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利用光合色素的生物标志性可以在"纲"水平上表征浮游植物群落结构。依托大洋科学考察第20航次和21航次,通过对西赤道太平洋不同区域5个站位的HPLC藻类色素分析及CHEMTAX程序因子分析,获取了暖池区光合色素及浮游植物群落的垂直分布信息。结果显示在寡营养的暖池区,玉米黄素(Zeaxanthin)及乙二烯叶绿素a(DV Chl a)与叶绿素a浓度呈显著的正相关,浮游植物群落结构以蓝细菌、原绿球藻及定鞭金藻为优势藻纲,按对生物量的贡献率原绿球藻大于蓝细菌大于定鞭金藻的。蓝细菌和原绿球藻分布在真光层不同深度,而在营养盐丰富的次表层优势浮游藻类为定鞭金藻。  相似文献   

We studied the seasonal distribution of the ciliate community coupled with environmental factors along the coast at three stations sampled (from March 2006 to February 2007) in the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia, Eastern Mediterranean Sea). A total of 56 species belonging to 11 orders, were identified. Harbor of Gabes station was more diversified (45 species) than both Tabia (26 species) and Karboub (31 species) stations. The ciliate assemblage was numerically dominated by Spirotrichea in Tabia (82% of the total abundance), in the Harbor of Gabes (86% of the total abundance), whereas, in Karboub, Spirotrichea represented only 40% of the total abundance. The unexpected lower quantitative importance of Spirotrichea in Karboub station was apparently the result of the high salt concentration found in water samples throughout the study, probably originating from the saline area surrounding Karboub station, known as Sabkha. The distribution of species in the nearshore of the Gulf of Gabes seemed most likely influenced by the combined effects of temperature, salinity and hydrographic conditions.  相似文献   

Temporal variations in water mass properties and the composition of phytoplankton pigments in the central part of Sagami Bay were investigated by monthly observations from June 2002 to May 2004. Eleven pigments were quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) from 100%, 20%, and 5% light depths relative to the surface; the class-specific composition of phytoplankton community was then obtained by CHEMTAX analysis. The study area was influenced by the Kuroshio water for most of the observation period. The mean contribution of diatoms in all samples was relatively low (29%), while that of flagellates, mainly chlorophytes or cryptophytes, was quite high (60%). The phytoplankton composition at the three depths was uniform throughout the observation period, indicating that the vertical structure of the phytoplankton community did not develop significantly over time. A distinct temporal pattern was observed: flagellates dominated during the summer of 2002 and the winters of 2002–2003 and 2003–2004, while diatoms dominated during the summer of 2003. This pattern was associated with water mass changes. The community in the summer of 2003 was influenced by coastal water. While no distinct spring bloom of phytoplankton was observed, a weak increase in chlorophyll a was observed during the spring of 2004. Ocean color satellite data showed that fluctuations in chlorophyll a concentrations at time scales much shorter than a month occurred during the spring of 2003 and that the elevations in chlorophyll a levels were not continuous. The fluctuations were probably associated with rapid flushing by the Kuroshio water, which has low chlorophyll a content.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Gabes located in southern Tunisia is one of the most productive ecosystems in the Mediterranean Sea. Despite its ecological importance, it is subject to high fishing pressure affecting the different components of the ecosystem. Given the multispecies, multigear nature of the fishery, there is a need to manage trade-offs between environmental and economic objectives. In this study, an Ecospace model was developed based on the previously constructed Ecopath model of the Gulf of Gabes and calibrated for the period 1995–2008 to investigate the response of the ecosystem to a set of alternative spatial management scenarios. These scenarios were derived from the current fishery regulation owing the important interest expressed by local fishery managers to assess new management measures. The results showed for each management scenario how bottom trawling and coastal fishing impact the different trophic groups and the complexity of interaction between these two fishing activities. Furthermore, spatially explicit simulations were performed to identify regions where the management measures are effective. Results suggested that for some trophic groups, these regions are well-defined which would be interesting to propose more accurate spatial measures. Finally, several indicators were calculated to evaluate the proposed management plans and provide managers with a straightforward set of decision rules to describe the potential trade-offs and fulfill both fisheries and conservation management objectives in the context of an ecosystem approach. The decision rules were based on observed trends to reduce uncertainty relative to the model complexity and provide consistent advice to decision-makers.  相似文献   

