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The rhyolitic dome in the Rangan area has been subjected to hydrothermal alterations by two different systems, (1) A fossil magmatic–hydrothermal system with a powerful thermal engine of a deep monzodioritic magma, (2) An active hydrothermal system dominated by meteoric water. Based on mineralogical and geochemical studies, three different alteration facies have been identified (phyllic, advanced argillic and silicic) with notable differences in REE and other trace elements behaviour. In the phyllic alteration zone with assemblage minerals such as sericite, pyrite, quartz, kaolinite, LREE are relatively depleted whereas HREE are enriched. The advanced argillic zone is identified by the presence of alunite–jarosite and pyrophyllite as well as immobility of LREE and depletion in HREE. In the silicic zone, most of LREE are depleted but HREE patterns are unchanged compared to their fresh rock equivalents. All the REE fractionation ratios (La/Yb)cn, (La/Sm)cn, (Tb/Yb)cn, (Ce/Ce1)cn and (Eu/Eu1)cn are low in the phyllic altered facies. (Eu/Eu1)cn in both advanced and silicic facies is low too. In all alteration zones, high field strength elements (HFSE) (e.g. Ti, Zr, Nb) are depleted whereas transition elements (e.g. V, Cr, Co, Ni, Fe) are enriched. Geochemically speaking, trace and rare earth elements behave highly selective in different facies.  相似文献   

岩石—土壤—铁芒萁系统中稀土元素的分布、迁移和累积   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在赣南非稀土矿区和四处不同稀土矿区内取样,用ICP-MS法测定岩石-土壤-铁芒萁系统中15个稀土元素的含量,并对其分布、迁移、累积特征进行了研究。结果表明:稀土元素在岩石、土壤各层含量由高到低的顺序为C(心土层)>A(表土层)>B(底土层)>D(成土母岩);在铁芒萁植物体内的分布规律是:轻稀土元素含量为叶>根>茎>叶柄;重稀土元素含量为根>叶>茎>叶柄;稀土元素演化、迁移的难易是由稀土元素的重轻所决定的;岩-土-芒萁系统各环节间稀土元素的含量模式基本相似,表征元素在岩石→土壤→植物大系统中存在着向量(非均衡性)关系。  相似文献   

本文利用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)分析了湖南花垣地区铅锌矿床中闪锌矿、方铅矿、黄铁矿以及围岩灰岩中的稀土元素含量,并对成矿物质及成矿流体来源进行了探讨.测试结果表明:花垣地区铅锌矿床矿石硫化物的稀土总量较低,平均值为0.16× 10-6,明显低于围岩灰岩的稀土元素总量平均值5.75×10-6.具有高的∑LREE/Σ HREE比值,轻重稀土分馏明显,轻稀土富集,重稀土亏损,稀土配分曲线均为右倾型.三种矿石硫化物样品多表现出正Eu异常,弱正Ce异常的特点,围岩灰岩则存在中等程度的负Eu异常和负Ce异常.矿石硫化物的Y/Ho值主要介于11~ 23,低于围岩灰岩的Y/Ho值26~39.两者稀土元素组成具有较大的差异性,反映了矿石硫化物与赋矿围岩灰岩之间的非同源性,推断该区含矿层并不是成矿物质的主要来源,成矿物质应来源于古老基底地层和下伏地层牛蹄塘组,成矿流体来源为具有海水混合的还原性热液流体.  相似文献   

One of the major strengths of a GIS is the ability to integrate and combine multiple layers of geoscience data for producing mineral potential maps showing favorable areas for mineral exploration. Once the data is prepared properly, the GIS, jointly with other statistical and geostatistical software packages, can be used to manipulate and visualize the data in order to produce a mineral prospectivity map. Many spatial modeling techniques can be employed to produce mineral potential maps. This paper demonstrates a technique to define favorable areas for REE mineralization with AHP technique using geological, geochemical, geophysical, alteration and faults density spatial data in the Kerman-Kashmar Tectonic Zone of central Iran. The AHP is a powerful and flexible multi-criteria decision-making tool for dealing with complex problems where both qualitative and quantitative aspects need to be considered. This approach is knowledgedriven method and can be applied in other areas for conventional use in mineral exploration.  相似文献   

