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The stress—strain behaviour of frozen soils is often described by means of creep curves from uniaxial or triaxial creep tests. Ten or twelve tests of similar samples are required to obtain a good relationship between stress σ, strain ε, temperature T and time t or strain rate ε. To reduce the required number of samples it is possible to apply the compression load in creep tests stepwise. Therefore creep curves for different stress levels can be obtained from one sample.

In this paper the bearing capacity of cylindrical samples of frozen medium sand under constant uniaxial compression stress and under stepwise increased stresses is compared. It is shown how to use these different creep curves to describe the stress—strain behaviour of frozen soils.  相似文献   

This paper studies the probability distribution for the mobilised shear strength of a spatially variable soil mass that is subjected to a uniform stress state. Based on the mechanisms identified in two previous studies conducted by the authors, this study further proposes a probability distribution model for the mobilised shear strength that is based on the extreme value of normal random variables. It is concluded that the probability distribution of the mobilised shear strength of a spatially variable soil mass is affected by the line averaging effect along the potential slip plane and the number of independent potential slip planes. These two factors depend on the stress state and the orientation of the potential slip planes. With this model, the mobilised shear strength of a spatially variable soil mass can be simulated without the need of conducting random-field finite-element analyses. In addition, the strength characteristic value that is the 5% quantile in the Eurocodes can be easily derived from this model.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation carried out on disturbed clay samples to analyze their creep behavior. The experimental program included compression triaxial tests with varied degree of saturation of the samples and stress level. Triaxial tests were performed at imposed strain rate varied from 0.005 to 0.10%/min. Various stress paths have also been tested including isotropic consolidation and deviatoric stress. The obtained results showed that shear deformation increases with the initial degree of saturation and stress level of clay samples. At fixed stress level and for both isotropic and deviatoric stress paths, the initial degree of saturation and the second invariant of the strain tensor varied with a similar trend. The variation of axial creep strain is correlated with time in a semi-logarithmic function.  相似文献   

应力状态对膨胀土SWCC的影响研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
龚壁卫  吴宏伟  王斌 《岩土力学》2004,25(12):1915-1918
探讨了应力对膨胀土的土-水特征曲线的影响。试验研究表明:膨胀土的首次干湿循环过程的“滞后”现象明显。应力状态对膨胀土的土-水特征曲线影响显著,与常规试验方法相比,一维固结状态和各向等压应力状态下的土-水特征曲线更具线性关系,干湿循环甚至出现了逆向回滞现象。  相似文献   

This paper gives a brief account of the results of a series of oedometer tests and triaxial creep tests on frozen soils.

The oedometer tests are performed on artificially frozen sand, silt and clay. The tests also include ice as a reference material. The results are given by parameters describing the tangent deformation modulus and the time resistance against creep.

The triaxial creep tests are carried out on the artificially frozen clay, and on a permafrost clay from Spitsbergen. The data are interpreted in accordance with Hult's theory. The artificially frozen clay shows much higher creep resistance than the permafrost clay.

