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The characteristics of the Holocene valley floor of the River Lippe, Germany, are atypical for a river in central Europe. The valley floor consists of three terrace levels, which are not always clearly separated from each other. Analysis of the sediments making up the terraces indicates that they accumulated during the course of the entire Holocene, although there is insufficient information available to allow detailed determination of phases of fluvial change and stability responsible for terrace formation. Two of the terraces exist only in the lower reaches of the valley, where they converge and diverge with the third. The lowest terrace consists only of a narrow strip, running parallel to the river channel. The configuration of the valley floor may be explained by a series of anthropogenic influences. The earliest human impact probably occurred about 2000 years ago when, during their campaign against German tribes, the Romans built a towpath and may have changed the channel planform from its natural, anabranching pattern to a meandering form by building small dams on local distributary forks. Implementation of artificial meander cut‐offs to improve navigation on the river began in medieval times. The morphological response to these human interventions was primarily degradational. In the 19th century, artificial lateral fill was used to narrow the channel and the towpath was renewed several times. The trace of the most recent towpath is still discernible as a narrow strip parallel to the river channel, and it constitutes the lowest terrace level. Comparison between the bankfull discharge of a 4000‐year‐old abandoned channel and the formative flow for the modern channel supports the premise that, prior to anthropomorphic influence, the natural planform was anabranched. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In two survey phases (2003 and 2008) organic, nutrient and salt contamination parameters have been investigated in the lower Werra in order to estimate the importance of these different kinds of pollution for the quality component of macroinvertebrates according to the European Water Framework Directive. The chemical and biological investigations have been carried out comparing a “reference” section without salt contamination with the salt contaminated section due to the potash mining industry from Vacha to Hannoversch Münden close to the mouth of the Werra. The results show that the drastic differences between the macroinvertebrate assemblages of the Werra upstream and downstream the salt contaminated sections are clearly caused by the salt load. The other kinds of chemical impacts are not responsible for the observed fundamental change within the composition of the benthic invertebrate assemblage. General degradation of stream morphology, indicated by macroinvertebrates, shows a good ecological status for the non-salt-contaminated part of the river and a bad status for the salt contaminated sites of the lower Werra.  相似文献   

The reduction and equalization of the salt concentrations in the River Werra have resulted in a gradual recovery of the aquatic flora. Spatial high-resolution macrophyte mappings document the spread of the aquatic vascular plants in the middle and lower River Werra. Simultaneously, the plankton blooms have declined. Changes in the composition of the algal communities including diatoms also indicated lower salinity. In addition to the salinity, high nutrient concentrations, waste water discharges and structural degradation are important stressors in the River Werra as shown by e.g. low species richness of vascular plants and the common occurrence of pollution tolerant diatoms. From the existing data it is clear that an encompassing improvement of the ecological conditions in the River Werra can only be achieved by further restoration measures considering all stressors.  相似文献   

The Guayas river basin is one of the major watersheds in Ecuador, where increasing human activities are affecting water quality and related ecosystem services. The aims of this study were (1) to assess the ecological water quality based on macroinvertebrate indices and (2) to determine the major environmental variables affecting these macroinvertebrate indices. To do so, we performed an integrated water quality assessment at 120 locations within the river basin. Biological and physical–chemical data were collected to analyze the water quality. Two biotic indices were calculated to assess the water quality with an ecological approach: the Biological Monitoring Working Party Colombia (BMWP-Col) and the Neotropical Low-land Stream Multimetric Index (NLSMI). Both the BMWP-Col and NLSMI indicated good water quality at the (upstream) forested locations, lower water quality for sites situated at arable land and bad water quality at residential areas. Both indices gave relevant assessment outcomes and can be considered valuable for supporting the local water management. A correspondence analysis (CA) applied on both indices suggested that flow velocity, chlorophyll concentration, conductivity, land use, sludge layer and sediment type were the major environmental variables determining the ecological water quality. We also suggested that nutrient and pesticide measurements are important to study water quality in the area where intensive agriculture activities take place. The nutrient levels detected in agricultural areas were relatively low and illustrated that the types of crops and the current cultivation methods were not leading to eutrophication. The applied methods and results of this study can be used to support the future water management of the Guayas river basin and similar basins situated in the tropics.  相似文献   

