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The cloud amount summer nighttime data obtained from the 1994 to 2007 NASA satellite infrared and visible range measurements taken within the framework of the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) were analyzed, and the contribution by lunar signal to the cloud amount was extracted. Although the fact of lunar influence on cloudiness is known, this investigation has made it possible to separate the lunar-phase and lunar-declination effects on cloudiness. The relative cloud amount tends to grow with a change in lunar phase from a quadrature to the New Moon or Full Moon and with an increase in lunar declination by absolute value. Both the effects are statistically significant, the lunar-declination effect is a little stronger. The obtained results do not seem to contradict the theory of lunar tides.  相似文献   

Fisheries: Hope or despair?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent work suggesting that fisheries depletions have turned the corner is misplaced because analysis was based largely on fisheries from better-managed developed-world fisheries. Some indicators of status show improvements in the minority of fisheries subjected to formal assessment. Other indicators, such as trophic level and catch time series, have been controversial. Nevertheless, several deeper analyses of the status of the majority of world fisheries confirm the previous dismal picture: serious depletions are the norm world-wide, management quality is poor, catch per effort is still declining. The performance of stock assessment itself may stand challenged by random environmental shifts and by the need to accommodate ecosystem-level effects. The global picture for further fisheries species extinctions, the degradation of ecosystem food webs and seafood security is indeed alarming. Moreover, marine ecosystems and their embedded fisheries are challenged in parallel by climate change, acidification, metabolic disruptors and other pollutants. Attempts to remedy the situation need to be urgent, focused, innovative and global.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the importance of seasonal changes in habitat features and aquatic macroinvertebrate responses in temporary and perennial streams from two different catchments in the Western Mediterranean region in Spain. Macroinvertebrate sampling was spatially intensive to account for the relative frequency of meso- (i.e., riffles and pools) and micro-habitats (i.e., different mineral and organic-based substrata) at each site. Samples were collected at two distinctly different phases of the hydrograph: (1) during the flowing period, when pool-riffle sequences were well-established, and (2) during the dry phase, when only isolated pools were expected to occur in the temporary streams. During the dry season, both a reduction in the available total habitat and in microhabitat diversity in all sites studied was observed. As a result, taxon richness decreased in all streams, but more dramatically at temporary stream sites and particularly so in the infrequently remaining discontinuous riffles. Macroinvertebrate assemblages differed among catchments (i.e., geographical identity) and sites (perennial vs. temporary). Invertebrate differences were also strong within and among meso- and micro-habitats, particularly mineral and organic microhabitat patches, and differences were due to both loss of taxa from some habitats and some taxa exhibiting certain habitat affinities.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of two crossings of the plasma sheet boundary layer (PSBL) in Earth’s magnetotail by a quartet of Cluster satellites, accomplished both in the absolutely quiet geomagnetic interval and in the restoration period between two substorms. It is found that in the quiet period, field-aligned electric currents were not observed in the PSBL, in spite of presence in this region of high-velocity ions moving toward Earth along the magnetic field lines at velocities of ∼1400 km/s. This means that in the given event, ions and electrons moved together; i.e., high-velocity ions were a part of the accelerated plasma flow. In the disturbed period, the Cluster satellites detected a system of two oppositely directed field-aligned currents, which can be associated with the presence of the X line rather close to the Earth. Owing to multipoint Cluster observations, we managed to estimate the spatial size of a current structure (along the normal to the PSBL surface), which was equal, for a current flowing toward Earth along the high-latitude PSBL boundary, to about 1600 km, which is comparable with the value of the inertial radius of ions. This agrees with the scenario of spatial separation of charges and formation of the Hall system of currents in the magnetic reconnection region. The duration of observation of the given current structure was ∼12 min., which points to the quasi-steady-state character of reconnection.  相似文献   

