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The results of observations of solar hard radiation recorded by two spacecraft—2001 Mars Odyssey and CORONAS-F—which were located in the vicinity of Mars and Earth, respectively, are discussed. The HEND instrument, developed at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, recorded photons with energies ranging from 80 keV to 2 MeV, and the SPR and SONG instruments, developed at the Skobeltsyn Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Moscow State University, detected radiation in the energy interval from 15 keV to 100 MeV. The rising of the sunspot group 10486 in late October 2003, which had been observed from Martian orbit before it was seen from the Earth’s surface, is analyzed in detail. In this case, observations made from directions that differ by 24° showed a close-to-24 h advance for the detection of hard radiation of flares. Stereoscopic observations of M-class flares near the limb show that the overwhelming part of radiation with energies above 80 keV arises at heights that do not exceed 7–10 thousand km. Also reported are the results of observations of the powerful flare on August 25, 2001, by the two devices, which complement each other substantially. The processes resulting in the formation of high-energy radiation of solar flares are discussed.  相似文献   

Analysis of the distribution of the epithermal and fast neutron fluxes from the Martian surface within the ±60° latitude zone measured by the High-Energy Neutron Detector (HEND) from mid-February through mid-June 2002 has revealed regional neutron-flux variations outside the zones of climatic effects, which appear to be attributable to the presence of chemically bound water. With the exception of the epithermal neutron fluxes in Arabia and southwest of Olympus Mons (Medusae Fossae), these variations show no correlation with the geologic structure of the terrain at the level of global geologic maps. The lack of such a correlation probably implies that to the formation depth of the epithermal neutron flux (1–2 m), let alone the fast neutron flux (20–30 cm), much of Mars is covered by a surface material that bears little relation in composition to local bedrocks. Clearly, this is an aeolian cover whose fine-grain component was mixed by dust storms in the geologic time on the scale of large regions. The decrease in the flux of epithermal neutrons in Arabia and southwest of Olympus Mons (Medusae Fossae) appears to be attributable to an enhanced concentration of materials containing chemically bound water (clay minerals, palagonite, hydroxides, and hydrosalts) in the surface layers of these regions.  相似文献   

We present the results of 20 months of observations of Mars by the Russian HEND instrument onboard the NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft. We show that there are two extended subpolar regions with a soil water content of several tens of percent in the northern and southern hemispheres of Mars. The southern subpolar region is well described by a two-layer model, according to which a soil with a water content of up to 55% by mass lies under a relatively dry soil with a water mass fraction of 2% and a thickness of 15–20 g/cm2. The distribution of water in Martian regolith northern subpolar region is in good agreement with the homogeneous model and does not require invoking the more complex two-layer soil model. The water-ice content in the subsurface layer of the northern subpolar region reaches 53 % by mass. We show that there are two regions with a relatively high water content near the Martian equator. These are Arabia Terra and the Medusae Fossae formation region southwest of Olympus Mons. In these regions, a lower layer with 9–10% of water by mass may underlie the upper layer of relatively dry material 30 g/cm2 in thickness. The moistest spot near the equator is at about 30° E and 10° N. Its lower-layer soil may contain more than 16% of water by mass.  相似文献   

We present the results of five-year observations of the southern seasonal cap of Mars based on neutron spectroscopy of the surface fulfilled by the Russian HEND instrument onboard the NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft. The numerical modeling of the observational data allowed us to reconstruct the curves of the variations of the total mass of the southern seasonal cap of Mars for different years (three Martian years) and to find the year-to-year variations of the seasonal cycle.  相似文献   