Whole-rock/groundmass differentiation trends of three series of high-silica rhyolites from northern Mexico and west Texas contrast with that of the Bishop Tuff of California. Together, the four rock series cover a complete spectrum of trends from one where all REE increase with differentiation (peralkaline series of the Chinati Mountains, Texas) to one where all except Ce decrease with fractionation (Batopilas, Mexico). The various differentiation trends reflect different accessory mineral assemblages and different apparent partition coefficient patterns of major mafic phenocrysts. The light REE decrease during differentiation in rock series where mafic phenocrysts and accessory phases are relatively enriched in the light REE (e.g., metaluminous series of the Chinati Mountains and the Bishop Tuff). In series that lack light REE-enriched accessory minerals and contain minerals with maxima in their partition coefficient patterns in the middle and heavy REE (e.g., zircon, apatite, and hornblende), the middle and heavy REE in the rock series decrease with fractionation (e.g., Batopilas). Finally, in rock series that lack abundant REE-enriched accessory minerals and that have relatively small partition coefficients for the major mafic minerals, the REE increase with differentiation (e.g., peralkaline series of the Chinati Mountains).  相似文献   

138Ce/142Ce and 143Nd/144Nd isotope ratios of lunar samples are determined to constrain the petrogenetic differentiation and evolution of the moon. High-precision Ce-Nd isotope data, well-defined Rb-Sr isochrons, and rare earth elements (REE) abundances of lunar samples show that unexpectedly low La/Ce ratios of evolved lunar highland samples are preserved from at least 3.9 Ga. Precise analysis of REE abundances indicates that the low La/Ce ratio results from a depletion of La relative to other REE. This depletion can be seen in pristine KREEP basalts and Mg-suite rocks from 3.85 to 4.46 Ga. As REE abundances of all these samples are controlled by the presence of a KREEP component, the depletion was probably inherited from a late crystallization sequence of the lunar magma ocean related to the production of the original KREEP component.  相似文献   

岩石-土壤-脐橙系统中稀土元素迁聚特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在赣南稀土高背景区和稀土低背景区不同地质环境脐橙果同,系统采集岩、土、脐橙植物样,用ICP-MS法测定样品中15种稀土元素的含量,并对稀土元素在岩石、土壤和脐橙植物体内的分布、迁移、累积特征进行了研究.结果表明:a.基岩的稀土元素含量影响(决定)土壤各层位的稀土元素含量;b.土壤环境中稀土元素含量高低直接影响脐橙植物体稀土元素含量,但不完全成正比;c.基岩的稀土元素配分模式基本上贯穿土壤各层位、脐橙植物体各器官;d.岩、土、脐橙三大环节稀土无素的百分含量,总的趋势是轻稀土比重逐渐增高,重稀土比重逐渐降低,但重稀土在脐橙植物体末稍器官比例有所增加;e.岩土脐橙生态系统立体刮面中,稀土元素的垂直方向运动呈向量关系;f.由于土壤-植物壁垒作用和脐橙植物体自身的选择性吸收、控制性积累功能,高、低稀土背景区脐橙果肉的稀土含量均低于国家食品卫生限量标准.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring organic ligands, such as acetate, citrate, malonate, oxalate, and succinate, play important roles in mobility and accumulation of La and other rare earth elements in low temperature systems under Earth surface conditions. However, a comprehensive and consistent thermodynamic database covering the complexes of rare earth elements with those naturally occurring organic ligands is lacking. In this study, thermodynamic data of organic species of rare earth elements (REE) represented by La, with an emphasis on their aqueous complexes with organic ligands, are critically reviewed. The organic ligands covered by this study include acetate, citrate, malonate, oxalate and succinate. In this critical review, the Specific Interaction Theory (SIT) model is adopted for extrapolation to infinite dilution. This model is a reliable activity coefficient model valid for a wide range of ionic strengths. These critically reviewed data, including complex formation constants, SIT interaction coefficients and solubility product constants, would enable accurate modeling of the speciation and solubility of REE in various environments including high ionic strength environments, providing insight into mobility and enrichment of REE in various environments.  相似文献   

