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The basement of the North China Craton can be divided into the eastern, central and western zones, based on lithological, structural, metamorphic and geochronological data. The western zone comprises two different petrotectonic units: Archaean tonalitic–trondhjemitic–granodioritic (TTG) grey gneisses and metamorphic mafic rocks, and Palaeoproterozoic khondalite series. The former is characterized by isobaric cooling (IBC)-type anticlockwise PT paths in the north-northwestern part of the zone and near-isothermal decompression (ITD)-type clockwise PT paths in the eastern part, adjacent to the central zone. On the other hand, the tectonothermal evolution of Palaeoproterozoic khondalite series rocks is characterized exclusively by nearly isothermal decompression following the peak of metamorphism and then cooling, defining clockwise PT paths. The Archaean TTG gneisses and associated mafic rocks with anticlockwise metamorphic PT paths reflects an origin related to underplating and intrusion of mantle-derived magmas which may be derived from mantle plumes. They represent a late Archaean continental block in the western part of the North China Craton. The Palaeoproterozoic khondalite series rocks represent passive continental margin deposits. They were metamorphosed and deformed in the late Palaeoproterozoic during the amalgamation of the western continental block with another continental block in the east part of the North China Craton. The ITD-type clockwise PTt paths of the Palaeoproterozoic khondalite series rocks record the tectonothermal histories of the collision of the western and eastern continental blocks which resulted in the final assembly of the North China Craton at c. 1800 Ma.  相似文献   

杨人毅  吕承训  吕古贤 《地质通报》2020,39(11):1783-1792
为了探究银坑铅锌银多金属矿田的构造特征和找矿潜力,选取区内基底复式褶皱作为研究区,开展野外调查和室内分析。揭示基底褶皱几何学和应力场特征并探讨对成矿的控制作用,重点研究褶皱作用晚期纵张断裂中的SN向交代充填石英矿脉的成矿特征。通过实测褶皱轴迹与两翼产状,分析其几何形态特征为:枢纽走向由北至南为NE→NNE→SN→NNW,翼间角范围为33°~52°,褶皱类型为紧闭陡立尖棱状褶皱。通过褶皱分析法与节理统计法,求得基底褶皱自加里东期至燕山期主应力方向变化为EW→NWW→NNW→NEE。基底地层早期受EW向挤压而形成SN向构造带与大量的SN向褶劈理带。应力场转换期间地层受到的应力由挤压向拉张转换,促进褶劈理带内形成SN向纵张裂隙,为后期NE向矿化提供空间。通过实测与观察,基底褶皱首次发现近SN向矿化石英矿脉充填于褶皱作用晚期的切层纵张和次级横张裂隙。含矿性分析显示,脉中铅、锌平均含量为0.133%和0.190%,金、银的平均含量0.127 g/t和15.33 g/t,具有较高的矿化特征。在桥子坑矿区地表和牛形坝矿区60、104和140中段新发现12条SN向矿脉,表明该区有巨大的成矿潜力。  相似文献   

Earlier geological work in the Istanbul zone, western Pontide tectonic belt, has revealed the presence of extensive basement outcrops exposed underneath Palaeozoic and Mesozoic to Tertiary cover sequences. The basement of suspected Neoproterozoic age plays an important role in understanding the crustal accretion process in NW Turkey. We report the first results of a detailed Pb-Pb and U-Pb zircon study complemented by Nd-Sr whole rock and mineral data from basement rocks exposed in the Karadere valley, Safranbolu area. Five samples were selected for this study, comprising three metagranitoids and two metasediments. Zircon geochronology indicates that the metagranitoids were formed during Late Proterozoic pan-African magmatic events between 590 and 560 Ma. The rocks are of tonalitic and granitic composition and have low Nb/Y ratios and Ti contents, consistent with those of arc rocks. A continental arc setting is supported by their Sr and Nd isotope data that indicate a contribution of a mantle source as well as crustal assimilation during magma genesis. The metasediments can clearly be distinguished from the metagranitoids by their higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios and lower )Nd-values at 580 Ma, which supports the suggestion that the arc was underlain by mature continental crust. Zircons from the metasediments yield a range of Pb-Pb ages between 1,860 and 710 Ma. Thirty per cent of them fall between 890 and 710 Ma, possibly suggesting a derivation from Gondwana (Afro-Arabian) regions. A Sm-Nd garnet-whole rock analysis obtained on a metagranite gives an age of 559NJ Ma, which either reflects pre-metamorphic magmatic growth of garnet in a felsic melt or a syntectonic high-temperature metamorphic event. Uplift and cooling of the basement is further constrained by Rb-Sr biotite ages of 548-545 Ma. These lower Cambrian mineral ages demonstrate that the Istanbul zone was not thermally reactivated during the Hercynian, Cimmerian or Alpine orogeny, in contrast to its neighbouring tectonic zones, confirming its role as a suspect terrane in the modern western Pontide tectonic belt.  相似文献   

