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The timing of ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphism has been difficult to determine because of a lack of age constraints on crucial events, especially those occurring on the prograde path. New Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) U–Pb age and rare-earth element (REE) data of zircon are presented for UHP metamorphic rocks (eclogite, garnet peridotite, garnet pyroxenite, jadeite quartzite and garnet gneiss) along the Dabie–Sulu UHP complex of China. With multiphase metamorphic textures and index mineral inclusions within zircon, the Dabie data define three episodes of eclogite-facies metamorphism, best estimated at 242.1 ± 0.4 Ma, 227.2 ± 0.8 Ma and 219.8 ± 0.8 Ma. Eclogite-facies zircons of the Sulu UHP complex grew during two major episodes at 242.7 ± 1.2 and 227.5 ± 1.3 Ma, which are indistinguishable from corresponding events in the Dabie UHP complex. A pre-eclogite metamorphic phase at 244.0 ± 2.6 Ma was obtained from two Sulu zircon samples which contain low pressure–temperature (plagioclase, stable below the quartz/Ab transformation) and hydrous (e.g., amphibole, stable below  2.5 Gpa) mineral inclusions. In terms of Fe–Mg exchange of trapped garnet–clinopyroxene pairs within zircon domains, we are able to determine the Pressure–Temperature (PT) conditions for a specific episode of metamorphic zircon growth. We suggest that mineral phase transformations and associated dehydration led to episodic eclogite-facies zircon growth during UHP metamorphism ( 2.7 Gpa) began at 242.2 ± 0.4 Ma (n = 74, pooling the Dabie–Sulu data), followed by peak UHP metamorphism (>  4 Gpa) at 227.3 ± 0.7 Ma (n = 72), before exhumation (<  220 Ma) to quartz stability (~ 1.8 Gpa). The Dabie–Sulu UHP metamorphism lasted for about 15 Ma, equivalent to a minimum subduction rate of 6 mm/year for the descending continental crust.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminiferal magnesium/calcium ratios were determined on one hundred and forty core-top samples from the Atlantic Ocean, the Norwegian Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea and the Pacific Ocean, mostly at sites with bottom water temperatures below 5 °C. Mg/Ca ratios are consistently lower, by  0.2 mmol/mol, in samples cleaned using oxidative and reductive steps than using oxidative cleaning. Differences between Cibicidoides species have been identified: Mg/Ca of Cibicidoides robertsonianus > Cibicidoides kullenbergi > Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi. Comparison with bottom water temperatures support observations of lowered Mg/Ca of C. wuellerstorfi at temperature below  3 °C compared with values predicted by published calibrations and from other Cibicidoides species. Hydrographic data shows that carbonate ion saturation (Δ[CO32−]) decreases rapidly below this temperature. An empirical sensitivity of Δ[CO32−] on Mg/Ca has been established for C. wuellerstorfi of 0.0086 ± 0.0006 mmol/mol/μmol/kg. A novel application using modern temperatures and Last Glacial Maximum temperatures derived via pore fluid modelling supports a carbonate ion saturation state effect on Mg incorporation. This may significantly affect calculated δ18Oseawater obtained from foraminiferal δ18O and Mg/Ca temperature.  相似文献   

