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The empirical adequacy of four phosphorus mass-balance models is evaluated with respect to how the prediction error variance of the corresponding net sedimentation parameters is propagated in the steadystate equations. Using the criterion of minimum propagation error variance (PEV), different groups of lakes can be distinguished for which different empirical equations are used to predict net phosphorus sedimentation. The classification reduced prediction error significantly and also reflected different patterns of sedimentation. Application of this criterion to time-series of individual lakes shows that it is possible to determine a priori whether net annual sedimentation will be better correlated to the annual loading or to the lake content. The correlations depended also on the load/lake content ratio, suggesting that net sedimentation is best viewed as the sum of the partial sedimentation of the load and of the partial sedimentation of the lake content. On average, 25% of the load and 18% of the lake content are sedimented annually. Viewing net phosphorus sedimentation as a function of both the load and the lake content can also explain and predict the well-known cross-sectional correlation between phosphorus retention and water residence time.  相似文献   

Margrit Vge 《Limnologica》2006,36(4):228-233
The phenologic change of the leaf rosette structure of Isoetes lacustris L. was studied in 26 lakes of temperate, boreal, or subarctic Scandinavia between 59° and 70° n.l. The investigations were carried out during six defined seasons: late winter, spring, early summer, late summer, autumn, and early winter. From 640 plants, gained with the aid of SCUBA, six leaf types were distinguished: immature megasporophylls, mature megasporophylls, immature microsporophylls, mature microsporophylls, and sporophylls that had released their spores and leaves with undeveloped sporangia. Mean numbers per rosette of each leaf type were established in each study lake and study season, resulting in a common pattern embracing all lakes studied.

Megasporophylls are developed throughout the year, whenever the water temperature is about 10 °C. Their share was always more than 30%, excepting winter. Microsporophylls are produced preferentially in spring/early summer when the days are longest; they amount to more than 50% of the rosette leaves during this period, but only to some 10% in the remaining seasons. The spores mature and are released between late summer and early winter. It is concluded that not all spores mature in the year of their birth, and those that do not mature are released in the early summer of the following year, as well as the old empty leaves become detached.  相似文献   

Maps of a series of characteristics were calculated and constructed for RF territory, including mean values of changes in runoff depths (evaluated by the main climate models of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) due to greenhouse effect estimated for 2040–2070; root-mean-square deviations from these values; relative errors of the estimates; mean values of changes in the runoff depth for different scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions; absolute and relative deviations of these values from their means for scenarios and integration of models. Chronological forecasts of possible changes in the mean runoff values for the rivers of Volga, Northern Dvina, Pechora, Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma, and Amur up to 2100 are calculated, and the root-mean-square errors of these characteristics are evaluated for the maximum number of uncertainties in the forecast. The greenhouse effect is shown to be less significant, other factors being the same, for rivers with small drainage basins and rivers with small modulus of flow.  相似文献   

气候变化对湖库水环境的潜在影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
本文着重归纳气候变化对湖库热力特性、冰期、溶解氧、营养盐、浮游植物和水生植物等方面的影响规律,探讨气候变化对湖库水环境潜在影响的区域差异,讨论现有研究方法的优缺点和发展前景.研究表明,气候变暖对湖库物理过程的影响最为显著;热带草原气候和温带海洋性气候对于气候变暖和降雨变化的响应较其他气候类型突出;气候变化对湖库水环境的影响效果具有两面性.通过分析各气候类型中气候变暖对磷水平的潜在影响差异表明,亚热带季风气候的湖库更可能受气候变暖的影响趋于富营养状态.在今后研究中,建议深入开展各气候类型中区域性气候变化对湖库水环境影响的实例研究.  相似文献   

Causes of recent salinization of numerous plots in the Yizre'el Valley of Israel were examined through a detailed field study of two severely affected sites. in particular, the theory of artesian influence on salt build-up in the upper cultivated soil layer was investigated. Two piezometer nests and 12 wells were installed to study the subsurface hydraulic regime. Water samples and soil extracts were taken to characterize the chemical composition down to 10m. No significant head differences were measured at the lower site, while at the upper site 96 per cent of the head that existed at the deep (7.5 m) artesian layer was dissipated within the overlying thick clay layer. Slight head differences were noted in the shallow layers. the deep-lying, coarse-textured aquifer differs markedly from the upper confining layers and constitutes an independent water body that has little relevance to surface processes. Chemical and hydrological analyses indicate that applied low-quality irrigation waters May, be the primary cause of downward-moving salinity and alkalinity which, in turn, affect soil permeability and site productivity.  相似文献   

