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The 2005 Atlantic hurricane season was unprecedented in terms of storm activity in the United States, Mexico, Central America and Caribbean. Given the impacts of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the Honduran Mosquitia sparked little attention despite being hit by two hurricanes and a tropical storm in 2005. This article recounts the history of these storms in the Afro-Caribbean community of Batalla, drawing from public weather advisories and testimony of local residents obtained through participatory research. We contextualise this local history with results from the first paleotempestological study undertaken in the Mosquitia to shed light on long-term risk of catastrophic storms in the region and to demonstrate the value of integrating these two research approaches. Our findings contribute to recent ethnographic research on hazards by describing how a coastal people understand and respond to tropical cyclones and how landscape change influences the vulnerability of a coastal area. Although residents have not witnessed a storm as intense as those documented in the paleotempestological record, their knowledge and perceptions show how tropical cyclones can be disasters while leaving behind no sedimentary records. The paleotempestological evidence, however, reminds us that catastrophic hurricanes have struck the Mosquitia in the past and will do so again in the future. Understanding the interactions between contemporary human perceptions and responses and long-term hurricane risk provides insight for emergency managers and local stakeholders to better prepare for such a catastrophic event.  相似文献   

Indigenous Lands in the Brazilian Amazon intend to guarantee indigenous rights and conserve forests, although many do not correspond to peoples' territorial needs and may not effectively preserve wildlife. Most indigenous people rely on game for subsistence, and the spatial distribution of hunts and prey determine hunting sustainability and wildlife conservation. I examined the Kaxinawa hunting territory dynamics through the participatory monitoring and mapping of 10 ILs. The Kaxinawa are central-place foragers whose ideal hunting territories have a circular shape with a radius of 5 km. The geopolitics of the Kaxinawa combined with spatial occupation distort hunting territories to maintain indigenous control while respecting the territories of nearby villages. The fission of large villages leads to reduced hunting territories but increases the overall hunted area, consequently affecting game populations. Kaxinawa hunting did not lead species to extinction. The Kaxinawa hunted 65% of prey within 2.5 km of the villages and the other 30% within 5 km. Although all of the species were hunted close to villages, the prey were smaller, and several sensitive species were rarely hunted. The replacement of such sensitivity for more resilient low-ranked species on hunting bags suggests that these species might be depleted near villages. These findings provide objective standards for titling Indigenous Lands and for improving wildlife management within these lands.  相似文献   

论2020年我国国土规划的基本目标   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国土规划是国家从空间侧面进行宏观经济调控的重要手段,其主作用在于促进国土全面、均衡、合理利用。我国2020年国土规划的基本目标应为:均衡化国土利用格局基本形成;较大幅度提高居民生活的综合环境质量和舒适程度;建成高效、资源节约型国民经济体系格局,基本进入传统资源消费“零增长”阶段。  相似文献   

This article explores the impacts of market shocks and institutional change on smallholder livelihoods, and the challenge of adaptation in Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. The rapid decline in coffee prices since the dissolution of the International Coffee Agreement in 1989 has had widespread and profound impacts across coffee-producing regions. The data collected in the three case studies of this project confirm the severity of the impact, particularly in the Mexican and Guatemalan communities. They also illustrate the importance of the historical relationship between farmers and public institutions in defining farmers' perception of risk, their awareness of the nature of the changes they face, and thus the flexibility of their responses to present and future uncertainty. The project's findings indicate that the existence and development of local networks among farmers, service providers and information sources may be critical for facilitating adaptation, particularly in the context of economic liberalization and globalized agriculture.  相似文献   

领土/领域是政治地理学的核心概念,领土陷阱是政治地理学的经典理论之一。论文系统整理了关于领土陷阱的成果文献,在此基础上梳理了领土陷阱理论的源起、发展及其研究议题进展,并对其借鉴意义进行了评述。John Agnew提出的领土陷阱理论基于3个地理假设:领土—国家—主权的“三位一体”、国内—国外的“二分法”、国家是社会的容器。领土陷阱驳斥了既有的国家中心主义领土观,强调重视领土主权之外的多种实效主权形式,如域外治权、分级主权、社会主权等。领土陷阱如今被广泛应用于全球治理、非传统安全、跨境移民、跨境资源保护、跨境水政治等多方面的议题,并随着时代发展展示出其强大的解释力。论文认为,领土陷阱相关研究的主张,如领土是主权的工具、要从领土主权和实效主权的复杂互动中理解领土问题、从中心和边缘的双向视角理解领土问题、从理性和历史情感中审视领土问题等,对于中国当下有效解决领土问题、推动“一带一路”倡议、践行“人类命运共同体”等具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

中国西部河谷型城市地域结构与形态研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
河谷型城市是城市主体在河谷中形成和发育的一类城市。文章讨论了中国西部河谷型城市地域结构的现状、特征及演化过程。中国西部现代河谷型城市中心一般布局在河流隘口处、河流交汇处和河谷地形宽阔处,然后沿河谷向外围廷伸。它的地域结构及其形态演化可分为孕育期与生长期、突变形、稳定发展期和成熟期几个阶段。  相似文献   

