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We report on a new method to compute the flare reconnection (RC) flux from post-eruption arcades (PEAs) and the underlying photospheric magnetic fields. In previous works, the RC flux has been computed using the cumulative flare ribbon area. Here we obtain the RC flux as the flux in half of the area underlying the PEA in EUV imaged after the flare maximum. We apply this method to a set of 21 eruptions that originated near the solar disk center in Solar Cycle 23. We find that the RC flux from the arcade method (\(\Phi_{\mathrm{rA}}\)) has excellent agreement with the flux from the flare-ribbon method (\(\Phi_{\mathrm{rR}}\)) according to \(\Phi_{\mathrm{rA}} = 1.24(\Phi_{\mathrm{rR}})^{0.99}\). We also find \(\Phi_{\mathrm{rA}}\) to be correlated with the poloidal flux (\(\Phi_{\mathrm{P}}\)) of the associated magnetic cloud at 1 AU: \(\Phi_{\mathrm{P}} = 1.20(\Phi_{\mathrm{rA}})^{0.85}\). This relation is nearly identical to that obtained by Qiu et al. (Astrophys. J. 659, 758, 2007) using a set of only 9 eruptions. Our result supports the idea that flare reconnection results in the formation of the flux rope and PEA as a common process.  相似文献   

The outer gravitational potential V of the level ellipsoid of revolution T is uniquely determined by two quantities: the eccentricity \(\varepsilon \) of the ellipsoid and Clairaut parameter q, proportional to the angular velocity of rotation squared and inversely proportional to the mean density of the ellipsoid. Quantities \(\varepsilon \) and q are independent, though they lie in a rather strict two-dimensional domain. It follows that Stokes coefficients \(I_n\) of Laplace series representing the outer potential of T are uniquely determined by \(\varepsilon \) and q. In this paper, we have found explicit expressions for Stokes coefficients via \(\varepsilon \) and q, as well as their asymptotics when \(n\rightarrow \infty \). If T does not coincide with a Maclaurin ellipsoid, then \(|I_n|\sim B\varepsilon ^n/n\) with a certain constant B. Let us compare this asymptotics with one of \(I_n\) for ellipsoids constrained by the only condition of increasing (even nonstrict) of oblateness from the centre to the periphery: \(|I_n|\sim \bar{B}\varepsilon ^n/(n^2)\). Hence, level ellipsoids with ellipsoidal equidensites do not exist. The only exception represents Maclaurin ellipsoids. It should be recalled that we confine ourselves by ellipsoids of revolution.  相似文献   

This work is a continuation of our previous articles (Yermolaev et al. in J. Geophys. Res.120, 7094, 2015 and Yermolaev et al. in Solar Phys.292, 193, 2017), which describe the average temporal profiles of interplanetary plasma and field parameters in large-scale solar-wind (SW) streams: corotating interaction regions (CIRs), interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs, including both magnetic clouds (MCs) and ejecta), and sheaths as well as interplanetary shocks (ISs). Changes in the longitude angle, \(\varphi\), in CIRs from ?2 to \(2^{\circ}\) agree with earlier results (e.g. Gosling and Pizzo, 1999). We have also analyzed the average temporal profiles of the bulk velocity angles in sheaths and ICMEs. We have found that the angle \(\varphi\) in ICMEs changes from 2 to \(-2^{\circ}\), while in sheaths it changes from ?2 to \(2^{\circ}\) (similar to the change in CIRs), i.e. the angle in CIRs and sheaths deflects in the opposite sense to ICMEs. When averaging the latitude angle \(\vartheta\) on all the intervals of the chosen SW types, the angle \(\vartheta\) is almost constant at \({\sim}\,1^{\circ}\). We made for the first time a selection of SW events with increasing and decreasing \(\vartheta\) and found that the average \(\vartheta\) temporal profiles in the selected events have the same “integral-like” shape as for \(\varphi\). The difference in \(\varphi\) and \(\vartheta\) average profiles is explained by the fact that most events have increasing profiles for the angle in the ecliptic plane as a result of solar rotation, while for the angle in the meridional plane, the numbers of events with increasing and decreasing profiles are equal.  相似文献   