Active deformation in the South Caspian region demonstrates the enormous variation in kinematics and structural style generated where a rigid basement block lies within a collision zone. Rigid basement to the South Caspian Basin moves with a westward component relative both to stable Eurasia and Iran, and is beginning to subduct at its northern and western margins. This motion is oblique to the approximately north–south Arabia–Eurasia convergence, and causes oblique shortening to the south and northeast of the South Caspian Basin: thrusting in the Alborz and Kopet Dagh is accompanied by range-parallel strike–slip faults, which are respectively left- and right-lateral. There are also arcuate fold and thrust belts in the region, for two principal reasons. Firstly, weaker regions deform and wrap around the rigid block. This occurs at the curved transition zone between the Alborz and Talysh ranges, where thrust traces are concave towards the foreland. Secondly, a curved fold and thrust belt can link a deformation zone created by movement of the basement block to one created by the regional convergence: west-to-east thrusts in the eastern Talysh represent underthrusting of the South Caspian basement, but pass via an arcuate fan of fold trains into SSW-directed thrusts in the eastern Greater Caucasus, which accommodates part of the Arabia–Eurasia convergence. Each part of the South Caspian region contains one or more detachment levels, which vary dependent on the pre-Pliocene geology. Buckle folds in the South Caspian Basin are detached from older rocks on thick mid-Tertiary mudrocks, whereas thrust sheets in the eastern Greater Caucasus detach on Mesozoic horizons. In the future, the South Caspian basement may be largely eliminated by subduction, leading to a situation similar to Archaean greenstone belts of interthrust mafic and sedimentary slices surrounded by the roots of mountain ranges constructed from continental crust.  相似文献   

V. A. Bush 《Geotectonics》2011,45(6):469-480
New data on the deep structure of the crystalline basement in the conjugate zone between the northern termination of the Baikal-Patom Foldbelt and the Siberian Craton are discussed. Digital processing of the data of a high-precision airborne geophysical (magnetic, gravity, radiometric) surveys on a scale of 1: 50000 allows us to construct 3D models of the petrophysical properties of the rocks and to ascertain the main features of the deep structure of the pre-Riphean crystalline basement overlapped by a thick sedimentary cover. The Archean and Paleoproterozoic metamorphic and plutonic petrophysical complexes are identified, and their vertical and horizontal relationships are outlined. Horizontal tectonic movements and overthrusting for many tens of kilometers are interpreted in the internal structure of the crystalline basement. The tectonic overriding of the marginal part of the Siberian Craton by nappes of the Baikal-Patom Foldbelt is proved. In particular, the completely detached, allochthonous position of the Kotuikan Zone along which the Magan and Daldyn terranes cojugate with the Aldan Province in the south of the craton is established. This compels us to consider a re-evaluation of the currently accepted concept concerning the structure and formation history of the basement of the ancient Siberian Craton.  相似文献   

The Elbe Fault System (EFS) is a WNW-striking zone extending from the southeastern North Sea to southwestern Poland along the present southern margin of the North German Basin and the northern margin of the Sudetes Mountains. Although details are still under debate, geological and geophysical data reveal that upper crustal deformation along the Elbe Fault System has taken place repeatedly since Late Carboniferous times with changing kinematic activity in response to variation in the stress regime. In Late Carboniferous to early Permian times, the Elbe Fault System was part of a post-Variscan wrench fault system and acted as the southern boundary fault during the formation of the Permian Basins along the Trans-European Suture Zone (sensu [Geol. Mag. 134 (5) (1997) 585]). The Teisseyre–Tornquist Zone (TTZ) most probably provided the northern counterpart in a pull-apart scenario at that time. Further strain localisation took place during late Mesozoic transtension, when local shear within the Elbe Fault System caused subsidence and basin formation along and parallel to the fault system. The most intense deformation took place along the system during late Cretaceous–early Cenozoic time, when the Elbe Fault System responded to regional compression with up to 4 km of uplift and formation of internal flexural highs. Compressional deformation continued during early Cenozoic time and actually may be ongoing. The upper crust of the Elbe Fault System, which itself reacted in a more or less ductile fashion, is underlain by a lower crust characterised by low P-wave velocities, low densities and a weak rheology. Structural, seismic and gravimetric data as well as rheology models support the assumption that a weak, stress-sensitive zone in the lower crust is the reason for the high mobility of the area and repeated strain localisation along the Elbe Fault System.  相似文献   