Litvak  M. L.  Mitrofanov  I. G.  Kozyrev  A. S.  Sanin  A. B.  Tret'yakov  V. I.  Boynton  W. V.  Shinohara  C.  Hamara  D.  Saunders  S.  Drake  D. M.  Zuber  M. T.  Smith  D. E. 《Solar System Research》2003,37(5):378-386
We analyze the flux of epithermal neutrons from the Martian surface recorded by the Russian High-Energy Neutron Detector (HEND) from February 19 through December 19, 2002. The HEND was installed onboard the NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft and is designed to measure neutron fluxes with energies above 1 eV. Over the period of observations, statistically significant variations in the flux of epithermal (10–100 keV) neutrons were found in the northern and southern polar caps. The largest neutron-flux variations were found at subpolar latitudes, where the relative difference between the summer and winter values can reach severalfold. This correlation becomes weaker with increasing distance from the poles. Thus, the relative change in the neutron flux near the 60° parallel is slightly more than 10%. We assume that the detected variations result from the global circulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide in subpolar Martian regions. To additionally test this assumption, we compared the HEND neutron measurements onboard 2001 Mars Odyssey and the seasonal variations in the CO2-layer thickness as observed by the Mars Orbital Laser Altimeter (MOLA) onboard Mars Global Surveyor (MGS).  相似文献   

The question of determining the relative velocity of the local interstellar medium (LISM) based on direct interstellar helium flux measurements in the Solar system is considered. Such measurements were made onboard the Ulysses spacecraft in 1990–2007 at a distance of 2–5 AU from the Sun and have been made from 2009 to the present day onboard the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) spacecraft at the Earth’s orbit. Recent works on analyzing the IBEX measurements have shown that the LISM velocity relative to the Sun determined from the IBEX data differs in magnitude (by ≈3 km s?1) and direction (by ≈4°) from the LISM velocity obtained previously by Witte based on Ulysses measurements. We have modeled the Ulysses data (including the 2007 data that have not been considered previously by anybody) by taking into account various LISM velocity vectors and compare our numerical simulations with experimental data. The LISM velocity vector derived from the IBEX data is shown to contradict the Ulysses data in the position of the measured interstellar helium flux maximum on the sky map. In addition, the position of the flux maximum is shown to be determined exclusively by the LISM velocity vector and to be independent of other model parameters (the LISM temperature and ionization rate). This means that the Ulysses data (including the 2007 data obtained only two years before the IBEX measurements) cannot be explained in terms of the existing models with the LISM velocity vector from the IBEX data. Possible reasons for the detected contradictions are discussed.  相似文献   

Litvak  M. L.  Mitrofanov  I. G.  Kozyrev  A. S.  Sanin  A. B.  Tret'yakov  V. I.  Boynton  W. V.  Shinohara  C.  Hamara  D.  Saunders  S.  Drake  D. M. 《Solar System Research》2004,38(3):167-177
We present the results of eighteen months of observations of the seasonal caps of Mars based on data from the neutron spectroscopy of the surface by the Russian HEND Instrument mounted aboard the NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft. A four-dimensional model of the Martian seasonal caps was developed on the basis of these observation data. The model shows how the thickness of the frozen carbon dioxide changes in different surface regions. Using the results of the model, we estimated the total mass of the seasonal caps for the period of maximal accumulation of seasonal depositions and the rates of condensation and sublimation of the seasonal cover.  相似文献   

The geologic history of planetary surfaces is most effectively determined by joining geologic mapping and crater counting which provides an iterative, qualitative and quantitative method for defining relative ages and absolute model ages. Based on this approach, we present spatial and temporal details regarding the evolution of the Martian northern plains and surrounding regions.The highland–lowland boundary (HLB) formed during the pre-Noachian and was subsequently modified through various processes. The Nepenthes Mensae unit along the northern margins of the cratered highlands, was formed by HLB scarp-erosion, deposition of sedimentary and volcanic materials, and dissection by surface runoff between 3.81 and 3.65 Ga. Ages for giant polygons in Utopia and Acidalia Planitiae are 3.75 Ga and likely reflect the age of buried basement rocks. These buried lowland surfaces are comparable in age to those located closer to the HLB, where a much thinner, post-HLB deposit is mapped. The emplacement of the most extensive lowland surfaces ended between 3.75 and 3.4 Ga, based on densities of craters generally >3km in diameter. Results from the polygonal terrain support the existence of a major lowland depocenter shortly after the pre-Noachian formation of the northern lowlands. In general, northern plains surfaces show gradually younger ages at lower elevations, consistent local to regional unit emplacement and resurfacing between 3.6 and 2.6 Ga. Elevation levels and morphology are not necessarily related, and variations in ages within the mapped units are found, especially in units formed and modified by multiple geological processes. Regardless, most of the youngest units in the northern lowlands are considered to be lavas, polar ice, or thick mantle deposits, arguing against the ocean theory during the Amazonian Period (younger than about 3.15 Ga).All ages measured in the closest vicinity of the steep dichotomy escarpment are also 3.7 Ga or older. The formation ages of volcanic flanks at the HLB (e.g., Alba Mons (3.6–3.4 Ga) and the last fan at Apollinaris Mons, 3.71 Ga) may give additional temporal constraint for the possible existence of any kind of Martian ocean before about 3.7 Ga. It seems to reflect the termination of a large-scale, precipitation-based hydrological cycle and major geologic processes related to such cycling.  相似文献   