Many models of eruptive flares or coronal mass ejections (CMEs) involve formation of a current sheet connecting the ejecting CME flux rope with a magnetic loop arcade. However, there is very limited observational information on the properties and evolution of these structures, hindering progress in understanding eruptive activity from the Sun. In white-light images, narrow coaxial rays trailing the outward-moving CME have been interpreted as current sheets. Here, we undertake the most comprehensive statistical study of CME-rays to date. We use SOHO/LASCO data, which have a higher cadence, larger field of view, and better sensitivity than any previous coronagraph. We compare our results to a previous study of Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) CMEs, in 1984?–?1989, having candidate magnetic disconnection features at the CME base, about half of which were followed by coaxial bright rays. We examine all LASCO CMEs during two periods of minimum and maximum activity in Solar Cycle 23, resulting in many more events, \(\sim130\) CME-rays, than during SMM. Important results include: The occurrence rate of the rays is \(\sim11~\%\) of all CMEs during solar minimum, but decreases to \(\sim7~\%\) at solar maximum; this is most likely related to the more complex coronal background. The rays appear on average 3?–?4 hours after the CME core, and are typically visible for three-fourths of a day. The mean observed current sheet length over the ray lifetime is \(\sim12~R_{\odot}\), with the longest current sheet of \(18.5~R_{\odot}\). The mean CS growth rates are \(188~\mbox{km}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\) at minimum and \(324~\mbox{km}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\) at maximum. Outward-moving blobs within several rays, which are indicative of reconnection outflows, have average velocities of \(\sim350~\mbox{km}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\) with small positive accelerations. A pre-existing streamer is blown out in most of the CME-ray events, but half of these are observed to reform within \(\sim1\) day. The long lifetime and long lengths of the CME-rays challenge our current understanding of the evolution of the magnetic field in the aftermath of CMEs.  相似文献   

In a two-component jet model, the emissions are the sum of the core and extended emissions: \(S^{\mathrm{ob}}=S_{\mathrm{core}}^{\mathrm{ob}}+S_{\mathrm{ext}}^{\mathrm{ob}}\), with the core emissions, \(S_{\mathrm{core}}^{\mathrm{ob}}= f S_{\mathrm{ext}}^{\mathrm{ob}}\delta ^{q}\) being a function of the Doppler factor \(\delta \), the extended emission \(S_{\mathrm{ext}}^{\mathrm{ob}}\), the jet type dependent factor q, and the ratio of the core to the extended emissions in the comoving frame, f. The f is an unobservable but important parameter. Following our previous work, we collect 65 blazars with available Doppler factor \(\delta \), superluminal velocity \(\beta _{\mathrm{app}}\), and core-dominance parameter, R, and calculated the ratio, f, and performed statistical analyses. We found that the ratio, f, in BL Lacs is on average larger than that in FSRQs. We suggest that the difference of the ratio f between FSRQs and BL Lacs is one of the possible reasons that cause the difference of other observed properties between them. We also find some significant correlations between \(\log f\) and other parameters, including intrinsic (de-beamed) peak frequency, \(\log \nu _{\mathrm{p}}^{\mathrm{in}}\), intrinsic polarization, \(\log P^{\mathrm{in}}\), and core-dominance parameter, \(\log R\), for the whole sample. In addition, we show that the ratio, f, can be estimated by R.  相似文献   