We examine the micro-earthquake seismicity recorded by two temporary arrays of ocean bottom seismometers on the outer rise offshore southern Chile on young oceanic plate of ages 14 Ma and 6 Ma, respectively. The arrays were in operation from December 2004–January 2005 and consisted of 17 instruments and 12 instruments, respectively. Approximately 10 locatable events per day were recorded by each of the arrays. The catalogue, which is complete for magnitudes above 1.2–1.5, is characterized by a high b value, i.e., a high ratio of small to large events, and the data set is remarkable in that a large proportion of the events form clusters whose members show a high degree of waveform similarity. The largest cluster thus identified consisted of 27 similar events (average inter-event correlation coefficient > 0.8 for a 9.5 s window), and waveform similarity persists far into the coda. Inter-event spacing is irregular, but very short waiting times of a few minutes are far more common than expected from a Poisson distribution. Seismicity with these features (high b value, large number of similar events with short waiting times) is typical of swarm activity, which, based on empirical evidence and theoretical considerations, is generally thought to be driven by fluid pressure variations. Because no pronounced outer rise bulge exists on the very young plate in the study region, it is unlikely that melt is accessible from decompression melting or opening of cracks. A fluid source related to processes at the nearby ridge is conceivable for the younger segment but less likely for the older one. We infer that the fluid source could be seawater, which enters through fractures in the crust. Most of the similar-earthquake clusters are within the crust, but some of them locate significantly below the Moho. If our interpretation is correct, this implies that water is present within the mantle. Hydration of the mantle is also indicated by a decrease of Pn velocities below the outer rise seen on a refraction profile through one of the arrays [Contreras-Reyes, E., Grevemeyer, I., Flueh, E.R., Scherwath, M., Heesemann, M., 2007. Alteration of the subducting oceanic lithosphere at the southern central Chile trench-outer rise. Geochem., Geophys. Geosyst. 8, Q07003.]. The deepest events within the array on the 6 Ma old plate occur where the temperature reaches 500–600 °C, consistent with the value observed for large intraplate earthquakes within the mantle (650 °C), suggesting that the maximum temperature at which these fluid-mediated micro-earthquakes can occur is similar or identical to that of large earthquakes.  相似文献   

A phase transition in pure CaSiO3 perovskite was investigated at 27 to 72 GPa and 300 to 819 K by in-situ X-ray diffraction experiments in an externally-heated diamond-anvil cell. The results show that CaSiO3 perovskite takes a tetragonal form at 300 K and undergoes phase transition to a cubic structure above 490–580 K in a pressure range studied here. The transition boundary is strongly temperature-dependent with a slightly positive dT / dP slope of 1.1 (± 1.3) K/GPa. It is known that the transition temperature depends on Al2O3 content dissolved in CaSiO3 perovskite [Kurashina et al., Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 145 (2004) 67–74]. The phase transition in CaSiO3(+ 3 wt.% Al2O3) perovskite therefore could occur in a cold subducted mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) crust at about 1200 K in the upper- to mid-lower mantle. This phase transition is possibly ferroelastic-type and may cause large seismic anomalies in a wide depth range.  相似文献   

New U–Pb age-data from zircons separated from a Northland ophiolite gabbro yield a mean 206Pb/238U age of 31.6 ± 0.2 Ma, providing support for a recently determined 28.3 ± 0.2 Ma SHRIMP age of an associated plagiogranite and  29–26 Ma 40Ar/39Ar ages (n = 9) of basalts of the ophiolite. Elsewhere, Miocene arc-related calc-alkaline andesite dikes which intrude the ophiolitic rocks contain zircons which yield mean 206Pb/238U ages of 20.1 ± 0.2 and 19.8 ± 0.2 Ma. The ophiolite gabbro and the andesites both contain rare inherited zircons ranging from 122–104 Ma. The Early Cretaceous zircons in the arc andesites are interpreted as xenocrysts from the Mt. Camel basement terrane through which magmas of the Northland Miocene arc lavas erupted. The inherited zircons in the ophiolite gabbros suggest that a small fraction of this basement was introduced into the suboceanic mantle by subduction and mixed with mantle melts during ophiolite formation.

We postulate that the tholeiitic suite of the ophiolite represents the crustal segment of SSZ lithosphere (SSZL) generated in the southern South Fiji Basin (SFB) at a northeast-dipping subduction zone that was initiated at about 35 Ma. The subduction zone nucleated along a pre-existing transform boundary separating circa 45–20 Ma oceanic lithosphere to the north and west of the Northland Peninsula from nascent back arc basin lithosphere of the SFB. Construction of the SSZL propagated southward along the transform boundary as the SFB continued to unzip to the southeast. After subduction of a large portion of oceanic lithosphere by about 26 Ma and collision of the SSZL with New Zealand, compression between the Australian Plate and the Pacific Plate was taken up along a new southwest-dipping subduction zone behind the SSZL. Renewed volcanism began in the oceanic forearc at 25 Ma producing boninitic-like, SSZ and within-plate alkalic and calc-alkaline rocks. Rocks of these types temporally overlap ophiolite emplacement and subsequent Miocene continental arc construction.  相似文献   