Analysis of visible to near infrared reflectance data from the MRO CRISM hyperspectral imager has revealed the presence of an ovoid-shaped landform, approximately 3 by 5 km in size, within the layered terrains surrounding the Mawrth Vallis outflow channel. This feature has spectral absorption features consistent with the presence of the ferric sulfate mineral jarosite, specifically a K-bearing jarosite (KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6). Terrestrial jarosite is formed through the oxidation of iron sulfides in acidic environments or from basaltic precursor minerals with the addition of sulfur. Previously identified phyllosilicates in the Mawrth Vallis layered terrains include a basal sequence of layers containing Fe-Mg smectites and an upper set of layers of hydrated silica and aluminous phyllosilicates. In terms of its fine scale morphology revealed by MRO HiRISE imagery, the jarosite-bearing unit has fracture patterns very similar to that observed in Fe-Mg smectite-bearing layers, but unlike that observed in the Al-bearing phyllosilicate unit. The ovoid-shaped landform is situated in an east-west bowl-shaped depression superposed on a north sloping surface. Spectra of the ovoid-shaped jarosite-bearing landform also display an anomalously high 600 nm shoulder, which may be consistent with the presence of goethite and a 1.92 μm absorption which could indicate the presence of ferrihydrite. Goethite, jarosite, and ferrihydrite can be co-precipitated and/or form through transformation of schwertmannite, both processes generally occurring under low pH conditions (pH 2-4). To date, this location appears to be unique in the Mawrth Vallis region and could represent precipitation of jarosite in acidic, sulfur-rich ponded water during the waning stages of drying.  相似文献   

The Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF) has long been thought to be of Amazonian age, but recent studies propose that a significant part of its emplacement occurred in the Hesperian and that many of the Amazonian ages represent modification (erosional and redepositional) ages. On the basis of the new formational age, we assess the hypothesis that explosive eruptions from Apollinaris Patera might have been the source of the Medusae Fossae Formation. In order to assess the likelihood of this hypothesis, we examine stratigraphic relationships between Apollinaris Patera and the MFF and analyze the relief of the MFF using topographic data. We predict the areal distribution of tephra erupted from Apollinaris Patera using a Mars Global Circulation Model (GCM) combined with a semi-analytical explosive eruption model for Mars, and compare this with the distribution of the MFF. We conclude that Apollinaris Patera could have been responsible for the emplacement of the Medusae Fossae Formation.  相似文献   

The SHARAD (shallow radar) sounding radar on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter detects subsurface reflections in the eastern and western parts of the Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF). The radar waves penetrate up to 580 m of the MFF and detect clear subsurface interfaces in two locations: west MFF between 150 and 155° E and east MFF between 209 and 213° E. Analysis of SHARAD radargrams suggests that the real part of the permittivity is ∼3.0, which falls within the range of permittivity values inferred from MARSIS data for thicker parts of the MFF. The SHARAD data cannot uniquely determine the composition of the MFF material, but the low permittivity implies that the upper few hundred meters of the MFF material has a high porosity. One possibility is that the MFF is comprised of low-density welded or interlocked pyroclastic deposits that are capable of sustaining the steep-sided yardangs and ridges seen in imagery. The SHARAD surface echo power across the MFF is low relative to typical martian plains, and completely disappears in parts of the east MFF that correspond to the radar-dark Stealth region. These areas are extremely rough at centimeter to meter scales, and the lack of echo power is most likely due to a combination of surface roughness and a low near-surface permittivity that reduces the echo strength from any locally flat regions. There is also no radar evidence for internal layering in any of the SHARAD data for the MFF, despite the fact that tens-of-meters scale layering is apparent in infrared and visible wavelength images of nearby areas. These interfaces may not be detected in SHARAD data if their permittivity contrasts are low, or if the layers are discontinuous. The lack of closely spaced internal radar reflectors suggests that the MFF is not an equatorial analog to the current martian polar deposits, which show clear evidence of multiple internal layers in SHARAD data.  相似文献   

