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基于GRACE卫星测量得到的中国及其周边地区陆地水量变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GRACE卫星成功开辟了空间大地测量对地观测的新途径。利用GRACE卫星得到的时变地球重力资料,分析估计了中国及其周边地区陆地水量的变化趋势,较为清晰地揭示了该地区季节性变化特征。进一步采用13点滑动平均的方法扣除了季节性变化,提取了4个特征区域(喜马拉雅南部,新疆与西藏及其周边的亚洲高山区域,中国华北、东北地区和中国南部地区)的陆地水量变化特征信息,这4个区域陆地水量的变化趋势分别为-12.7±0.7、-60.4±2.7、-12.5±0.5和6.6±0.9 km3/a。其中:喜马拉雅南部和亚洲高山区域陆地水量呈现明显的衰减趋势,与Matsuo和Heki模拟冰川质量损失源得到的结果较为一致;但近10年来亚洲高山区域西北部冰川加速融化趋势并不明显。中国华北、东北地区和南部地区水量变化比较复杂,具不稳定的变化趋势。  相似文献   

This study is the first integrated geological and geophysical investigation of the Hidaka Collision Zone in southern Central Hokkaido, Japan, which shows complex collision tectonics with a westward vergence. The Hidaka Collision Zone consists of the Idon'nappu Belt (IB), the Poroshiri Ophiolite Belt (POB) and the Hidaka Metamorphic Belt (HMB) with the Hidaka Belt from west to east. The POB (metamorphosed ophiolites) is overthrust by the HMB (steeply eastward-dipping palaeo-arc crust) along the Hidaka Main Thrust (HMT), and in turn, thrusts over the Idon'nappu Belt (melanges) along the Hidaka Western Thrust (HWT). Seismic reflection and gravity surveys along a 20-km-long traverse across the southern Hidaka Mountains revealed hitherto unknown crustal structures of the collision zone such as listric thrusts, back thrusts, frontal thrust-and-fold structures, and duplex structures. The main findings are as follows. (1) The HMT, which dips steeply at the surface, is a listric fault dipping gently at a depth of 7 km beneath the eastern end of the HMB, and cutting across the lithological boundaries and schistosity of the Hidaka metamorphic rocks. (2) A second reflector is detected 1 km below the HMT reflector. The intervening part between these two reflectors is inferred to be the POB, which is only little exposed at the surface. This inference is supported by the high positive Bouguer anomalies along the Hidaka Mountains. (3) The shallow portion of the IB at the front of the collision zone has a number of NNE-dipping reflectors, indicative of imbricated fold-and-thrust structures. (4) Subhorizontal reflectors at a depth of 14 km are recognized intermittently at both sides of the seismic profile. These reflectors may correspond to the velocity boundary (5.9–6.6 km/s) previously obtained from seismic refraction profiling in the northern Hidaka Mountains. (5) These crustal structures as well as the back thrust found in the eastern end of the traverse represent characteristics of collisional tectonics resulting from the two collisional events since the Early Tertiary.  相似文献   

The distribution of oil and gas resources in the South China Sea and adjacent areas is closely related to the structural pattern that helped to define the controlling effect of deep processes on oil-bearing basins.Igneous rocks can record important information from deep processes.Deep structures such as faults,basin uplift and depression,Cenozoic basement and magnetic basement are all the results of energy exchange within the earth.The study of the relationship between igneous rocks and deep structures is of great significance for the study of the South China Sea.By using the minimum curvature potential field separation technique and the correlation analysis technique of gravitational and magnetic anomalies,the fusion of gravitational and magnetic data reflecting igneous rocks can be obtained,through which the igneous rocks with high susceptibility/high density or high susceptibility/low density can be identified.In this study area,igneous rocks do not develop in the Yinggehai basin,Qiongdongnan basin,Zengmu basin and Brunei-Sabah basin whilst igneous rocks with high susceptibility/high density or high susceptibility/low density are widely-developed in other basins.In undeveloped igneous areas,faults are also undeveloped the Cenozoic thickness is greater,the magnetic basement depth is greater and the Cenozoic thickness is highly positively correlated with the magnetic basement depth.In igneously developed regions,the distribution pattern of the Qiongtai block is mainly controlled by primary faults,while the distribution of the Zhongxisha block,Xunta block and Yongshu-Taiping block is mainly controlled by secondary faults,the Cenozoic thickness having a low correlation with the depth of the magnetic basement.  相似文献   

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