Four species of marine calcifying algae, the coccolithophores Calcidiscus leptoporus, Helicosphaera carteri, Syracosphaera pulchra and Umbilicosphaera foliosa were grown in laboratory cultures under temperatures varying between 14 and 23 °C, and one species, C. leptoporus, under varying [CO32−], ranging from 105 to 219 μmol/kg. Calcium isotope compositions of the coccoliths resemble in both absolute fractionation and temperature sensitivity previous calibrations of marine calcifying species e.g. Emiliania huxleyi (coccolithophores) and Orbulina universa (planktonic foraminifera) as well as inorganically precipitated CaCO3, but also reveal small species specific differences. In contrast to inorganically precipitated calcite, but similar to E. huxleyi and O. universa, the carbonate ion concentration of the medium has no statistically significant influence on the Ca isotope fractionation of C. leptoporus coccoliths; however, combined data of E. huxleyi and C. leptoporus indicate that the observed trends might be related to changes of the calcite saturation state of the medium. Since coccoliths constitute a significant portion of the global oceanic CaCO3 export production, the Ca isotope fractionation in these biogenic structures is important for defining the isotopic composition of the Ca sink of the ocean, one of the key parameters for modelling changes to the marine Ca budget over time. For the present ocean our results are in general agreement with the previously postulated and applied mean value of the oceanic Ca sink (Δsed) of about − 1.3‰, but the observed inter- and intra-species differences point to possible changes in Δsed through earth history, due to changing physico-chemical conditions of the ocean and shifts in floral and faunal assemblages.  相似文献   

Granoblastic olivine aggregates (GOA) have been discovered in some Type I magnesian chondrules within carbonaceous chondrites by Libourel and Krot [Libourel, G., Krot, A.N., 2007. Evidence for the presence of planetesimal material among the precursors of magnesian chondrules of nebular origin. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 254, 1–8], who proposed an origin from pre-existing planetesimals. Amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOA), generally considered as aggregates of solar nebula condensates and found within similar carbonaceous chondrites, display similar equilibrium texture, though on a finer scale. For these reasons, we conducted experiments to determine if annealing of olivine required time scales appropriate to planetesimal or nebular heating. Pressed < 43 µm and < 63 µm San Carlos olivine powder (Fo88.4) was isothermally heated at temperatures ranging from 1350–1550 °C for 1–100 h. The 100 h runs yield olivine aggregates with well-developed granoblastic texture at all temperatures, manifest as a network of randomly-oriented and sutured olivine grains with 120° triple junctions. Individual olivine grains are 4–6 sided and polygonal by 1450 °C and equigranular texture is developed at high temperature (1500–1550 °C). Melting of olivine commences at 1450–1500 °C and aids in ‘ripening’ and suturing (grain coarsening and grain boundary migration). Textural equilibrium is clearly met at 1550 °C. A planetesimal origin cannot be ruled out; however, the experimental evidence reveals that granoblastic texture can be reproduced in an interval not inconsistent with heating times for nebular objects. GOA may have experienced higher degrees of thermal processing than the finer-grained AOA. If the precursors were the same, grain coarsening would have to be accompanied by modification to bulk and isotopic compositions. However, the precursors could have been olivine condensates formed later than AOA. Annealing may have been a widespread process operating in the primordial solar nebula responsible for thermal processing and formation of GOA prior to their incorporation into chondrules.  相似文献   