南流江河口区春季浮游植物群落结构组成与分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶又茵  项鹏  王磊  杨燕燕  王雨  林茂  蓝文陆 《海洋学报》2017,39(10):111-123
通过2016年3月底现场航次11个站点的调查,应用反相高效液色谱(RP-HPLC)并结合二极管阵列检测器分析技术,分析了春季广西南流江河口区浮游植物光合色素组成,进而由CHEMTAX软件估算全粒级浮游植物的群落结构。结果表明:春季含量较高的浮游植物特征光合色素含量以叶绿素b最高,其次为岩黄藻素;浮游植物的优势类群为隐藻,其次为绿藻和硅藻,它们分别平均占据了浮游植物生物量的54.95%、23.36%和17.37%,其他藻类所占比例很低。南流江河口区浮游植物群落结构东西部入海分支有较大差异:东部分支营养盐较西部分支低,隐藻所占生物量比例最高,其次为绿藻和硅藻,浮游植物群结构与分布受营养盐因素影响较大;西部分支营养盐含量明显比东部分支高,绿藻和硅藻的所占比例有所提升,隐藻的生物量所占比则有所下降,浮游植物群落结构与分布受非营养盐因素的影响较大。南流江河口区浮游植物生物量和群落结构除了受营养盐影响外,还与浊度、盐度等密切相关,表明南流江浊度增加已明显影响着生态系统结构与功能,需要密切关注和进一步研究。  相似文献   

厦门港海水光合色素特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用反相高效液相色谱(RP-HPLC)方法分析测定了冬季厦门鼓浪屿水文观测站两周内不同潮位海水中的光合色素的组成与含量,包括多甲藻素、19‘-已酰基氧化岩藻黄素、硅甲藻黄素、硅藻黄素、玉米黄素、叶绿素a、脱镁叶绿素a、β-胡萝卜素等。同时还实测了小于藻、金藻、盐藻、甲藻、角毛藻、螺旋藻等多个实验室培养藻种的色素组成。数据表明,不同种类的藻类具有不同的色素组成特征,从海水中光合色素的分析数据可推测其浮游植物主要种类组成情况。潮汐的水动力情况在色素组成变化上有所反映,表明港内外的乳游植物组成分布有梯度存在,且在特征上有所不同。  相似文献   

枯水期钦州湾浮游植物群落结构组成与分布特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
应用浮游植物特征光合色素的分析方法,研究了2011年枯水期钦州湾浮游植物的结构组成与分布特征。结果表明:枯水期含量较高的浮游植物光合色素按含量高低依次为叶绿素a、岩藻黄素、叶绿素b、青绿素和多甲藻素,其他特征光合色素的含量很低。经CHEMTAX对光合色素转化计算,枯水期普遍检出的浮游植物类群为硅藻、青绿藻和甲藻,是枯水期浮游植物的优势类群,其生物量的平均值(±标准差)分别为(2.36±2.38)μg/L、(0.87±0.53)μg/L、(0.13±0.14)μg/L,变化范围为0.18~7.45μg/L、0.10~1.80μg/L和0.02~0.60μg/L。硅藻、青绿藻和甲藻占枯水期浮游植物生物量比例的平均值(±标准差)分别为59%±21%、30%±16%、6%±4%,占比变化范围为29%~96%、1%~53%和0.4%~14%,其他藻类所占比例很低。河口和外湾靠外海域两个区域以硅藻为优势类群,内湾及外湾近岸硅藻和青绿藻共同为优势类群。河流营养盐输入量和比例的不同决定了钦州湾河口海区浮游植物群落结构的差异,大面积贝类养殖导致了内湾至外湾近岸海区硅藻比例的降低,而外湾水温的增加引起暖水性硅藻大量增长成为优势类群,在温度进一步增加和营养盐持续输入等条件下存在会发生硅藻赤潮的风险。  相似文献   

王海黎  洪华生 《海洋学报》2000,22(3):94-102
1引言 由于高效液相色谱法(HPLC)的建立,利用光合色素,尤其是类胡萝卜素作为区分浮游植物类群的指示物,成为更方便和有效的化学分类法[1,2].原因是色素能够很好地进行定量,可涵盖浮游植物的全部粒级范围;而且,适用于大批量样品的分析,甚至可实现现场的船上测定.海洋浮游植物光合色素的研究,比较多地集中在开放大洋,多为利用类胡萝卜素表征浮游植物的类群结构[3-5];或以光合色素及其降解产物作为浮游植物参与的生物地球化学过程的生物标志物[6-8].相比较而言,在近岸、陆架海域开展的此类研究较少,且多…  相似文献   