Where contaminants in sediments correlate with biodiversity reductions, the contamination may not be the cause. Other physical factors may be responsible, and should be investigated so that any remedial action is directed properly. Two examples are given where unusual sediment mobility caused biodiversity reductions in sediments with elevated trace contaminants.  相似文献   

Artificial drainage of forested wetlands to increase timber production has profoundly altered the hydrology of North-European landscapes during the 20th century. Nowadays, drainage ditches and small dredged streams can comprise most fluvial water bodies there, but the resulting ecological effects are poorly documented. In the current study, we explored, using fish as an indicator group, consequences of the transformation of natural stream networks to a mixture of natural and artificial watercourses. We asked whether the transformation results in impoverishment, enrichment or re-assembling of the communities both at watercourse and the landscape scales. We sampled fish in 98 sites in five well-forested regions in Estonia where ditches formed 83–92%, dredged streams 4–7%, and natural streams 3–10% of the total length of small watercourses. Based on a total of 6370 individual fish of 20 species, we found that, compared to natural streams, ditches had an impoverished fauna at both scales and both in terms of species richness and assemblage composition. Only natural streams hosted characteristic species (with Barbatula barbatula, Lampetra planeri and Lota lota emerging as significant indicators), while dredged streams had intermediate assemblages. The habitat factors explaining those drainage-related differences included a reduced flow velocity, loss of stream channel variability, less transparent water, and abundant aquatic vegetation. Hence, for stream-dwelling fish, drained forest landscapes represent degraded habitats rather than novel ecosystems, which contrasts with the transformation of terrestrial assemblages. Future studies should address whether that reflects the situation for whole aquatic assemblages, and how is the functioning of the hydrological systems affected. We suggest that the critical management issues for environmental mitigation of ditching effects on fish include basin scale spatial planning, protecting of the remaining natural streams, and rehabilitation of ditch channels in flat landscapes lacking beavers.  相似文献   

Seismic hazard disaggregation is commonly used as an aid in ground‐motion selection for the seismic response analysis of structures. This short communication investigates two different approaches to disaggregation related to the exceedance and occurrence of a particular intensity. The impact the different approaches might have on a subsequent structural analysis at a given intensity is explored through the calculation of conditional spectra. It is found that the exceedance approach results in conditional spectra that will be conservative when used as targets for ground‐motion selection. It is however argued that the use of the occurrence disaggregation is more consistent with the objectives of seismic response analyses in the context of performance‐based earthquake engineering. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The sediment parameters and nematode assemblages in the intertidal zone of the Hichirippu shallow lagoon, Hokkaido, Japan, were investigated. The objectives of this study were to observe the seasonal variation in the nematodes in the sediment, and to investigate the relationships between the nematodes and environmental factors. Samples were collected bi-monthly from five stations on the tidal flat from April 2003 to February 2004. It was found that the sediment parameters (Chl a concentration, AVS, TOC and TN contents) varied throughout the 10-month study. Fifty-four species of nematodes were found in the study area. The density and biomass of the nematodes varied in accordance with the sediment temperature during the sampling period. In this study, there was a seasonal variation in the nematode assemblage found in the intertidal zone of this shallow lagoon. The important factors affecting this variation were sediment temperature, and food competition among the nematodes themselves. The seasonal variation of the nematode also showed a relationship with the Chl a concentration in the sediment during the sampling period.  相似文献   


This paper analyses the evolution of high flows in the central Spanish Pyrenees during the period 1955–1995. The method applied makes it possible to assess whether the contribution of the largest daily discharge and rainfall events to the total annual runoff and precipitation remains stationary or shows any temporal trend. The results show a general negative trend in flood intensity in the last decades, together with an increase in the importance of low flows in the total annual contribution. However, a change in the frequency distribution of precipitation events has not been detected. The different behaviour shown by runoff and precipitation could only be explained as being due to the increase in vegetation cover that is a consequence of the farmland abandonment and reforestation that occurred during the 20th century.  相似文献   