二合店碱性花岗岩的不断演化结果,造成该岩体具有分带特征,在各个相带具有不同的地质特点,决定成矿元素分布也不一样。搞清和掌握各个相带的含矿特点,对了解该地区其它相同岩石类型的碱性岩体找矿工作有着十分重要指导意义。  相似文献   

In the present study the origin of clay deposits occurring in an inland platform, in central Portugal, was investigated by their mineralogical and chemical composition. The clay deposits, exploited for ceramic industry are composed of silt-clay facies, the Monteira Member and the Arroça Member, which are assigned to the Coja Formation (Paleogene) and the Campelo Formation (Miocene), respectively. These clayey facies show almost compositional homogeneity, especially concerning texture. The mineralogical composition of the Monteira Member displays slightly higher content in smectite and interstratified clay minerals, which is supported by the chemical composition of samples analyzed. Both members present similar REE patterns, displaying an intense weathering record and little variation in the source area composition. Minor element geochemistry suggests low content in heavy minerals and transition metals. REE patterns and ratios of geochemical parameters support the dominant metasedimentary provenance, with a granite source contribution and also mature recycled sediments of continental origin. The study results’ suggest that the clays of these two members have the same source in terms of lithology and recycled sediments from the Hesperian massif. During the deposition of the Arroça Member, a major remobilization of the Monteira Member is suggested, explaining the geochemical similarity of both facies.  相似文献   

对中印度洋海盆14个站位的表层沉积物进行了稀土元素(REE+Y,简称REY)分布特征和富集规律研究.结果表明,样品中REY主要富集于沸石黏土和远洋黏土中(稀土元素总量最高为1239×10?6),且明显富集钇(Y)等重稀土元素(Y富集系数高达14.1,重稀土元素和Y富集系数最高为11.6);富稀土沉积物呈明显Ce亏损,发...  相似文献   

