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The Budyko framework is an efficient tool for investigating catchment water balance, focusing on the effects of seasonal changes in climate (S) and vegetation cover (M) on catchment evapotranspiration (ET). However, the effects of vegetation seasonality on ET remain largely unknown. The present study explored these effects by modelling interannual variations in ET considering vegetation and climate seasonality using the Budyko framework. Reconstructed 15-day GIMMS NDVI3g timeseries data from 1982 to 2015 were used to estimate M and extract the relative duration of the vegetation growing season (GL) in the Yellow River Basin (YRB). To characterize S, seasonal variations in precipitation and potential ET were extracted using a Gaussian algorithm. Analysis of the observed datasets for 19 catchments revealed that interannual variation in the catchment parameter ϖ (in Fuh's equation) was significantly and positively correlated with M and GL. Conversely, ϖ was significantly but negatively correlated with S. Furthermore, stepwise linear regression was used to calibrate the empirical formula of ϖ for these three dimensionless parameters. Following validation, based on observations in the remaining 11 catchments, ϖ was integrated into Fuh's equation to accurately estimate annual ET. Over 79% subcatchments showed an upward trend (0.9 mm yr−1), whereas fewer than 21% subcatchments showed a downward trend (−0.5 mm yr−1) across YRB. In the central region of the middle reach, ET increased with increased M, prolonged GL, and decreased S, whereas in the source region of YRB, ET decreased with decreased M and shortened GL. Our study provides an alternative method to estimate interannual ET in ungauged catchments and offers a novel perspective to investigate hydrological responses to vegetation and climate seasonality in the long-term.  相似文献   

Transpiration is an important component of soil water storage and stream‐flow and is linked with ecosystem productivity, species distribution, and ecosystem health. In mountain environments, complex topography creates heterogeneity in key controls on transpiration as well as logistical challenges for collecting representative measurements. In these settings, ecosystem models can be used to account for variation in space and time of the dominant controls on transpiration and provide estimates of transpiration patterns and their sensitivity to climate variability and change. The Regional Hydro‐Ecological Simulation System (RHESSys) model was used to assess elevational differences in sensitivity of transpiration rates to the spatiotemporal variability of climate variables across the Upper Merced River watershed, Yosemite Valley, California, USA. At the basin scale, predicted annual transpiration was lowest in driest and wettest years, and greatest in moderate precipitation years (R2 = 0·32 and 0·29, based on polynomial regression of maximum snow depth and annual precipitation, respectively). At finer spatial scales, responsiveness of transpiration rates to climate differed along an elevational gradient. Low elevations (1200–1800 m) showed little interannual variation in transpiration due to topographically controlled high soil moistures along the river corridor. Annual conifer stand transpiration at intermediate elevations (1800–2150 m) responded more strongly to precipitation, resulting in a unimodal relationship between transpiration and precipitation where highest transpiration occurred during moderate precipitation levels, regardless of annual air temperatures. Higher elevations (2150–2600 m) maintained this trend, but air temperature sensitivities were greater. At these elevations, snowfall provides enough moisture for growth, and increased temperatures influenced transpiration. Transpiration at the highest elevations (2600–4000 m) showed strong sensitivity to air temperature, little sensitivity to precipitation. Model results suggest elevational differences in vegetation water use and sensitivity to climate were significant and will likely play a key role in controlling responses and vulnerability of Sierra Nevada ecosystems to climate change. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To improve understanding of DOC dynamics in seasonal Mediterranean environments, rainfall, soil water, groundwater and stream water samples were taken during a 27-month period in the Can Vila catchment (northeast Spain). Using these data, we characterized DOC dynamics in the different hydrological compartments and analysed the factors affecting them. We also analysed DOC dynamics during storm events and the factors that control DOC delivery to the stream. The results show some seasonality in rainwater and soil water DOC concentrations, while no clear seasonality was observed in stream water and groundwater, where DOC dynamics were strongly related to discharge and water table variations. For storm events with several discharge peaks, the slope of the discharge–DOC concentration relationship was higher for the first peak. The rather similar dynamics of stream water DOC concentration in all floods contrast with the observed diversity of hydrological processes. This raises the question of the origin of the observed rapid DOC increase.