Cohen and Sweeter (1975) found the 20 to 22-year Hale (double sunspot) cycle signal in the maximum entropy spectra of sunspot and Atlantic tropical cyclone data. Currie (1996) corroborated and extended their analysis, but he argued that this signal is the 18.6-year luni-solar tidal constituent. Currie maintains that Cohen and Sweeter mistakenly conjectured that this long term periodicity was induced by the 20 to 22-year Hale cycle signal. However, no further investigation of periodicity in the extracted wave forms corresponding to the 18.6-year luni-solar signal was conducted. In this study, we follow Currie's signal processing procedures to extract the wave forms corresponding to the 18.6-year luni-solar signal. In order to investigate the periodicity in the extracted wave forms, multi-taper method (MTM) is used for harmonic analysis. Band pass filters are then designed to extract the wave forms corresponding to the individual components identified in the MTM harmonic analysis. The investigation results of the monthly precipitation and Palmer's drought severity index (PDSI) data in three of the midwestern states – Illinois, Indiana and Ohio – show that two periodic components, the 20 to 22-year Hale cycle signal and the other component with periods between 16.9 and 13.5 years, are identified. The bistability phenomenon, which Currie found in these wave forms, is more likely to result from the superposition of these two periodic components, rather than from a nonlinear mechanism. Besides, a periodic component with an approximate period of 33 years is detected.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we consider ideas suggesting various kinds of industrial impact on the close-to-failure block of the Earth’s crust in order to break a pending strong earthquake (PSE) into a number of smaller quakes or aseismic slips. Among the published proposals on the prevention of a forthcoming strong earthquake, methods based on water injection and vibro influence merit greater attention as they are based on field observations and the results of laboratory tests. In spite of this, the cited proofs are, for various reasons, insufficient to acknowledge the proposed techniques as highly substantiated; in addition, the physical essence of these methods has still not been fully understood. First, the key concept of the methods, namely, the release of the accumulated stresses (or excessive elastic energy) in the source region of a forthcoming strong earthquake, is open to objection. If we treat an earthquake as a phenomenon of a loss in stability, then, the heterogeneities of the physicomechanical properties and stresses along the existing fault or its future trajectory, rather than the absolute values of stresses, play the most important role. In the present paper, this statement is illustrated by the classical examples of stable and unstable fractures and by the examples of the calculated stress fields, which were realized in the source regions of the tsunamigenic earthquakes of December 26, 2004 near the Sumatra Island and of September 29, 2009 near the Samoa Island. Here, just before the earthquakes, there were no excessive stresses in the source regions. Quite the opposite, the maximum shear stresses τmax were close to their minimum value, compared to τmax in the adjacent territory. In the present paper, we provide quantitative examples that falsify the theory of the prevention of PSE in its current form. It is shown that the measures for the prevention of PSE, even when successful for an already existing fault, can trigger or accelerate a catastrophic earthquake because of dynamic fault propagation in the intact region. Some additional aspects of prevention of PSE are discussed. We conclude that in the near future, it is too early to consider the problem of prevention of a forthcoming strong earthquake as a practical task; otherwise, the results can prove to be very different from the desired ones. Nevertheless, it makes sense to continue studying this problem. The theoretical research and experimental investigation of the structure and properties of the regions where the prevention of a forthcoming strong earthquake is planned in the future are of primary importance.  相似文献   