Major element and rare earth element (REE) partitioning among coexisting clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene pairs from mantle xenoliths of the Assab Range (Ethiopia) are discussed in terms of crystal-chemistry.Major element partitioning indicates relatively uniform conditions of subsolidus equilibration over a narrow range of temperatures (mean value about 1100 C) in the spinel peridotite stability field. Major element distributions and correlations, moreover, seem to indicate that the mantle material studied underwent slightly different depletions prior to the metamorphic equilibration.In spite of the rather homogeneous major element compositions for both cpx and opx, clinopyroxenes show chondrite-normalized REE patterns which are widely variable both in shape and absolute values, whereas orthopyroxenes exhibit more restricted ranges and concordant profiles.REE activity ratios have been investigated by applying Iiyama's (Bull. Soc. fr. Minéral. Christallogr.97, 143–151) thermodynamic model: the estimated activity patterns exhibit a good coherence for the different pyroxene pairs, in spite of the contrasting features of their REE concentration ratios. The wide ranges in the measured partition values for the same rare earth element in different pyroxene pairs have been related to coupled substitutions involving A1 in the Z site and REE in the M2 site of clinopyroxene.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the Late Cretaceous Bidgol bauxite deposit in the Zagros Simply Fold Belt, SW Iran. The orebody is located in the eroded major NW–SE trending Koh-e-Hosseyn anticline and hosted as discontinuous stratified layers and lenses within the upper member of the Cenomanian–Turonian Sarvak Formation. Detailed mineralogical analysis reveals that diaspore, hematite, goethite, anatase, clinochlore, chamosite, and calcite are the major mineral components accompanied by minor amounts of detrital and REE-bearing minerals such as rutile, zircon and parisite. The ore texture suggest that the bauxite material has an authigenic origin but in some parts it has been transported short distances from a primary in situ environment and redeposited in karstic depressions. The spheroidal pisolites of the Bidgol bauxite formed under conditions of low water activity, favouring the formation of large diaspore cores and a single dry-to-wet climatic fluctuation. The mass change calculations relative to the immobile element Ti show that elements such as Si, Fe, Mg, K, Na and Sr are leached out of the weathered system; Al, Ni, Zr, Ga, Cr and Ba are concentrated in the residual system; and Hf, Ta, Co, Rb, Cs, Be, and U are relatively immobile during the bauxitisation processes. The Nb, Th, Y, V, Sc, Sn and ΣREE are relatively immobile in the initial stage of bauxitisation processes in the bauxite ores, but were slightly mobile at the later stage of bauxitisation. Geochemical data reveal progressive enrichment of the REE and intense LREE/HREE fractionation toward the lower parts of the bauxite profile. Cerium behaves differently from the other REEs (especially LREE) and show positive anomalies in the upper horizons that gradually become negative in the deeper parts of the profile. The distribution and fractionation of trace elements and REEs during the bauxitisation process in the Bidgol deposit are mainly controlled by the presence of REE-bearing minerals, fluctuations in soil solution pH, REE ionization potential and the presence of bicarbonates or organic matter. Geochemical analyses confirm a protolith contribution from the bedrock argillaceous limestone and suggest that the source material for the Bidgol bauxite was provided from a siliciclastic material derived from a continental margin. The mid-Turonian uplift led to the formation of karstic topography, rubbly breccia and a layer of ferruginous–argillaceous debris that was affected by lateritic weathering under humid tropical climate. Subsequently, mobile elements are removed from the profiles, while Al, Fe and Ti are enriched, resulting in the formation of the pristine bauxite materials. When the platform subsided into the water again, the pristine bauxitic materials were partly converted to bauxite. During the exposure of bauxite orebodies on the limbs and crests of anticlines and subsequent eroding and accumulation in the karstic depressions during folding and faulting in Oligocene–Miocene, important factors such as intensity of the weathering, drainage and floating flow may have improved the qualities of the bauxite ores.  相似文献   

Summary Titanite varieties doped with rare earth elements (REE) have been prepared by ceramic synthesis and quenching in air. Their crystal structure was determined by Rietveld analysis of the powder X-ray diffraction patterns. Two different substitution schemes, Ca1–xNax/2Smx/2TiSiO5 and Ca1–xDyxTi1–x SiO5, are studied at x=0.2. Both synthetic varieties of titanite adopt space group A2/a. This implies that both single-site and complex multivalent substitutional schemes destroy the coherence of the off-centering of octahedral chains in the titanite structure resulting in a P21/aA2/a phase transition. Unit cell dimensions obtained for the REE-bearing titanite varieties are as follows: a=7.0541(1)Å; b=8.7247(1)Å; c=6.5664(1)Å; =113.732(1)° for Ca0.8Na0.1Sm0.1TiSiO5; and a=7.0021(1)Å; b=8.7256(1)Å; c=6.5427(1)Å; =113.294(1)° for . Both REE-doped titanite samples and a control sample of the pure titanite end member have similar unit cell parameters and consist of polyhedra distorted to a similar extent with the exception of more-distorted SiO4 tetrahedron in CaSiTiO5. The structural data suggest that the Ca1–xNax/2Smx/2TiSiO5 and Ca1–xDyxTi1–xFexSiO5 solid solutions adopting the titanite structure might extend to x sufficiently greater than 0.2 and involve both heavier and lighter trivalent rare earth elements.Permanent address: Geological Institute KSC RAS, 14 Fersmana St., Apatity, 184200 Russia  相似文献   