Sergis  N.  Moussas  X. 《Solar physics》2001,201(1):191-200
A very smooth and time-invariable bow shock of Mars is revealed using Mars Global Surveyor's data. The bow-shock position has been identified using magnetic and electron flux data obtained by the Magnetometer and Electron Reflectometer (MAG/ER) experiment aboard Mars Global Surveyor, in the time period between days 87 and 255 of 1998. From the magnetic field and the electron flux measurements, 148 bow-shock crossings were detected, concentrated mostly on the northern hemisphere of the planet. With these results, a 3D configuration of the bow shock is constructed and presented. The results show that part of the observed bow shock is a surprisingly smooth surface. It is possible that the bow shock is smooth only in the northern hemisphere, since the southern surface is characterized by local magnetic anomalies. Its real shape can only be revealed in a 3D representation in the planetary centered solar ecliptic coordinate system and questions the theoretically expected variation of the bow shock.  相似文献   

M. Grott  E. Hauber  P. Kronberg 《Icarus》2007,186(2):517-526
Insight into the state of the early martian lithosphere is gained by modeling the topography above surface breaking thrust faults in the southern Thaumasia region. Crater counts of key surface units associated with the faulting indicate a scarp emplacement in the late Noachian-early Hesperian periods between 4.0 and 3.7 Gyr. The seismogenic layer thickness at the time of faulting is constrained to 27-35 km and 21-28 km for the two scarps investigated, implying paleo geothermal gradients of 12-18 and 15-23 K km−1, corresponding to heat flows of 24-36 and 30-46 mW m−2. The heat flow values obtained in this study are considerably lower than those derived from rift flank uplift at the close-by Coracis Fossae for a similar time period, indicating that surface heat flow is a strong function of regional setting. If viewed as representative for magmatically active and inactive regions, the thermal gradients at rifts and scarps span the range of admissible global mean values. This implies , with the true value probably being closer to the lower bound.  相似文献   

Simultaneous operation of two Mars satellites, equipped with instruments for the study of the plasma environment close to Mars, the European satellite Mars Express and American satellite MAVEN, allows one to investigate the influence of the interplanetary environment on the Martian magnetosphere and atmospheric losses, induced by the solar wind, for the first time, with a sufficient degree of confidence. In this paper, the data from measurements on the Mars Express satellite (MEX) of heavy ion losses are analyzed in comparison with the solar wind and magnetic field measurements on the MAVEN satellite. The main issue is the spatial structure of the escaping ion flux and the influence of the nonstationarity of the solar wind flux on the escape rate.  相似文献   

The HRSC (image 0037) and MOC imagery and MOLA altimetry were used to determine the following parameters of the lava flows typical of the southern slope of the Martian volcano Olympus: the length (13–35 km), the width (0.2–4.8 km), and the angles of ground slopes along which these flows advanced (3.4°–6.9°). To measure the thickness of the flows, we applied a method which had never been used before for Mars. In this method, the apparent thickness obtained from the MOC images and the slope steepness obtained from the MOLA data are used to determine the true thickness. The average estimates of the thickness of lava flows vary from 4 to 11 m and from 4 to 26 m for the volcano flanks and caldera scarps, respectively. These values are close to those of terrestrial basalt flows and to the lower limit found for the Martian flows by other researchers. Based on the performed measurements, we estimated the lava yield strength (0.9 × 103?3.6 × 104 Pa), the supply rate (24–137 m3/s), and the viscosity (1.4 × 103?2.8 × 107 kg/m s). These values are close to the estimates found for the Martian lavas by other researchers and to the characteristic values of these parameters for terrestrial lava flows with basalt and basalt-andesite composition.  相似文献   