We propose a forecasting approach for solar flares based on data from Solar Cycle 24, taken by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) mission. In particular, we use the Space-weather HMI Active Region Patches (SHARP) product that facilitates cut-out magnetograms of solar active regions (AR) in the Sun in near-realtime (NRT), taken over a five-year interval (2012?–?2016). Our approach utilizes a set of thirteen predictors, which are not included in the SHARP metadata, extracted from line-of-sight and vector photospheric magnetograms. We exploit several machine learning (ML) and conventional statistics techniques to predict flares of peak magnitude \({>}\,\mbox{M1}\) and \({>}\,\mbox{C1}\) within a 24 h forecast window. The ML methods used are multi-layer perceptrons (MLP), support vector machines (SVM), and random forests (RF). We conclude that random forests could be the prediction technique of choice for our sample, with the second-best method being multi-layer perceptrons, subject to an entropy objective function. A Monte Carlo simulation showed that the best-performing method gives accuracy \(\mathrm{ACC}=0.93(0.00)\), true skill statistic \(\mathrm{TSS}=0.74(0.02)\), and Heidke skill score \(\mathrm{HSS}=0.49(0.01)\) for \({>}\,\mbox{M1}\) flare prediction with probability threshold 15% and \(\mathrm{ACC}=0.84(0.00)\), \(\mathrm{TSS}=0.60(0.01)\), and \(\mathrm{HSS}=0.59(0.01)\) for \({>}\,\mbox{C1}\) flare prediction with probability threshold 35%.  相似文献   

We investigate the parameters of global solar p-mode oscillations, namely damping width \(\Gamma\), amplitude \(A\), mean squared velocity \(\langle v^{2}\rangle\), energy \(E\), and energy supply rate \(\mathrm{d}E/\mathrm{d}t\), derived from two solar cycles’ worth (1996?–?2018) of Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) time series for harmonic degrees \(l=0\,\mbox{--}\,150\). We correct for the effect of fill factor, apparent solar radius, and spurious jumps in the mode amplitudes. We find that the amplitude of the activity-related changes of \(\Gamma\) and \(A\) depends on both frequency and harmonic degree of the modes, with the largest variations of \(\Gamma\) for modes with \(2400~\upmu\mbox{Hz}\le\nu\le3300~\upmu\mbox{Hz}\) and \(31\le l \le60\) with a minimum-to-maximum variation of \(26.6\pm0.3\%\) and of \(A\) for modes with \(2400~\upmu\mbox{Hz}\le\nu\le 3300~\upmu\mbox{Hz}\) and \(61\le l \le100\) with a minimum-to-maximum variation of \(27.4\pm0.4\%\). The level of correlation between the solar radio flux \(F_{10.7}\) and mode parameters also depends on mode frequency and harmonic degree. As a function of mode frequency, the mode amplitudes are found to follow an asymmetric Voigt profile with \(\nu_{\text{max}}=3073.59\pm0.18~\upmu\mbox{Hz}\). From the mode parameters, we calculate physical mode quantities and average them over specific mode frequency ranges. In this way, we find that the mean squared velocities \(\langle v^{2}\rangle\) and energies \(E\) of p modes are anticorrelated with the level of activity, varying by \(14.7\pm0.3\%\) and \(18.4\pm0.3\%\), respectively, and that the mode energy supply rates show no significant correlation with activity. With this study we expand previously published results on the temporal variation of solar p-mode parameters. Our results will be helpful to future studies of the excitation and damping of p modes, i.e., the interplay between convection, magnetic field, and resonant acoustic oscillations.  相似文献   

Using multiwavelength observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO), we investigate the mechanism of two successive eruptions (F1 and F2) of a filament in active region NOAA 11444 on 27 March 2012. The filament was inverse J-shaped and lay along a quasi-circular polarity inversion line (PIL). The first part of the filament erupted at \(\sim2{:}30\) UT on 27 March 2012 (F1), the second part at around 4:20 UT on the same day (F2). A precursor or preflare brightening was observed below the filament main axis about 30 min before F1. The brightening was followed by a jet-like ejection below the filament, which triggered its eruption. Before the eruption of F2, the filament seemed to be trapped within the overlying arcade loops for almost 1.5 h before it successfully erupted. Interestingly, we observe simultaneously contraction (\(\sim12~\mbox{km}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\)) and expansion (\(\sim20~\mbox{km}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\)) of arcade loops in the active region before F2. Magnetograms obtained with the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) show converging motion of the opposite polarities, which result in flux cancellation near the PIL. We suggest that flux cancellation at the PIL resulted in a jet-like ejection below the filament main axis, which triggered F1, similar to the tether-cutting process. F2 was triggered by removal of the overlying arcade loops via reconnection. Both filament eruptions produced high-speed (\(\sim1000~\mbox{km}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\)) coronal mass ejections.  相似文献   

