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Chiara Elmi Maria Franca Brigatti Luca Pasquali Monica Montecchi Angela Laurora Daniele Malferrari Stefano Nannarone 《Physics and Chemistry of Minerals》2010,37(8):561-569
Microprobe analysis, single crystal X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy were applied on Fe-rich osumilite from the volcanic massif of Mt. Arci, Sardinia, Italy. Osumilite belongs to the space group P6/mcc with unit cell parameters a = 10.1550(6), c = 14.306(1) Å and chemical formula (K0.729)C (Na0.029)B (Si10.498 Al1.502)T1 (Al2.706 Fe 0.294 2+ )T2 (Mg0.735 Mn0.091 Fe 1.184 2+ )AO30. Structure refinement converged at R = 0.0201. Unit cell parameter a is related to octahedral edge length as well as to Fe2+ content, unlike the c parameter which does not seem to be affected by chemical composition. The determination of the amount of each element on the mineral surface, obtained through X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy high-resolution spectra in the region of the Si2p, Al2p, Mg1s and Fe2p core levels, suggests that Fe presents Fe2+ oxidation state and octahedral coordination. Two peaks at 103.1 and 100.6 eV can be related to Si4+ and Si1+ components, respectively, both in tetrahedral coordination. The binding energy of Al2p, at 74.5 eV, indicates that Al is mostly present in the distorted T2 site, whereas the Mg peak at 1,305.2 eV suggests that this cation is located at the octahedral site. X-ray absorption at the Fe L2,3-edges confirms that iron is present in the mineral structure, prevalently in the divalent state and at the A octahedral site. 相似文献
Yu. A. Teterin V. M. Kulakov A. S. Baev N. B. Nevzorov I. V. Melnikov V. A. Streltsov L. G. Mashirov D. N. Suglobov A. G. Zelenkov 《Physics and Chemistry of Minerals》1981,7(4):151-158
Synthetic and natural uranium oxides UO x (2≦×≦3) have been studied with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to determine the phase composition and content of uranium ions in uraninites with a varying degree of oxidation. A strong hybridization of U6p and O2s orbitals has been found which permits a quantitative assessment of the U-O bond lengths. The values of such bonds in some substances have been found to be smaller than those in synthetic U(VI) oxide. The oxides U2O5 and U3O8 contain two types of uranium ions with a varying degree of oxidation. 相似文献
The important uses of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS or ESCA) in mineralogy and geochemistry are described. Crystal chemical, oxidation state and chemical bonding information can be obtained from the chemical shifts of the observed peaks. The high surface sensitivity of ESCA enables detection of 0.01 of a monolayer for many ions on mineral surfaces. ESCA is extremely useful for monitoring adsorption, desorption, dissolution and exchange reactions on mineral surfaces. Future improvements in intensity and resolution will greatly enhance the crystal chemical applications of ESCA. 相似文献
Martine Mullet Frédéric Demoisson Laurent J. Michot 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》2007,71(13):3257-3271
Optical microscopy, confocal Raman micro-spectrometry, X-ray photoelectron micro-spectroscopy (XPS) and synchrotron based micro-X-ray fluorescence (XRF), micro-X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) and micro-extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) were used to investigate the reduction of aqueous Cr(VI) by pyrite. Special emphasis was placed on the characterisation of the solid phase formed during the reaction process. Cr(III) and Fe(III) species were identified by XPS analyses in addition to non-oxidised pyrite. Optical microscopy images and the corresponding Raman spectra reveal a strong heterogeneity of the samples with three different types of zones. (i) Reflective areas with Eg and Ag Raman wavenumbers relative to non-oxidised pyrite are the most frequently observed. (ii) Orange areas that display a drift of the Eg and Ag pyrite vibration modes of −3 and −6 cm−1, respectively. Such areas are only observed in the presence of Cr(VI) but are not specifically due to this oxidant. (iii) Bluish areas with vibration modes relative to a corundum-like structure that can be assigned to a solid solution Fe2−xCrxO3, x varying between 0.2 and 1.5. The heterogeneity in the spatial distribution of chromium observed by optical microscopy and associated Raman microspectroscopy is confirmed by μ-XRF. In agreement with both solution and XPS analyses, these spectroscopies clearly confirm that chromium is in the trivalent state. XANES spectra in the iron K-edge pre-edge region obtained in rich chromium areas reveal the presence of ferric ion thus revealing a systematic association between Cr(III) and Fe(III). In agreement with Raman analyses, Cr K-edge EXAFS can be interpreted as corresponding to Cr atoms involved in a substituted-type hematite structure Fe2−xCrxO3. 相似文献