In addition to deformation moduli and creep parameters the routine data of the materials tested are also included.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence has shown that the liquefaction instability of sands can be affected by its material density, stress state, and inherent anisotropy. In order to predict the initiation of the static liquefaction of inherent cross‐anisotropic sands under multidimensional stress conditions, a rational constitutive model is needed. An elastoplasticity model able to capture the influences of intermediate principal stress ratio (b  = (σ 2 ? σ 3)/(σ 1 ? σ 3)) and loading direction on stress–strain relationships and volumetric properties was proposed. The yield function was formulated to be controlled by Lode angle, loading direction, and material state; the stress–dilatancy was a material state‐dependent function. After using the existing drained hollow cylinder tests to validate the proposed model, this model was used to simulate the existing undrained hollow cylinder tests. During this simulation, the second‐order work criterion was used to determine the initiation of static liquefaction. The results showed that an increase in both the intermediate principal stress ratio and the loading angle induces a decrease in the second‐order work. Static liquefaction is initiated more easily at a stress state with a large intermediate principal stress ratio and a large loading angle, and the mobilized friction angle at the instability points decreases with the intermediate principal stress ratio and the loading angle. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用直剪仪针对不同固结状态下的饱和黏性土,在不同剪切速率条件下进行了系统的试验研究,探讨了剪切速率与剪应力-剪切位移曲线变化规律,分析了剪切速率对强度参数的影响及原因。试验结果表明:对于正常固结土,剪切速率越大,峰值剪应力越小,内摩擦角越小。不同的固结状态下,剪切速率对抗剪强度参数影响不同。超固结比为2时,内摩擦角随着剪切速率的增大而减小,黏聚力随着剪切速率的增大而增大;超固结比为3时,内摩擦角随剪切速率的影响较小,黏聚力随着剪切速率的增大而增大。另外,从黏聚力和内摩擦力的角度,分析了不同剪切速率条件下土体抗剪强度变化的主要控制因素。最后,从孔隙水压力的角度分析了不同剪切速率对抗剪强度的影响。在相同的法向应力下,对于正常固结土,不同剪切速率引起的剪切带周围孔隙水压力变化量与破坏剪应力变化量成正比关系;对于超固结土,黏聚力变化量减去破坏剪应力变化量的差值与孔隙水压力的增量成正比。  相似文献   

研究冻土动强度对寒区工程和人工冻结工程施工及安全性评价具有重要意义。为了揭示主应力轴旋转对冻结黏土动强度特性的影响,利用空心扭剪仪开展不同围压下冻结黏土动三轴和空心扭剪试验,探讨了主应力轴旋转对冻结黏土动强度、动黏聚力和动内摩擦角变化规律的影响。结果表明:主应力轴旋转导致冻结黏土试样的动强度降低,围压越低主应力轴旋转对动强度影响效果就越明显;随着震动次数的增多,主应力轴旋转条件下冻结黏土动黏聚力衰减速度相对于主应力方向固定时加快;不同于主应力轴方向固定条件下动内摩擦角随震动次数增多而衰减的特点,在主应力轴旋转条件下动内摩擦角随震动次数增多而增大。另外,研究显示主应力轴旋转条件下动强度、动黏聚力和动内摩擦角均与震动次数的对数呈良好的线性关系,用线性方程对其进行了拟合,并给出拟合系数和确定系数。  相似文献   

The laws of rheological processes (creep and long-term strength) occurring in frozen soils are considered and initial equations formulated. Methods for determining the strength and deformability characteristics are described; the values of these characteristics are given.

Methods are considered for calculating the optimum thickness of the walls of ice—soil retaining structures built by means of artificial freezing and proposed by the authors, as well as methods of design for creep and long-term strength of the frozen soil surrounding various mine workings. The corresponding calculation equations are given; graphs are attached to facilitate the use of these equations. The calculation techniques are illustrated with examples.  相似文献   

冻结壁融化阶段井壁温度应力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用复合井壁的措施,立井井壁在生产经营阶段的破裂问题已基本得到了解决;但是,冻结壁解冻过程中的井壁破裂问题却长期存在着。为了详细分析立井井壁受力因素及过程,找出导致井壁破裂的真正原因,并提出切合实际的防破措施,笔者从物理学中的热胀冷缩原理出发,结合弹性力学中的热弹性理论及土力学中的Winkller地基模型,正确地推论出了冻结壁解冻期立井井壁应力的分布规律,并根据应力成分的分析,得出了温度因素才是导致井壁破裂的根本原因的重要结论。不仅从理论上解释了该阶段井壁破裂的一系列特征,而且为根本解决该阶段深立井的破裂提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