We present the Messinian evaporite suite (Mediterranean region) and the Solfatara hydrothermal system (Phlegraean Fields volcanic province, Italy), discuss their implications for understanding the origin of sulfates on Mars and show preliminary sets of VNIR laboratory and in situ reflectance spectra of rocks from these geologic systems. The choice was based on a number of evidence relative to Mars: (1) the chemistry of the Martian sulfates, suggesting fluid interactions with possibly alkali-basaltic rocks and/or regolith; (2) close range evidence of sulfates within sedimentary formations on Mars; (3) sulfate spectral signatures associated to large-scale layered patterns interpreted as thick depositional systems on Mars. The Messinian evaporites comprise three units: primary shallow-water sulfates (primary lower gypsum: PLG), shallow- to deep-water mixed sulfates and clastic terrigenous deposits (resedimented lower gypsum: RLG), and shallow-water associations of primary sulfates and clastic fluvio-deltaic deposits (upper evaporites: UE). The onset of the Messinian evaporites records the transition to negative hydrologic budget conditions associated with the Messinian Salinity Crisis, which affected the entire Mediterranean basin and lasted about 640 kyr. The Solfatara is a still evolving hydrothermal system that provides epithermal deposits precipitated from the interaction of fluids and trachybasaltic to phonolitic rocks. Thermal waters include alkali-chloride, alkali-carbonate and alkali-sulfate endmembers.The wide spectrum of sedimentary gypsum facies within the Messinian formation includes some of the depositional environments hitherto identified on Mars and others not found on Mars. The PLG unit includes facies associations correlated over long distances, that could be a possible analog of the stratified rock units exposed from Arabia Terra at least as far as Valles Marineris. The facies cycles within the UE unit can be compared to the sequences of strata observed in craters such as Holden and Eberswalden. The UE unit records paleoenvironmental changes which are ultimately controlled by terrestrial climatic variations. They can be considered as a reliable climatic proxy and may be useful for the reconstruction of climatic events on Mars. The intermediate Messinian RLG unit has not, at present, a well-defined depositional counterpart on Mars, although there are some similarities with the northern lowlands and Vastitas Borealis Formation. The dramatic variation of hydrologic budget conditions at the onset of the Messinian evaporites may provide criteria for the interpretation of similar variations on Mars.The volcanic rocks at the Solfatara bear some similarities with the “alkaline magmatic province” observed at the Gusev crater on Mars, and the assemblages of hydrothermal phases resulting from the Solfatara's parent rocks could be analogues for processes involving Gusev-type rocks.The Messinian sulfates have a prevalent Ca-sulfatic composition and wide textural variability. Preliminary laboratory reflectance spectra of rock samples in the VNIR region reveal the signature of sulfates and mixtures of several Fe-bearing phases. At the Solfatara, in situ reflectance measurements of epithermal minerals close to active fumaroles showed the presence of Fe-bearing sulfates, hematite, Al- and K-sulfates and abundant amorphous fraction. XRD analysis supported this interpretation.The range of depositional facies observed in the Messinian units and the variety of minerals detected in the Solfatara will be useful for the interpretation of close range data of Mars. The spectral characterization at various scales of the Messinian sedimentary facies and the Solfatara hydrothermal minerals will both help in the exploration of Mars from orbit and with close range inspection.  相似文献   