Crystal field spectra have been obtained from K2Co2(SO4)3 at a number of temperatures from 20 K to room temperature. The transition to the 4
1g(P) excited state is found to be split at all temperatures owing to the trigonal distortion of the Co site. Below the P213-P212121 phase transition temperature an excess splitting is observed owing to the additional distortion of the site in the orthorhombic
phase. This excess distortion is found to be a linear function of temperature with no first order step at T
c. Thus on a local scale the transition appears to be second order. The trigonal splitting increases with increasing temperature
above Tc; this is not expected from the Speer-Salje model of the transition mechanism, which predicted decreasing distortion of the
oxygen octahedra with increasing temperature. We propose that the apparent increase of asymmetry is due to the off centring
of the Co atom in the high temperature phase in a more regular environment. 相似文献
Alan N. Buckley William M. Skinner Allan Pring 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》2009,73(15):4452-4467
Fracture surfaces of a natural carrollite specimen have been characterised by synchrotron and conventional X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and near-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy. For the synchrotron X-ray measurements, the mineral surfaces were prepared under clean ultra high vacuum and were unoxidised. The characterisation was undertaken primarily to establish unequivocally the oxidation state of the Cu in the mineral, but also to obtain information on the electronic environments of the Co and S, and on the surface species. Experimental and simulated Cu L2,3-edge absorption spectra confirmed an oxidation state of CuI, while Co 2p photoelectron and Co L2,3 absorption spectra were largely consistent with the CoIII established previously by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. S 2p photoelectron spectra provided no evidence for S to be present in the bulk in more than one state, and were consistent with an oxidation state slightly less negative than S-II. Therefore it was concluded that carrollite can be best represented by CuICoIII2(S4)-VII. The CuI oxidation state is in agreement with that expected for Cu tetrahedrally coordinated by S, but is in disagreement with the CuII deduced previously from some magnetic, magnetic resonance and Cu L-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopic measurements. A significant concentration of S species with core electron binding energies both lower and higher than the bulk value were formed at fracture surfaces, and these entities were assigned to monomeric and oligomeric surface S species. The density of Cu d states calculated for carrollite differed from that previously reported but was consistent with the observed Cu L3 X-ray absorption spectrum. The initial oxidation of carrollite in air under ambient conditions was confirmed to be congruent, unlike the incongruent reaction undergone by a number of non-thiospinel sulfide minerals. 相似文献
Radomir Petrović Robert A. Berner Martin B. Goldhaber 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1976,40(5):537-548
Sanidine grains (100–600 μm in diameter) were subjected to dissolution at 82°C in aqueous electrolyte solutions of pH ranging from 4 to 8 for 293 or 377 hr. Dissolution equivalent to the removal of silica from the outer 300–900 A of these grains was accomplished. The shallow subsurfaces of feldspar grains were then analyzed for K, Al, and Si by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results rule out any continuous precipitate layer; if an alkali-depleted subsurface zone (leached layer) was present in the feldspar, the thickness of such a zone approximated by linear increase of alkali concentration with depth was not more than about 17 Å.It is concluded that in the absence of a compact precipitate layer, dissolution of feldspars in the temperature range corresponding to deep diagenesis is controlled by the processes at the feldspar-solution interface and a leached layer more than one feldspar unit cell thick does not form. Whether the same applies at the temperatures of shallow diagenesis and weathering cannot be judged with certainty, but parallels with leached layers on alkali silicate glasses suggest that it does. 相似文献
B.H.W.S.de Jong 《地球化学》2010,39(3):280-295
本文探讨了氧配位的八面体及四面体的金属配合物中氧原子的价态变化及其酸碱性差异之间的关系。首先利用X射线光电光谱(XPS)分别推导出了氧原子在碱及碱土铝酸盐、铬酸盐、高铁酸盐、钼酸盐及钨酸盐中的价态,随后对氧原子的价态及氧化物的酸碱性质进行了比较。研究结果表明,氧原子的价态在这两种配位构型的化合物中没有显著的差别,其酸碱性的不同在于四面体配位的金属化合物中O2p态在非成键和成键的电子密度中高价带的分裂。 相似文献
H. Oelkrug T. Brückel D. Hohlwein A. Hoser W. Prandl 《Physics and Chemistry of Minerals》1988,16(3):246-249
K2Mn2(SO4)3 orders magnetically at TN= 1.75 K. One of the orthorhombic cell edges of the low temperature Langbeinite structure becomes doubled in the magnetically ordered state. The antiferromagnetic spin structure found is characterized by weak or vanishing molecular fields due to nearest neighbours. There are no indications of magnetic order down to 1.45 K in the isomorphic compound K2Co2 (SO4)3. 相似文献