青藏高原班公湖一怒江成矿带上的超基性岩型硫化镍矿化是近年来在西藏地区发现的矿化新类型.文章根据成矿带西段班公湖地区含镍超基性岩体的岩石地球化学和Sr、Pb同位素分析结果,论述了含镍超基性岩浆的源区性质及生成条件,并根据锆石U-Pb LA-ICP-MS年龄测定结果,探讨了藏西北地区的基底背景.研究发现,班公湖地区的含镍超基性岩体以富集大离子不相容元素Rb、Th、U、Sr、Pb,亏损Ba、K为特点,高场强元素亏损Nb、Ti,富集Ta;稀士元素相对球粒陨石亏损强烈,但轻稀土元素相对富集.这些特点一致反映出含矿岩浆产生于受俯冲沉积物熔体交代的富集型岩石圈地幔源区.岩浆的生成深度较浅,为尖晶石二辉橄榄岩相,源区部分熔融程度较低,大体在10%左右.岩石中集中出现一批24.79亿年的残留锆石年龄,标志着当时班公湖中特斯洋盆沉积物的物源区较为单一,主要来自太古代末-元古代初的古老基底,并且推测太古代与元古代之交(25亿年)有可能是藏西北的一个古陆壳快速生长期.  相似文献   

在区域地质调查的基础,通过构造分析、岩浆岩的分布以及构造岩的详细研究,厘定出冀东青龙一带太古代基底与中元古界盖层之间接触为构造滑脱关系。并认为构造滑脱经历了明显的两期活动,早期为挤压体制下的逆冲—褶皱作用,中元古代地层表现为同倒转褶皱,滑脱带内发育断层泥和断层角砾岩;晚期为伸展体制下伸展滑脱作用,表现为断层泥劈理化发育,指示明显的伸展滑脱特征。研究区太古代基底与中元古界盖层滑脱构造的厘定,对于再造该区构造格局和沉积古地理格局具有重要意义  相似文献   

This article provides the results from studying the upper part of the section of the entire Caspian artesian basin. The stratification map, the profile section and the isohyps map of the roof of the upper hydrogeodynamic zone were compiled on the basis of generalization of geological and general hydrogeological data. Systematized hydrogeological data on the depositional conditions, structural features and nature of the distribution within the upper hydrogeodynamic zone of the Caspian artesian basin, as well as the supply zones and the areas of transit and discharge of underground waters are provided. The borders of the upper hydrogeodynamic zone of the basin have been drawn as a result.  相似文献   

A sequence of events which has been recognized in the two basement regions of Somalia is outlined on the basis of new field and petrographic data and pre-existing published and unpublished reports. The evolution of the Somalian basement took place during the Pan-African event, However, much detailed work is necessary before the history of the basement can be integrated into the more detailed Pan-African picture recognized in the neighbouring regions.
Zusammenfassung Eine Folge von Ereignissen, die sich in den zwei Basement-Regionen Somalias erkennen lie\en, wird auf der Basis neuer GelÄnde- und petrographischer Daten und früherer publizierter und nicht publizierter Berichte umrissen. Das Basement von Somalia entwickelte sich wÄhrend des Panafrikanischen Ereignisses.Viel Detailarbeit ist jedoch noch zu leisten, bis die Geschichte des Basements in das detailliertere Bild Panafrikas, wie es aus den Nachbarregionen gewonnen wurde, integriert werden kann.

Résumé Dans les deux régions de la Somalie ou le socle affleure, on a reconnu une succession d'événements sur la base de nouvelles données géologiques et pétrographiques et de travaux pré-existants, publiés et non publiés. L'évolution du socle de la Somalie se déroula pendant l'événement Pan-Africain. Toutefois, beaucoup de travail doit Être encore fait avant que l'histoire du socle somalien puisse Être intégrée dans un cadre Pan-Africain plus détaillé, tel qu'on le connait dans les régions voisines.

