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简要介绍GIS的概念和基本功能,结合长江防洪调度系统的开发,探讨GIS及其组件在洪水预报调度领域中的应用。  相似文献   

计算洪水淹没区范围所造成的灾害损失一直是灾害评估研究中的一个热点问题,本文通过以GIS技术为基础,并结合数字高程模型(DEM),对哈尔滨市未来可能会发生的十年一遇或百年一遇的洪水所能淹没的范围进行预测。并结合历年的水文气象等统计资料,依据经验分析法与水深-损失曲线模型相结合的方法,对哈尔滨市洪泛区进行灾害评估,为城市发展、城市规划等提供依据。  相似文献   

防洪GIS中空间数据库的设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一种基于区域和基于对象数据模型的新型空间数据库。该数据库具有处理多种数据源的能力 ,提供应用接口 ,具有较高的灵活性。基于其上建立的防洪 GIS系统 ,经测试应用 ,效果良好。  相似文献   

移动防汛应急Mobile GIS系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程昊  普恒  刘建华  杜明义 《北京测绘》2018,32(3):260-265
基于移动终端的防汛信息查询系统应用广泛,但由于实际防汛抢险业务的复杂性,满足防汛应急工作全生命周期业务的处理软件仍不完善。针对这一现状,本文提出移动防汛应急Mobile GIS系统的设计架构与实现方式。首先,确立以Android主活动、自定义View以及全局Application作为系统的基础底层框架,其中主活动负责防汛多业务逻辑之间的信息交换,由自定义View衍生出的Dialog等视图层实现信息展示,全局Application实现数据的统一调度管理。其次,在此基础框架上构建案件处理、汛情信息查询、预警信息推送三大功能层;最后对防汛多源异构数据处理分析的关键技术进行探究,提出了切实可行的实现方案并实践应用。  相似文献   

为全方位地展示第一次全国地理国情普查成果,有效提高普查成果对政府、企业和公众的服务能力,以智能手机或平板电脑为终端,将无线互联网、卫星定位GPS与GIS等技术相结合,建立了基于移动GIS的地理国情普查成果应用平台,并详细介绍了平台的架构设计、功能设计和关键技术,为地理国情普查成果的应用拓展了思路。  相似文献   

The dynamism of geomorphic provinces in fluvial systems present considerable ambiguities in mapping by remote sensing. This necessitates use of multiple satellite data to characterize such depositional provinces. We use, an integrated dataset to characterize the geomorphic provinces (e.g. active flood plain, older food plain, fan etc.) of the Kosi River (Bihar), India. This is done using contrast in spectral signatures derived from multispectral bands (of IRS-P6 LISS III), radiant temperature (from ETM+) and radar-roughness (from radar brightness image RISAT-1). ASTER DEM has been used in deriving topographic profiles. The optical imagery, enables regional characterization through direct tonal changes (e.g. active flood plain is brighter than older flood plain). The radiant temperatures show variations across provinces. Geomorphic transitions are represented by topographic breaks. Radar backscatter imagery, show differences in radar-return from different sub-provinces. Observations made using specific sensor characterize each provinces and is supplementary/complimentary to the parameter(s) from other sensors.  相似文献   

均一化迭代是基于栅格数据的洪水演进模拟常采用的迭代策略,存在设定迭代步长与栅格单元实际所需时间不一致的问题,直接影响到栅格单元水位、流量的计算精度。针对该问题,提出了一种双层异步迭代策略。外层迭代控制洪水演进时刻,内层迭代则通过分析不同栅格单元洪水的流速特征,实现迭代步长及迭代次数的自适应设定。采用商用FloodArea软件、均一化迭代算法及双层异步迭代算法,分别对福建省万安流域暴雨洪水历史数据进行模拟。该算法模拟结果的平均误差比FloodArea小0.361 m,比均一化迭代算法小0.654 m,说明该算法能有效提高洪水演进模拟的整体精度。  相似文献   

通过对历史地貌的复原研究,提出了一种重建历史地貌三维场景的方法。以历史地形图为基础研究资料,对其进行整理、挖掘与分析,并结合GIS技术建立了DEM,生成了三维立体场景。利用该方法建立了百年前白洋淀碟形洼地的三维历史地貌模型,对于该区域历史环境和演化过程的研究具有重要的参考价值,也为历史地貌重建的信息化发展提供了一种新的研究视角。  相似文献   

基于空间技术的北京市山地平原界线勘定研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对北京市山地平原区划行业间差异较大,且和北京市大比例尺土地利用现状图不一致等问题,以研究区最新大比例尺地形数据和高分辨率遥感影像为数据源,利用GIS、遥感和3维虚拟技术,对北京市山地平原界线进行重新勘定。在勘定过程中,借鉴历史区划方案,主要以海拔100m为界线,同时参考坡度数据和地质数据来确定界线位置。最后,对山地平原界线利用SPOT5高分辨率遥感影像和DEM生成的3维景观进行验证和局部调整。此次划分结果为北京市土地利用规划修编提供了基础数据,同时为形成北京市各职能部门一致认同的区划数据做了前期基础工作。  相似文献   

在利用GPS实施护岸工程中 ,应用可视化开发语言VB和地理信息软件Mapinfo集成开发实时信息处理系统 ,实现设计、施工、监测作业一体化的护岸工程作业模型 ,解决大面积的精密水域施工和高程控制的难题 ,使工作效率有很大提高。  相似文献   

针对目前平原绿化监测结果不稳定和效率低下的问题,基于地理国情普查地表覆盖成果,综合采用地理信息应用、遥感影像信息提取、遥感动态监测和成数抽样调查等技术,研究了一套全新的平原绿化监测方法,并在浙江全省平原区国土绿化监测项目中进行了应用。结果表明,该方法能够显著提高监测成果的置信度和监测效率。  相似文献   