The effect of biomolecules on the mechanisms of the formation and nature of the transformation products of Al (oxy)hydroxides at the atomic and molecular levels and the impact on their nano-scale surface chemistry remain to be uncovered. In this article, the coordination structure of Al in Al (oxy)hydroxides formed under the influence of tannic acid was studied with X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. Al K-edge and L-edge spectra show that as the tannate/Al molar ratio (MR) was increased from 0, 0.001, 0.01 to 0.1, the coordination number of Al changed from the sixfold coordination to mixed six-, five-, and/or fourfold coordination in the structural network of the Al (oxy)hydroxides formed under the increasing perturbation of tannic acid. In O K-edge spectra, the intensity of the peak assigned to the π∗ at 532.1 eV increased as the tannate/Al MR increased, with the spectrum of the Al precipitate formed at a tannate/Al MR of 0.1 being almost identical to that of tannic acid. These results indicate that tannate ligands are incorporated into the structural network of short-range ordered Al (oxy)hydroxides to perturb their structural configuration during the formation of Al precipitates under the influence of tannic acid. With increasing tannate/Al MR, the Al (oxy)hydroxides decreased in amount and developed structural defects and the Al-tannate precipitates increased in amount. The decrease in the coordination number of Al in the Al (oxy)hydroxides is attributed to steric and electronic factors which cause the change in Al-O bonding, because Al is complexed with tannate which has different functional groups and is much larger in size compared with OH and H2O ligands. The surface reactivity of a metal-O bond is related to its covalency and coordination geometry. The findings obtained in the present study are, thus, of fundamental significance in understanding the structural and surface chemistry of Al (oxy)hydroxides and their impact on the transformation, transport, and fate of nutrients and pollutions in the environment. 相似文献
Dr. F. Scordari 《Mineralogy and Petrology》1981,28(1):17-29
Summary The mineral fibroferrite has the chemical formula Fe(OH)SO4·xH2O; the value forx has not been definitely settled, but as a rule it is found to be near five. Several symmetries are given in the literature.A sample from Saint Felix de Paillères, France, proved to be rhombohedral with space group R3; lattice constants for the hexagonal cell area=24.176,c=7.656 Å. As calculated from the experimental density (=1.95 g·cm–3)Z=18 for this cell. Intensities were collected on an automated X-ray diffractometer from a thin fiber extended along [00.1]. The structure was determined by Patterson and Fourier methods. Least squares refinement with 818 observed reflections resulted inR=0.076.The structure contains hydroxo-bridged {Fe(OH)(H2O)2SO4} spiral chains built of [Fe(OH)2(H2O)2O2] octahedra and SO4 tetrahedra. Hydrogen bonds provide connections between these chains. The spiral chains are a stereoisomer variant of the hydroxo-bridged linear chains of Fe(OH)SO4, butlerite and parabutlerite. A comparison of these compounds is givenm to understand the relationship between the structure and their water content.
With 2 Figures
Paper presented at the Fifth European Crystallography Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark 1979. 相似文献
Fibroferrit: Ein Mineral mit einer {Fe(OH)(H2O)2SO4} Spiralkette und seine Beziehung zu Fe(OH)SO4, Butlerit und Parabutlerit
Zusammenfassung Das Mineral Fibroferrit hat die chemische Formel Fe(OH)SO4·xH2O; der Wert furx scheint nicht endgültig geklärt zu sein, liegt aber meist nahe 5. Verschiedene Symmetrien werden in der Literatur angegeben.Eine Probe von Saint Felix de Paillères, Frankreich, erwies sich als rhomboedrisch mit der Raumgruppe R3; die Gitterkonstanten der hexagonalen Zelle sinda=24,176,c=7,656 Å. Die experimentelle Bestimmung der Dichte (=1,95 g·cm–3) führt für diese Zelle zuZ=18. Von einer nach [00.1] gestreckten dünnen Faser wurden die Intensitäten auf einem automatischen Röntgendiffraktometer gesammelt. Die Struktur wurde mit Patterson-und Fouriersynthesen gelöst. Eine Verfeinerung nach der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate führte für 818 beobachtete Reflexe aufR=0,076.Die Struktur enthält durch Hydroxil-Gruppen verknüpfte {Fe(OH)(H2O)2SO4}-Spiralketten, die aus [Fe(OH)2(H2O)2O2]-Oktaedern und SO4-Tetraedern aufgebaut sind. Die Spiralketten von Fibroferrit sind eine stereoisomere Variante der annähernd linearen Fe–O–S-Ketten von Fe(OH)SO4, Butlerit und Parabutlerit. Diese Verbindungen werden mit Fibroferrit verglichen, um Beziehungen zwischen Struktur und Wassergehalt zu verstehen.