Acidic mining lakes (pH <3) are specific habitats exhibiting particular chemical and biological characteristics. The species richness is low and mixotrophy and omnivory are common features of the plankton food web in such lakes. The plankton community structure of mining lakes of different morphometry and mixing type but similar chemical characteristics (Lake 130, Germany and Lake Langau, Austria) was investigated. The focus was laid on the species composition, the trophic relationship between the phago-mixotrophic flagellate Ochromonas sp. and bacteria and the formation of a deep chlorophyll maximum along a vertical pH-gradient. The shallow wind-exposed Lake 130 exhibited a higher species richness than Lake Langau. This increase in species richness was made up mainly by mero-planktic species, suggesting a strong benthic/littoral - pelagic coupling. Based on the field data from both lakes, a nonlinear, negative relation between bacteria and Ochromonas biomass was found, suggesting that at an Ochromonas biomass below 50 μg C L−1, the grazing pressure on bacteria is low and with increasing Ochromonas biomass bacteria decline. Furthermore, in Lake Langau, a prominent deep chlorophyll maximum was found with chlorophyll concentrations ca. 50 times higher than in the epilimnion which was build up by the euglenophyte Lepocinclis sp. We conclude that lake morphometry, and specific abiotic characteristics such as mixing behaviour influence the community structure in these mining lakes.  相似文献   

To investigate the stratification of hydrolytic enzyme activities and importance of subsurface layers in depolymerization of detritus biopolymers,nine hydrolytic enzyme activities involved in the cycling of carbon,phosphorus,nitrogen and sulphur were measured in various sediment layers and their extracts at Kylaniemi in Lake Saimaa in southern Finland and in Lake Ahvenjarvi in northern Finland. The results show that for each lake all nine hydrolytic enzyme activities were higher in all sediment layers than in comparable sediment extracts indicating that the major part of enzymes was bound to the sediment particles in all layers in both lakes.Carbohydratase,P-cellobiosidase,activities did not show any gradient with sediment depth at Kylaniemi in Lake Saimaa indicating that there was rapid turnover of carbohydrates in the entire sediment column.The activities of acetate esterase,butyrate esterase,phosphomonoesterase,aminopeptidase,N-acetyl glucosaminidase,sulphatase andβ-glucosidase in the deepest layers were 19-53%of those in the surface sediment indicating that depolymerization of biopolymers involved in the cycling of carbon,nitrogen,phosphorus and sulphur was substantial in subsurface sediment.  相似文献   

This study aims at investigating the composition and biomass of the phytoplankton community in 15 urban shallow eutrophic lakes as well as the effects of main environmental factors, including nutrient concentrations and the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus, temperature, COD, BOD, water depth, etc. on the phytoplankton community structure. Lake water samples were taken and analyzed on a bimonthly basis during the period from March 2004 to March 2006. The redundancy analysis (RDA) and regression analysis (RA) were performed to identify the effects of nutrients on the phytoplankton community and biomass in these typical urban lakes. The results indicate that most of these urban lakes were hypertrophic due to high concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN), with mean levels of 490 and 5380 mg m−3, respectively. The phytoplankton community was dominated by Microcystis aeruginosa and Euglena caudate in summer and Cryptomonas ovata and Cyclotella meneghiniana in winter. The mean biomass of the phytoplankton reached 456.87 mg L−1 in summer months and the annual level was 189.24 mg L−1. Temperature and TP content were found to be the principal limiting factors for phytoplankton growth on an annual basis. On the other hand, the results of RDA and RA demonstrate that the dominant phytoplankton species were not nutrient-limited during summer months. Low TN:TP ratios (<10) were detected accompanied with fewer occurrences of N-fixing cyanobacteria and other filamentous algae in most lakes in summer, which implies that low N:P ratio does not always shifts the dominance of phytoplankton community to the N-fixing cyanobacteria. Moreover, TP always had higher correlation with chlorophyll a (Chl-a) than TN, even when the TN:TP ratios of most samples were lower than 10. Therefore, it is concluded that the TN:TP ratio is not always a suitable index to determine whether nitrogen or phosphorus limits the phytoplankton biomass in urban shallow eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   