本文依托2008年夏季中国第三次北极科学考察航次,对西北冰洋海盆区和楚科奇海陆架营养盐及光合色素进行了测定和分析。根据海水理化性质将研究海区分为5个区,并使用CHEMTAX软件(Mackery et al.,1996)讨论了西北冰洋不同海区浮游植物群落组成结构及其与环境因子之间的关系。结果显示在楚科奇海陆架区,太平洋入流显著影响浮游植物生物量和群落结构。高营养盐Anadyr水团以及白令陆架水控制海域,表现出高Chl a且浮游植物以硅藻为主,相反,低营养盐如阿拉斯加沿岸流控制海域,Chl a生物量低且以微型,微微型浮游植物为主。在外陆架海区,海冰覆盖情况影响着水团的物理特征及营养盐浓度水平,相应地显著影响浮游植物群落结构。在海冰覆盖区域,硅藻生物量站到总Chl a生物量的75%以上;在靠近门捷列夫深海平原海区,受相对高盐的冰融水影响(MW-HS),营养盐浓度和Chl a浓度相对海冰覆盖区略高,浮游植物结构中微型、微微型藻类比重增加,硅藻比例则降至33%;南加拿大海盆无冰海区(IfB),表层水盐度最淡,营养盐浓度最低,相应地显示出低Chl a生物量,表明海冰消退,开阔大洋持续时间延长,将导致低生物量及激发更小型浮游植物的生长,并不有利于有机碳向深海的有效输出。  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of chlorophyll a and the main accessory pigments accompanied by microscopic observations on live and fixed material were investigated in the Urdaibai estuary, Spain. Fucoxanthin was the dominant pigment during the peak in chlorophyll a, with which it was strongly correlated. Concentrations of fucoxanthin (81·30 μg l−1) in the upper estuary were amongst the highest found in the literature, and were mainly associated with diatoms and symbiotic dinoflagellates. In the lower estuary, fucoxanthin showed values typical of coastal waters (<5 μg l−1) and was mainly due to diatoms and prymnesiophytes. Chlorophyllb concentration was high along the estuary, followed the same seasonal pattern as chlorophyll a, and was associated with the presence of euglenophytes, chlorophytes and prasinophytes. High values of 19′-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin were often measured, but no organisms containing this pigment were observed in live or fixed samples. Alloxanthin and peridinin were found in low concentrations which was in agreement with cell counts of cryptophytes and peridinin-containing dinoflagellates. Two main patterns of phytoplankton assemblages were observed along the estuary. In the upper segments, during the chlorophylla maximum fucoxanthin containing algae masked the other algal groups, which were relatively more abundant during or after enhanced river flows. In the lower estuary, although dominated by fucoxanthin-containing algae, the other algal groups were important all year around. In this study, the use of diagnostic pigments has provided considerable insight into the temporal and spatial dynamics of phytoplankton assemblages by detecting phytoplankton taxa generally underestimated or overlooked by microscopy.  相似文献   

北部湾浮游植物粒径分级叶绿素a和初级生产力的分布特征   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
1994年5月23B至6月4日现场观测了北部湾浮游植物细胞丰度、叶绿素a浓度和初级生产力的分布.测区平均叶绿素a浓度为0.94±0.45/d3.平均初级生产力(C)为351±172mg/(m2·d),浮游植物细胞丰度为0.97×104-10050×104个/m3,鉴定浮游植物4门56属176种.地理环境和水文状况的差异使上述参数分布具有明显的区域性特征,近岸区高于湾中部,测区北部高干南部;温跃层以下水层叶绿素a浓度高于上层水,周6观测站平均叶绿素a浓度湾北部(0.47±0.15g/dm3)高于湾南部(0.15±0.02dm3).北部湾水域光合浮游生物以微型和微微型细胞(小于20m)占优势,其对总初级生产力的贡献(占91%)高于对总叶绿素a的贡献(占77%).  相似文献   