Small-scale solar magnetic fields demonstrate features of fractal intermittent behavior, which requires quantification. For this purpose we investigate how the observational estimate of the solar magnetic flux density \(B\) depends on resolution \(D\) in order to obtain the scaling \(\ln B_{D} = - k \ln D +a\) in a reasonably wide range. The quantity \(k\) demonstrates cyclic variations typical of a solar activity cycle. In addition, \(k\) depends on the magnetic flux density, i.e. the ratio of the magnetic flux to the area over which the flux is calculated, at a given instant. The quantity \(a\) demonstrates some cyclic variation, but it is much weaker than in the case of \(k\). The scaling obtained generalizes previous scalings found for the particular cycle phases. The scaling is typical of fractal structures. In our opinion, the results obtained trace small-scale action in the solar convective zone and its coexistence with the conventional large-scale solar dynamo based on differential rotation and mirror-asymmetric convection.  相似文献   

A new solar imaging system was installed at Hida Observatory to observe the dynamics of flares and filament eruptions. The system (Solar Dynamics Doppler Imager; SDDI) takes full-disk solar images with a field of view of \(2520~\mbox{arcsec} \times 2520~\mbox{arcsec}\) at multiple wavelengths around the \(\mathrm{H}\alpha\) line at 6562 Å. Regular operation was started in May 2016, in which images at 73 wavelength positions spanning from \(\mathrm{H}\alpha -9~\mathring{\mathrm{A}}\) to \(\mathrm{H}\alpha +9~\mathring{\mathrm{A}}\) are obtained every 15 seconds. The large dynamic range of the line-of-sight velocity measurements (\({\pm}\,400~\mbox{km}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\)) allows us to determine the real motions of erupting filaments in 3D space. It is expected that SDDI provides unprecedented datasets to study the relation between the kinematics of filament eruptions and coronal mass ejections (CME), and to contribute to the real-time prediction of the occurrence of CMEs that cause a significant impact on the space environment of the Earth.  相似文献   

The gravitational interaction between two objects on similar orbits can effect noticeable changes in the orbital evolution even if the ratio of their masses to that of the central body is vanishingly small. Christou (Icarus 174:215–229, 2005) observed an occasional resonant lock in the differential node \(\varDelta \varOmega \) between two members in the Himalia irregular satellite group of Jupiter in the N-body simulations (corresponding mass ratio \(\sim 10^{-9}\)). Using a semianalytical approach, we have reproduced this phenomenon. We also demonstrate the existence of two additional types of resonance, involving angle differences \(\varDelta \omega \) and \(\varDelta (\varOmega +\varpi )\) between two group members. These resonances cause secular oscillations in eccentricity and/or inclination on timescales \(\sim \)1 Myr. We locate these resonances in (aei) space and analyse their topological structure. In subsequent N-body simulations, we confirm these three resonances and find a fourth one involving \(\varDelta \varpi \). In addition, we study the occurrence rates and the stability of the four resonances from a statistical perspective by integrating 1000 test particles for 100 Myr. We find \(\sim \)10 to 30 librators for each of the resonances. Particularly, the nodal resonance found by Christou is the most stable: 2 particles are observed to stay in libration for the entire integration.  相似文献   