Gabbroic rocks and amphibolites were collected from the KR03‐01‐D10 dredge site located on the West Arm Rise of the Godzilla Megamullion, close to the Parece Vela Rift which appears to correspond to the termination area of a detachment fault, the Philippine Sea. The gabbroic rocks and amphibolites reveal the occurrence of a high hydrothermal activity in the lower crust close to a paleo‐ridge. In the gabbroic rocks, plagioclase compositions of both porphyroclasts and matrix were transformed into sodium‐rich compositions close to albite. Amphiboles are of secondary rather than igneous origin based on their microstructural occurrences. In the amphibolites, anorthite contents of porphyroclasts and matrix plagioclase are relatively lower than those of the gabbroic rocks, whereas the chemical compositions of amphibole within the amphibolites are similar to those of amphibole within the gabbroic rocks. Amphibolites represent the product of retrograde metamorphism associated with hydrothermal alteration of the gabbroic body by the reaction: clinopyroxene + calcic plagioclase + fluid → amphibole + sodic plagioclase. The estimated temperatures of the amphibolites derived from the amphibole thermobarometer and the gabbroic rocks derived from the hornblende–plagioclase geothermometer show ~700–950°C and 650–840°C, respectively. The hydrothermal alteration recorded in the gabbroic rocks possibly occurred under high‐T conditions; the rocks were then metamorphosed to the amphibolites during a retrogressive stage. Our study indicates that amphibolitization took place with various degrees of deformation. It may imply that the hydrothermal activity increased as the Godzilla Megamullion developed as an oceanic core complex in the paleo‐ridge.  相似文献   

In-situ Hf isotope analyses and U–Pb dates were obtained by laser ablation-MC-ICP-MS for a zircon-bearing mantle eclogite xenolith from the diamondiferous Jericho kimberlite located within the Archean Slave Province (Nunavut), Canada. The U–Pb zircon results yield a wide range of ages (2.0 to 0.8 Ga) indicating a complex geological history. Of importance, one zircon yields a U–Pb upper intercept date of 1989 ± 67 Ma, providing a new minimum age constraint for zircon crystallization and eclogite formation. In contrast, Hf isotope systematics for the same zircons display an intriguing uniformity, and corresponding Hf depleted mantle model ages range between 2.1 ± 0.1 and 2.3 ± 0.1 Ga; the youngest Hf model age is within error to the oldest U–Pb date.

The Jericho eclogites have previously been interpreted as representing remnants of metamorphosed oceanic crust, and their formation related to Paleoproterozoic subduction regimes along the western margin of the Archean Slave craton during the Wopmay orogeny. Hf isotope compositions and U–Pb results for the Jericho zircons reported here are in good agreement with a Paleoproterozoic subduction model, suggesting that generation of oceanic crust and eclogite formation occurred between 2.0 and 2.1 Ga. The slightly older Hf depleted mantle model ages (2.1 to 2.3 Ga) may be reconciled with this model by invoking mixing between ‘crustal’-derived Hf from sediments and more radiogenic Hf associated with the oceanic crust during the 2 Ga subduction event. This results in intermediate Hf isotope compositions for the Jericho zircons that yield ‘fictitiously’ older Hf model ages.  相似文献   

Ion microprobe measurements of Pb isotope ratios in monazites have been obtained, in situ, from thin sections using the Cambridge ISOLAB 120. Molecular interferences are sufficiently resolved at an RP of 6500 to allow 207Pb/206Pb dating of monazite with precisions as low as 4–5 Ma (2σ). The results presented here provide important information on the chronological history of the Late Archean metamorphism of the Wind River Range, Wyoming (USA).

Matrix monazites and monazite inclusions in garnets from a metapelite from the northern Wind River Range have been analysed by SIMS. In a previous study peak metamorphic conditions (T = 800°C; P = 8 ± 1 kb*) were estimated using inclusion assemblages in garnets from this same sample. Isolated monazite inclusions in garnet yield 207Pb/206Pb age estimates of 2781 ± 6 to 2809 ± 10 Ma. Those along fractures yield lower ages (2603–2687 Ma) which are similar to TIMS and SIMS ages of matrix monazites. A single large (500 μm) monazite grain locally preserves growth zoning, but has a recrystallised core and a resorbed (recrystallised?) rim. Age estimates for these three regions are 2788 ± 9 Ma, 2663 ± 4 and 2523 ± 6 Ma, respectively. Thus the inclusion assemblages of Sharp and Essene* may record peak metamorphic conditions at ca. 2.8 Ga, and indicate a phase of metamorphism that predates by over 100 Ma the emplacement of the Bridger Batholith, the major lithologic component of the northern Wind River Range.