To investigate how salinity changes with abrupt increases and decreases in river discharge, three surveys were conducted along six sections around the Yellow River mouth before, during and after a water regulation event during which the river discharge was increased from ∼200 to >3000 m3 s−1 for the first 3 days, was maintained at >3000 m3 s−1 for the next 9 days and was decreased to <1000 m3 s−1 for the final 4 days. The mean salinity in the Yellow River estuary area during the event varied ∼1.21, which is much larger than its seasonal variation (∼0.50) and interannual variation (∼0.05). Before the event, a small plume was observed near the river mouth. During the event, the plume extended over 24 km offshore in the surface layer in the direction of river water outflow. After the event, the plume diminished in size but remained larger than before the event. The downstream propagation of the plume (as in a Kelvin wave sense) was apparent in the bottom layer during the second survey and in both the surface and bottom layers during the third survey. The plume sizes predicted by the formulas from theoretical studies are larger than those we observed, indicating that factors neglected by theoretical studies such as the temporal variation in river discharge and vertical mixing in the sea could be very important for plume evolution. In addition to the horizontal variation of the plume, we also observed the penetration of freshwater from the surface layer into the bottom layer. A comparison of two vertical processes, wind mixing and tidal mixing, suggests that the impact of wind mixing may be comparable with that of tidal mixing in the area close to the river mouth and may be dominant over offshore areas. The change in Kelvin number indicates an alteration of plume dynamics due to the abrupt change in river discharge during the water regulation event.  相似文献   

Because of the obvious importance of P as a nutrient that often accelerates growth of phytoplankton (including toxic cyanobacteria) and therefore worsens water quality, much interest has been devoted to P exchange across the sediment-water interface. Generally, the release mode of P from the sediment differed greatly between shallow and deep lakes, and much of the effort has been focused on iron and oxygen, and also on the relevant environmental factors, for example, turbulence and decomposition, but a large part of the P variation in shallow lakes remains unexplained. This paper reviews experimental and field studies on the mechanisms of P release from the sediment in the shallow temperate (in Europe) and subtropical (in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China) lakes, and it is suggested that pH rather than DO might be more important in driving the seasonal dynamics of internal P loading in these shallow lakes, i.e., intense photosynthesis of phytoplankton increases pH of the lake water and thus may increase pH of the surface sediment, leading to enhanced release of P (especially iron-bound P) from the sediment. Based on the selective pump of P (but not N) from the sediment by algal blooms, it is concluded that photosynthesis which is closely related to eutrophication level is the driving force for the seasonal variation of internal P loading in shallow lakes. This is a new finding. Additionally, the selective pump of P from the sediment by algal blooms not only explains satisfactorily why both TP and PO4-P in the hypereutrophic Lake Donghu declined significantly since the mid-1980s when heavy cyanobacterial blooms were eliminated by the nontraditional biomanipulation (massive stocking of the filter-feeding silver and bighead carps), but also explains why TP in European lakes decreased remarkably in the spring clear-water phase with less phytoplankton during the seasonal succession of aquatic communities or when phytoplankton biomass was decreased by traditional biomanipulation. Compared with deep lakes, wax and wane of phytoplankton due to alternations in the ecosystem structure is also able to exert significant influences on the P exchange at the sediment-water interface in shallow lakes. In other words, biological activities are also able to drive P release from sediments, and such a static P release process is especially more prominent in eutrophic shallow lakes with dense phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Maps of satellite-derived estimates of monthly averaged chlorophyll a concentration over the northern West Florida Shelf show interannual variations concentrated near the coastline, but also extending offshore over the shelf in a tongue-like pattern from the Apalachicola River during the late winter and early spring. These anomalies are significantly correlated with interannual variability in the flow rate of the Apalachicola River, which is linked to the precipitation anomalies over the watershed, over a region extending 150–200 km offshore out to roughly the 100 m isobath. This study examines the variability of the Apalachicola River and its impacts on the variability of water properties over the northern West Florida Shelf. A series of numerical model experiments show that episodic wind-driven offshore transport of the Apalachicola River plume is a likely physical mechanism for connecting the variability of the river discharge with oceanic variability over the middle and outer shelf.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) in surface sediments of the Laizhou Bay (LB) and the coastal waters around the Zhangzi Island (ZI) was analyzed. Six forms of P were separated — exchangeable or loosely sorbed P (Ads–P), aluminum-bound P (Al–P), iron-bound P (Fe–P), authigenic apatite plus CaCO3-bound P plus biogenic apatite (Ca–P), detrital apatite plus other inorganic P (De–P) and organic P (OP). The average contents of P in the LB were in the order: De–P > OP > Ca–P > Fe–P > Ads–P > Al–P; in the ZI, the corresponding order was De–P > OP > Fe–P > Ca–P > Ads–P > Al–P. Due to the high nutrient loadings from the surrounding rivers, TP contents in sediments of the LB were higher than in those of the ZI. The potential bio-available P (Ads–P and OP) accounted for 14.7% and 24.2% of TP in sediments of the LB and the ZI, respectively.  相似文献   