Fine sediment deposition in stream beds frequently generated by certain land use practices has become an increasing stressor for rivers throughout the world. In this study, the role of fine sediment deposition and its impact on the benthic macro-invertebrate assemblages was investigated in a low mountain freshwater pearl mussel stream, the Waldaist. Communities of unaffected sites and sites under high fine sediment deposition were compared. Distinct reactions of benthic assemblages in fine gravelly habitats were ascertained demonstrating a severe but still underestimated threat for invertebrate biodiversity.  相似文献   

The determination of background values of hydrochemical parameters, to distinguish between natural concentration and anthropogenically-influenced concentrations, is highly relevant. In presented study, to estimate the background values of hydrochemical parameters in Akhuryan River Basin, log-normal probability functions on the hydrochemical parameters concentrations was applied. The study is carried out on the basis of hydrochemical data of surface water quality monitoring for the period of 2010–2013. This study highlights the usefulness of application of site-specific background concentrations for the evaluation, interpretation of surface water quality and for determination of pollution sources.  相似文献   

Extensive agricultural,industrial and urban development in the Yellow River,China,have modified the sediment-water balance,flow and inundation regimes,longitudinal connectivity,integrity of riparian vegetation,and water quality.Macroinvertebrate assemblages in the bed sediment of main channel and major reservoirs of the Yellow River are described in detail for the first time.A total of 74 taxa comprising 17 taxa of oligochaetes,48 taxa of aquatic insects,5 taxa of molluscs,and 4 taxa of other animals were recorded.A range of feeding guilds were represented,including, collector-gatherers(32 taxa),predators(17 taxa),scrapers(16 taxa),shredders(6 taxa)and collector-filterers(2 taxa).Both the mean density and biomass of macroinvertebrates were significantly higher in sites located in the artificial reservoirs compared with the main river channel. Assemblages varied spatially;Oligochaetes dominated assemblages in upper reaches,insects dominated in middle reaches and other animals(e.g.Crustacea)dominated in lower reaches. Collector-gatherers were dominant throughout the entire river.Classification analysis identified five site-groups on the basis of macroinvertebrate presence/absence:downstream of reservoirs;vegetated sites;reservoir sites;polluted sites,and;lower-reach sites.Lower macroinvertebrate richness,density and biomass,compared with other similar large rivers,were attributed to modification of the sediment-water balance and associated disturbance of benthic habitats.Pollution,stability of sediment and sediment concentration combined to influence the distribution of macroinvertebrates.This knowledge will substantially benefit the recent focus on the health and environmental water requirements of the Yellow River.  相似文献   

北运河水系底栖动物群落结构与水环境质量评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为全面了解北运河水系的底栖动物群落结构和水环境质量,于2015年5月对北运河水系33个样点的底栖动物和水体理化性质进行了调查,分别采用综合水质标识指数法和底栖动物BI指数法对北运河水系进行水质评价,并通过Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验判断正态性,用Pearson相关分析方法对两种评价结果进行比较和分析.结果表明:北运河水系共采集到底栖动物23种,隶属于3门4纲6目11科11属,以水生昆虫和软体动物为主,整个水系底栖动物群落结构单一;底栖动物BI指数法的评价结果显示,72%的采样点水质为中污染(Ⅳ)或重污染(Ⅴ);综合水质标识指数法的评价结果显示,超过57%的采样点水质为Ⅳ类及以下;根据K-S检验,两组评价得分均符合正态分布;Pearson相关分析显示两种评价结果呈显著正相关.两种评价结果总体上呈现出相同的趋势,均显示北运河水系整体水质状况较差,干流水质状况优于支流,上游水质状况优于下游,温榆河上游、坝河下游、通惠河上游和凉水河的水质状况较差,温榆河源头和坝河上游的水质状况较好.两种评价结果在个别点位存在一定差异,具体表现为基于水体理化因子的评价结果稍优于水质生物评价结果,造成这种差异的原因是两种评价方法在时空尺度上存在差异.针对城市化水平较高、人类活动干扰较强的北运河水系,同时采用这两种评价方法有助于全面了解其复杂的水环境质量.  相似文献   