魏尧  杨更社  申艳军  明锋  梁博 《岩土力学》2020,41(8):2636-2646
冻结法作为穿越富水软岩地层的重要施工方法,冻结壁的长期稳定性对于工程安全有着至关重要的作用。蠕变破坏是诱发冻结壁变形的显著特点之一,对研究冻结岩石蠕变的特性有重要的理论和工程意义。以白垩系饱和冻结砂岩为研究对象,开展–10℃低温冻结条件下,不同围压(0、2、4、6 MPa)的三轴蠕变力学试验。分析了饱和冻结砂岩蠕变变形,根据现有黏弹塑性模型开展了参数辨识并探究蠕变参数的变化规律,基于此提出考虑温度及损伤效应的蠕变本构模型。研究结果表明:低温冻结削弱蠕变过程中颗粒间的相互胶结力,使其蠕变特征明显;而围压却在一定程度上抑制饱和冻结砂岩内部损伤的发展,导致稳态蠕变速率随围压的升高出现明显的下降趋势。随围压的增加饱和冻结砂岩的蠕变破坏形态呈现出从剪切破坏到张拉破坏再到局部塑形硬化破坏的变化过程。在黏弹塑性模型的基础上,总结蠕变参数E1、E2和η2随荷载的增加呈现先增后减的趋势,拐点为屈服应力;而参数η0在大于屈服应力后出现并呈现先增后减的趋势。结合冻结岩石蠕变数据对定义的应力-低温耦合蠕变本构模型进行了参数...  相似文献   

李晶晶  孔令伟 《岩土力学》2019,40(9):3465-3475
鉴于膨胀土滑坡往往表现为长期性、渐进性等与时间相关的特性,利用GDS应力路径三轴仪对膨胀土进行了三轴卸荷蠕变试验。试验结果表明:当偏应力较小时,膨胀土的蠕变曲线仅出现瞬时变形和衰减蠕变;当偏应力达到一定值时,其蠕变曲线也呈现衰减蠕变、稳态蠕变和加速蠕变3个阶段,但其加速蠕变阶段的特征与一般岩土体不同,其蠕变速度近乎常数。膨胀土的应力?应变等时曲线显示,膨胀土卸荷蠕变具有非线性特征,且其非线性程度与蠕变时间和应力水平相关,蠕变时间越长、应力水平越高,其非线性程度越高。基于非线性流变力学理论,提出了一种非线性四元件蠕变模型,将标准线性体与一个非线性黏壶串联,该模型可描述等围压三轴压缩应力状态下膨胀土轴向应变随时间的演变规律。根据膨胀土卸荷蠕变试验结果,采用曲线拟合法对三维非线性模型的参数进行反演识别。拟合曲线和试验曲线对比显示,两者吻合良好,说明该模型可以很好地描述膨胀土的蠕变特性。此外,基于该蠕变模型获取了膨胀土的临界破坏应力,其与常规剪切破坏应力的比值随着固结压力的减小而减小,表明越接近坡面的土层越容易发生蠕变破坏。  相似文献   

基于自制的冻土-桩动力相互作用模型试验系统,对-5℃、-3℃及上层融化多年冻土中模型桩基进行了水平向动力试验,主要研究了冻结及上层融化冻土中模型桩基的桩头位移-荷载关系、桩基水平动刚度变化及桩身弯矩分布情况。结果表明:冻土中桩基动力响应特性与土体温度密切相关;正冻土中桩基有较大的侧向刚度,当冻土与桩接触面出现较大间隙时,桩头位移-荷载曲线呈反S形;桩基动力性能随多年冻土温度降低将有所改善;当冻土上部出现融化层时,桩基动响应变化显著,桩头动刚度明显减小,桩基在较小动载下可发生较大侧向位移,同时桩身最大弯矩值较正冻土中偏大,且此弯矩点埋深较大。对于多年冻土区桩基工程,应特别重视夏季上层冻土融化时可能出现的震害。  相似文献   

辽西地区冻风积土动力特性试验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动荷载作用下冻土的动力学参数是寒区工程抗震设计的关键。基于大量室内动三轴试验,研究了地震荷载作用下,辽西冻风积土的动强度σd、动变形εd、动弹性模量Ed和动阻尼比λd等动力学参数与土体含水量w、温度T、围压σ3c、动应力幅值σdamx和频率f等条件的关系。试验中采用三水平六因素的设计方法共进行了18组试验。试验结果表明,在相同振次水平条件下,冻土的动变形随动应力幅值的增大和温度上升而增大;在相同温度条件下,冻土的动剪切强度τd随着围压的增加而增加;低温冻土(-15℃)的动强度和动弹性模量要高于高温冻土(-2℃)的动强度和动弹性模量;冻土的动阻尼比随着变形和频率的增加而降低,随着含水量的增加而增加。上述规律为辽西风积土地区建设工程提供了较为可靠的抗震设计依据。  相似文献   