We investigated the diversity of Cyanobacteria by microscopic observation and sequencing of cyanobacterial-specific amplified 16S rRNA genes in the water column of two shallow, eutrophic lakes (Doirani and Kastoria, northern Greece) during summer blooms. Previous phytoplankton studies in these lakes have shown that prolonged cyanobacterial blooms can occur, which are dominated by known toxic species, as well as other less known, co-occurring species. A total of 118 clones were sequenced which were grouped in 23 Cyanobacteria and 11 chloroplast-like phylotypes. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that each library included several unique phylotypes, as well as members of all common bloom-forming Cyanobacteria. Most of the phylotypes belonged to the genera Microcystis, Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Cylindrospermopsis-Raphidiopsis group, Limnothrix and Planktothrix, comprising most of the diversity previously recognized by morphological observations in cyanobacterial morphospecies in these lakes. In addition, novel phylotypes belonging to the Chroococcales were recognized in both lakes. The structure of the cyanobacterial communities of the lakes were very similar, as revealed by the diversity index H (2.06 and 2.01 for L. Doirani and Kastoria, respectively) and LIBSHUFF analysis (XY12P-value = 0.122 and YX12P-value = 0.536), due to occurrence of groups of common phylotypes. This study gives an example for successful cyanobacterial bloom analysis by the combination of morphological and phylogenetic methods useful for monitoring cyanobacteria and water quality in freshwaters.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to characterize the ecological conditions that prevail after the application of chicken, cow and pig manure. Three treatments, chicken, cow, pig manure and a control were assigned to aquadams in a completely randomized design and each treatment was replicated three times. The aquadams were fertilized 2 weeks before the fish were stocked. One hundred Oreochromis mossambicus (mean weight ±40 g) were stocked in each aquadam. Water physico-chemical parameters (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, electrical conductivity, salinity, turbidity, ammonia, nitrite, total alkalinity as calcium carbonate, and phosphorus) were determined once a week for the duration of the experiment. Zooplankton and phytoplankton in the different treatments were enumerated once every 2 weeks. The relationship between phytoplankton communities and the water physico-chemical parameters were evaluated using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The CCA indicated that the physico-chemical variables which best explain the distribution of phytoplankton were carbonate alkalinity, pH, phosphate, potassium, nitrogen and dissolved oxygen. Phytoplankton abundance was highest in chicken manure because the optimum nutrient conditions for the growth of phytoplankton were found in this treatment. Zooplankton abundance was also highest in the chicken manure treatment. The control was associated with one phytoplankton taxa, Chlorella. The numerical contribution of the different food items in the stomachs of O. mossambicus was determined. The diet of O. mossambicus was dominated by phytoplankton particularly Microcystis species. Total coliforms and Escherichia coli were used to assess the microbiological quality of the water in the different manure treatments. Chicken manure had the lowest total coliform and E. coli count. However, chicken manure had the highest Bacillus count. The implications of the microbial load in the chicken, cow and pig manure are discussed.  相似文献   