The analysed monazite grains appear to preserve ca. 300 Ma history, even within a single grain. Monazite inclusions in garnet that are fully armoured may provide estimates for the time of garnet growth, even in high grade terranes where most chronometers are reset. The age pattern preserved by the large monazite grain cannot be simply related to diffusion controlled closure. Instead, a chronology is preserved which can be related to the petrographic setting of indicidual grains through in situ analysis.  相似文献   

We describe the deep structure of the south Colombian–northern Ecuador convergent margin using travel time inversion of wide-angle seismic data recently collected offshore. The margin appears segmented into three contrasting zones. In the North Zone, affected by four great subduction earthquakes during the 20th century, normal oceanic crust subducts beneath the oceanic Cretaceous substratum of the margin underlined by seismic velocities as high as 6.0–6.5 km/s. In the Central Zone the subducting oceanic crust is over-thickened beneath the Carnegie Ridge. A steeper slope and a well-developed, high velocity, Cretaceous oceanic basement characterizes the margin wedge. This area coincides with a gap in significant subduction earthquake activity. In the South Zone, the subducting oceanic crust is normal. The fore-arc is characterized by large sedimentary basins suggesting significant subsidence. Velocities in the margin wedge are significantly lower and denote a different nature or a higher degree of fracturing.

Even if the distance between the three profiles exceeds 150 km, the structural segmentation obtained along the Ecuadorian margin correlates well with the distribution of seismic activity and the neotectonic zonation.  相似文献   

Zinc stable isotopes in seafloor hydrothermal vent fluids and chimneys   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Many of the heaviest and lightest natural zinc (Zn) isotope ratios have been discovered in hydrothermal ore deposits. However, the processes responsible for fractionating Zn isotopes in hydrothermal systems are poorly understood. In order to better assess the total range of Zn isotopes in hydrothermal systems and to understand the factors which are responsible for this isotopic fractionation, we have measured Zn isotopes in seafloor hydrothermal fluids from numerous vents at 9–10°N and 21°N on the East Pacific Rise (EPR), the TAG hydrothermal field on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and in the Guaymas Basin. Fluid δ66Zn values measured at these sites range from + 0.00‰ to + 1.04‰. Of the many physical and chemical parameters examined, only temperature was found to correlate with fluid δ66Zn values. Lower temperature fluids (< 250 °C) had both heavier and more variable δ66Zn values compared to higher temperature fluids from the same hydrothermal fields. We suggest that subsurface cooling of hydrothermal fluids leads to precipitation of isotopically light sphalerite (Zn sulfide), and that this process is a primary cause of Zn isotope variation in hydrothermal fluids. Thermodynamic calculations carried out to determine saturation state of sphalerite in the vent fluids support this hypothesis with isotopically heaviest Zn found in fluids that were calculated to be saturated with respect to sphalerite. We have also measured Zn isotopes in chimney sulfides recovered from a high-temperature (383 °C) and a low-temperature (203 °C) vent at 9–10°N on the EPR and, in both cases, found that the δ66Zn of chimney minerals was lighter or similar to the fluid δ66Zn. The first measurements of Zn isotopes in hydrothermal fluids have revealed large variations in hydrothermal fluid δ66Zn, and suggest that subsurface Zn sulfide precipitation is a primary factor in causing variations in fluid δ66Zn. By understanding how chemical processes that occur beneath the seafloor affect hydrothermal fluid δ66Zn, Zn isotopes may be used as a tracer for studying hydrothermal processes.  相似文献   