Payments for ecosystem services (PES) programs have taken a variety of forms that depend on many mediating factors, such as national and local politics, land tenure, regional collective action, the capacity of intermediaries, and socio-ecological context. This diversity has produced unsurprisingly mixed experiences, with many falling short of achieving the twin goals of environmental and social benefits and some causing adverse consequences. This study examines one rare PES case that has contributed both to forest conservation and to community livelihoods. In this study, community forest owners from four indigenous communities in the Mexican cloud forest evaluate their participation in ten years of a public PES program to support watershed stewardship. We argue that attention to indigenous sovereignty and self-determination in program implementation contributed to widely appreciated socio-environmental benefits. Though many PES programs are implemented in indigenous communities, scholarly debates have rarely dealt directly with these issues.  相似文献   

This article recounts information gleaned from a case study of three indigenous tribes in Taiwan regarding the origin and nature of their spatial knowledge. Sketched mental maps and GIS 3D virtual environment (VE) are used by indigenous elders and hunters to delineate their traditional territories. Spatial components representing the predominant spatial elements are identified. Spatial structures used for locational positioning are analyzed, as are spatial reference systems for orientation and movement. The results show that spatial components are used for daily activities, as well as having historical and cultural meaning; a quadrant structure is used for spatial positioning; and instead of using the directional reference system of east, south, west, and north, these indigenous people rely on the orientation analogies of uphill, downhill, upstream, and downstream for direction.  相似文献   

How researchers describe groups living within or near the world's tropical rain forests has important implications for how and why these groups are targeted for assistance by conservation and development organizations. This article explores how data about market behavior can be used to assess one aspect of forest peoples’ livelihoods: their “dependence” on forest resources as a source of market income. With the intent of revealing the importance of methodology to how we describe forest peoples’ livelihoods, I draw from a multiyear survey of market activity among the Tawahka Sumu of Honduras and distinguish nested measures of the Tawahkas’ engagement in forest‐product sale. Results indicate that whether or not the Tawahka —or any forest group — can be considered financially “dependent” on forest resources depends on the spatial and temporal scales at which data are aggregated. As a group, the Tawahka earned 18 percent of total market income from forest‐product sale, but their group profile masked a high degree of heterogeneity at the village and household level. Similarly, multiyear data indicated that while group‐level generalizations adhere from year to year, they belie considerable change in households’ market behavior across years. I discuss three ways in which the findings are relevant to the theory and practice of conservation and development in the humid tropics. I emphasize the importance of spatial scale in interventions, how market‐oriented conservation schemes can benefit from a broader conceptualization of the economic context in which forest‐product sale occurs, and how longitudinal analysis can reveal the dynamism of forest peoples’ livelihoods.  相似文献   

Garbage generation and garbage management are two critical human‐environmental issues in Mexico and across the globe. Yet, an understanding of garbage as a broader set of human environmental issues beyond generation and management is lacking, amid a significant urban bias on garbage research. Using a modified form of participatory risk mapping, a method that rank‐orders risks or issues by incidence and relative importance, this study highlights the diversity and heterogeneity of garbage‐related issues as reported by 433 respondents in the rural Mexican municipio of Coxcatlán, Puebla. Results show that burning, dumping, service provision, public cleanliness, and other issues affect rural households. When the data are stratified by place and demographics, and applied to inferential statistics, the results show a more nuanced, more place‐contingent picture of garbage‐related issues than simply the institutional narratives on generation and composition.  相似文献   

张耀光  刘岩  王艳 《地理科学》2003,23(3):257-263
中国既是中国海(渤海、黄海、东海和南海)沿岸国家(包括台湾以东西太平洋海域),历史上也曾经是鄂霍次克海和日本海的沿岸国家。帝国主义入侵与清政府不平等条约的签定,使中国一部分海疆与海权丧失,失去了鄂霍次克海和日本海沿岸国的地位。根据《联合国海洋法公约》以及中国颁布的《领海法》、《专属经济区与大陆架法》,对中国海疆地理格局的形成、演变进行研究,从而了解中国的领海、毗连区、专属经济区与大陆架等可管辖海域(海洋国土)的地理格局。  相似文献   

Indigenous rice has maintained the survival of local people for more than a thousand years in the Yuanyang terraced rice fields of southern Yunnan, China. It is the foundation for long-term stable development of local agriculture and food security and its unique and irreplaceable characteristics give the terraces value. The status of indigenous rice resources is threatened by serious loss, so a better understanding of rice diversity and the factors that influence rice variety protection is conducive to policy. Here, we investigate the planting and conservation situation of indigenous rice, analyze factors impacting the protection and loss of traditional rice varieties, and construct an indigenous rice protection influence index system. Controllable factors which have special meaning to the maintenance and management of local rice are identified and corresponding strategies for the protection and maintenance of indigenous rice are discussed.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the driving forces behind indigenous participation in the market is essential for practitioners intending to integrate conservation and development policies in indigenous territories. Nevertheless, empirical research on the determinants of market integration among indigenous peoples is still scarce. This article uses household survey data and multivariate techniques to examine the drivers of market integration among indigenous groups in the Ecuadorian Amazon. We use multiple measures of market integration, including the sale of crops, timber, and wildlife; the use of credit; and participation in wage labor. The results show that the way in which indigenous peoples integrate into the market depends on their endowments of human, financial, and physical capital. More educated households are able to engage in commercial agriculture and nonagricultural wage work, whereas uneducated poor households in communities in conflict with outsiders are pushed to engage in poorly paid agricultural wage work and (often illegal) timber operations.  相似文献   