We photogeologically mapped the SP Mountain region of the San Francisco Volcanic Field in northern Arizona, USA to evaluate and improve the fidelity of approaches used in geologic mapping of Mars. This test site, which was previously mapped in the field, is chiefly composed of Late Cenozoic cinder cones, lava flows, and alluvium perched on Permian limestone of the Kaibab Formation. Faulting and folding has deformed the older rocks and some of the volcanic materials, and fluvial erosion has carved drainage systems and deposited alluvium. These geologic materials and their formational and modificational histories are similar to those for regions of the Martian surface. We independently prepared four geologic maps using topographic and image data at resolutions that mimic those that are commonly used to map the geology of Mars (where consideration was included for the fact that Martian features such as lava flows are commonly much larger than their terrestrial counterparts). We primarily based our map units and stratigraphic relations on geomorphology, color contrasts, and cross-cutting relationships. Afterward, we compared our results with previously published field-based mapping results, including detailed analyses of the stratigraphy and of the spatial overlap and proximity of the field-based vs. remote-based (photogeologic) map units, contacts, and structures. Results of these analyses provide insights into how to optimize the photogeologic mapping of Mars (and, by extension, other remotely observed planetary surfaces). We recommend the following: (1) photogeologic mapping as an excellent approach to recovering the general geology of a region, along with examination of local, high-resolution datasets to gain insights into the complexity of the geology at outcrop scales; (2) delineating volcanic vents and lava-flow sequences conservatively and understanding that flow abutment and flow overlap are difficult to distinguish in remote data sets; (3) taking care to understand that surficial materials (such as alluvium and volcanic ash deposits) are likely to be under-mapped yet are important because they obscure underlying units and contacts; (4) where possible, mapping multiple contact and structure types based on their varying certainty and exposure that reflect the perceived accuracy of the linework; (5) reviewing the regional context and searching for evidence of geologic activity that may have affected the map area yet for which evidence within the map area may be absent; and (6) for multi-authored maps, collectively analyzing the mapping relations, approaches, and methods throughout the duration of the mapping project with the objective of achieving a solid, harmonious product.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(3-4):411-431
We have constructed the complex geologic history of the Thaumasia region of Mars on the basis of detailed geologic mapping and relative-age dating of rock units and structure. The Thaumasia plateau dominates the region and consists of high lava plains partly surrounded by rugged highlands, mostly of Noachian and Hesperian age. Long-lived faulting centered near Syria Planum and at lesser sites produced radiating narrow grabens during the Noachian through Early Amazonian and concentric wrinkle ridges during the Late Noachian and Early Hesperian. Fault activity peaked during the Noachian and waned substantially during Late Hesperian and Amazonian time. Volcanism on the Thaumasia plateau was particularly active in comparison with other martian cratered highlands, resulting in fourteen volcanoes and numerous outcrops of smooth, ridged, and lobate plains materials. A particularly extensive set of overlapping lava-flow units was emplaced sequentially from Thaumasia Planum to Syria Planum, spanning from the Late Noachian to the Late Hesperian; lobate flows succeeded smooth flow at the beginning of the Late Hesperian. Deep crustal intrusion and a thickened, buoyant crust may have caused the uplift of the plateau during the Noachian and Early Hesperian, resulting in outward-verging fold-and-thrust plateau margins. This structural style appears similar to that of the young ranges of the Rocky Mountains in the western U.S. Within the plateau, several sites of volcanotectonic activity and valley erosion may be underlain by large and perhaps long-lived magmatic intrusions. One such site occurs at the headland of Warrego Valles. Here, at least two episodes of valley dissection from the Noachian to Early Hesperian occurred during the formation of two nearby rift systems. The site also is a locus of intersection for regional narrow grabens during the Late Noachian and Early Hesperian. However, at the site, such faults diverge or terminate, which suggests that a resistant body of rock occurs there. The overall volcanotectonic history at Thaumasia fits into a model for Tharsis as a whole in which long-lived Syria Planum-centered activity is ringed by a few significant, shorter-lived centers of activity like the Thaumasia plateau. Valley formation, like tectonism in the region, peaked during the Noachian and declined substantially during the Hesperian and Amazonian. Temporal and spatial associations of single erosional valleys and valley networks with volcanoes, rift systems, and large impact craters suggest that the majority of valleys formed by hydrothermal, deformational, and seismic-induced processes. The origin of scattered, mainly Noachian valleys is more conjectural; possible explanations include local precipitation, seismic disturbance of aquifers, or unrecognized intrusions.  相似文献   