In this study, three receiver function stacking methods are used to study the detailed crust and upper mantle structure beneath south-central Alaska. We used teleseismic waveform data recorded by 36 stations in the Broadband Experiment Across the Alaska Range (BEAAR) and 4 permanent stations in Alaska. H − κ stacking method using P-to-S converted wave and its multiply reflected waves between the Earth's surface and the Moho discontinuity is adopted to estimate the crustal thickness (H) and average crustal VP/VS ratio (κ) in this region. The receiver function results for 24 stations show that the crustal thickness under Alaska ranges from 26.0 to 42.6 km with an average value of 33.8 km, and the VP/VS ratio varies from 1.66 to 1.94 with an average value of 1.81 which corresponds to an average Poisson's ratio of 0.277 with a range from 0.216 to 0.320. High Poisson's ratios under some stations are possibly caused by partial melting in the crust and the uppermost mantle. Common converted point (CCP) stacking results of receiver functions along three lines show clear Moho and slab images under this subduction zone. The depths of the slab from our CCP stacking images are consistent with those estimated from the Wadati–Benioff Zone (WBZ). In the area between two stations DH2 (147.8°W, 63.3°N) and DH3 (147.1°W, 63.0°N), a Moho depth offset of about 10 km is found by both the H − κ and CCP stacking techniques. Common depth point (CDP) stacking of receiver functions shows not only the 410-, 520- and 660-km discontinuities, but also significant variations (−30 to 15 km) in the transition zone thickness under the southwest and southeast parts of the study region. The transition zone becomes thinner by 20–30 km, indicating that the temperature there is 150–200 K higher than that of the normal mantle.  相似文献   

Cratons form the cores of continents and were formed within a narrow window of time (2.5–3.2 Gy ago), the majority having remained stable ever since. Petrologic evidence suggests that the thick mantle roots underlying cratons were built by underthrusting of oceanic and arc lithosphere, but paradoxically this requires that the building blocks of cratons are weak even though cratons must have been strong subsequent to formation. Here, we propose that one form of thickening could be facilitated by thrusting of oceanic lithospheres along weak shear zones, generated in the serpentinized upper part of the oceanic lithosphere (crust + mantle) due to hydrothermal interaction with seawater. Conductive heating of the shear zones eventually causes serpentine breakdown at ~ 600 °C, shutting down the shear zone and culminating in craton formation. However, if shear zones are too thin, serpentine breakdown and healing of the shear zone occurs too soon and underthrusting does not occur. If shear zones are too thick, serpentine breakdown takes too long so healing and lithospheric thickening is not favored. Shear zone thicknesses of ~ 18 km are found to be favorable for craton formation. Because the maximal depth of seawater-induced serpentinization into the lithosphere is limited by the depth of the isotherm for serpentine breakdown, shear zone thicknesses should have increased with time as the Earth's heat flux and depth to the serpentine breakdown isotherm decreased and increased, respectively, with time. We thus suggest that the greater representation of cratons in the late Archean might not necessarily be explained by preferential recycling in the early Archean but may simply reflect preferential craton formation in the late Archean. That is, our model predicts that the early Archean was too hot, the Phanerozoic too cold, and the late Archean just right for making cratons.  相似文献   