We use a formulation of the N-body problem in spaces of constant Gaussian curvature, \({\kappa }\in \mathbb {R}\), as widely used by A. Borisov, F. Diacu and their coworkers. We consider the restricted three-body problem in \(\mathbb {S}^2\) with arbitrary \({\kappa }>0\) (resp. \(\mathbb {H}^2\) with arbitrary \({\kappa }<0\)) in a formulation also valid for the case \({\kappa }=0\). For concreteness when \({\kappa }>0\) we restrict the study to the case of the three bodies at the upper hemisphere, to be denoted as \(\mathbb {S}^2_+\). The main goal is to obtain the totality of relative equilibria as depending on the parameters \({\kappa }\) and the mass ratio \(\mu \). Several general results concerning relative equilibria and its stability properties are proved analytically. The study is completed numerically using continuation from the \({\kappa }=0\) case and from other limit cases. In particular both bifurcations and spectral stability are also studied. The \(\mathbb {H}^2\) case is similar, in some sense, to the planar one, but in the \(\mathbb {S}^2_+\) case many differences have been found. Some surprising phenomena, like the coexistence of many triangular-like solutions for some values \(({\kappa },\mu )\) and many stability changes will be discussed.  相似文献   

We examine the average magnetic field magnitude (\(| \boldsymbol{B} | \equiv B\)) within magnetic clouds (MCs) observed by the Wind spacecraft from 1995 to July 2015 to understand the difference between this \(B\) and the ideal \(B\)-profiles expected from using the static, constant-\(\alpha\), force-free, cylindrically symmetric model for MCs of Lepping, Jones, and Burlaga (J. Geophys. Res. 95, 11957, 1990, denoted here as the LJB model). We classify all MCs according to an assigned quality, \(Q_{0}\) (\(= 1, 2, 3\), for excellent, good, and poor). There are a total of 209 MCs and 124 when only \(Q_{0} = 1\), 2 cases are considered. The average normalized field with respect to the closest approach (\(\mathit{CA}\)) is stressed, where we separate cases into four \(\mathit{CA}\) sets centered at 12.5 %, 37.5 %, 62.5 %, and 87.5 % of the average radius; the averaging is done on a percentage-duration basis to treat all cases the same. Normalized \(B\) means that before averaging, the \(B\) for each MC at each point is divided by the LJB model-estimated \(B\) for the MC axis, \(B_{0}\). The actual averages for the 209 and 124 MC sets are compared to the LJB model, after an adjustment for MC expansion (e.g. Lepping et al. in Ann. Geophys. 26, 1919, 2008). This provides four separate difference-relationships, each fitted with a quadratic (Quad) curve of very small \(\sigma\). Interpreting these Quad formulae should provide a comprehensive view of the variation in normalized \(B\) throughout the average MC, where we expect external front and rear compression to be part of its explanation. These formulae are also being considered for modifying the LJB model. This modification will be used in a scheme for forecasting the timing and magnitude of magnetic storms caused by MCs. Extensive testing of the Quad formulae shows that the formulae are quite useful in correcting individual MC \(B\)-profiles, especially for the first \({\approx\,}1/3\) of these MCs. However, the use of this type of \(B\) correction constitutes a (slight) violation of the force-free assumption used in the original LJB MC model.  相似文献   

To investigate the \(M_\bullet -\sigma \) relation, we consider realistic elliptical galaxy profiles that are taken to follow a single power-law density profile given by \(\rho (r) = \rho _{0}(r/ r_{0})^{-\gamma }\) or the Nuker intensity profile. We calculate the density using Abel’s formula in the latter case by employing the derived stellar potential; in both cases. We derive the distribution function f(E) of the stars in the presence of the supermassive black hole (SMBH) at the center and hence compute the line-of-sight (LoS) velocity dispersion as a function of radius. For the typical range of values for masses of SMBH, we obtain \(M_{\bullet } \propto \sigma ^{p}\) for different profiles. An analytical relation \(p = (2\gamma + 6)/(2 + \gamma )\) is found which is in reasonable agreement with observations (for \(\gamma = 0.75{-}1.4\), \(p = 3.6{-}5.3\)). Assuming that a proportionality relation holds between the black hole mass and bulge mass, \(M_{\bullet } =f M_\mathrm{b}\), and applying this to several galaxies, we find the individual best fit values of p as a function of f; also by minimizing \(\chi ^{2}\), we find the best fit global p and f. For Nuker profiles, we find that \(p = 3.81 \pm 0.004\) and \(f = (1.23 \pm 0.09)\times 10^{-3}\) which are consistent with the observed ranges.  相似文献   