We have estimated the spatial variability of phytoplankton specific absorption coefficients (a* ph ) in the water column of the California Current System during November 2002, taking into account the variability in pigment composition and phytoplankton community structure and size. Oligotrophic conditions (surface Chl < 0.2 mg m−3) dominated offshore, while mesotrophic conditions (surface Chl 0.2 to 2.0 mg m−3) where found inshore. The specific absorption coefficient at 440 [a* ph (440)] ranged from 0.025–0.281 m2mg−1 while at 675 nm [a* ph (675)] it varied between 0.014 and 0.087 m2mg−1. The implementation of a size index based on HPLC data showed the community structure was dominated by picoplankton. This would reduce the package effect in the variability of a* ph (675). Normalized a ph curves were classified in two groups according to their shape, separating all spectra with peaks between 440 and 550 nm as the second group. Most samples in the first group were from surface layers, while the second group were from the deep chlorophyll maximum or deeper. Accessory photoprotective pigments (APP) tended to decrease with depth and accessory photosynthetic pigments (APS) to increase, indicating the importance of photoprotective mechanisms in surface layers and adaptation to low light at depth. Samples with higher ratios of APP:APS (>0.4) were considered as phytoplankton adapted to high irradiances, and lower ratios (<0.26) as adapted to low irradiances. We found a good relationship between APP:APS and a* ph (440) for the deeper layer (DCM and below), but no clear evidence of the factors causing the variability of a* ph (440) in the upper layer.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic properties of phytoplankton populations as related to physical–chemical variations on small temporal and spatial scales and to phytoplankton size structure and pigment spectra were investigated in the Northern Adriatic Sea off the Po River delta in late winter 1997. Large diatoms (fucoxanthin) dominated the phytoplankton in the coastal area whereas small phytoflagellates (mainly 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin, chlorophyll b, 19′-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin) occurred outside the front. The front was defined by the steep gradient in density in the surface layer separating low-salinity coastal waters from the offshore waters.Physical features of the area strongly influenced phytoplankton biomass distributions, composition and size structure. After high volumes of Po River discharge several gyres and meanders occurred in the area off the river delta in February. Decreasing river discharge and the subsequent disappearance of the gyres and the spreading dilution of the river plume was observed in March. The dynamic circulation of February resulted in high photosynthetic capacity of the abundant phytoplankton population (>3.40 mg m−3). In March, the slow circulation and an upper low-salinity water layer, segregated from the deeper layers, resulted in lack of renewal of this water mass. The huge phytoplankton biomass, up to 15.77 mg chl a m−3, became nutrient depleted and showed low photosynthetic capacity. In February, an exceptionally high PmaxB, 20.11 mg C (mg chl a)−1 h−1 was recorded in the Po River plume area and average PmaxB was three-fold in February as compared to the March recordings, 10.50 mg C (mg chl a)−1 h−1 and 3.22 mg C (mg chl a)−1 h−1, respectively.The extreme variability and values of phytoplankton biomass in the innermost plume area was not always reflected in primary production. Modeling of circulation patterns and water mass resilience in the area will help to predict phytoplankton response and biomass distributions. In the frontal area, despite a considerable variability in environmental conditions, our findings have shown that the phytoplankton assemblages will compensate for nutrient depression and hydrographic constraints, by means of size and taxonomic composition and, as a result, the variability in the photosynthetic capacity was much less pronounced than that observed for other parameters.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic phytoplankton such as diatoms and prymnesiophytes produce biogenic halocarbons in the ocean that serve as important sources of chlorine and bromine to the atmosphere, but the role of cyanobacteria in halocarbon production is not well established. We studied distributions of chloroform (CHCl3), carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), methylene bromide (CH2Br2) and bromoform (CHBr3) in relation to phytoplankton composition, determined from pigment analysis complemented by microscopic examination, for one month in coastal waters of the eastern Arabian that experienced a Trichodesmium bloom that typically occurs during the Spring Intermonsoon season. High concentrations of zeaxanthin (23 μg l−1), alpha beta betacarotene (6 μg l−1) and chlorophyll a (67 μg l−1) were found within the bloom whereas the marker pigment concentrations were low outside the bloom. CHCl3 and CCl4 occurred in relatively high concentrations in surface waters whereas CH2Br2 and CHBr3 were restricted to the subsurface layer. Chlorinated halocarbons were positively inter-correlated and with CHBr3. The observed spatial and temporal trends in brominated compounds appear to be related to the abundance of Trichodesmium although correlations between concentrations of brominated compounds with various marker pigments were poor and statistically non-significant. The results support the existence of multiple sources and sinks of halogenated compounds, which might obscure the relationship between halocarbons and phytoplankton composition.  相似文献   

