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We selected a sample of 33 gamma-ray bursts detected by Swift , with known redshift and optical extinction at the host frame. For these, we constructed the de-absorbed and K -corrected X-ray and optical rest-frame light curves. These are modelled as the sum of two components: emission from the forward shock due to the interaction of a fireball with the circumburst medium and an additional component, treated in a completely phenomenological way. The latter can be identified, among other possibilities, as a 'late prompt' emission produced by a long-lived central engine with mechanisms similar to those responsible for the production of the 'standard' early prompt radiation. Apart from flares or re-brightenings, that we do not model, we find a good agreement with the data, despite of their complexity and diversity. Although based, in part, on a phenomenological model with a relatively large number of free parameters, we believe that our findings are a first step towards the construction of a more physical scenario. Our approach allows us to interpret the behaviour of the optical and X-ray afterglows in a coherent way, by a relatively simple scenario. Within this context, it is possible to explain why sometimes no jet break is observed; why, even if a jet break is observed, it is often chromatic and why the steepening after the jet break time is often shallower than predicted. Finally, the decay slope of the late prompt emission after the shallow phase is found to be remarkably similar to the time profile expected by the accretion rate of fall-back material (i.e.  ∝ t −5/3  ), suggesting that this can be the reason why the central engine can be active for a long time.  相似文献   

We calculate the high-energy (sub-GeV to TeV) prompt and afterglow emission of GRB 080319B that was distinguished by a naked-eye optical flash and by an unusual strong early X-ray afterglow. There are three possible sources for high-energy emission: the prompt optical and γ-ray photons IC scattered by the accelerated electrons, the prompt photons IC scattered by the early external reverse-forward shock electrons, and the higher band of the synchrotron and the synchrotron self-Compton emission of the external shock. There should have been in total hundreds of high-energy photons detectable for the Large Area Telescope onboard the Fermi satellite, and tens of photons of those with energy >10 GeV. The >10 GeV emission had a duration about twice that of the soft γ-rays. Astro-rivelatore Gamma a Immagini Leggero (AGILE) could have observed these energetic signals if it was not occulted by the Earth at that moment. The physical origins of the high-energy emission detected in GRB 080514B, GRB 080916C and GRB 081024B are also discussed. These observations seem to be consistent with the current high-energy emission models.  相似文献   

We study a sample of bright, long Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) gamma-ray burst (GRB) light curves in the 200 s before the detection of the GRB prompt emission. We find that in a sizable fraction of cases (∼20 per cent) there is evidence of emission above the background coming from the same direction as the GRB. This emission is characterized by a softer spectrum with respect to the main spectrum and contains a small fraction (0.1–1 per cent) of the total event counts. The precursors have typical delays of several tens of seconds extending (in few cases) up to 200 s (the limit of the investigated period). Their spectra are typically non-thermal power-law spectra, aside from a few cases. Such long delays and the non-thermal origin of their spectra are hard to reconcile with any model for the progenitor.  相似文献   

The afterglow of a gamma-ray burst (GRB) is commonly thought to be the result of continuous deceleration of a relativistically expanding fireball in the surrounding medium. Assuming that the expansion of the fireball is adiabatic and that the density of the medium is a power-law function of shock radius, i.e. n ext ∝  R − k , we study the effects of the first-order radiative correction and the non-uniformity of the medium on a GRB afterglow analytically. We first derive a new relation among the observed time, the shock radius and the Lorentz factor of the fireball: t  =  R /4(4− k ) γ2c, and also derive a new relation among the comoving time, the shock radius and the Lorentz factor of the fireball: t co = 2 R /(5− k ) γc. We next study the evolution of the fireball by using the analytic solution of Blandford &38; McKee. The radiation losses may not significantly influence this evolution. We further derive new scaling laws both between the X-ray flux and observed time and between the optical flux and observed time. We use these scaling laws to discuss the afterglows of GRB 970228 and GRB 970616, and find that if the spectral index of the electron distribution is p  = 2.5, implied from the spectra of GRBs, the X-ray afterglow of GRB 970616 is well fitted by assuming k  = 2.  相似文献   