拉林河流域水系分维研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对传统方法在水系分维估算中对集水面积阈值的确定主观性和不确定性较强,同时传统的数盒子等分维估算方法存在计算强度大、工作效率低、数据结果不客观等问题,该文基于SRTM DEM数据,运用ArcGIS软件对拉林河流域自动提取河网水系图;对水系进行不同集水面积阈值下的分维值计算,利用趋势线、相关系数检验等方法对拉林河流域集水面积阈值进行估算;并将提取出的集水面积阈值与实际测绘地形图进行对比,发现利用该方法确定阈值得到的水系与实际水系较为一致。同时,基于GIS的分维研究与传统的数盒子等方法计算水系维数相比,具有客观、经济、高效的优势。最后根据集水面积阈值与水系分维的相互关系,得出该流域水系分维值为1.28,说明拉林河流域尚处于侵蚀发育阶段的幼年期,发育受地质条件影响较大。  相似文献   

从长江流域防洪调度实际工作出发,针对长江流域防洪指挥特点,利用ArcGIS Server,ArcSDE与.Net平台相结合,进行了B/S模式的长江流域防洪调度WebGIS系统设计与实现。系统利用高效、便捷的Internet/Intra-net网络资源和基于GIS技术的地图操作功能,实现了长江流域防汛指挥的全局化、实时化、可视化。  相似文献   

为改变传统的河道督查流程,减少人工督查工作量,使督查工作向信息化方向发展,本文基于移动GIS技术开发了“五水共治”河道督查系统,应用于河道督查工作。在系统需求分析和数据库设计的基础上,综合运用移动GIS、LBS位置服务、互联网+、云服务等技术,使用Java、PHP等编程语言,通过移动端(Android、iOS)和Web端分别调用天地图移动API和Web API, 实现了系统的各个功能。在应用实例的分析中该系统用于浙江省“五水共治”河道督查工作,系统运行稳定,界面显示清晰,数据传输实时有效,完全能够满足河道督查工作的需求,为建立河道长效督查机制提供了有效方法。  相似文献   

Physical habitat is the living space of in-stream biota which is an important factor that can affect both the quality and quantity of available habitat and the structure and composition of resident biological communities. It is a spatially and temporally dynamic entity determined by the interaction of the structural features of the channel and hydrological regime. Ganjal River is a left bank tributary of River Narmada and Morand river is the major tributary of it. At these rivers Physical Habitat Assessment was carried out using USEPA Rapid Bioassessment Protocols to know habitat suitability conditions in rivers for aquatic life thrive in. In the study habitat assessment parameters were scored according to the existing conditions for each section of the rivers and were categorised under four conditions i.e. optimal, suboptimal, marginal and poor. On the basis of result obtained from the study Habitat Suitability Map (HSM) was generated using GIS as an interface and it suggests that the habitat quality of both rivers is suitable for aquatic life.  相似文献   

围绕"交通先行"、"以水兴带"、"区域经济"等长江经济带战略重点,以湖北长江经济带历史地图为主线,从资料遴选、解析重点、解析实例3方面,阐述了分析、解读历史地图信息的可行性和重要性,明确了今后应更深层次地解析历史地图,提升其丰富的史料、文物价值和信息承载价值。  相似文献   

The water is a nature’s valuable gift to all life forms. Water quality and quantity plays a major role for the growth and development of community. Both natural and human factors influence the quality and quantity of water source. Depending upon the quality and quantity of groundwater it can be used for various purposes, such as drinking, agricultural and industrial. Due to revolution in industries and various anthropogenic sources in the past decades, groundwater has been polluted and depleted. Remote sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS) has become one of the leading tools in the field of hydrogeological science, which helps in assessing, monitoring and conserving groundwater resources. GIS technology provides suitable alternatives for efficient management of large and complex databases. In recent years, the increasing use of satellite remote sensing data has made it easier to define the spatial distribution of different groundwater prospect classes on the basis of geomorphology and other associated parameters. Analysis of remotely sensed data along with Survey of India(SOI) topographical sheets and collateral information with necessary field checks helps in generating the base line information for artificial recharge. The artificial recharge sites were identified by integrating thematic maps of geology, geomorphology, slope, drainage density and lineament density of the study area. The study focuses on the development of remote sensing and GIS based analysis and methodology for identifying artificial recharge studies in Noyyal river basin.  相似文献   

史永兴  郭志佳 《东北测绘》2012,(1):82-84,87
桥梁施工管理信息系统应用GIS技术,将施工过程中的测量、进度、质量和成本作为系统管理的重点,设计了11个子系统,涵盖了大量的空间信息,内容丰富、覆盖面广、适应性强。它在提高管理效率、把握施工进程、控制施工质量等方面,都显示出传统的手工管理模式无法比拟的优点,同时强大的图形表现能力,使它比传统数据库更具有现实的研究价值。  相似文献   

Rivers flowing through the alluvium invariably have very low gradient forcing the river to flow slowly in a meandering and zigzag path. Nature and intensity of meandering is governed by the geological and tectonic conditions of the river basin. Barak River in tectonically active south Assam (Northeast India) exhibits intense meandering and shifting of the river course. Topographic data of two different years and satellite images of 4 different years covering a section of the Barak River have been investigated to verify the nature of changes undergone by the river through times. This study reveals active northward shift of the river and a prominent neck-cut off in the initial part of the study area. Northward shift of the river also occurred in the area west of Silchar. But, in the western part the river has shifted both towards north and south. Oscillatory shifting in the river channel has also been noticed. The river has shown a overall northward shift which is probably due to uplift of the southern part of the Barak River valley.  相似文献   

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