We present results of our morphologic and stratigraphic investigations in the Amenthes region for which our observations suggest a complex spatial and temporal interrelation between volcanic and possibly water-related processes. We have produced a series of self-consistent geological maps and a stratigraphic correlation chart that show the spatial and temporal distribution of volcanic, fluvial and tectonic processes.The Amenthes region consists of a broad trough-like topographic depression that has served as a path for the supply of materials from Hesperia Planum to Isidis Planitia. It is most likely that Hesperia Planum and, in particular the area north of Hesperia Planum, including Tinto Vallis, Palos crater and the surrounding dissected highlands have acted as a source region for materials that were transported into the Amenthes trough and farther into the Isidis basin. The Amenthes trough, as well as the graben of Amenthes Fossae were formed after the Isidis impact in the Noachian and represent likely the oldest features in the Amenthes region. Dendritic valley networks, that bear evidence for surface runoff, have dissected the highlands adjacent to Amenthes Planum and within the Tinto Vallis and Palos crater region before ∼3.7 Ga. The ridged volcanic plains located near the Palos crater and Tinto Vallis region, within Amenthes Planum as well as within the Isidis transitional plains were formed between ∼3.5 and 3.2 Ga and represent the volcanic activity which resulted in the flooding of the Amenthes trough. The sinuous channel of Tinto Vallis was formed in the Hesperian (?3.5 Ga) and shows characteristics, which are consistent with both ground water sapping and igneous processes. The Palos crater outflow channel was formed nearly at the same time as Tinto Vallis, between ∼3.5 Ga and ∼3.2 Ga and postdates the volcanic flooding of the Amenthes trough in the Hesperian. Small valleys (∼3.4-2.8 Ga) incised into the ridged plains of Amenthes Planum appear also within the transitional plains located between the Amenthes plains and the Isidis interior plains. Our model ages show that Tinto Vallis, the Palos crater outflow channel as well as the small valleys are unlikely formed at the same time and by the same processes as the dendritic valley networks and represent an episode that clearly postdates the volcanic activity.  相似文献   

A comparison of the internal structure of Earth-like planets is unavoidable to understand the formation and evolution of the solar system, and the differences between Earth’s, Mars’, and Venus’ atmospheres, surfaces and tectonic behaviors. Recent studies point at the role of core structure and dynamics in the evolution of the atmosphere, mantle and crust. On Earth, the crust thickness and the radius and physical state of the cores are known for almost one century, since the advent of seismological observations, but the lack of long-term surface-based geodetic, electromagnetic and seismological observations on the other planets, results in very large uncertainties on the crust thickness, on the temperature and composition of their mantle, and on the size and physical state of their cores. According to the currently available geodetic data, Mars’ dimensionless mean-moment-of-inertia ratio is equal to 0.3653±0.0008. When combined with geochemical observations and with the inputs of laboratory experiments on planetary materials at high pressure and high temperature, this result constrains a narrow range of density values for Mars’ mantle and favors a light [6200-6765 kg m−3] sulfur-rich core, but it still allows for a 1600-1750 km range for the core radius, i.e. an uncertainty at least ten times larger than the precision obtained in 1913 by Gutenberg for the Earth’s core. Mars’ mantle density distribution may be explained by a large range of temperatures and mineralogical compositions, either olivine- or pyroxene-rich. The unknown mean thickness of Mars’ crust makes necessary a number of working assumptions for the interpretation of gravimetric and magnetic data. The situation is worse for Venus, and the most conservative model of its deep interior is a transposition of the Earth’s structure scaled to Venus’ radius and mass. The temperature conditions at the surface of this planet hardly make possible long-term ground-based measurements, but this is indeed feasible at the surface of Mars. Precise measurements of Mars’ crust thickness, core radius and structure, and the proof of the existence or absence of an inner core, would put tight constraints on mantle dynamics and thermal evolution, and on possible scenarios leading to the extinction of Mars’ magnetic field about 4.0 Ga ago. Long-lasting surface-based geodetic, seismological and magnetic observations would provide this information, as well as the distributions as a function of depth of the density, elastic and anelastic parameters, and electrical conductivity. Current studies on the structure of Earth’s deep interior demonstrate that the latter data set, when constrained by laboratory experiments, may be inverted in terms of temperature, chemical, and mineralogical compositions.  相似文献   

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