Cohen and Sweeter (1975) found the 20 to 22-year Hale (double sunspot) cycle signal in the maximum entropy spectra of sunspot and Atlantic tropical cyclone data. Currie (1996) corroborated and extended their analysis, but he argued that this signal is the 18.6-year luni-solar tidal constituent. Currie maintains that Cohen and Sweeter mistakenly conjectured that this long term periodicity was induced by the 20 to 22-year Hale cycle signal. However, no further investigation of periodicity in the extracted wave forms corresponding to the 18.6-year luni-solar signal was conducted. In this study, we follow Currie's signal processing procedures to extract the wave forms corresponding to the 18.6-year luni-solar signal. In order to investigate the periodicity in the extracted wave forms, multi-taper method (MTM) is used for harmonic analysis. Band pass filters are then designed to extract the wave forms corresponding to the individual components identified in the MTM harmonic analysis. The investigation results of the monthly precipitation and Palmer's drought severity index (PDSI) data in three of the midwestern states – Illinois, Indiana and Ohio – show that two periodic components, the 20 to 22-year Hale cycle signal and the other component with periods between 16.9 and 13.5 years, are identified. The bistability phenomenon, which Currie found in these wave forms, is more likely to result from the superposition of these two periodic components, rather than from a nonlinear mechanism. Besides, a periodic component with an approximate period of 33 years is detected.  相似文献   

Granoblastic olivine aggregates (GOA) have been discovered in some Type I magnesian chondrules within carbonaceous chondrites by Libourel and Krot [Libourel, G., Krot, A.N., 2007. Evidence for the presence of planetesimal material among the precursors of magnesian chondrules of nebular origin. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 254, 1–8], who proposed an origin from pre-existing planetesimals. Amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOA), generally considered as aggregates of solar nebula condensates and found within similar carbonaceous chondrites, display similar equilibrium texture, though on a finer scale. For these reasons, we conducted experiments to determine if annealing of olivine required time scales appropriate to planetesimal or nebular heating. Pressed < 43 µm and < 63 µm San Carlos olivine powder (Fo88.4) was isothermally heated at temperatures ranging from 1350–1550 °C for 1–100 h. The 100 h runs yield olivine aggregates with well-developed granoblastic texture at all temperatures, manifest as a network of randomly-oriented and sutured olivine grains with 120° triple junctions. Individual olivine grains are 4–6 sided and polygonal by 1450 °C and equigranular texture is developed at high temperature (1500–1550 °C). Melting of olivine commences at 1450–1500 °C and aids in ‘ripening’ and suturing (grain coarsening and grain boundary migration). Textural equilibrium is clearly met at 1550 °C. A planetesimal origin cannot be ruled out; however, the experimental evidence reveals that granoblastic texture can be reproduced in an interval not inconsistent with heating times for nebular objects. GOA may have experienced higher degrees of thermal processing than the finer-grained AOA. If the precursors were the same, grain coarsening would have to be accompanied by modification to bulk and isotopic compositions. However, the precursors could have been olivine condensates formed later than AOA. Annealing may have been a widespread process operating in the primordial solar nebula responsible for thermal processing and formation of GOA prior to their incorporation into chondrules.  相似文献   

The rural population of parts of northern and western Namibia uses hand dug wells for their domestic water supply, partly because no other source (e.g., deep tube wells) is available, but also as a substitute for pipeline water that is often perceived as being too expensive. The water quality of these wells is usually not monitored or controlled, thus a study has been carried out in four study areas in Namibia: southern Omusati/Oshana area, Okongo/Ohangwena area, Omatjete/Omaruru area, Okanguati/Kunene area. Hand dug wells have been tested for on-site parameters: electric conductivity, pH and temperature while samples were taken for major inorganic constituents and several minor and trace constituents including fluoride and nitrate. In addition a sampling campaign in 2010 included the determination of coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli. Results were classified according to the Namibian Water Guidelines. The constituents making the water unfit for human consumption are fluoride, nitrate, sulphate and total dissolved solids. Contamination by E. coli was indicated in nearly all wells that are used for livestock watering. For the Omatjete/Omaruru study area an isotope based study on the source of nitrate has indicated manure as a source. The range of recharge values obtained for the studied villages ranges from 1 mm/a to locally more than 100 mm/a. Overall the water resource in the shallow perched aquifers in the study areas is in many places inappropriate for human consumption. Treatment to improve the quality or introduction of protection measures is necessary to bring this resource to an acceptable quality according to national and/or international standards.  相似文献   

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