With 2 Figures
Paper presented at the Fifth European Crystallography Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark 1979. 相似文献
Coordination chemistry and hydrolysis of Fe(III) in a peat humic acid studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The speciation of iron (Fe) in soils, sediments and surface waters is highly dependent on chemical interactions with natural organic matter (NOM). However, the molecular structure and hydrolysis of the Fe species formed in association with NOM is still poorly described. In this study extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy was used to determine the coordination chemistry and hydrolysis of Fe(III) in solution of a peat humic acid (5010-49,200 μg Fe g−1 dry weight, pH 3.0-7.2). Data were analyzed by both conventional EXAFS data fitting and by wavelet transforms in order to facilitate the identification of the nature of backscattering atoms. Our results show that Fe occurs predominantly in the oxidized form as ferric ions and that the speciation varies with pH and Fe concentration. At low Fe concentrations (5010-9920 μg g−1; pH 3.0-7.2) mononuclear Fe(III)-NOM complexes completely dominates the speciation. The determined bond distances for the Fe(III)-NOM complexes are similar to distances obtained for Fe(III) complexed by desferrioxamine B and oxalate indicating the formation of a five-membered chelate ring structure. At higher Fe concentrations (49,200 μg g−1; pH 4.2-6.9) we detect a mixture of mononuclear Fe(III)-NOM complexes and polymeric Fe(III) (hydr)oxides with an increasing amount of Fe(III) (hydr)oxides at higher pH. However, even at pH 6.9 and a Fe concentration of 49,200 μg g−1 our data indicates that a substantial amount of the total Fe (>50%) is in the form of organic complexes. Thus, in environments with significant amounts of organic matter organic Fe complexes will be of great importance for the geochemistry of Fe. Furthermore, the formation of five-membered chelate ring structures is in line with the strong complexation and limited hydrolytic polymerization of Fe(III) in our samples and also agrees with EXAFS derived structures of Fe(III) in organic soils. 相似文献
Indirect determination of weighted joint density (wJd) by empirical and fuzzy models: Supren (Eskisehir, Turkey) marbles 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Correct block size assessment is the most important stage for rock quarry management. Although volumetric joint count (Jv) and weighted joint density (wJd) were proposed for this purpose, simple prediction method for these indices is not encountered in literature. Due to the fact that some rock masses such as marbles contain less discontinuity, collection of representative amount of data from in situ line surveys for statistical assessments is highly difficult. For this reason, the main targets of the present paper are to apply photoanalysis approach for collecting additional discontinuity data and to obtain some simple statistical and fuzzy models for predicting weighted joint density to evaluate block size in engineering practice for marbles around Supren (Eskisehir, Turkey). In addition, a new and simple approach to predict volumetric decrease caused by chemical weathering is introduced. For these purposes, extensive field and photoanalysis studies were performed and the data obtained from both field and photoanalysis studies were assessed by regression and fuzzy approaches. The results revealed that the prediction performance of the fuzzy inference system is higher than that of the regression equation. 相似文献
甘肃阳山金矿床含砷黄铁矿及毒砂的XPS研究 总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5
阳山金矿是西秦岭地区新发现的超大型金矿.载金矿物中元素的赋存状态是认识成矿机理、评价矿床采选冶过程对环境影响的重要依据.作者运用XPS技术测定了载金矿物含砷黄铁矿和毒砂新鲜断裂面的As3d、Fe2p及S2p的存在形式和相对原子百分含量.结果表明,在含砷黄铁矿表面,超过50%的As以As~(-1)形式存在,约18%~20%的As以As~(3+)形式存在,约30%的As以As~(5+)形式存在.在毒砂表面,超过60%的As以As~(1-)形式存在,约30%的As~(3+)形式存在,其余10%的As主要以As~(3+)形式存在.分析证明As、Fe、S等元素在含砷黄铁矿和毒砂中主要以As`(1-)、Fe~(2+)、S~(1-)形式存在外,As元素可能还以As~(3+)形式存在于含砷黄铁矿及毒砂结构中. 相似文献
离子色谱法测定水样中S2-、SO2-3、SO2-4、S2O2-3 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
该种方法利用离子色谱仪的电导检测器与电化学检测器串联,十几分钟即可连续完成水中S2-、SO2-3、SO2-4、S2O2-3的测定,方法具有快速、高效、方便、灵敏、选择性好等特点.方法的检出限分别为S2-12.5μg/L;SO2-3 22.4μg/L;SO2-4 5.0μg/L;S2O2-3 5.0μg/L.相对标准偏差在1.5%~6.9%之间,能够满足水中S2-、SO2-3、SO2-4、S2O2-3四种阴离子分析测试的需要. 相似文献
Siew Wei Goh Alan N. Buckley William M. Skinner Liang-Jen Fan 《Physics and Chemistry of Minerals》2010,37(6):389-405