As coastlines face increased development pressure, it is important to have the best available spatial information on coastal activities, including commercial fishing. This article describes the creation of a fine-scale spatial representation of lobster fishing activity along the Maine coast of the United States using a combination of participatory geographic information systems (GIS) and dasymetric mapping methods. These methods are employed here to support data collection from a large number of active lobster harvesters while maintaining individual privacy. The resulting representation of the fishery is designed as a planning tool for identifying potential interactions between marine resources and human activities.  相似文献   

Recent government initiatives have acknowledged Indigenous ranger groups in the ‘top end’ (northern region) of the Northern Territory (NT), Australia, for their holistic role in environmental management and community development. The services provided by these groups are of national significance with respect to biodiversity protection, ongoing cultural maintenance, employment for remote communities, border protection, and biosecurity. However, the acknowledgement of these services has received only limited translation into meaningful financial and technical support for Indigenous ranger groups. The present paper highlights the value of environmental services provided by Indigenous ranger groups and contrasts this with the inadequate recognition of these services by government agencies. Although government budget initiatives and policy directions are moving towards greater recognition of Indigenous environmental service provision, border protection negotiations between key NT Indigenous sea ranger groups and Australian Customs Service illustrate some of the limiting factors to progression of this recognition. The present paper highlights the necessity of ensuring accountability of processes to Indigenous rangers themselves so that payment for environmental services does not become an imposition, but rather a mechanism for realising Indigenous community aspirations, as well as addressing issues of regional, state/territory, and national significance.  相似文献   

刘云刚  叶清露 《地理学报》2015,70(2):283-296
从领域视角出发,城市化过程即是城市地域的(再)领域化过程,也即空间资源在个人和社会群体间的(再)分配和(再)组织过程。20世纪90年代以来中国城市单位制的解体及社区制的建立,标志着中国城市基层地域领域化机制的变革,本文在此背景下以东莞市东泰社区为例,分析了变革后中国城市基层地域领域化动态,探究了其中政府、市场和民间力量主体作用的机制变化。研究发现:单位制下中国城市基层地域的行政领域化已经被社区制下的市场领域化所替代,同时民间力量开始参与其中。由于缺乏合理的领域化协调机制以及政府角色偏差,城市基层管治呈现恶性的领域政治,成为社区制下城市管治失败不可忽视的原因。换言之,领域单元及领域政治机制建设是当前城市基层管治的要务。为确立有效的城市基层地域管治模式,需要尽快改革社区体制、明确管治单元,并要防止资本和行政权力向生活空间的过度渗透。  相似文献   

云南石林景区主要乡土植物物候特征的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为掌握石林景区主要乡土植物物候节律,选择25科35种乡土植物,对其物候特征与同期主要气象因子进行了2 a平行观测。结果表明,在2月气温达到10℃,有46%的植物开始萌动;3月气温持续增高并超过15℃,展叶的植物最多,占57.1%;开花期集中在3~6月,尤其在5月温度超过20℃,有82.9%的树种开花;果实成熟期则分散在4~12月。各个物候期的平均温度和≥5℃积温与植物物候表现较为密切,光照和温度对植物开花和结实期影响较大。根据乡土植物物候特征,结合喀斯特山地自然景观特点和景区适配植物群落建设,提出“石中有树,树中有石”的配置原则,筛选在时空格局上适应喀斯特山地环境的观赏植物,构建出与石林喀斯特景观相协调的植被景观,增加景区景观和生态价值,提升景区的内涵。  相似文献   

Despite the historical importance of fire as a savanna land management tool, much controversy still surrounds discussions on anthropogenic fire utilization and the sustainability of indigenous land management practices in African savannas. This controversy is arguably a result of a discord between official fire policies and actual indigenous fire practices – a discord based on a gap in existing knowledge of, and a lack of informed literature on, the importance of fire for socio-economic and environmental survival in savanna environments. Addressing a continuing lack of research on the political ecology of fire, this study investigates the historical and present day socio-economic, environmental and political frameworks that affect anthropogenic burning regimes and land management in the Kafinda Game Management Area and Kasanka National Park in Zambia. A series of participatory research activities revealed the continuing importance of fire to rural livelihoods, but that a mismatch in desired burning regimes exists between local stakeholders. The paper argues that local power relations are preventing the local communities from adopting burning regimes that would be more environmentally sustainable and more in line with present day farming systems.  相似文献   

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