Considering food web energetics and elemental cycling together allows the testing of hypotheses about the coevolution of biological systems and their physical environment. We investigated the energy flow and the distribution of 25 elements in the Steina River.¶We constructed an annual energy flow network and estimated the emergy ("embodied energy" that includes all the energy involved in a process) contributions of resources sustaining the system. Furthermore, we measured the concentration of various macronutrients, essential elements, and heavy metals in the physical environment and trophic compartments. Finally, we examined the hypothesis of a positive relationship between the "rarity" of an element and its tendency to bioaccumulate. To do so, we used transformity, the relative energy input required to sustain a compartment's net production or the concentration differential of an element between the living community and the physical environment.¶The resulting energy flow network is one of the most complete available for streams. In the Steina, over 99% of the energy input is transported through the system without being processed. Dissolved inorganic matter and sunlight are the largest inputs, but uptake efficiency is much higher for dissolved and particulate organic matter. Transformities of trophic compartments and elements span 6 to 7 orders of magnitude.¶The tendency to bioaccumulate was as predicted for most elements, with macronutrients showing no accumulation and heavy elements accumulating in high-transformity compartments. However, Na and K were found at highest concentrations in consumers, and Pb, Ga, and Cd in algae. Improved estimates may become possible as more knowledge is available on ecosystem flows. We suggest further ways of testing hypotheses about strategies of element processing.  相似文献   

Three coastal and three lagoonal sites located in Greece (Eastern Mediterranean) were selected to test and intercalibrate classification methods developed for benthic invertebrates ecological quality assessments. These methods were developed for the purposes of the European Water Framework Directive which is a European legislation adopted for the protection and improvement of the coastal and transitional waters. However, through testing these methods, this work addresses in general the issue of determining and comparing the ecological status of the coastal and transitional macrobenthic communities in Eastern Mediterranean ecosystems. Among methods tested were the biotic indices AMBI and BENTIX, the multivariate method M-AMBI and the biomass size structure index ISD in lagoonal sites only. ISD index is a rather new method developed especially for transitional ecosystems and in this contribution its performance is intercalibrated with the other benthic classification metrics. Comparison and intercalibration of the indices results in assessing the ecological quality status (EQS) are presented graphically and statistically performing the Kappa analysis. Results of the comparison and the indices' performance are evaluated based on the knowledge of the sites' environmental condition and baseline studies. Based on an extended dataset of coastal and transitional ecosystems benthic invertebrates, an evaluation of each index performance and effectiveness is attempted through an insight and comparative analysis of each methods' structure and design. Results showed that in these Eastern Mediterranean coastal sites the BENTIX index seems to give a more biologically relevant classification and gives a higher confidence level regarding the classification compared to the other indices. In the coastal areas AMBI showed a tendency for the "good" class classification, while the factorial M-AMBI gave more consistent results with the BENTIX. In the lagoonal sites the biotic indices tested were not proved efficient enough and the biomass based ISD index proved more appropriate for these ecosystems. AMBI showed the highest agreement with the ISD which is due to the better performance of this index in the slightly and moderately polluted lagoons, compared to the other indices. However, AMBI failed to classify the polluted lagoon, in which case the BENTIX gave a more relevant classification.  相似文献   

基于2006-2016年近10年的长期监测数据,对乌江下游两座高坝的修建对底栖动物群落结构的影响效应进行研究.结果表明:大坝蓄水前后底栖动物群落结构发生显著变化,不同时期的群落结构差异明显.蜉蝣目稚虫对生境的剧烈变动不适应,软体动物田螺科和觹螺科的一些种类对生境的剧烈扰动较为适应,生活史较短的机会主义物种在水库淹没区和坝下河段逐渐定殖下来.建坝以及大坝的运行调度对乌江下游底栖动物的群落结构产生了重大影响,底栖动物群落结构随着时间发生一定程度的演替.在底栖动物所有类群中,软体动物对栖息地的丧失以及流量的剧烈波动具有较高的耐受性,水生昆虫相对较不耐受环境的剧烈变化,而甲壳动物的适应性极强.百分比模式相似性指数(Percent Model Affinity,PMA)的变动趋势可有效地反映大坝对底栖动物群落的影响效应,其均值随离坝距离的增加而呈现逐步增加的趋势,表明大坝调度对水生态造成的负面影响会随着离坝距离的增加而逐步弱化,这与河流不连续体理论(Serial Discontinuity Concept,SDC)的预测趋势基本一致.根据长期监测成果,蜉蝣目扁蜉科、四节蜉科、细裳蜉科以及毛翅目纹石蛾科的种群恢复状况以及PMA指数可作为评估大坝不利影响减缓措施效果的依据.  相似文献   