EDITOR M.C. Acreman


A study was undertaken during the winter of 1990–1991 in a small (3.7 ha) Canadian Shield catchment to examine the hydrological and hydrochemical response during rain-on-snow events. The results are presented of two large (37.9 and 34.6 mm) rain-on-snow events occurring in early and late March 1991. Peak and total runoff and the groundwater response from the two events are significantly different. Hydrological data indicate that these differences can be attributed to a combination of meteorological (temperature) and physical conditions (antecedent snowpack ripeness, soil moisture and groundwater levels). An immature snowpack (low temperature and density) combined with low antecedent soil moisture conditions significantly reduced the magnitude of the net hydrological input and runoff from the catchment during the early March event, whereas a more mature snowpack and high antecedent soil moisture conditions led to a large runoff event during late March. During both rain-on-snow events a significant portion of the pre-event snowpack chemical load was lost. Based on the maximum snowpack chemical load measured before the events, the two large rain-on-snow events and a brief mid-March warm period during which there were two much smaller rain-on-snow events removed 78% of the hydrogen ion and 63% of the sulphate and nitrate load from the snowpack, while only reducing snowpack water equivalence by 7%. A two-component (rain and snowmelt) isotopic (δ18O SMOW %0) separation of snowmelt lysimeter water during the two events indicated that snowmelt was an important (50 and 65%, respectively) water source available for infiltration and runoff at the snow-soil interface. Considering the high hydrogen ion loadings to the catchment during these two events (3.3 and 3.0 mequiv.m?2, respectively) streamflow pH was not significantly reduced due to an increase in the discharge of well-buffered groundwater. A two-component isotopic hydrograph separation of peak stream discharge during the 2–3 March event indicated that 75% of the total flow was groundwater. In mid-latitude acid-sensitive catchments, winter rain-on-snow events are an important hydrological occurrence due to their ability to elute much of the chemical load (H+, SO4, NO3) from the snowpack before the onset of spring melt when the maximum annual hydrological input typically occurs.  相似文献   

Effects of gully and channel erosion on the export of sediments are in general well understood, but the effects on carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) export remain an open question. We examined these effects and the role of flow magnitude, total wet season rainfall, catchment size and the C and N content and solubility of most probable sediment sources in a subtropical catchment. We sampled the baseflow and the rising stage of high‐flow events for one wet season and analysed 5 years of water quality data from event sampling stations. Total suspended sediment was the main variable explaining N export followed by rainfall, flow and catchment size. N was exported mainly in particulate organic form and C in dissolved form. The quality of most probable sediment source fractions explains these results and points to fractionation during transport into C and N richer and C and N poorer fractions, with travel distance ultimately determining the average quality of transported sediment for different flow magnitudes. Erosion would have caused a lower C and N concentration in sediments, a lower proportion of mineralized N, a larger proportion of dissolved organic C and a larger C : N ratios of the soluble fraction as compared with unincised grassed valleys. This would alter the rates of nutrient cycling and energy flow within and across ecosystem compartments in streams receiving this export. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Karst terrain (carbonate rocks) covers a vast land of 0.446 million km2 in southwest China. Water yield and carbonate rocks weathering in this region have been receiving increased attention due to a large‐scale forest recovery. Using both hydrological measurements and forest inventories from 1986 to 2007 in the Houzhai karst basin (HKB), we analyzed the responses of water yield and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) export to forest recovery in southwest China. With implementation of both the Natural Forest Conservation Program (NFCP) and the Conversion of Farmland to Forests Program (CFFP), the fraction of forest area in HKB was increased from near zero to 18.9% during the study period, but the ratio of total water yield (surface and underground) to precipitation varied very little over the annual period, neither in wet season nor in dry season. By contrast, the concentration of DIC in water, especially in the surface water had a pronounced increase during the study period, with an increase of 0.53 and 0.25 g C m?3 yr?1 for surface water and underground water, respectively. As a result, total annual DIC export at mean annual rainfall significantly increased from the low to high forest area stage. This increase was largely driven by surface water during the wet season, presumably being related to biological activity. It was concluded that forest recovery in HKB had no significant effect on water yield, but resulted in more carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in karst water accompanying with carbon uptake by forests. Our results suggested that implementations of both NFCP and CFFP had no shifted water yield regimes in southwest China; instead, they might have alleviated global climate change by increasing carbon uptake through combined biological processes and carbonate rocks weathering. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The climate sensitive analysis of potential climate change on streamflow has been conducted using a hydrologic model to identify hydrologic variability associated with climate scenarios as a function of perturbed climatic variables (e.g. carbon dioxide, temperature, and precipitation). The interannual variation of water resources availability as well as low flow frequency driven by monsoonal time shifts have been investigated to evaluate the likelihood of droughts in a changing climate. The results show that the timing shift of the monsoon window associated with future climate scenarios clearly affect annual water yield change of ? 12 and ? 8% corresponding to 1‐month earlier and 1‐month later monsoon windows, respectively. Also, a more severe low flow condition has been predicted at 0·03 m3/s as opposed to the historic 7Q10 flow of 1·54 m3/s given at extreme climate scenarios. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Peatlands play an important role in the global carbon cycle, and loss of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) has been shown to be important for peatland carbon budgets. The objective of this study was to determine how net production and export of DOC from a northern peatland may be affected by disturbance such as drainage and climate change. The study was conducted at a poor fen containing several pool–ridge complexes: (1) control site–no water table manipulation; (2) experimental site–monitored for one season in a natural state and then subjected to a water table drawdown for 3 years; (3) drained site–subjected to a water table drawdown 9 years prior to monitoring. The DOC concentration was measured in pore water along a microtopographic gradient at each site (hummock, lawn and hollow), in standing water in pools, and in discharge from the experimental and drained sites. The initial water table drawdown released ~3 g of carbon per square metre in the form of DOC, providing a large pulse of DOC to downstream ecosystems. This value, however, represents only 1–9% of ecosystem respiration at this site. Seasonal losses of DOC following drainage were 8–11 g of carbon per square metre, representing ~17% of the total carbon exchange at the experimental study site. Immediately following water table drawdown, DOC concentrations were elevated in pore water and open water pools. In subsequent seasons, DOC concentration in the pool declined, but remained higher than the control site even 11 years after water‐table drawdown. This suggests continued elevated net DOC production under lower water table conditions likely related to an increase in vegetation biomass and larger water table fluctuations at the experimental and drained sites. However, the increase in concentration was limited to initially wet microforms (lawns and hollows) reflecting differences in vegetation community changes, water table and soil subsidence along the microtopographic gradient. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada.  相似文献   

We outline the development of a simple, coupled hydrology–biogeochemistry model for simulating stream discharge and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dynamics in data sparse, permafrost‐influenced catchments with large stores of soil organic carbon. The model incorporates the influence of active layer dynamics and slope aspect on hydrological flowpaths and resulting DOC mobilization. Calibration and evaluation of the model was undertaken using observations from Granger Basin within the Wolf Creek research basin, Yukon, northern Canada. Results show that the model was able to capture the dominant hydrological response and DOC dynamics of the catchment reasonably well. Simulated DOC was highly correlated with observed DOC (r2 = 0.65) for the study period. During the snowmelt period, the model adequately captured the observed dynamics, with simulations generally reflecting the timing and magnitude of the observed DOC and stream discharge. The model was less successful over the later summer period although this partly reflected a lack of DOC observations for calibration. The developed model offers a valuable framework for investigating the interactions between hydrological and DOC processes in these highly dynamic systems, where data acquisition is often very difficult. © 2015 The Authors Hydrological Processes Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Rainfall–runoff induced soil erosion causes important environmental degradation by reducing soil fertility and impacting on water availability as a consequence of sediment deposition in surface reservoirs used for water supply, particularly in semi-arid areas. However, erosion models developed on experimental plots cannot be directly applied to estimate sediment yield at the catchment scale, since sediment redistribution is also controlled by the transport conditions along the landscape. In particular, representation of landscape connectivity relating to sediment transfer from upslope areas to the river network is required. In this study, the WASA-SED model is used to assess the spatial and temporal patterns of water and sediment connectivity for a semi-arid meso-scale catchment (933 km2) in Brazil. It is shown how spatial and temporal patterns of sediment connectivity within the catchment change as a function of landscape and event characteristics. This explains the nonlinear catchment response in terms of sediment yield at the outlet.