Grossular-andradite (grandite) garnets, precipitated from hydrothermal solutions is associated with contact metamorphism in the Kal-e Kafi skarn show complex oscillatory chemical zonation. These skarn garnets preserve the records of the temporal evolution of contact metasomatism. According to microscopic studies and microprobe analysis profiles, the studied garnet has two distinct parts: the intermediate (granditic) composition birefringent core that its andradite content based on microprobe analysis varies between 0.68–0.7. This part is superimposed with more andraditic composition, and the isotropic rim which its andradite content regarding microprobe analysis ranges between 0.83–0.99. Garnets in the studied sample are small (0.5–2 mm in diameter) and show complex oscillatory zoning. Electron microprobe analyses of the oscillatory zoning in grandite garnet of the Kal-e Kafi area showed a fluctuation in chemical composition. The grandite garnets normally display core with intermediate composition with oscillatory Fe-rich zones at the rim. Detailed study of oscillatory zoning in grandite garnet from Kal-e Kafi area suggests that the garnet has developed during early metasomatism involving monzonite to monzodiorite granitoid body intrusion into the Anarak schist- marble interlayers. During this metasomatic event, Al, Fe, and Si in the fluid have reacted with Ca in carbonate rocks to form grandite garnet. The first step of garnet growth has been coeval with intrusion of the Kal-e Kafi granitoid into the Anarak schist- marble interlayers. In this period of garnet growth, change in fluid composition may cause the garnet to stop growing temporarily or keep growing but in a much slower rate allowing Al to precipitate rather than Fe. The next step consists of pervasive infiltration of Fe rich fluids and Fe rich grandite garnets formation as the rim of previously formed more Al rich garnets. Oscillatory zoning in the garnet probably reflects an oscillatory change in the fluid composition which may be internally and/or externally controlled. The rare earth elements study of these garnets revealed enrichment in light REEs (LREE) with a maximum at Pr and Nd and a negative to no Eu anomaly. This pattern is resulted from the uptake of REE out of hydrothermal fluids by growing crystals of calcsilicate minerals principally andradite with amounts of LREE controlled by the difference in ionic radius between Ca++ and REE3+ in garnet x site.  相似文献   

Summary ?The occurrence of divalent rare earth elements (Sm2+, Yb2+, Tm2+, and Ho2+) in natural fluorite is evaluated using a suite of 37 samples deriving mainly from Sn–W deposits in the Erzgebirge (Germany), Central Kazakhstan, and the Mongolian Altai. Trace element composition was determined by ICP-AES and ICP-MS. The defect structure of the samples was studied by cathodoluminescence (CL), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), and optical absorption spectroscopy. Reduction of cubic Sm3+, Yb3+, Tm3+, and Ho3+ under radioactive irradiation produces the corresponding divalent centres. Our data suggest a preferable formation of Sm2+ and Yb2+ under thorium and of Tm2+ and Ho2+ under uranium irradiation. Irradiation (indicated by intense brownish (thorium) and deep purple (uranium) coloration of fluorite) gives rise to a population of divalent centres in equilibrium with their decay. However, sporadic radioactive irradiation and stabilisation of the divalent state of the REE by other electron defects were found in most cases. Three models of stabilisation of Sm2+, Yb2+, Tm2+, and Ho2+ are discussed. The most effective mechanism for Sm, Yb, Tm, and Ho is coupling with Fe3+ centres (REE3++Fe2+ → REE2++Fe3+). Accordingly, the occurrence of Fe3+ centres in natural fluorite is regarded to indicate not an oxidising, but rather a reducing environment during fluorite precipitation. Originally incorporated in the divalent form, Fe2+ was converted to Fe3+ by radioactive irradiation. Such a conclusion is in agreement with the finding of high contents of interstitial fluorine providing tetragonal local compensation of trivalent REE centres in crystals with high Fe3+. If Fe is not present, compensation of divalent Sm, Yb, and Tm is achieved by radiogenic oxidation of Ce(Pr, Tb)3+ accompanied by charge transfer (REE3++Ce(Pr, Tb)3+ → REE2++ Ce(Pr, Tb)4+). Ho2+ is sometimes stabilised by a hole trapped by an electron localised on a F vacancy (Ho3++e on □F → REE2++ self-trapped exciton). Because Sm2+ is optically active, the stabilisation by Fe3+ (stable up to temperatures above 350 °C) or Ce(Pr, Tb)4+ (unstable even under visible light) in samples may be determined by careful observations in the field. Institut für Geotechnik, ETH Zürich, ETH-H?nggerberg, Zürich, Switzerland Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA, USA Received January 8, 2002; revised version accepted June 10, 2002  相似文献   