Primitive basaltic single eruptions in the Big Pine Volcanic Field (BPVF) of Owens Valley, California show systematic temporal–compositional variation that cannot be described by simple models of fractional crystallization, partial melting of a single source, or crustal contamination. We targeted five monogenetic eruption sequences in the BPVF for detailed chemical and isotopic measurements and 40Ar/39Ar dating, focusing primarily on the Papoose Canyon sequence. The vent of the primitive (Mg# = 69) Papoose Canyon sequence (760.8 ± 22.8 ka) produced magmas with systematically decreasing (up to a factor of two) incompatible element concentrations, at roughly constant MgO (9.8 ± 0.3 (1σ) wt.%) and Na2O. SiO2 and compatible elements (Cr and Ni) show systematic increases, while 87Sr/86Sr systematically decreases (0.7063–0.7055) and εNd increases (− 3.4 to − 1.1). 187Os/188Os is highly radiogenic (0.20–0.31), but variations among four samples do not correlate with other chemical or isotopic indices, are not systematic with respect to eruption order, and thus the Os system appears to be decoupled from the dominant trends. The single eruption trends likely result from coupled melting and mixing of two isotopically distinct sources, either through melt-rock interaction or melting of a lithologically heterogeneous source. The other four sequences, Jalopy Cone (469.4 ± 9.2 ka), Quarry Cone (90.5 ±17.6 ka), Volcanic Bomb Cone (61.6 ± 23.4 ka), and Goodale Bee Cone (31.8 ± 12.1 ka) show similar systematic temporal decreases in incompatible elements. Monogenetic volcanic fields are often used to decipher tectonic changes on the order of 105–106 yr through long-term changes in lava chemistry. However, the systematic variation found in Papoose Canyon (100–102 yr) nearly spans that of the entire volcanic field, and straddles cutoffs for models of changing tectonic regime over much longer time-scales. Moreover, ten new 40Ar/39Ar ages combined with chemistry from all BPVF single eruption sequences show the long-term trend of BPVF evolution comprises the overlapping, temporal–compositional trends of the monogenetic vents. This suggests that the single eruption sequences contain the bulk of the systematic chemical variation, whereas their aggregate compositions define the long-term trend of volcanic field evolution.  相似文献   

The determination of the earthquake energy budget remains a challenging issue for Earth scientists, as understanding the partitioning of energy is a key towards the understanding the physics of earthquakes. Here we estimate the partition of the mechanical work density into heat and surface energy (energy required to create new fracture surface) during seismic slip on a location along a fault. Earthquake energy partitioning is determined from field and microstructural analyses of a fault segment decorated by pseudotachylyte (solidified friction-induced melt produced during seismic slip) exhumed from a depth of ~ 10 km—typical for earthquake hypocenters in the continental crust. Frictional heat per unit fault area estimated from the thickness of pseudotachylytes is ~ 27 MJ m− 2. Surface energy, estimated from microcrack density inside clast (i.e., cracked grains) entrapped in the pseudotachylyte and in the fault wall rock, ranges between 0.10 and 0.85 MJ m− 2. Our estimates for the studied fault segment suggest that ~ 97–99% of the energy was dissipated as heat during seismic slip. We conclude that at 10 km depth, less than 3% of the total mechanical work density is adsorbed as surface energy on the fault plane during earthquake rupture.  相似文献   

Melting relations of β-quartz were experimentally determined at 1.0 GPa (1900±20 °C), 1.5 GPa (2033±20 °C), and 2.0 GPa (2145±20 °C) using a new high-pressure assembly in a piston–cylinder apparatus and substantial differences were found with data previously reported. The new melting data of β-quartz were combined and optimized with all available thermodynamic, volumetric, and phase equilibria data for β-cristobalite, β-quartz and coesite to produce a PT liquidus diagram for silica valid up to 6.0 GPa. Using the new optimized thermodynamic parameters, the invariant point β-cristobalite+β-quartz+liquid and β-quartz+coesite+liquid were determined to lie at 1687±17 °C and 0.457 GPa, and 2425±25 °C and 5.00 GPa, respectively.  相似文献   