Citation Medeiros, P. H. A., Güntner, A., Francke, T., Mamede, G. L. & de Araújo, J. C. (2010) Modelling spatio-temporal patterns of sediment yield and connectivity in a semi-arid catchment with the WASA-SED model. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(4), 636–648.  相似文献   

We investigated, through hydrologic modelling, the impact of the extent and density of canopy cover on streamflow timing and on the magnitude of peak and late summer flows in the upper Tuolumne basin (2600–4000 m) of the Sierra Nevada, California, under current and warmer temperatures. We used the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model for the hydrologic modelling of the basin, assuming four vegetation scenarios: current forest (partial cover, 80% density), all forest (uniform coverage, 80% density), all barren (no forest) and thinned forest (partial cover, 40% density) for a medium‐high emissions scenario causing a 3.9 °C warming over a 100‐year period (2001–2100). Significant advances in streamflow timing, quantified as the centre of mass (COM) of over 1 month were projected for all vegetation scenarios. However, the COM advances faster with increased forest coverage. For example, when forest covered the entire area, the COM occurred on average 12 days earlier compared with the current forest coverage, with the rate of advance higher by about 0.06 days year?1 over 100 years and with peak and late summer flows lower by about 20% and 27%, respectively. Examination of modelled changes in energy balance components at forested and barren sites as temperatures rise indicated that increases in net longwave radiation are higher in the forest case and have a higher contribution to melting earlier in the calendar year when shortwave radiation is a smaller fraction of the energy budget. These increases contributed to increased midwinter melt under the forest at temperatures above freezing, causing decreases in total accumulation and higher winter and early spring melt rates. These results highlight the importance of carefully considering the combined impacts of changing forest cover and climate on downstream water supply and mountain ecosystems. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The decommissioning of roads is occurring in many forest environments with the aim of reducing the negative impacts of road runoff on water quality and aquatic habitat. Works associated with decommissioning are expensive so prior assessment of the outcomes of various options is merited. This paper presents a method of quantifying the degree to which a road is hydrologically connected to the stream network and thus the likely impacts of constructing a road of different configurations upon water quality. The method permits comparisons between different road network management options and is useful for assessing the likely result of decommissioning works. Emphasis is placed on quantifying the uncertainty of key performance measures. The procedures developed here are an extension of the probabilistic ‘volume to breakthrough’ model recently formulated by Australian water quality researchers and allow the quantification of road/stream connectivity without the need for extensive parameterization. To demonstrate its utility, the model was applied to an actual road decommissioning and replacement project in southeast Australia. Road areas and drainage outlets were surveyed in the field and flow paths to streams derived from a 1 metre resolution LiDAR based digital elevation model. The results demonstrate that the actual road decommissioning examined in this case was unlikely to reduce runoff to the stream network and that the overall impact of the works in conditions of design storms are likely to result in a net reduction in stream water quality. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Connectivity has recently emerged as a key concept for understanding hydrological response to vegetation change in semi‐arid environments, providing an explanatory link between abiotic and biotic, structure and function. Reduced vegetation cover following woody encroachment, generally promotes longer, more connected overland flow pathways, which has the potential to result in an accentuated rainfall‐runoff response and fluxes of both soil erosion and carbon. This paper investigates changing hydrological connectivity as an emergent property of changing ecosystem structure over two contrasting semi‐arid grass to woody vegetation transitions in New Mexico, USA. Vegetation structure is quantified to evaluate if it can be used to explain observed variations in water, sediment and carbon fluxes. Hydrological connectivity is quantified using a flow length metric, combining topographic and vegetation cover data. Results demonstrate that the two woody‐dominated sites have significantly longer mean flowpath lengths (4 · 3 m), than the grass‐dominated sites (2 · 4 m). Mean flowpath lengths illustrate a significant positive relationship with the functional response. The woody‐dominated sites lost more water, soil and carbon than their grassland counterparts. Woody sites erode more, with mean event‐based sediment yields of 1203 g, compared to 295 g from grasslands. In addition, the woody sites lost more organic carbon, with mean event yields of 39 g compared to 5 g from grassland sites. Finally, hydrological connectivity (expressed as mean flowpath length) is discussed as a meaningful measure of the interaction between structure and function and how this manifests under the extreme rainfall that occurs in semi‐arid deserts. In combination with rainfall characteristics, connectivity emerges as a useful tool to explain the impact of vegetation change on water, soil and carbon losses across semi‐arid environments. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While many studies have been conducted in mountainous catchments to examine the impact of climate change on hydrology, the interactions between climate changes and land use components have largely unknown impacts on hydrology in alpine regions. They need to be given special attention in order to devise possible strategies concerning general development in these regions. Thus, the main aim was to examine the impact of land use (i.e. bushland expansion) and climate changes (i.e. increase of temperature) on hydrology by model simulations. For this purpose, the physically based WaSiM‐ETH model was applied to the catchment of Ursern Valley in the central Alps (191 km2) over the period of 1983?2005. Modelling results showed that the reduction of the mean monthly discharge during the summer period is due primarily to the retreat of snow discharge in time and secondarily to the reduction in the glacier surface area together with its retreat in time, rather than the increase in the evapotranspiration due to the expansion of the “green alder” on the expense of grassland. The significant decrease in summer discharge during July, August and September shows a change in the regime from b‐glacio‐nival to nivo‐glacial. These changes are confirmed by the modeling results that attest to a temporal shift in snowmelt and glacier discharge towards earlier in the year: March, April and May for snowmelt and May and June for glacier discharge. It is expected that the yearly total discharge due to the land use changes will be reduced by 0.6% in the near future, whereas, it will be reduced by about 5% if climate change is also taken into account. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent research in geomorphology has considered the significance of progressive pedogenesis and climatic change to slope failure initiation for the Holocene, using physically based models. To date, the significance of vegetation change to slope stability has been largely unexplored through modelling, since available physically based models cannot consider vegetation effects directly. To address the existing deficiency this paper adapts, parameterizes and applies a physically based model of slope hydrology and stability to the combined effect of vegetation change and progessive pedogenesis on slope failure initiation. There is considerable debate in the literature concerning the relative significance of climatic change and vegetation modification to slope failure initiation in the Holocene. This paper uses the model to provide additional evidence for situations in which either climatic or vegetation change is significant to slope failure, depending on the prevailing degree of soil development. The results indicate that young podsols appear to be stable under all the climatic and vegetation conditions considered, but mature podsols may be susceptible to failure. Both climate and vegetation influence slope stability, but their relative significance depends on the stage of soil development. In particular, the stability of young soils is influenced considerably by vegetation, while climate assumes greater significance in mature soils. It is recognized that this conclusion is limited to freely draining podsol profiles, and that more research is needed to consider other soil type and vegetation combinations.  相似文献   

