed hydrological model, HYDROTEL, was used to investigate the role and impact of the geographic distribution of isolated and RWs on stream flows of the Becancour River watershed of the St Lawrence Lowlands, Quebec, Canada. The model was set up and calibrated using available datasets (i.e. DEM, soil, wetland distribution, climate, land cover, and hydrometeorological data for the 1969–2010 period). Different wetland theoretical location tests (WTLT) were simulated. Results were used to determine whether stream flow parameters, related to peak flows and low flows, were related to: (i) geographic location of wetlands, (ii) typology of wetlands, and (iii) seasonality. The contribution of a particular wetland was assessed using intrinsic characteristics (e.g. surface area, typology) and extrinsic factors (e.g. location in the watershed landscape and seasonality). Through these investigations, the results suggest, to some extent, that both IWs and RWs impact landscape hydrology. The more IWs are located in the upper part of the watershed, the greater their effect on both on high flow damping and low flow support seems to be. The more RWs are connected to a main stream, the greater their effect is. Our modelling results indicate that local landscape conditions may influence the wetland effect; promoting or limiting their efficiency, and thus their impacts on stream flows depend on a combined effect of wetland and landscape attributes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in land use and land cover are major drivers of hydrological alteration in the tropical Andes. However, quantifying their impacts is fraught with difficulties because of the extreme diversity in meteorological boundary conditions, which contrasts strongly with the lack of knowledge about local hydrological processes. Although local studies have reduced data scarcity in certain regions, the complexity of the tropical Andes poses a big challenge to regional hydrological prediction. This study analyses data generated from a participatory monitoring network of 25 headwater catchments covering three of the major Andean biomes (páramo, jalca and puna) and links their hydrological responses to main types of human interventions (cultivation, afforestation and grazing). A paired catchment setup was implemented to evaluate the impacts of change using a ‘trading space‐for‐time’ approach. Catchments were selected based on regional representativeness and contrasting land use types. Precipitation and discharge have been monitored and analysed at high temporal resolution for a time period between 1 and 5 years. The observed catchment responses clearly reflect the extraordinarily wide spectrum of hydrological processes of the tropical Andes. They range from perennially humid páramos in Ecuador and northern Peru with extremely large specific discharge and baseflows, to highly seasonal, flashy catchments in the drier punas of southern Peru and Bolivia. The impacts of land use are similarly diverse and their magnitudes are a function of catchment properties, original and replacement vegetation and management type. Cultivation and afforestation consistently affect the entire range of discharges, particularly low flows. The impacts of grazing are more variable but have the largest effect on the catchment hydrological regulation. Overall, anthropogenic interventions result in increased streamflow variability and significant reductions in catchment regulation capacity and water yield, irrespective of the hydrological properties of the original biome. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Hydrological Processes. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

土层结构对反应谱特征周期的影响   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
本文选取和构造了若干有工程意义的典型场地剖面,利用目前工程上广泛应用的场地地震反应分析的一维等效线性化波动方法,计算了在不同地震动输入下的不同场地剖面的地表加速度峰值和地表速度峰值。利用计算得到的地表加速度峰值和速度峰值计算了不同场地在不同地震动输入下的反应谱的特征周期。研究了不同土层结构对地表加速度反应谱特征周期的影响,获得了一些有意义的结果。  相似文献   

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