Polyfluorinated compounds (PFCs) were investigated in waste water treatment plant (WWTP) effluents and surface waters of the River Elbe from samples collected in 2007. Concentrations of various PFCs, including C4–C8 perfluorinated sulfonates (PFSAs), C6 and C8 perfluorinated sulfinates, 6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonate, C5–C13 perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs), C4 and C8 perfluoroalkyl sulfonamides and 6:2, 8:2 and 10:2 unsaturated fluorotelomercarboxylic acids were quantified. ∑PFC concentrations of the river water ranged from 7.6 to 26.4 ng L−1, whereas ∑PFC concentrations of WWTP effluents were approximately 5–10 times higher (30.5–266.3 ng L−1), indicating that WWTPs are potential sources of PFCs in the marine environment. PFC patterns of different WWTP effluents varied depending on the origin of the waste water, whereas the profile of PFC composition in the river water was relatively constant. In both kinds of water samples, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) was the major PFC, whereas perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS) was the predominant PFSA.  相似文献   

Wastewater effluents from irrigation and the domestic and industrial sectors have serious impacts in deteriorating water quality in many rivers, particularly in areas under tidal influence. There is a need to develop an approach that considers the impact of human and natural causes of salinization. This study uses a multi-objective optimization–simulation model to investigate and describe the interactions of such impacts in the Shatt al-Arab River, Iraq. The developed model is able to reproduce the salinity distribution in the river given varying conditions. The salinity regime in the river varies according to different hydrological conditions and anthropogenic activities. Due to tidal effects, salinity caused by drainage water is seen to intrude further upstream into the river. The applied approach provides a way to obtain optimal solutions where both river salinity and deficit in water supply can be minimized. The approach is used for exploring the trade-off between these two objectives.  相似文献   

珠江广州段水环境问题与保护对策   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
江涛  黎坤  柯栋 《湖泊科学》2004,16(3):282-284
珠江广州河段是广州市的主要水体,其日趋严重的水污染所导致的水质性缺水,已成为制约广州市可持续发展的一个重要因素.本文通过珠江广州河段的水环境现状评价,分析了珠江广州河段水环境污染的成因,并依此提出了珠江广州河段水环境的保护对策,即加快生活污水处理系统建设,调整工业布局和结构,推行清洁生产,重视畜禽养殖业污水的治理,实施环境水利工程,加大监督和执法力度,加强宣传教育,提高全民节约用水和环保意识.  相似文献   

望虞河引长江水入太湖水体的总磷、总氮分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
马倩  田威  吴朝明 《湖泊科学》2014,26(2):207-212
太湖流域实施的调水引流,提高了流域水资源和水环境承载能力,发挥了水利工程在改善水环境方面的综合效益,支撑了流域经济社会的可持续发展.本文在分析近年来望虞河引江水量与入湖水量及入湖水体流经太湖湖湾水体水质变化情势的基础上,分析比较了2007年以来的调水引流期间,望虞河入太湖水体总磷、总氮浓度值与太湖贡湖湾、梅梁湾、湖西及江苏省其它主要入太湖河道的总磷、总氮浓度值,并通过监测结果分析了入太湖水体总磷、可溶性总磷的衰减趋势,从而得出,长江是优质水源,调引长江水为增加太湖水环境容量、改善太湖及区域水环境状况起到了积极作用.  相似文献   

The main objectives of this study were to describe the seasonal standing stock dynamics of phytoplankton, bacterioplankton and heterotrophic flagellates in the highly eutrophic River Elbe (Germany), and to compare the seasonal patterns observed with other streams. Emphasis was placed on examining and assessing abiotic and biotic controlling factors influencing the structure and dynamics of the riverine plankton. All the physico-chemical and biological parameters determined were within the range or somewhat higher (in the case of phytoplankton abundance and biomass) than reported for other large streams. The underwater light conditions resulting from atypically short phytoplankton growth periods of about 6 months per year and the low phytoplankton carbon to chl a ratio of 23 were identified as a major limiting factor for phytoplankton development in the River Elbe. The seasonal distribution pattern of bacterioplankton indicated probable tight trophodynamical coupling both with phytoplankton and with heterotrophic flagellates, whereas heterotrophic flagellates showed a more trophic link with bacterial densities. Although approximately constant DOC and DON levels throughout the year sustained bacterial growth rates, during the phytoplankton growing season an increase of bacterial standing stocks was observed. Although the left-bank sampling site of the Elbe is strongly influenced by the tributaries Mulde and Saale containing higher concentrations of chloride, nitrogen nutrients, heavy metals and organic pollutants, no clear differences were observed between the two sides of the river concerning the biological parameters measured. Possible reasons and the slightly higher phytoplankton abundance and diversity at the right bank are discussed.  相似文献   