人工冻结法是饱水砂层开挖过程中常用的止水和临时支护方法,通过冻土损伤特性研究为冻土力学特性和冻结体稳定性分析奠定基础。为研究冻结砂土的损伤力学特性,在-5℃下进行了不同中主应力系数的冻结砂土三维室内试验。从冻土微元破坏服从Weibull随机分布的特点出发,将Drucker-Prager强度准则作为冻土微元统计分布变量,利用应变等价性假说,建立了三维应力状态下冻结砂土损伤本构模型;在此基础上,讨论模型参数F0m和中主应力系数的关系,对模型参数进行合理修正,建立中主应力系数影响下的冻结砂土损伤本构模型,并与试验结果进行对比。分析结果表明:参数F0m随着中主应力系数的增大呈现先减小后增大的趋势;参数F0反映了冻结砂土的强度特性,参数m代表了冻结砂土的延性及脆性特征,考虑中主应力系数影响的冻结砂土损伤本构模型能很好地模拟冻结砂土应力-应变全过程曲线。研究成果为人工冻结法工程设计提供一定的理论依据。移动阅读  相似文献   

为研究复杂应力路径下冻土的强度与变形特征,采用冻土空心圆柱仪(FHCA-300)对不同负温状态下的饱和冻结黏土开展定向剪切试验,基于不同剪切方向下冻结黏土的轴向和扭剪分量的应力-应变关系,探讨土样的剪切变形特征、各向异性属性以及剪切带的演变规律,并考察温度、大主应力方向角、平均主应力以及中主应力系数等因素对冻结黏土强度的影响。结果表明:平均主应力p值对冻结黏土的应力-应变关系影响显著,尤其是p=4.5 MPa时具有较高的剪切强度,且该值可能为压融临界p值;大主应力方向变化会诱发冻结黏土的各向异性,随着大主应力方向角的增加,冻结黏土剪切强度逐渐降低,并有明显的剪切带产生;中主应力系数的增加使得轴向强度有逐渐降低的趋势,但对剪切强度影响不明显;随着温度的降低,冻结黏土强度逐渐增大,试样发生脆性破坏并出现剪切破裂面,其剪切强度主要取决于冰颗粒和土颗粒的胶结力。  相似文献   

The current work presents two hypoplastic models to predict the hydraulic and mechanical behavior of the unsaturated soils. The hydraulic model is capable to reproduce the observed hysteretic behavior for the drying and wetting processes and incorporates the void ratio dependence. The mechanical model is written in terms of the Bishop effective stress and is limited only to isotropic states. It incorporates a normal consolidation line that depends on the degree of saturation. Both models were developed under the hypoplastic framework and therefore are capable to simulate the observed behavior without defining a yield surface. Simulations of some experiments performed with Pearl clay suggest that the models accurately predict its hydro-mechanical behavior.  相似文献   

Despite its important practical value the problem of artificial thawing of frozen soils by the vertical, cylindrical defreezer-pipe method has been studied only comparatively recently.

To facilitate excavation and/or foundation work in frozen soil in seasonally freezing and/or permafrost regions, the frozen soil can be loosened up, among other methods, by artificial thawing. For this purpose it is necessary to evaluate the amount of thermal energy needed to bring about the desired thawing. Such an evaluation involves consideration of the relationships between the frozen and thawed soil properties; temperature of the defrosting agent; the size and spacing of the defreezer pipes; and the time required to thaw a certain amount of frozen soil. Although in practice several methods are used for artificial thawing, in this paper, discussion on and calculations for defrosting of frozen soil are presented relative only to thawing by means of vertically installed defreezer pipes.  相似文献   

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