Trace elements and rare earth elements (REEs) of Lias-aged cherts in the Gumushane area were studied in order to understand their origin and depositional environment. Twenty three chert samples from five stratigraphic sections were analysed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, and mineralogical investigation. Lias cherts in the study area are microcrystalline, cryptocrystalline quartz, and megaquartz depending on mineralogical content. Trace elements of the cherts were compared with PAAS, Co, Y, and Th had stronger depletions in the five sections, whereas V, Ni, Zr, Nb, and Hf had smaller depletions. The distribution of Zr, Hf, and Ta yields Zr/Hf, Zr/Ta and Hf/Ta ratios (25/645, 37/665, and 0.18/3, respectively) that differ from those of chondrites and average upper continental crust, suggesting that these elements are likely non-detrital but are sourced from seawater. Th/U ratios range from 0.04 to 0.45 and are lower than those of the upper continental crust (average: 3.9). Lias-aged cherts have low total REE abundances and stronger depletions in five sections of the PAAS and chondrite-normalised plots. The cherts are characterised by a positive Eu anomaly (average: 4.9) and LREE-enrichment (LaN/YbN = average: 3.5). In addition, about one-half of the cherts exhibit positive Ce anomaly (range: 0.25–2.58), chondritic Y/Ho values (range: 3.3–60), and low (La/Ce)N values (average: 1.8). REE and trace element abundance in Lias cherts indicate that these elements were likely derived from hydrothermal solutions, terrigenous sources, and seawater. The REE patterns of the cherts show that they were probably deposited close to a continental margin.  相似文献   

Rare earth elements (REE), yttrium and some major element concentrations have been measured in the high-enthalpy fluids (HEF) of several geothermal wells and the fluid′s source rocks in the Larderello-Travale area (Tuscany/Central Italy). The REE and Y abundances in the HEF range from 0.1 to about 10 pmol/kg and are slightly higher in the HEF originating from evaporite/carbonate sequences (Calcare Cavernoso) than in those from phyllites. The resulting REY distribution factors between HEF and source rocks, appKdsource-rockHEF defined as the ratios of REY/Ca in both phases, range from <0.01 to 0.03 and 0.03 to 0.1 for phyllites and evaporite-limestone sequences (Calcare Cavernoso), respectively. REE+Y are more retained by the source rocks than Ca. HEF show no inherited and, with exception of a small Y anomaly, no acquired anomalies. This indicates a static equilibrium between HEF and the source rocks. The absence of any Eu anomalies points to temperatures less than 250°C in the source region. The small negative Y anomalies are the result of Y depletion in the rock fractions taking part in the water-rock interaction.Due to depressurization of the HEF to about 120°C and 2 bars, a liquid and a vapor phase is produced, which were sampled for the determination of the REE+Y partitioning between the two phases. The apparent partition factors between vapor and liquid appDliquidvapor of REE+Y range between 0.05 to 0.2 and about 3 for HEF originating from the phyllites and evaporites/carbonates, respectively. Among all ionic species determined, only NH4+ has an apparent partition factor appDliquidvapor above one. In general, REY partition more easily into the vapor phase than the earth alkaline and alkaline elements. No significant correlation of REE+Y in the vapor phase with any of the determined ionic species could be detected. This probably points to the dominant presence of ion pairing such as REY(OH)3o or REYO(OH)o.  相似文献   

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