Compositional and isotopic zoning patterns in plagioclase and amphibole phenocrysts from El Chichón record multiple cycles of country rock assimilation, magma injection, hybridization, and mixing. Laser ablation ICP-MS and electron microprobe analyses of plagioclase crystals from 7 eruptions spanning 3100 years reveal four types of zoning. These compositional and isotopic zones are often associated with textural changes observed in the crystals in thin section (e.g. sieved or patchy regions). Amphiboles are frequently zoned in Al and Si, and, in two magmas, may have clinopyroxene rims. Interestingly, most plagioclase show multiple and repeated zoning patterns. Moreover, all magmas contain all zoning patterns and textures, and crystals with substantially different sequences of zones occur within mm of one another. The most reasonable explanation for the origin of these textures is a frequently recharged chamber. Plagioclase zones with increasing anorthite contents (An) and decreasing 87Sr/86Sr ratios record injection by a hotter, possibly wetter, and more primitive magma (lower 87Sr/86Sr ratio). Zones with decreasing An and increasing 87Sr/86Sr ratios record assimilation of country rock and/or hybridization of the host and injected magmas; injection of hot magma may provide the heat for country rock assimilation. Changes in An without corresponding changes in 87Sr/86Sr ratio likely record slight variations in pressure or temperature during crystallization, or the far-field thermal effects of magma injection. Variations in 87Sr/86Sr ratio unaccompanied by Anzoning record assimilation of country rock. Amphibole zoning patterns also record periodic heating events; amphibole with clinopyroxene rims record episodes where the magma was heated beyond the amphibole stability field. Bulk compositional homogeneity and the juxtaposition of many crystals with disparate zoning patterns in single pumice require the magmatic system to be well mixed. Strontium diffusion rates indicate that the plagioclase zoning patterns cannot have persisted at magmatic pressures and temperatures for more than ~ 500 years, thus cycles of injection and assimilation occur on timescales equal to or shorter than the eruption recurrence interval. Long-term compositional and isotopic homogeneity indicate that there is a balance between recharge, assimilation, and crystallization.  相似文献   

Combining textural, petrological, chemical and isotopic (Sr, H and O) data for amphiboles and whole rocks from the Zabargad peridotite diapir allows three different events to be distinguished. During each event, which can be related to a specific tectonic process of the rifting of the Red Sea, hydrous fluids produced amphiboles.

The first and the second generations of amphiboles have characteristics consistent with the involvement of mantle-derived hydrous fluids. The first generation consists of scarce Ti-pargasites which crystallized from small amounts of fluid at temperatures of around 900–1000°C. Their growth was linked to magma percolation in the peridotites before their deformation during diapiric uplift. The second generation consists of Cr-pargasites which crystallized locally (and abundantly) during reaction between the peridotites and a sodium/potassium-bearing hydrous fluid at temperatures of around 700–800°C. These amphiboles grew synchronously with the diapiric uplift. The hydrous fluids probably originated in the sub-continental mantle and were released during the diapiric uplift of the peridotites.

The third generation consists of amphiboles (pargasitic hornblende, hornblende sensu lato and tremolite) which are localized in shear zones and veins. They crystallized at temperatures estimated between 700°C and 450°C, again from a sodium/potassium-bearing hydrous fluid. However, this fluid is extraneous to the peridotites, as shown by the Sr, H and O isotope compositions which suggest seawater penetration either during or after the final emplacement of the peridotite diapir.

Although the peridotite diapir was emplaced in granulitic gneisses of the pan-African deep continental crust, no evidence was found for a contribution of hydrous continental fluids in the production of the amphiboles present in the peridotite bodies of Zabargad Island.  相似文献   

Negative carbon-isotope excursions have been comprehensively studied in the stratigraphic record but the discussion of causal mechanisms has largely overlooked the potential role of biomass burning. The carbon-isotopic ratios (δ13C) of vegetation, soil organic matter and peat are significantly lower than atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), and thereby provide a source of low 13C CO2 when combusted. In this study, the potential role of biomass burning to generate negative carbon isotope excursions associated with greenhouse climates is modeled. Results indicate that major peat combustion sustained for 1000 yr increases atmospheric CO2 from 2.5× present atmospheric levels (PAL) to 4.6× PAL, and yields a pronounced negative δ13C excursion in the atmosphere ( 2.4‰), vegetation ( 2.4‰) and the surface ocean ( 1.2‰), but not for the deep ocean ( 0.9‰). Release of CO2 initiates a short-term warming of the atmosphere (up to 14.4 °C, with a duration of 1628 yr), which is consistent with the magnitude and length of an observed Toarcian excursion event. These results indicate that peat combustion is a plausible mechanism for driving negative δ13C excursions in the rock record, even during times of elevated pCO2.  相似文献   

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