The discovery by Swift that a good fraction of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have a slowly decaying X-ray afterglow phase led to the suggestion that energy injection into the blast wave takes place several hundred seconds after the burst. This implies that right after the burst the kinetic energy of the blast wave was very low and in turn the efficiency of production of γ-rays during the burst was extremely high, rendering the internal shocks model unlikely. We re-examine the estimates of kinetic energy in GRB afterglows and show that the efficiency of converting the kinetic energy into γ-rays is moderate and does not challenge the standard internal shock model. We also examine several models, including in particular energy injection, suggested to interpret this slow decay phase. We show that with proper parameters, all these models give rise to a slow decline lasting several hours. However, even those models that fit all X-ray observations, and in particular the energy injection model, cannot account self-consistently for both the X-ray and the optical afterglows of well-monitored GRBs such as GRB 050319 and GRB 050401. We speculate about a possible alternative resolution of this puzzle.  相似文献   

We discuss the afterglow emission from a relativistic jet that is initially in the radiative regime, in which the accelerated electrons are fast-cooling. We note that such a 'semiradiative' jet decelerates faster than an adiabatic jet does. We also take into account the effect of strong inverse-Compton scattering on the cooling frequency in the synchrotron component and therefore on the light-curve decay index. We find that there are two kinds of light-curve break for the jet effect. The first is an 'adiabatic break', if the electrons become slow-cooling before the jet enters a spreading phase, and the second is a 'radiative break', which appears in the contrary case. We then show how a relativistic jet evolves dynamically and derive the overall temporal synchrotron emission in both cases, focusing on the change in the light-curve decay index around the break time. Finally, in view of our results, we rule out two cases for relativistic jets which do not account for the observed light-curve breaks in a few afterglows : (i) an adiabatic jet with strong Compton cooling  ( Y >1)  and with the cooling frequency ν c locating in the observed energy range; (ii) a radiative jet with a significant fraction of total energy occupied by electrons  ( ε e ∼1)  .  相似文献   

Poynting-flux driven outflows from magnetized rotators are a plausible explanation for gamma-ray burst engines. We suggest a new possibility for how such outflows might transfer energy into radiating particles. We argue that, in a region near the rotation axis, the Poynting flux drives non-linearly unstable large-amplitude electromagnetic waves (LAEMW) that 'break' at radii     where the MHD approximation becomes inapplicable. In the 'foaming' (relativistically reconnecting) regions formed during the wave breaks, the random electric fields stochastically accelerate particles to ultrarelativistic energies which then radiate in turbulent electromagnetic fields. The typical energy of the emitted photons is a fraction of the fundamental Compton energy     with     plus additional boosting due to the bulk motion of the medium. The emission properties are similar to synchrotron radiation, with a typical cooling time ∼10−3 s. During the wave break, the plasma is also bulk accelerated in the outward radial direction and at larger radii can produce afterglows due to interactions with the external medium. The near equipartition fields required by afterglow models may be due to magnetic field regeneration in the outflowing plasma (similar to field generation by LAEMW in laser–plasma interactions) and mixing with the upstream plasma.  相似文献   

We study time-resolved spectra of the prompt emission of Swift γ-ray bursts (GRB). Our goal is to see if previous BATSE claims of the existence of a large amount of spectra with the low-energy photon indices harder than 2/3 are consistent with Swift data. We perform a systematic search of the episodes of the spectral hardening down to the photon indices  ≤2/3  in the prompt emission spectra of Swift GRBs. We show that the data of the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) instrument on board of Swift are consistent with BATSE data, if one takes into account differences between the two instruments. Much lower statistics of the very hard spectra in Swift GRBs are explained by the smaller field of view and narrower energy band of the BAT telescope.  相似文献   

Swift -detected GRB 080307 showed an unusual smooth rise in its X-ray light curve around 100 s after the burst, at the start of which the emission briefly softened. This 'hump' has a longer duration than is normal for a flare at early times and does not demonstrate a typical flare profile. Using a two-component power-law-to-exponential model, the rising emission can be modelled as the onset of the afterglow, something which is very rarely seen in Swift -X-ray light curves. We cannot, however, rule out that the hump is a particularly slow early-time flare, or that it is caused by upscattered reverse shock electrons.  相似文献   

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