评价漓江健康的RIVPACS预测模型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
RIVPACS类河流健康评价模型是广泛应用的河流健康评价工具.利用漓江流域48个样点的底栖动物和环境数据,按照建立RIVPACS模型的方法和步骤,开展预测模型试点研究.48个样点中有32个参照样点,随机选取其中27个用于模型构建.余下的5个参照样点、10个轻至中度干扰样点和6个严重干扰样点用于模型验证.首先通过Bray...  相似文献   

The use of multimetric indices as tools for assessing aquatic ecosystem health in most of the developing countries such as Togo is still lacking. To fill this gap, we developed a macroinvertebrates-based multimetric index for the Zio river basin of Togo. Forty-two sites were assessed for the development and the validation of the Multimetric Index of Zio River Basin (MMIZB). Thirty-nine candidate metrics belonging to four categories (composition metrics, functional feeding metrics, diversity metrics and tolerance measure metrics) were evaluated. After comprehensive multiple selection procedure, six core metrics were retained to provide the final MMIZB. The results showed that the MMIZB responded to a set of organic pollution (chemical oxygen demand, ammonium, total suspended solid) and hydromorphological alterations, which corresponded to a set of gradients of human pressures affecting the ecological integrity of Zio river basin water bodies (r = 0.78, p < 0.001). The final macroinvertebrate index well distinguished the reference sites and impaired sites of a validation data set (p < 0.001) and showed a significant relationship between water and habitat quality based on Prati’s index (r = 0.73, p < 0.001) and Multimetric Macroinvertebrates Index of Vietnam (MMI_Vietnam) (r = 0.88, p < 0.001). This work underlines the relevance of the MMIZB as an effective tool for biological monitoring and decision making in water management of Zio river basin.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of physical and chemical variables and macroinvertebrate composition, structure and functional aspects were investigated in five microhabitats available (Ranunculus acquatilis+Ranunculus sardous, Spirogyra sp., Juncus effusus, and unvegetated littoral sediments and central sediments) in a temporary pond near Rome during spring 2004. The central sediments were found to differ greatly from the other substrates. They were characterized by higher nutrient contents (total P, total N), organic matter and organic C, and silt and clay in the sediments, and lower dissolved oxygen content and lower pH in the water. Species richness and densities of total macrofauna showed the lowest values in central sediments and the highest ones in submerged macrophytes (Ranunculus spp.) and emergent vegetation (Juncus effusus). Oligochaeta Tubificidae, some Nematoda (Dorylaimus spp.), and Chironomidae Tanypodinae (Procladius sp. and Psectrotanypus varius) and Chironominae (Chironomus plumosus group) characterized the central sediments, whereas Ephemeroptera and most of the Odonata and Coleoptera species were commonly found in submerged macrophyte beds. Some species of Coleoptera and Hemiptera (Hygrobia hermanni, Helochares lividus, Berosus signaticollis and Gerris maculatus) were mainly found in the algal substratum, and some Nematoda species (Tobrilus spp. and Aporcelaimellus obtusicaudatus), Oligochaeta Enchytraeidae, young larvae of Sympetrum and Diptera Ceratopogonidae in littoral sediments. Juncus effusus appeared to be mainly colonized by Chironomidae Orthocladiinae (Psectrocladius sordidellus group and Corynoneura scutellata) and Tanytarsini (Paratanytarsus sp.). Central sediments also favoured high abundances of collector-gatherers, burrowers and drought resistant forms with passive dispersal, whereas Ranunculus spp. hosted mainly scrapers, shredders, swimmers+divers and active dispersal forms without any resistant stages to desiccation. Juncus plants were mostly colonized by collector-filterers and by organisms capable of both active dispersal and surviving desiccation. Littoral sediments and algae showed similar functional organization and intermediate features between central sediments and submerged macrophyte beds. All these results demonstrate that microhabitat characteristics play a crucial role in selecting macroinvertebrate taxa according to their environmental requirement, feeding mechanism, movement and resistance to drought. Moreover, our study confirms the role of submerged and emergent vegetation in maintaining high biodiversity and suggests that all microhabitats should be considered to provide both an exhaustive collection of species for pond management and conservation and basic insights into the functioning of pond communities.  相似文献   

The characterisation of natural stream conditions is the first important step to analyse ecological quality of streams in the Euphrates basin. We found that the community indices correspond to very good ecological conditions in five natural streams of that region. The macroinvertebrates composition differed significantly between September and May. Number of taxa and Shannon index were significantly higher in autumn than in spring. FPOM and biofilm were the most relevant basal resources of benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   

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