The metabolic balance between production and respiration in plankton communities of the Gulf of Papua was investigated in May 2004. Water samples taken at 19 stations were allocated to groups on the basis of physico-chemical characteristics. Oxygen consumption and production in flasks incubated in the dark and in the light was determined by micro-Winkler titration. Dark bottle respiration in samples influenced by the estuarine plume averaged 3.09±1.92 (SD) mmol O2 m−3 d−1 and production within surface light bottles averaged 7.63±3.36 (SD)  mmol O2 m−3 d−1. Corresponding values in stations more typical of the central Gulf of Papua were 1.68±1.30 (SD) mmol O2 m−3 d−1 and 1.08±2.25 (SD) mmol O2 m−3 d−1. Despite a shallow (<10 m) euphotic zone within the plume stations, phytoplankton production in the surface layers was sufficiently high to subsidise total water column respiration. Integrating production and respiration over the water column resulted in a calculation of net community production (NCP) of 626±504 (SD) mg C m−2 d−1, and community respiration (CR) of 712±492 mg C m−2 d−1 at the plume stations, with an average P:R ratio of 1.97. In the offshore group NCP was 157±450 (SD) mg C m−2 d−1 and CR was 1620±1576 mg C m−2 d−1. The average P:R ratio was 1.27. Three of the 7 stations allocated to the offshore group were net heterotrophic. In contrast to earlier studies in the area indicating that the Gulf of Papua waters is heterotrophic [Robertson, A.I., Dixon, P., Alongi, D.M., 1998. The influence of fluvial discharge on pelagic production in the Gulf of Papua, Northern Coral Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 46, 319–331], our data indicate that in May 2004 the Gulf was in positive metabolic balance, but by only ∼120 mg C m−2 d−1. We conclude that waters of the Gulf of Papua under riverine influence are net autotrophic, but that within the central Gulf there is a fine metabolic balance alternating between autotrophy and heterotrophy.  相似文献   

Due to the production of toxins, cyanobacteria may adversely affect economically important fish such as Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in tropical lakes. We studied the diet composition and factors affecting the diet of Nile tilapia in two tropical lakes where cyanotoxins were present. Particle-bound microcystins were present in all analysed water samples, ranging in concentration from 0.00012 to 1.11 and from 0.006 to 0.254 μg L−1 in Murchison Bay in Lake Victoria and Lake Mburo, respectively. Detritus and phytoplankton were the main dietary components of the Nile tilapia, with phytoplankton contributing to over 30% by volume of stomach contents. The cyanobacteria Microcystis spp., which are also the most likely source of microcystins in the lakes, accounted for more than 80% of ingested phytoplankton. Microcystis spp. were also the most abundant cyanobacteria in both lakes (>60%). We found no significant relationship between the contribution of phytoplankton in Nile tilapia diet and the concentration of microcystins in the water but we found a close association between water transparency and the contribution of insects to Nile tilapia diets in Murchison Bay. Our results further show that none of the other measured environmental variables was a good predictor of diet items in Nile tilapia. Adult Nile tilapia in our study lakes, rely heavily on filter feeding, particularly under conditions of low water transparency, trapping detritus and phytoplankton cells especially colonies. They can ingest more mobile prey like insects and insect larvae when the water transparency and visibility increases.  相似文献   

巴丹吉林沙漠气候干旱,蒸发强烈,与之形成鲜明对比的是沙漠腹地湖泊群的长久不衰,目前对于湖泊水分的补给来源仍存在争议.本文以水量均衡为基础,在苏木吉林湖区开展了降水、蒸发及湖水位和地下水位的动态监测,结合已有的水文地质资料建立地下水流动三维模型,重现湖区地下水位的季节动态变化,并基于模型进行水均衡分析.结果表明:苏木吉林湖区降水入渗补给量不足以平衡湖泊蒸发量,湖泊需要深层承压水的越流补给;湖水位和地下水位均呈现正弦曲线形态,11月最低,4月达到峰值,水位变幅分别为22和18 cm;湖区地下水多年平均总补给量为11620 m3/d,其中降水和承压水越流分别约占13%和87%,降水补给量夏季高、冬季低,承压水越流补给量季节变化不明显;承压水越流补给量可能主要来源于沙漠周边山区降水,未发现明显的水量亏空需要断裂导水来弥补.研究结果为巴丹吉林沙漠地下水资源分析及合理利用提供科学依据.  相似文献   

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