The physical parameters of the solar wind observed in-situ near 1 AU have been studied for several decades, and relationships between them, such as the positive correlation between the solar wind plasma temperature, \(T\), and velocity, \(V\), and the negative correlation between density, \(N\), and velocity, \(V\), are well known. However, the magnetic field intensity, \(B\), does not appear to be well correlated with any individual plasma parameter. In this article, we discuss previously under-reported correlations between \(B\) and the combined plasma parameters \(\sqrt{N V^{2}} \) as well as between \(B\) and \(\sqrt{NT}\). These two correlations are strong during periods of corotating interaction regions and high-speed streams, and moderate during intervals of slow solar wind. The results indicate that the magnetic pressure in the solar wind is well correlated both with the plasma dynamic pressure and the thermal pressure.  相似文献   

In this work we consider the Kepler problem with linear drag, and prove the existence of a continuous vector-valued first integral, obtained taking the limit as \(t\rightarrow +\infty \) of the Runge–Lenz vector. The norm of this first integral can be interpreted as an asymptotic eccentricity \(e_{\infty }\) with \(0\le e_{\infty } \le 1\). The orbits satisfying \(e_{\infty } <1\) approach the singularity by an elliptic spiral and the corresponding solutions \(x(t)=r(t)e^{i\theta (t)}\) have a norm r(t) that goes to zero like a negative exponential and an argument \(\theta (t)\) that goes to infinity like a positive exponential. In particular, the difference between consecutive times of passage through the pericenter, say \(T_{n+1} -T_n\), goes to zero as \(\frac{1}{n}\).  相似文献   

In this article, we present a multi-wavelength and multi-instrument investigation of a halo coronal mass ejection (CME) from active region NOAA 12371 on 21 June 2015 that led to a major geomagnetic storm of minimum \(\mathrm{Dst} = -204\) nT. The observations from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory in the hot EUV channel of 94 Å confirm the CME to be associated with a coronal sigmoid that displayed an intense emission (\(T \sim6\) MK) from its core before the onset of the eruption. Multi-wavelength observations of the source active region suggest tether-cutting reconnection to be the primary triggering mechanism of the flux rope eruption. Interestingly, the flux rope eruption exhibited a two-phase evolution during which the “standard” large-scale flare reconnection process originated two composite M-class flares. The eruption of the flux rope is followed by the coronagraphic observation of a fast, halo CME with linear projected speed of 1366 km?s?1. The dynamic radio spectrum in the decameter-hectometer frequency range reveals multiple continuum-like enhancements in type II radio emission which imply the interaction of the CME with other preceding slow speed CMEs in the corona within \(\approx10\)?–?\(90~\mbox{R} _{\odot}\). The scenario of CME–CME interaction in the corona and interplanetary medium is further confirmed by the height–time plots of the CMEs occurring during 19?–?21 June. In situ measurements of solar wind magnetic field and plasma parameters at 1 AU exhibit two distinct magnetic clouds, separated by a magnetic hole. Synthesis of near-Sun observations, interplanetary radio emissions, and in situ measurements at 1 AU reveal complex processes of CME–CME interactions right from the source active region to the corona and interplanetary medium that have played a crucial role towards the large enhancement of the geoeffectiveness of the halo CME on 21 June 2015.  相似文献   