X-ray photoelectron and absorption spectra have been obtained for natural specimens of cubanite and compared with the corresponding spectra for chalcopyrite. Synchrotron X-ray photoelectron spectra of surfaces prepared by fracture under ultra-high vacuum revealed some clear differences for the two minerals, most notably those reflecting their different structures. In particular, the concentration of the low binding energy S species formed at cubanite fracture surfaces was approximately double that produced at chalcopyrite surfaces. However, the core electron binding energies for the two S environments in cubanite were not significantly different, and were similar to the corresponding values for the single environment in chalcopyrite. High binding energy features in the S 2p and Cu 2p spectra were not related to surface species produced either by the fracture or by oxidation, and most probably arose from energy loss due to inter-band excitation. Differences relating to the Fe electronic environments were detectable, but were smaller than expected from some of the observed physical properties and Mössbauer spectroscopic parameters for the two minerals. X-ray absorption and photoelectron spectra together with the calculated densities of states for cubanite confirmed an oxidation state of CuI in the mineral. It was concluded that the best formal oxidation state representation for cubanite is CuI(Fe2)VS 3 ?II . 相似文献
New approaches to studying heavy metals in soils by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES)) and extractive fractionation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
T. M. Minkina A. V. Soldatov D. G. Nevidomskaya G. V. Motuzova Yu. S. Podkovyrina S. S. Mandzhieva 《Geochemistry International》2016,54(2):197-204
A comprehensive approach to studying the nature of interaction between heavy-metal ions and the organic–mineral matrix of soils involves application of modern physical analytical techniques and chemical methods of extractive fractionation. XANES was used to obtain the first data on the near-edge fine structure of X-ray spectra for a number of heavy-metal species in ordinary chernozem. Data on the structure of soil samples saturated with Zn2+ and Cu2+ obtained by XANES (X-ray absorption near-edge structure) make it possible to elucidate the interaction mechanisms of the metals and the types of chemical bonds formed thereby. As contamination doze of with Cu and Zn is increased (from 2000 to 10 000 mg/kg soil), particularly if the metals are introduced in the form of readily solubility salts, bonding between the metals and soil components weakens. Data of extractive fractionation of metal compounds from samples saturated with Cu and Zn compounds testify that the Cu2+ ion is preferably retained in the organic matter of the soil, whereas the Zn2+ ion is bound mostly to silicates, carbonates, and Fe and Mn (hydro)oxides. 相似文献
J. Majzlan S. Speziale T. S. Duffy P. C. Burns 《Physics and Chemistry of Minerals》2006,33(8-9):567-573
The single-crystal elastic constants of natural alunite (ideally KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6) were determined by Brillouin spectroscopy. Chemical analysis by electron microprobe gave a formula KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6. Single crystal X-ray diffraction refinement with R 1 = 0.0299 for the unique observed reflections (|F o| > 4σ F) and wR 2 = 0.0698 for all data gave a = 6.9741(3) Å, c = 17.190(2) Å, fractional positions and thermal factors for all atoms. The elastic constants (in GPa), obtained by fitting the spectroscopic data, are C 11 = 181.9 ± 0.3, C 33 = 66.8 ± 0.8, C 44 = 42.8 ± 0.2, C 12 = 48.2 ± 0.5, C 13 = 27.1 ± 1.0, C 14 = 5.4 ± 0.5, and C 66 = ½(C 11–C 12) = 66.9 ± 0.3 GPa. The VRH averages of bulk and shear modulus are 63 and 49 GPa, respectively. The aggregate Poisson ratio is 0.19. The high value of the ratio C 11/C 33 = 2.7 and of the ratio C 66/C 44 = 1.6 are characteristic of an anisotropic structure with very weak interlayer interactions along the c-axis. The basal plane (001) is characterized by 0.1% longitudinal acoustic anisotropy and 0.9–1.1% shear acoustic anisotropy, which gives alunite a characteristic pseudo-hexagonal elastic behavior, and is related to the pseudo-hexagonal arrangement of the Al(O,OH)6 octahedra in the basal layer. The elastic Debye temperature of alunite is 654 K. The large discrepancy between the elastic and heat capacity Debye temperature is also a consequence of the layered structure. 相似文献