The distributed hydrology–soil–vegetation model (DHSVM) was used to study the potential impacts of projected future land cover and climate change on the hydrology of the Puget Sound basin, Washington, in the mid‐twenty‐first century. A 60‐year climate model output, archived for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4), was statistically downscaled and used as input to DHSVM. From the DHSVM output, we extracted multi‐decadal averages of seasonal streamflow, annual maximum flow, snow water equivalent (SWE), and evapotranspiration centred around 2030 and 2050. Future land cover was represented by a 2027 projection, which was extended to 2050, and DHSVM was run (with current climate) for these future land cover projections. In general, the climate change signal alone on sub‐basin streamflow was evidenced primarily through changes in the timing of winter and spring runoff, and slight increases in the annual runoff. Runoff changes in the uplands were attributable both to climate (increased winter precipitation, less snow) and land cover change (mostly reduced vegetation maturity). The most climatically sensitive parts of the uplands were in areas where the current winter precipitation is in the rain–snow transition zone. Changes in land cover were generally more important than climate change in the lowlands, where a substantial change to more urbanized land use and increased runoff was predicted. Both the annual total and seasonal distribution of freshwater flux to Puget Sound are more sensitive to climate change impacts than to land cover change, primarily because most of the runoff originates in the uplands. Both climate and land cover change slightly increase the annual freshwater flux to Puget Sound. Changes in the seasonal distribution of freshwater flux are mostly related to climate change, and consist of double‐digit increases in winter flows and decreases in summer and fall flows. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rising concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) are negatively affecting the water quality in several drinking water reservoirs. The presence of beaver dams can influence surface water quality on a catchment scale. In recent years, beavers have been re-introduced in numerous locations in Central Europe. We investigated whether the presence of beaver dams in the catchment of a German drinking water reservoir impacts DOC quantity and quality in the streams entering the Wehebach reservoir in Germany.By comparing water quality upstream and downstream of beaver dams during three low discharge situations we did not find a significant effect of dams both on DOC quantity and quality. The analysis of long term monitoring data at the gauges showed that beaver dams had a negligible effect on the DOC load to the reservoir. DOC quantity was closely linked to iron concentration in the streams. Co-precipitation with iron minerals was an effective process removing DOC from the stream-water. By analyzing fluorescence excitation emission indices we show that beaver dams did not have a clear effect on DOC quality. We conclude that the presence of beaver dams has only small effects on water quality and is not a problem for water quality in the downstream drinking water reservoir.  相似文献   

有机碳和无机碳的流域输出是湖泊碳埋藏的重要驱动因子,而喀斯特地区无机碳循环具有反应迅速且对人类活动影响敏感的特点.在流域开发持续增强的背景下,喀斯特地区湖泊有机碳和无机碳的来源、含量与埋藏通量可能会出现同步变化的协同模式.本文以云南省石林喀斯特地区流域土地利用类型不同的两个中型湖泊(长湖、月湖)开展对比分析,通过对沉积物钻孔的土壤侵蚀强度(磁化率)、流域外源输入(C:N比值)、水动力(粒度)、营养盐(总氮、总磷)、藻类生产力(叶绿素色素)等代用指标的分析,结合监测数据和历史资料重建了两个湖泊环境变化的近百年历史,并定量识别了有机碳和无机碳埋藏响应流域开发的变化特征与协同模式.沉积物磁化率和C:N比值结果揭示了流域地表侵蚀和外源输入的阶段性特征,同时总氮和总磷含量记录了长湖和月湖营养水平上升的长期模式.在流域森林覆被较高(33.43%)的长湖中,全岩和有机质C:N比值分别与磁化率信号呈显著正相关(r=0.95和0.89,P<0.001),且与无机碳和有机碳含量呈显著负相关(r=-0.94,P<0.001和r=-0.52,P=0.01),反映了森林植被退化时流域碳输出的减少对沉...  相似文献   

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