In this work a total of 266 interplanetary coronal mass ejections observed by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (SOHO/LASCO) and then studied by in situ observations from Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft, are presented in a new catalog for the time interval 1996?–?2009 covering Solar Cycle 23. Specifically, we determine the characteristics of the CME which is responsible for the upcoming ICME and the associated solar flare, the initial/background solar wind plasma and magnetic field conditions before the arrival of the CME, the conditions in the sheath of the ICME, the main part of the ICME, the geomagnetic conditions of the ICME’s impact at Earth and finally we remark on the visual examination for each event. Interesting results revealed from this study include the high correlation coefficient values of the magnetic field \(B_{z}\) component against the Ap index (\(r = 0.84\)), as well as against the Dst index (\(r = 0.80\)) and of the effective acceleration against the CME linear speed (\(r = 0.98\)). We also identify a north–south asymmetry for X-class solar flares and an east–west asymmetry for CMEs associated with strong solar flares (magnitude ≥ M1.0) which finally triggered intense geomagnetic storms (with \(\mathrm{Ap} \geq179\)). The majority of the geomagnetic storms are determined to be due to the ICME main part and not to the extreme conditions which dominate inside the sheath. For the intense geomagnetic storms the maximum value of the Ap index is observed almost 4 hours before the minimum Dst index. The amount of information makes this new catalog the most comprehensive ICME catalog for Solar Cycle 23.  相似文献   

Recently we (Kahler and Ling, Solar Phys.292, 59, 2017: KL) have shown that time–intensity profiles [\(I(t)\)] of 14 large solar energetic particle (SEP) events can be fitted with a simple two-parameter fit, the modified Weibull function, which is characterized by shape and scaling parameters [\(\alpha\) and \(\beta\)]. We now look for a simple correlation between an event peak energy intensity [\(I_{\mathrm{p}}\)] and the time integral of \(I(t)\) over the event duration: the fluence [\(F\)]. We first ask how the ratio of \(F/I_{\mathrm{p}}\) varies for the fits of the 14 KL events and then examine that ratio for three separate published statistical studies of SEP events in which both \(F\) and \(I_{\mathrm{p}}\) were measured for comparisons of those parameters with various solar-flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) parameters. The three studies included SEP energies from a 4?–?13 MeV band to \(E > 100~\mbox{MeV}\). Within each group of SEP events, we find a very robust correlation (\(\mathrm{CC} > 0.90\)) in log–log plots of \(F\)versus\(I_{\mathrm{p}}\) over four decades of \(I_{\mathrm{p}}\). The ratio increases from western to eastern longitudes. From the value of \(I_{\mathrm{p}}\) for a given event, \(F\) can be estimated to within a standard deviation of a factor of \({\leq}\,2\). Log–log plots of two studies are consistent with slopes of unity, but the third study shows plot slopes of \({<}\,1\) and decreasing with increasing energy for their four energy ranges from \(E > 10~\mbox{MeV}\) to \({>}\,100~\mbox{MeV}\). This difference is not explained.  相似文献   

Precise measurement of the coronal properties of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) requires the availability of high signal-to-noise ratio data covering a wide range of X-ray energies. The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) which is highly sensitive to earlier missions in its operational energy range of 3–79 keV, allows us to arrive at precise estimates of the coronal parameters such as cut-off energy (\(E_\mathrm{cut}\)), coronal temperature (\(\textit{kT}_e\)) and geometry of the corona at least for sources that have \(E_\mathrm{cut}\) within the energy range of NuSTAR. In this paper, we present our preliminary results on the spectral analysis of two Seyfert galaxies namely 3C 120 and NGC 4151 using NuSTAR observations in the 3–79 keV band. We investigated the continuum and coronal parameters, the photon index \(\Gamma \), \(E_\mathrm{cut}\) and \(\textit{kT}_{e}\). By fitting the X-ray spectrum of 3C 120 and NGC 4151 with a simple phenomenological model, we found that both the sources showed a clear cut-off in their spectrum.  相似文献   

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