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宣郎地区基底构造特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文以宣城-郎溪地区的盆地为重点研究区,综合分析区域性重力、磁法资料,通过地面重力测量技术、高精度地面磁测,大地电磁测深等综合地球物理剖面,建立了宣城-郎溪地区基底构造格架,并探讨了其构造演化史。研究结果显示,宣城-郎溪地区基底构造格架主要呈北东向展布,研究区西部被江南深大断裂带所分割,断裂带北侧为北东向的古生界隆起,断裂带南侧为呈北东向展布的深厚断陷盆地,江南断裂带被一系列北西向断裂所切割,研究区南部主要受周王断裂带控制。此外,本次研究还认为,江南断裂带的北侧与北西断裂带的交汇处是找矿远景区。  相似文献   

在区域地质调查的基础上,通过对构造、岩浆岩和构造岩的详细研究.厘定出冀东青龙一带太古宙基底与中元古界盖层之间的接触关系为构造滑脱关系.构造滑脱经历了明显的2期活动.早期为挤压体制下的逆冲一褶皱作用,中元古界表现为同倒转褶皱,滑脱带内发育断层泥和断层角砾岩;晚期为伸展体制下的伸展滑脱作用,表现为断层泥劈理化发育,指示明显的伸展滑脱特征.研究区太古宙基底与中元古界盖层滑脱构造的厘定,对再造该区的构造格局和沉积古地理格局具有重要意义.  相似文献   

The analysis of the basement of the Andes shows the strong Grenville affinities of most of the inliers exposed in the different terranes from Colombia to Patagonia. The terranes have different histories, but most of them participated in the Rodinia supercontinent amalgamation during the Mesoproterozoic between 1200 and 1000 Ma. After Rodinia break-up some terranes were left in the Laurentian side such as Cuyania and Chilenia, while others stayed in the Gondwanan side. Some of the terranes once collided with the Amazon craton remained attached, experiencing diverse rifting episodes all along the Phanerozoic, as the Arequipa and Pampia terranes. Some other basement inliers were detached in the Neoproterozoic and amalgamated again to Gondwana in the Early Cambrian, Middle Ordovician or Permian times. A few basement inliers with Permian metamorphic ages were transferred to Gondwana after Pangea break-up from the Laurentian side. Some of them were part of the present Middle America terrane. An exceptional case is the Oaxaquia terrane that was detached from the Gondwana margin after the Early Ordovician and is now one of the main Mexican terranes that collided with Laurentia. These displacements, detachments, and amalgamations indicate a complex terrane transfer between Laurentia and Gondwana during Paleozoic times, following plate reorganizations and changes in the absolute motion of Gondwana.  相似文献   

Hydraulic properties of the crystalline basement   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Hydraulic tests in boreholes, up to 4.5 km deep, drilled into continental crystalline basement revealed hydraulic conductivity (K) values that range over nine log-units from 10−13−10−4 m s−1. However, K values for fractured basement to about 1 km depth are typically restricted to the range from 10−8 to 10−6 m s−1. New data from an extended injection test at the KTB research site (part of the Continental Deep Drilling Program in Germany) at 4 km depth provide K=5 10−8 m s−1. The summarized K-data show a very strong dependence on lithology and on the local deformation history of a particular area. In highly fractured regions, granite tends to be more pervious than gneiss. The fracture porosity is generally saturated with Na–Cl or Ca–Na–Cl type waters with salinities ranging from <1 to >100 g L−1. The basement permeability is well within the conditions for advective fluid and heat transport. Consequently, fluid pressure is hydrostatic and a Darcy flow mechanism is possible to a great depth. Topography-related hydraulic gradients in moderately conductive basement may result in characteristic advective flow rates of up to 100 L a−1 m−2 and lead to significant advective heat and solute transfer in the upper brittle crust. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Oxidized chlorites, having optical properties quite similar to those of biotite, stilpnomelane or iron-rich vermiculite, are described from the schistes lustrés and other similar metamorphites of the Pennine Zone of the western Italian Alps. Optical, x-ray, chemical, DTA and infrared spectroscopic data are furnished. From the results of the chemical study it seems reasonable to conclude that the chlorite has undergone an internal oxidation. Possible petrogenetic implications of its occurenee are discussed in some details.  相似文献   

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