The variety in shape and magnitude of thein vivo chlorophyll-specific absorption spectra of phytoplankton was investigated in relation to differences in pigment composition off Sanriku, northwestern North Pacific. Site-to-site variations of the absorption coefficients,a ph * (λ), and pigment composition were clearly observed. At warm-streamer stations, higher values ofa ph * (440) anda ph * (650) were found with relatively high concentrations of chlorophyllb (a green algae marker). At stations located in the Oyashio water (cold streamer),a ph * (440) values were lower and fucoxanthin (a diatom marker) concentrations were higher, compared to the other stations. The peak in the absorption spectra at the Oyashio stations was shifted toward shorter wavelengths, which was probably due to the presence of phaeopigments. In a Kuroshio warm-core ring, the magnitude ofa ph * (440) was in between those at the warm-streamer and Oyashio stations, and the diagnostic pigment was peridinin (a dinoflagellate marker). These findings indicated that major differences in phytoplankton absorption spectra of each water mass were a result of differences in the phytoplankton pigment composition of each water mass, which was probably related to the phytoplankton community.  相似文献   

In the past 20 a, the gulf-scale circulation in the Beibu Gulf has been commonly accepted to be driven by a wind stress or density gradient. However, using three sensitive experiments based on a three-dimensional baroclinic model that was verified by observations, the formation mechanisms were revealed: the circula- tion in the northern Beibu Gulf was triggered by the monsoon wind throughout a year; whereas the southern gulf circulation was driven by the monsoon wind and South China Sea (SCS) circulation in winter and sum- mer, respectively. The force of heat flux and tidal harmonics had a strong effect on the circulation strength and range, as well as the local circulation structures, but these factors did not influence the major circulation structure in the Beibu Gulf. On the other hand, the Beibu Gulf Cold Water Mass (BGCWM) would disappear without the force of heat flux because the seasonal thermocline layer was generated by the input of heat so that the vertical mixing between the upper hot water and lower cold water was blocked. In addition, the wind-induced cyclonic gyre in the northern gulf was favorable to the existence of the BGCWM. However, the coverage area of the BGCWM was increased slightly without the force of the tidal harmonics. When the model was driven by the monthly averaged surface forcing, the circulation structure was changed to some extent, and the coverage area of the BGCWM almost extended outwards 100%, implying the circulation and water mass in the Beibu Gulf had strong responses to the temporal resolution of the surface forces.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton community structure was elucidated during summer and winter in the KwaZulu-Natal Bight using pigment and CHEMTAX analyses. The surface pattern in January 2010 indicated that diatoms, haptophytes and prasinophytes tended to be the most prominent groups inshore and in the southern sector of the bight, whereas Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus were more dominant in the north and towards the offshore region. At the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM), diatoms were dominant in the inner bight and in the south, with prasinophytes being the prominent flagellates, but this changed to Prochlorococcus and pelagophytes being the important groups in the northern sector and outer part of the bight. A different pattern was observed at the surface in July 2010, where diatoms, haptophytes, prasinophytes and cryptophytes in varying proportions comprised most of the community in the inner half of the bight, whereas Synechococcus and haptophytes were the main groups in the outer sector. A similar pattern occurred at the DCM, except that Synechococcus was less prominent and pelagophytes were distributed across the bight in both the inshore and offshore zones. Observations and relationships between phytoplankton groups and environmental parameters indicated that the groups were most closely related to temperature, accounting for 24–64% of the deviance. The influence of nutrients on phytoplankton was less clear but nitrate and silicate seemed to account for some of the patchy distribution patterns.  相似文献   

An investigation of pigments, phytoplankton types and absorption characteristics was conducted in the Delagoa and Natal Bights during late winter and spring in the southwest Indian Ocean. The study demonstrated that small flagellates dominated the phytoplankton communities in both bights and were ubiquitous across a temperature range of 18–24 °C. Diatoms were dominant in patches of cool water (<22 °C) related to upwelling processes and were associated with elevated levels of phytoplankton biomass, while prokaryotes were observed to increase in warm waters >22 °C. Absorption coefficients varied closely with variations in chlorophyll a and specific coefficients were lower for diatoms compared to flagellates. Chlorophyll-specific coefficients also provided useful information on the level of pigment packaging and were related to the proportion of chlorophylls and carotenoids in the pigment pool.  相似文献   

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